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» How to apply urea fertilizer. Spraying the garden with urea in late autumn. Information about the drug

How to apply urea fertilizer. Spraying the garden with urea in late autumn. Information about the drug

Nitrogen fertilizers are needed to feed garden and ornamental crops. With their help, plants intensively begin to grow, acquire large leaves rich color. This article is all about the use of urea, which improves the growth of green spaces in the city and rural greenhouses. Practically get to know proper feeding plants with urea, you can watch the video.

Urea: from what and for what?

The first of the synthesized protein compounds is urea. This scientific name is urea - a fertilizer for feeding garden and ornamental crops, which is used to accelerate growth. Urea belongs to the group nitrogen fertilizers, used in agriculture since the 18th century.

The product is produced by synthesis from inorganic substances, is a granular mass consisting of round, milky, sometimes translucent granules. Currently, the industrial production of urea is in the form of tablets.

Urea can be purchased in granule form

In terms of its chemical composition, almost half of urea consists of pure nitrogen, which dissolves without residue in any liquid, including water.

When applied to the soil, granulated urea gradually dissolves in the water that the plants receive when watering. Slowly entering the plants, dissolved urea nourishes the roots for a long time, gradually, throughout the entire period of growing the crop. In the soil, nitrogen changes its chemical composition, from the amide form to the ammonia form, and then to the nitrate form. Slow change chemical composition guarantees prolonged nutrition of plants with substances necessary for growth.

Nitrogen starvation manifests itself in plants in slower growth, yellowing of leaves, inhibition of plant development and complete death. The application of urea during the formation of fruit trees and berry bushes unnaturally thin and short branches with small discolored leaves. Nitrogen deficiency is expressed at the beginning of leaf fall in summer period when most of the leaves on the plants turn more yellow early date than it should be in nature. In spring, weak, underdeveloped buds form on plants lacking nitrogen.

It is allowed to feed fruit trees and shrubs with urea; it is an effective fertilizer for wild strawberries, strawberries, and all vegetable crops, including cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, carrots, etc.

Urea - how to apply fertilizer correctly

When fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, in particular urea, several types of plant nutrition should be distinguished:

Pre-sowing treatment– urea granules are applied into the furrows during spring plowing. The depth of incorporation of urea into the soil is at least 4 cm.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizing with urea during sowing eventsthe best option is the use of the composition in combination with potash fertilizers. In this case, it is not allowed for the granules to be mixed with the seeds; it is necessary to provide a layer of soil soil between granular fertilizers and seed.

Fertilizer application during the period of growth– most effective method is foliar feeding of plantings. To do this, urea is dissolved in water, spraying on the green mass is carried out in the early morning hours or at sunset, in calm weather.

Important! Foliar fertilizing with urea is not recommended on days when precipitation occurs.

An aqueous solution of urea does not burn the leaves; it is convenient to spray plants using special pumps. The usual norm for diluting a solution is from 9 to 15 g of urea per 10 liters of water, and it matters which plants are planned to be treated - herbaceous plants spray with a more gentle composition, trees and shrubs with a concentrated one. Adult apple and pear trees need feeding in a ratio of 200 g of dry urea per bucket of water. For cherries, plums and apricots, the urea consumption will be 120 g/bucket.

Important! One tbsp. a spoon holds 10 g of urea; matchboxes - 13 g; faceted glass - 130 g of urea.

Treatment with urea against pests

Spraying with urea is effective in controlling plant pests. Spraying is carried out in the spring, when a constant average daily temperature is +5 C. It is important to carry out the procedure before the buds awaken, then all pests overwintering in the scales and under the bark will be guaranteed to be destroyed.

A urea solution for pest control is prepared in a concentration of 50 to 70 g per 1 liter of water. Spraying with urea helps destroy aphids, weevils, copperheads and a host of other pests.

Treatment of the garden with nitrogen can be carried out both in autumn and spring.

In autumn, during the first stage of leaf fall, it is useful to spray trees with urea solution on which traces have been noticed. infectious diseases: scab, all types of spotting, rust and others. The solution is used to treat trees along the crown and leaf litter. This treatment is very effective remedy from infectious diseases garden trees, the garden next year will not be affected by infections. Simultaneously with the treatment, the urea solution fertilizes the plants.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

The positive properties of urea are:

  • When fertilized with urea, plants easily absorb nitrogen, which has a positive effect on their growth and the expansion of green mass.
  • Treatment of plants with a solution of fertilizer on the leaves does not cause burns to the leaf blade; this foliar feeding is an effective and gentle means, which, along with fertilizing plants, can effectively fight garden pests, as well as pathogenic infections.
  • The urea solution is quickly absorbed by plants sensitive to elevated pH levels in the soil.
  • Excellent results were noted when fertilizing plants with urea in irrigated areas, as well as when applied to crops grown when the beds were filled with water.

It is very important to observe the dosage when applying fertilizers.

  • Guaranteed increase in yield in the garden or garden when feeding plants with urea.
  • Ease and simplicity of foliar treatment of plants and the introduction of urea into the soil.
  • Availability of fertilizer at price and availability.

The disadvantages of fertilizing with urea are the following aspects:

  • A strong concentration of fertilizer when applied to the soil when sowing seeds can reduce the germination of seeds and delay their germination.
  • Urea requires careful storage.
  • The use of urea in a mixture with phosphorus fertilizers is possible only when mixing absolutely dry substances, increased acidity the effects of mixed fertilizing must be neutralized by adding chalk to the soil.

Advice! It is necessary to store granular urea in a dry place, otherwise the fertilizer strongly absorbs moisture and turns into lumps.

The size of the harvest depends on each gardener. Timely and competent application of fertilizers can ensure soil fertility and full return of garden and vegetable crops to the nutrients received on time.


Spraying the garden with urea: video

Today, not a single gardening job or growing indoor flowers can be done without the use of fertilizer. The most popular fertilizer is urea.

What is urea

Urea or carbamide is a fertilizer that consists of organic compounds. Many beginners wonder whether urea is a nitrogen fertilizer or not. Why is it needed and how to use this fertilizer correctly. And is it worth fertilizing with an agrochemical at all?

Urea (urea)

The component of urea fertilizer is nitrogen (about 50%), this is the most concentrated bait. When it gets into the ground, urea reacts with microorganisms that are in the soil. As a result, everything is converted into ammonium carbonate.

Urea has a huge impact on plant development. After all, that vegetable protein, which is found in every cell of a garden crop, is formed with the help of nitrogen. More precisely, it promotes the formation of molecules that are contained in plant protein.

Fertilizer urea promotes the rapid growth of green mass of the plant. But it has a small drawback. Due to its increased volatility, it quickly evaporates and is washed out of the soil. Therefore, only half of it is assimilated by culture.

Urea formula

Urea is chemical. Its formula consists of carbonate and ammonium (H2N-CO-NH2). Urea is synthesized from ammonia and carbon dioxide.

Characteristics of fertilizer

In industry, agrochemicals are produced in two types - A and B. For gardening work Urea grade B is required. Urea is granular in form, light in color with a yellow or earthy tint. Recently, this fertilizer began to be produced in tablet form.

Tablet bait is considered best quality. It is covered with a special coating that dissolves well in water. But at the same time it does not allow nitrogen to evaporate at a rapid pace.

Although urea in tablets is more expensive, it is added to the soil in smaller quantities than granulated.

How is urea used?

Having purchased fertilizer, you need to know how to use urea correctly. It is extremely ineffective to apply it to the soil surface. It evaporates without having time to fertilize the plant.

Fertilizing with urea

Therefore, to fertilize a bed, tree or bush, you need to dig a hole. Apply fertilizer and sprinkle soil on top. After this, water to distribute evenly over the area.

Despite the fact that it evaporates quickly, it does not need to be applied; it feeds more than normal. This will negatively affect the development of culture.

Urea is used as a fertilizer on any type of soil. But it is especially effective on turfy, well-moistened soils with low acidity.

Considering correct standards application, urea is used in gardening in early spring. A week and a half before sowing, it is brought in to a depth of 10 centimeters, sprinkled with soil on top.

Instructions for use of urea

The amount of fertilizer applied to the soil depends on several factors:

  • What structure is the fertilizer applied to the soil;
  • Degree of soil moisture;
  • What feeding method is used;
  • The state of the garden crop itself.

If the bed is planted with vegetables, then no more than 4 grams should be added to each hole. urea.

Tomatoes and potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and garlic, strawberries, among others, are very fond of fertilizing with urea. It is necessary to prepare a solution and dilute it in a ten liter bucket of water, 30 g. urea. Pour 1 liter of bait under the root of each individual seedling.

Fruit and berry bushes and trees are fertilized as follows. Dig holes around the entire circumference of the tree trunk. Add bait to it and sprinkle soil on top. Then water generously. Young apple tree seedlings will need no more than 150 grams of urea, plums and cherries 60 grams. Mature apple trees will need 250 grams of fertilizer, cherry and plum trees 130 grams.

A week after fruit and berry crops have bloomed, they need to be fed. To do this, dilute 20 grams in ten liters of water. urea, and poured over an area of ​​no more than one square meter. After a month, you need to re-feed.

Fertilizing flower beds you will need 10 gr. fertilizers for 1 square meter plot. Groundbaits are especially fond of roses and calla lilies, hyacinths and irises.

Foliar fertilizing with urea

To spray crops, you need to dilute urea (1 tablespoon) in 10 liters. water. This is done in the evening at sunset or in the morning at dawn. It is possible during the day in cloudy but not rainy weather.

To combat purple spot, scab, and monilial blight, trees and shrubs are treated in the fall. Prepare liquid for spraying in a ratio of 1 kg. urea per 20 l. water.

If signs of nitrogen starvation are obvious, the plant is weak, poorly developed, or fruit and berry ovaries are crumbling. The urea solution in this case best helper. Compare with ammonium nitrate, carbamide does not burn the leaves.

Spraying vegetable crops, the fertilizer is diluted in a ratio of 120 g. for 20 l. water.

The use of urea for indoor plants

They need nutrition just like garden crops. By fertilizing indoor plants with urea, they will have a gorgeous green mass and bloom profusely. The plant will become healthy and properly developed.

In winter, home flowers are fed monthly. Every week in spring and summer. In autumn - twice a month.

You need to dissolve 5 grams in 5 liters of water. fertilizers One flower needs 15 grams of spraying liquid.

Urea is a nitrogen fertilizer that is very popular among summer residents due to its high efficiency and versatility. If you correctly calculate the volume of carbamide (urea) for irrigation, you can ensure good growth and plant development, as well as good harvest. In addition to its excellent properties, urea is a very cheap and widespread product, which only increases its popularity.

Externally, urea is granules round shape either light white or transparent. This form allows the product not to cake during storage or transportation, and also to maintain friability. Urea contains the most a large number of nitrogen among nitrogenous fertilizers - about 46 percent. Concerning physical properties, then this product is soluble in some alcohols, as well as in water, as a result of which it can be used both in pure form and in the form of a concentrated solution.

You can water the seedlings with this product if some of the following signs are observed:

  • Unnaturally slow development;
  • Weak shoots (in large plants);
  • Pale green foliage color (possibly even yellowish). Lack of nitrogen causes early leaf drop;
  • Weak, sometimes not fully developed buds, present in insufficient quantities (hence, low yield).

How to use urea?

Urea for feeding raspberries

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Using of this fertilizer, both in the garden and in the vegetable plot, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of this product: over a short period of time (several days), urea changes its appearance and is transformed under the influence of bacteria that are in the soil. During this process, ammonium carbonate is released, which decomposes very quickly upon contact with air. Therefore, using urea on the surface is not very effective, but it is still possible.

This fertilizer gives stable and high results when used both in protected soil (in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions) and in ordinary farms. The most important thing is to immediately incorporate the fertilizer into the soil, then its effectiveness will be maximum. This is due to the fact that at depth ammonium carbonate has less contact with air, which means more of it is retained. This in turn increases the penetration of nitrogenous compounds and nutrients into plants.

Regardless of the place of production of urea, all manufacturing companies in the instructions for the product recommend its use on any type of soil, both as a basic fertilizer and as a top dressing for fruit and berry or garden crops. Despite the universal qualities of this fertilizer, the amount of its use depends on the type of crop. As a result, plant growing experts advise taking into account the needs of plants and adding nutritional supplements in the right quantities.

Attention! Acidification of soil with this fertilizer is a long-established fact. If the soil is initially acidic, then limestone (chalk) is used to neutralize such an unfavorable environment. It is applied together with nitrogen-containing fertilizer in the ratio of 500 grams of urea to 400 grams of chalk.

Under what conditions and in what quantities can seedlings be watered with urea?

Urea can be used both for watering seedlings and soil before planting some crops.

During the growing season, the following plants are watered with this fertilizer:

  • Seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage, beets, potatoes, as well as onions and garlic (you need to dilute from 19 to 22 grams of fertilizer per cubic meter);
  • Seedlings of cucumbers and peas (from 6 to 9 grams per cubic meter);
  • Eggplants and zucchini (from 10 to 12 grams per cubic meter. You need to add fertilizer when planting, and then when the fruits develop);
  • Strawberries and strawberries (the product is added to the soil at in kind before planting berries. When buds and berry ovaries begin to form, the seedlings are sprayed with a urea solution - 10 grams per 2 liters. water. In order to increase fruiting, at the end of August - beginning of September, the plants are fed with a solution of urea - 60 grams per 20 liters);
  • Grain crops (300 grams of fertilizer in natural form per hundred square meters);
  • Carbamide is often used for foliar feeding, as well as protecting vegetables from pests (plants are watered with a solution of 10-15 grams of the product per 10 liters of water).

Before planting vegetables or berries:

The soil on which it is planned to plant berry or vegetable crops can be fertilized with granulated urea in a ratio of 5 to 11 grams per cubic meter. Most often, about 60 percent of the product is added in the fall before the soil is dug, and the remainder in the spring.

In what proportions should urea be diluted to feed fruit trees and berry bushes?

In order to ensure good growth and development of such plants, the soil is watered with a urea solution and this product is very rarely used in granules - unless it is added to the soil before planting the seedling.

As for the urea solution, it is watered over the area in which the roots are located ( trunk circle), as well as the trunk strips of the plant. If you still use granulated urea, then later you will need to increase the watering of the plant.

When diluting the solution, the following proportions should be taken into account:

  • For each mature apple tree, about 200 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Urea granules can be used in the same volume;
  • For plum trees, chokeberry, cherry - about 120 grams per 10 liters of water.

It should be remembered that excess nitrogen fertilizers can negatively affect the development of seedlings: rapid growth of the green mass of the plant may begin while the development of fruits is inhibited.

Attention! If you don’t have measuring scales at your dacha and you don’t know how to measure required quantity urea, you can take as much as necessary using improvised means:

  • a tablespoon contains about 10 grams of fertilizer;
  • in a matchbox - 13 grams;
  • in a glass - 130 grams.

Using this information, you can select the required amount of urea for watering seedlings.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable pain in the joints? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • unreasonable and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Urea- mineral fertilizer, source of nitrogen for plants and growth stimulator. That is why fertilizing with urea carry out effectively in the spring when plants weakened after winter begin to grow. To apply fertilizing, prepare a solution or scatter dry granules. Foliar feeding (spraying) with urea is especially often used.

In spring you can feed with urea:

  • Strawberries,
  • Malina,
  • Fruit trees (apple, cherry, plum),
  • Garlic,
  • Blackcurrant.

Label information


It is useful to feed strawberries with nitrogen fertilizers in early spring, before the first loosening of the soil. But here it is important to adhere to the dosage. If you overdo it, the bush will actively grow green mass, to the detriment of the ovaries.

Urea solution for root feeding of strawberries. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of urea in 10 liters of water. 3 tablespoons contain 30 g of urea.

Foliar feeding:

  • If the weather is cool during budding, you can stimulate plant growth with a 0.3% urea solution, and a day later - with a 0.5% solution of potassium monophosphate.
  • Foliar feeding can be done in the spring, at the beginning of growth. Solution concentration: 0.1 - 0.2% (that is, you need to take 10 or 20 g of urea per 10 liters of water).

Nitrogen fertilizers will be beneficial to almost all plants. They especially need them in the spring, at the beginning of growth. Spraying is best done in cool weather or in the second half of the day.


Dry feeding. As for feeding raspberries in early spring, urea granules can simply be scattered on the surface of the soil under the bushes in the melted snow. Dosage: 1 tablespoon (10 g) per 1 sq. meter.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil in the spring, before loosening. Norm: 8-10 g per 1 sq.m. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used in late summer and autumn. Organic ones can be applied throughout the growing season.

Nitrogen fertilizers should be handled very carefully, because their excess in the spring provokes the rapid growth of young shoots, to the detriment of fruit-bearing ones. And this, in turn, leads to crop losses.

Apple and fruit trees

Foliar feeding. Spraying with urea solution: 50 g of urea per 10 l. water (0.5% solution). The crown treatment of apple trees and other fruit trees is carried out in spring time how the leaves grow. Then fertilizing is repeated every 10-12 days throughout May and June.

Apple trees respond well to fertilizing with urea. In dry form, it is introduced into holes dug under the tree, at some distance from the trunk. This must be done before July. And after July, the tree already requires phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

From August to September, fruit trees and shrubs can be sprayed with urea solution 3-4 times. 30 g of urea is dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water for the first feeding. For the second spraying, take 50 g, for the third - 100.

Immediately after flowering, it is useful to feed weakened trees with a urea solution: 20-50 g per 10 liters of water. The treatment is repeated after 14 days. The apple tree will shed fewer ovaries.

For intensive fruiting of apple trees, when the fruits become the size of hazelnuts, spray with a complex solution mineral fertilizers:

  • For 10 liters of water - 15 g of urea, 20 g of potassium chloride, superphosphate extract, 1 g of manganese sulfate, the same amount of zinc and boric acid. Superphosphate extract is prepared as follows: 100 g of superphosphate is dissolved in 1 liter warm water, leave for 12 hours, mix and pour into a bucket.


Foliar feeding: 0.5% urea solution (50 g per 10 liters of water). Krona fruit tree spray 2-3 times every 7-10 days. It is best to spray the solution in the evening, in cool weather. This feeding has a good effect on plum fruiting.

Dry fertilizing with urea. In the first year after planting plums, no fertilizer is applied. And in the next 3 years in the spring, 20 g of urea per 1 m2 is added to the tree trunk circle for digging. Immediately after applying the fertilizer, dig up the soil around the tree to a depth of 15-20 cm. Be careful not to damage the roots.

With a lack of nitrogen They also fertilize plums with urea. Faded, chlorotic leaves become a symptom of nitrogen starvation. In this case, the leaves are sprayed with a urea solution (40-50 g per 10 liters of water).


Dry and liquid feeding. Urea is applied in early spring under the bush in an amount of 50-70 grams. Then, during the growing season, 2 additional feedings are given. The first - at the moment of flowering of the cherry, the second - after 2 weeks. To do this, prepare a solution of mineral fertilizers: combine 15 g of urea, the same amount of potassium chloride and 25 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Foliar feeding. At the end of flowering it is useful to give cherries foliar feeding 0.5% urea solution.


In early spring, plantings of winter garlic are loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm. The first fertilizing is carried out when 3-4 leaves are formed. Prepare a urea solution: 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Using the sprinkling method, water the garlic with a solution from a watering can with a strainer. Solution consumption: 2-3 liters per 1 m2.


Dry feeding. In spring, shrubs especially need nitrogen fertilizers. You can simply scatter 50 g of urea per plant under bushes (over 2 years old), and give 25 g of urea to bushes over 4 years old.

Dry feeding. In early spring, 20-25 g of urea is applied under the bushes.

Sources: Encyclopedia country life", book "Onions and Garlic" (O. Ganichkina), E. I. Yaroslavtsev "Raspberries and Blackberries".

Urea is considered the most concentrated type of nitrogen fertilizer (the percentage of the substance is approximately 46%), and is widely used in crop production, horticulture and viticulture. Nitrogen is in amide form, which is easily converted into forms more accessible to plants. When it gets into the ground, the amide form turns into ammonia and nitrate, and they can already be absorbed by the root system. Along with fertilizing, urea is used to combat certain pests and plant diseases.

Urea - photo

IN pure form carbamide (urea) crystals are odorless and colorless; at a temperature of +20°C, 51.8 g of the substance dissolves in 100 g of water. Urea can combine with organic and inorganic solutions, which increases the uptake of fertilizer by plants. State standards strictly regulate the amount of biuret, a toxic substance that can cause poisoning of plants and humans in certain doses. During the production of urea, carbon and ammonia are used to improve physical characteristics The crystalline product undergoes a granulation process.

Behavior of fertilizer in soil

It is dissolved in the soil by urobacteria and after a few days is completely converted into ammonium carbonate. This substance is characterized by chemical instability and in air turns into ammonia in the form of gas and ammonium bicarbonate compound. For this reason, the fertilizer is covered with a layer of soil immediately after application, otherwise losses can be very significant. In the presence of a soil coating of urea, ammonium is bound by the water fraction and in this form begins to be used by plants for nutrition. In composition, it is a biologically acidic substance, but after nitrogen is absorbed, the acidity of the soil returns to its original state.

Recommendations for using fertilizer on various types of soils

  1. If the soddy-podzolic soil is light, then it is recommended to apply fertilizer in irrigated or irrigated areas and in areas with sufficient natural precipitation.
  2. If the soils are rainfed, then the effectiveness of the fertilizer is equivalent to the effect of ammonium nitrate.
  3. If the soil has a neutral acid reaction, then fertilizer is applied only with simultaneous incorporation. Otherwise, nitrogen losses may exceed 50% of the original amount.

How can you apply urea?

Fertilizer of universal use, depending on the plants and agricultural technologies used, can be applied different ways. It is used as the main application in April-May, from June to August (growing season) it is used as periodic feeding. Specific quantities must take into account the plant species, growth and maturation phase, soil characteristics and climate zone.

Basic application

Provides plants with nutrients throughout the entire growing season, especially during times of maximum need. Urea decomposes in the soil and passes into the water in the ground. The specific timing of application depends on the climatic zone, plant species and chemical characteristics of the soil in the beds or garden. Granular fertilizers are incorporated immediately after application.

In the forest-steppe zone, before sowing plants, it is recommended to add no more than 70% of the total amount of urea, the rest is added during sowing of plants. On loamy soils, it is recommended to apply fertilizer in late autumn before incorporation; this significantly increases the efficiency of digestibility. Spring application is ineffective.

Urea can be spread evenly throughout the area or applied in rows.

Top dressing

It is used during the growing season, enhances plant growth, and ensures an influx of nutrients during the period of maximum need. Experienced agronomists It is strongly recommended not to overuse the amount of fertilizer during the main application, and the main thing to pay attention to is the timeliness and frequency of fertilizing. This not only increases productivity and reduces the cost of grown products, but also makes them harmless for consumption. Depending on the technology, fertilizing can be of two types:


Urea dissolves and is added during irrigation. Watering can be drip or manual; during application, you need to accurately calculate the amount of fertilizer taking into account the total volume of water. Nutrients can be absorbed either by all plant organs or only by the root system, it depends on what method of water application is used. Absorption can be passive (non-metabolic) and active (metabolic processes occur).

Before preparing the final solution, you must first prepare a stock solution - a concentrated solution. It is added to water in an amount of ≤ 0.3%. Fertigation must meet the following requirements:

  • the total amount of fertilizers must exactly meet the recommended standards in terms of plants and treatment period;
  • the maximum concentration of urea in water cannot exceed 0.3%, otherwise there is a high probability of getting burns and inhibiting development processes;
  • Only previously planned areas or beds under individual crops should be processed.

Treatment of plants with urea solution

Fertigation minimizes bad influence fertilizers to the ground, a weakly concentrated solution is in top layer and is completely absorbed by the roots. In addition, manual labor costs are significantly reduced and yield increases. If desired, you can fully automate the process of adding urea.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency

It is advisable to apply fertilizers before obvious signs of nitrogen deficiency appear in plants; this will help increase yields and prevent the appearance of diseases and pests on weakened plants. What indicates a nitrogen deficiency?

Long-term nitrogen starvation shortens the growing season, and fruits ripen earlier than biological deadlines. As a result, the harvest may be reduced significantly.

Approximate application doses

Every summer resident should know that a lack of urea harms only plants, and an excess harms everyone: plants, people, soil and environment. The doses indicated in the article are only advisory; they do not take into account many individual factors: plant type, soil properties, the presence of residual nitrogen in digestible forms, application period, etc.

CultureApproximate amount for pre-planting applicationApproximate amount during foliar feeding
10–15 g/m2For 10 liters of water 20–30 g
15–20 g/m2For 10 liters of water 20–30 g
1.0¬–1.5 kg per hundred square meters-
0.8–1.2 kg per hundred square meters-
19–20 g/m2For 10 liters of water 5–10 g
6–9 g/m2For 10 liters of water 5–10 g
10–12 g/mFor 10 liters of water 25–30 g

Urea as a pesticide

The substance is actively used by gardeners as an effective means of controlling pests and diseases of garden plants.

  1. Pest control. Treatment is carried out after the onset of stable positive average daily temperatures of at least +5°C. The amount of urea is approximately 500–700 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out to destroy the copperhead, aphids, apple blossom beetle and weevil.
  2. Protection from diseases. Treatment is carried out in the fall after harvesting with a 5% aqueous solution of urea. Depending on the size of the tree or bush, the dose ranges from 1–5 liters per plant. Plants affected by scab, purple spot and other bacterial pathogens are treated.

Increasing productivity largely depends on the timeliness of foliar feeding. Each type of crop has its own most favorable phases; at this time, fertilizers give maximum returns.

  1. Fruit and berry plants should be fed immediately after flowering. Repeated processing is performed no earlier than 20 days later.

  2. Tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers are fed before flowering and during mass fruiting.

  3. It is better to water young trees and shrubs with urea diluted in water before fruiting begins, the concentration of the solution is within 5%, the amount of water for one plant is selected taking into account its size, but not less than 10 liters.

  4. Foliar applications should be carried out in the morning or evening; fertilizing is not allowed on hot sunny days.
  5. The number of feedings is at least two; the total dose of fertilizers should take into account the frequency of treatments.
  6. Urea is not recommended to be mixed with other drugs. If such a need arises, you must strictly follow the manufacturers' recommendations.

  7. It is prohibited to treat plants during the harvest period; the last spraying or watering can be done no later than 10–15 days before the start of harvesting.

Exceeding the recommended nitrogen standards causes excessive growth of green mass of plants, which negatively affects the final yield. fruit crops and root vegetables. In addition, large concentrations of nitrates accumulate in vegetables, which then enter the human body and cause severe poisoning. Fertilizers, like medications, can be both beneficial and harmful. It all depends on the dose and pattern of use.

Video - Fertilizing plants with nitrogen