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» How to take turpentine baths according to Zalmanov? What are dry baths called? Where is the emulsion sold and how much does it cost?

How to take turpentine baths according to Zalmanov? What are dry baths called? Where is the emulsion sold and how much does it cost?

Turpentine baths by Dr. Zalmanov Today, a very effective, popular, easily accessible and easily performed type of capillary therapy, excellent preventative measure for colds and proven assistance in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Dr. Zalmanov made a great contribution to the development of the method at the beginning of the 20th century. Currently, turpentine baths are used in medical institutions, sanatoriums, resorts in Ukraine, Russia and other countries, mainly in those where the Soviet medical school has been preserved.

While dealing with the problems of hydrotherapy at resorts, Dr. A. Zalmanov became convinced of the excellent healing properties water and discovered that with the help of hot or cold baths it is possible to influence the capillary network, regulate blood flow to various organs, restore vascular permeability - in other words, restore normal metabolism.

Using these properties of water, Zalmanov introduced various modifications into practice medicinal baths(salt, herbal, foot, hand, turpentine). He proposed the use of turpentine mixtures in order to improve the method of treatment with hot baths. The advantage of general baths is that they affect the capillary network of almost the entire surface of the skin.

Turpentine baths are natural (natural) methods of treatment. The effect of the baths is determined by the properties of the main active substance that is included in their composition. This is gum turpentine obtained from resin coniferous species trees.

Indications for use turpentine baths:

— Cardiovascular diseases
Coronary heart disease (CHD); cardiac arrhythmias of various types (require caution in the use of baths); pain in the heart region of various origins; vascular arteriosclerosis; hypertension stages I and II; arterial hypertension symptomatic; hypotension; angina pectoris; chronic heart failure; myocardial infarction (subacute and cicatricial stages); cardialgia; myocardia; endocarditis; pericarditis; circulatory failure; periarteritis nodosa; Raynaud's syndrome and disease; Takayasu disease; thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease).

— Organ diseases digestive system
Chronic gastritis; chronic gastroduodenitis; stomach ulcer; duodenal ulcer; biliary dyskinesia; cholangitis; cholelithiasis; chronic cholecystitis; chronic hepatitis; chronic pancreatitis; chronic colitis; ulcerative nonspecific colitis.

— Respiratory diseases
Abscess and gangrene of the lung; bronchitis acute and chronic; bronchiectasis (bronchiectasis); exudative pleurisy; pneumonia; pneumosclerosis; tracheitis.

— Diseases of the blood system
Anemia; leukopenia;

— Diseases of the endocrine system
Obesity; male and female menopause; diabetes; hypothyroidism; thyrotoxicosis (diffuse toxic goiter); autoimmune thyroiditis; Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

— Diseases nervous system
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; amyotrophy neural Charcot-Marie; spinal amyotrophy Werdnig-Hoffmann; Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis); vegetative-vascular paroxysms; ganglionitis; headache; hypothalamic syndrome; cerebral palsy; Parkinson's disease; stroke; sciatica; causalgia; lumbodynia; Meniere's syndrome; myasthenia gravis; migraine; myelitis; myopathy; paroxysmal myoplegia; myotonia; neuralgia and neuritis of the trigeminal nerve; neurasthenia; neuritis of the facial nerve and other nerves; polyneuritis; insomnia; alcoholic neuropathy (polyneuropathy); neurorheumatism; lumbosacral radiculitis; multiple sclerosis; Raynaud's disease; spondylosis; osteocondritis of the spine; paresis; plegia (paralysis) of various origins; sensitivity disorders of various origins; polio.

— Surgical diseases
phlebeurysm; haemorrhoids; frostbite; felon; bedsores; wounds; endarteritis obliterans; trophic ulcers; postoperative and post-burn scars and adhesions; arteriosclerosis obliterans; consequences of various injuries.

— Diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and genital organs in men
pyelonephritis; plastic hardening of the penis; chronic renal failure; prostatitis; urethritis is not gonorrheal; cystitis; epididymitis; testicular seminoma; impotence.
Turpentine baths are very effective remedy treatment of impotence.

— Diseases of the ear, nose and throat
Sudden deafness; labyrinthopathy; laryngitis acute and chronic; laryngotracheobronchitis; cochlear (auditory nerve) neuritis, acute and chronic; otitis externa; chronic otitis media; otomycosis; acute and chronic rhinitis; acute and chronic sinusitis; acute (tonsillitis) and chronic tonsillitis; acute and chronic pharyngitis; sinusitis; mastoiditis; adenoids; hearing loss of various origins.

— Eye diseases
Blepharitis; cataract; optic neuritis; optic nerve atrophy; glaucoma; retinitis; decreased vision of various etiologies.

— Gynecological diseases
Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis); endometriosis; pathological menopause;

— Skin diseases
Scleroderma; psoriasis; neurodermatitis; systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases.

— Diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system
Rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatism; osteocondritis of the spine; infectious polyarthritis; deforming osteoarthritis; arthritis and polyarthritis of various etiologies; gout; spondylosis; spondyloarthrosis; osteodystrophy (Paget's disease); rickets; muscle atrophy of various origins; ankylosis of joints; osteoporosis; other diseases.

— Other diseases, conditions and indications
Decreased performance; chronic fatigue; decreased mental abilities in children; pain syndrome(pain in various organs) of unknown origin;
Special indications
External and internal physical rejuvenation of the body; maintaining the health of healthy people; prevention of all diseases;

— Turpentine baths in cosmetology
improvement appearance and functions of skin, eyes, hair; reduction of fat deposits;

Turpentine baths contraindications:

Open form of tuberculosis
-heart failure 2-3 degrees.
-hypertension stage II-III
-skin diseases during exacerbation
-acute inflammatory process or exacerbation of chronic diseases
-malignant neoplasms
- individual intolerance turpentine baths.

Increased pain in the joints, sometimes with a slight increase in body temperature, is not a reason to cancel baths.

White baths should be used only by patients with low or normal (not higher than 140-150/90) arterial blood pressure.
People who have this level higher are only shown yellow baths.

Yellow turpentine baths , thanks to the composition of castor oil, soda and olein, a layer is created on the covering surface of the water in the bath, which maintains the temperature of the solution, helps to increase body temperature, accelerates tissue metabolism, and lowers blood pressure. Deposits in the articular cavities, in the periarticular tissues, and in the endoneurium begin to resolve. The capillaries expand significantly. Yellow turpentine baths stimulate the activity of arterial loops of capillaries.

Yellow turpentine baths, increasing body temperature, has a therapeutic effect: deposits are resolved and sediments dissolve in the capillaries, sweating increases, and sodium and urea ions are released through the skin, without increasing heart rate and breathing!

White turpentine baths cause a large opening of capillaries, produces vascular gymnastics, a moderate rise in blood pressure, causes deeper breathing, increased oxygen flow, produces less violent combustion of metabolites compared to the yellow solution, promotes relaxation of muscles and ligaments. In this case, there is no delay in heat in the body. An increase in the number of capillary systoles is felt by the patient as vibration or tingling electric shock in the limbs.
Both liquids have very important medicinal properties- promote the entry into the bloodstream of amino acids (especially histamine) retained in closed capillaries. Histamine has an analgesic, vasodilating effect, and thereby improves blood circulation.

Upon admission white bath the patient feels a slight tingling or burning sensation of the skin in the calves, thighs and above. This is a normal phenomenon, as it is associated with the expansion of the sphincters of the skin capillaries. The duration of this sensation after taking a bath should normally not exceed 45 minutes. If this reaction lasts longer, then when taking the next bath there is no need to increase the amount of emulsion, and so on until the tingling of the skin lasts no more than 45 minutes. Then you can increase the amount of emulsion. Salicylic acid in the white emulsion enhances the irritating effect of turpentine, accelerates the restoration of the skin epidermis, and has an antibacterial effect. Salicylic acid and soap soften and loosen the epidermis, which promotes more deep penetration turpentine.

Mixed turpentine baths, thanks to various combinations two liquids, create a vast field of activity for adapting baths to the condition of each patient. Since white emulsion increases arterial pressure, and baths with a yellow solution greatly reduce it, you can regulate blood pressure to the most favorable level for the patient.

Take baths at a temperature of 37 degrees, bringing the water to 39 degrees for 5 minutes. Starting from the 4th bath, the temperature is gradually increased (over 12 minutes) to 40 degrees, starting from the 6th bath, the bath temperature is kept at 41 degrees for the last 4 minutes. Starting from the 12th bath, the temperature is raised to 42 degrees. In this case, you should ensure that your stay in water at 41 and 42 degrees does not exceed 4 minutes.

Let's summarize: While the composition and mechanism of action of white and yellow baths differ, what they have in common is that they improve and restore capillary blood flow, exhibit bactericidal and analgesic effects, and trigger physiological reactions of self-regulation and self-healing of the body. The main differences are: white baths lead to a moderate increase in blood pressure, however, having a stronger stimulating effect on the capillary system (causing periodic contractions of the capillaries); The advantage of yellow baths is that they effectively remove pathological deposits in the body during heavy sweating, however, leading to a decrease in blood pressure. Accordingly, the use of a white emulsion, a yellow solution or a mixture of them depends on the level of blood pressure and the specific disease.

Zalmanov turpentine baths have a method of application that is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The results of treatment with turpentine baths directly depend on how accurately you follow the treatment method, so take all the recommendations below seriously.

Can be used turpentine baths at home, for this you will need:
- bath,
- hot and cold water,
— water thermometer with a 50-degree scale,
- beaker with divisions,
- tonometer and stethoscope to monitor blood pressure,
- watch,
- a mirror to control perspiration on the face.

The dose of any mixture starts with a minimum (20 ml for an adult), and gradually, individually, increases.

The entire treatment session is divided into three stages.

The use of turpentine baths

1. The first stage is preparing the bath.

Fill the bath with warm water at 36 (+ 1) °C to the initial level. The initial water level depends on your body volume. You must remember that after your body is completely immersed, the level of the aqueous solution will rise, and you will need to add hot water during the procedure. Therefore, the initial water level does not reach the safety drain hole by about 7-10 cm. The deeper the human body is immersed in the Zalmanov solution, the greater the treatment effect.
Measure with a beaker required quantity mixture (dose), pour it into a container (such as a jar), then pour hot tap water into it to dilute the mixture, and stir well with a tablespoon. The volume of the container must be at least 0.5 liters so that the medicinal mixture can be mixed well. Pour the diluted mixture from the container into the bath evenly and stir well with both hands.

2. The second stage is taking a turpentine bath.

Immerse yourself in the water solution as deeply as possible. By the clock, note the start time of the procedure. Immediately after immersing yourself in the treatment solution, open the hot water tap and begin adding hot water so that the temperature rises gradually, by about 1 °C in 2 minutes. Relax and lie quietly in the solution. Look at the thermometer and watch, monitor the temperature rise.
When taking a white turpentine bath, the temperature of the solution is usually brought to 39 (+ 1) °C.
When taking a yellow turpentine bath, the temperature of the solution is brought to 40.5°-42C.
But during the first baths, we recommend raising the temperature only to 39-40 °C.
The duration of Zalmanov's baths is on average from 10 to 20 minutes.

Appearance on the face perspiration (sweat) is key point reception turpentine bath and means that the body has reached the desired state, it has begun to actively cleanse itself, and the bath can be finished. After completing the procedure, you must carefully get up and leave the bath. After leaving the bath, cover your body with a robe or bath towel, but do not dry your skin. Go to bed.

3. The third stage is rest in bed.

Particularly important for obtaining the greatest effect from turpentine baths. You need to lie in bed for a long time (1~2 hours) and sweat thoroughly. To increase sweating, which begins in the bath, you need to cover yourself very warmly with a blanket, maybe even two or three. In bed, it’s good to drink a glass of hot tea, preferably from diaphoretic herbs (raspberries (fruits), linden (flowers), coltsfoot (leaves), oregano (grass)) or with honey (tentorium sylvestris), which will enhance the sweating process, that is, removing toxins and cleansing the body. At the end of the rest, the treatment session is completed.


1. While taking white baths, tingling or burning of the skin is felt in different parts of the skin: in men - on the skin of the scrotum and penis, in women - on the skin at the entrance to the vagina. If this becomes critical, it is recommended to lubricate the areas of greatest sensitivity with a thin layer of medical Vaseline before taking a bath. Under no circumstances should you lubricate any other areas with Vaseline.
When treated with yellow and mixed baths, tingling and burning may occur, but to a lesser extent.

2. After taking a turpentine bath, drain the medicinal solution; do not use it more than once to save money. During the procedure, a variety of toxins, wastes, poisons, and metabolites are released from the body of a sick person. Such a solution will no longer be able to bring any benefit to you or another person.

3. The first changes can already be seen after 2-3 weeks of using Zalmanov baths. The hormonal status will return to normal, the metabolism will begin to recover, and the body will already cleanse the blood of toxins and gradually begin to remove toxins from problem areas. From this moment on, you can apply all kinds of local procedures, for example, anti-cellulite wrap, massage.

4. If you have fairly advanced cellulite or its manifestations become brighter every month, then follow the following scheme: use white and yellow turpentine baths in a ratio of 1:3 (every other day).

The antiseptic and rejuvenating effect of Zalmanov’s baths has been tested in many tests; patients who took baths literally lost 10-15 years in appearance in just 3-4 weeks.

Buy turpentine baths possible at the pharmacy. Approximate price: 8-10 USD per 500 ml.

A universal treatment, turpentine baths are used for a wide range of acute and chronic diseases. The methodology for using this method belongs to Dr. A. S. Zalmanov, who is the discoverer of this healing method. Even after many years, the use of turpentine baths is effective method treatment, and is actively used in medicine.

But you need to understand that any treatment must be carried out under medical supervision, so these treatment procedures are not recommended to be carried out independently, without the advice of a doctor.

How do procedures affect the human body?

The procedures have a multifaceted effect on the surface of the skin and its subcutaneous layer. Baths have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improving the permeability of endothelial cells, accelerating metabolic processes and promoting their cleansing. Simply put, Zalmanov baths significantly increase skin capillarization.

In addition to the positive impact on vascular system, procedures have a general healing effect on the human body. With their help, physical and chemical thermoregulation changes, metabolism improves, and in addition, baths increase the physiological activity of nurse cells, phagocytes, leukocytes, etc.

In this regard, we can state the fact that baths with turpentine improve a person’s resistance to disease, and also increase the activity of the central nervous and autonomic systems.

Studies have found that taking such a bath increases the internal body temperature. This promotes an increase in the activity of leukocytes, enhancing the function of nurse cells in the capillaries. In this regard, the functioning of the liver is normalized, the activity of its enzymes increases, which means, in addition to increasing immunity, the nonspecific resistance of the body increases.

Use yellow, white and mixed turpentine baths. They have different properties on the body, but in all procedures they use only natural gum turpentine. IN medicinal purposes Do not use other turpentines, in particular sulfate, which is sold in hardware stores. Such products are intended for completely different purposes and cannot be used for treatment! This can be very dangerous.

Indications for use

As we have already said, the procedures have a wide therapeutic spectrum of action. Let's briefly list those diseases and organ systems that can be successfully treated with gum turpentine:

Cardiovascular diseases;
- Digestive system;
- Respiratory system;
- Blood diseases;
- Nervous and endocrine system;
- Surgical diseases and consequences of various injuries;
- Diseases of the urinary system, kidneys, male genital organs, impotence;
- ENT diseases, eye diseases;
- Skin diseases, gynecological diseases;
- Skeletal, muscular system, joints.

In addition, procedures with gum tar are indicated for chronic fatigue, decreased mental development in childhood, reduce pain of various etiologies and unknown origins.

Baths are also beneficial for healthy people. They have an internal physical effect on the body, rejuvenating it. They are also useful as a prophylactic against the development of various ailments.

Turpentine baths in cosmetology

This product is actively used for the purpose of healing, rejuvenating and treating the skin. Baths and baths are used to improve the condition of hair and to reduce fat accumulation. Procedures with gum turpentine are effective for weight loss.

Using baths for weight loss

When immersed in a healing liquid, capillaries open, and therefore blood microcirculation is activated. During the course of procedures, metabolic processes gradually normalize. This helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, increases blood supply to problem areas of the body, and eliminates cellulite.

You need to know that these dives by themselves do not reduce weight. They only normalize metabolic processes. And when the metabolism returns to normal, the body gets rid of accumulated fat deposits. Therefore, there is no need to believe in vain promises that you will lose weight instantly.

However, the big plus is that weight loss will still occur, albeit gradually, and the lost weight is unlikely to return, which often happens after various diets. But this is, of course, unless you immediately start overeating and leading an unhealthy lifestyle, which will again disrupt your metabolism.


You need to know that in some cases you cannot take Zalmanov baths. So they are contraindicated in the active phase of open pulmonary tuberculosis, in acute psychosis, in severe and severe heart failure and terminal conditions.

Patients should not take them when their physical or mental condition is extremely serious. The procedures can be taken, but with caution, by patients with moderate severity of their condition.

In all other cases, turpentine baths are universal, effective and safe, provided they are correct use, taking into account medical indications.

With the help of procedures you can heal adults and the elderly. They are also suitable for treating children of all ages. Use them as directed by your doctor and stay healthy!


Taking baths has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Such procedures relieve stress, relax, the sleep after them is sound and healthy, as a result, vitality and performance increase. And at the same time, their main purpose is to get rid of diseases. In many sanatoriums, the list of procedures includes turpentine baths, or Zalmanov baths, named after the inventor, who devoted most of his life to studying this issue.

A.S. Zalmanov, who began his activities in pre-revolutionary Russia, was convinced that pathological processes in the body were caused by disruption of the capillaries. Modern discoveries of scientists confirm this, proving that the vast majority of diseases internal organs occurs as a result of a lack of cell nutrition, that is, when capillary blood flow is disrupted.

In what cases are turpentine baths taken?

Turpentine baths are included in the list of health procedures in many sanatoriums

These baths, related to natural (natural) methods of treatment, are used in the following cases:

  • for heart disease;
  • with insufficient blood flow in the lower extremities;
  • for joint disease;
  • for diseases of the spine;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for respiratory diseases;
  • for urological and gynecological diseases;
  • for diseases affecting the nervous system;
  • for problem skin;
  • for weight loss and the fight against cellulite.

Gum turpentine (turpentine oil) is an essential oil obtained from pine resin (gum resin).

Types of baths and their effects

The scientist has developed two types of medicinal liquids for water procedures: white turpentine emulsion and yellow turpentine solution. Zalmanov recommended taking baths with such additives one at a time, since white ones open the capillaries, and yellow ones cleanse them of toxins. Exception for people with high or low blood pressure. At high blood pressure They make only yellow and mixed ones; if it’s low, they make exclusively white and mixed ones.

The use of ready-made turpentine mixtures allows you to enjoy spa treatments at home

White emulsion (distilled water, gum turpentine, crushed baby soap, camphor alcohol, salicylic acid) is an emulsified form of turpentine. Baths with this composition are indicated for people with low blood pressure. When taking white baths, the capillaries open and begin to contract intensively, moving blood to the cells. As a result, blood supply and nutrition of internal organs and tissues increases, while blood pressure increases.

The yellow solution (distilled water, gum turpentine, castor oil, oleic acid, caustic soda) is used by people with high blood pressure. When taking yellow baths, toxic waste from cell activity begins to actively “burn” in the capillary network, cellular metabolism is normalized, internal scars and adhesions are resolved, accumulated slag deposits in the joints and on the walls of blood vessels are dissolved, intense sweating occurs, and the pressure decreases.

Mixed baths allow you to combine both solutions in different proportions, due to which they have a wider spectrum of action. After taking them, capillary blood circulation improves, water-salt metabolism is normalized, hemorrhages, adhesions, and scars resolve, while blood pressure does not change significantly.

Effect on diseases and illnesses

The cardiovascular system

Baths expand capillaries, promote the appearance of new blood vessels, accelerate blood flow, dilate coronary vessels, improve metabolic processes in the myocardium, gradually normalize the heart rhythm and strengthen the heart muscle.

Musculoskeletal system

Baths help restore the cartilage tissue of the joints and spine. Reduction of pain and increase in mobility in the spine occurs after 3-4 procedures.

Back in 1968, scientists proved the effect of turpentine baths on accelerating metabolism in nervous, muscle and osteochondral tissues. This found wide application in the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, and also in the recovery of athletes after injuries and preparation for competitions.

For diabetes

Baths thin the blood, restore the tone and permeability of the vascular walls, and increase muscle blood flow. And this, in turn, is the prevention of such serious complications of diabetes as necrosis and gangrene. There is a noticeable decrease in blood sugar levels, due to increased tissue sensitivity to insulin and normalization of glucose tolerance.

For respiratory diseases

Baths increase blood flow in the lungs, which contributes to the rapid disappearance of inflammatory processes and swelling of the bronchi. Breathing improves, sputum separation increases, and the removal of toxic substances from the lungs is activated.

The use of courses of such baths is effective for people working in chemical production, for active and passive smokers, for chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

Urology and gynecology

Baths for chronic prostatitis relieve inflammation and normalize prostate function by improving microcirculation. Progress is observed already by the 10-12th procedure. Restoring capillary patency helps to fill the corpora cavernosa of the penis with blood and restore erection, which makes such baths effective for impotence and infertility in men.

In women, restoring blood flow helps relieve inflammatory processes in the pelvis, normalize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle. Observed positive effect from such baths for infertility, adhesive disease, chronic adnexitis, cystitis and other inflammatory processes.

Nervous system

Baths help restore blood flow in the affected parts of the brain, as a result, paralysis and paresis disappear, and the activity of the autonomic nervous system is normalized. There are good results in the treatment of children who have suffered viral encephalitis, polio, and those suffering from cerebral palsy.

Problem skin

In cosmetology, the ability of turpentine baths to resolve scars and adhesions, as well as to rejuvenate, smooth the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles is widely used.

For cellulite

Baths increase blood flow to problem areas, help lower cholesterol levels, and accelerate fat metabolism. It is known that patients with normal build practically do not lose weight. This fact once again proves that weight loss occurs as a result of normalization of metabolism.

Preparation for procedures

So, you have decided to take turpentine baths to get rid of a certain problem. Where to begin?

  1. First, measure and record your blood pressure 2-3 times a day at the same time for a week. Observation is necessary to rule out inappropriate bathing.
  2. Secondly, consult your doctor to choose the right white emulsion, yellow solution or mixture of both, depending on your blood pressure, general condition and diagnosis. You can independently determine the bathing regime according to the diagram below.
  3. And thirdly, you need to purchase two types of liquid and the necessary equipment.

One of important conditions to start taking baths - there are no traces of urticaria, furunculosis, eczema and other dermatic diseases on the body. If there are such lesions on the skin, Zalmanov recommends taking baths with an infusion of walnut leaves for several weeks for healing.

Before taking turpentine baths, it is necessary to measure blood pressure

For the procedure we will need:

  • watch (in a case protected from moisture);
  • small (up to 100 ml) and large (up to 1000 ml) measuring cups;
  • bath thermometer.

Before you start filling the bath, you need to wash it well so that no dirt gets into the water and treatment solution.

The bath is filled with water required temperature. The white emulsion should be shaken well before use. Measure out the required amount of emulsion or solution with a small measuring cup, pour into a large one, add hot water(50-60 °C) to a volume of 500-700 ml, mix well and add to the bath.

If the drug is poured directly from a small measuring container into a bath where the water temperature is 36-37 °C, then most of it will remain floating on the surface of the water in the form of a film. Therefore, it is pre-diluted in a very hot water. Then most of it dissolves in the water column, and the smaller part floats to the surface.

To avoid burns, it is recommended to lubricate particularly sensitive areas of the skin (armpits, inguinal folds, perineum, scratch areas on the skin) with Vaseline before a bath.

How and how much to immerse

The selection of turpentine baths is carried out individually, taking into account factors such as the patient’s age, pressure, general condition, what temperature and concentration of the emulsion or solution the skin can tolerate. Therefore, the given general recommendations The frequency of administration may vary depending on the sensations.

The application regimens in Tables 1-3 are universal, but Dr. Zalmanov, in addition to the monocourse, also gave recommendations on alternating these procedures for the treatment of certain diseases, the main ones are given in Table 4. Currently, there are already many such methods.

You cannot take baths with a blood pressure over 160/90. In this case, it must first be reduced with medications and local use of yellow baths for the hands and feet, and only then is it possible to completely immerse in the bath. In this case, the pressure must be monitored before and after the procedure.

White bath

The frequency of taking baths depends on the patient’s condition: elderly or weakened people carry out such procedures once every three days, younger and stronger people can take the first 4-5 days daily, the next 10 baths - every other day, the rest - once every three days or two once a week.

Table 1. Scheme for taking baths with white turpentine emulsion.

Bathroom numberTemperature, °CBath duration
When divingIn 5 minutes
1 20 36 37 12
2 25 36 37,5 13
3 30 36 37,5 14
4 35 36,5 38 15
5 40 36,5 38,5 15
6 45 36,5 38,5 15
7 50 37 39 15
8 55 37 39 15
9 60 37 39 15
10 65 37 39 15
11 70 37 39 15
12 75 37 39 15
13 80 37 39 15
14 85 37 39 15
15 90 37 39 15
16 95 37 39 15
17* 100 37 39 15

* – continue according to bath regimen 17 until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved

Yellow bath

Such baths are immersed every other day. For a weakened body - after two days for the third or twice a week.

Important! If you find it difficult to tolerate an increase in bath water temperature above 39 °C, you need to maintain the entire duration of the procedure at this level and not increase it further.

Table 2. Scheme for taking baths with yellow turpentine solution.

Bathroom numberTemperature, °CBath duration
When divingIn 5 minutesLater
1 40 36 39 15
2 45 36 39 16
3 50 36 39 16
4 55 36 39 at 12 minutes 4017
5 60 36 39 at 12 minutes 4017
6 65 36 39 at 12 minutes 4018
7 70 36 39 at 14 minutes 4118
8 75 36 39 at 14 minutes 4119
9 80 36 39 at 15 minutes 4219
10* 90 36 39 at 15 minutes 4220

* – continue the 10 bath regimen until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved

Mixed bath

Variations of this scheme are allowed depending on the general well-being of the patient, the state of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure level. If the body is weakened, the amount of both liquids for the first bath can be 5 ml. Such baths are used once or twice a week.

Important! If pressure increases or decreases during treatment, the ratio of yellow solution and white emulsion changes.

Table 3. Scheme for taking baths with a mixed turpentine solution.

Bathroom numberAmount of white emulsion, mlAmount of yellow solution, mlTemperature, °CBath duration
When divingIn 5 minutes
1 20 40 36 39 15
2 25 40 36 39 15
3 30 40 36 39 16
4 30 40 36 39 16
5 35 40 36 39 16
6 35 40 36 39 16
7 40 40 36 39 16
8 40 40 36 40 16
9 45 45 36 40 17
10 45 45 36 40 17
11 50 50 36 41 17
12 55 55 36 41 17
13* 60 60 36 41 19

* – continue with the 13th bath regimen until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved

Table 4: Baths for specific diseases

Type of problemBath type

Reception frequency

At normal pressure

(90/60 – 140/80)

With high blood pressure

At low pressure

(90/60 and below)

General strengthening of the body and immune system, respiratory diseases, fight against cellulite

Yellow and white baths alternately every other dayAt the beginning of the course, yellow baths are taken daily for a week. During this time, the blood pressure usually returns to normal. Next, alternate yellow and mixed baths with a break between them of 1-3 days.The course begins with taking white baths daily for 3-5 days. During this time, the blood pressure usually returns to normal. Next, take alternately white and mixed baths with a break between them of 1-3 days.

Diseases of the joints and spine, diseases of the nervous system, problem skin

WhiteMixedWhiteDaily. Depending on the patient’s tolerance, the interval between them can be increased by 1-4 days.

Diabetes mellitus, urological and gynecological diseases

YellowYellowMixedOnce every two days

After taking a bath, without drying yourself, you should wrap yourself in a sheet or put on a terry robe, lie down in bed, drink hot tea or infusion, and cover yourself warmly for 20-40 minutes to increase sweating. Then wipe off the sweat (you can rinse yourself in a warm shower) and rest in bed for about an hour. But it is best to take a bath before bed, then you can calmly relax and fall asleep.

The duration of the course of procedures is arbitrary; usually baths are taken until the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved.

Side effects and contraindications

During use, and sometimes after it, a skin reaction appears in the form of a slight burning sensation, tingling, tingling sensation. It is normal if the sensation goes away within 15-40 minutes after the bath. If the reaction is strong or too long-lasting, then the dose of the turpentine mixture for the next dose is not increased until the skin gets used to it.

When treating the skeletal system, joint pain may increase and body temperature may increase, but this is not a reason to cancel the procedure. As in the case of hypersensitivity of the skin, during subsequent administration the concentration of the turpentine mixture in the water is reduced.

While taking a course of turpentine baths, you cannot take hormonal drugs, as well as other synthetic drugs. medicines, do any injections. Alcohol intake is excluded. Let us remind you that baths made from a white emulsion are not used for high blood pressure, and baths made from a yellow solution are not used for low blood pressure.

The described baths have some contraindications. This:

  • diseases for which use is contraindicated regular baths(thrombophlebitis, heart disease, etc.);
  • oncological diseases;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • acute heart failure;
  • conditions of acute myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke;
  • arrhythmia;
  • acute form of skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • open forms of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • It is not recommended for women to take baths during menstruation.

Zalmanov's turpentine baths are an effective remedy against many diseases. The procedure and its technology have been tested for decades, and many patients report rapid positive results. Ready turpentine emulsions, manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, allow you to enjoy spa treatments in a comfortable and relaxing home environment.

Turpentine baths became widely known immediately after their discovery at the beginning of the 20th century. To A.S. People began to come to Zalmanov from all over the world for treatment for a wide variety of diseases. The procedure has a general beneficial effect on the body and helps restore the musculoskeletal system, urinary, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Today, Zalmanov’s turpentine baths are still used in sanatoriums and various medical institutions.

Benefits of turpentine baths for the body

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home provide dilation of small blood vessels, accordingly, the nutrition of organs and skin is significantly improved. Skin functions are normalized, and health in organs and tissues improves.

Self-cleansing of the body under the influence of baths is significantly enhanced, but this requires repeated use of the technique. The body absorbs useful micro- and macroelements from the liquid. Thanks to high-quality nutrition of the skin, the protective functions of the epidermis are increased, the function of the central nervous system and endocrine system, hormonal levels are normalized, and ultimately high levels of human performance and productivity are ensured.

Zalmanov’s turpentine baths are very effective; reviews indicate the following positive effects:

  • metabolism improves;
  • stimulation of vitality is achieved;
  • water treatments eliminate stress;
  • blood flow in capillaries is normalized;
  • turpentine has a bactericidal effect;
  • the product anesthetizes the skin after injections, bruises, abrasions, bruises, etc.;
  • enhance the regenerative function of the body;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and tones;
  • affects subcutaneous fat deposits, having a beneficial effect on cellulite and obesity.

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov

This technique can be used independently and eliminate, or at least improve, the course of some diseases. Wide range effects on ailments provoked the popularity of the technique. According to the safety class, turpentine baths are classified as cosmetics.

They help from:

Read also:

  • capillary pathologies. At the chemical level, turpentine is a terpene, and this substance is the main component of pine essential oil. The substance is absorbed through the skin and provides stimulation of many receptors and capillaries. The product leads to the appearance of a complex biologically active substance under the skin, which provokes vasodilation and improved blood flow throughout the body;
  • diseases of the heart muscle. Turpentine baths promote the formation of new capillaries, increase the intensity of blood flow, and improve metabolic processes in the myocardium. Thus, the risk of heart pathology is reduced by 30%;
  • vascular diseases. Strengthens peripheral blood circulation. Zalmanov’s baths in the treatment of blood vessels have positive reviews;
  • disorders in the joints. Turpentine baths enhance metabolism in osteochondral tissue;
  • diseases of the spine. The product has a positive effect on phosphorus metabolism, this normalizes trophism in cartilage;

  • skin problems. The procedure promotes the resorption of scar tissue and adhesions (injuries, cuts, burns). Clinical studies have proven a rejuvenating effect on facial skin. Turpentine reduces the depth of wrinkles;
  • excess weight and cellulite. Turpentine foot baths for cellulite according to Zalmanov achieve normalization of microcirculation, accordingly, metabolism is restored and the amount of cholesterol is reduced. In problem areas, blood flow eliminates toxins and fat metabolism is restored. Turpentine baths can reduce body weight by 15–20 kg in 60–180 days.

This is an incomplete list of areas affected beneficial influence this treatment method.

Types of turpentine baths

Self-regulation of the body and self-purification due to the synthesis of hormones, active substances and enzymes are the basis for the effect of bath products on the body. All of these factors activate the immune system and make it possible to eliminate deviations in well-being using forces from the body.

Zalmanov conducted various experiments, during which he created several unique emulsions for the prevention and treatment of ailments. Today there are several varieties that are sold in all pharmacies.

White turpentine baths

White turpentine baths are used for patients suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure). The procedure expands the lumen of the capillaries and ensures an increase in pressure, improved blood supply to all organs, and normalization of cellular metabolism.

Emulsion composition:

  • turpentine;
  • salicylic acid;
  • baby soap;
  • camphor alcohol.

The acid in the composition provides a bactericidal effect and slightly irritates the skin, so a burning sensation may be felt during the procedure.

Yellow turpentine baths

Emulsion yellow color includes:

Read also:

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD)

  • Castor oil;
  • turpentine;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • oleic acid.

These baths, on the contrary, reduce blood pressure. The effect of the emulsion is to warm up the entire body, enhance sweat secretion, and normalize the function of the entire vascular communication system. Restoration of blood vessels leads to the elimination of toxins and cleaning from the inside. Cleansing is achieved by enlarging the skin pores and profuse sweating. The product eliminates pain on the skin, joints and soft tissues.

Mixed turpentine baths

When mixing the first and second types, an enhanced effect on the body is ensured. The product has a positive effect from white and yellow emulsion at the same time. An important difference is that there is no significant impact on the pressure level, since the effects compensate each other. Due to the lack of a pronounced effect on pressure, mixed baths are indicated more of people.

white emulsion “turpentine baths”

Dry baths Zalmanov

Modern technologies have made it possible to turn water emulsions into balms that are rubbed on the surface of the body and create slim figure, eliminating skin sagging. The substance is based on the principle of fat formation, which prevents the appearance of lipid compounds.

The product belongs to complex therapy, which allows for high-quality skin care in problem areas.

The composition of dry baths varies greatly depending on the manufacturer; you can often find the following ingredients:

  • green coffee;
  • chestnut;
  • grapefruit or orange essential oil;
  • fucus extract.

Use the product by rubbing into the problem area until the balm is completely absorbed.

Indications for Zalmanov's turpentine baths

Zalmanov baths have both indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account before the procedure.

Indications for use:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension, hypertension (symptomatic form), hypotension, endocarditis, myocardia;
  • vascular pathologies - varicose veins, hemorrhoidal inflammation, chronic thrombophlebitis, arteriosclerosis;
  • special indications – improvement of skin quality, preventive measure against various diseases, ensuring a healthy body, increasing life expectancy or youth;
  • ailments in the joints and musculoskeletal tissues - arthritis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, muscle tissue atrophy of various origins;
  • diseases affecting the skin - rashes from psoriasis, scleroderma, mastitis, frostbite, skin damage and injury;

  • diseases of the urinary system - cavernitis, pyelonephritis, the appearance of kidney stones, urethritis, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, cystitis;
  • gastrointestinal ailments - gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholangitis, hepatitis, colitis, cholangitis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - various bronchitis, including with an asthmatic component, pneumonia, tracheitis;
  • lesions of the ear, throat, nose - neuritis, laryngitis, otitis, otomycosis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and deterioration in the quality of hearing of various etiologies;
  • eye diseases - barley, neuritis, blepharitis, vascular thrombosis, uveitis;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system - causeless pain, paralysis, stroke, migraine, insomnia, neuropathy;
  • diseases of the hormonal system - overweight, menopause, thyroiditis, hypothyroidism;
  • gynecological diseases - inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, menopause.

Contraindications to Zalmanov's turpentine baths

Zalmanov's turpentine baths - instructions for use - contain the following contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • feverish condition;
  • pregnancy II-III trimester;
  • ischemia;
  • heart rhythm pathologies;
  • heart muscle failure;
  • hypertension category II-III;
  • chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, nephritis;
  • recurrence of ulcers, thrombophlebitis;
  • decompensatory stage of diabetes;
  • fungus on the dermis;
  • pyreotoxicosis;
  • intoxication due to taking alcohol or drugs;
  • contraindications to high temperatures.

Before using turpentine baths, be sure to consult a doctor to prevent unwanted reactions. This will allow you to select the optimal emulsion for use.

  • remove fatty, salty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet;
  • reduce the amount of salt and meat;
  • add vegetables and fruits;
  • drink enough water – 2 liters;
  • do not drink alcohol.

The diet will help cleanse the body and properly prepare it for baths with turpentine.

Zalmanov turpentine baths - instructions for use

Before the procedure, you should prepare a thermometer, beaker, watch and emulsion. You need to take baths on an empty stomach, and do not eat anything 2 hours before your appointment. You should take a bath every other day, increasing the amount of use to 2 times a day, but take a break every third day.

Instructions for use:

  1. The bath is filled with water at a temperature of 37 °C, otherwise the turpentine will not melt.
  2. The mixture is being prepared. To do this, water and emulsion are poured into the container. After diluting in hot water, you need to pour the mixture into the bath and stir.
  3. The duration of the appointment is 5–15 minutes. Initially, 5 minutes will be enough.
  4. Turpentine is an oily substance and should be used with extreme caution. There is no need to wash off the mixture, let it stay like this for 1-2 hours, but for now you can walk around in a robe and spend time reading a book or movie.

Turpentine bath course for optimal effect

The use of baths is recommended almost daily for 10 days. The procedure is then performed every other day. Over time, the frequency decreases to 2 times a week. It is impossible to stop treatment abruptly, since a turpentine bath allows you to restore the protective function, otherwise a decrease in immunity will occur.

Turpentine baths for weight loss

To reduce weight, you need to use a yellow solution, due to its additional composition. During the procedure, the skin opens, the intensity of sweat production increases and excess fluid is eliminated. High body temperature leads to the “burning” of fat.

Taking turpentine baths at home

At home, you should definitely check the body’s reaction to the emulsion. If the body tolerates turpentine well, you need to prepare it by adding hot bath temperature more than 37 °C, then take a separate container with a capacity of 1 liter and add 20 g of emulsion. For mixed baths you should use 10 g of product. Initially, the dosage is reduced to 15 g (1 tbsp).

Places with increased sensitivity (armpits, groin) are lubricated with cream. When first used, you need to stay in the bath for 5 minutes, each time you need to add 1 minute until the procedure reaches 15 minutes. Water is stored for high temperature, adding a new one. Maximum temperature– 39 °C.

Zalmanov turpentine baths reviews

Nikita, 42 years old, Astrakhan:

“At the sanatorium I am undergoing therapy from the company, as I have joint diseases. The constant pain completely disappeared after the turpentine baths, and I also began to feel better. I’ll bring the recipe home.”

Maria, 65 years old, Moscow:

“I have suffered from hypertension since I was 30 years old, now it has only worsened, but I noticed positive dynamics after turpentine baths. The pressure has become more stable and lower.”

I recently heard from a friend that a friend of hers cured varicose veins by doing specific foot baths. Imagine my surprise when I found out the composition of the treatment solutions. It was turpentine.

First of all, I became familiar with the concept of substance and its composition. It turns out that turpentine is a mixture of liquid form consisting of hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing organic compounds that are obtained from resin coniferous trees. That is, the composition of turpentine baths includes various essential oils family Pine.

Depending on the “species” of the tree and its resin, white and yellow turpentine are distinguished.

At one time, doctor of medicine, gerontologist and naturopath Abram Zalmanov developed new way treatment using turpentine, which must be added to the baths. He wrote in detail about all the properties of the drug and treatment methods in his teachings. By the way, there is a book by Zalmanov “ Secret Wisdom human body ”, which explains to readers many processes in the human body and simple ways diagnosis of various diseases. If anyone is interested, you can download it from my Yandex disk.

The effect of turpentine on the human body

Depending on the disease and its severity, a white or yellow emulsion is used.

I wondered why this was so. It turns out that in addition to the main substances, the yellow mixture contains oleic acid, fir and castor oils, as well as water. This emulsion forms a thin film on the water surface. Taking yellow turpentine baths, the patient feels a rise in temperature, which suggests an acceleration of the breakdown of salts in the joints, metabolic processes accelerate, blood pressure decreases, and blood vessels dilate.

In turn, in the white mixture, in addition to gum turpentine, there is the presence of salicylic acid, there are herbal extracts, water devoid of minerals, and soap powder.

White turpentine baths have no sediment on the water surface. Taking them helps muscle relaxation, the process of heat exchange in the body accelerates, the capillaries contract and unclench in rhythm, and the pressure increases. Mixture white may cause slightly unpleasant skin sensations: itching or tingling.

Thus, patients with cardiovascular diseases are advised to mix turpentine emulsions, regulating their effect on blood pressure. Having found the best option mixtures for yourself, you can significantly.

Indications for turpentine baths

I wondered if there were any other contraindications to taking turpentine baths. After reading reviews about the treatment method on various forums and medical literature, I compiled a small list of when taking such baths is contraindicated. So, you can’t take turpentine baths:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • while taking hormonal medications and antibiotics;
  • while intoxicated;
  • with high or low pressure;
  • in the presence of an acute form of psychosis.

They say that Zalmanov’s turpentine baths are capable of:

  1. Rejuvenate the body.
  2. Strengthen your immune system.
  3. Relieve pain in bones and joints.
  4. Relax your muscles.
  5. Improve blood circulation.
  6. Stabilize pressure.
  7. Improve overall skin condition.
  8. Remove toxins from the body.
  9. Improve metabolism (which is good for weight loss).
  10. Have an anti-inflammatory effect.

For more information about indications and contraindications, see here:

Instructions for use

I found several ways to treat with turpentine baths. But I think it’s still worth paying attention to the scientist’s method. The dosage regimen is very simple and effective - 50-60 ml per 100 liters of water!

The use of turpentine according to the Zalmanov method is as follows:

  • just in case, go for a consultation with a doctor about possible contraindications to taking turpentine baths for you personally;
  • now you need to buy the product at the pharmacy;
  • Before starting the procedure, the drug must be tested. To do this, dilute a few drops of turpentine in a bowl. warm water, and lower your elbow or hand into it for about 10 minutes. If after half an hour after the end of the procedure there is no detection on the skin allergic reaction- You can start bathing. In case of redness or itching of the dermis, the procedure should be abandoned;
  • Turpentine should be diluted in water at a temperature of 37 degrees. Then you can increase it to 45 degrees;
  • the instructions for the turpentine will tell you correct application and dosage. You should adhere to the indicated numbers and in no case overdo it (no more than 60 ml per 100 liters);
  • The time of the procedure is also very important. So it should be 5 minutes at the first stage. Over time, it will be possible to increase the procedure to half an hour.
  • Zalmanov’s baths are very relaxing. If you feel very unwell, you should leave the bathroom immediately;
  • After the procedure, you should not wash off the turpentine incense in the shower;
  • no need to wipe away moisture after a turpentine bath. You can throw on a towel or bathrobe;
  • After the procedure, be sure to rest for an hour or two; Before going to bed, you need to drink warm raspberry tea with honey. To enhance the diaphoretic effect, it is worth covering yourself with two warm blankets. In order for the body to get rid of waste and toxins as much as possible after the procedure, it is necessary to sweat;
  • don't abuse folk method treatment. To maintain immunity and stable blood pressure, use Zalmanov’s turpentine baths no more than 10-15 times a month. The maximum number is 20 procedures per month.

It is worth remembering that if the procedure is carried out correctly at home, such baths are completely harmless and cannot lead to undesirable consequences.

Where to buy turpentine solution?

Buying turpentine in Moscow is not a problem. Exactly the same as in other cities of the country. In almost every pharmacy you will find an inexpensive but effective remedy for many diseases (according to Zalmanov). The price of gum turpentine is cheap. For 100 ml of emulsion you will pay an average of 64 rubles.

From personal example, I can say that it’s really worth starting with 5 minutes in the bath. Since the body gradually gets used to the healing composition. The state of the body after the procedure is very relaxed, after a while you can feel how vitality rises and strength is acquired in the body.

I heard many people use this method to lose weight. It is worth saying that the “orange peel” (cellulite) really disappears. It can also help against these problems. Give it a try. I also noticed that my skin seemed to rejuvenate a little after taking a bath. I hope that out of all the proposed methods, you will find something that is most effective and suitable for all indications.