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» How to hide the ugly one. How to cover ugly walls. Evergreen shrubs for high hedges can be recommended

How to hide the ugly one. How to cover ugly walls. Evergreen shrubs for high hedges can be recommended

Most of us want to have an interesting and original interior. Usually, the main attention is drawn to the walls, since their area is the largest, so today the article will be about how to decorate or decorate them with your own hands. There are many ways to do this, including.

We decorate walls with wallpaper and other materials

In addition, other combinations of materials are often used, which makes it possible to expand the spheres of influence of each of them. Everything, of course, depends on imagination, and today there are plenty of materials for its implementation.

You can combine with each other, for example:

  • wallpaper made from natural materials;
  • vinyl wallpapers;
  • moldings;
  • frescoes;
  • composite panels in a wide range of shades, colors and patterns.
  1. Wherein a necessary condition is to maintain unity stylistic direction to maintain comfort and harmony in the interior of the room. As wall decoration they use it for this different kinds wallpaper with the same shade, but with different textures.
  2. We should not forget about one more aspect - combined wallpaper make it possible to functionally improve a room, for example, a kitchen. Work area near the stove are often made of other coatings so that they can be cleaned and washed more often, unlike other places.
  3. Separately, we should talk about how to decorate wallpaper of different color shades. Speech in in this case goes to the graphic “color wheel”, which has 12 primary colors that interact with each other. They are located in two adjacent sectors, they are related, and their joint use in the design of the room makes it possible to create an impression of harmony and relaxation.

Tip: if you don’t have enough energy in the room, use combinations of colors located in opposite sectors.

Decor rules

When using a combination of wallpaper in the interior, you should not forget about the rule - they must have design elements that echo each other. These can be shades of the same color or uniform style drawing.

For example, floral patterns go well with wooden patterns, and abstraction goes well with any geometric shapes. When choosing a certain interior style, it is best to create a border between the wallpaper using decorative polyurethane pilasters, painted in the desired color, or wooden planks, for example, halves of bamboo stems.

Advice: when choosing a method for decorating a room, remember that any combination of wallpaper should not stand out from the general style of the room, be a continuation of its purpose and reflect its specifics. Then the design of the room used will be harmonious and not irritate those living in the apartment or house.

Decorating wallpaper for painting

Possess interesting feature– they can be painted. In this case, you do not need to specifically time the repair to change the boring color of the wall coverings; the effect can be achieved without removing them.

However, you should start by gluing wallpaper. An interesting effect can be obtained by painting walls or canvas with reverse side when the paint begins to show through the interlining. Combined with a relief surface, this will enhance the wall decor.

At the same time, remember, if painted:

  • wallpaper - the paint will be brighter and more contrasting;
  • wall - the color scheme will be more restrained.

You can significantly highlight the texture of the coating by using different colors for the depressions and protruding parts.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Apply paint to the surface with a slight movement of the roller so that only the protruding parts are painted. In this case, try not to get a lot of dye on it.
  2. First, paint the entire surface with a light shade of paint, and after drying, apply a more saturated paint to it, then wipe it with a rag or sponge. Protruding elements of the texture will be painted in light color, at the same time, the depressions are in the dark. Such a surface will look embossed and beautiful.

Decor options

You can use the most unexpected methods.

  1. For example, paint a wall a bright color and apply a glaze with colored or white flakes on top of it. Wait until it dries and spread them with a dry brush evenly over the surface. Pure azure applied to painted wallpaper will give the surface a shine with a pearlescent tint.
  2. An interesting effect can be obtained from using a patterned border that matches the shade in which you plan to paint the wallpaper. In this case, the color below and above the border may be different or the same. For example, below are yellow. And from above beige wallpaper, and the border itself represents a pattern of these flowers.
  3. If you need to apply a drawing to the wall, you can use the stencil technique. When straight lines predominate, a stencil can be made on the wall using masking tape.
  4. The simplest and simplest option is to use two layers of paint in succession. After applying the first one with a special roller, let it dry and apply the second one. If you need to choose a complex shade, it is better to use machine tinting. By the way, this method will help if you make a mistake with the volume of material, the machine makes it possible to accurately repeat the selected color.

Repair and decor of old wallpaper

Above we looked at options largely related to new coatings. In this section we will talk about repairing and decorating old ones. This usually happens when it is necessary to restore the coating from abrasion, stains, children's artwork, if a cat tore it off, or simply in some places the wallpaper suddenly began to bubble and come apart.

In this case, there is no need to make major repairs; it is enough to carry out partial restoration of damaged areas.

Below are instructions on how to do this correctly:

  1. Prepare materials and tools - glue (wallpaper, for joints, PVA), pieces of old remaining wallpaper, scissors, dry rags, a medical plastic syringe, a soft sponge, a hair dryer and a brush.

Tip: do not use PVA glue for light-colored wallpaper, as yellow stains may appear on it.

  1. If they come off, bend the edges, take a dry rag and wipe their surface to remove dirt. Apply glue in an even layer on the canvas and wall, especially carefully covering the edges. Press firmly onto the base after they are saturated with glue. Smooth the surface from the center to the edge and immediately remove any excess with a sponge.
  2. You can seal the seams as follows - carefully unscrew the seams and remove the remaining putty from the canvas, vacuum the wall and wallpaper, and clean off the bumps. Apply glue to the joints and smooth them with a rubber roller. Take a hairdryer and heat the joints so that the glue sets faster.

Advice: it is best to repair joints special glue, which has better adhesion and fast setting time.

  1. If stains appear, some of them can be simply washed off, being careful. For paper wallpaper use soapy water or detergent. You can also use a clothing stain remover.

Oily, greasy spots remove with dishwashing liquid, from fountain pens and ink - with nail polish remover or alcohol. Paint over very small spots with a brush to match the canvas.

Tip: Before removing stains with aggressive means, check them on a separate piece so as not to spoil the surface.

  1. If the cat has torn off part of the wallpaper, you can replace it with a similar piece by carefully removing the old one and gluing a new one in its place. Make sure there are no air bubbles underneath.

Some ideas

When you are tired of the old wallpaper, but it still sticks firmly to the wall and you are not planning a renovation yet, use the following ideas:

  1. Post on plain wallpaper facing the sun in the morning - a metal mirror panel. Although its price will be rather high, you will be greeted by sunbeams in the morning.

There is a bookcase, not bothering anyone, and suddenly - a rearrangement! The cabinet is moving, preparing to move to a new place, and there - priests! Some of the wallpaper has fallen off, some has torn, and over the years of standing it has also become dusty and dirty. Or another thriller plot: a switch, a short circuit - a black mark on the wall. Scary?

There are situations when troubles happen with walls. Where there is a flood and drips, where are children’s palms, there are cat’s claws, here is a hole. And it would be okay if there were wallpaper of the same color in stock, but no, you won’t find it in the store. What to do?

People with the means and opportunities solve the problem radically: strip the wall, prepare it, cover it with new wallpaper or paint it. And then you look - and there is a reason to renovate the entire room, and then the apartment. But what if there is no such opportunity yet, either because of time (after all, it’s not possible to buy a loaf of bread in a store), or because of funds?

A wall in almost any condition can be masked. To begin with, you can return the cabinet to its place and not suffer, and decorate the switch/socket along the contour. The hole is closed high up with a picture, decorated with a beautiful baguette, a shelf, a photograph, the hole at the bottom is a sticker, a drawing. What kind of deeds do people go to just to decorate their walls, what materials do they not use. But such measures are also suitable in our case. We are not shy, we experiment, and then we simply say that this is how it was intended.

If creativity is not an issue, you can call a herd of five to ten neighbor kids, give out a flat surface, paint and not interfere. Young Picasso will paint the wall so that all that remains is to arrange everything in wooden slats, outlining a joint masterpiece with a homemade frame. True, for some it will be quite bold.

Lovers of extravagance (and at the same time, owners of fabric cuts) decorate the wall with drapery made of fabric or curtains. Or hang fabric roller blinds. Curtains hanging to the floor look great on the windows. On the walls the visual effect is no less successful. They can be hung on baguettes or simply fixed with nails, gathered in folds or pulled over a frame. And if you take a walk, the room can even be turned into a fabulous oriental tent from the inside.

Plant lovers are not left on the sidelines either. If the wall is sufficiently illuminated, then densely growing vines are sent along it vines, ivy. They will cover up the flaws in the walls and draw attention to themselves.

In any case, the problem of the wall is not a problem for lovers of comfort and coziness. There will always be a way out.

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Do you think a wall is just a place where you can hang wallpaper or apply a coat of paint? Yes, you are simply wasting the decorative potential of the walls! We will teach you 68 ways to decorate using familiar and available materials.

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On the picture:

Mirrors can not only serve practical purposes: repeated many times in a decorative composition, they become an art object.

The most incredible objects, if aesthetically arranged on the wall, will decorate your interior. Imagine: on the wall there is a square of 1250 matchboxes or in the bedroom above the bed there is a one and a half meter circle of Kindersurprises pressed tightly together. And in the office there are coins from my grandfather’s collection, banknotes of non-existent states: from the Soviet kopek to the Deutsche Mark...

You can perceive your home as a refuge, or simply as a place to sleep and eat, or as a space for implementing bold ideas. Imagine yourself as an artist... What should a painter have? Canvas and paints! Let free surfaces be your canvas - we will teach you how to decorate your walls.


Do you think this is a banal object that you glance at while running while fixing your hair? In fact, a mirror can be an art object, especially if you use your favorite decorative technique - repetition. Or maybe you inherited a collection of hand mirrors from your grandmother - what’s a good reason to decorate your wall with them? Hang bedroom or bathroom mirrors on a spare wall.

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On the picture:

Mirrors bring play to the space, and if there are a few more of them, then on a sunny day your interior will shine with sunbeams.

Wall Clock

Despite the fact that happy hours are not observed, this is not a reason to refuse wall clocks. Let there be several of them and each will have its own time, then, looking at it, you will know that your friend in New York is getting ready for work, and your aunt in Paris has already started preparing dinner, or it’s not too late to call your relatives in Kemerovo.

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On the picture:

With this decor you will definitely stop being late. Let each family member have their own: the children will watch that it’s time to run to school using the orange dial with a large dial, and grandma will wait for evening tea using the classic cuckoo dial.

Decorative plates

Let's move on to the kitchen: how to decorate the walls here? The most suitable decor is the one at hand. Create walls using plates from old dinner sets or hang pots, pans, and cutting boards. Select plates for collage in one color scheme, But different sizes. You can hang them either chaotically or in a strict geometric order.

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On the picture:

In addition to interior decoration, such decor also has a utilitarian function - saving space. If you hang a festive service for 12 people on the wall “plate by plate”, you definitely won’t need a buffet.


Are you used to hanging framed photographs of family and friends or masterpieces from your last vacation? Think bigger - you can simply leave the frames empty. If you want, paint them all the same color or group them by shape; if you want, on the contrary, use absolutely all the frames that are in the house. It is only important to create a harmonious composition from the frames and avoid a museum effect. Step by step instructions on hanging pictures on the wall we gave here.

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On the picture:

Frames can be not only wooden, plastic or metal, but also simply drawn on the wall or made in the form of stickers.

Posters, painting

How to decorate the walls in the nursery if you have an artist or young needlewoman growing up at home? Of course, with their work: arrange a home opening day. This way, children will be able to see that their works are getting better and better, and you will be able to show off your talents to your guests.

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On the picture:

Interesting way- hang the works close to each other and refuse frames - you get the feeling of multi-colored patchwork wallpaper.

Items from your collection

We share a secret with you - in fact, you can decorate the walls with anything. This decor does not require any expenses and is easy to change. And believe me, no one will have your old skis, tennis rackets or collection of bus tickets from different cities of the world on their wall.

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On the picture:

Remains of hardboard and ceramic tiles after renovation, old keys, bells, hats - everything will come into use!

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In any garden there are such objects that they nullify the impression of a personal plot. And all because they do not correspond general style and compositions that are unfinished, neglected or sloppy. These can be monotonous massive fences, old foundations and buildings, compost heaps, sheds and more. Depending on the object being considered, the method of solving the problem is chosen, although in general the tactics are the same: decorate or hide.

Solution #1. We reconstruct the old foundation. You can destroy the remains of the old foundation, or you can erect some kind of necessary building, for example, a flower garden, a gazebo, circular benches or anything else that matches the style of the garden.

Solution No. 2. We do not cut down dead trees on the site. Sometimes dead trees are attributes of style. In addition, they are quite easy to decorate, turning them into real decorations. personal plot: hang beautiful feeders on them, paint them, place hanging flowerpots with beautiful flowers or wind chime. You can turn old trees into furniture elements, insert lamps into them, or cover them with morning glory, virgin grapes, and clematis. If such options do not suit you, then there is only one way out - uproot.

Solution #3. We declare a battle against trash! There is no place for disorder on the site. Areas with all kinds of rubbish should be cleared. Sort everything more or less valuable by suitable places, and throw away the rest without regret.

Solution #4. There are no small things on the site. Mask hatches, gas boxes and other small objects and paint them in the desired color. Can be placed on hatches beautiful containers with flowers or cover them with pebbles or mosaics.

Solution #5. Turn buildings into design objects. Solid and practical, but ugly buildings that already exist on the site should not be destroyed. They should be decorated, and there are many options. It is possible to decorate buildings with inserts from various materials, beautifully paint or paint using stencils. Brightly colored false windows made from picture frames will look original. You can attach a pot of bright flowers to each of them. You can really make an exhibition from the wall: attach hooks to it, and then hang on them, for example, old fishing equipment or items from ancient peasant life. The facade of the building can be decorated with wicker elements, decorative wooden nets, and bright coasters for hot dishes. If it is impossible to decorate an object due to poor “quality,” then try laying it with a woodpile, leaving niches here and there for flowers, an old mug, a bright watering can or some other decorative things.

Solution #6. Masking plinths and corners. The plinths and corners of various buildings are usually masked with vegetation: large decorative deciduous perennials or using vertical gardening.

Solution #7. Huge fence possibilities. An ugly fence can always be disguised by planting plants. The best option climbing perennials are considered here. Linden or spruce trees planted in parallel will also look good, hedge. A curious newfangled solution is the construction of a multi-layer fence. This means that the main fence is duplicated by another purely decorative and lower hedge, for example, a wattle fence, and even lower vegetation is planted as a third layer. The main thing is that all layers are visible at the same time and create a single impression. The effect of this approach to design will be amazing.

There are others interesting options. You can attach pergolas, seats, flower beds or beautiful relaxation areas to the fence. Of course, an old rickety picket fence or chain-link mesh " self made"It's better to replace it. It is not profitable to restore this wealth.

Solution #8. Disguise of outbuildings. Any unsightly structures - barns, woodsheds, wells, outbuildings and other buildings are successfully camouflaged. Hide low buildings behind a curtain of tall annuals or perennials. You can also use a garden screen, although this option is, of course, somewhat unusual. It is much more interesting to make an “unsightly” object by surrounding it garden labyrinth. The labyrinth itself can be made from any construction material, for example, from natural stone or brick, or use a hedge to create it.

Very often, unsightly but necessary household elements spoil the appearance of the garden. Try our ideas to solve this problem.

Blooming stump

Over time, in almost every garden, ugly tree trunks appear in the most visible places.

It is difficult to uproot a stump; leaving it as is will ruin the whole picture.

However, this “flaw” is easy to beat. If the wooden stump is tall enough, it can serve as a vertical support for climbing plants.

Don't forget about a wide pan that will hold water and protect the manhole cover from rust. To create a flowering cap, use evergreen spurge (Euphorbia) with its purple foliage and bright green bracts.

It provides the best possible long-lasting decorative effect of the composition. Pansies 'Sorbet' will bloom from early spring until late autumn. If their blooms begin to wane, replace pansies with red, pink, or peach verbenas.

How alive!

Protection from immodest glances and wind will make your favorite corner in the garden truly cozy. But a solid fence or the wall of a house doesn’t look very attractive. Wall painting will help brighten up the situation, literally and figuratively. If lush rose bushes grow next to the relaxation corner, the choice of subject for creativity becomes obvious.

Brush-painted inflorescences will decorate a simple plank surface and combine it with fresh roses.

So much so that the transition from one to the other will be noticed only by a very experienced and picky eye. If your painting skills are not too impressive, use a stencil. You can cut it out of thick cardboard yourself or buy it at an art supply store.

Country exposition

The wall of an old barn will not spoil the impression of the garden if you place a collection of country “antiques” on it.

Obsolete gardening Tools, horseshoes and a wheel from an old cart found in a barn will rise in status and turn from ordinary trash into real exhibition pieces - you just need to carefully hang them on a vertical plane.

Why not decorate unsightly surfaces with pots of indoor plants? After all, many of them will enjoy living in the summer fresh air. The main thing is not to forget that any exhibition must be done with taste, otherwise it will turn into another dump on display.

Out of sight!

A trash can in the yard or an electrical distribution panel on the wall of a house are not noticeable because they are covered with light screens or trellises. At the base of the lattice structures, you can plant summer-blooming clematis "Arabella", which will quickly cover them with a continuous flower carpet. Wood planks create excellent conditions for climbing exercises.

You just need to distribute the flower shoots evenly over the surface of the lattice. It is best to pass them between the slats or tie them to them with a cord.

DIY green walls

No one is surprised by all kinds of vines covering the walls of houses with a luxurious cover. However, there are other techniques that can significantly expand the list of plants that can be grown on walls.

For example, a three-dimensional structure made of wooden container boxes will cover an unsightly wall of a house or “break” the solid surface of a blank fence.

Such a green wall near the outdoor dining area is especially good, because here - at arm's length from the table - you can place not only ornamental plants, but also a small kitchen garden of parsley, cilantro, thyme, basil and sage.

Mirrors in the garden

Mirrors in the garden play the same role as in the interior - they visually expand the space and make it brighter. Thus, a mirror in a niche of a stone fence will create the illusion of a continuation of the garden behind the arch. Even a very tiny mirror will enliven the garden and fill it with sunlight and light. This idea is especially good for small and shady areas.

Over time, you will want to “double” the space, reflecting it almost completely. However, before you permanently register a large mirror in the garden, you need to think carefully: will the mirror surface withstand our frosts and temperature changes?

If the answer is no, it is better to limit yourself to small products that can be brought into the house for the winter.

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