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» How to improve the microclimate in a team and why is it necessary? How to create a favorable microclimate in an apartment? Noise in residential areas

How to improve the microclimate in a team and why is it necessary? How to create a favorable microclimate in an apartment? Noise in residential areas

How to create a microclimate in an apartment that contributes to the excellent well-being of household members - actual question for those who care about health and strive to create favorable conditions living in a confined space. Designers know effective ways filling the apartment with clean mountain air and maintaining.

How to heat your house without harm to your health

When the air temperature outside the window is low, it is extremely important to operate, which burns minimally the level of oxygen in living spaces with closed windows. To neutralize this effect, most manufacturers of convectors, oil and infrared heaters equips the equipment with built-in humidifiers and air ionizers. Some models are complemented by integrated fans that speed up the process of heating the room, but it is worth focusing on the opposite effect - rapid circulation automatically raises dust and saturates the air in the rooms with it, which negatively affects the respiratory system of residents. That's why the best way enhancing the heating effect of an apartment is an installation that can significantly increase the heat transfer of devices.

It will help to radically improve the microclimate in the apartment. From the point of view of doctors, the optimal room temperature is between 18-22 degrees. It is possible to set this heating mode or adjust it depending on individual needs by controlling thermostats that set optimal mode work . Besides functional system heating will not only help optimize the microclimate in residential premises, but also save the consumption of expensive heat energy.

Advice! If there is a lack of heat in the house, it is advisable to organize where at any time you can warm up and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere emanating from the hearth.

Thanks to the innovative developments of designers, apartment residents can install gas or with a realistic installation of a burning flame of fire, the sound of crackling wood and coal, on equal terms with the owners of private houses. The advantageous feature of electric fireplaces is the absence of the effect of emitting combustion products harmful to health, which are characteristic of genuine home fires. The fashion for fireplaces intended for installation in apartments has influenced the creation of a huge range of equipment that can look organically in any interior, be it ornate empire style.

Criteria for choosing windows for apartment equipment

The question “how to create a microclimate in an apartment”, where the air condition could be compared with countries with impeccable ecology, needs to be asked from the moment major renovations begin. Windows must be made exclusively from natural wood, which allows air from the external environment to pass through and does not emit harmful substances during heating, unlike. When comparing polymer and wooden window blocks, a number of factors can be identified that determine the state of the microclimate in the apartment:

  • The ability of a tree to pass air affects the supply of oxygen to the room air. Plastic neutralizes the effect of air exchange, creating a feeling of vacuum in a room with closed windows.
  • Polymer profiles are characterized by a high degree of electrostaticity, which causes the attraction and accumulation of dust, which has a detrimental effect on the health of allergy sufferers. Therefore, the microclimate in an apartment with plastic windows is strictly contraindicated for residents with respiratory problems and children.
  • When installing profiles made of coniferous wood (pine, fir or cedar), the apartment can breathe as easily and freely as in the forest. Coniferous trees, even after being cut down and processed for many years, secrete biologically active substances– phytoncides that disinfect the air from microorganisms harmful to health. It is worth noting that scientists have proven the fact that plastic releases dioxin when the polymer is heated, which produces a poisonous effect on others.
  • The level of sound insulation of wooden profiles is much higher than that of plastic windows, since wood is able to retain both low and high frequencies, while polymers can only retain high sound frequencies. with wooden profiles are most insulated from street noise.

Impeccable hypoallergenic properties, a high degree of strength, and the ability to withstand the effects of moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature fluctuations determine excellent performance properties, which should be given preference if you want to create a healthy microclimate in the apartment.

Subtleties of selecting climate control equipment for an apartment

Having set the goal of creating ideal conditions in the internal environment of the apartment, you need to complete the primary task - choose climate control equipment. To facilitate the search, you need to measure the area of ​​living quarters and study the indicators of a hygrometer that can determine the state of the microclimate in the apartment. The functional device is designed to control the climate conditions in an enclosed space, where it can instantly determine the temperature and humidity level of the air.

  • – multifunctional device climate control technology, without which it is difficult to imagine life in dusty cities and provinces with constantly fluctuating heating conditions. Modern split systems are able to cool, heat, humidify the air regardless of outside temperature and operation of heating equipment. To improve the microclimate in studio apartment or, you should give preference to models with integrated system filtering and purifying air from dust and harmful impurities. They not only disinfect the air, but also enrich it with ions and phytoncides, which are sorely lacking in the air of urban areas. Modern technologies we have maximally improved split systems that are responsible for the state of the microclimate in the apartment. It is possible to control and monitor the operating mode of the air conditioner remotely using Wi-Fi. Thanks to the mobility of the split system, you can install the optimal room temperature while at work, on a business trip, or in the car on the way home.
  • Air washing gradually cleans and humidifies the air: it performs an antibacterial function, carries out plasma ionization, eliminates dust, animal hair and allergenic pollen, and enriches the space with moisture that is missing to the optimal level.

Advice! If there is not enough space to accommodate a large split system or equipment that humidifies the air, a microclimate system in the apartment will permanently get rid of the problem of excessive dry air, dampness, and insufficient heating or ventilation of residential premises.

A set of equipment equipped with combined engineering systems for heating, air conditioning, ventilation, humidification and dehumidification is a universal climate control model. The prototype of such multifunctional equipment is a system that automatically creates an ideal microclimate in the apartment.

The microclimate of an apartment is determined not only by the operation of split systems, heaters, humidifiers and air purifiers, but also by the materials used for furnishing and decorating the rooms. It is extremely important to study the impact on environment certain details of the furnishings and cladding of the premises. Therefore, for finishing an apartment, you should give preference to those treated with organic dyes like zelige ( Moroccan style tiles), paper, paint with high hypoallergenic properties, and partitions made of gypsum, clinker bricks, marble, granite, wood and others natural materials without treatment with chemical compounds.

In addition to the beneficial effect on the environment Decoration Materials with a natural base, they are distinguished by durability and the ability to not lose their original appearance for a long time. Naturalness should be evident in every element of interior design.

Ventilation in apartment buildings often works unsatisfactorily. Because of this, children and adults get sick, furniture gets damaged, and they become covered with fungus. building construction. Neither air purifiers nor household air conditioners solve the problem. For air hygiene in rooms, it is necessary to organize air exchange. Not every family can afford to install an expensive ventilation system. However, in the battle for freshness, you can often get by with little loss by adopting the simplest and most accessible technologies.

Air mass roads

In most residential multi-apartment buildings modern construction natural (gravity) exhaust ventilation is provided. Fresh air enters the rooms mainly through leaks in the windows (between the sash and the frame) and from there through the undercuts interior doors moves into the corridor, and then towards ventilation grilles in the bathroom and kitchen. Along the way, the air absorbs various types of pollution.

From apartments, polluted air enters the exhaust ducts of natural ventilation, which in multi-storey buildings (6 or more floors), as a rule, transport it to a warm attic, from which the air is removed into the atmosphere through common building exhaust shafts. In buildings up to 5 floors high, the “exhaust” usually goes directly into the atmosphere (in this case, the ventilation ducts are brought to the roof, their heads are covered with deflectors).

Natural ventilation ducts are installed in houses during the construction phase: they are made from floor-by-floor standardized concrete blocks. Each vertical of apartments can be served by two ventilation ducts, and if the bathroom and kitchen are nearby, then one is enough.

To ensure fire protection and optimal aerodynamics, in most modern houses, polluted air does not enter the ventilation ducts immediately, but through satellite ducts. The source of the satellite is behind the wall ventilators in the kitchen (in the toilet, bathroom), and the outlet, connected to the general house channel, is on the floor above.

Unfortunately, gravity ventilation does not always work effectively enough. In addition, residents, wanting to squeeze more equipment they really need into their small kitchens and bathrooms, often encroach on the integrity of the ventilation ducts, although this is strictly prohibited. As a result, the functionality of the natural ventilation system is disrupted, the restoration of which becomes very difficult and costly.

Methods for organizing effective ventilation on a whole-house scale are discussed in detail in modern technical literature, for example, in the recommendations of TR ABOK-4–2004. We will limit ourselves to a review of typical apartment ventilation problems and simple technical solutions , which are easy to implement to improve air exchange.

Only fans...

The performance of natural ventilation depends on random climatic factors - wind speed and direction, indoor and outdoor air temperature, and others. For example, in winter, with a large temperature difference in the apartment and outside, a natural ventilation system can work well, but in summer its effectiveness drops sharply.

If the apartment has ordinary wooden windows (those that were installed in all residential buildings), in winter, autumn and spring, the ventilation efficiency of residents is quite satisfactory, then the problem is solved with the help of one or two fans installed in the exhaust openings in the bathrooms and kitchen.

The most widely used fans today are those that operate on 220 V (in rooms with high humidity, fans rated at 12 V are used). Such devices are fixed in exhaust openings in discharge shafts or at the end of the air duct. Such a device can be turned on and off using a rope switch or, what happens more often, from the light switch at the entrance to the kitchen or bathroom.

However, other control methods are possible, depending on the type of ventilated room.

For example, the bathroom is the main source of high humidity in the apartment. Waterproof models with a humidity sensor are often used here. Such a device turns on automatically when the level of relative humidity in the bathroom exceeds a specified limit (can be set to turn on at 60–90%), and turns off when the steam evaporates, wet surfaces dry out, evaporation slows down and the air in the room becomes drier.

Among the models with a humidity sensor, we can note Decor 300CH from Soler&Palau, CB-100 PLUS H from Cata, E-Style 100 PRO MHY (smart) from Elicent and others.

In toilets, fans with a motion sensor and a shutdown delay timer are very often used. When a person appears, such a fan automatically turns on, and after the room is empty, a timer controls the operation of the fan for a set time (2–20 minutes). At the end of the delay period, it deactivates the fan. An example is the 100/125 MA TP model from Vents.

In the kitchen, fans are used that are turned on by a signal from an external air quality sensor.

The sensor is usually a device the size of a cigarette box, and its sensors constantly monitor indoor air quality. Once it gets worse (the smell of cigarette smoke appears, as well as unpleasant odors), the fan is activated. After the air quality has returned to normal, the sensor automatically turns off the device with a short time delay (3–20 minutes).

An example is the Vario (Vortice) axial wall fan model with a C Smoke sensor.

Cheap fan models - consumables, be prepared to replace them after 3–6 months of continuous use. Only the highest quality devices can operate up to 30,000–40,000 hours in a row (approximately 4.5 years). If you want your apartment to be ventilated more intensively, buy a fan with a powerful motor that has a turbo function. However, here you need to know when to stop. In order not to harm others, the fan’s air output should not exceed 90–120 m 3 /h.

In addition to the fans of the listed companies, it is worth noting devices from the brands Sylavent, O. ERRE, Xpelair, Ductex, Systemair, Maico Ventilatoren, Ballu Machine, as well as Arktos and Smart.


If you were quite satisfied with the efficiency of ventilation in your apartment before installing sealed plastic windows with double-glazed windows, and after their installation you felt a lack of fresh air, solving the problem of air supply to your home may turn out to be unexpectedly simple. Set the window latches to winter ventilation mode (latch handle up and slightly to the right) or summer ventilation mode (handle up). Through the cracks formed in the window narthexes, the fresh air necessary for breathing will leak into the rooms. None additional devices and you don't need any devices.

Alas, through windows slightly open even in this way, street noise will penetrate into the house, and drafts will arise, especially dangerous for the elderly and children. If these phenomena are unacceptable, it is better to use supply air to depressurize the apartment. ventilation valves, which provide silent access to fresh air into the home and normalization of natural ventilation.

Supply ventilation valves can be installed in various places in the apartment. This can be an external wall - on the side of the window, at the height of a person (for example, KIV-125 valves), a foamed window-wall joint (Climabox valves from KVE), a sash or impost profile of a plastic or wooden window (EMM valves from " Aereco"). Siegenia - Aubi offers very interesting models of supply ventilation valves, mounted in the gap between the end of the glass unit and window profile(“Aeromat-80”) or under the window sill board (“Aeroflet”).

Supply ventilation valves do not consume electricity; their capacity, depending on the model, can range from 2 to 50 m 3 / h (for some models, the flow rate can be adjusted manually or automatically).

The number and location of valves is determined according to calculation. Usually they are installed in every living space, at least two valves per apartment. For example, to normalize the operation of a natural ventilation system that removes 90 m3/h of exhaust air from a house, it is enough to install living rooms 3–4 valves with a capacity of 30 m 3 /h each with a pressure difference between the apartment and the street of 10 Pa.

It must be said that the better the draft in the ventilation ducts and the higher the wind pressure on the facades, the more air will flow through the supply ventilation valves into the home. Sometimes supply air there may even be too much, so the valves have to be closed. It is not recommended to place the head of the bed, especially a child’s bed, next to the valves, since in winter they give off a noticeable cold.

But in summer, in calm weather, fresh air may not enter the house at all, even if the valves are completely open. Therefore, to secure an apartment fresh air(especially if it is located on the last or penultimate floor of the house) in addition to valves, it is still better to equip the exhaust openings in the kitchen and bathroom with good exhaust fans.

Overhaul or replacement?

Redevelopment carried out by a neighbor above, or a banal blockage of the satellite air duct (after long-term operation, kilograms of soot, pieces of concrete are removed from it...) often leads to the fact that the exhaust air is not removed from the apartment at all. The candle flame in front of the ventilation grilles does not even flutter. To resuscitate the ventilation system, it is often enough to contact management company, whose specialists will help you find out and eliminate the cause of the lack of traction. However, you may not be able to wait for help...

If you cannot tolerate musty air in your home, there is an option to organize an individual system exhaust ventilation apartments that discharge exhaust air from the kitchen and bathroom directly to the street, and simply install plugs on the existing exhaust ventilation holes in these rooms.

Such a system can operate in continuous mode or “on demand” (for example, it can be activated by a signal from humidity sensors or air quality sensors in the apartment). The bottleneck of such installations is freezing of exhaust vents on the street in severe cold weather. However, most of the year they function without problems - if only there was electricity in the house.

First of all, for normal operation of the system, access of fresh air from the street to the living quarters - bedroom, living room - is necessary. If the rooms have old wooden windows, no special equipment will be required. If installed plastic windows with a sealed porch, then the flow of air into the living rooms will most likely have to be organized. For example, using the supply valves already mentioned above, mounted in through holes in the external walls.

Air exhaust from the kitchen is often achieved using a wall-mounted centrifugal exhaust fan placed over a through hole cut into the outer wall of the house. From the side of the house façade, the opening is closed with an exhaust ventilation grille.

A centrifugal wall fan for the kitchen should have a built-in check valve to prevent cold air from flowing into the room from the street when it is turned off. Example: fans of the CF series (Vents). In the southern regions, axial exhaust fans with automatic blinds are also used, mounted in a through hole with a diameter of 100–150 mm in the window glazing. Similar devices are available on Russian market under trademarks Vortice, Sylavent, O. ERRE, Xpelair, Ductex and others.

To extract air from the bathroom and toilet - rooms that usually do not come into contact with the outer walls of the house, you will need a moisture-proof duct fan with a capacity of approximately 80-150 m 3 / h: it is usually installed in the bathroom, behind a false ceiling. With its help, moist air from the bathroom and toilet is pumped out into the street through an air duct that is moisture-resistant and sound-proof. Such an air duct must be laid through the living rooms, along the shortest path to the nearest external wall, in the space behind the hemming flow, or in the voids of the decorative lowering of the ceiling along the perimeter of the room. The air intake in the bathroom and the air duct outlet on the street are covered with ventilation grilles.

For bathrooms in an apartment, it is logical to buy a centrifugal fan with a low noise level (32–36 dB (A)), adapted for long-term operation (resource - at least 30,000–40,000 hours).

We can recommend VKP-mini (Vents) with a capacity of 80 to 176 m 3 /h. Up to 4 short air ducts can be connected to the inlet pipes of this device, and only one outlet pipe. Durable models duct fans Vortice is made from polymer materials that do not tolerate long-term contact with moist, polluted air ( the lineup Lineo), Cata (SMT), Panasonic (FV-12NS1), Shuft and others.

Among the manufacturers of air ducts, we note the companies DEC, Diaflex, Sodiamex. The companies Trox, Systemair, Halton, Swegon, IMP Klima, and Arktos have a wide range of high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation grilles.

No smog or smell

In modern megacities, plastic windows are often installed only to tightly isolate an apartment from the street. The air outside the windows, due to its proximity to the highway, is polluted with a host of dangerous chemical compounds. And its inhalation over time necessarily affects the health of household members...

Alas, sealing the home, as the only measure to combat smog, does not bode well for apartment residents. In a closed home, the air quickly becomes even more toxic than outside. Therefore, in addition to installing sealed windows, it is necessary to equip the home with a mechanical ventilation system.

The simplest solution is an air supply unit that thoroughly cleans the street air of contaminants and, if necessary, heats it to a comfortable +17 ºС before supplying it to the apartment. Exhaust air from the home is discharged through natural exhaust ventilation channels (if they are in working order), otherwise - using the apartment's individual exhaust ventilation system.

Such systems, if, of course, they are correctly designed and installed, maintain the highest level of climatic comfort in the room and do not create drafts. There are no problems with heating the supply air even in severe cold.

To organize the flow of fresh, purified air into a room with an area of ​​10–30 m2, air supply units for one room, for example Marta, or other similar devices are very convenient. This installation is mounted under a window or in any other place in the room, but always on a wall bordering the street. It sucks air from the atmosphere (usually in a volume of 40 to 120 m 3 /h) through a channel drilled in the wall with a diameter of 100–150 mm, processes the flow to the required conditions, and then releases it into the room.

It is noteworthy that air handling units for one room can be installed in already finished rooms, without disturbing the interior, without spoiling the finish, and in just a few hours. In recirculation mode, the unit works as a highly efficient room air purifier.

If several rooms need street air purified from pollutants at once, it is logical to consider the possibility of installing a ventilation system based on a monoblock air handling unit. It will take air from the street, prepare it accordingly, and then supply it through a network of supply air ducts to all rooms that need it. If the house you live in has a courtyard and the air quality there is better than that of the facade facing the roadway, then it is logical to “feed” the apartment with fresh air from this more environmentally friendly air pool.

Structurally, a monoblock air handling unit for an apartment is a box assembled from thermally insulated panels; a duct or centrifugal fan is located inside the unit, electric heater air (most often single-phase, 220 V, but in some cases three-phase models at 380 V are also used), filters, as well as an automation system and other elements.

Central air supply units are installed on the loggia, but sometimes also directly in the apartment - for example, on the mezzanine, in the pantry, in the dressing room or in the corridor. Depending on the design features, they are placed behind a false ceiling, installed on the floor or on a wall, in a horizontal or vertical position.

Models with a weather-resistant coating of the body and sufficiently effective thermal insulation can be located outside the heated zone - on a loggia or wall of a building - just like external units of split systems. It is only necessary to provide for the possibility of their regular maintenance (filter replacement, engine repair and other work).

To supply air to rooms, an air collector duct (main section) is often provided, from which different rooms supply air ducts of smaller diameter are separated. The network of ventilation ducts is located behind the false ceiling. Air distribution devices that harmonize with the interior are installed at the mouths of the supply air ducts.

After connecting to the network and starting up, the air handling unit operates in automatic mode all year round. It is only important to pay electricity bills on time and carry out maintenance.

Among monoblock air handling units for large rooms we can note TLP and TA-MINI from Systemair, SAU125 A from Ostberg, CAU from SHUFT, “Compact” from Arktos, “Elf” from Engineering Equipment, Fresh Air from Electrolux, GLP 125 from General Climate, KKP from VEZA, Alfa Vent from 2VV and others. Well, we have already mentioned the manufacturers of high-quality air ducts, exhaust fans and ventilation grilles above.

Material provided

We are all used to complaining about poor ecology and polluted air, but no matter how dirty the air outside is, in our apartments it is 5 times more polluted and 9 times more toxic! In a word, we urgently need to improve the health of our habitat!

It is best to buy a special air purifier. It forces air through its filters and traps harmful allergens - dust, fur, pollen, etc.). This cleaner can and should be used 24 hours a day. Just don’t install it in the kitchen - it can be spoiled by greasy deposits.

If this option is expensive, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible and be sure to wet cleaning. Only ventilation can cope with high concentrations of many harmful substances. We must not forget about closets - the air in them can be thousands of times dirtier than usual. Cabinets need to be ventilated once a week.

Plants can become your assistants in the fight for clean air. Experts say they make the air 40% cleaner. Most best cleaner from plants - chlorophytum. It is capable of absorbing formaldehyde, phenol, tobacco smoke and carbon monoxide. Spathiphyllum, tradescantia, dracaena and ficus can also serve as air purification factories. Asparagus absorbs heavy metal particles well. Plants with broad leaves attract dust that would otherwise hang loose in the air. To combat germs, you can grow onions, garlic, myrtle, rosemary, eucalyptus and citrus fruits.

One of the pressing problems of city apartments is low air humidity. Especially in winter, when the air is dried out by heaters and radiators. Dry air significantly increases the likelihood of colds, and the condition worsens in people with asthma.

It’s not surprising, because a person evaporates about a glass of water during the night. There is only one way out - moisturize, moisturize and moisturize again. It is best to again buy a special humidifier. If it is not there, you need to use available means - hang wet towels on the radiator and place containers with water (preferably wide ones) near them. You also need to humidify the air from a spray bottle. Again, plants will come in handy - palm plants and cyperus evaporate water well.

If there is high humidity in the room and the air does not circulate enough, which is why fungus forms, you need to ventilate as often as possible and install a hood in the kitchen.

Air conditioners, which wonderfully cool the air, unfortunately also dry it out with all their might, and in addition mercilessly devour oxygen. So it’s better not to save on this device, but to buy a fairly expensive model.

The creation of technological means of environmental control in production facilities is necessary to improve the quality of work. If conditions are favorable, then employees cope better with their responsibilities, and this affects production volumes. Fresh air provided through air conditioning and ventilation. An important place in this is occupied by the microclimate - this is the state of the environment inside the production facility. Its parameters must be observed.


In modern standards that apply to the organization production processes, rules are provided to ensure the safety of workers. Due to the complexity of manufacturing technologies, enterprises need to protect people. Microclimate standards are also established in residential premises. The rules are prescribed in SanPiN

The microclimate is important for workers - these are the parameters of the air environment in which permissible and optimal values ​​of temperature, humidity, and thermal radiation are established. It is these indicators that are oriented towards when creating comfortable conditions for normal human activities.


At every enterprise, a suitable microclimate for work is important. The factors that ensure a favorable environment are as follows:

  • climate zone and season;
  • workshop sizes;
  • air exchange conditions;
  • technical support for production;
  • number of employees.

During the day, indicators may change, and in individual production areas they may differ at the same time. Together they form a microclimate.


During the analysis, the conditions for creating a microclimate are considered both separately and together. Microclimate parameters characterizing the industrial atmosphere include air speed, humidity and temperature. In addition, possible thermal radiation is taken into account. The temperature is set taking into account the characteristics of the surfaces. Usually the condition of structures and equipment is taken into account: units, instruments, screens.

The microclimate of the premises is determined by the combination of temperature, relative humidity and air speed acting on the human body, as well as the temperature of the surrounding surfaces.

Air humidity is the content of water vapor in the air. Humidity can be maximum, relative and absolute. Microclimate parameters allow you to determine the degree of comfort in the room.

Types of parameters

Microclimate of residential and public buildings determined by:

  • lighting sources;
  • chemical composition of air;
  • noise level;
  • presence of radiation;
  • space pollution.

The room should be such that its space meets the psychological and physiological needs of people. The area where a person works must be environmentally friendly, as well as protected from chemical components and noise.

The parameters are divided into:

  • Optimal. They include indicators internal space objects in which a person will have a normal thermal state and minimal voltage.
  • Acceptable - parameters at which, with prolonged exposure, a person experiences a deterioration in well-being and a feeling of discomfort.

Microclimate functions

Production premises must comply with standards, as this affects the condition of people. For example, a decrease in temperature and an increase in air movement speed makes convective heat transfer and heat transfer enhanced. This occurs when sweat evaporates and can lead to hypothermia.

The indoor microclimate may also be affected differently if the temperature is elevated. Humidity is also important in the impact of production on humans. This indicator includes the body's tolerance to temperature and its thermal sensations. As the relative humidity increases, the evaporation of sweat will be slow, and there is a risk of overheating.

High humidity has a negative effect if the temperature is above 30 degrees. All the heat generated by the evaporation of sweat is released into the environment, which creates a working microclimate. These are important indicators in determining the situation. Due to high humidity, the possibility of sweat evaporation is eliminated - drops flow down the skin. As a result, the person sweats. Heat transfer will not be optimal.

Sanitary standards

Hygienic requirements for the microclimate are regulated in legislative acts. They are mandatory for all enterprises. Optimal indicators of temperature, air speed and environmental humidity are included in SanPiN. The microclimate will be favorable only if all hygiene requirements are met. SanPin also contains rules on thermal radiation so that the premises are suitable for work, taking into account the loads and time of year.

Compliance with standards is not always possible at enterprises where hygienic requirements do not meet technological standards. Organizations regularly undergo checks to ensure that SanPiN is being complied with. The microclimate must correspond to the norm for the enterprise to be economically feasible. Management takes measures to improve working conditions and practices the use of safety measures to protect employees.

Optimal performance

Comfortable microclimate conditions are calculated based on the worker’s condition. Optimal norms necessary to provide a general and local feeling of thermal comfort for 8 hours. It is necessary to maintain a minimum voltage during thermoregulation.

The main criterion for calculating optimal indicators is the absence of factors that negatively affect health. A favorable microclimate is a factor that leads to improved performance of employees. They also put forward requirements for workplaces and areas where neuro-emotional stress is required, for example, consoles and control stations.

Valid values

There are strict requirements for the indoor microclimate. If you follow the rules of the microclimate, there will be no deviations in the health of workers. But some sensations in the form of discomfort, poor health, and deterioration in performance may still appear. For example, the air temperature, depending on the work process, can be no more than 3 degrees. This causes discomfort if you do not use personal protective equipment.

How is microclimate measured?

Production premises must have all indicators within normal limits. Appropriate instruments are used for measurement. A classic device is a thermometer that allows you to determine temperature.

Thermographs are used to record indicators for a specific time. There are devices for measuring humidity, which is also important in determining the microclimate. These include psychrometers and hygrometers. Aneroid barometers are used to measure atmospheric pressure.

Preventing Negative Impacts

Microclimate regulation comes down to compliance with safety standards of industrial premises where employees carry out their work duties. If there are deviations from the indicators, preventive measures must be taken to help eliminate the harmful effects.

To protect people from negative influence use air conditioning systems, including personal protective equipment against temperature changes. Microclimate is the state of the environment, therefore differentiation of rooms depending on the air is used. It is necessary to create rest rooms where workers can recover.


Optimal microclimate conditions in production can be created at a relative air humidity of 40-60%. If there are deviations from these norms, the person will develop dry skin and respiratory tract, and it will also become hot and stuffy. In such a room, furniture and even floors crack.

To prevent this, you need to improve ventilation and use humidifiers. Aquariums with open lids are installed in homes. This allows moisture to evaporate. The production facilities have special equipment for this.

Indoor plants are grown in homes to improve humidity. Humidity is determined by a hygrometer. Assessing the microclimate allows you to determine whether the indicators meet the standards. If there are deviations, then you need to reconsider the operation of the ventilation. If necessary, it is better to replace it with a new one. High humidity also has a negative impact on people. This causes fungi and mold to multiply and clothes, furniture, and food to spoil. And a person’s immunity weakens, so he is more susceptible to various diseases.


An important microclimate factor is temperature. Its standards are established by SanPin If optimal indicator is violated, then after prolonged exposure the body weakens and immunity decreases. This applies not only to cold rooms, but also to too hot ones, since such conditions are unacceptable for people.

During the cool period, the temperature is determined by the efficiency heating systems, and in hot weather it is supported by air conditioning. If utility organizations do not comply with thermoregulation standards, then this should be done independently, since this affects health.

Air speed

As hygienic requirements indicate, the living space must have fresh, moist, moving air. This is ensured by ventilation and ventilation. If the flows are weak, then the stagnant air will worsen people’s well-being. During the cool period, air movement is within 0.2-0.3 m/s. If they are larger, a draft will occur.

In an apartment, you need to observe your own sensations in order to determine the movement of air. An effective ventilation system and airing will help improve quality. It is necessary to control the dust level and constantly perform wet cleaning. Detailed data on the microclimate in residential premises (rooms) is presented in the following table.

Sound absorption and light

The concept of microclimate includes high-quality light conditions. It is associated with natural light rays of the sun. It is important to create an optimal light regime, as well as to identify favorable physical activity for people. The sun has a positive effect on a person, strengthens nervous system.

The microclimate includes an acoustic mode, since all noise affects the nervous system of people. Noise can be external or internal. You can protect yourself from external factors with sound-absorbing thick walls and special screens that reflect sound waves. This is important to observe in production as well. The windows should also be such that street noise penetrates into the room as little as possible.

Noise in residential areas

The microclimate also determines the noise level. It is formed from ventilation systems and other engineering equipment necessary for the life support of the premises. The maximum noise in living rooms during the daytime is no more than 55 dBA, at night - no more than 45 dBA.

Depending on the sources, noise is divided into internal (ventilation system, elevators, etc.) and external (transport, enterprises, advertising installations, etc.).

Microclimate in production

Production managers must improve the living conditions of workers. If it is not possible to establish acceptable parameter values, then it is necessary in this case to characterize the conditions as dangerous and harmful. It is important for the employer to take measures to protect employees:

  • air showering;
  • conditioning;
  • use of protective equipment;
  • creation of areas for heating and recreation.

At work, people are exposed to various influences. The main indicators are humidity, temperature, air speed. Temperature readings may vary during the shift. The best way to ensure a positive microclimate is air conditioning, ventilation, and heating installations.

Hygienic standards

They are approved by the labor safety system. The microclimate is standardized for all components of the working area. Factors are regulated taking into account people's organisms and their adaptation to the climate. The intensity of work and type of clothing are also taken into account. To determine the compliance of indicators, SanPiN is used. The microclimate in production is normalized using ventilation and heating devices, the use of personal protective equipment (working clothing), etc.

The warm period of the year is characterized by an average daily outside air temperature above +10 °C, the cold period - below +10 °C.

Taking into account the intensity of labor, work is divided into:

  • light;
  • moderate severity;
  • heavy.

Light types of work are those that require energy in the amount of 174 watts. This is work performed in a standing or sitting position. It does not require regular exercise. The second category includes work that requires some walking. Heavy activity is considered to be a type of activity with intense and constant physical activity.

Improving the microclimate

To make the microclimate favorable, you need:

  1. Mechanization of complex work. Using machines to simplify human work.
  2. Protection from sources that emit thermal radiation. It involves the use of shields and curtains that remove hot air.
  3. Use of thermal insulation elements.

To prevent thermal injuries, the temperature of heated surfaces should not exceed 45 °C. To protect employees from hypothermia, it is necessary to prevent drafts and also eliminate air curtains with heated air. Enterprises must have rest areas with normal temperatures. And workers who perform their duties outdoors should be provided with insulated clothing and safety shoes. Thanks to a high-quality microclimate, work at the enterprise will be continuous. Every employer must provide its employees with comfortable and safe working conditions. With favorable combinations of microclimate parameters, a person experiences a state of thermal comfort.

. Good managers know that happy employees are loyal and productive. How can you ensure that your employees work with pleasure? The mood of employees usually reflects the culture of the company. In sales and customer service, it is extremely important that your employees enjoy their jobs because they represent the company to the public. But this depends not only on material reward. Of course, a salary increase will cheer up employees, at least for a while, but there are other ways that guarantee a long-term effect and do not require costs or large-scale work. CEO Tony Hsieh's book, Bringing Happiness, encourages employers to follow the science of happiness. The book emphasizes the importance of “happy” employees. Since the publication of this bestseller, Shieh has gained a massive following around the world. So let's look at seven areas of focus to improve office morale. While employees can adjust their habits to feel happier, employers can also make small changes in those same seven areas. With just a little effort, your employees will become happy, efficient and loyal!

Give employees more control

An employee's happiness depends on the degree of control he has over his life. Employers should strive to give employees more control over their schedules, environments, and work habits. For example, employers may offer alternative work arrangements, such as flexible hours or off-site work. After all, everyone usually has a lot of pressing things to do outside of the office, and employees will highly value leadership that ensures a balance between work and life. Since people's commitments outside of work vary, being able to choose the most suitable work schedule is an excellent way to please an employee. Employers should allow workers to customize their workspaces, which includes both decoration and equipment. Not only does this give employees a sense of control over their own workspace, but it can also help manage personal ailments such as back pain or eye strain. In addition, research shows that certain color solutions or decorating methods can enhance positive emotions. Employees will be able to create a place where they would like to work, instead of sitting in a stuffy and impersonal work cubicle. Another way to give employees a sense of control is to organize competitions, such as a competition to achieve the highest sales level. Such activities will allow employees to monitor their own level of success. Each employee will be able to set their own personal goals and will experience a desire for victory and success rather than a sense of duty.

Reduce the stress of having to constantly travel between work and home

This is especially true in large cities, where people are forced to travel long distances every day to get from home to work, and then from work to home. “The tedious journey from home to work and back is one of the most important reasons for staff dissatisfaction. People feel tired, exhausted, stressed,” Rubin notes. Employers should take appropriate measures, such as changing work time so that employees do not get caught during rush hour. It is necessary to analyze the periods of difficult traffic movement and determine whether, based on this, it is possible to adjust the interval of working hours or the number of people arriving at a certain time. If employees are severely reprimanded for being late, they will feel even more stressed when faced with transportation problems and will arrive at work extremely depressed. Another way is to offer to work remotely. This will eliminate the need to travel back and forth from home to work and allow employees to work where they are most comfortable. At work at remote access There are also a number of benefits for the employer, such as cost reduction.

Stop wasting your time

Tight deadlines are also a significant source of stress for many employees. But you, as an employer, can help employees free up more time for their main job. For example, make meetings shorter and more effective. Think seriously about some tricks that may seem stupid at first glance, but really work. You can try holding meetings without chairs. People are more likely to get to the point if they have to stand throughout the discussion. Replace conference calls with meetings as often as possible. To avoid unnecessary chatter, make calls right before lunch or at the end of the workday. In order to go to lunch sooner or not stay late at work, people will talk to the point. Another way is to create organizational systems that promote increased efficiency. A huge amount of time is lost due to turmoil and disorder. Fine organized work and systematization can reduce tension, save time and increase productivity.

Encourage interaction within the team

Communication is a key component of happiness. Interaction with other people provides a surge of good mood. Amazingly, this applies even to introverts (people focused on their inner world). Employers must find ways to encourage interaction within their teams. Consider what you can do to encourage employees to communicate more. Organize work areas so that people can see each other and talk. Employers may also encourage employees to celebrate birthdays and other holidays in the office. Such events don't have to be expensive. You can simply ask everyone to bring some treats with them. Even if there is no reason to celebrate, encourage employees to eat together. Provide a comfortable eating area. Increasing mutual communication between employees is not limited to working hours. Encourage staff to take the initiative to communicate outside the office. This will give employees the opportunity to switch gears and form relationships outside of work, while projecting a positive image of the company. Community service is a great way to build a good reputation and also helps employees feel happier. Those people who promote values ​​that are important to them are usually happier and healthier, less likely to experience illness and even live longer, and most importantly, they are happy to work for the benefit of this promotion. So give your employees this opportunity.

Promote good health

Poor health not only has a devastating effect on employees, but also has a detrimental effect on work. Corporations suffer huge losses due to stress-related illnesses such as hypertension, gastroenterological diseases, and alcohol and drug abuse. Chronic stress has many negative consequences, such as excess weight, decreased protective properties of the immune system, increased morbidity, and fatigue. Employers should strive to reduce employee stress levels and improve their overall health. The first step is to educate workers about health. Provide printed materials or conduct relevant workshops. It is unlikely that people will be able to change something for the better if they do not know what exactly needs to be changed. By informing workers about health issues such as stress, exercise, balanced diet, arrange a competition like “Who can lose the most extra pounds.” This motivates employees and provides them with a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees are more likely to achieve their goals. To help employees make positive changes in their lifestyle, you need a kitchen with a refrigerator and microwave for cooking healthy food. Surveys show that home-cooked food is healthier than restaurant food. Pauses during working hours should also be encouraged. Even a little physical activity during the day will have beneficial influence to your health. “Exercise stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine, feel-good hormones that are not produced by the body during times of stress. Climbing up and down stairs is a great exercise. One study found that walking up and down stairs seven minutes a day reduced the risk of heart disease by two-thirds,” says Dr. Oz. If possible, provide employees with a company discount on gym membership. This will help them work on themselves outside the office and exercise regularly.

Create an Atmosphere of Growth

Work is more than a source of income. Work is a place where employees develop and learn. In one employee motivation survey, employees were asked to rank the factors that motivated them. Surprisingly, high salary and promotion career ladder were not included in the top three factors. Instead, “full appreciation for the work done” came first. Employers can create an atmosphere of growth by organizing training, benchmarking (focusing on the best practices in a particular area), and celebrating achievements. Employers should also encourage employees to learn new things. They will become bored and unmotivated if they are never given the opportunity to develop their own skills and empowerment.

Break away from the mold

Surprises bring a spark to all areas of life, including work. Even a little joy can make a person happier. People are more stimulated by unexpected pleasures. Employers need to find little things that can surprise employees. For example, you could bring coffee or baked goods from time to time as a special reward. Small gestures will show employees that you value their time. Another way is to throw an unusual party at the office. Employers can even allow employees to come up with a holiday. And again, it doesn't have to be expensive. The goal is to break away from the monotony and routine of the work week, stimulate mutual communication, and also express your appreciation. Consider office gifts, too. You can arrange a duel or competition to motivate your employees. The prize can be something ordinary ( gift Certificate), and something extravagant (tourist package). If you think that paying attention to the good mood of your employees is not necessary, read the comments of dissatisfied employees on various information platforms on the Internet. There are many of them now. Here, for example, is a statement from one of the former employees of a Moscow bank from an information forum about credit institutions: “The attitude towards your employees, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct and adequate. Therefore, you should not expect a normal attitude towards clients while the employees themselves are treated this way. The fish rots from the head". Prove that angry employee wrong. Try to be so good leader As much as possible, look for ways to satisfy your employees. Your extra efforts in this direction will lead to better business overall.