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» How to make a slide from snow and water. Making a slide with your own hands is the best entertainment for children

How to make a slide from snow and water. Making a slide with your own hands is the best entertainment for children

All children are looking forward to winter. After all, this time of year brings with it a lot of entertainment and fun. New Year holidays- not all that the cold season has to offer. Ice skating and skiing, throwing snowballs, fun sleigh rides - all this and much more is given to us by the generous winter season. If you want to give joy to yourself and your loved ones, learn how to fill a slide.

You will need:

  • Shovel;
  • Bucket;
  • Watering can;
  • Warm gloves;
  • Latex gloves;
  • Wooden plank.
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Engineering survey

  • First, take a look at the area where you plan to place your homemade attraction. Of course, the longer the track, the more fun it is to slide down it.
  • In order to properly fill the ice slide, remember: the slope should not be made too steep. The ideal ratio of height and length is 1 to 4.
  • In addition, it is necessary to equip the so-called “roll-out”. This is a flat area on which sliding will continue. It should be about one and a half times longer than the inclined surface.

Construction technology

  1. When filling the slide, put on warm gloves and thick rubber gloves on top.
  2. It is best to wait until it thaws, then it will be easier to work. Roll snow balls and lay out a base of them according to pre-prepared dimensions.
  3. Before filling the slide, you need to take care of the ladder along which you will have to climb to the hill. It can also be made from similar lumps. Make and lay wide steps.
  4. Thoroughly compact the surface with a shovel.
  5. It is better to fill the ice slide when it starts to freeze again. This should be done warm water. You can use a garden watering can to distribute the liquid evenly.
  6. You may notice some bumps and indentations appear. They need to be patched up. Use diluted snow cold water, apply it with a regular spatula.
  7. From snow mass curbs need to be built. This will make the entertainment safe.
  8. Once you are able to properly fill the slide, take a flat board and run it across the surface to get rid of any remaining unevenness.

Now is the time to invite the neighborhood kids, who will be happy to test the device’s strength. It seems that it will not be difficult for you to fill the slide yourself. Of course, you will have to spend several hours at work. However, until spring you will be able to have a fun and active holiday without leaving your own yard.

Ice slide - traditional Russian fun

For construction we will need: a couple of large shovels, a lot of water and great mood. And you can’t do this without frost, snow and several pairs of free hands.

Choosing a place for construction

First you need to determine the location for construction. It must be safe, that is, it must be located away from plantings, buildings and other objects that can be crashed into.

Determine the height, width and slope of the slide

The choice of height depends on the area on which the slide is being built, taking into account the length of the slide. If you are building it for kids, the slope should not be steep; on the contrary, make it gentle. For adults, the optimal angle is 40-50 degrees at the beginning of the mountain, and gradually reduce it, making it flatter.

Making steps and sides

The steps should be placed on the highest side of the mountain. Their width should be about 50 cm so that they can be lifted comfortably.

It will also be great if you make sides on the sides of the steps, 30 centimeters high. The same ones can be built along the edges of the slide itself, so that you can ride safely and not be afraid of flying out of it.

Let's sculpt a mountain

You need to start construction after waiting for a thaw. It is when the snow is sticky that you can easily make a snow slide. After this, the embankment must be compacted well.

Fill in

It is necessary to fill the slide in cold weather. This can be done with a hose or buckets. And the most The best way- an ordinary watering can. Once up the steps, pour carefully and slowly, trimming the surface to create a perfectly even coating. You can fill the slide using a large shovel or plywood, pouring water onto their surface, from which it will flow onto the snow. You can do this by covering the mountain with a huge rag - thanks to this method, the water will cover the mountain more evenly. Another way: collect snow in some container, mix it with a stick and evenly cover the mountain with this slurry. Where water holes have formed, fill them with snow and fill them again.

Finishing touch

Once the slide has been filled, leave it alone until the ice freezes. Then pour in the same way a few more times, leaving the ice to freeze. Do this until the layer of ice is perfectly smooth and leave the slide overnight. During this time, your structure should freeze even more and you can try riding. But before that, don’t forget to rub the steps with sand, and spill the slide with water again and let it sit for another hour. Another nuance - be sure to ensure that the transition between the descent and the ground is smooth.

Slide equipment

You can swim down the slide on bags, sacks, cardboard or rubber mats. But all these devices are not safe, because when descending on them you can get injured, as well as get frostbite or bruise your hands. For a faster, more convenient, and most importantly safe descent from ice slides, there are special equipment: ice boats, tubes or cheesecakes.

An ice skate is a special device for sliding down a plastic slide in the shape of a heart. This plate is very light and convenient to take with you on walks, and you can control it using a handle.

Tubing or cheesecake - an inflatable ring, similar to a life-saving ring, inside of which there is an inflatable chamber, and outside protective case bright color. It also has handles for the child to hold onto.

Bottom line

Skating down an ice slide is a well-known traditional pastime. Knowing all the nuances and rules, you can easily build such fun in your yard. A self-made ice slide can become the best gift to my beloved family for the New Year holidays.

Skiing down the mountain is a favorite pastime for children of all ages, and only adults can provide them with convenience and comfort in this activity, and they will have more than enough fun and enthusiasm. A slide can be built from a variety of available materials, and which ones will be discussed in this article.

What do you need for a slide?

In order to make a slide with your own hands, you can use metal, plastic, wood, as well as scrap materials left over from an old cabinet and desk. With even a little imagination, you can build a real miracle from them and place them in the corner of the children's room to the delight of your baby.

You can make a slide for your child from an old desk.

For this you will need:

  • varnished cabinet door;
  • plywood sheet;
  • small boards, which can be pieces of a shovel handle, legs from a table or chair.

Manufacturing stages:

Making a snow slide

Making a mountain out of snow with your own hands is very simple. The main thing is to wait until the temperature outside approaches about 0 ᵒC. And, of course, it is important to have enough snow.

You will also need:

  • shovel made of metal or plastic;
  • construction spatula, scraper;
  • bucket or watering can;
  • warm mittens.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. The primary task is to determine the location of such a homemade attraction. To minimize injuries, it is imperative to ensure that you roll out onto a level area so that
    the child could roll evenly until it came to a complete stop.
  2. The height of the slide is determined based on the age of the skaters. For children under 3 years old, a rise of 1 meter in height will be enough, and for older children you can build a higher slope, the main thing is that the slope does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Roll several large balls and form them into the foundation of a future building. If you plan to make a fairly high slide, then you should think about how the children will climb it. The problem can be solved by making the same snowballs that can be laid at the foot in the form of steps.
  4. Use a spatula and scrapers to level the surface of the steps and leave the structure until cold weather sets in.
  5. The slide should be filled in cold weather. It is not recommended to use buckets or a hose for this, as there is a high risk of large holes forming. It is better to use a regular garden watering can or the one that housewives use to water indoor plants.
  6. Using a piece of plywood or a shovel with a wide working part, slowly pour water onto the structure. Or you can cover the raised area with a large piece of fabric and pour through it - this will help the liquid to be distributed more evenly over the snow.
  7. If you don’t have anything at hand except a bucket, then you need to mix the water in it with snow and cover the surface with this very slurry, leave it to freeze overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
  8. That's it, the slide is ready. If necessary, potholes can be smoothed out with a spatula.

Find out how you can make a snow slide yourself in winter, how to properly fill it with water so that it freezes.

Agree that during the New Year holidays one of the best, most memorable childhood memories is the winter festivities. Making a snowman, sledding, skiing, and, of course, on the slides is a wonderful activity. The latter will be discussed in this article.

You will learn how to build a slide without difficulties at home, without any outside help. This slide will bring great joy to your children and even adults, and to make the work less boring, you can involve the whole family in it.

How to make a snow slide for children with your own hands?

It often happens that some problems occur during the construction of a slide. It collapses, falls apart, and pits and irregularities appear in the most inappropriate places. Next, you will learn how to make a slide correctly. So that it is durable, reliable, and most importantly, comfortable.

Materials for building a slide

To build successfully you will need the following:

  1. Frost outside the window
  2. A large amount of pure snow
  3. Shovel
  4. Broom
  5. Quite a decent amount of water
  6. Watering can, ladle
  7. Positive attitude
  8. Scraper or spatula

An example of building a slide for collective use

To build a slide, you need to follow a few simple rules:

Safety. Choose a safe location for the future structure. This is necessary so that your child does not get hurt during the descent, so that there is no tree, fence, road, bushes or other obstacles on the way. You should not create an object of entertainment under the roofs of old houses, from which an icicle, slate, brick, etc. may fall.

Slide height, inclination angle. Determine the height of the future slide based on the age of the children. For very young children, up to about three years old, a slide one meter high is enough. For older children, the most optimal, safe height is two to four meters. You should also adhere to correct angle tilt, such that it is no more than forty degrees.

Pure snow. When building a slide you need to use pure material. Because your child may smear things. Try to prevent children from getting hurt. The problem arises if there is debris, branches, sticks, etc. in the snow.

The procedure for creating an ice slide:

  • Once the location and size are determined, we begin work. Using shovels you need to sketch required quantity snow. For example, a meter-long slide can be built in about thirty minutes. It is advisable to make the foundation of your snow slide using rolled large balls of snow. This way you will already have the base of the slide created.
  • Next, we proceed to the formation of our slide. Using a spatula or broom, give it the desired shape. Let's do optimal angle slope of the slide, straighten the area of ​​descent of the snow slide.

The base of the formed snow slide
  • If the slide is high, make steps using a spatula (scraper) or shovel. To make the steps stronger, strengthen them with your feet so that the snow settles, and only then shape them with an auxiliary tool. They should be comfortable and small so that children can easily climb up.

An example of making snow steps

IMPORTANT: The acceptable width of the step is at least twenty-nine centimeters.

Don't forget about the sides. Their height should be approximately ten to thirty centimeters, depending on the age of the child. The sides can be made using a shovel. Also, in order to give them shape it is necessary to use handmade. During it, do not forget to wear gloves as protection from the cold.

If you have the desire and time, then add decor. Decorate the slide with snowmen, various figures, and paint it with patterns. Or do everything to your liking, a lot depends on your imagination.

How to properly fill a snow slide with water?

We have come to the most difficult final stage - filling the ice slide with water. The slide must be filled in several stages - at least three times. Use cool water using a spray bottle, watering can, or ladle.

What needs to be done to ensure that the descent on the hill is uniform?

You will need a broom, with its help you spray an even layer of water over the entire surface of the structure. Make sure there are no irregularities, holes, or bumps. To do this, during pouring, you need to smack the set thin, fragile layer of ice with a broom. After the second stage, you have a rough crust of ice. For a more reliable result, fill the slide a third time, after which you will get a strong, smooth, and most importantly, reliable structure.

IMPORTANT: Fill finished design stands at a low temperature, from 10 degrees below zero. Otherwise, your efforts will be completely useless.

If you follow the entire sequence of work, you will get an excellent snow slide, which your children will be very happy about. If the winter turns out to be frosty, then the item of entertainment will last until the spring thaw.

Video: DIY snow slide

At our dacha there is no natural slope next to the house. Therefore, every winter, on New Year's holidays, we build an ice slide, as they say, from scratch. The matter is not so difficult, but the pleasure from the result is enormous. Not only children, but also all adults ride.

Only this year we learned that not everyone knows how to build and fill a slide. To put it simply, they are just lazy. Most often, people are looking for a natural slope that they can “roll out”. And only if the children ask. How long has it been since you, adults, rode down an icy mountain? You say the age is not the same anymore? And you leave all the stereotypes imposed by society and just try! This is real adult winter therapy from bad mood and blues!

Let's start construction. Progress.

However, let's get back to the main thing. Construction begins from that very slope, which, in our case, is not nearby. If you are in the same situation, then you will have to do a little shoveling. The right weather, in this case, will make things much easier. The correct one is when the snow is sticky and heavy. Take some snow in your hand and squeeze it into a ball. Stuck together? This means that it will be much easier to form a slope and build steps for the future slide.

So, let’s build an “artificial” mountain, the higher the better (keep in mind that later the hill will settle considerably). We trample, crush, and again pour snow on top. Will help to compact loose snow in cold weather cold water. The main thing is not to overdo it (use a watering can with a spray nozzle).

Then we proceed to forming the steps and slope. Try to make the slope level. Be sure to take care of the sides along its edges so as not to fly off the slide to the side. At the top of the slide there should be a large enough flat area so that even a large person can easily fit, without fear of sliding somewhere to the side or backwards even before descending from the mountain. The snow on the slope, summit and steps should be dense, press it down well.

Look at the result. Beauty, isn't it? All that remains is to make our slide ice-cold.


It is better to start pouring the next day or the day after formation. The weather we need for this is just before severe frost or already at its onset.

We fill the watering can with a spray nozzle and begin to carefully and evenly water the slope. The amount of water depends on how big your slide is and how long your slope is.

Fill the horizontal extension of the slide (it should also have sides). Smooth out any uneven surfaces immediately before the wet snow sets and turns into ice.