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» How to make cottage cheese from milk at home. Homemade cottage cheese. How to make cottage cheese from milk at home

How to make cottage cheese from milk at home. Homemade cottage cheese. How to make cottage cheese from milk at home

While the milk is souring, there is no need to stir it. The milk mass will become dense and bubbles will form on top. As soon as the milk sours, lightly stir the milk mass.

Place the pan with the milk mixture on water bath. I simply placed the saucepan with the mixture in a larger saucepan with water. From the moment the water boils, keep the pan in a water bath over low heat for about 10 minutes. During this time, you need to carefully stir the mixture from bottom to top several times. The whey will begin to separate. The main thing is not to overheat or overcook the mixture, in which case the cottage cheese will turn out hard.

Leave the gauze with cottage cheese in a colander for a while to drain off excess whey, then tie the gauze in a knot and place a weight on top.

Leave the cow's milk curd in this form for 6-8 hours. If you like soft and not crumbly cottage cheese, then you can reduce the pressing time. Transfer the finished homemade cottage cheese to a jar or bowl and store in the refrigerator.

This is the delicious, tender cottage cheese I made from milk, prepared at home. I love cottage cheese with grains, so I often leave it under pressure, but this is a matter of taste.

Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese is a valuable product that can be found on the table in almost every home, especially if there are small children. But can you always be sure of the naturalness of this product, especially if it is purchased in a store? Isn’t it easier to make your own cottage cheese at home from milk?


  • milk – 3 l.

Preparation time: 1-3 days for souring, 20 minutes for cooking.

Calorie content – ​​160 kcal.

To make delicious and fresh cottage cheese, you will need milk. Of course, if possible, it is better to use natural milk, not from the store. You can buy it in the nearest village or market, as well as in milk machines - special machines in which you can buy fresh milk brought from dairy farms.

If it is not possible to buy natural milk, then you can use milk purchased at the store. It makes no difference how this milk is stored: in a bottle, in a pack or in a plastic bag.

So, we decided on milk. Now you can start preparing the cottage cheese. Milk should be poured into a three-liter jar or directly into a saucepan for further souring. It's better to take enamel pan or stainless steel.

The milk will turn into curdled milk the next day if it happens in the summer, or on the third day in winter time of the year. You can check the readiness of the curdled milk by sticking a spoon into it. Ready yogurt is a homogeneous dense mass. In store-bought milk, the curdled milk rises closer to the surface, while the whey remains at the bottom.

Now you can put the pan on the fire, but do not bring it to a boil. You can remove the dishes from the stove when the curds separate from the whey.

For the next step, take a tall pan, a colander and gauze folded in four layers. The resulting whey mass is poured into a colander. Gradually, the whey drains into the pan, and the curd remains in the gauze.

When all the liquid has gone, you can transfer it to a plate or other container. The curd turns out tender, with layers.

If you wait too long for the whey to drain (for example, by leaving the curd in a colander on gauze overnight), it may turn out to be dry and crumbly. From the initial volume of milk it is possible to obtain approximately 600-800 g of curd.

Cottage cheese made from milk with lemon juice


  • homemade milk – 2 l;
  • lemon – 1 pc. or 1/3 teaspoon citric acid.

Cooking time: half an hour.

Calorie content – ​​170 kcal.

If you need to quickly make cottage cheese from milk at home, you can use lemon, or rather, its juice. The pan with milk is placed on the fire, and at this time the juice is squeezed out of the lemon.

As soon as the milk begins to boil, you need to immediately pour it into it. lemon juice. Instead you can take citric acid, after diluting it in ½ cup of warm water.

Then you need to pour in lemon juice or citric acid and wait until the milk begins to curdle. This means the pan can be removed from the heat. Pour the resulting mass into a colander to drain the whey. The resulting curd is tender, soft, and pasty. But it is completely unsuitable for baking.

Homemade sour milk cottage cheese recipe


  • milk – 2 l.

Calorie content - 159 kcal.

The technology for making cottage cheese from sour milk is the same. The available sour milk (it can be kefir from the store) is poured into a saucepan and started to be heated so that the whey is separated from the curd. After this, the liquid is poured into a colander covered with gauze in a saucepan. You can eat cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese made from milk with sour cream

Some housewives prefer to add sour cream to milk when preparing cottage cheese to obtain a more tender and fatty product.

This cottage cheese can be prepared for small children who are just starting to get acquainted with dairy products.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk and sour cream? There are two ways to prepare such a product.

First way


  • milk - 1 cup;
  • sour cream – 0.5 tablespoon.

Preparation time: 18 hours for souring, 40 minutes for cooking.

Calorie content - 193 kcal.

First you should boil the milk, then add sour cream to it. Place all this in a small saucepan in a warm place overnight. In the morning, sour milk must be heated over a fire until the whey separates. Then place it on a napkin folded in four to drain the whey. The curd is ready. It turns out tender. finely grained.

Second way


  • milk (sour) - 3 l;
  • sour cream - 500 g.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 193 kcal.

Place sour milk (preferably country milk) in a saucepan in a water bath and heat until whey forms. Then you should pour in the sour cream, but do not stir the mixture with a spoon, so as not to disturb the structure of the cottage cheese. Then pour it onto a gauze napkin placed in a colander. The result is a fatty and very tasty cottage cheese.

Homemade cheese made from cottage cheese and milk

You can make your own cheese from milk.

First method (without eggs)


  • milk – 1 l;
  • cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Calorie content - 336 kcal.

Beat the cottage cheese with a blender and add to boiling milk. Stirring regularly with a spoon, wait until it boils and cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat.

If you cook the cheese for more than 10 minutes, it will be hard; if you cook it for less, the cheese will turn out soft.

After removing the pan from the heat, you need to pour the contents onto cheesecloth spread in a colander. To liquid faster than glass, you need to take the gauze by the edges and twist it with a tourniquet.

The still hot cheese should be transferred to another container, add softened butter, salt and soda to make the cheese more porous. You need to beat with a blender again.

Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan from of stainless steel and put on fire. The cheese mass, stirring continuously, needs to be heated so much that the contents move away from the walls of the dish.

Then the pan should be removed from the heat to cool. The warm mass is transferred to a container greased with oil, covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator to harden.

Second method (with the addition of eggs)


  • milk – 2 l;
  • cottage cheese – 2 l;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • soda – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: one hour.

Calorie content - 339 kcal.

To make homemade cheese, put cottage cheese in a saucepan and pour milk into it, then put it on the stove. Stirring evenly with a spoon so that the curd does not stick to the bottom, heat the mixture until whey forms. Then the mass needs to be thrown onto a piece of gauze folded in half to drain the liquid.

Place the resulting cottage cheese in a stainless steel bowl, add eggs, softened butter, soda and salt to taste. Now you can start cooking the cheese. The mixture should be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon.

As soon as it becomes viscous and sticky, you can remove it from the heat. The hot cheese should then be poured into a cup or container and covered with cling film once it has cooled slightly. To obtain a denser structure, the cheese can be pressed with a press. After 3 hours the cheese can be eaten.

Important to remember

  1. To get full-fat cottage cheese, it is better not to skim the cream from village milk;
  2. It is better to store cottage cheese and homemade cheese in glass or enamel containers, covered with a lid, but under no circumstances in a plastic bag. This way the cottage cheese will retain its freshness longer;
  3. You can freeze cottage cheese by placing it in freezer, but at the same time it will no longer be so useful;
  4. If it is impossible to store homemade cheese in the refrigerator, you can extend its freshness by wrapping it in clean cotton fabric, previously soaked in salt water and thoroughly wrung out. It is better to keep such cheese in a cool, dark place;
  5. From the whey remaining after making cottage cheese, you can make pancakes or knead dough.

Anyone can make cottage cheese or cheese from milk at home with their own hands. All you need is desire, time and adherence to cooking technology.

Another option for making cottage cheese from milk at home can be found in the following video.

One of the simplest and quick ways making tender cottage cheese at home. You don’t need to wait for the milk to sour, you don’t need to use pepsin, or buy starter cultures. A little fresh milk, lemon juice, an hour of time - and the most delicate cottage cheese is ready.

Milk that has not been brought to a boil contains many enzymes that help digestive system cope with the digestion of foods. In addition, we recommend trying to make cottage cheese from goat milk. If you compare goat's and cow's milk, this is what you get: there is 6 times more cobalt in goat's milk than in regular cow's milk, and it is the main one. component vitamin B12, which is responsible for important hematopoietic and metabolic processes in the body. Many times more potassium, higher quality protein and fats, which promises high nutritional value.

Goat's milk is low in lactose (milk sugar), which means it is easy to digest, does not cause stomach upset, and is ideal for people who are lactose intolerant but love dairy products. Milk is also valued for its high content of capric and linoleic, sialic acids, carotene, niacin, iron and magnesium.

How to make cottage cheese at home


1 liter of milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons lemon juice

Step 1

In a large saucepan, combine milk and salt. Bring the milk to almost a boil, but do not let it boil. Turn off the heat and add lemon juice and stir gently. The milk will begin to curdle into flakes. Stirring occasionally, let stand for 5-7 minutes. For extra creaminess, you can add 1 tablespoon of heavy cream at this stage.

Step 2

Line a bowl with gauze or a cotton towel and pour in the curd mixture. Carefully tie the edges and lift the tied “bag”. Place in a colander and let the whey drain. The more time the liquid drains, the denser and drier the ricotta will be. It takes 45-60 minutes to prepare tender cottage cheese.

Step 3

The whey obtained from cooking can be used instead of water in recipes for baking muffins, cookies, bread, and as a base for okroshka. Cottage cheese is eaten with berries and fruits, honey, nuts, salted with herbs, as a spread on toast, as an ingredient for cheesecakes and cottage cheese baking, gnoc.

As you know, cottage cheese is usually made from milk. But using my recipe, there is no need to wait for the milk to sour naturally, and the cottage cheese itself will be more tasty and not sour. And most importantly, you can prepare such cottage cheese at home simply and quickly. And so, we master the recipe for making homemade cottage cheese from fresh (often said sweet), not sour milk. Step-by-step photos will help you more accurately understand what is happening and how.

Ingredients for cottage cheese:

Milk (fresh) – 3 liters;

Citric acid – 1 tbsp. lie (or juice of one medium lemon).

How to make cottage cheese from milk at home

When starting to cook, I usually immediately prepare a sieve into which we will discard the cottage cheese and a piece of clean gauze folded in two layers. The size of the gauze should be such that it can completely cover the sieve.

The next thing to do is pour the milk into a stainless steel or aluminum pan and place it on the stove with high heat.

We need to heat the milk almost to a boil. During the heating process, I usually stir the milk with a slotted spoon to prevent foam from forming.

As soon as the milk reaches a boil (you can tell by tasting the milk with your finger, it must be very hot) we need to turn the heat to minimum, add citric acid or squeezed lemon juice to the milk and stir with a slotted spoon.

After adding acid, you will see how, almost immediately, the milk will curdle and curd flakes will form on its surface. The gas under the pan must be turned off.

The cottage cheese is heated, now we need to place a sieve on an empty pan and strain the cottage cheese.

The whey drains into the pan, and grains of cottage cheese remain on the gauze. Let's wait until all the liquid has drained and pour it into the bottle.

The ends of the gauze with the still wet cottage cheese need to be wrapped (the cottage cheese comes out as if in a gauze bag). So that the cottage cheese is not so wet, we place a flat plate on top of the gauze bundle, on which we place a load. For this purpose, I used a bottle of serum. The design is clearly visible in the photo.

After an hour, we remove the oppression and take out healthy, fresh and tasty homemade cottage cheese from the gauze. Look, you can even see in the photo that the cottage cheese turned out delicious.

This cottage cheese can simply be served with sugar, sour cream or jam. Also, it is perfect for cheesecakes or can be an excellent filling for baked goods or dumplings.

I don’t know about you, but in our supermarkets it has become quite problematic to buy real cottage cheese; they mainly sell cottage cheese products. Even if it is written that it is cottage cheese, one wonders whether it is good... Since this is a fairly popular product in our family, I wondered how to make cottage cheese at home.
I recently talked about this useful product and him beneficial influence on our body, if you missed it, read it. And, of course, our body will only benefit from good cottage cheese.

There were quite a few ways to prepare homemade cottage cheese, I have already tried a couple of recipes, so I will share my experience and tell you about other methods so that you can choose the one you like best.

No matter how you make homemade cottage cheese, there is general tips, which are better to take into account in order to do everything correctly, and the cottage cheese turns out tasty and tender.

  • If you have never made homemade cottage cheese, then you should not start with large volumes, as it may not work the first time; you still need a certain skill.
  • I advise you to keep the process of preparing cottage cheese under control and not to leave the stove, since excessive heat treatment will make the cottage cheese hard and dry, and if it is not enough, the whey will be difficult to separate. A sign that it needs to be removed from the heat is the appearance of yellowish whey and characteristic curd clots. There is not and cannot be a clear recipe indicating the cooking time, since much depends on the degree of heating and on the quality of the original product. After doing it several times, you will already understand how best to do it, everything comes with experience.
  • To make cottage cheese, you can use either homemade or farm milk, or store-bought milk. If you make it from the store, then buy it with the shortest shelf life and pasteurized, not sterilized. From one liter of pasteurized milk you can get about 200 grams. cottage cheese, from whole milk a little more than 220 - 250, depending on the fat content.
  • You also need to take into account that the fat content of farm milk is quite high. If for some reason you need low-fat cottage cheese, then buy low-fat milk or skim the cream from full-fat milk.
  • When you separate the whey from the curd, it is important not to overdo it during the squeezing process - the more moisture is removed, the drier the curd will be. Although sometimes you need drier cottage cheese if you make cheesecakes or other baked goods from it. So adjust the time yourself, if you need soft and moist cottage cheese, it is enough to hold it for 30 - 40 minutes, for drier cottage cheese it will take 2 - 3 hours.
  • The shelf life of homemade cottage cheese is 3 - 4 days. If there is a need to preserve it for a longer period, then the cottage cheese can be frozen by placing it in a bag or Plastic container. After defrosting, it will be just as tasty and healthy, but repeated freezing will make it a useless product.

I hope the tips didn’t scare you and you still try to make cottage cheese at home. Choose best recipe and forward.

Homemade cottage cheese from milk

I tried this recipe first because some of the milk I bought had turned sour. At first I wanted to use it in baking - it turns out good with sour milk, but then I remembered that I wanted to try making cottage cheese from yogurt. I had farm milk and I knew for sure that it would make high-quality yogurt.

Store-bought milk does not always naturally ferment as it should.


  • in this method there is only one - milk

Homemade cottage cheese recipe from milk:

  1. She poured the milk into a jar and covered it with a napkin. For making yogurt it is better to use glass jar or earthenware, since metal utensils can affect the quality of the curdled milk and make it not very tasty. It should be covered not with a lid, but with a cotton cloth, which allows air to pass through and speeds up the ripening process.
  2. I put it in a warm place and after about a day the milk turned into curdled milk. But this process can take longer, it all depends on the temperature in the room. Another tip - do not place a can of milk under straight Sun rays- it will turn sour, of course, faster, but it can deteriorate and turn green.
  3. There were tips to do it in a water bath or over low heat. I chose the second option. I put the pan with sour milk on the stove. As soon as the milk began to curdle and the whey separated, I turned off the heat.
  4. When the milk cooled, I drained it through a colander, after covering it with gauze. I didn’t really follow the advice, because they said that I needed to hang a gauze bag over the container so that excess liquid would drain. I needed soft and tender cottage cheese for eating, not for baking, so I left the cottage cheese in a colander in cheesecloth and, as soon as the excess liquid had drained, I put the cottage cheese in a bowl.

Homemade cottage cheese made from milk, or rather from yogurt, it turned out delicious, but I didn’t really like waiting a day or more, so I decided to find another recipe. Although for faster fermentation it is recommended to put sour cream (1 tbsp per liter of milk) or a piece of stale rye bread into the milk, and there are also ready-made starters that are sold at the pharmacy. In this case, the milk may become curdled overnight. But you still have to wait. I found a quicker recipe and really liked it.

How to quickly make cottage cheese at home

I will offer you two recipes instant cooking cottage cheese - from milk and kefir, and also from milk and lemon. Both farm milk and store-bought milk are suitable for making cottage cheese using these methods. But I can only say about the taste of the cottage cheese about the recipe with kefir - tender and tasty, and I used store-bought milk. I haven't tried it with lemon yet.

Cottage cheese made from milk and kefir


  • milk - 1 liter
  • kefir - 0.5 liters
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.

How to make cottage cheese from milk and kefir:

Since in this recipe the milk is brought to a boil, cottage cheese prepared in this way can be given to children and even infants.

Cottage cheese made from milk and lemon


  • milk - 1 l.
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Recipe for cottage cheese made from milk and lemon:

  1. Bring milk to a boil
  2. Add the juice from half a lemon into boiling milk; as soon as the milk curdles, remove from heat.
  3. Cool and strain.

How to make calcined cottage cheese

Of course, cottage cheese already contains calcium, but some categories of people require increased content calcium - for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly people, people suffering from atherosclerosis, anemia, kidney and liver diseases.

To replenish calcium in the body, you can include calcined cottage cheese in your diet, but not more often than 2 - 3 times a week. Such healthy cottage cheese can be prepared at home by adding calcium chloride, which is sold in pharmacies.


  • milk - 1 l.
  • calcium chloride (calcium chloride) - 2 tbsp. l. liquid or 6 gr. dry calcium

Homemade calcined cottage cheese recipe

  1. Heat milk to 40 0.
  2. Add calcium chloride to milk and mix well.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the milk boils, remove from heat and allow the product to cool.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth.

Calcium chloride can be replaced with calcium lactate in tablets, which can also be purchased in pharmacies. The recipe is as follows: 8 - 10 tablets per 1 liter of milk. Grind the tablets into powder and add to milk, brought to a boil. Mix well, once the milk has curdled, strain it.

How to make grain cottage cheese at home

Our supermarkets sell cottage cheese, which is very popular among customers - it is a tender and tasty grain cottage cheese and it can also be made at home.


  • milk - 1 l.
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp.
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • heavy cream - 6 tbsp. l.

Recipe for cottage cheese with lemon juice:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat, add citric acid to the milk and stir for several minutes.
  3. Cover the pan with a cotton napkin and leave for 4 hours to allow the whey to separate.
  4. Strain as soon as the whey has drained, without removing the curd from the gauze, rinse it with cold boiled water and squeeze to get dry cottage cheese.
  5. Transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl, add salt, cream, mix well.

Homemade kefir cottage cheese

Another interesting recipe cottage cheese without heat treatment - you can use kefir or yogurt.

  1. If the curdled milk is homemade, then pour it into a plastic container and put it in the freezer. Kefir can be frozen in store-bought packaging.
  2. Place frozen yogurt or kefir in a colander with gauze.
  3. Hang the thawed mass in gauze over some container and hold until all the whey has drained.
  4. Of course, it won’t be possible to cook it quickly this way - while it thaws and drains, in total, they say, it takes about 8 hours.