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» How to properly care for a tangerine tree. Tangerine tree - how to properly care for it at home, soil and fertilizers Decorative tangerine at home

How to properly care for a tangerine tree. Tangerine tree - how to properly care for it at home, soil and fertilizers Decorative tangerine at home

Citrus fruits, including tangerines, contain a lot of vitamin C. You can try growing them yourself. Tangerine bonsai is a wonderful ornamental plant that brings bright colors and a pleasant aroma to the house. It is known that the smell of this fruit not only improves mood and gives vigor, but also relieves headache. An evergreen citrus tree can maintain a flowering period for most of the year and bear fruit even indoors.

Becoming the owner of a wonderful indoor tangerine is not difficult at all. Moreover, you can even grow a tangerine in a pot yourself, from a seed.

Planting stages

It’s worth noting right away that there is a simpler option. You can buy a ready-made seedling in a specialized store and plant it directly in the ground. You can even buy one that is already bearing fruit. mature plant, which will only need to be placed on the windowsill, providing it with home care.

But for those who are not looking for easy ways, you can plant and grow indoor tangerines yourself at home.

Step 1. Materials

The seeds of this fruit are needed. It’s better to take at least ten, because... natural selection no one has canceled yet. Not all seeds will be able to sprout, not all sprouts will be able to break through the soil. To get suitable seeds, you need to take a ripe fruit: the larger and juicier, the better.

Step 2. Seed preparation

Experienced gardeners know that any seeds require a preparatory period before planting in the ground. The tangerine seeds must be left in a damp place for some time. Perfect option- wrap them in cloth and leave, maintaining a moist environment. After a couple of days, the seeds will be ready for planting: small sprouts will appear at the seeds.

Step 3. Planting in the ground

Usually, indoor tangerines can grow in the most ordinary soil, but you should approach the choice of soil for the plant responsibly. First to the bottom flower pot a layer of small stones or expanded clay is laid out for soil drainage. Next, the rest of the soil is laid out, where the sprouted seeds are placed. They should not be located too deep, but not near the surface of the soil. The ideal planting depth is from 5 to 7 cm.

Unless you need to water, but not too much and very carefully. In less than a month, young shoots will begin to emerge from the soil.

Even if the experiment fails, don’t be discouraged: it doesn’t always work out as planned. You can always try to plant tangerines at home again, using previous experience.

Caring for young seedlings

At the very beginning, it is important to properly care for young shoots. The pot with the plant must be placed correctly, finding the most suitable appropriate place. The indoor tangerine loves good lighting, but in dark places it begins to wither and may die. But direct sunlight in large quantities may burn young shoots. Until the stems of the tangerine tree are sufficiently strong, it is better to remove them from the risk zone. The task is not entirely simple - the container with the sprouts must be constantly lit and reliably protected from direct sun.

tangerine tree must necessarily be under the influence of direct sun rays, without which it will not be able to grow and develop normally.

Immediately after the first shoots appear, it is important to feed the young citrus plant. The algorithm of action does not differ significantly from feeding an adult plant.

Caring for an adult plant

When growing tangerines at home, it is important to understand that the plant is adapted to hot countries where droughts often occur. Therefore, excessive watering will be detrimental to the plant. When an indoor tangerine is watered too often, it begins to shed its leaves. But it’s also not worth rushing from one extreme to another.


The decorative variety of tangerine is still not a cactus; at home it requires regular irrigation.

Mandarin grown at home requires care and nutrition in addition to watering. We are talking about feeding the plant.

It is necessary to feed the plants, because frequent watering washes away organic and mineral substances. Understanding this is of decisive importance in growing tangerines at home. IN different time Mandarin behaves differently throughout the year, which affects the amount and frequency of nutrition required.

It is especially important to feed indoor shrubs in the spring, when the tangerine undergoes its main growth.

The frequency of feeding should not exceed twice a week. The fertilizer must be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the plant: instead of the necessary minerals and organic substances, your homemade tangerine may receive poison. Mixtures for fertilizer and feeding indoor plants are sold in both specialized stores and large hypermarkets. When choosing fertilizer, it is advisable to focus on fertilizers for citrus fruits.

Tangerine home tree requires feeding to a much greater extent than its garden counterparts. Soil in a pot, unlike open ground, is not able to regenerate organic and mineral substances washed away during watering. Garden mandarin does not need to be fed so often, but caring for a tree at home is a completely different matter.

Although the tangerine tree is not a capricious or difficult plant to care for, in addition to watering and fertilizing, it is sometimes worth making additional efforts. Let's say a few more words about how to care for a decorative tangerine so that the tree always pleases the eye with its beauty.


As the tree grows, the indoor tangerine needs to be replanted. While the bush is growing, it is advisable to update the “place of registration” every year. After the plant reaches seven years of age, expansion of its living space is required every two years.

In order for the tree to bear fruit well, it is better to remove excess ovaries at the flowering stage.

The more potential fruits grow, the more energy and nutrients the tree will spend on growing. In order not to deplete the tangerine tree, it is advisable to leave only part of its flowers, the strongest ovaries. Although the “harvest” will be smaller, each fruit will contain more micronutrients. Therefore, the fruits will be larger, tasty and juicy. Indoor tangerine is an ornamental plant, not a garden plant. Therefore, the health of the tree should always be a priority.

When the ovaries form into small fruits, it is advisable to tie the tree crowns to a support. As tangerines grow and become heavier, they run the risk of breaking the tree's fragile decorative stems. Without additional help, the bush may suffer. Broken branches can cause serious tree disease.

Diseases and pests

When growing a tangerine, you cannot provide it with proper home care without protecting the plant from pests.

Types of indoor trees

There are several varieties of tangerine tree. Some of them fit perfectly into the culture of home ornamental plants.


The most popular is the Unshiu tangerine tree, a variety of Japanese tangerine trees. The height of an adult plant rarely reaches 1.5 m. Indoor tangerine Unshiu is more tolerant of cold than others and is extremely fruitful.

Dwarf form

The dwarf or, as it is also called, mountain mandarin, Kovano-Vase, is also popular. This variety is from the Vasya group, which at home is capable of reaching a meter in height, although usually the plant’s growth stops within the range of 40 cm to 80 cm.


You can also highlight indoor Clementine. This is a mandarin crossed with an orange. The decorative tangerine of the Murcott variety, which translates as “honey,” is distinguished by its bright and sweet fruits. Early ripening variety begins to bear fruit in the summer, unlike the above-mentioned varieties.

Other varieties

The small tangerine Shiva-Mikan tree, like Murcott, is early variety with small fruits.

But despite the fact that the varieties of tangerine trees mentioned are specially bred decorative varieties, even an ordinary garden tangerine remains rather short-growing at home, regardless of care.

Whatever variety you ultimately choose, the result will be spectacular. decorative tree With with the most beautiful flowers and bright, fragrant fruits.


Since ancient times, tangerines have been used as decorative home trees by noble and wealthy families, growing them in greenhouses or winter gardens, because the flower of both garden and home tangerine exuded a wonderful aroma. Today tangerine is available at home. Growing a tree is quite simple. Care also does not require any special effort. But this noble tangerine dwarf tree will look impressive and stylish in any interior, giving the surrounding space more positivity and color. Therefore, even if you had doubts about whether to get involved with a citrus tree or give preference to another ornamental plant, discard them. Domestic trees will invariably please their owners, bringing juicy fruits, a delicate aroma and a great mood.

Proper cultivation of tangerine trees and shrubs at home. Methods for growing and propagating citrus trees at home.

Mandarin is a shrub that is ever green all year round. Comes from the fruit family and genus - citrus fruits. The form of life is a bush, in the form of a tree.

Homemade tangerine can be grown in greenhouses and at home: window sill, balcony, greenhouse. Breeders have bred a huge variety of this plant. This tangerine is an effective show-stopper in a pot.

Photo: tangerine tree at home

Homemade tangerine has very tasty and aromatic fruits; they grow on the tree for more than two months. Such a plant attracts and gives pleasure both with its flowering and the unsurpassed smell of its own flower.

The mandarin bonsai is a rare and masterful piece. Mandarin fruits grow without being pollinated and reach maturity at the end of the year.
The most famous and beloved varieties for growing tangerines at home include:

  • Shiva is a mikan. Early and fast growing species
  • Mirkot is a compact variety with sweet, summer-ripening fruits
  • Winshiu - unpretentious plant from Japanese variety, branches well and bears fruit already in the third year
  • Clementine - the variety bears fruit in the second year, at home. Refers to a hybrid of mandarin and orange. The fruits have a shiny skin, are slightly flattened, and their number per harvest reaches five dozen.

How to plant tangerines at home?

Ancient China was the first to cultivate mandarin ducks. Today such a plant can be purchased in flower shops.

  • If you purchased a plant from such a store, it is better to replant it immediately. To do this, buy a substrate specifically for citrus fruits, where the acidity is 5.5 -7. It is also possible to make your own soil. To do this, it is necessary to mix turf and leaf soil with manure humus and river sand, where the proportion looks like this – 1:1:1:0.5
  • Look carefully at the pot in which the plant was brought from the store; its next place of residence should be no more than three centimeters more than the previous one. All these actions will actively stimulate the tangerine to grow

One of the first steps is to choose a place for the mandarin to live in your apartment.

  • Proper lighting is one of the most important keys to the growth of your pet. This rule also applies if the tangerine is planted in open ground at the dacha or greenhouse. Direct sunlight should hit the plant, but without much persistence. sunlight will give the leaves juiciness and greenness, a lack will only lead to fading and thin new shoots
  • The window on which the tangerine will be grown should be located on the east or southeast side. If the growing season is summer, it is necessary to gradually accustom the plant to direct rays, and sometimes take it out onto the balcony or street
  • If the time of initial cultivation is winter, place the tangerine in the most illuminated place; if there is not enough light, purchase artificial lighting. It is possible to use a photo light bulb for this purpose
  • The optimal temperature for indoor tangerine remains + 25 degrees; if the period of budding and flowering passes, keep temperature regime around twenty degrees
  • Rest mode in winter time is observed at the level of five, ten degrees. A plant that has had a good rest in winter will bear much better fruits and flowers.

Tangerine from a seed - reality

Growing tangerines from seeds will require your attention and patience only at the first stage, then this crop is easy to care for. Prepare a place for the plant to live. Which excludes the presence of various poisonous neighbors.

A southern room without any neighbors would be ideal. We take material for planting from store-bought tangerines. The number of seeds should be as large as possible, since most of the next shoots will die from the disease and will not survive the grafting stage. Growing tangerines from seeds occurs in several ways:

  • Take a piece of gauze small size, irrigate with water, wrap the bones. Water should be in a minimum amount to avoid rotting of the seeds. Experienced specialists suggest using a solution of potassium permanganate for this process to disinfect seeds
  • To avoid problems with gauze, you can purchase hydrogel in a specialized store. Its peculiarity is its excellent ability to retain moisture. It looks like a certain mass into which tangerine seeds are aged for pecking and the appearance of sprouts

It is possible to plant the seeds immediately, in open ground. Most gardeners do it this way. If you have extensive experience in growing plants and flowers, you can easily ensure that the bud does not dry out. The leaves will hatch here later than all types of cultivation, but the sprout will be very strong

Caring for indoor tangerine at home

When you see the first sprouts of your pet, you need to start feeding the next two weeks. It must be carried out with the help of specialized organic and mineral fertilizers. Care consists of watering and irrigating the sprout and constantly adding fertilizers.

Spraying the tangerine should occur every week to maintain high humidity tangerine It is also possible to keep a bowl filled with water near the tree. Especially when the summer is hot, the plant needs moisture. In winter, watering should be done two to three times a week, depending on dryness.

Fertilizing the tangerine plant should be carried out in the period April-September, especially if it is a fruit-bearing citrus. This will ensure the sweet taste of the fruit.

How to plant tangerine at home?

Photo: tangerine plant

Full-fledged, delicious tangerine fruits can only be obtained as a result of proper care and grafting. Grafting begins in May-August. Since sap flow is especially active at this time.

The effectiveness of the result after vaccination depends on your ability to carefully and quickly carry out the appropriate procedures. Prepare in advance for the tangerine grafting stage:

  • A plant grown from seed, the trunk of which is at least six millimeters thick
  • Cutting from a fruiting plant, the branch of which is at least two years old
  • Garden knife
  • Elastic tape
  • Var garden

For grafting, make an incision at a height of ten centimeters, where the trunk of the rootstock is. It should look like the letter T, horizontally - 4 cm, vertically -4 cm. The scion is prepared by removing thorns and leaf blades. Very carefully cut the bud and insert it into the cut, with a small layer of wood.

Where the vaccination was carried out, wrap it with tape. Place the tangerine in a plastic bag or jar. Only after a month will you be able to determine the degree of success of the vaccination. It is better to take several seedlings for grafting, because only half of them will be successful.

Accustom the plant to grafting by gradually removing the jar, then the new shoot will strengthen and begin to grow. Cover the location of the shoot with garden varnish.

If you follow the rules for growing and fertilizing tangerines, the leaves of the plant will be forever green. The leaves will turn yellow as a result of improper behavior with the pet. Don't go overboard with chemical fertilizers. If the tangerine is not grown correctly, it will become stained and the leaves will fall off.

How to transplant a tangerine at home?

  • TO proper care The plant is responsible for replanting the plant. This event is carried out if the tangerine becomes cramped in the pot. Early plants and young ones are replanted every year
  • Tangerine trees over seven years old are replanted every two years. To replant a plant, you need to take a pot with a diameter greater than five centimeters from the present one so that the roots do not rot. The substrate should be selected with low acidity, the bottom of the pot should be lined with expanded clay and pieces of polystyrene foam
  • The actual transplantation process is carried out not during the flowering of the plant, but in the spring, during the awakening period of the tangerine. The soil is laid by watering after transplanting. Do not use fertilizer two weeks after transplanting, and four days before transplanting

Reproduction of home tangerine

Photo: tangerine at home

Reproduction of a tangerine plant occurs in two ways: grafting onto a rootstock and rooting an apical cutting. This process is carried out at the very beginning summer period. Be sure to use root-forming agents that will stimulate growth. Grafting is the most effective and successful method of propagation.

Pruning homemade tangerine

Pruning is carried out to improve the formation of the crown of the desired shape, to stimulate fruiting. As the tree grows, it loses its compactness and attractiveness.

The process is carried out on young plants using a sharp knife and pruning shears. Branches from the first to the third order are subject to pruning. The fourth ones should not be touched, as they produce fruits and flowers.

Video: How to grow tangerines at home?

Video: How to properly graft a citrus tree?

The evergreen tangerine tree will give pleasant emotions and a harvest of fruit all year round. Caring for it at home is not so difficult, but some conditions must be observed.

Tangerine tree: how to care for it at home

Photo by Shutterstock

Choosing soil for a young tangerine tree

For good health and fruiting, you need to choose soil with the following composition: leaf soil (1 part), turf (2 parts), quartz sand (1 part), humus from cow manure (1 part). Using this composition, you can create the necessary conditions for the survival of the plant.

You can germinate a tangerine shoot yourself. This requires patience and time. You can germinate it from the seeds in sawdust, just like an orange, maintaining sufficient humidity.

What kind of soil do mature trees like?

For mature tangerine trees, a slightly different ratio of soil parts is required: 1 part leaf soil, 3 parts turf, 1 part humus from cow manure, 1 part sandy component and a little bit of high-fat clay. By transplanting a grown tree into such soil, you can achieve its rapid rooting and fruiting.

Tree from a seed

You can grow a tangerine tree from the seed of a ripe fruit. When it is removed from the pulp, it must be wrapped in gauze or cloth and constantly moistened with water. The seed will swell and a sprout will hatch. Then you need to plant it in the soil. Alternatively, you should place tangerine seed into the middle layer of hydrogel and wait for the sprout to appear.

Where to plant a tree

When choosing a place for a tangerine tree, you need to consider that it should be well lit. Mandarin loves a lot of light. On a very hot day, it is still better to shade the plant to avoid leaf burns.

It is best to plant an indoor tree in a wooden tub or flowerpot made of natural materials. It is best to place it on southern, southwestern and southeastern windows. In winter, it is best not to open the window for a long time. With the onset of spring, the plant can be taken out to the balcony or loggia. During the hot season, you can create a retractable awning for shading.

How to water a tangerine tree

Growing tangerines is a troublesome task. You should not water it with regular water. Moisture for irrigation must be settled and warmed if it is cool.

In winter, it is enough to water 2 times a week. It is better to draw a watering schedule so as not to overdo it. In summer, it is best to do this several times a day. In hot weather, this must be done carefully so that water does not get on the leaves.

Leaves that are wet in the heat can get burned.

Grow and fertilize

The choice of fertilizer for a tangerine tree is best made in favor of organic and mineral complex products. This can be as expensive fertilizer for citrus fruits or as simple slurry from cow manure.

Before applying fertilizer to the soil, it is necessary to water it thoroughly. Feeding should be done in the summer, but in winter it is better to stop it.

A tree that is fertilized bears juicy and tasty fruits, without bitterness

A houseplant should not be kept in one flowerpot. The reservoir must be changed as the tangerine grows. If the plant is forced to stay in the same flowerpot for several years, it is better to increase feeding. Since homemade tangerines can also bear fruit, it is very important to monitor soil fertilization.

Pinching and cutting

Proper pinching leads to the fact that the tree begins to branch strongly and increases fruiting. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the branches. It is necessary to pinch the tops of young shoots. It is better to trim off excess and weakened branches.

Cuttings, layering

The tree is propagated by seeds, by cuttings, by air layering, and by grafting. Each method is suitable for different trees. Old trees with well-formed branches are suitable for propagation by air layering. Only certain varieties of tangerine trees are propagated from cuttings.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate

Planting the seeds is successful, but this way you have to wait a long time for the fruits. Fruiting accelerates in grafted plants.

Before grafting a tree, it is very important to speed up the flow of sap. This is done by watering abundantly. Immediately before grafting, it is necessary to check how the bark comes away from the trunk. You need to make an incision just above the site of future budding and try to very carefully bend the bark layer.

On the branch that needs to be grafted onto the rootstock, you need to remove all the leaves and leave only the petioles. This is done to prevent moisture evaporation. It is better to choose the grafting site 5-10 cm from the ground. The bark in this area should be smooth, free of buds or thorns. Then, with a light, careful movement, it is necessary to make a transverse incision at this distance and another, perpendicular to it, going down 3 cm from the center of the incision.

The cuts made in the bark must be pryed with the bone part of the knife and lifted. Then you need to return everything except the top edge to its original place. Then you need to quickly take the prepared bud from the scion and insert the eye into the T-shaped cut made on the rootstock. Insulating tape should be placed around the grafting area and removed once the bud has taken root.

There is nothing complicated in growing a tangerine from a seedling purchased in a store, because we're talking about about a grafted fruit-bearing tree. And if there is no opportunity to spend money on seedlings, then the only way out is growing tangerine from the seed at home. What will it take? Just a few seeds extracted from ordinary fruits.

Within a few years after planting, you will be proud of a slender tree with shiny and very beautiful leaves. The characteristic aroma of citrus will be felt throughout the house, making your home seem even more comfortable.

The tangerine tree itself is a member of the Rutaceae family. The shape of the plant is spherical, the leaves are evergreen (change every four years), and the flowers are white. The tree can reproduce both vegetatively and by seeds.

On a note! Many homes have an indoor tangerine that has been grown from seed, but this is usually ornamental plant. It does not bear fruit or has small and inedible fruits, but only improves the interior of the room.

If speak about farms, then in order to obtain tasty fruits, citrus crops are grown through grafting. You can also perform a similar operation if you want to enjoy juicy tangerines. But if you just want to try growing a citrus tree with your own hands, you can definitely do it! First, make some preliminary preparations: free the window sill of the window that “looks” to the south, rearrange poisonous plants to another place (such crops are not better neighbors for tangerine). Then follow the instructions below.

Stage one. Seed preparation

Any person who has once been involved in growing seedlings knows very well that the seeds must swell before planting. For this purpose, take several prepared seeds (you can buy them, but choose seeds without defects and rot) and soak them in gauze for a couple of days (as shown in the image below). Make sure that there is not too much water - the gauze should be only slightly damp, and then simply add a little more liquid as you go.

If you plan to grow just one tree, you will still need to soak about 12-15 seeds. The fact is that not all of them will germinate; some will die from diseases; in addition, many will become “victims” of the first plant grafting.

Instead of gauze, you can use hydrogel - you can buy it at your nearest specialty store. Experienced gardeners and professional landscape designers It is actively used, because hydrogel is an excellent protection against heat.

On a note! Figuratively speaking, hydrogel is a kind of analogue drip irrigation, but you will not add it to the soil, but use it instead of gauze (the substance retains moisture well).

Try to keep the seeds inside the hydrogel all the time - this way they will not dry out.

Stage two. Planting in the soil

Seeds that have already “hatched” must be planted in a seedling box or an ordinary pot. It is worth noting that some do not wait for the seeds to swell, but immediately begin planting them in the ground. Here the sprouts form later, but in appearance they look no worse than those that grow from soaked seeds.

To begin, select a suitable soil.

Ideally, you need to take a special soil mixture for citrus crops, sold in flower shops. Although what kind of soil will be used during cultivation does not play a special role. The difference between homemade tangerine is, first of all, its unpretentiousness, so you can use almost any mixture - for example, from turf and leaf soil. It can also be neutral nutritious soil(“Rose”, “Vericohumus”, etc.). The main thing is not to use peat, because it quickly turns sour and dries out, and it contains very few nutrients.

You can also make your own soil mixture for growing home citrus crops - to do this, mix the following ingredients in the indicated proportions:

  • one part sand;
  • three parts of turf;
  • one part of humus;
  • one part leaf soil;
  • some clay.

Fill the bottom of the prepared container drainage, which you can use:

  • small stones;
  • fine-grained expanded clay;
  • brick fight.

Fill the prepared soil mixture on top of the drainage and place the tangerine seeds in it. The first leaves should appear within three weeks after planting.

Stage three. Further care

At first, the tangerine requires virtually no care, but later, when the first shoots form, you will have to start feeding the plants. You can do this using any fertilizer - not only organic, but also inorganic. They are sold, again, in any flower shop. Although it is better to give preference to special formulations designed to feed citrus plants.

As for other aspects of care, they are presented in table form.

Table. Features of mandarin care

ProcedureBrief description, instructions

Replant every year, preferably in spring time. Try not to damage the integrity of the soil near the roots. When the tree reaches eight years of age, you can switch to replanting every two years.

It is quite obvious that tangerine is a sun-loving plant, so it should be grown on a windowsill located on the south side of the house (it gets greatest number sun rays). In winter, make sure that the air temperature in the house is at least 14 degrees.

The plant described in this article needs high humidity, so water it thoroughly every day using water at room temperature. In addition, spray the plant weekly with a spray bottle. Additionally, you can place some open container with water next to the tangerine.

These include, first of all, citrus whiteflies and spider mites. To protect against them, use special preparations (for example, Actellik), washing the leaves with them.

Separately, it is worth talking about the rules for applying fertilizer, which are common for both young seedlings and citrus fruits. Apply fertilizer immediately after watering, paying attention Special attention this process from April to the end of summer. Any experienced gardener will say that if you carefully care for citrus fruits during this period, the fruits will grow sweeter.

Video - Features of growing homemade tangerine

Features of growing fruiting mandarin

If you grow a tangerine from a seed, it begins to bear fruit six to seven years after planting. As noted earlier, the first fruits (also called wild fruits) will not have the characteristic taste of citrus crops. Is there any way to speed up fruiting?

It is possible, but to obtain juicy and tasty fruits it is necessary to graft a tangerine tree. The best time For vaccination, the period from April to August is considered, that is, the time of sap flow. If everything is done quickly and cleanly, then you are guaranteed to get a positive result.

First, prepare everything you need - during the vaccination process you will need:

  • rootstock (a tree you grew with a trunk at least 0.6 centimeters thick - about as thick as a pencil);
  • scion (an eye or cutting cut from a branch of a fruit-bearing plant - it is important that its age does not exceed two years);
  • special knife for budding;
  • garden var;
  • elastic band.

The further algorithm of actions should look like this.

Step one. On the scion trunk, at about 10 cm in height, make a T-shaped cut.

Step two. Insert the previously prepared graft into the cut.

Step three. Carefully wrap the elastic band around the grafting site.

Step four. Then cover the plant with a PET bag or glass jar– this is necessary in order to provide the required microclimate.

Step five. After the bud sprouts, begin to “accustom” it to fresh air. To do this, remove the bag/can from it every day, gradually extending the ventilation period.

Split grafting technique

Step six. After about a month, when the shoot has become stronger, remove the elastic wrap and cut the rootstock layer obliquely, approximately three centimeters from the scion. Be sure to cover the cut with garden varnish.

Step seven. Place a stick in the pot - this way the plant will “learn” to grow vertically. Actually, that's all.

With the help of these simple instructions, you can grow a fruit-bearing tangerine tree at home, which will not only complement the decor in your apartment/house, but also give it a characteristic pleasant aroma. It is possible that you will fail the first time, but you will gain valuable experience that will definitely be useful for subsequent attempts!

Video - How to graft citrus plants

The tangerine tree is becoming increasingly common in gardeners' collections; caring for it at home is not particularly difficult if you follow the rules.

These are miniature citrus fruits with a neat and attractive appearance. The bright orange fruits are especially decorative, for which this plant is purchased.

You can buy a tangerine tree ready-made in flower shops or try to grow it yourself.

At the time of buying finished wood you should pay attention to whether it is really a tangerine. The fact is that sellers often offer calamondins instead. They are similar to tangerines, but do not have a pronounced citrus smell and taste.

That is why lovers prefer to grow tangerines themselves from seeds or purchase a seedling from a nursery.

IN room conditions The following species grow most successfully:

  • Clementine is a hybrid; it produces a harvest in the second year, and an adult specimen produces up to 50 fruits per year.
  • Murcott - produces sweet fruits and is compact.
  • Shiva-mikan is fast-growing, compact, with small fruits.
  • Vasya - hybrids up to 80 cm tall, the fruits ripen in the second year.

If you decide to try growing a tangerine tree yourself, it will definitely thank you beautiful view and aroma.

Tangerine seeds germinate quite well, but they must be fresh and ripe for planting. The fruit is taken ripe.

  • We remove the bones.
  • We disinfect them. This is done to prevent mold from appearing.
  • The bones can be soaked in water with the addition of epin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • We take pre-prepared nutrient soil.
  • The seed is placed at a depth of 1 cm. You should not deepen it too much, otherwise the sprout will need more strength to break through to the surface.

The tangerine tree shoots appear in about 2 weeks. It is better to decide on the location of the tree in advance - it does not like to be moved.

Tangerine tree care

Proper care is the key to ensuring that the plant will live at home for several years.


Suitable for universal soil or specifically for citrus fruits. As soon as several true leaves appear on the sprout, it should be transplanted to permanent place. The substrate should be light, consisting of leaf soil, turf, humus, and sand. Peat and clay soil are not suitable for tangerines. You must definitely remember about drainage - expanded clay, broken shards, large brick chips.

Where to place a pot with a tangerine tree

The tangerine tree needs bright light in a room. However, care must be taken to ensure that the direct rays of the sun do not burn it. This is especially dangerous for seedlings and young trees, since their foliage is delicate and susceptible to burns. In a dark place, the tangerine will develop poorly and even lose some of its foliage. It will be even more difficult for it to bloom and bear fruit. The best windows for him: east, west, southeast, southwest. At noon, the tree is covered with a thin curtain or it must be installed so that the light is always uniform, diffused, but without direct sun. On the south side they are placed next to the window. North window Not suitable for tangerine. In winter or in a dark room, the plant can be illuminated with lamps. The most economical and at the same time brightest are LEDs. Regular fluorescent and flora lamps are also suitable.


The supply of moisture should be regular and uniform. The tangerine tree will tolerate drought, but may lose some of its leaves. Excessive flooding, especially in winter, can cause the death of a tree or the appearance of fungal diseases, which also leads to loss of foliage, decorative look, and if the watering regime is not followed further, the plant will die.

The need for watering is determined by the size of the container, air temperature, time of year, air permeability of the soil - the rate of moisture evaporation. To determine the need for water, it is convenient to plunge your finger into the ground. In a small pot, the need for liquid is determined by weight.

It is better to water in the evening in summer, in winter in the morning.

Low air humidity has a negative effect on the plant, so it is useful to spray the tangerine tree. Do this carefully during flowering. Drops of water on the buds can cause them to rot and fall off.


Mandarin grows successfully under normal conditions room temperature. During flowering best mode– 18-20 degrees. In winter, the tangerine tree goes into a dormant period; the most comfortable temperature at this time is 5-10 degrees. This helps to gain strength and set flower buds.

Fertilizers for tangerines

Fertilizing is applied during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting. Suitable fertilizers for citrus fruits, potassium humate. Feed once every 2 weeks in summer. In winter, during the dormant period, fertilizers are not given; assimilate fully nutrients at this time the plant is not able to, which will adversely affect its development.

Fertilizers are applied after watering, preferably the next day, diluted in the recommended dose and not exceeding it.

Excess fertilizer is much more harmful than a small deficiency. Excessive feeding inhibits growth and development and can cause leaves to fall and diseases to appear.


In nature, tangerine grows freely, but at home it should be shaped. This is done not only for beauty, but also for full fruiting. A neat tree is obtained by controlling the growth of shoots; they are periodically pinched at the level of 5-6 leaves. Strong, fatty, fast-growing shoots can slow down the appearance of buds; they are also removed. Branches growing inside the tree are also removed.


Mandarin is propagated by seeds and layering. Adult specimens that are well formed are propagated by air layering. You can try propagation by cuttings by placing them in water.

To achieve a harvest, the tree is grafted. This is done in the spring, in May-April. You will need the following:

  • The rootstock is the tree itself on which the graft will be made.
  • A scion is a sprout from a healthy, fruit-bearing plant.

At approximately a height of 7 cm, a sharp T-shaped incision is made, which should preferably be disinfected. The bark is slightly pushed back, and the resulting incision is placed on the scion. After which this place must be treated with garden varnish.

Some gardeners prefer to simply tie thick fabric. Next, the plant is placed in a greenhouse or put on it plastic bag. It will take about a month to germinate.


The young plant is replanted once a year, after root system will completely entwine the earthen ball. The pot is taken with a diameter of 6 centimeters wider than the previous one.

When the tree reaches the age of 7 years, replanting is done once every two years, since its growth is no longer so fast.

Can't plant right away young plant into a large container, this will slow down growth and can lead to rotting of the root system, since moisture from a large pot takes a long time to evaporate and acidification of the soil occurs.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring and not during flowering to avoid bud drop. After transplantation, fertilizing is resumed a month later - the new soil contains all the necessary nutrients.

Diseases, problems in growing

The tangerine tree gets sick if the rules for caring for it are not followed.

Yellow leaves:

  • Bay
  • Lack of nutrients.
  • Excess fertilizer.
  • The appearance of pests: spider mites, aphids.

Dropping leaves:

  • Excessive drought.
  • Draft.
  • Bay
  • Rearrangement.
  • Errors during transplantation.
  • Lack of lighting for a long time.
  • Dormant period - sometimes in winter the plant may remove some of its leaves.

It is important to monitor air humidity. The Mandarin will not like being next to central heating radiators.

Sometimes the plant can be attacked by pests:

  • Spider mite.
  • Mealybug.

First aid - wash the plant warm shower using laundry soap. It may hold back reproduction of pests, but will not destroy them completely, so special preparations are used.

From aphids, scale insects - Aktara. From spider mite– Fitoverm. Actellik is an effective and strong remedy, but it is not recommended for use indoors.

If you see small jumping insects on the surface of the soil, these are podurs; they appear when the soil is waterlogged. The first action is to dry the soil; perhaps this measure will allow you to get rid of them completely. Additionally, the drugs Grom 2 and Aktara can help. Also, when flooding and using homemade fertilizers, fungus gnats - sciarids - may appear above the pot. The same drugs are used for them as for foolishness.

In general, tangerine is quite easy to care for and is a good addition to the interior. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the climate, refreshes the air and releases aromatic substances.