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» How the heating system works correctly. Water heating in a private house: rules, regulations and organization options. Closed heating system - what is it?

How the heating system works correctly. Water heating in a private house: rules, regulations and organization options. Closed heating system - what is it?

The main feature by which a closed heating system differs from an open one is its isolation from the influence environment. This scheme includes a circulation pump that stimulates the movement of the coolant. The scheme is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in an open heating circuit.

You will learn all about the pros and cons of closed heating schemes by reading the article we have proposed. It thoroughly examines the device options, the specifics of assembly and operation of systems. closed type. An example of hydraulic calculation is given for independent craftsmen.

The information presented for review is based on building regulations. To optimize the perception of a difficult topic, the text has been supplemented useful diagrams, collections of photos and video tutorials.

Temperature expansions in a closed system are compensated by using a membrane expansion tank, filled with water during heating. When cooling, water from the tank goes back into the system, thereby maintaining constant pressure in the circuit.

The pressure created in the closed heating circuit during installation is transmitted to the entire system. The circulation of the coolant is forced, so this system is energy-dependent. Without it, there will be no movement of heated water through the pipes to the appliances and back to the heat generator.

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Among life-sustaining engineering systems modern residential and industrial buildings water heating systems occupy a special position. They differ in design features their execution, architectural and construction requirements for placement and operation, technological characteristics. In addition, they must meet certain sanitary and hygienic requirements. Together they form specific, specific requirements for design, operation and maintenance. heating systems and devices.

Water heating systems - classification

Water heating systems modern buildings classified according to the following criteria.

1. By institutional characteristics:

  • by purpose: for civil objects (residential and public buildings); production (industrial, agricultural); special purpose (vehicles, military and other objects);
  • by type of ownership: state, collective, private;
  • by service method: public service, self-service, mixed service.

2. According to technological requirements:

  • compliance with thermodynamic requirements;
  • standards of reliability and safety of the device and operation.

3. According to the requirements of architectural and construction norms, rules and

  • on methods of thermal and hydraulic calculations;
  • by design features: by the method of coolant circulation (natural and forced circulation); at the location of the wiring (upper and lower distribution lines); according to the method of wiring to heating risers (with dead-end or with associated movement of water, collector); according to the design features of the risers and the installation diagram of heating devices to them (one-pipe and two-pipe systems, vertical, horizontal); by type of pipelines used (metallic, non-metallic); by type of coolant (water, antifreeze);
  • by power and type of heat generators and heat sources, connection method: local heat generators using carbon fuel and electricity (apartment, house, roof, block boilers) with a capacity of up to 3.0 MW; centralized heat sources (supplying it to heating systems from nuclear power plants, combined heat and power plants, IES, RTS, KTS through heating network and local or central heating points) with a capacity of over 3.0 MW; heat generators using non-traditional (renewable) heat sources; via hydraulic connection with a centralized heat source (direct connection, hydraulically isolated); according to the method of connecting heating systems to heating point(4 variants of basic schemes);
  • according to the method of automation and metering of consumed heat
  • according to certain sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Main elements and technological features of water heating systems

The main principle technological feature water heating systems, in contrast to single-flow (single-pipe) water supply, gas supply and sewerage systems, is that, in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics water heating systems can be circulation, two-flow, two-pipe.

The main elements of the heating system include: heat generator (heating boiler), coolant (water or antifreeze), supply and return pipelines, circulation pump (if the system has forced circulation coolant), safety group, expansion tank and heating devices(radiators).

Heating systems - operating principle

The principle of operation of the heating system is that the coolant heated in the heat generator (heating boiler) is pumped to the heating devices of the building through supply pipelines at a temperature of t 1 ºС. In heating appliances, heat is released and the coolant cools, and accordingly, its temperature potential (heat content) decreases. Cooled to a temperature of t2, °C, it enters the return pipelines, through which it returns again to its original position - to the heat generator for subsequent heating.

Thus, in heating systems, thermal cycles are constantly occurring - the circulation of the coolant in the amount of G, kg/h, and the useful work of the system is performed to heat the room at the temperature difference t1 - t2, °C, with heat in the amount of Q, J/h.

As is known, each coolant has its own heat capacity c, J/(kg -°C). Water has a heat capacity c = 4.19 kJ/(kg -°C), which means that to heat 1 kg of water by 1°C it is necessary to expend 4.19 kJ of heat. Knowing the values ​​of G, t1, t2, s, it is possible to determine the amount of heat Qnp given off by the coolant in heating devices for heated rooms in one hour or for a certain period of time z, h, using the formulas:

Qpr = G -s (t1 – t2), J/h (1)
Qpr = G -с (t1 -t2) -z, J. (2)

At the same time, in order to maintain a constant indoor air temperature t pump = Const, this amount of heat Q pr must correspond to the heat loss of the room (building) - Q room, equal to the amount heat losses through the external enclosing structures of the room (external walls, doors and windows, floors and ceilings), called transmission losses - Q transm, and heat losses for heating the incoming external ventilation air– Q vent, and in industrial buildings, in addition, and for heating technological materials and products – Q tech, imported from the street.

Thermal balance must be maintained:

Q pom =Q pr = Q transm + Q vent + O tech, J/h (3)

IN last years they also began to take into account internal heat inputs - heat releases: from people in the premises, from household electrical and cooking appliances, from technological devices, from finished products and products, from solar radiation, etc. These heat releases Q TV, J/h, reduce the need of the room (building) for heat, which it should receive from the heating system. The heat balance of the room, taking into account internal heat emissions, will look like this:

Q pom =Q pr = Q transm + Q vent + O tech – Q tvn, J/h (4)

To effectively fill a water heating system with coolant (usually water) and keep the circulation ring filled, as well as to empty the system, three more mandatory elements are required - a make-up device (pump), a drainage device and an expansion tank.

With the help of a make-up device, the entire system, including a heat supply source, a circulation pump, supply and return pipelines (supply and return), all heating devices located in the room, as well as an expansion tank, are slowly (through the return line) filled with coolant (water). During the process of filling or replenishing the system, the coolant displaces air from the internal cavities of pipelines and heating devices upward, into the expansion tank or into special, so-called vents. In some U-shaped heating systems, air vents (Mayevsky taps) are installed in the upper plugs of heating devices.

If air from the system cannot be completely removed, then air jams, which break the flow of coolant in pipelines and heating devices and prevent its circulation in the system. There are often cases of emergency failure of systems due to a violation of the circulation regime (overheating of the coolant due to air locks). For effective air removal, the supply pipelines are installed with a slight slope (i = 0.010) in the direction from the main riser towards the heating devices, and the pipelines performing the return supply are installed with the same slope from the heating devices towards the heating source (heat generator) to the drain valve.

When the coolant is heated, gases dissolved in cold water are released from it in the form of bubbles - oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which in the same way (through an expansion tank or air vents) are removed from the system during its operation.

Laying distribution pipelines with a slope also allows you to quickly remove the coolant in cases of emptying them for repair purposes, and prevents the coolant from “hanging” in the pipes.

An expansion tank with a volume of V (m3) is mounted at the highest point of the system (usually this is attic space), and must be insulated. It is a kind of buffer for the heating system, and its volume allows you to compensate for changes in the volume of the circulating coolant - an increase during heating and a decrease during cooling, as well as to compensate for its slight loss due to evaporation and possible leaks through leaks in the system. Equipped with signal and overflow pipes, an open expansion tank allows personnel to periodically monitor the filling of the system with coolant (water), fill it and replenish it with a make-up device if necessary.

In small house and cottage heating systems, such filling and make-up are carried out from the drinking water supply by opening the tap on the make-up line. In the absence of running water, it is carried out either using an electric or manual pump connected to an intermediate pump that is periodically replenished with water when pumping the container. In large water heating systems multi-storey buildings For these purposes, special make-up pumps are installed and make-up is carried out with specially prepared softened and deaerated water to prevent corrosion and overgrowth of metal pipelines.

At the lowest point of the heating system on the return line of the pipeline (return) a drain valve is installed, with the help of which the coolant (water) is drained from the system, in cases of repair work or shutdown for a long period in order to avoid freezing in winter period. To avoid “hanging” of the coolant in the pipelines and heating devices during descent, the vents installed at the highest points of the system should be opened.

The circulation pump of the heating system is installed, as a rule, on the pipeline that performs the return flow (return) in front of the heating source (heat generator). In large branched heating systems of buildings, several (2-3) circulation pumps (one backup) are usually installed.

All mentioned required elements water heating systems - heat generator, circulation pump, heating devices, expansion tank, air vents and make-up device, instrumentation and automation devices are connected to each other by pipelines in a certain sequence and order, forming a complex hydraulic circulation system– a system of closed interconnected vessels and rings filled with coolant.

  • Heating a private house
  • Expansion tank
  • Circulation pump
Rating: 731

To organize maximum comfort when living in a house, an extremely necessary element, such as a heating system, must be installed in it. Only a heating system can truly create very pleasant and comfortable conditions life. Of course, the heat carrier is one of the most important parts.

Do not forget that sometimes home owners do not want to hire additional workers. Because of this, owners themselves install the heating system of a private house. In reality, everything is simple here. You need to follow the exact installation rules.

Most often, the core main part any heating system is . It is the boiler that carries out the process of heating the coolant. The duty of the coolant is to distribute heat throughout the house. Liquid can best cope with this task. Most heating systems use water as a heat carrier. A heating system with a heat carrier of this type is designed as a closed system. This means that the water in the system circulates in a circle. In this case, the need for topping up occurs quite rarely.

Two-pipe heating system

Nowadays, it is considered the most effective and trouble-free.

The design consists of two circuits that are closed on the boiler. This is the supply of heat carrier and its return. The first is intended for supplying liquid heated in the boiler. It is there that she transfers her warmth. After cooling, the coolant is returned to the boiler through the return pipes for subsequent heating.

For this, the most competent and efficient solution to the maximum would be a solution for parallel arrangement of radiators. At the same time, they will be able to warm up at the same time. Because of this, all rooms will warm up evenly. You also need to remember that the quality of heating is influenced by the distance between the return and coolant supply circuits. The minimum that is possible is the distance from the floor to the window sill.

Most professionals believe that such a heating system is less efficient than the old stove heating method.

We can agree that these experts are right to some extent. Since due to the passage through there is a process of a certain loss of the coolant. But we should not forget that heating with a stove does not allow simultaneous uniform heating of all rooms. Among other things, it is quite inconvenient due to the need to store an extensive supply of firewood. When using a boiler that runs on wood, the need for fuel will be significantly lower.

Stove heating scheme

The most often used is a fairly simple and at the same time efficient heating system of a two-pipe type using a coolant. This system allows for high-quality heating of the house, without the additional use of units for this purpose - circulation-type electric pumps. There is a great demand for this model of heating system due to the fact that power outages often occur. In the absence of electricity, the system will not simply function.

The most important thing that is needed for the effective and most productive operation of such a system is strict adherence to the rules when installing it and also a fuel supply.

The most important factor that must be observed for reliable operation of the system in the future is the technical implementation of the maximum long distance height between the system outlet and the highest point. It is for this reason that the most rational decision would be to install a boiler with a pipe in the basement. If there is no basement, it is done on the ground floor in a recessed place. Work to create a slope for the return line will also be important. This slope is made horizontally, starting from the first system radiator.

Heating boiler in the basement

In such a heating system there is another important part of the design -. Its purpose is to create maximum pressure in the system. This is very important for good circulation. The operation of the tank is based on the principle of ordinary gravity. It should be placed as high as possible. The most ideal solution would be to place it in the attic. The pressure will depend precisely on the height of the placement, and not on the volume of liquid contained in the tank.

The tank must have an average volume. One more functionality tank is to control the level of coolant. If necessary, it is drained from the tank.

Also, we must not forget that such systems function correctly only when water is a heat carrier. Such a scheme is called an open system.

Where the expansion tank has absolutely nothing to do with external environment. To put it simply, there is no way to pump out the coolant. Such systems usually use a compensation tank. The compensation tank is a small container, the inner part of which is divided in two using a flexible membrane. The heat carrier fills one of these parts. in such a system it is carried out by bending the membrane in different sides. Due to the fact that the system is closed, it is possible to use antifreeze as a heat carrier.

Expansion tank

Pipes for heating system

For a long time, when installing a heating system, they installed only. This caused inconvenience, since installation required a lot of time, and rough seams then significantly worsened appearance systems.

But these days it is already possible to install a heating system of any design complexity using. These pipes are more flexible and thinner. The surface of these pipes is made of special heat-resistant plastic, and inner space using a thin aluminum layer. There are many on sale big choice elements for metal-plastic pipes. These are: taps, connections, corners. These elements make it possible to connect pipes to each other and connect other types of pipes to them.

Due to the fact that these days there is a wide selection of metal-plastic pipes, it is also important to pay attention to the markings. Pipes for heating systems are marked with the symbols “PE-RT-AL-PE-RT”.

An important advantage of metal-plastic pipes is the ease of working with them. They are quite light and flexible, and can be easily cut using a regular hacksaw or tin snips.

To achieve maximum tightness of the heating system, all components must be installed very securely. The best way to do this is to use a press fitting - they can well maintain the integrity of the pipe.

The decision to create a reliable and high-quality heating system in the house, working with a liquid heat carrier, can be considered accepted. The very first thing to do when creating any type of heating systems is to create detailed plan, . In this diagram you need to indicate: the level and location of the boiler, the length of the pipeline, the location of radiators and other parts of the system to the Mayevsky taps.

Heating system plan

Then you need to decide what kind of boiler power is exactly required. Since a weak boiler will not create the required level and speed of heating. It will also be unprofitable to use a more powerful one - since it will operate at half the power.

Is simple: 1 kW corresponds to 1 square meter. This simple match gives a specific parameter. The result obtained must be multiplied by 1.5 - this will be a suitable parameter for the boiler power.

Often, when designing a heating system, boilers made by . These boilers are more affordable, but it is not possible to calculate their exact power.

Provided that the client nevertheless decides to supplement his heating with the help of such a boiler, then he just needs to make calculations of the maximum volume of coolant that can fit in this boiler. For such calculations, you need the volume of the room (or the total volume of the rooms) that will be heated, divided by 1000 and the result is 300. This shows the amount of coolant that a home-made boiler will hold.

Also, we should not forget that the size of the boiler is entirely related to its power. Accordingly: higher power requires a larger boiler. Of course, before working on creating a heating system plan, you need to select appropriate place where the installed boiler will not create any interference.

You also need to consider the height. The boiler must be located at the very bottom of the entire system. Best choice the boiler will be installed in basement. If there is no basement, you should take care of a niche in the floor. It is recommended that the boiler be installed in a separate room where access is restricted for security reasons.

It is also important not to forget that individual models boilers (electric boilers, gas), need special conditions by placement. If the customer does not have information about this, before installing the system, it is imperative to seek advice from professionals.

When installing the main line, you need to take pipes that will have a diameter twice as large as those pipes through which the coolant will be supplied directly to the radiator. This standard is needed both for the pipes through which the supply goes and for the return. When installing the main line, the pipes are secured using special rings. With this it will be possible to avoid sagging.

Even if the entire system is made using metal-plastic pipes, vertical riser, which goes from the heating boiler to expansion tank, must be made of steel pipe. In the absence of a tank, the initial couple of meters of pipe are made of steel. If a membrane expansion tank is connected, it is possible to use pipes with a smaller diameter.

It is highly undesirable to use metal-plastic pipes in the room where the heating boiler is installed.

This is because the hot air that rises from the boiler can damage the plastic part of the pipe. The best solution There will be a placement of metal-plastic pipes only in rooms with heating.

If conditions exist, two heating circuits can be installed. Each of them will have supply and return pipes. Such heating solutions will be more expensive. But if there is a need for repair work, one of the contours may be blocked.

An example of heating boiler piping

On all radiators, as well as on the lines through which the coolant and return are supplied, it is necessary to install taps through which air is released.

A large excess of air in the system can lead to serious damage. Radiators are installed using important feature– the side from which the return pipe comes out must be located slightly lower. This is required for systems where the coolant circulates naturally.

When using a home-made boiler for heating, do not forget that the direct line pipe must be located as high as possible. This will make it possible to avoid dangerous water hammer. The heating boiler is mounted with a slope of 5 mm. This bias is made towards the return lines.

Operating principle of the heating system

After complete installation of the system, it is filled with a coolant. When performing such work, all valves that bleed air must remain open. After filling the entire system with a heat carrier, you need to light the boiler using a small volume of fuel. This will provide an opportunity to check that the system is warming up evenly. Under these conditions there should not be very hot or cold areas. In such a situation, it is necessary to open the valve on the radiator and drain the water until it starts to get hot.

During the heating process, no extraneous sounds can be present in the boiler. A slight leakage of the coolant at the threaded connections is acceptable.

Upon completion of the initial launches, places with threaded connection will no longer let water through. Then it will be possible to light the boiler at maximum power.

Boiler power is an extremely important quantity. She has to get it right. If the power exceeds the norm, the boiler may boil. This can bring tragic results not only for heating, but for the entire building. If the boiler power is reduced, this will be reflected in the return temperature readings. It will not exceed 40 degrees.

Properly installed parts of the heating system should not produce any unnecessary noise. Among other things, the temperature difference between the supplied coolant and the return is no higher than 40 degrees. A video with information on installing the system is available below for viewing.

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Heating system operation country house we will look at the example of a standard one-story house 6x9 with total area 54 m2.
In all rooms, a radiator is installed directly under each window to prevent fogging. If there are 2 windows in a room, it means that a radiator is placed under each of them. This happens, as mentioned earlier, to prevent the windows from fogging up. Otherwise, if any window is without a radiator, then get ready for it to constantly fog up.

Heating 1 m2 of a house usually requires a power of 170 W. If the house consists of a second, third, etc. floors, then for each of them the power should be 100 W per 1 m2. This begs the question: why is such power needed for the second and subsequent floors? The answer is obvious: by heating the first floor, hot air rushes upward and begins to heat the walls and ceiling of the rooms on subsequent floors, while giving away part of its heat in favor of the floor above. This is where the variation in power we see comes from.

IMPORTANT! During the design and calculation of the heating system, add a 30% power reserve to the radiator. This is necessary to quickly warm up the heating system.

After we have become acquainted with the power of radiators, let's find out which product can generate such an amount of heat. Of course it's a boiler.


There are several types of boilers:
a) solid fuel, capable of producing heat from firewood, coal, peat;
b) gas, which can operate both from natural gas, and from imported. IMPORTANT! When switching from one type of gas to another, it is necessary to replace the nozzles.
c) diesel engines operating on diesel fuel and are equipped with fuel tanks with a minimum capacity of 750 liters;
d) electric, which operate in the voltage range from 20 to 220 V or have a 3-phase power supply of 380 V. The operation of the electric boiler depends on the selected model and power.

Boiler design
Some of the boilers listed above have the following design: pump, expansion tank, safety group, additional devices in the form of on-board computers. Most boilers do not have peripheral components in their arsenal.

What equipment is needed for safe boiler operation?

Expansion tank

Installed in heating systems to compensate or reduce pressure compensation.

Design and principle of operation
In a closed heating system, it is a sealed capsule, inside of which there is a membrane or rubber ball. At the top of the sealed capsule is a nipple through which air or nitrogen gas is pumped. Using a nipple, you can pump air into the capsule, thereby changing the pressure inside it and adjusting the operation of the heating system to a specific pressure.

For greater clarity, let's look at a simple example. We pumped the coolant system to 1 bar. We press the nipple located in the upper part of the expansion tank, build up the air in the tank, filling it with coolant. And as soon as the pressure gauge needle creeps down, you should immediately stop bleeding air. After the procedures have been completed, the system and expansion tanks will operate synchronously.

The question arises: for what purpose is the air vented and the expansion tank adjusted? The answer is quite simple. Closed systems operate at different pressures ranging from 0.5 to 3 bar. The parameter depends on the selected type of boiler and the pressure for which it is designed. Often the expansion tank, already set by the manufacturer, has a pressure of either 1.5 bar or 3 bar. This information placed on the label of the tank that the consumer purchases. It is this setting that facilitates the smooth operation of the heating system.

Installation location
The most suitable location for the expansion tank is close to the return pipe connection near the suction pipe circulation pump. This connection scheme ensures stable pressure in the heating system.


After installing the expansion tank, installation takes place mechanical filter. As a rule, the sections for its installation have a size of 800 microns - this is the most best option for such filters. The filter traps mechanical particles and prevents them from entering the pump.


It constantly pumps coolant through the heating system. Closed systems use a pump that does not have bearings, but is lubricated by the coolant passing through it. Pumps often allow the use of several speeds and are easily selected for any type of boiler.

Security group

It is located at the outlet of the boiler.
It includes:
a) a pressure gauge that provides visual observation of the boiler pressure, which is extremely important;
b) an automatic air vent, which independently removes air and steam generated during boiler operation from the system;
c) a safety valve that allows you to automatically relieve excess pressure from the heating system.

Drain/fill assembly

Draining and filling is carried out in the lowest part of the system using a tap. This location is the most convenient.


Now a few words about the coolant that fills the heating system. In 90% of cases it is a non-freezing liquid, in 10% it is water. The coolant is noticeably more convenient than water, and more often fills heating systems. It moves in the direction of the boiler, i.e. by expansion tank, filter, pump, boiler and safety group.

Heating in the house is complex device. Until recently, almost everywhere a system was used in which the coolant naturally circulated through it. But this system has many flaws, and significant increases in gas and electricity tariffs have made it expensive. Yes, that's it more people I started installing it at home, which we will talk about later.

Differences in the operation of systems with natural and forced circulation

Heating using a circulation pump takes into account all the disadvantages of its counterpart with the natural movement of the coolant: it can increase the length of the pipeline, regulate temperature regime and get uniform heating of the entire home. To understand what its improvements are related to, you need to consider the work of each of them.

The principle of heating operation with natural circulation

It is carried out as follows: the coolant enters the radiators due to the temperature difference between hot and cold water. When heating liquid from the boiler hot water becomes lighter due to a decrease in density. So, it moves up the supply riser, and then flows through the pipes down to the heating devices, passing through them and giving off heat, then returns along the “return” to the boiler.

Principle of forced circulation system

Such a heating system has the following principle of operation: heating is carried out by introducing a pump into the system, which increases the pressure of the coolant. This makes it possible to connect heating with any radiators and pipelines.

It allows you to expand your capabilities natural heating, create several options for tying it and simplify the device. When using a pump, there is no need for large diameter pipes, which are necessary when natural circulation. This only improves the appearance of the heating junction.

The forced system provides automatic temperature control; thanks to this function, you can create more comfortable living conditions in the house. Its only drawback is its dependence on electricity.

The operating principle of the heating system is based on the use of a circulation pump:

It allows you to expand the possibilities of natural heating, create several options for its connection and simplify the device. When using a pump, there is no need for pipes with a large diameter, which is the main condition for natural circulation. This only improves the appearance of the heating junction.

Thus, the operation of a closed system is similar to heating based on natural circulation, but it is more productive, since the pump built into it provides a high coolant speed and thereby guarantees accelerated heating of the entire home.

Connecting system radiators

The radiator is connected in the usual way: pipeline with hot water is located at the top, and with a cold one - at the bottom at the exit. For small house Pipes with a diameter of 20 inches are suitable, and if the structure is large, then you need to install pipes with a diameter of 25.

Control taps are installed on each battery, which are necessary for uniform heating of all radiators. Naturally, the heating devices closest to the boiler heat up faster and stronger, and the very last ones may be a little warm. To avoid this, close the valves on the front radiators in time, and the coolant flows directly into subsequent heating devices.

The sequential connection of radiators leads to one single pipe, most often it is laid below the heating devices.

With this scheme, the coolant leaves the heating boiler heated to a certain temperature; it fills each of the connected radiators. This feature has a huge disadvantage - the temperature of the last batteries can be significantly lower than those located closer to the boiler. Another flaw in this wiring is the impossibility of adjusting the temperature if it is missing. It is a jumper with a tap that is installed on the incoming and outgoing pipelines.

In such a system it is impossible to shut off one of the radiators. A single-pipe connection was installed in multi-apartment buildings built in the last century. This scheme was often chosen because of its ease of installation and savings on pipes, because they are needed in half as much as with a two-pipe scheme.

Some craftsmen, in order to eliminate its shortcomings, make independent taps into the main pipe, and thereby heat additional areas(balconies, loggias) or insulate cool rooms. More details about the single-pipe design -.

If it is used, two lines are installed simultaneously to each radiator: incoming and return. The parallel method of supplying coolant ensures heating of one radiator. Each battery in such a system can be easily disconnected from the pipe if necessary; this is convenient for repairs, as well as for adjusting the heating of the room. For these purposes, a thermostat or a regular tap is installed at the radiator inlet.

There are modern automatic two-pipe systems that regulate and control the temperature themselves. Their disadvantages include: complex installation and the need for large quantities pipes

The two-pipe distribution system can be vertical or horizontal. Each of them is divided into several varieties.

Horizontal schemes

There are three of them:
  1. T upika. Is the simplest. In it, the temperature of the radiators depends on their distance from the boiler. The farther the battery is from it, the worse it heats. The circuit becomes longer, and there is no way to control the temperature.
  2. Star-shaped . When using it, two pipes are supplied to the boiler - with cold and with hot water. In this case, the temperature in the batteries is the same, but the length of the pipeline increases.
  3. Collector . The most effective. In its case, each battery has its own pipe through which coolant flows, thereby ensuring uniform heat distribution. It has significant disadvantages - high labor costs and the need to purchase numerous materials.

Vertical schemes

They come with two types of wiring:
  • Lower . Each room has two pipes. In general, there is a common riser that supplies coolant to all floors, and then it is connected to the radiator at the top, and from it the cooled water descends again to the first floor.
  • Upper . Assumes the location of the riser vertically from the boiler to the attic or technical floor. It is where pipes are laid for each radiator located on the top floor. Then from each of them pipes descend to the batteries located on the lower floors. As a result, only one pipe is supplied to the room.
Comparing the horizontal and vertical systems, we can conclude that the first type is more economical: with it, the riser with the coolant is located outside the living space and is located on staircases or in the corridor. In the rooms there are only pipes leading to the radiators. To eliminate air locks in the batteries, each of them needs a hole through which the air accumulated in the battery sections can be discharged. It is often used in private homes where there is an extended heating main.

A vertical heating connection scheme is protected from such air problems, but it is more expensive. It is used in multi-storey buildings, while the riser from it passes through the ceilings of all floors.

The circulation pump can operate effectively in any of the above heating schemes. The forced circulation of coolant created by it can ensure uniform heating of the entire home, regardless of the location of the radiators relative to the boiler.

Read more about two-pipe system heating - .

Advantages of the pumping system and its disadvantages

The presence of a pump in the heating circuit gives the system several significant advantages:
  • Easy installation . This advantage is significant compared to the natural system. The fact is that when installing a circulation pump, there is no need for complex installation of the upper pipeline, there is no need to weld pipes maintaining an angle of 300 and install main risers of large diameters.
  • Uniform and rapid heating of the home . Unlike natural circulation, in which heating of radiators depends on the distance to the boiler, when using the pump version, the coolant enters all batteries at the same time, and if any dissonance occurs, it can be adjusted.
  • Heating large territory . This can be done if you choose a collector-type pipe layout. This ensures uniform heating of the radiators, no matter what distance they are from the boiler. Therefore, it is possible to extend the pipeline system to the required length without fear of losing heat during transportation due to its large length.
  • Possibility of using antifreeze . It will provide the system with frost protection.
  • Heating adjustment . It is carried out over separate sections of the network. Using the provided control valves, entire sections of the pipeline can be closed. Due to this, you can change the network layout and redo its connection diagram.
  • Extending the service life of equipment . Boiler devices in a closed system practically do not suffer from temperature differences; it is less noticeable at the inlet and outlet of the boiler.
  • Possibility of introducing additional elements into the system. The presence of a circulating pump makes it possible to install “warm floors”.
  • There is no need to adjust the water in the system. By turning on the pump in the heating circuit and expansion tank with a membrane, and making it closed, we were able to reduce the evaporation of liquid from the system.
TO weaknesses forced heating systems include:
  • Electrical operation . The system’s dependence on the presence of a foreign resource results in the failure of everything heating equipment in the absence of energy.
  • Cost of the pump and its components . The device itself is inexpensive, but for its operation you need to purchase special adapters, taps and other parts.

Operation and diagram of a forced heating system (video)

The video below describes the principle of operation combined system- an ideal option for arranging heating, and a two-pipe version is also shown. With it, there is no need to adapt to the system and place pipes at a certain distance; the pipeline can be installed anywhere: on the floor, walls and even on the ceiling.

A pump circulation system takes into account all the disadvantages of heating with the natural movement of coolant. This is an improved type, and now only it is used in the construction of new houses. In this case, there are two schemes with forced circulation: one- and two-pipe. They differ not only in the number of pipes, but also in their layout and the pressure of the built-in fittings.