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» What watering is needed for ficus, the basic rules. Care for different types of ficus at home Is it possible to pour boiled water over ficus elastica

What watering is needed for ficus, the basic rules. Care for different types of ficus at home Is it possible to pour boiled water over ficus elastica

Ficus is a genus of plants of the Mulberry family, which has over 100 species. AT room conditions 4 species are usually grown, so flower growers often have questions related to agricultural technology: how and at what time is it better to water ficus, what fertilizers to use for top dressing, whether the plant is sick and how to deal with pests. Consider one of the exciting questions regarding proper watering.

How to water a ficus?

AT natural environment ficus habitats - in the tropics - rains are rare. They may be gone for months. But when the rainy season comes, the drops soak the ground through. Many, having read special literature, think that it is necessary to maintain soil moisture all the time. If you do this, unsystematic watering will lead to the appearance of mold on the surface of the soil. And the mold, in turn, will lead to decay of the root system. Root rot is difficult to treat, you will have to completely remove the plant from the pot, cut the roots to a healthy part, treat with disinfectants and transplant the reanimated ficus into new ground. At the same time, there is no likelihood that such an instance will take root and grow.

If, when reading a note in a magazine, you come across the phrase “ficuses need frequent watering,” you can close this article without regret, because in fact it is not.

Amateur flower growers are very sensitive to watering, sometimes they even try to push it to a later time. However, this manipulation is only good for winter time. If you do not follow the rules of watering in the hot season, you can make yourself new problems. Overdrying of the soil and air contributes to the appearance of spider mites. very difficult, they draw all the juices from the plant, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. The tree looks bare and unattractive. It will take a lot of time until it builds up green mass.

If the ficus Benjamin began to fall leaves, most likely, a spider mite wound up on it. You can fight the pest folk remedies and insecticides, using a triple treatment with an interval of 7 days.

Watering ficus should be:

  • regular;
  • seasonal;
  • thorough.

Consider all types in more detail.

Regular watering

Regular watering is a procedure during which at a certain time, that is, on the same day of the week, flower growers moisten the soil in a pot.

In addition to regular watering, the ficus needs a shower - once a month it is required to “bath” the plant in the rain, having previously closed the pot with plastic wrap.

It is also necessary to wipe the foliage with a wet soft cloth. Hygiene is important: such manipulations cleanse the pores, prevent the development of many diseases.

Watering is seasonal

When it's worth hot weather, ficus needs watering 2 times a week. We must not forget about wiping the foliage with a damp material.

Watering in winter is largely dependent on the humidity in the room. In addition to batteries that dry up the air, many people use heaters that completely “eat up” oxygen. This contributes to the dryness of the air, from which plants suffer.

You can increase the humidity in the room with the help of an additional container with water installed next to the ficus. Some growers buy decorative fountains and set them near the flowers. Due to the constant circulation of water in the fountain, the air is humidified.

When growing ficuses with artificial lighting, you will have to increase the humidity of the air, as fluorescent lamps heat the air. But this only applies to white lamps.

Water should be water at room temperature. On the Internet, it is often said about how to water well with rainwater. This begs the question: what is the beauty of such watering? And if there is no rain for a whole month, what to do with the plant? Leave him to die? It is recommended to water normally tap water, but settled, room temperature. If watering cold water, root system receives stress, which affects the growth and development of ficus.

Abundant (thorough) watering

AT summer time ficus needs thorough watering, and in winter - 1 time in 7 days, "refreshing". But at the same time, it is recommended to watch your pets, because it may happen that they will need additional watering - it is important not to miss this time, otherwise the root system will dry out.

Ficus loses leaves not only when pests appear, the lack of moisture can also be the cause of leaf fall. If the plant is not watered for a long time, it can completely shed its foliage. In addition, young branches sometimes dry out, which can no longer be restored, even after forced watering.

What water to water ficuses?

So, we found out how often ficus should be watered. Now you need to figure out what water to choose for irrigation. The water in the villages is rich in iron, and in the cities, a chlorinated “cocktail” flows from the tap. Neither one nor the other will be useful. The way out is simple - you need to defend the water or use melted water. It is advisable to first boil the tap water and cool to room temperature.

When the water has settled, in no case should it be mixed and shaken, since all the turbidity will rise from the bottom and get to the roots when watering. In this case, the soil will pick up lime, but this cannot be allowed.

Watering algorithm

When watering ficus at home, you will need to observe some nuances.

  • Before the next watering, you need to check how dry or wet the earth is in the pot. To do this, stick your finger into the ground 5 cm deep. If you neglect this manipulation, there is a risk of flooding the plant.
  • Then you need to loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the root system.
  • Watering should be slow. If during watering water began to appear through the drainage holes, it is worthwhile to postpone watering for a while, drain the excess water, and then slowly water the plant again.

Consequences of improper watering

During the cultivation of ficuses, many flower growers are faced with problems such as yellowing and falling leaves, wilting of the plant. It is important to know why this is happening. The cause may be insect pests, viral diseases or improper watering. Therefore, before taking on insecticides, it is worth analyzing the care of a green pet.

Improper watering leads to the following phenomena:

  • discoloration of green mass;
  • yellowing and falling leaves;
  • drying up of the tree.

If the problem lies in insufficient moisture, you need to properly water the ficus - and the problem will disappear on its own. In the future, it is recommended to regularly monitor the condition of the soil and prevent overdrying and waterlogging.

The beauty of foliage and undemanding care have made ficus a favorite plant of many gardeners. In addition, it enriches the air with oxygen, humidifies it and cleans it of dust. Knowing the rules for caring for a plant, you can grow a beautiful and healthy tree that will decorate the house.

Ficus - beautiful ornamental plant which thanks to easy care is a frequent decoration of offices, apartments, houses. The dense green mass of foliage attracts attention with a rich tone and volume. The plant cleans the air well, adapts to different conditions, unpretentious. By following certain watering rules, you can keep the ficus healthy and attractive for many years.


Ficus belongs to the mulberry family and has about 2 thousand plant species. Among them there are very unusual in structure and appearance. About 20 varieties of flowers are grown at home. They are not always similar, but are united by similar requirements for care and cultivation. Here are the most popular of indoor ficuses.

ficus benjamina

Ficus Benjamin is a small tree with dark green, wavy leaves along the edges, unpretentious to the conditions of detention.


Rubber-bearing - a beautiful outwardly plant, reaching two meters in height. It is distinguished by characteristic large fleshy leaf plates, sometimes framed by a yellow edging.


Bengal - a tree unique in its shape, has a large number of aerial roots descending vertically from the branches. It grows both in height and in width, requiring sufficient space.


Dwarf - a shrub with thin flexible shoots, in a young plant the leaves reach 2-3 cm, have an oval shape, a bubbly surface, they are evenly green and spotted in color.


Safari - a tree with dense marble elastic foliage, twisted towards the center. It grows slowly, requires sufficient light.


All types indoor flower not capricious. They do well if they are protected from drafts, receive enough light, and are provided with regular, moderate watering.

Plant care includes the following main activities:

  • the correct location of the plant in the room;
  • timely irrigation;
  • high-quality top dressing;
  • transplant as needed;
  • treatment in case of illness.

For a tree, a place is selected near the window, on the windowsill on the east or west side of the house. The plant feels normal both at +25.30°C in summer and at +16.20°C in winter. Sharp jumps in temperature have a negative effect on the vital activity of flowers. AT summer period it is permissible to take out the pots on Fresh air, however, if in the usual place comfortable conditions, it is not recommended to move ficuses once again.

Make sure that diffused light falls on the green mass. Direct Sun rays can create burn spots on leaf plates. Variegated varieties are also susceptible to light. With its deficiency, the marble color of the leaves disappears. The plant loses its decorative properties.

Ficus loves fresh air, but you need to ventilate with care. Check that the flower is not affected by air currents. Avoid excessive cooling of the room. Draft can lead to leaf shedding. In this case, the plant may lose its crown on one side.


Ficuses are tropical plants that love a humid climate. Thoughtful watering is the key to flower health. Moisture should be maintained by regular spraying. The procedure is carried out a couple of times a day, especially in the dry summer period, during work central heating. Can be used special devices humidifying the air.

How to properly care for ficus, water, every grower knows. Given some of the features of the flower, it is not difficult to preserve its beauty.

Irrigation intensity is determined by the following factors:

  • plant variety - individual varieties have individual water needs;
  • seasonal - in the dry season, the soil dries faster;
  • the size and age of the ficus;
  • features of the soil - there are soils that quickly pass moisture or, conversely, absorb and retain.

Plants with a developed crown, juicy foliage structure, large in size, require more abundant watering. If the shrub or tree is small, the procedure is carried out when the earth dries to a depth of two finger phalanges. large species, located on the floor, irrigate when the soil is 6-7 cm dry. Usually one or two waterings per week are enough, a maximum of three in the hot season. Proper watering carried out in the following sequence:

  • checking the readiness of the soil for irrigation;
  • loosening before each irrigation - ensures the saturation of the roots with oxygen;
  • preparation of water in prepared containers;
  • uniform and slow moistening of the soil, for its better soaking;
  • after a few minutes, it is necessary to check the tray of the pot, if the liquid does not appear there, the plant is watered again;
  • after half an hour, the water that has leaked into the coasters is drained.

To get rid of excess moisture, drainage is laid on the bottom of the pot. It can be small pebbles, expanded clay or fragments of red brick. Humidification of trees is carried out early in the morning or late in the evening.

During watering, you need to make sure that the soil near the roots is completely wet.

It is worth choosing a special soil for ficuses. It is commercially available and has a set of properties necessary for the longevity of the plant. Such soil retains water, has increased friability, sufficient aeration. The composition contains coconut fiber, sand, special baking powder.

What water to use?

Categorically It is not recommended to water ficuses with tap water.. The chlorine contained in it will spoil the growth and appearance of the flower. Watering is carried out with soft, salt- and lime-free water. In order to get such you need to defend or filter tap water. Water is collected in advance. It is placed in a container and is not used for 2-3 days, during which time chlorine evaporates, and negative impurities settle to the bottom.

You can use boiled or melted water, but you should not take rainwater or melt snow. In the presence of polluting industries, precipitation carries harmful oxides, contains sulfur, metal ions. It is better to freeze, and then wait until plain water thaws. The temperature for watering should be comfortable for the plant, the most suitable - room (+19.22ºС). When watering, do not shake the water so that the sediment does not end up in the soil.

If there are fish in the house, you can take water from the aquarium when you replace it. This liquid contains many useful minerals, organic substances secreted by pets. Is wonderful organic fertilizer for plants. However this advice does not apply to marine fish, their water is salty, destructive to flowers.

Features of the procedure in the cold and warm season

AT winter period watering the plant is determined by the individual parameters of temperature and humidity of the room. The quality of tree lighting also plays a significant role.

Respect the following principles:

  • at a low temperature of +16.17ºС, indoor flowers are irrigated infrequently - once every 10 days;
  • at +18.21ºС and moderate air humidity, the plant needs only one watering per week;
  • with centralized heating and increased dryness of the air, it is watered every 3-4 days, it is recommended to spray the crown at the same frequency.

In the cold season, observe the moderation of watering. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but increased moisture is also not allowed. At low temperatures excess water lead to root rot, falling leaves.

In spring, the plant requires more frequent watering. From March, if the temperature is right, the active growth of the green mass of trees begins. It's time to start thinking about mineral supplements. Fertilizer is added to water and used immediately after diluting the solution.. For normal growth, ficuses need two top dressings per month. In the spring, the plant is transplanted. This is the most comfortable period for trees. The pot is chosen a little for growth. Ficus watered immediately after transplantation. The signal for subsequent irrigation is dry soil in a pot. But in December it is better not to do this.

In summer, spraying is combined with watering..

To avoid excessive moisture in the soil, during the treatment of leaves with water, it is covered with plastic wrap. Stick to moderation in watering.

The plant absorbs liquid faster in the hot season, but it is impossible to overmoisten the soil. Water 2-3 times a week.

Separate ampelous varieties are irrigated in a day, when they are located in fairly well-lit places. Wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cotton cloth, fertilize the plants every half a month. In autumn, with a decrease in light and heat, the amount and abundance of watering is gradually reduced, depending on the growing conditions, spraying is stopped.


Some plant diseases are caused by improper watering.

Growing ficuses, flower growers note that his diseases are often associated with improper watering. If the flower is irrigated haphazardly, does not have time to absorb moisture, mold appears on it, rot infects the roots. To save the ficus, which was flooded, a plant transplant will be required.

After you take the flower out of the pot, cut off the damaged parts of the roots, disinfect, place in a dry, disinfected soil. Sprinkle the top of the soil with activated charcoal. For a couple of weeks, if it is not very hot, do not water, but spray with Epin. wilted leaves it will not be possible to return, but perhaps the plant will recover over time.

With a lack of watering, ficuses suffer no less. There is yellowing and rapid loss of foliage. The growth of new shoots stops. The plant becomes vulnerable to spider mite. Consider how to help such a flower.

If the soil has become excessively dry, submerge the flower pot in a tray of water. Wait until bubbles stop appearing on the surface of the water. Then take out the flowerpot, let the moisture drain.

Ficus is a traditional interior decoration of many apartments and offices in our country. It is believed that he brings happiness to the house where he lives. Not particularly demanding on the conditions of detention, the ficus has a noble exotic appearance. In captivity, it grows for a long time, but it does not require much attention to itself. juicy bright foliage ficus looks attractive and pleases the eye for many years. An additional advantage ficus is that it can be placed in the bedroom.

Ficus is undemanding in care. Feels good both in a lighted place, and with slight shading. In conditions strong drops temperature shows amazing endurance. Most of the diseases characteristic of other indoor plants bypass it. In general, subject to simple rules, ficuses will bring joy for a long time with their magnificent views.

For ficus, it is advisable to choose a place on the spacious windowsill of a window facing east or west. The preferred air temperature at which the plant will feel good is + 25-30 degrees. Comfortable winter temperature for ficus ranges from + 16-20 degrees. With an increase in this indicator, it is required to spray the plant more often.

To increase the life of the ficus, it is still desirable to protect it from temperature fluctuations, drafts and hypothermia of the soil in which its root system is located. Try to place the pots on an insulated surface. In summer, the plant is allowed to be taken out to fresh air, taking into account its susceptibility to permutations. If the ficus feels good in its usual place, then it is better not to move it.

This plant loves good light. There are types of ficuses that take root very well, staying at a distance from a light source not exceeding 1.5 meters, and if the room as a whole is sufficiently lit. Variegated ficuses are especially susceptible to lighting. In any case, the light falling on the crown should be diffused. Otherwise, burn spots on the foliage cannot be avoided.

In conditions of lack of light, the branches of the ficus can stretch out and the size of the leaves will noticeably decrease. This is eliminated by installing an auxiliary artificial lighting. Such lighting in the cold season will not interfere with all types of ficus.

How often to water in the warm season?

If you have a loggia or a balcony, it will be very useful if you take a cozy place for the ficus there for the warm season. Despite the fact that the ficus is quite photophilous, the direct rays of the sun are contraindicated for it. Therefore, the place for the summer habitat of the plant should be bright, but inaccessible to sunlight.

Important! Ficus in the summer needs moderate watering as the surface layer of the soil dries up to about half the height of the pots.

Since the air is quite dry during the summer heat, the plant must be sprayed up to twice a week. And you also need to wipe the leaves more often with a damp cotton cloth.

Ficus grows intensively in summer, so it needs to be fed every 14 days with formulations that include both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Ficus prices

How often to water in the cold season?

Particular attention during this period should be paid to the humidity of the air in the room where the ficus lives. This factor is the most significant for the normal life of the plant. In winter, our apartments are intensively heated and the air becomes too dry. For ficus, this is harmful, so you should take the necessary measures to humidify the air in the room with the plant.

Ficus needs spraying with water at room temperature. It is allowed to use special humidifiers that can be found on sale to humidify the air. If indoors in winter due to powerful heating appliances the air is very dry, it is recommended to fill the trays. To humidify the air near the plant, a mini-fountain is well suited, which will also serve as an excellent interior decoration. If it is not possible to purchase a humidifier or fountain, it is recommended to place a water tank next to the ficus.

In winter, a specially constructed plant will also help protect the plant from excessive dryness of the air. In a poorly lit room where there is not enough moisture, the plant will lose leaves. In such not favorable conditions leaves may also turn yellow. If, after the discovery of this formidable sign of malaise, the plant does not take action, then it will inevitably die. That is why it is necessary to take care of sufficient lighting from the very beginning.

It is also important for the proper care of the tree in cold weather and the quality of the water used for irrigation. It is not recommended to use tap water for this purpose. It is advisable to water the plant only with water that has been previously settled and heated to +30 degrees.

Important! Water the plant in winter as often as it needs it, but less often than in summer.

In winter, experts do not recommend transplanting ficus. And also do not advise to feed the plant. It is preferable to perform such actions in the spring. Loosening the soil will help slightly improve its composition in winter due to oxygen saturation. The surface layer of soil, which protects the plant from pathogens, should be kept intact at the same time.

How to water ficus?

Water taken from the tap must be settled or filtered before watering. Otherwise, lime, which is found in large quantities in tap water, can harm the plant. During settling, the water will heat up to the required temperature, and the chlorine, which is part of it, will have time to evaporate.

To free water from excessive hardness, it is useful to boil it. After that, it should cool down to the temperature environment. As the liquid cools, excess lime will gradually settle to the bottom. Therefore, when further pouring water into the irrigation tank, care must be taken. It is undesirable to shake the vessel. Liquid residues with a high concentration of lime must be disposed of.

To moisten the soil, you can use rain water or melted snow. To obtain melt water, it can also be frozen in the freezer, and then melted at room temperature. It is permissible to use for watering ficus aquarium water. When using untreated tap water for irrigation, an ugly appearance may appear on the leaves and soil surface. white coating. And if the surface layer of soil can be easily removed and poured with clean earth, then this plaque is removed from the foliage with difficulty, while the appearance of the ficus may suffer.

The amount of liquid for irrigation is selected individually for each particular plant and depends on the stage of development of the ficus, the season, the quality of the soil, and external circumstances, such as air humidity, temperature, and illumination of the room.

How to water a ficus

Table. Step-by-step instruction for watering ficus.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

It is necessary to deepen the finger into the soil to a depth of 7 centimeters. Watering should be done if the soil feels dry to the touch. And if it sticks to your fingers, then watering is not necessary.

This is necessary so that it is better saturated with oxygen. You can use a stick or spatula.

Watering is done slowly. It is necessary to ensure that the earth is well saturated with moisture.

It is carried out if moisture has not begun to appear in the pan. After half an hour, this excess water should be poured out.

If necessary, the crown is sprayed.

Video - Ficus at home: care, watering, leaf spray

Watering ficus of any variety is carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • the soil should have time to dry between waterings;
  • the regularity of watering depends on many factors (humidity, air temperature, light, etc.), so you need to monitor the soil to determine when watering is required;
  • in warm time year, ficus is watered more often than in the cool season;
  • to indicate the need for watering, an external examination is not enough - it is necessary to check the ground at a depth of up to 7 cm;
  • the water used to water the ficus should not be cold.

What does improper watering ficus lead to?

When a tree grows in favorable conditions, the foliage grows more intensively than it dies off. initial stage malaise is manifested in the suspension of the formation of young shoots and foliage. After that, the leaves turn pale, and then the tree begins to intensively get rid of them.

To the most probable reasons The rapid loss of foliage by a tree is due to improper watering. It is undesirable to allow excess moisture during irrigation, as well as increased dryness of the land.

From excess moisture, the foliage of the plant becomes yellow and flies around in large numbers, there are 2-3 dozen leaves a day. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to take care of good drainage when transplanting the plant into a new pot. Expanded clay, birch charcoal and vermiculite have proven themselves as drainage for ficus (the latter also protects the plant from fungus).

A sign that watering is carried out in insufficient quantities and the soil regularly dries up is the rapid loss of foliage. But first, foliage with a prominent yellowness begins to appear on the tree. In this case, the dropping of leaves occurs more than normal. With a constant lack of moisture, the loss of leaves occurs in an enhanced mode.

Another reason for dropping leaves can be hypothermia of ficus roots. That is why it is undesirable to put pots with a plant in winter on a windowsill and at any time of the year on a stone floor. If you use cold water to water the ficus, this will be a signal for him about the onset of negative environmental conditions.

Kira Stoletova

Ficuses belong to a diverse and numerous genus of plants. They are very popular as a room culture. Before purchasing a plant, you need to figure out how to water a ficus. Watering regimen is a key factor influencing the healthy growth of a tree.

In summer, the tree is often irrigated, in winter the amount of watering is reduced. You need to grow it in a warm and bright room with sufficient humidity. The rules for the care and maintenance of indoor ficuses of different types differ insignificantly.

Varieties of domestic ficuses and features of caring for them

Ficuses are a genus of tropical plants. They grow in the countries of the Pacific coast and indian ocean, mediterranean sea and in South Africa. Most of them are evergreens, but there are also deciduous species.

In room culture, the following species are most often grown:

  • Benjamin (varieties Lovely, Starlight, etc.);
  • Rubber-bearing (Melanie's variety is popular);
  • Dwarf, Dwarf creeping;
  • Bengal.

Different types and varieties differ in appearance, stem shape, leaf color and shape. But the rules for caring for different ficuses differ little from each other.

Ficus cannot be called a whimsical plant. He does well at home. It is important to provide the green pet with moderate watering, good lighting, and protection from drafts. Experienced flower growers know how to properly water ficuses. There is nothing difficult in this. Any person can easily deal with the irrigation regime.

Features of watering ficus

How to water a ficus at home, any seller of a flower shop can tell when selling a plant. Irrigation depends on several factors:

  1. Season. Irrigation regime varies depending on the season.
  2. Type of plant. Some species have individual moisture needs.
  3. Age and size of the tree. The abundance of filling with water depends on these parameters.
  4. Soil quality. It is necessary to choose light soils that pass moisture well. If the substrate does not meet the specifications, watering conditions are adjusted. Over time, you need to transplant the tree into another soil.

With improper and irregular watering, the tree begins to deteriorate. The leaves turn yellow completely or at the edges, dry or fall off completely.

Ficuses need to be watered more often and more abundantly if they are tall and with a developed crown. Then the water will be enough for the development of the root system and shoot along the entire length.

Ficus watering rules

Growing ficus is not difficult for a beginner grower. You just need to remember a few simple irrigation rules.

  1. Change watering regimes depending on the season. The quality of its growth will depend on how often the ficus is watered.
  2. Water for irrigation of ficus is used clean, with a temperature of 20-25 ° C.
  3. The root section of the soil when irrigating the plant should be completely wet.
  4. You need to moisten the tree early in the morning or after sunset.

To remove excess moisture, it is necessary to provide drainage at the bottom of the tub. Crushed red brick or expanded clay is used as drainage.

How to water a ficus has great importance. The liquid for irrigation of the plant must have room temperature in any season. Using very warm or cool water will damage the roots.

How to water ficus in summer and winter

How many times to water the ficus depends on the climate on the street and in the house. Summer and winter regimes are significantly different from each other.

How often should ficus be watered:

  1. From early March to early September. The tree is irrigated every 3-5 days.
  2. Autumn. Moisturizing the soil is carried out once a week.
  3. Winter. The tree is irrigated once every 10-14 days.

The microclimate of the room also affects the irrigation regime. At high humidity a weekly watering will suffice. During hot summers, the need for water increases. It is better to fill the ficus every 3 days.

If the frequency of watering is not reduced in winter, the leaves on the tree will instantly fall off. All year round leaves need to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Ficuses love moisture. Sometimes you can arrange a pet warm shower(not hot).

Ficus at home: care watering leaf spray



Ficus water quality

Ficuses, like any other indoor plants, are watered. Sometimes the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. It is better not to use it for watering flowers.

Rain, melt and spring water is excellent for trees. She has unique natural properties. You can use tap water. The main condition is low fluid stiffness. To prevent heavy salts and harmful impurities from entering the soil, water must be defended. Another easy way to purify water is freezing and thawing. If you pass the liquid through the filter reverse osmosis, she will lose absolutely all salts. For plants, this water is not used.

During the period of growth activation (spring - early autumn), every 10-15 days it is necessary to water the ficus with water with the addition of liquid fertilizers. They will enrich the soil with the necessary trace elements.

If the ficus is sick

If you violate the rules of care, the flower may get sick. The problem can be recognized by the condition of the leaves. The plant is equally harmed by excessive and insufficient watering.

If the leaves began to fall off one by one regularly, there is too much moisture. It is necessary to fill the tree with water less often and less abundantly. Yellowing of the edge of the leaves also indicates excessive soil moisture. Putrefactive processes develop on the roots. If young leaves grow small, and the old ones begin to turn yellow, you need to increase the frequency of watering and fertilizing.

Many users of floriculture forums recommend watering ficus with vodka. The recipe can be tried if the plant has become frail and lethargic. Vodka is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, after which ficus is poured. Such watering with vodka is carried out once a week.

There is one more folk recipe- sweet water. This tool can be used in winter and summer throughout the life of the flower. Green leaves produce glucose on their own through photosynthesis. Starch, cellulose and other structural components are formed from it. With a decrease in the activity of photosynthesis, problems with growth and development may occur. Watering with sweet water will provide the ficus with ready-made glucose. The mixture is easy to prepare. 40 g of sugar are dissolved in 1 liter of liquid. You can also pour into the pot not a large number of sugar for the rapid growth of the tree.

Ficus is a beautiful and majestic plant. It will decorate any room. It is not difficult to take care of him at home, even a child can cope with this task. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of watering, sprinkle the plant with water, and prevent the action of cold air.

In summer, ficus requires watering often, in winter - once every 10 days. If you follow the recommendations, the tree will grow tall with a sweeping dense crown.

Comfort in the house is largely created precisely indoor plants. Thanks to them, a unique atmosphere is created, and in addition to beauty, they also bring benefits, improving the home microclimate. Among all the plants in the house, the most revered are ficuses, which belong to the mulberry family. With proper and careful care, any of the species of this plant can be an excellent decoration for any home. Irrigation rules are also important. homemade ficus.

If you properly care for your ficus, it can grow quite quickly and eventually reach a height of 2-3 meters at a growth rate of up to 20 centimeters per year even at home, but for this it is also important to water it properly. To fully adapt to new conditions, the plant needs three months, following which it will not require much effort.

It is quite important to regularly moisten the flower by spraying it and watering the soil in the pot. However, do not forget that ficus is a plant for which a combination of moderate humidity and at the same time even some dryness is very important - water your plant moderately two to three times a week.

How to properly water and care for ficus

Let's try to figure out the main components of competent care for this plant:


The soil must breathe, be fertile, moist and slightly acidic. Fertilizers can be added to it. It would be nice if you make the bottom layer of expanded clay, and the top layer of sand - this way you will ensure drainage.


The presence of light for such plants plays a big role, so try to find the most lit place for them, which, nevertheless, is protected from direct sunlight.

Ficus is able to survive a short lack of light, but at the same time it loses the color of the leaves. In winter, it is advisable to highlight the plant with the help of special lamps, since otherwise the ficus can shed all the leaves or some of them.

Room temperature

Ideally, if in summer the temperature in the room will range from 18 to 25 degrees, and in winter not lower than 16 ° C. If you are forced to keep your ficus in a cool room, then try not to water it so often.

Generally the temperature is quite important condition the correct development of the ficus, but, unfortunately, many owners of such plants underestimate its importance and often even lose their ficuses.

Proper watering

Watering the ficus at home is necessary regularly, but in moderation. In the summer, this must be done several times a week. Starting in autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced so that in winter you water your ficus only once a week. It is worth noting that ficuses do not like too much humidity, but also excessive dryness.

In addition, at times the soil needs loosening, so it will dry out better. In case of high humidity, the roots of the flower will begin to rot, and it will shed a large number of leaves. Watering the plant should be carried out only with settled water at room temperature. It is also necessary to spray the leaves often enough with a spray bottle.

Fertilizer and transplant

Top dressing at home should be carried out in spring and summer twice a month. For these purposes, it is necessary to optimally use natural fertilizers, for example, nettle infusions or ash. Before fertilizing, the tree is watered, otherwise its roots can simply be burned.

In winter, you can also feed the flower, but this should only be done if there is additional lighting.

By the way, young ficuses need an annual spring transplant. Plants that have reached the age of four are transplanted after a year.

If you began to notice that the earth in a pot dries up quickly - this is a sign that the roots do not have enough space and necessary substances, which means it's time to transplant the plant.

After you transplanted the ficus, it may slow down growth or drop some of the leaves, but all this is normal reaction to change the soil, because with an increase free space in a pot, the roots grow more slowly, and the growth and development of the entire ficus directly depends on their growth. Do not worry - very soon the plant will restore growth and leaves.

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