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» The minimum degree for a metal tile. The optimal and minimum angle of inclination of the roof of metal. The positive aspects of a large slope of the roof

The minimum degree for a metal tile. The optimal and minimum angle of inclination of the roof of metal. The positive aspects of a large slope of the roof

The angle of inclination of any roof significantly affects its reliability and tightness. The minimum slope of a roof made of metal tiles, according to the requirements of SNiP, must be in the range of permissible values. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to a number of irreparable consequences. Roofing made of metal tiles has a number of characteristic features associated primarily with the specifics of this material.

Metal tile as a roofing material is very popular. It can be used for arranging roofs with various geometric shapes. It does not exert a large load on the structure. Installation of a metal tile is absolutely not difficult and within the power of any roofer. A diverse range of colors of this material is very convenient when creating any design. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the roof.

The concept of slope and its calculation

The slope is directly the angle of the roof in relation to the level of the horizon. When carrying out roofing work is a fairly significant factor. The angle of inclination of any roof is calculated as follows. The calculation can be considered on the example of a right triangle. For example: the width of the building is 10 meters, the height of the gable in the ridge is 3 meters. Side c - ½ width. So a=3, c=4. From the secondary school program tg A=а/с. Total tgA=0.75. We look at the table of tangents on the Internet. The angle is 37 degrees. The SNiP directly prescribes the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the minimum angle of inclination of the roof, taking into account the type of material and climatic conditions. Given the requirements of SNiP, the minimum roof slope, with a slope length of 6 meters, is 14 degrees.

What affects the choice of slope angle

The slope of any roof is designed to prevent the accumulation of snow or rainwater on the roof. There are no unified slope angles. Many factors influence the minimum slope. They must be taken into account when designing a structure. This is first of all:
  • type of truss system;
  • climatic features;
  • roof configuration;
  • the purpose of the attic space;
  • the appearance of the building;
  • financial opportunities to perform roofing work.
The type of truss system is chosen depending on whether the roof is gable or four-slope. If it is not planned to build a dwelling in the attic, then you should not raise the ridge part and directly increase the slope of the slope. When the attic is designed for housing, the slope should be maximum.

climatic factors

The angle of inclination of the slope is chosen, as a rule, taking into account the climatic conditions of the area where construction is underway. Namely, depending on the amount of precipitation and wind speed in the area.
  • The wind load is calculated taking into account the surface area of ​​the roof. At the same time, it will be useful to foresee the strength of the wind and the possibility of cataclysms associated with it. Too steep a roof, as a rule, increases windage and may not withstand strong wind loads. Experts calculated that with a roof slope of 45 degrees, the wind force on it is 5 times higher than the wind load acting on a roof with a slope of 11 degrees. For the installation of such a roof, more material will be needed, which will undoubtedly hit the owner's pocket. If the slope is too slight, a gust of wind can demolish the roofing material.

  • In winter, snow accumulates directly on the roof slopes. At a certain slope, it slides down. If it is small, then the roof will have to be cleaned to avoid damage to the truss system. Taking into account SNiP, the roof projection must be carried out with a mandatory margin of safety, in order to avoid possible deformation of the metal tile. The steeper the angle of the roof, the less opportunity for snow layers to stay on it. But at the same time, the weight of the roof will be greater due to the increase in the amount of roofing material. With a large angle, the problem of installing a multi-tiered drainage system also arises. The difficulty is that there is a fairly large section of the roof per unit length of the sewer pipe. Since the water drains very quickly, it is more difficult to choose a pipe with the desired cross section. The only way out is to install a drainage system in several tiers. And this is an additional financial cost.

  • A significant factor influencing the choice of the minimum angle of inclination of the slope is the quality of the heating of the house and its thermal insulation. If the thermal insulation of the roof is of poor quality, then snow does not accumulate on the slopes, as it will thaw and slide down. However, with good thermal insulation, accumulations of snow cannot be avoided.
The minimum slope requires the installation of additional waterproofing to prevent moisture penetration. To do this, a layer of silicone sealant is applied to the joints.
Even in advance, when purchasing a metal tile, you should pay especially close attention to the recommendations of its manufacturer. As a rule, he recommends designing a slope angle of 12 degrees. There is a more durable material with the possibility of mounting and at an angle of 11 degrees. Such a metal tile is made with a smoother surface, which contributes to good sliding. If you do not take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer and perform a roof with a lower angle of inclination of the slope, then as a result of heavy snowfall, there may be a risk of roof collapse. The minimum slope angle is typical for regions with a warmer climate, where the amount of precipitation in the form of snow and rain is minimal. At the same time, the roof perfectly resists large wind loads.
This design is especially relevant for areas in which the number of sunny days per year reaches a maximum. Since the roof area with such a slope is smaller, then heating it in the summer creates less discomfort for the residents of this house. Moreover, with a smaller roof area, a smaller amount of metal tiles will be consumed. And this is a pretty good option to save the budget. Since there are no strict requirements in SNiP as to what the minimum slope of a metal tile roof should actually be, then it must be chosen according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of this material. As a rule, its value varies between 11 and 15 degrees. Its increase entails additional consumption of metal tiles. Excessive reduction requires additional waterproofing and installation of additional structures for reinforcement. Therefore, the optimal solution to this problem is to choose the average value. We recommend watching the video

How long the house will stand and its roof will last depends on what kind of roofing material will be used. Naturally, it is also important how the building will look externally, as well as how environmentally friendly the roof will be. In our time, metal tile has become the most popular material. It has high rates of resistance to the effects of the external environment, intense loads, and also has a good bearing capacity. Naturally, besides this, for long-term service, you need to correctly choose the minimum angle of inclination of the roof from metal tiles. What optimal parameters to use for this characteristic is described in the article.


What are the advantages of metal roofing

This material has several advantages:

    metal tile light in weight. One square meter falls from five to seven kilograms. With its help cover the roof, which has a complex structure. Due to its lightness, it is unnecessary to strengthen the rafters. This roof does not load the walls and foundation.

    Due to the ease of installation of roofing material and the absence of the need for special tools, cost of work installation is relatively low.

    This roofing material is wide color palette, thanks to which you can choose any of them to fit the overall tone of the building.

    Tiles are made from thin sheets of steel, the thickness of which is from 0.4 to 0.7 millimeters. Thanks to her profile, she is able to withstand heavy loads.

    Anti-corrosion sheet roofing material protected galvanized and polymeric protective layer, which is applied to the surface.

The main advantages of the material are durability, low cost and aesthetic appearance.

What is slope

The slope of the roof is the angle that forms between the roofing material and the ceiling.


In documents, it is indicated in percent or degrees. It is calculated by mathematically dividing the distance from the highest point at the intersection of the rafters, which is called the ridge, by one second of the entire width of the building. Depends on the slope of the roof:

    what material the building will be covered;

    design frame roof and its main parts;

    as far as the roof can resist atmospheric phenomena;

    price works of masters of roofers;

    the weight all layers used.

On a note! If the slope of the metal roof is changed from 22 to 45 degrees, then the slope will increase by 20%. And this will significantly affect the cost of roofing materials, as well as the weight of the entire structure. In this case, the slope must be determined during the design of the entire building in order to have an idea of ​​​​the load on the foundation.

What determines the slope of the roof

For those people who are completely ignorant of construction, it is very difficult to determine exactly what the minimum roof slope should be. Here you need to take into account natural factors that constantly affect the roof. These include:

    snow layer which will fall in the winter. If the slope angle is greater, then the snow will slide off by itself.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services roof design and repair. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Ability wind resistance. In such regions where the winds are constantly blowing, it is necessary to make the slope minimal so that gusts of wind slide over the roof and do not create the effect of a sail.

Since this material for covering the building is very light, the lathing is allowed rare, but when installing the rafters, you must strictly adhere to the distance and angle at which they will be installed.

How many degrees should the minimum angle have

The minimum slope of a metal tile roof is 10 degrees. A slope is allowed, which ranges from 10 to 90 degrees. When choosing the optimal slope angle, it must be taken into account that with a small degree, the space between the roof and the ceiling cannot be used for any economic purposes.

If the largest roof angle for metal tiles is set, then it will be very difficult to go onto the roof in order to carry out technical work. Moreover, the larger the angle, the higher the ridge is and, accordingly, the area that needs to be covered increases.

Thus, more roofing materials will be needed, and this will be displayed on the budget. In addition, the payment for roofing work will also increase. Source

When correctly calculating the angle of the roof for a metal tile, the calculator must take into account the following aspects:

    tile model. It should be noted that most manufacturers in the product description indicate the minimum slope of the metal roof.

    Which roof view planned: single or double.

    How will get out the snow from the roof.

Having made all the calculations, and taking into account the above points, provided that the length of the slope surface is 6 mp, a minimum slope of 22 degrees is set. Naturally, this result is not indicated in the technical documentation. It is calculated by experienced craftsmen in the process of observing roofs already in use.

Carrying out calculations

To determine more precisely what the minimum slope of a gable roof made of metal tiles should be, you need to know two numbers:

    height from the top of the parapet to the ridge;

    width building.

To make the calculation, the distance from the parapet to the ridge is divided by the value of half the wall, and as a result, the desired angle is obtained.


To determine the result as a percentage, the resulting number must be multiplied by 100.

Important! In order for the result to be accurate, it is necessary to measure the distance to the ridge not from the floor surface, since this is a gross error, but from the top of the parapet.

Naturally, in construction there are exceptions when the slope is only 10 degrees. But this is done in the case of special recommendations for construction. It should be borne in mind that with such a slope, an increased load on the surface is created when snow falls. Thus, the crate is made continuous. In addition, a waterproof carpet must be laid on it. Also, special gaskets are placed under the butt sides of the roofing sheets.

Video description

In the video you can see the low angle of the roof:


It is best, when working with metal tiles, to know the instructions from the manufacturers and follow them all implicitly. In addition, we must remember that experience cannot be replaced by anything, therefore, it is better to trust all installation work to professionals. Turning to a reliable construction company, you get the speed of work and a documented guarantee.

Metal tile is one of the most popular roofing materials due to its lightness and ease of installation. The only difficulty that developers have is the question of what is the minimum slope of a metal roofing roof that is allowed during construction. The optimal angle of inclination is determined at the design stage, taking into account all the factors, which we will discuss below.

What determines the slope

In order to correctly calculate the roof slope, it is necessary to take into account several factors that determine this value:

  • snow masses;
  • wind;
  • roof insulation.

The load of snow masses is the level of snow that will accumulate on your roof without sliding down under the weight of its weight.. It is very important to find out at the design stage what the level of snowfall is in a given region in order to make all calculations correctly and prevent possible deformation of the roof under the weight of snow.

Types of pitched roof construction

. Information about the strength of the wind in the development region, as well as all possible disasters for this region, should also be studied in advance.

In addition, the minimum angle of inclination of a metal roof is affected by the presence of heating pipes and thermal insulation of both the roof and the house itself.. Very often you can find such a picture when two adjacent houses with the same roof slope have different levels of snow masses on the roof. If you look closely, then the house with the least snow always has heating or heating pipes, the heat of which heats it up.

However, if the thermal insulation of the roof is strengthened, the snow will melt much worse, because the roof will no longer give off heat that melts the snow masses. That is why the calculations are made simultaneously with the choice of insulation.

Roof shape and rainfall

Minimum value

The angle of inclination of the roof is influenced by many factors, including the shape of the roof and the level of precipitation. The minimum slope of a metal tile roof is only 14 degrees.. However, this value is considered appropriate only for ideal operating conditions: in a mild warm climate, without precipitation in the form of snow or rain.

If a shed roof structure is planned, the optimal slope of the elements is 30 degrees. If the roof is built with two slopes, it is worth making a slope of 40-45 degrees.

As already mentioned, the amount of precipitation has a direct impact on the choice of the minimum angle of inclination of a metal roof. For example, if it is less than 22-25 degrees, then sooner or later moisture will begin to get directly into the roof joints. In addition, a small slope will not allow snow masses to freely roll off the slope of the roof, they will lie like a dead weight on the roof, compacting and gradually deforming it.

On the other hand, a 25-degree angle is ideal for windy, windy terrain, as the level of blowing will be minimal.

Heating consumption at different angles of inclination of the roof

A small angle of inclination in private construction is used extremely rarely.. The optimal operating conditions for a house with a small roof slope is a warm, mild climate, where sunny days prevail, because such roofs are heated mainly from solar energy. Thus, our area is not well suited for such a construction.

The angle of inclination, practiced in domestic construction, is much larger than the minimum, i.e. 14 degrees. The main task is to find the optimal value for a particular roof, so to speak, the golden mean between a good level of resistance to both precipitation and winds.

How to choose the optimal value

The larger the angle of inclination of the structure, the larger its entire area, i.e. the windage of the metal roof increases, and the snow will roll straight down without stopping on it.

Snow does not roll off the roof

Naturally, the larger the total area of ​​​​the tiled coating, the greater the material consumption. Thus, a roof with a large angle of inclination is much more expensive.

That is why most developers do not immediately seek to make the largest slope, but try to find the minimum allowable slope angle, which will allow them to save a lot.

In addition, the overall strength of a roofing structure made of metal tiles can be increased not only by reducing the angle of inclination, but also through the use of frequent lathing.

A crate with a minimum distance between the elements will create a kind of shock-absorbing cushion and increase the strength of the internal structure of the roof.

The crate reinforces the structure

Thus, if your region has the most unfavorable conditions, implying a large amount of snowfall, then it is better to strengthen the crate and make the slope angle larger. Well, if there is little precipitation in the region, but very strong gusts of wind, it makes no sense to make the maximum slope, because it will be subjected to a huge wind load and may not withstand it. It is best to choose an average value.

The durability and quality of the roof directly depends on the correct selection of the coating material. Not the least important selection criteria are appearance and compliance with environmental standards. Among specialists, the opinion has long been strengthened that they fully meet these requirements.

Of the three types of metal roofing material, profiled sheet coating stands out favorably imitating natural tiles - metal tiles.

Its basis is rolled steel coated with an aluminum-zinc compound to resist harmful environmental influences. For increased stability, the finishing layer on the metal is additionally applied polymer coating. In this article, you will learn how to calculate the roof angle for a metal tile and what factors affect the roofing.

Affordable price and increased performance characteristics allow metal tiles to occupy a leading position in the roofing materials sales market.

The positive aspects of its use are:

  • a light weight - about 5 kg/m2, as a result, there is no need to build a complex;
  • does not require special skills during installation;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • elegant and festive look, suitable for any design developments.

Among the shortcomings, users and experts most often note:

  • increased noise during rain or hail;
  • the need for use due to snow avalanche;
  • a large number of fasteners that are under the direct influence of precipitation;
  • a grounding device is required to protect against the buildup of static electricity.


It should be noted that there is a type of metal tile with an additional protective layer as a topping of natural stone chips. Unlike classic spraying, this composite coating gives a solid appearance and well protects the house from noise penetration.

The composition of the roofing sheet

Qualitative indicators metal roofing in many ways depends on:

  • necessary minimum steel sheet thickness - not less than 0.4 mm. With a small slope, a coating with a thickness of less than 0.4 mm may not withstand the snow load. Increasing the slope, to reduce this impact factor, increases the possibility of increased wind load, which also negatively affects the metal thinner than the specified value;
  • corrosion from possible damage during transportation or unprofessional work using a grinder when cutting sheets. Important in cases where it is impossible to do without the use of a grinder, treat the cutting site with a protective compound ;
  • mandatory presence of an anti-condensation screen from. Need to know that a superdiffusion protective membrane cannot be used as such an anti-condensation material, since its use implies more frequent and prolonged exposure to moisture on the inner surface of the sheet.

What factors affect the roof?

Main factors that adversely affect the condition and durability metal tiles are divided into three types:


  • the weight of people and building materials, during the installation and maintenance of the roof;
  • normative snow loads;
  • temperature climatic effects;
  • wind loads.


  • snow loads below the established norm;
  • impact due to deformation of the supporting base.


  • seismic impacts;

All components in the construction of the truss system are guaranteed to ensure the resistance of the metal-tiled coating to the maximum allowable overloads.

Sheets of profiled metal have sufficient rigidity, so when not required. But when constructing a rafter system, it is necessary to correctly calculate the pitch and angle of inclination of the rafter leg.

The angle of the roof for metal tiles

Minimum Angle metal roof slope is 10 degrees.

Permissible slope metal roof can be values ranging from 10 o to 90 o.

In choosing the optimal slope, it must be taken into account that if the slope is too small, it will be difficult to use the attic space.

In the case of a high building height, it may be difficult to access the roof for technical measures. From an increase in the angle of inclination, an increase in surface area occurs, which will negatively affect the final cost of materials and work performed.

Correct calculation tilt angle parameters impossible without taking into account such components:

  • which of the models of the corrugated surface of the metal tile will be selected for use. The characteristics of some manufacturers initially included data on the minimum allowable slope;
  • what design is meant - single-sided or double-sided;
  • possibility of snow removal after .

Taking into account these conditions, without having additional input in the form of a special climatic zone, we can take as a basis optimal slope with a slope length of about 6 m. p. a value of 22 degrees.

This figure is not in the technical documents for the installation of roofs, it was obtained empirically as a result of observations of the exploited metal-tiled surface.

How to choose a roof angle for a metal tile?

How to calculate the optimal slope?

For an accurate calculation of the angle of inclination, it is necessary know two sizes:

  • truss height, in other words, the vertical distance from the top of the parapet on which the rafter leg rests, ;
  • the width of the house.

For a shed roof, the slope will be the value obtained by dividing the height of the structure by the width of the house. In the case of calculating a gable roof, the height is taken and divided by half the width of the house. Since it is customary to express slopes as a percentage, the resulting figure is multiplied by 100.

To obtain a more accurate result, use not a floor slab as a reference point for the distance to the ridge, as many mistakenly believe, namely parapet top, as the basis for supporting the rafters.

In practice, there are options for roofing, the minimum slope for metal tiles is less than 10 degrees. These exceptions apply specific building instructions.

The step of the metal tile depending on the angle of the roof

In view of the increased snow load, a reinforced structure of the truss system is made with a device solid battens. A waterproofing carpet is laid on it, subject to all norms. When laying under the transverse and longitudinal joints of the sheets, special gaskets are installed.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video tutorial on self-measurement of the corner of the roof:

Among all modern roofing materials, metal tiles are considered the leader in consumer sympathy. Why did this particular roof become so widely used? To answer this question, you need to compare the technical and operational characteristics of metal tiles and other roofing materials.

The minimum angle of inclination of the roof from a metal tile

Parameter Brief comparative characteristic
The weight of metal sheets ranges from 5–7 kg/m2, the spread is associated with different thicknesses. The corrugated board has the same mass, the differences between both roofs are only in the geometry of the profile. Only roll coatings weigh less, but they have limited areas of use. All other roofing materials weigh much more. For example, a square meter of ordinary slate can weigh more than 30 kg. The mass of the coating is an important technical parameter, the truss system depends on it, sometimes the weight of the roof must be taken into account when calculating the foundation of the building.

Manufacturability of installation

For the manufacture of metal tiles, thin-sheet steel up to 0.6 mm thick is used. Such sheets can be cut without problems not only with electric, but also with manual special tools. The disadvantage is a significant amount of waste metal tiles during the coating of complex pitched roofs.

Operating time

If the material is made by responsible manufacturers, the thickness and quality of the zinc layer is precisely maintained, and innovative polymer coatings are used to finish the outer layers, then the service life can exceed fifty years. But the problem is that consumers do not have the opportunity to independently and objectively control the quality of galvanizing and the parameters of polymer paints, they have to trust the advertising of manufacturers or distributors. And among them there are quite a few unscrupulous. In terms of service life, metal tiles are second only to piece natural tiles, but only in the case of high-quality and expensive types of coatings.

Design qualities

Despite the efforts of technologists to bring the appearance of metal and natural tiles as close as possible, the similarity between them, except for the name, is very conditional. The color palette is very wide, from natural to blue and other very original colors. This, on the one hand, increases the design possibilities of architects, and on the other hand, makes even more noticeable and so big difference in the appearance of metal and natural tiles. The presence of the word "tile" in the name of the product is a good marketing ploy to increase the number of sales. Consumers react positively to such advertising - everyone has real respect for tiles.


For comparison, you need to take the average cost of all price categories, and the spread is quite large. At an average cost, a metal tile is cheaper than only piece coatings, while other roofing materials have a lower price. In fact, one should take into account not only the cost of materials, but also the financial costs of their installation. With such a comprehensive comparison, the metal tile is second only to the metal profile.

If a decision is made to use metal tiles for covering the roof, then the manufacturer's recommendations should be strictly followed to ensure tightness. They regulate several parameters of the rafter system and slopes, including the minimum angle of inclination.

Why is the angle of inclination of the metal tile important?

This indicator is important not only for metal tiles, but also for all other types of roofing. What parameters depend on the angle of inclination of a metal roof?

Rafter Load Calculator

How is the slope of a metal tile roof determined?

Previously, the slope was determined only in degrees, this value was clear to all builders and they could imagine the appearance of the roof without a drawing. Recently, another definition of the magnitude of the slope has been introduced into the building codes - as a percentage, there has been more confusion, which few people know about the changes. If roofers easily understand how the roof slopes are at an angle of 30 °, then few of them can draw a rough sketch of a roof with a slope of 57.7%. Although these are the same 30 °.

Slope calculation algorithm

Slope - the ratio of the height of the roof in the ridge zone to half the width of the building, calculated by the formula

I% = H×0.5L×100, where

  • I - the slope of the roof slope in percent. The smaller the percentage, the smaller the slope, a 1° angle equals a 1.8% slope, and a 45° angle equals a 100% slope.
  • H - The height of the truss system. The height of the ridge or ridge run is measured.
  • L is the width of the truss system. When calculating, half the width is taken to determine the difference in size between the two legs of the triangle.

For example, if the height of the ridge is 1 m and the width of the building is 10 m, then for a gable roof the slope is 1:0.5 × 10 × 100 = 20%.

This formula is used for gable roof systems. In our case, it needs to be adjusted. The fact is that there are no gable roofs with a minimum angle of inclination, these are options for only single-pitched truss systems. This means that it is not necessary to divide the width of the building by two, the formula changes. For flat pitched roofs, the slope is determined by the formula:

That is, in the above example, the calculation is performed as follows: 1:10×100=10%.

In order to calculate the length of the slope based on the percentage of slope, it is necessary to use special tables or geometric formulas. If one of the sides of a right triangle is known, then the slope percentage allows you to calculate the second leg, then the angle is calculated using trigonometric formulas, and only after that the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle is calculated. The length of the slope is the main parameter during the design of the truss system and determining the amount of materials for covering the roof. Without this value, it is impossible to buy the right amount of metal tiles, choose the best option for roofing, and decide on the architectural style of the building.

In degrees, the angle of inclination is determined much easier; all existing construction tools use the principle of an ordinary school protractor in their work.

Calculator for calculating the length of rafter legs

What is the minimum tilt angle

Of course, with such parameters there can only be flat pitched roofs. Most developers think that the slope of the roof is only needed to drain water and minimize snow accumulation. Is this really the case, let's find out in more detail. Design features of the appearance are not related to engineering calculations and are not taken into account yet.

Manufacturers indicate a minimum angle of inclination of 10–11 °, why is there such a restriction?

How practically the angle of inclination affects the performance of the roof

Roof slope ratings have a significant impact on roof performance. Not all of them are positive, there are also negative ones.

Advantages of a large angle of inclination

The minimum slope angle for a roof made of metal tiles is very rare in practice. Why do developers not want to have such structures on their buildings? What are the benefits of increased slope? The simplest and most correct answer is that natural tiles are laid only on slopes with a slope of at least 30 °, respectively, its metal imitation will look very strange on flat roofs.

How to determine the angle of inclination

In addition, a large angle provides the following advantages.

  1. Reduces the likelihood of moisture getting between the sheets of the coating. This problem has already been considered in more detail above, and with an increase in the angle of inclination, the situation improves much.
  2. The load on all elements of the truss system in the winter period is significantly reduced. The higher the slope, the less snow on the roof. But with an increase in this parameter, the windage of the roof simultaneously increases, this should be borne in mind when designing the truss system. Moreover, the forces from the wind do not act vertically, but horizontally, which requires special construction measures to increase the stability of load-bearing structures in the horizontal direction.
  3. The large height of the roof ridge allows developers to significantly expand the options for using attic space. In many cases, they can be converted into residential ones - the living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house increases with minimal financial additions.

An example of a hip roof with a large angle of inclination

There are also negative aspects of increasing the slope of the roof slopes.

  1. The cost of the roof increases: the truss system becomes more complicated, the actual consumption of all building materials, including roofing, increases.
  2. There are problems during the operation of the roof. Often it is required to install additional engineering communications on the roof, carry out repair work, etc. The greater the slope, the more difficult it is for the craftsmen, the more difficult the safety devices.
  3. The wind load increases. It is necessary to change the design of the truss system.
  4. There is a need to install snow retainers. Snow does not avalanche from flat roofs; there is no need to install special snow retainers. Experienced builders know that every extra hole in roofing materials reduces the reliability of the coating.

On roofs with a large angle of inclination, snow guards are necessary

Practical advice. The greatest amount of snow accumulates on slopes with a slope of 20-35°, this should be borne in mind when making a final decision.

What Factors to Consider When Choosing a Slope

Most buildings with metal roofing have an angle of inclination in the range of 45–60 °, the higher the inclination, the more comfortable the attic rooms. The choice of the optimal angle of inclination should begin with an analysis of the weather conditions.

Important. When choosing the parameters of the truss system, one cannot take into account only the advice of designers, the main attention should be paid to the reliability and practicality of the design. And these parameters depend on engineering solutions and the correct calculations of the roof elements.

Features of the truss system with a slight slope of the slope

During the design of flat roofs with a minimum slope, architects take all measures to increase the stability of the structure. From the many existing options for solving the problem, those that require minimal financial investments are selected.

Reduce the pitch of the rafters

This allows the use of ordinary boards with a thickness of not more than 50 mm for their manufacture. Economic calculations show that it is much more profitable to reduce the pitch by about 10–15 cm than to make a truss system from thick lumber.

Edged board rafters

Use extra stops

Not all truss systems allow the use of this method, but at the slightest opportunity, designers provide for them. The fact is that for the manufacture of stops, you can use the cheapest materials, including used ones. Only vertical forces act on them, and the lumber holds them perfectly. The boards have low values ​​of resistance to bending, they work very well in compression.

Rafters on supports

Seal joints securely

Flat roofs are shed, they do not have valleys, this greatly simplifies the process of building structures and reduces the likelihood of leaks. But such structures have their own problems - a high probability of undermining the sheets of metal tiles with gusts of wind. This is explained by the fact that a significant speed of movement of air masses along the surface of the coating creates a rarefaction above it. Accordingly, there are significant efforts that tear off the sheets from the crate. Self-tapping screws for fixing metal tiles have rubber gaskets to seal the holes. If they are often compressed / unclenched, then microcracks form due to material fatigue. In the future, they increase in size and can cause water leaks.

Self-tapping screws for metal tiles

For flat roofs, leaks are more dangerous than for pitched roofs for two reasons.

  1. First, the small attic space of a flat roof makes periodic monitoring of its condition much more difficult, leaks are often detected only after negative consequences are noticeable in the interior. Late elimination of problems significantly increases the cost of repairs.
  2. The second is that the natural ventilation of the under-roof space of flat roofs is much worse than that of pitched ones. As a result, the evaporation of moisture takes longer, wooden structures are wet, which accelerates the development of putrefactive processes.

flat roof house

Reduce pitch between screws

Manufacturers recommend screwing self-tapping screws in a checkerboard pattern through the wave. But this recommendation is justified on pitched roofs with a slope of at least 20 °. For flat roofs, professional craftsmen advise reducing the distance between the hardware. This is done in order to increase the reliability of fixing sheets of metal tiles and eliminate the likelihood of them being blown up by the wind.


The more carefully you approach the choice of the slope of the roof from the metal tile, the less problems will appear during the operation of the building. It must be remembered that sometimes the cost of repairing a roof can exceed the cost of building a new one. And if, due to leaks, it is necessary to change the decoration of the walls and ceiling of the interior, then you will have to lose very large financial resources.

Mistakes in the construction of the truss system are not only expensive, they have an extremely negative effect on the life of buildings, you should always keep this in mind. If your own knowledge is not enough, it is recommended to seek help from professional specialists. This will cost much less than the elimination of construction errors.

Video - How to measure the slope angle

The foundation and the roof are the two most important and complex architectural elements of any building. The load-bearing elements of the roof are the truss system, and its performance largely depends on the angle of inclination of the slopes. Ordinary developers choose the optimal roof slope based on criteria other than designers. And how to choose and calculate the optimal angle of inclination of a gable roof, read on our website.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

Affordable price and increased performance characteristics allow metal tiles to occupy a leading position in the roofing materials sales market.

The positive aspects of its use are:

  • light weight - about 5 kg / m2, as a result, there is no need to build a complex truss system;
  • does not require special skills during installation;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • elegant and festive look, suitable for any design developments.

Among the shortcomings, users and experts most often note:

  • increased noise during rain or hail;
  • the need to use snow retainers due to an avalanche of snow;
  • a large number of fasteners that are under the direct influence of precipitation;
  • a grounding device is required to protect against the buildup of static electricity.

NOTE! It should be noted that there is a type of metal tile with an additional protective layer as a sprinkle of natural stone chips. Unlike classic spraying, this composite coating gives a solid appearance and well protects the house from noise penetration.

The composition of the roofing sheet

The quality indicators of metal-tiled roofs largely depend on:

  • the required minimum thickness of the steel sheet is at least 0.4 mm. With a small slope, a coating with a thickness of less than 0.4 mm may not withstand the snow load. Increasing the slope, to reduce this impact factor, increases the possibility of increased wind load, which also negatively affects the metal thinner than the specified value;
  • corrosion from possible damage during transportation or unprofessional work using a grinder when cutting sheets. It is important in cases where it is impossible to do without the use of a grinder to treat the cutting site with a protective compound;
  • mandatory presence of an anti-condensate screen made of a waterproofing film. It is necessary to know that a superdiffusion protective membrane cannot be used as such an anti-condensation material, since its use implies more frequent and prolonged exposure to moisture on the inner surface of the sheet.

The angle of the roof for metal tiles

The minimum angle of inclination of a metal roof is 10 degrees.

The permissible slope of a metal roof can be between 10o and 90o.

In choosing the optimal slope, it must be taken into account that if the slope is too small, it will be difficult to use the attic space.

In the case of a high building height, it may be difficult to access the roof for technical measures. From an increase in the angle of inclination, an increase in surface area occurs, which will negatively affect the final cost of materials and work performed.

The correct calculation of the parameters of the angle of inclination is impossible without taking into account the following components:

  • which of the models of the corrugated surface of the metal tile will be selected for use. The characteristics of some manufacturers initially included data on the minimum allowable slope;
  • what design is meant - single-sided or double-sided;
  • the possibility of snow removal after the installation of the roof.

IMPORTANT! Taking into account these conditions, without having additional inputs in the form of a special climatic zone, it is possible to take as the basis for the optimal slope with a slope length of about 6 m. p. A value of 22 degrees.

This figure is not in the technical documents for the installation of roofs, it was obtained empirically as a result of observations of the exploited metal-tiled surface.

How to choose a roof angle for a metal tile?

How to calculate the optimal slope?

To accurately calculate the angle of inclination, you need to know two dimensions:

  • the height of the truss structure, in other words, the vertical distance from the top of the parapet, on which the rafter leg rests, to the ridge;
  • the width of the house.

For a shed roof, the slope will be the value obtained by dividing the height of the structure by the width of the house. In the case of calculating a gable roof, the height is taken and divided by half the width of the house. Since it is customary to express slopes as a percentage, the resulting figure is multiplied by 100.

To obtain a more accurate result, use not the floor slab as a reference point for the distance to the ridge, as many mistakenly believe, but the top of the parapet, as the basis for supporting the rafters.

In practice, there are options for roofing, the minimum slope for metal tiles is less than 10 degrees. Special building guidelines apply to such exceptions.

The step of the metal tile depending on the angle of the roof

In view of the increased snow load, a reinforced structure of the truss system is made with a continuous sheathing device. A waterproofing carpet is laid on it, subject to all norms. When laying under the transverse and longitudinal joints of the sheets, special gaskets are installed.

>Useful video

We invite you to watch a video tutorial on self-measurement of the corner of the roof:

Roofs made of metal tiles are a practical and popular solution for the construction of private low-rise buildings. This roofing material is characterized by high bearing capacity, resistance to mechanical damage, external environmental factors and heavy loads. The durability and reliability of the finish coating depend not only on quality, these characteristics are influenced by the design of the roof, including the correctly selected minimum slope. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right slope angle and check it for compliance with SNiP.

What is a slope?

The slope of the roof is an important design parameter, which indicates the angle formed by the plane of the floors and the roof slope. This indicator is expressed as a percentage or degrees. It is calculated as the result of dividing the height of the ridge by half the width of the building. The angle of inclination of the slope depends on the technical and operational properties of the material and is regulated by SNiP and the manufacturer's instructions. Depends on it:

  1. The possibility of using one or another type of roofing.
  2. The design, composition and section of the elements of the truss frame.
  3. The ability of the roof to effectively remove rainfall.
  4. Roofing cost.
  5. Roofing cake weight.

Note! If the slope of the metal tile roof is increased from 22 degrees to 45 degrees, the slope area will increase by 20%, which will affect the cost of materials (finishing, waterproofing, insulation, wood), as well as the weight of the structure. It is necessary to decide on the optimal angle of inclination during the preparation of the project in order to correctly determine the load on the foundation.

Roof slope calculation

Optimal values

Roofs made of metal tiles are a relatively new constructive solution, therefore the technology of its installation and operation is not clearly regulated by SNiP. Information about what the minimum roof slope should be is provided by the manufacturer, since this indicator directly depends on the technical characteristics of the material itself. This indicator is calculated in accordance with the thickness, bearing capacity and method of laying the roofing.

  • According to SNiP, the minimum angle of inclination of a metal roof, if the slope is 6 meters long, must be at least 14 degrees.
  • The permissible slope for a metal roof is in the range of 14-45 degrees.
  • The optimal angle of inclination, which ensures the effective removal of precipitation with less mercy on the slopes, should be 22 degrees.

The optimal angle of inclination for metal tiles

The choice of roof design

Important! The minimum slope of a metal roof, which manufacturers allow, is 11 degrees. Some grades of material can be laid even if the slope is 10 degrees. The reduction in this indicator has made it possible to achieve the use of new, smoother polymers and stronger steel for the production of roofing.

Slope selection

It can be difficult for a non-professional builder to correctly choose the minimum angle of inclination of a metal roof. This indicator, in addition to the requirements of SNiP and manufacturer's recommendations, is influenced by other factors that must also be taken into account. When choosing the steepness of the slope, the following is taken into account:

Please note that the choice of the steepness of the slopes depends on the design of the roof. The optimal angle of inclination of the slopes of a shed roof made of metal is 20-30 degrees, and a gable roof is 20-45 degrees.

Features of roofs with a small slope

The minimum recommended slope angle of a metal tile roof is 14 degrees, however, experienced craftsmen can lay this type of roofing material with high quality, even if the slope of the slopes is in the range of 10-14 degrees. To increase the reliability of this design and reduce the risk of leaks, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Increase the frequency of the battens and reduce the pitch between the rafters. To minimize the risk of roof collapse due to intense snow load, it is necessary to strengthen the truss frame of the structure and mount a frequent or continuous crate.
  2. Increase overlaps. Manufacturers recommend that when installing metal tiles, make a horizontal overlap of 8 cm, and a vertical one of 10-15. To eliminate the possibility of leakage in structures with gentle slopes, you can increase the overlap at the joints of the sheets.
  3. Isolate joints. To prevent the penetration of melt and rainwater between the joints of the sheets, it is possible to treat the seams with silicone sealant, although this measure has a limited duration.

Step between rafters depending on the slope

Experienced craftsmen say that the easiest way to make a reliable metal roof is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and strictly observe the recommended angle of inclination.

The minimum slope of the hip roof. What is the minimum angle of inclination of a roof from a metal tile

The construction concept of "slope" is associated with the slope of the roof. This is the angle of the slope to the horizontal surface. A smaller degree of angle makes the roof slope steeper. The calculation of the angle is based on the principle: the height of the ridge board is divided by 0.5 of the width of the room, as a percentage - multiply by 100. Visually: we divide the width of 20 m and the height of 5 m and we get 0.5, we multiply by 100 and we get 50%.

The minimum angle of inclination is affected by the climatic conditions of the area. A slope of 30 degrees is used in regions with heavy precipitation. In arid areas, roofs are built with a slope of 10-25 degrees.

Building material - metal tile - is used in the construction of buildings of various complexity. Exception - the minimum angle of inclination for a metal tile is from 14 degrees, no less. Such a slope is able to withstand strong gusts of wind, unlike snow, which cannot roll down such a small slope.

The minimum slope allows you to save on building materials. Reliability and a solid foundation of the roof will be created by a wooden crate, a small distance between its boards will make the fastening of the metal tile strong.

A few tips for setting and coordinating the minimum roof pitch

  1. Layers of metal tiles should be laid on a perfectly flat surface, the height of the row cannot be more than one meter
  2. Take layers should be in construction gloves that protect hands from damage
  3. You need to hold the layer by the edges
  4. Securely fasten the metal tile to the crate with construction screws
  5. Walk on the roof of metal tiles in special soft shoes that do not damage the surface of the roof, do not step on the waves of tiles
  6. Cutting metal tiles should be carried out according to a preliminary scheme, measuring the desired dimensions of the sheets

Preliminary Processes:

  1. The truss system must be completely ready. We measure slopes
  2. We eliminate the existing errors of the triangular shape with additional details
  3. It is recommended to get rid of moisture between the metal tile and the insulation layer thanks to the crate (height 0.4 cm)
  4. We leave gaps of 0.5 centimeters in the cornice sheathing
  5. We lay waterproofing on the rafter boards. From the edge of the cornice board, the waterproofing should have a sag of 0.2 centimeters. We lay the waterproofing joints with an overlap of 15 cm.
  6. We insulate the roofs with special plates. We lay them between the rafters
  7. We apply the next layer - vapor barrier

Detailed introduction to the video in the next tab.

Additions for the installation of the roof and the arrangement of its minimum slope

Roof installation involves a complex process, and it is simply impossible to avoid important nuances:

  1. It is impossible to mount a metal tile in the upper bend of the wave
  2. Self-tapping screws are not tight
  3. Don't use a hammer
  4. Screw in self-tapping screws with a special lining
  5. When cutting metal tiles, you need to use electric scissors or other special tools (do not use a grinder)
  6. Do not use construction foam

The slope of the roof is formed due to the structure of the rafters, it is they who create the angle. For details on installing the roof and setting its minimum angle, see the video in the next tab.

Tiles - roofing material made of fired clay, plastic or metal.

The metal tile is considered one of the most reliable and durable materials, due to its characteristics, such as wear resistance, practicality and decent appearance. Thanks to her, it is possible to update the old roof. To do this, you do not need to remove the used materials - on the contrary, they will serve as additional waterproofing. For proper installation, the minimum slope of the roof from the metal tile is calculated.

Metal roofing is one of the most durable and strong materials.

Many people have a question, what is a bias. Slope - the angle of inclination of the slope to the horizon. The larger the angles, the steeper the roofs. To calculate the slope, you need to divide the height of the ridge by 1/2 of the width of the building, and to express this value as a percentage, multiply it by 100. For example, with a building width of 10 m and a ridge height of 4 m, the slope will be: 4: 5 \u003d 4 / 5 = 0.8. To express as a percentage, multiply by 100: 0.8*100=80%.

Installation instructions will be incomplete without some rules. It is strictly forbidden:

  • fasten the metal tile to the upper deflection of the wave;
  • excessively tighten the screws;
  • use hammer;
  • use nails and self-tapping screws without gaskets;
  • use mounting foam as ridge and valley seals;
  • use an angle grinder such as a grinder.

For cutting sheets, electric nibblers or metal shears are used. Steel shavings and other debris are removed only with a soft brush. To protect the sheet from corrosion, it is necessary to immediately paint over all the scratches found during installation with special paint. Three months after the start of operation, it is necessary to tighten all mounting screws.

Our vast country is located in different climatic zones. If in the Far North and the Far East there is a strong wind and snow, then in the South of Russia there may be rain and wind. You need a very responsible approach to the choice of roofing material and the calculation of the slope of the roof of your house. The most practical is the choice of metal tiles because they are inexpensive, durable and beautiful. But it depends on the expected wind load and, typical for your region, precipitation. So what should be the minimum angles of inclination of your metal roof? This question must be answered.

In modern construction, a wide variety of roofing materials are used, but metal tiles are deservedly considered one of the most popular materials. In many countries, such material as tiles has long been manufactured. Therefore, the use of metal not only reduces the cost of the final cost of the product, but also serves as a harmonious continuation of ancient traditions. The high technical characteristics of metal tiles include:

  • the use of galvanizing the sheet and its coating with durable polymer paints in order to impart anti-corrosion properties;
  • wide choice of color architectural solutions;
  • manufacturability and ease of installation of the roof, which does not require the use of special tools and devices;
  • the lightness of the material, which allows it to be mounted at high altitudes and in conditions of complex truss structures;
  • no heavy load on the rafters due to the light weight of the sheet;
  • with a relatively thin sheet, it can withstand quite large loads, since it has stiffeners.

All of these properties make it possible to use this coating in difficult climatic conditions. To calculate the amount of material, you need to know the minimum angle of inclination of the metal roof.

How to determine the angle of the roof in your area

To calculate the strength of the roof structure and the amount of material needed, you need to know the optimal one. A number of factors must be taken into account, including:

  1. projected number of slopes;
  2. used roof space;
  3. Economy indicators;
  4. structure weight.

It would seem that the steeper the slope, the better, but this leads to an increase in material consumption and increased weight, as well as to a large wind load on the structure. Therefore, there is such a thing as the optimal angle of inclination of a roof made of metal.

A slight slope, about 10-12 degrees, has its drawbacks, which require an increase in the rows of the crate and reinforcement of the rafters, due to the increased snow load. In addition, you should take care of improved waterproofing and the need to increase the overlap of sheets. This is done to prevent leaks at the joints with gentle slopes. Roofs of this design are best suited for the southern regions, where the snow cover does not have much weight, and the average annual temperature is not too low. In the summer, sloping roofs warm up less, which creates comfortable living conditions in the home.

Steep slopes, ranging from 30 to 45 degrees, are more suitable for regions with lower temperatures and frequent snowfalls, but one must take into account the increasing wind load on the roof and the building as a whole. It is also important to take into account the strength characteristics of metal tiles, which are laid down by the manufacturer of the material. It is necessary to fasten the sheets, in the case of steep slopes, more often than usual, because they are prone to slipping under the influence of gravity. The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the more time-consuming during installation and less economical it will turn out.

What is the optimal angle of inclination of the roof recommended by the manufacturers of this building material? After the tests, enterprises producing metal tiles recommend using it when the slope is from 11 to 45 degrees. In this case, the most acceptable is the angle of inclination from 12 to 22 degrees. Building codes and regulations do not give clearly expressed recommendations on this matter, but the preferred, with a slope length of about 6 meters, is an angle of inclination equal to 14 degrees. We have come to the choice of the most economical way to cover the roof, which is determined by such a concept as the minimum slope of a metal roof.

What is the minimum slope and how to determine it

Depending on the climatic zone, the architectural solution and the aesthetic preferences of the owners of the dwelling, the following types of roofs are erected:

  • a multi-gable roof with a complex and slender structure;
  • vaulted roof as an element of national culture in architecture;
  • hip roof, complex four-pitched structure;
  • hipped roof, a combination of isosceles triangles;
  • gable roof, widespread and time-tested;
  • the roof is shed, used mainly for technical and utility rooms or as an element of a more complex structure.

Multi-gable and vaulted roofs are not suitable for the use of metal tiles, which are used only in the elements of these structures. Whereas hip roofs are quite widely used in the middle lane and are characterized by the choice of minimum slope angles ranging from 22 to 45 degrees. The hipped roof is used as a decorative element, and the angle of inclination of the isosceles triangles is in direct proportion to the area covered by the hipped roof. This structural element is very economical to manufacture, and the angle of inclination ranges from 35 to 45 degrees.

One of the most popular roofs, gable. The manufacturer recommends observing the minimum angles of inclination of the roof in the range of 12 to 14 degrees. Given the harsh climate, it can be recommended to expand these limits from 14 to 22 degrees of slope. It is with such characteristics that the roof resists well to possible strong winds, and also represents an almost monolithic structure that prevents the penetration of moisture into the under-roof space of the building.

For shed roofs, the minimum angles of inclination range from 11 to 14 degrees, since large angles of inclination create the risk of the roof falling off during multidirectional wind gusts. In the climatic conditions of Russia, it is necessary to adhere to the minimum slope of the slopes from 14 to 22 degrees. When building in a flat or mountainous area, it is necessary to take into account the landscape and the wind rose, depending on the season.

In choosing the type of roof, the taste preferences of each person play a decisive role. Everyone wants to build a house so that it is beautiful, comfortable and serves for many years. The roof crowns the building and it receives special attention because it not only decorates, but also protects from the effects of an aggressive environment. In order for it to serve for many years, you need to properly design it and build it correctly. And to save money, you need to choose the right slope of this roof for metal tiles, taking into account the climatic conditions of your region.

  • Why the roof should not be too flat
  • The minimum allowable and optimal slope for metal tiles
  • Design features of the truss system
    • What materials and tools will be needed
    • Assembling a warming cake
    • Installation of metal tiles

The minimum angle of inclination of roofs made of metal tiles is one of the most important parameters, which must be taken into account when developing a project for a truss system at home. A reliable and durable roof will be obtained only if the standards recommended by the manufacturer are observed.

The minimum allowable and optimal slope for metal tiles

Since roofing sheets of this variety are made of high-quality steel, they can withstand quite serious loads. However, their relief texture contributes to the retention of a large amount of snow on the roof in winter. And therefore, it is still not recommended to do too gentle slopes for this material, as well as for any others, despite its strength.

The minimum slope of a metal tile roof is 12º. But most manufacturers still advise installing rafters under sheets of this variety at an angle of at least 14º. There are also special brands of metal tiles on the market, which can be mounted on very gentle slopes - only 11º. But this coverage option is rarely found on sale. In any case, when buying a metal tile of a particular brand, you should carefully study its technical passport. The allowable slope is indicated in it necessarily.

They make roofs with a slope of 12º quite rarely. Most often, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes of a country house sheathed with metal tiles is 34-35º. This is the best and actually very convenient option. With such a slope, the material does not take too much, and the roof itself looks harmonious and impressive. In addition, it is precisely such an angle that is easiest to make with a standard lumber length of 6 m. A roof steeper than 35 º should be assembled only if it is broken and it is planned to equip a residential attic under it. An angle of 40-45º is considered optimal for layered rafters of such roofs.

Installation of metal roofing

This material is installed on the roof frame with the obligatory observance of the following recommendations:

  1. Sheets are cut with electric scissors, but by no means with a grinder.
  2. Walking on already installed sheets should be in soft shoes, stepping between the waves.
  3. Sheets are mounted using special self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets. These fasteners are not too tight.
  4. Self-tapping screws are screwed when attaching sheets to the crate exclusively under the wave.

When sheathing rafters with a length of more than 6 m, the metal tile is installed in rows in height. The width of the horizontal overlap in this case is determined depending on the angle of inclination of the slope. The lower the roof, the more water lingers on it during rain and the more airtight the joints should be. Therefore, in the event that the angle of inclination of the roof rafters is 12-14º, the metal tile is laid with an overlap of at least two waves. If this indicator is equal to 14-35º, it is allowed to carry out installation with the overlay of the sheets of the upper row on one wave of the lower one.

What materials and tools will be needed

Since the material of the metal tile is cold, and during the rain it is also noisy, the roof sheathed with it is usually insulated. At the same time, not expanded polystyrene, but mineral wool is more often used as an insulator. The fact is that fibrous materials, among other things, are very good noise absorbers. In addition to mineral wool, for sheathing the roof with metal tiles you will need:

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • waterproofing film;
  • roofing screws and galvanized nails;
  • thin steel wire;
  • bars with a thickness of at least 3 cm for the counter-lattice;
  • framing boards.

If the roof is not included, you will also need to purchase all the necessary additional materials: cornice strips, valleys, a pipe apron, a ridge strip, etc.

Of the tools you will need:

  • drill, screwdriver;
  • electric scissors for cutting metal tiles;
  • long rule and roulette;
  • construction stapler;
  • a hammer;
  • folding ladder.

Assembling a warming cake

Installation of a roofing cake when used as a sheathing of a metal tile is carried out in the following order:

  1. From the side of the attic, vapor barrier material is attached to the rafters. You can fix it with a construction stapler.
  2. The heat insulator is installed. It should be installed between the rafters by surprise. In order to arrange a support under the mineral wool, boards are stuffed from the side of the attic over the vapor barrier film or steel wire is fastened in a zigzag manner.
  3. A waterproofing material is mounted on top of the insulation. It should be fixed in a horizontal direction with a sag of about 2 cm. Otherwise, when the roof frame moves, the film may break. Fix the membrane to the rafters with bars.
  4. Principles of insulation In total, there are two large classes of roof construction: flat and pitched (or attic). BUT…