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» How to measure a roof correctly. How to calculate the square footage of a roof: calculation rules, formulas, notes. How to determine the quadrature of the simplest type of roof

How to measure a roof correctly. How to calculate the square footage of a roof: calculation rules, formulas, notes. How to determine the quadrature of the simplest type of roof

Calculating the roof area is a simple geometric task for people involved in construction. However, newbie builders may have some problems doing all the operations correctly. Especially if such calculations are made by a person for the first time. Any small mistake here can lead to the loss of a considerable amount of money. Therefore, in order to answer the question of how to correctly calculate the area of ​​a future roof, you should understand that the material is more important than the type of roof. The figures obtained by the theory, ultimately, differ somewhat to a lesser extent from the real state of affairs. Accordingly, you should always purchase more material than calculated using the formulas.

In this article

Necessary preliminary preparation

Let's look at what you need to have on hand:

  1. Calculator, formulas. It will significantly free you from unnecessary movements, because you just need to enter ready-made measurements there. You can find such calculators on the Internet.
  2. Roof plan. At least approximate. Needed to know which type will be built. The plan must contain the angle of inclination and the length of the ridge. Based ready plan home, mark the width and length of each slope. When calculating almost every type of roof, you also need to know the height of the entire structure. A constant is often introduced - calculated coefficient, which depends on the angle of inclination. Here is a list of the most common tilt angles:
  • 9, 14, 18 degrees. – r.k = 1.01 and steps of 0.02
  • 23 degrees – r.k = 1.08
  • 27 degrees – r.k. = 1.12
  • 34 degrees – r.k. = 1.20

The general calculation technology for any type of roof comes down to the fact that complex geometric shapes are divided into simple two-dimensional ones: triangles, parallelograms. To simplify, even all parallelograms are often divided into triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids.


First, measure the length of the slope (A). To do this, add the length of the overhangs (ac) to the length of the building (ap, which is also the length of the larger wall of the house).

The width (B) is calculated according to the school curriculum (ie Pythagoras), do not forget to add the length of the slopes (bс). We use the projection of a triangle, where the legs are the height of the roof (h) and the width of the building (bп, it is also the length of the narrow wall of the house).

B= bc + √(bп 2 + h 2)

In total, the roof area can be easily calculated: S=A*B


We apply the same formulas as for a single slope, with the exception that ap will be equal to the length of the ridge, and the second leg when calculating the width of the slope will be half the length of the narrow wall (bp).

Roughly speaking, we again calculate the pitched roof. You should remember about overhangs. If you plan to install any window or chimney, then there is no need to take away the space they occupy: it is too easy to make a mistake and, as a result, there may not be enough material.

The area of ​​the roof of the house will be equal to the sum of the areas of the slopes: S = S1 + S2.

Calculation of hip roof area

The elementary form is also called hipped or hipped for a reason: here we will have to again simply sum up the areas of all the slopes. But, if the previous simple figures were rectangles, here we are dealing with four triangles. The most effective option is to use the same school geometric formulas to calculate pairs of triangles. In any case, all triangles will be isosceles. This means that the area of ​​each is calculated using the formula:

St = (m*h)/2, where m is the base and h is middle line triangle.

Or: St = √p*(p-m)*(p-n)*(p-c), where p is the sum of all sides of the triangle (m, n, c), divided by 2:

As a result, we get a calculation of the entire roof area:

S = 2*St1+2*St2

Complex hip, structurally divided into two trapezoids and two triangles. We also calculate the sum of the areas of the triangles. We calculate the trapezoid as follows:

Strape = (m+b)*j/2, where m and b are the lengths of the two bases of the trapezoid, and j is the distance between them. If we imagine j as a line, then it is perpendicular to both sides.

Calculation of areas of complex roofs

Produced in the same way. If the shape formed by the slopes is not a triangle, rectangle or trapezoid, then it is divided on paper into these simple ones. Next, they calculate based on the above geometric properties. For example, parallelograms are usually divided into trapezoids, triangles, and rectangles.

Roof surface

In order not to make a mistake, the right decision will take more material. For such a popular material as slate, there is even a special calculation formula:

S = (2 x ap + ac) x (2 x bp + bc) x cos(u.n). S is the area of ​​the required coverage, the index “c” is overhangs, “p” is the length of the wall surface, a is the length of the slope, b is the width. This area usually exceeds the “empty” roof area by 12%

Metal tiles are considered more complex in calculations: we take into account the ridge, valley, and cornices. Often exceeds the “empty” area by 20%. To understand what area you need to collect material for, you need to know its consumption.

The main thing to remember here is: the more complex the roof is, the more expensive the construction.

What data is important and where to start calculations

  1. Calculation of the area of ​​a lean-to structure
  2. Calculation of the area of ​​a gable structure
  3. Calculation of the area of ​​hipped structures
  4. Mansard roofs and features of complex calculations
  5. Help from online calculators

The construction of any house, regardless of its size, number of storeys and luxury, begins not with a foundation pit and foundation, but with design and calculations, among which the roof is one of the most significant and requires increased accuracy. She is also considered one of the essential elements buildings, and performs two important functions at once:

  • protective, because it is it that will protect your home from moisture, precipitation, cold, i.e. will provide warmth and comfort in the room;
  • aesthetic, giving completeness and expressiveness to the exterior, making the structure interesting and presentable. Even the most primitive “box” of a house, with walls that don’t stand out in any way and without original additions ( beautiful porch, a fashionable terrace), a well-chosen roof of an interesting design can easily turn it into a real masterpiece of design art.

But it will turn out this way only if you have chosen the most suitable form, know how to calculate the area of ​​the roof of a house and perform other calculations, have not made any inaccuracies in measurements and mathematical operations, and have professionally implemented your wishes.

What you need to consider when calculating the roof area of ​​a house

Understanding how to calculate the roof area of ​​a house, knowing the area of ​​the house, will be useful to you, first of all, in order not to make a mistake in the amount of material needed for construction. The more accurately they are performed, the higher the chance of avoiding unnecessary financial costs.

First, decide on the type of roof being constructed, because modern architectural solutions there are many: there are simple and complex, of the same type and combined - for every taste, as long as the appearance of the building is unique and irresistible. Today there are different forms:

  • single-pitched;
  • gable;
  • hipped;
  • attic;
  • hip;
  • tent

The shape chosen for the roof arrangement is always reflected in the construction project. When performing calculations, they also pay attention to what roofing material will be used to cover it (slate, metal tiles, etc.).

Directly to determine the general quadrature you will need to take the following data:

  • the height of the ridge girder (ridge);
  • slope length;
  • angle of inclination of pitched planes;
  • house parameters (width, length);
  • the size of overhangs (pediment, cornice).

How to determine the quadrature of the simplest type of roof

The easiest way is to find out the area of ​​a lean-to structure, which is usually chosen to cover outbuildings (barn, garage, buildings for breeding pets).

The shape of the pitched plane is the simplest - it is a regular rectangle, respectively, the area is equal to the length multiplied by the width, and to each side you need to add the value of the gable overhang and eaves (you can take the standard of half a meter).

How to calculate the roof area of ​​a house: gable structures

For residential buildings and cottages, gable structures are most often chosen; this option is often called “classic”. There will also be no problems with how to calculate the roof area of ​​a house with a calculator, because... all calculations are based solely on the simplest basics from the trigonometry course studied in high school. Initially, the area of ​​the pitched plane is determined, and then the resulting value is multiplied by “2”, because The design has two slopes. But if the project provides for the construction of sloped planes with different sizes, then the areas of each of them are calculated separately and summed up.

For a visual representation, we can consider one of the calculation examples; for it we will need the following initial data:

  • the length of the house (let’s say it is 10 meters);
  • the length of the slope (it is also equal to the length rafter leg and, suppose, was 5 meters);
  • the size of the pediment and cornice overhang (let’s take standard ones, 0.5 meters each).

Substituting all the values ​​into the formula, we find that the area of ​​one pitched plane is equal to:

S=(10+2*0.5)*(5+0.5)=66 sq. meters.

Considering that there are two slopes, we double the obtained value, as a result we determine that the roof area will be 132 square meters. meters.

As a rule, any structure contains chimney pipes and outlets ventilation ducts, can be equipped with windows. But their sizes do not subtract from the resulting area.

How to calculate the roof area of ​​a house: features of hipped structures

Today, for the construction of the roof of a residential building, it is fashionable to choose hipped structures. Most often, if the dimensions of the building are proportional and square, the roof is made in a pyramidal shape. This variety is called “tent”, in this case each slope is an isosceles triangle, they are all connected at the top at a single point, and the base is a quadrangle. In this case, how to calculate the area hip roof at home with a calculator will not cause any difficulties, because you can apply a formula that involves calculating the area of ​​the triangle, then multiplied by “4”. To find it, you need to multiply the width by the height and divide the result by two. Let's say we have the following data:

  • the width of the base of the triangle is 8 meters;
  • the height of the slope is 5 meters.

It is very important to take into account for this calculation that measurements are taken not along the perimeter of the structure, but along the eaves overhangs. Also, do not forget that the height of the slope must take into account the angle of inclination of the slope planes.

Understanding how to calculate the roof area of ​​a house hipped roof, you may be faced with the need to select calculations for a more complex design type called “hip”. This is also one of the popular solutions used today for the design of residential buildings, country cottages. This design consists of two end sides, shaped like isosceles triangles, and two side sides, made in the form of trapezoids. The calculation principle is based on determining the areas of a triangle and trapezoid, multiplying each obtained value by “2” and then summing it into the overall result.

As already discussed, to find the area of ​​a triangle, you need to multiply the width by the height and divide the result by two. In the case of a trapezoid, it is also necessary to use the provided formula, in which the bases are summed up, the resulting result is divided by “two”, and then everything is multiplied by the height of the pitched plane.

For a hip structure, you must pay attention to the presence and size of windows, chimney pipes, overhangs, and parapets.

How to calculate the roof area of ​​a house: features of attic structures

Among the undisputed leaders in popularity is attic type. It is characterized by a sloping “broken” roof, which consists of two parts. Top in in this case flat, and the bottom is steep, which allows you to create a spacious and roomy attic space, which is usually called “attic”.

Understanding how to calculate the roof area of ​​a house mansard roof, at first glance it may seem that this is too difficult to do, but in fact the principle will be clear even to a non-specialist. First, you need to draw up a design plan with a clear indication of all known dimensions, and then simply break it down into the simplest geometric figures, the determination of the areas of which is carried out according to the school curriculum in geometry lessons:

  • for a square S = a*a, where a are the sides;
  • for a rectangle S = a*b, where a and b are also sides (length and width);
  • for a triangle S = a*h/2, where a is the size of the base, h is the height of the figure;
  • for a trapezoid S = (a+b)*h/2, where a and b are the upper and lower bases, h is the height.

Having received the values simple figures, they are summed, and the final result will be equal to the total roof area. Do not forget that there are two pitched planes, and it is necessary to sum up the quadrature of the simple figures of both sides.

Also, always remember that all measurements must be taken from the extreme point of the eaves to the ridge. When measuring the bases, always add at least half a meter to the eaves and gable overhangs.

Construction online assistants

Thanks to the limitless possibilities of the Internet, nowadays you can cope with the task much easier and faster, because... this one was invented handy tool, How online calculator, and anyone can calculate the roof area of ​​a house with its help.

To perform calculations, just go to the website and enter special form data requested for computational operations. Then the system itself performs the calculations and produces the finished result.

Online construction programs are offered paid and free; there are those designed for the most primitive calculations and more complex ones, working online or requiring installation on a computer. Of course, if you have to build a simple structure, then such a calculator will provide invaluable assistance in drawing up cost estimates for the purchase of materials.

When constructing more complex, combined forms, which are complemented skylights, necessity, hatches, chimney pipes, ventilation outlets, you can seek advice from a specialist (their services are also offered online). In addition, we should not forget that consumption depends on the type of roofing material chosen.

Only 100% correct calculations The roof area of ​​the house will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs when purchasing materials for roofing and at the same time will not allow you to encounter shortages during the work process, which means that nothing will prevent you from finishing the roofing on time and moving into a new cozy and beautiful home as quickly as possible!

Information to note: , .

Have you decided to purchase material for the future roof of your home, and are you wondering how much money you will need for this? your expenses in this matter entirely depend on the correct determination of the roof area, but how to calculate the roof area for a house? This is exactly what will be discussed below.

Let's say you are building gable roof, this is to our advantage! You can simply calculate the area of ​​one of the slopes and multiply this value by two.

The plane of an ideal slope is an inclined rectangle located perpendicular to the short wall of the building. To determine the area of ​​a rectangle (slope), you just need to use the simplest geometric formula: multiply the length by the width.

In the case of roofing, the length value is taken equal to length wall, to which should be added the distance by which the roof will protrude beyond the walls, multiplied by two.

And the width of the slope should be taken equal to the amount the length of the rafter and the length of one roof projection above the wall surface.

Calculation of roofing material

Calculation example

As an example, we will use the calculation of the area of ​​a gable roof in a house whose dimensions are 8 by 6 m (figure above).

The value of the rafter length is L=490cm, and let’s take the length of the roof overhangs as 50cm.

S slope = (L rafter length) + (D house length)

S slope = 4.9*8=39.2 m²

S roof = 2 * 39.2 = 79.4 m².

Well, that's all, the calculation turned out to be extremely simple, but no less accurate. We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

If you have an angle between the rafters that is not 90 degrees or a complex roof shape, then you should use the basic geometry formulas.

Construction of any kind is impossible without preliminary calculations, so this preparatory stage should not be neglected under any circumstances. You need to calculate the parameters of the roof itself, its angle of inclination and other aspects, as well as the amount of roofing material that will be required for the surface of the entire roof. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

The calculation of the roof area depends on the type of roof itself. If the roof is simple, i.e. single-slope, then there should not be any special problems in the calculations. But there are other cases when there are certain difficulties in this matter.

Any construction is a rather expensive undertaking, so the owner is glad of any opportunity to save money somehow.

Determining the roof area involves quite a lot of calculations, including finding the height, angle of inclination of the roof, as well as the volume of technical equipment. building materials, which are necessary for the construction of the roof. If everything is done correctly, then you will not have to overpay for building materials by buying more than you need, and you will also save on transporting the material to the construction site.

The complexity of the calculation will directly depend on the type of roof used, of which there are a sufficient number.

Designation of fields in the calculator

Specify roofing material:

Select a material from the list -- Slate (wavy asbestos cement sheets): Medium profile (11 kg/m2) Slate (corrugated asbestos cement sheets): Reinforced profile(13 kg/m2) Corrugated cellulose-bitumen sheets (6 kg/m2) Bitumen (soft, flexible) tiles (15 kg/m2) Galvanized sheet metal (6.5 kg/m2) Sheet steel (8 kg/m2) Ceramic tiles(50 kg/m2) Cement-sand tiles(70 kg/m2) Metal tiles, corrugated sheets (5 kg/m2) Keramoplast (5.5 kg/m2) Seam roofing (6 kg/m2) Polymer-sand tiles (25 kg/m2) Ondulin (Euro slate) (4 kg/m2) m2) Composite tiles (7 kg/m2) Natural slate (40 kg/m2) Specify the weight of 1 square meter of covering (? kg/m2)


Enter the roof parameters (photo above):

Base width A (cm)

Base length D (cm)

Lifting height B (cm)

Length of side overhangs C (cm)

Front and rear overhang length E (cm)


Rafter pitch (cm)

Type of wood for rafters (cm)

Working area of ​​the side rafter (optional) (cm)

Lathing calculation:

Sheathing board width (cm)

Sheathing board thickness (cm)

Distance between sheathing boards
F (cm)

Calculation snow load(pictured below):

Select your region

1 (80/56 kg/m2) 2 (120/84 kg/m2) 3 (180/126 kg/m2) 4 (240/168 kg/m2) 5 (320/224 kg/m2) 6 ​​(400/280 kg/m2) 7 (480/336 kg/m2) 8 (560/392 kg/m2)

Wind load calculation:


Height to the ridge of the building

5 m from 5 m to 10 m from 10 m

Terrain type

Open area Closed area Urban areas

Calculation results

Roof angle: 0 degrees.

The tilt angle is suitable for of this material.

It is advisable to increase the angle of inclination for this material!

It is advisable to reduce the angle of inclination for this material!

Roof surface area: 0 m2.

Approximate weight roofing material: 0 kg.

Number of rolls insulating material with 10% overlap (1x15 m): 0 rolls.


Stress on rafter system: 0 kg/m2.

Rafter length: 0 cm

Number of rafters: 0 pcs.


Number of rows of sheathing (for the entire roof): 0 rows.

Uniform distance between sheathing boards: 0 cm

Number of sheathing boards with a standard length of 6 meters: 0 pcs.

Volume of sheathing boards: 0 m3.

Approximate weight of sheathing boards: 0 kg.

Field decoding

The most popular types of roofs

The construction of a roof is a rather complex process in which it is necessary to take into account not only the roofing material, but also. You also need to decide on the type of roof. So, Builders distinguish several types of roofing:

  • (hip);
  • multi-slope;

If the roof is of a fairly simple shape, without unnecessary kinks, then calculating its area will not be difficult. If the roof has a more complex configuration, with many slopes, then you will have to arm yourself with all your knowledge of geometry. This is explained by the fact that we will have to calculate the parameters geometric shapes, included in the conventional roof pattern, and the complexity will lie in the type of these same figures.

Types of roofs

In most cases, the roofs of private buildings are as follows: geometric shapes. Square pitched roofs calculated using these formulas:

  1. Trapezoid. Calculation formula (A+B)*H/2.
  2. Rectangle - A*B.
  3. Parallelogram - A*H.
  4. Triangle with equal sides— (A*H)/2.


It is worth understanding that what roofing is more difficult, i.e. if it consists of several slopes, the more difficult it is to build, as well as in other aspects - insulation, maintenance, etc. The financial issue has also not been canceled, because such a roof will require more building materials.

Shed roof area

Calculating the area of ​​a pitched roof seems to be the simplest, because it does not require a detailed roof plan.

It is calculated using a very simple formula:

S=A*B, Where

S- this is the area of ​​the roof itself (in this case, a rectangle).

A- this is the width of the roof.

B- this is the length.

Let's say the length pitched roof is 7 meters, and the width is 4. We calculate:

S = 4 * 7 = 28 meters.

Designations have been changed

How to calculate the area of ​​a gable roof?

This type of roof consists of two pitched roofs with different sides, therefore the calculation will occur according to a similar algorithm. All that remains is to add the resulting values ​​together.

Let us take for the calculation the same parameters as in the previous example, i.e. the width will be 4 meters, and the length will be 7. We make the calculation:

S = (4*7) + (4*7) = 28 + 28 = 56 meters.

Designations have been changed

Square hipped roof

If you look at such a roof from above, you can see that it consists of four geometric shapes, the areas of which we need to calculate. In other words, we need to calculate these values ​​for two trapezoids and two equilateral triangles. All the resulting indicators will need to be added up.

Let's take the same values ​​as the length and width, i.e. 7 (value A) and 4 (value B) meters, and the height will be equal to the conditional 3 (value H) meters.

We calculate using the following formula:

S = A*H/2 = 7*3/2 = 21/2 = 10.5 meters. The value of the second triangle will be the same, so we add these values: 10.5 + 10.5 = 21 meters.

Calculating the area of ​​a trapezoid:

S = (A+B)*H/2 = (7+4)*3/2 = 11*1.5 = 16.5 meters. We add the value of the second trapezoid: 16.5 + 16.5 = 33 meters.

Add up the resulting values: 21 + 33 = 54 meters. This will be the final area of ​​the hipped surface.

Designations have been changed

How to calculate the roof area of ​​a complex shape?

In principle, calculating the roof area of ​​a complex configuration is not much different from previous methods. Of course, you will have to spend a little more time, but the calculation rules are common for everyone:

  • We divide the space into separate geometric elements. As a result, we get various rectangles, triangles, trapezoids and other shapes.
  • Next, you need to use mathematical formulas familiar from school curriculum, thus calculating the area for each figure.
  • remember, that The length of the slope is taken from the extreme line of the eaves and ending with the ridge of the roof.
  • We calculate the indicators for all the resulting figures, and then add all these values ​​together.
  • If you see that the roof slope irregular shape, then it’s better to break it down into two simple figures, because it is much easier to calculate the area of ​​two trapezoids than the area of ​​a polygon. This way you will save yourself time and nerves.


In no case do not subtract such roof elements from the resulting area value, like a chimney, ventilation ducts, attic windows, etc. This may result in you simply purchasing less roofing material than required. Be extremely vigilant!

Calculation of roofs of complex shapes

Dependence of area on type of roofing material

We have already said that calculating the roof area is necessary for in order to calculate the approximate amount of roofing material.

But even if we carried out all the calculations correctly, the material still needs to be purchased with a small reserve so as not to encounter a shortage during the installation process. The type of roofing material also plays an important role, because the technology for laying it can be different.

Slate, metal tiles and corrugated sheets. Each of these materials is sold in the form of sheets, and they need to be laid overlapping. There is such a thing as " effective area» material, so you need to take it into account, and not the actual indicators. If the manufacturing company high level, then it must display such information on the packaging.

  • The length of the building is divided by the width of the sheet of material. To the resulting value you need to add another 10%, which will be used for pruning. This way we will know the exact number of sheets for the entire width of the roof.
  • Divide the length of the slope by the length of the sheet of material. Then you need to add 13%, which will be used for overlap when installing sheets.
  • Then we multiply the number of sheets by the width of the roof and the total number of rows to the eaves. The desired figure will be the total number of sheets of slate or metal tiles for a particular roof.

Calculation of a complex roof

In principle, calculating all parameters is not such a difficult process if you follow the above recommendations.

Our construction calculator can do all the calculations for you. All you have to do is enter the data on the length, width, height and other indicators of the building, as well as the roofing material used.


Correct calculation of roof parameters is necessary for purchasing required quantity roofing material. If you don't have detailed plan at home, then all measurements will have to be carried out independently, using a tape measure, ladder and other related tools. Also, do not forget that the type of roofing material also plays an important role, so each calculation should be carried out individually.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can entrust this matter to professionals who will do all the work for you. This is practically a win-win option, only if the price of the issue does not bother you much.

In any other case, you can think a little and make individual calculations. As you can see, this is not so difficult to do, but you can save money, which will then be spent on the same materials and more.

In contact with

Correct calculations when planning new construction or carrying out repairs can significantly save on basic and consumables. The roofing pie is one of the key components of the house. In the process of designing it, you need to know how to calculate the area of ​​the roof and be able to calculate the area of ​​each of its elements. For this there are special computer programs. But, unlike a machine calculation, manual calculation gives a more accurate result, since it allows you to take into account the nuances of further installation of roofing material.

Geometric roof shapes

The variety of geometric shapes of the top of the house determines the difficulty of calculating its area. The most common stingray shapes:

  • rectangle;
  • trapezoid;
  • isosceles triangle;
  • parallelogram.

Calculating the roof area is quite simple if it has one, two or four slopes. The more elements, the more complicated it is, the more measurements and mathematical operations need to be done.

The calculation can be done in two ways:

  1. Make calculations based on the plan of the top of the cottage. All linear dimensions of each slope must be written down on it. All that remains is to calculate the area of ​​each element and find their sum.
  2. Take “live” dimensions from the finished roof and perform mathematical operations. This option is more accurate, since an absolutely exact match between the actual dimensions of the top and its plan is very rare.

In both cases, you need to pay attention to symmetrical slopes. First of all, this applies to elements of a two- or four-slope roof.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​one- and two-slope roofs

These two types are the simplest, since the slopes of the single-pitched and double-pitched roof of the house usually have rectangular shape. Calculating their area can be done even without a detailed plan. It is also quite easy to take measurements.

The area of ​​a pitched roof is equal to the area of ​​one roofing rectangle:

A and B are the width and height of the slope, respectively.

These parameters can be found even without climbing to altitude. It is enough to find out the length and width of the house and add the overhangs of the top of the house to them. Next you need to measure the height of the roofing pie and use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate its length. Now you can multiply the obtained parameters and get the desired result.

Using a similar scheme, the area is calculated gable roof. It can always be imagined as two single-pitched ones. Accordingly, and similarly, the dimensions of this type of roof are taken. If the slopes are symmetrical, you can remove the parameters of only one of them. Knowing the length, you can calculate the area of ​​the gable roof gable, especially if it is planned to be lined with corrugated wall sheeting or siding.

The result for each roof element is determined using the same formula for the area of ​​a rectangle:

Having found out the area of ​​​​both elements, by simply summing them up one can calculate general meaning for a gable roof surface.

Calculation of the area of ​​a hip, hip and half-hip roof

These roofing options have a more complex configuration, so it takes more time to calculate the area of ​​the attic roof. They are all hipped, which means more measurements need to be taken.

A type of roofing surface composed of two trapezoids and two triangles is called hip. In most cases, its opposite sides are equal, and the triangles are isosceles. For such a symmetrical hip roof It is enough to calculate the value only for two adjacent elements and multiply the result by two. If the dimensions of each are different, you will have to measure the entire roof.

After the measurements have been taken, you can calculate the value for each element. For trapezoidal elements you need to use the following formula:

S=(a+b) x h / 2, where

a – width along the lower overhang,
b – width along the ridge,
h – height.

For triangular elements the formula is used:

S= a x h / 2, where

a – width of the slope along the lower overhang,
h – slope height.

Well, in the end, as in previous cases, the sum of the results of calculating all elements is calculated.

The half-hip design differs from the hip design in that instead of trapezoidal elements, it has hexagonal elements, the lower part of which is in the shape of a rectangle, and the upper part is trapezoidal. Accordingly, the measurement process is slightly different. In a hexagonal element, you need to measure its two components separately, and also do calculations separately. The formulas can be found a little higher in this article. Again, the total area of ​​a half-hip roof is the sum of the calculation results of all its elements.

The traditional tent top is made up of four isosceles triangles. Usually it is symmetrical, so measurements can only be taken on two adjacent elements. It is only necessary to find out the height of each of the slopes and their width along the lower overhang. Next, using the formula given just above, each element is calculated and the final calculation of the hip roof is made.

Calculation of roof area with slopes with complex geometry

Multi-pitched roofs with elements with complex geometry no longer surprise anyone. These are the so-called dome and multi-gable structures. These top of house solutions are very attractive. Calculating the roof area of ​​this configuration is much more difficult than in the case of conventional hipped options. But an accurate calculation is necessary, since there is a large number of stingrays, each of which has different shapes. The construction of such structures is quite expensive and the slightest mistake will inevitably lead to additional expenditure of money and time.

The main difficulty in the process of calculating a multi-slope roofing surface is the dimensioning stage, and the more elements in the structure, the more difficult it is to take measurements. You can't do this without climbing onto the roof. In any case, it is necessary to make a drawing of the roof and measure each slope. For each of them separately, it is necessary to calculate the area using the formulas given above, then, summing up the data obtained, find total area roofs.

The issue of calculating the roof area must be approached very carefully. After all, roofing materials are quite expensive and errors in calculations will lead to unnecessary costs. Please remember that when purchasing roofing materials it is necessary to make a small margin, since they are laid with an overlap, and it is not taken into account when calculating the roof area.