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» How to install a window opening limiter. Door stop material. Disadvantages of combs compared to valves

How to install a window opening limiter. Door stop material. Disadvantages of combs compared to valves

What do you need to insulate your veranda?

If you want to use the extension all year round, then you need to know how to insulate the veranda. First of all, you need to remember that when insulating you will have to work not only with the walls, but also with the ceiling, floor, windows and doors. After all, every element can attract cold and you need to insulate all available places.

You need to prepare: a pencil, a tape measure, a hacksaw, nails, dowels, a hammer, construction tape, spatulas, putty, as well as the insulation material itself.

Insulation material

Today there are many materials that are used for insulation. They all have like positive sides, and negative, so you need to weigh all the factors and choose what will be suitable specifically for your case.

The veranda can be insulated with the following materials:

  • penofol;
  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral, basalt wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • resole foam.

The amount of material you need for insulation depends on the thickness of your extension and you must determine it yourself.

The most common material for insulation is considered mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Polystyrene foam is the most a budget option for insulation, but when exposed to fire, it releases substances hazardous to health.

You can combine different materials, for example, use penofol with some other material. This material is foamed polyethylene and a metallized layer of penofol. Therefore, it reflects the cold well from the outside and keeps the heat inside. It can also be used as independent material when insulating, but it can provide more efficiency if used in conjunction with other materials for insulation.

Materials such as polyurethane foam, resole foam and basalt wool are non-flammable, so you can use them in places where there is a high fire risk.

Insulation of windows and veranda doors

Every renovation, both in an apartment and on a veranda, begins with windows and doors. It is necessary to look at them and decide whether they hold heat well and do not let in cold air. If you think that they are not good enough, it would be best to replace them with new ones, for example, metal-plastic ones. Such windows and doors retain heat very well and can serve you for a long time. You can also immediately order them to open in any direction.

Insulation of veranda walls

Once you have decided what material you will use for insulation and have purchased it, you need to install it. You measure the sheets and cut them according to size. You can also use this material for floor insulation.

For installation you will need dowels with caps large diameter. If you choose foam plastic for insulation, you can use wooden plates to ensure that the dowel heads do not go into the foam sheet itself. If this happens, then such a dowel will not hold the foam.

The place where there are joints of the material must be treated with polyurethane foam, and when it dries, cut off all excess. You need to glue mounting tape on top, or regular tape will do.

Polyurethane foam must be used without toluene, since this material, when interacting with foam, destroys it.

Warming the veranda wooden house can be done both outside and inside. Let's look at both options. If you insulate inside, then during frosts, the wall will freeze to the place where there is insulation. Thus, the material from which your building is made will deteriorate over time. Therefore, it is best to use insulation outside, so that all frost and rain will remain outside. You can always do the insulation of the veranda from the inside with your own hands as an addition to the outside.

Using a vapor barrier

If you have chosen a budget type of insulation, then you may not need to perform a vapor barrier. If you want to do everything to the maximum, you can additionally implement this method.

Vapor barrier consists of attaching a foil film, which keeps your veranda warm in winter and keeps it cool in summer.

Insulation of veranda floors

It is also important to insulate the floor, because cold can also come from there. The best way to do this is concrete screed, and then you can lay the floor from the boards. So, you will make the floor warmer. You can lay linoleum, carpet or other warm material on the board floor.

But if you want to insulate the floor even more, you can install a “warm floor” that is heated hot water. For this method you will need to carry out additional communications. Despite the fact that this method is the most expensive, you can appreciate it in the cold winter.

In contact with

Insulation of a veranda in a wooden house

If you have a veranda, then we can say that you are a happy person. This is a great place to spend time in the summer. For each owner, the veranda serves a specific purpose that he pursues. This additional area home, which can be used for any purpose. Only here in winter period time, the veranda can play a cruel joke on you. The whole house can lose heat because of it. And it will be simply unrealistic to be in the veranda itself. To make your stay in the house and on the veranda comfortable, we recommend that you insulate your veranda.

However, it's easier said than done. From this article you will learn how to insulate a veranda in a wooden or brick house. What materials to use when working? Should you insulate from the outside or from the inside? We will look at all this further.

Which method of insulating the veranda to choose

There are many disputes regarding the type of insulation of a veranda or terrace. Some say that it is better to do the insulation of the veranda from the inside with your own hands, while others are supporters of the method of insulation from the outside. But which one is better? We will shed some light on this mystery by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Let's start with insulating the veranda inside. Here are the advantages of this method:

  1. Work is carried out at any time of the year and in any weather.
  2. You can have free access to the surface at any height.
  3. At one time you can insulate every surface - the floor, all the walls and the ceiling.

True, this method of insulation also has its disadvantages:

  • it is necessary to dismantle the finished coating;
  • with this option, the freezing point begins to shift into the wall, which is fraught with its gradual destruction;
  • a layer of insulation can take away precious space inside;
  • During operation, debris accumulates inside;
  • Some materials may contain harmful substances, so you will have to stick only to environmentally friendly ones.

This was a comparison of insulation from the inside. What can we say about the external method? The advantages are as follows:

  1. During operation, debris will not accumulate in the room.
  2. The space inside does not become smaller.
  3. Repair work can be done without disturbing your lifestyle. No one will have to move anywhere.
  4. The freezing point shifts into the insulation, so the walls will accumulate heat and not collapse so quickly.
  5. After insulation, the outside veranda can be decorated and transformed by covering it with clapboard, siding, decorative brick or other facing material.
  6. You can choose any material, regardless of its components. He will still be exactly outside.

As for the disadvantages of insulating the veranda from the outside, there are several of them:

  • work can only be carried out in good weather;
  • It's difficult to access every surface, especially the roof.

We have provided you with some statistics, and you can decide for yourself which insulation option to choose. Analyze the pros and cons and consider your circumstances. When you have chosen a method of insulation, you can think about thermal insulation material.

Insulation of the veranda - list of materials

Nowadays there are so many insulation materials that it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. All of them are good in their field and are used by builders. Nevertheless, over some time each material has received a certain reputation, so we can make a list of the most the best materials for insulation. Let's take a look at it as it was compiled based on user reviews, features, and pros and cons.


This material is known to everyone. It does its job perfectly and has many advantages. The material is produced in rigid slabs of a certain thickness. The greater the thickness of the foam, the better thermal insulation verandas.

Advantages of the material:

  1. Low price and accessibility.
  2. Versatile, suitable for insulating ceilings, walls and floors.
  3. The material is very easy to work with.
  4. Has a high degree of heat conservation.
  5. Not afraid of moisture.
  6. It is light in weight and does not weigh down the structure of the veranda.
  7. Non-toxic and able to absorb noise from the street.

Note! You can also use polystyrene foam. Its properties are very similar to polystyrene foam, only even better. The material is durable and well processed.


Practical material, which is easy to work with. Due to the foil layer, the material additionally protects the wooden veranda from the cold.

Advantages of the material:

  1. It can be combined with other materials, used as one insulation material or reinforced with others.
  2. It is environmentally friendly, will not emit toxic and harmful substances. Therefore, you can use it inside.
  3. It’s very easy to work with; anyone can do the insulation process.
  4. It is fireproof.
  5. Penofol will protect the veranda from cold air from the street.

Mineral wool

No less popular insulation than polystyrene foam. Can be used as rolls or slabs. Mineral wool has earned the respect of many builders and is used very often in insulating verandas. It's all about its characteristics and advantages:

  1. The material is vapor permeable, i.e. it is breathable. Thanks to this, the veranda will have an excellent microclimate and optimal humidity.
  2. It's environmentally friendly pure product, which will not cause any harm to anyone.
  3. The quality of insulation of mineral wool is excellent.
  4. The material is lightweight and easy to work with.
  5. Just like polystyrene foam, cotton wool has the ability to soundproof a room. No extraneous sounds will penetrate into the veranda.
  6. Versatility. You can insulate the floor, walls and ceiling of the veranda with cotton wool.

Important! One type of mineral wool is basalt wool. The material is biologically stable, does not burn, resists moisture and is durable.

PPU (polyurethane foam)

An excellent material for insulation, which is applied by spraying. It can be compared to polyurethane foam, which increases several times after application. Although you can already find it on sale ready-made panels, which are mounted according to the principle of foam plastic. However, this method is worse than the spraying method. Why? When fixing slabs (this applies to foam plastic, mineral wool and other slabs and roll insulation) cold bridges are formed, through which the cold penetrates inside the veranda. And when sprayed, a monolithic layer without cracks is created.

Advantages of the material:

  1. No cracks.
  2. High quality thermal insulation.
  3. Polyurethane foam is not afraid of moisture.
  4. It is biostable.
  5. It is lightweight and has soundproofing qualities.
  6. Penetrates into all cracks, creating a monolithic layer.
Advice! With all this, polyurethane foam is quite expensive, and to apply it you need to have special equipment. In addition, the material is vapor-proof.

It is from this list of materials that you can choose the insulation that you like the most. With it, your veranda will be reliably insulated. Based on the characteristics of the material, as well as your financial capabilities. If you have already chosen, then you can proceed to the insulation itself.

We insulate the foundation of the veranda

High-quality insulation comes down to eliminating heat loss through each structure. After all, the task of insulation is not only to prevent the penetration of cold. The main task is to conserve the heat generated by the heating system of the room. It is noteworthy that the veranda is most often built on the same foundation as the entire house. Most often, the base is monolithic concrete or slabs. They are the bridge of cold through which approximately 20% of the heat escapes. Therefore, you first need to take care of insulating the foundation and basement.

Ideal material for this work is polystyrene foam. It is cheap, lightweight and has good resistance to external influences. Insulating the veranda with polystyrene foam is one of the most common options. So, what do you need to do to insulate the foundation:

  1. Dig it to the ground. If it is not waterproofed, then lubricate it bitumen mastic. So, you will extend the life of the concrete and foam itself.
  2. Then you need to install the foam boards on the gravel bed and glue them to the foundation. Use polyurethane glue.
  3. Apply glue to the joints formed between the plates.

That's it, job done. The entire foundation needs to be protected, right down to the base. And the foam itself can be lined with any material.

We insulate the floor in the veranda

The floor is another source of heat loss in verandas and terraces. Most often, the floors in the veranda are made of concrete screed. Sometimes wood is used (by the way, it is warmer). If you are planning to install a heated floor in your veranda, we recommend that you choose electrical system heating to turn on the system as needed. As for water insulation, it is better to avoid it on the veranda. During frosty weather, pipes may freeze and become deformed. Then the system will need to be replaced completely. How to make a warm floor on the veranda is shown in this video.

But what if you don’t want to use heated floor technology? You can insulate the floor on the veranda in a simple way"by lags". Here's what you'll need for this:

  1. Make a subfloor from planks.
  2. Install logs on the boards. The height is selected taking into account the thickness of the future insulation.
  3. The logs and the space in them are covered with a waterproofing film, extending onto the walls.
  4. Now you can install insulation between the joists. It is best to use mineral wool. It must be placed tightly in free space so that there is no large gaps.
  5. The insulation layer is covered with a vapor barrier film, overlapping the walls.
  6. The finished floor is installed on top. you can use OSB boards, plywood or boards. You can lay laminate or other stuff on top flooring.

We insulate the walls of the veranda

A lot of heat escapes through the walls. This is why insulating the veranda walls is so important. You can insulate walls from the inside with polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or mineral wool. You decide. However, the insulation technology is almost identical. Your task is to create a sheathing so that this or that material can be laid in it. In fact, the work is reminiscent of floor insulation, only in a vertical plane.

When the veranda is made of wood, insulation occurs as follows:

Note! External insulation is performed in the same way. Only the finishing material should not be afraid of moisture and external influence. This could be facade paint or plaster, bark beetle, siding.

If the veranda has concrete walls, then you can insulate it with polystyrene foam. Everything is a little simpler here. You need to glue the foam boards to the wall using special glue, and then strengthen the fixation with dowels with an umbrella. Next, the surface of the slabs is coated with an adhesive solution into which the reinforcing mesh is embedded. After drying you can start decorative plaster(bark beetle, fur coat, etc.).

We insulate veranda windows and doors

Windows are almost the main source of heat loss. If they are old and have cracks, then the heat will successfully leave the room. To eliminate the problem, you can blow out all the cracks and holes with foam. But sometimes this method simply does not help. The fact is that the windows can be very old. In this case, we recommend that you replace them with new ones made of metal-plastic. As you know, they perfectly retain heat in a room without letting in the cold.

Among other things, such windows will isolate the veranda from noise. Installing plastic windows is not a simple matter, however, companies that sell them provide such services. You can use them, saving energy, time and nerves. And professionals will not make installation errors that could be fatal.

Note! Plastic windows can be single-chamber, double-chamber or three-chamber. You should not save money and buy single-chamber double-glazed windows. We recommend that you choose warmer options. Double chamber window enough.

As for the doors, they need to be upholstered with felt or other insulation from the inside and outside. On wooden box You can install rubber seals. Inspect the places where the door frame connects to the opening. If you find cracks and holes, fill them with foam.

We insulate the ceiling of the veranda

At the end of the entire complex of insulating the room, it remains to take care of the ceiling. This is not a job that is easy for them, since the work is carried out at heights. Still, if you choose the right technology and insulation material, then everything will work out.

There are two options for ceiling insulation:

The first option is most often done during the construction stage. Although, nothing prevents you from doing it later. Its advantage is that the ceiling does not lose its height and the room does not become smaller. The work is simple: you just need to lay the insulating material in the rafter frame and sew everything up with film.

When it comes to insulation from the inside, it has its own difficulties. There are 3 different options for insulating the ceiling from the inside:

  1. First of all, a timber frame with a cross-section of 30×30 mm is mounted on the ceiling. Insulation of identical thickness is placed in the resulting space. It is advisable to work with dense insulation materials such as polystyrene foam. Then you need to sheathe the ceiling with sheets of plasterboard and finish it.
  2. The ceiling covering is replaced with OSB boards or plywood. Then secure waterproofing film and fill the frame with timber. The insulation is installed according to the already familiar principle. All that remains is to cover everything with film and line the ceiling with clapboard.
  3. The third method is frameless. It can only be realized with rigid insulation, such as polystyrene foam. Plates of material are laid on the ceiling using glue and dowels and the ceiling is covered with a special mesh. The surface is puttied and the ceiling is finished as desired.

That's all, now your veranda is completely insulated from the cold and can withstand any frost. It is clear that this requires spending a lot of money, effort, time and nerves, but the result is worth it.

Let's sum it up

So, you have learned exactly how you can insulate your veranda by insulating the foundation, ceiling, walls, floor, windows and doors. All you have to do is follow the advice, purchase the material and put everything you’ve learned into practice. As for heating the veranda, then ideal option can be called a mobile heater that can be carried. This is either an electric radiator, oil cooler, fan or UFO. It’s just important to follow all safety rules. Then your veranda will be warm all year round. You can calmly relax in it, do winter Garden or use for other purposes.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the veranda

Veranda – best place It’s impossible to think of a place for relaxation, get-togethers with friends and family tea. When it's warm outside, the veranda becomes the most popular and crowded place in the house. But when the cold comes, it immediately becomes empty and languishes in splendid isolation.

But the situation can be easily corrected. To do this, you just need to insulate the veranda.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the veranda from the inside

Of course you can hire construction team, which will insulate your veranda. But when everything is done with love and with your own hands, the veranda will be even warmer and more comfortable. In addition, insulating a room with your own hands will cost much less. Insulation work can be carried out at any convenient time.

In order to insulate the veranda with your own hands, you need to choose insulation. On the market building materials There are many types of room insulation. But the most popular are.

A veranda in a wooden house usually performs a number of functions. This is both the vestibule in front of the entrance to the house and the location summer kitchen, and a warehouse for gifts received from the garden or vegetable garden and temporarily stored or processed for the winter. Sometimes the veranda can serve as a greenhouse, where seedlings are grown in the spring. Therefore, many people think about how to insulate the veranda in the simplest and cheapest way so that it serves the needs of the home owners for as long as possible both in spring and autumn, when the temperatures outside have already reached sub-zero temperatures.

As a rule, verandas attached to a house have a fairly large area, not comparable to a balcony or loggia of a city apartment. Also distinctive feature veranda is big square windows

These factors make it necessary to approach the insulation work with your own hands with full responsibility and try to achieve the maximum effect in giving the veranda room heat-saving properties.

Selection of material for insulation

The choice of insulation that will be used during work is one of the main points that will further determine the order of work. Since in most cases the verandas in the house have a frame base, sheathed in one or two layers of boards, it would be advisable to use steam and breathable insulation (mineral wool) as insulation.

This choice is due to the fact that insulation materials based on polyurethane foam (foam plastic, penoplex) are practically airtight materials.

And, despite the fact that they are easier to work with than mineral wool, and foam plastic is also cheap, they can be used for insulation wooden structures Not recommended. Between a layer of foam plastic or penoplex and wooden surface condensation will form, which will lead to rapid spoilage and wood rotting.

In addition, both materials are quite flammable, and when burned they release deadly poisonous dioxin. The only one possible option The use of these insulation materials is external insulation of the walls of the veranda with installation of insulation over the sheathing, which allows air to circulate freely between the insulation boards and wooden wall verandas.

But the effectiveness of such insulation will be significantly lower than the use of mineral wool insulation in combination with foil insulation (penofol or isolon) when insulating a veranda from the inside of the room.

The order of preparatory work

If the insulation of the veranda in the house is carried out during the construction process, then no preparatory work not required. Simply, before covering the insulated veranda with finishing materials with inside the room is laid with a layer of selected insulation according to the technology, and the top is covered with plasterboard, plywood, plastic panels or “lining” - whichever suits your taste best.

But, if the problem of insulating the veranda arose in a built house, when the veranda was in use, a considerable amount of work will have to be done to prepare it for insulation.

It is advisable to start insulating the veranda from the inside from the ceiling of the room. Since the veranda usually has a flat roof and it is impossible to lay a layer of insulation between it and the ceiling while in the missing attic, all work will have to be carried out only from inside the room, just like on the balcony. To do this, the ceiling covering is dismantled. Using a construction stapler, a vapor barrier film (membrane with one-way permeability) is attached to the exposed sheathing over the entire roof area with 15-20 cm of freely hanging film released around the perimeter. The joints of the film sheets are taped with tape.

If the insulation is carried out with soft mineral wool mats, then small nails are first driven into the floor beams in a checkerboard pattern, leaving 10-15 mm unhampered. You will have to work with an assistant. One will hold the mineral wool mat, and the second will “lace” it to the ceiling using hammered nails and a nylon cord. You can use pre-prepared thin fiberboard strips that will help fix the slabs to the ceiling. After fixing the mats on the ceiling, do not forget to finish off the nails!

The second stage is laying foil insulation (penofol, isolon) with foil inside the room. It is better to fix it in a combined way: with glue and staplers. Penofol is very lightweight material, so there is no need to fasten it as securely as mineral wool. The joints of penofol sheets are glued with foil tape.

After laying penofol on the ceiling, the main covering is installed - plasterboard or any other material.

Wall insulation

Insulation of walls from the inside is carried out in the same sequence as insulation of the ceiling. The only difference is the thickness of the insulation. If mineral slabs or expanded polystyrene with a thickness of more than 50 mm are rarely used for the ceiling, then material up to 100 mm thick can be used for the walls.

Installing insulation on walls is much simpler and can already be done by one person. You should start laying the insulation from the bottom, and if the wall area is large, try to lay it in a checkerboard pattern, so that the joints between the insulation boards do not go through the entire wall.

Having finished installing the insulation on the walls, they are also covered with the main decorative material. On verandas this is usually used wooden “lining” or MDF boards. They “breathe” well, so the veranda is usually fresh and cool.

Floor insulation

As a rule, the final stage of work on insulating the veranda from the inside, which requires a large amount of work and time, is insulating the floor.

You can insulate both the space under the existing floor by filling it with expanded clay of the middle fraction, and the directly existing subfloor. The first method requires complete removal of the flooring and labor-intensive work of filling expanded clay gravel over the entire area of ​​the veranda.

In the second case, insulation can be done according to the existing wooden floor by laying a layer of insulation on top of it.

If it is mineral wool, you will need to install a sheathing on top of the existing floor, and the thickness of the block should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. The distance between the lathing lags is made 2-5 cm less than the width of the insulation, so that the mineral wool mats fit tightly into the lathing, with some effort.

After this, a layer of penofol is laid and, as the final stage, the floor is laid.

If the insulation is carried out with foam boards, then the installation of sheathing is not required. It is directly laid over the existing wood floor. A vapor-permeable film must be placed underneath it. It is fixed either with “fungi” dowels or T-shaped brackets.

On top of the penoplex, you can also lay a layer of penofol with foil inside the room. Any flooring material can be immediately laid on top of such a covering: linoleum, laminate, parquet, plank flooring.

Insulation of veranda windows

Typically verandas or terraces are not intended for use in winter time, so the glazing on them is most often single. No matter how much effort is made to insulate the ceiling, walls and floor of the veranda, it is not capable of retaining heat, since more than 70% of it leaves the room through the windows. If you find it advisable to install on the veranda plastic windows at least with double glazing, the heat will be better retained.

But even if you do not plan to change the single-glazed frames on your veranda, you can somewhat reduce heat loss by using heat-saving films. They can only be used in winter (from October to March), but in the autumn-spring season they can, to some extent, smooth out temperature changes outside and inside the veranda.

The heat-saving film is mounted on double-sided tape glued around the perimeter of the veranda frame and, after gluing, is treated with hot air from a household hair dryer.

Thanks to the ability to reflect up to 30% infrared radiation trying to leave the room, it is almost equivalent to second glazing.

Insulating the veranda from the inside has one significant drawback. As a result of the work carried out, the “dew point” shifts from outer surface walls where moisture evaporates freely, on inner surface material with which the veranda is sheathed. If it is wood, then it will quickly begin to rot and become affected by mold.

Therefore, it is better to insulate the veranda from the outside. In this case, the dew point should theoretically move into the insulation and the walls will last longer.


Verandas, like terraces or balconies, are premises intended for use in the summer. Any work on their insulation is quite labor-intensive and ineffective without organizing constant heating during the cold season. And this requires large quantity electricity or fuel used to heat private homes. Therefore, before you insulate the veranda with your own hands, think! It is hardly worth starting such work unless absolutely necessary. That's what these are for utility rooms its functional features in order to be used for its intended purpose, and not as additional living space in the house.

If you added to yours in the summer one-story house veranda and, for example, equipped a comfortable kitchen there, and with the arrival of cold weather, the corners of the extension freeze and turn black - which means it’s time to think about how to insulate the veranda.

How to insulate a cold veranda?

It must be said right away that the problem of insulation will have to be approached on a large scale, that is, you cannot get by with wall insulation alone. It is necessary to work with both walls and floors, ceilings, and windows. Well, let's get started.

Perhaps we should start with a list of what we need for work. Insulating a veranda usually means that you will need, naturally,


  • pencil, tape measure, nails, hammer, dowels, hacksaw, construction tape, spatulas and putty.

Well, buy insulation material:

  • This could be penofol or some other analogue, polystyrene foam sheets (in other words, polystyrene foam) or mineral wool, basalt wool, polyurethane foam, or maybe resole foam.

All these materials have suitable characteristics. The thickness of the insulation layer will depend on the thickness of the wall of your extension. You will determine it yourself.

And yet, what is the best material to choose for insulation?

Most often when insulating attached veranda use mineral wool and... The latter, upon possible contact with fire, will release very dangerous carcinogens, so this fact should not be ignored. Why is it still quite often used as insulation, because foam sheets are still the most affordable. This is a budget option.

As additional insulation, you can add a foam pad. With the help of a metallized layer, penofol will reflect cool air from the street, and it will also retain heat inside your veranda. This material is a high-tech thermal insulation product; it consists of a layer of foamed polyethylene and a high-quality aluminum foil covering it. This “reflective” material can even be used as a separate independent thermal insulation. But the maximum effect of heat preservation will be achieved by combining it with other types of insulation.

Resol foam, basalt wool and polyurethane foam are considered effective insulation options. These are non-flammable materials. Therefore, when you decide how to insulate the veranda, we advise you to pay attention to these insulation materials.

Step 1: insulating windows

Insulation of the veranda, like any other part of the house, begins with the windows. First, you need to pay attention to the windows. Do existing windows retain heat well? No? We are replacing! The old windows need to be removed and good, high-quality windows installed that will retain heat in the veranda.

Which windows should you choose - wooden, aluminum or plastic - this question is described and after studying the materials you will make the choice yourself. IN in this case What is important to us is the fact that they will be better than your old windows in terms of thermal insulation properties.

Step 2: insulating the walls

When you have determined for yourself what is the best way to insulate the veranda, then this is the material you will use to cover the walls. On the walls (and also possibly on the floor) you attach sheets of insulation (polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc.). Here you will need dowels with large diameter caps; you can also use small wooden plates so that the dowel caps do not go into the foam sheet. If this happens, the insulation will no longer hold on. At the joints of the sheets, seal the cracks using polyurethane foam, and then remove the excess and glue it on top masking tape(you can take a regular one).

ATTENTION: use polyurethane foam without toluene. This substance destroys foam.

What is the best way to insulate walls: inside or outside?

Before starting work on wall insulation, many beginners (and not only) have a question: where is it better to insulate a wall, outside or inside? Better than words This point will be clarified by the illustration below:

although this is not immediately obvious to everyone, it is better to insulate walls from the outside

Step 3: laying a vapor barrier

This step is recommended, but not required if savings are important to you. It consists of attaching foil film. attached with glue or double-sided tape. A reflective foil layer will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.

Step 4: making a cold floor warm

Finally, we install the floors. In theory, you need to lay a concrete screed. But you can simply lay the floor from boards and linoleum or carpet on top of it. If your budget allows, you can make a “warm floor”.

In addition, you can use the tips described in the publication about.

The final stage

As finishing you can use the most different variants. For example, fix the lathing on the walls, and on top of it are sheets of drywall. What to do with a warm one cold veranda further - only your imagination will tell you.

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    Last year I also insulated the veranda, and now it doesn’t heat up in the heat, it’s always cool and relatively warm in winter. In principle, I did almost everything as described in this useful information for those who have never done this before. I insulated it from the inside, first “Izospan” is a vapor barrier, chopped up bars 50/50, then put in “Ursa” mineral wool, again a layer of vapor barrier and then lined it with clapboard. Of course, the area of ​​the veranda decreased, but the result was positive, which is what I wanted and achieved. I chose mineral wool because mice don’t like it; it’s very unpleasant when they get between the walls.

    During the renovation, we also encountered the issue of insulating the apartment (we have a house old building, two-story, apartment on the second floor). First they decided to insulate the inside, they insulated it with mineral wool. In terms of money, of course it was more expensive, but there is more confidence that it will not freeze, and animals (mice, bugs, spiders) will not start. Then foam and drywall were laid. With the remaining money we decided to insulate the outside as well. Since we have autonomous heating, gas consumption is minimal, and the house is very warm.

    Polystyrene foam is suitable where it can be glued to brick wall. Insulate wooden areas with mineral wool. Insulation will be successful if you end up with a thermos. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to build a new veranda than to insulate the old one.

    Insulation should be both inside and outside. Saves payment for public utilities. I'll share mine personal experience. First, the inside walls were insulated with ecowool, then the walls were sheathed with plasterboard. Ceiling insulation is also done with the same materials. The floor was made warm - electric. They also insulated the outside with polystyrene foam (5-piece). Now it's cozy and warm. The result is a winter garden for flowers. Try to use high-quality and environmentally friendly materials for interior decoration.

    It is definitely necessary to insulate from the outside, because the air penetrates from the street, you can use glass wool, mineral wool, etc., pay special attention to the floor and walls, they can be coated with resin, then the wood will be strengthened and there will be a pleasant smell, it’s worth paying attention pay attention to the windows, they play too main role in maintaining heat.

    I know from my own experience and I advise you.
    When insulating, it is best to use mineral wool. Expensive? but high quality and environmentally friendly. Polystyrene foam will not give you such a result, and you will suffer (gaps remain, you won’t be able to cut them exactly anyway). If you decide to insulate, pay attention to the windows - metal-plastic windows are the most best option. And if you want to double insulate your veranda, then insulate it from the outside. It was not for nothing that our ancestors covered the house with dry stalks of reeds or corn for the winter.

    I’m thinking of insulating the veranda so completely insulating it, starting from the floor and ending with the roof! It’s better to insulate the floor from below and make it wooden and heated for sure! In my opinion, the walls should be insulated on both sides. Nowadays, now in a building store you can find all kinds of insulation, from inside to outside, for every taste and any money! If your windows are large, then it’s best to put glass bags with heat-preserving glass! It’s best to cover the roof with everything you have, this is a hydro bar, a heat bar, glass fiber, and after that you will have a very warm veranda! Good luck!

    I don’t know about anyone, but it’s better to insulate on both sides. And according to the technology, we first sheathe the outside (isospan) or any other pair insulating material, be sure to read on the roll how to lay it. Then there is mineral wool, just mineral wool alone will not work, it will blow through and all the heat will come out. then it depends on who is more comfortable with siding or lining for the cladding. It’s the same inside, but again you have to watch how to lay the insulation. Polystyrene foam can be used, but only on the base of the building. It does not allow air to pass through like in a greenhouse, not to mention the performance.

    Marina, what did you use for insulation? We have our own house, we insulated the roof with fiberglass and everything is natural, but the humidity is much higher. Everything from the house goes to the top, constant condensation, and no fungus of any kind. Who said you can't insulate the inside? One of the insulation methods: The outside is insulated with foam plastic or glass wool, and the top is finished (Siding, etc.), and the inside can also be glass wool.

    I agree that it is necessary to insulate from the outside, I spent a lot of effort figuring out this issue, but in the end I came to the conclusion that the most effective method This is mineral wool and steam insulation on the outside.

    Insulation definitely needs to be done from the outside. We tried the option with insulation from the inside, but two years later we removed the insulation due to moisture and fungus. The best option mineral wool. A little labor intensive, but effective. And of course you need good sealed windows (with microventilation).

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October 14, 2016
Specialization: master of interior and exterior finishing (plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate, etc.). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

Let me start with the fact that a window opening limiter can imply not only different mechanisms, but also different functions - it all depends on what you are going to limit and why.

For example, you can block the function of fully opening the sash from children so that the child does not accidentally fall out of the window. Or you can install shut-off valves that provide micro-ventilation mode.

Let's look at this in more detail and learn about the types of child locks and devices for air exchange from the street.

Window restrictors

Note. The very word “limiter” as a mechanism implies a forced reduction of any area of ​​​​action. And each of them has its own instructions for installation and use.

Children's locks

I. Handle-lock

Perhaps the most popular stops for plastic windows are metal handles with built-in shut-off valves that can be opened with a key. The advantage of such a lock is that in appearance and general configuration it is no different from a standard handle.

Therefore, to install it, it is enough to simply swap the mechanisms. After replacement, you will be able to lock the transom in two modes - closed or folding, from which you can only exit with a key.

II. Rim lock

Such a limiter is quite easy to install with your own hands: it is screwed onto the lower sash on the swing side. pay attention to top photo— you can clearly see that the working part of the lock is beveled, which makes it possible to open the transom in the folding mode without using a key.

But here you should be very careful when installing so as not to protrude beyond the rebate and not to support the rubber seal, as this will prevent a tight fit and the transom will not close.

III. Wrap-limiter

The principle of operation of a restrictive lock is very similar to that of a rim lock, but it is not fixed to the sash, but underneath it to the lower profile of the frame - you can see this in the photo above.

The essence of the operation of the device here is quite simple - you turn the screw flag and lock the mechanism with a key. The restriction here is effective only for the swing mode - folding opening can also be done in closed position devices.

IV. Mortise lock

In the top image you can see what it looks like mortise installation restrictive shut-off valves for plastic windows. According to the principle of operation, the design is very similar to the overhead version and the twist.

However, installation here is much more difficult - you will need a tool to mill the bottom profile. Therefore for self-installation such a mechanism is not always acceptable. Here, too, only the swing mode is locked - the tilting function is not limited.

V. Handle instead of a key

Now let's figure out how to install a handle with a plug, which functions exactly the same as standard option, but is removed after switching to the desired mode. For installation:

  • the original handle is removed;
  • in its place is screwed a socket with a decorative cover, which moves up and down, opening and closing the adjustment hole.

Essentially, this is the same key, only slightly larger.

VI. Stopper with chain

A children's restraint with a cable is similar in design to a door chain, only most often the restrictor here is an insulated metal cable, but sometimes a chain can also be used.

This locking option does not provide for fixing the sash in any specific mode - they all function. Only with a swing opening can the transom move away only within the length of the cable that is locked with a key. For a child, such protection is quite enough.

VII. Locking sliding windows

Blockers for sliding systems. For example, plastic or aluminum window It is much more convenient to make a loggia sliding rather than hinged - this saves usable space.

Of course, here you can adapt the kind of blocker that we discussed in the first paragraph, but it is still much more convenient to fix it on the side, as shown in the top photo. Several holes are drilled in the frame, and you can fix this lock in any mode that is convenient for you and safe for the child.

For most blockers, self-tapping screws are used when installing them. When choosing screws, I advise you to limit yourself to a diameter of 3-3.5 mm and a length of up to 15 mm, so that it does not rest against the steel profile inside the PVC.

3 modes of micro-ventilation

  1. Microclimate handle:

The handle of the right sash is in micro-ventilation mode, the left one is in the “closed” position

  • some manufacturers of plastic windows provide a small opening function in tilt mode even during the manufacture of windows;
  • in fact, you buy a product and you don’t need to do anything to make a minimum air exchange - everything is done when arranging the shut-off valves;
  • for such designs there are four handle positions:
    1. if the lever is turned vertically down, this means that the window is completely closed;
    2. a horizontal position of 90° indicates the possibility of swing opening;
    3. tilted position up 45°, this is micro ventilation;
    4. vertical upward rotation allows you to open the sash in tilt mode.
  1. Comb blocker:

  • A blocker of this type allows you to limit the opening of the sash in several modes, that is, by the number of notches on the latch. In this case there are four, but there may be more;
  • this lock consists of two parts - a comb strip, which is screwed to the frame at a distance of one millimeter from the sash, and a counter part, which is placed under the handle;
  • Since installing a limiter on plastic windows (meaning a comb) is very simple, even a teenager can do it. To do this, one screwdriver and two self-tapping screws are enough.
  1. Climate valve:

  • The climate valve is not a lock in the mechanical sense of the term, however, it is a limiter that regulates the flow of air from the street;
  • since the installer attaches it inside the profile, then from the outside (from the street side and from the room side) only decorative overlays, which do not spoil at all appearance window frame(they are selected by color);
  • it is noteworthy that the noise level during operation of such a valve almost does not increase, in any case, you will not feel it, since there is no direct hole here, and the sounds are damped by the walls of the valve;
  • The humidity level is controlled by polyamide sensors due to their own expansion coefficient, that is, the dampers do not require power supply.


In order to figure out how to correctly install this or that limiter, you need to carefully read the instructions, which are usually supplied by the manufacturer.

In addition, the installation of some models is described on the site and the video in this article also contains useful information. And if you have your own suggestions, tell us about it on the forum or on this page in the comments.