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» How to clean a microwave at home: follow these tips. How to clean a microwave oven from dirt? How to clean a microwave oven

How to clean a microwave at home: follow these tips. How to clean a microwave oven from dirt? How to clean a microwave oven

It's impossible to imagine modern kitchen without a microwave oven, it’s so difficult to imagine a microwave without constant splashes of food and fat remaining in it after heating. To prevent washing your favorite assistant from becoming a daily routine, you need to know how to quickly clean the inside of a microwave. Below I will tell you in detail about 5 express methods.

Basic rules for cleaning a microwave oven

Cleaning a microwave at home will be much easier and more effective if you follow a few simple rules:

  1. If you want to wipe the inside walls of the microwave, be sure to first unplug it from the power supply.
  2. To clean a microwave oven, never use aggressive household chemicals; they can damage the surface of the device.
  3. During the process, do not use abrasives or scourers with metal inclusions.

  1. You must use the microwave carefully, constantly making sure that water does not get on the sensitive elements of the device.
  2. If dirt suddenly gets inside the microwave oven, you should not disassemble it yourself. Entrust this matter to professionals.

Express cleaning methods

Regardless of which method you choose, it will be based on creating a steam bath. I offer 5 of the simplest, but no less effective methods Cleaning the walls of the microwave with your own hands.

Method 1. Lemon

This method is one of the most effective and fastest among all those mentioned. It also has a pleasant bonus - by cleaning the microwave oven with lemon, you will provide it with a fresh and pleasant aroma. To do this you will need:

  • prepare a container of water (about 500 ml);
  • tablespoon citric acid. If you decide to use lemon juice, then you will need 4 tablespoons;
  • mix the ingredients (if using lemon, throw in the rest);

  • turn on the stove at maximum power, setting the timer for 3-15 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination);
  • After the allotted time has passed, wait another 5 minutes without opening the door, then wipe the walls of the device. Wash inaccessible areas with a sponge soaked in the prepared solution.

If your microwave is covered with a layer of enamel, it is not recommended to use lemon too often.

Method 2. Soda

If you don’t have citric acid at hand, don’t rush to the store to get it. There is a very successful replacement that will definitely be found in your kitchen - soda. At correct use like condensation, it envelops the walls of the stove, erasing any dirt from them.

Instructions for using soda are as follows:

  • dilute a tablespoon of soda in 500 ml of water;
  • place the container with the solution in the microwave, close the door;
  • turn on the stove at maximum power for 10 minutes;
  • Leave the microwave for another 5 minutes, then wipe the inside surface with a damp sponge.

Method 3. Vinegar

Regular table vinegar will help remove grease from the microwave. It has only one drawback - a characteristic smell, which, however, quickly disappears.

  • Pour two tablespoons of table vinegar into a measuring glass of water (approximately 400-500 ml). Stir well.
  • Pour the solution into a heat-resistant container, place it in the microwave and turn it on at full power.
  • Select the procedure time individually, depending on the degree of contamination of your stove. For light stains, 5 minutes is enough; for more serious stains, it is better to wait 15.
  • Wait a little longer for the vinegar fumes to properly treat the walls of the microwave, then wipe them with a sponge.

Method 4. Steam bath

If for some reason you do not want to wash your microwave oven with vinegar and soda, then you can resort to an even easier method. Just put a container of water in the microwave and warm it up for about 15 minutes. Do not open the doors immediately, let the resulting condensation soak the dried stains thoroughly.

In the end, all you have to do is wash the walls with a soft cloth or sponge. I would like to note that this method is only suitable for light stains.

You can deal with old drops of fat only by keeping the dishes with water in the microwave for about 2 hours at medium temperature. But what kind of express method is this? Can I still resort to the above options?

Method 5. Cleaning products

Now we're talking about not about mechanical cleaning using household chemicals, although you can easily use them during the cleaning process. In addition to the standard method, detergents can be used to create a cleaning steam bath.

So what will you need? Any product will be useful (be it Fairy, Gala, Pure, etc.), a sponge (without metal elements).

  • Squeeze a little dish soap onto a well-moistened sponge.

  • Squeeze it in your hand several times to ensure the product foams properly.
  • Place the sponge in the microwave and turn it on at minimum power for literally half a minute. Do not leave the stove, make sure that the sponge does not start to melt.
  • Unplug the microwave, open the door and use the same sponge to rinse the inside walls of any remaining grease.

Now you know a few very effective means for cleaning the microwave oven, but I suggest improving them. Here are a few simple secrets, which will make the cleaning process easier for you.

  1. Cleaning the inside of the chamber should be carried out according to the following order: first of all, you need to remove the glass plate from the oven, then wipe the top wall, then the sides and, at the very end, the bottom and door of the microwave.
  2. To clean your microwave oven as little as possible, buy a special plastic cap that will protect the inner walls of the chamber from splashes of heating food. Instead of a cap, you can use cling film or heat-resistant transparent dishes.

  1. If you still can't get rid of unpleasant odor in the microwave, try the following ingredients:
  • Soak a cotton swab or sponge in coffee (natural or instant). Rinse the inner walls with them and leave for two hours, then wipe the microwave with a clean sponge.

Despite the fact that coffee is great for fighting odor, you should not boil this drink in the stove. Stains from it are very difficult to remove.

  • Pour about 100 g of salt into a saucer, place it in the oven and close the door. After a few hours, simply remove the saucer.
  • Activated carbon works in the same way as salt. Only here you will need not 100 g of product, but only 7-10 crushed tablets.

To prevent the formation of unpleasant odors in the microwave, do not close the door immediately after heating or cooking food in the microwave. Allow the device to air for several minutes.


I immediately offered you 5 ways to clean the inside of a microwave for a very a short time. Now the cleaning process of your electric assistant will be much easier and faster. For those who want to learn even more nuances of this process, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Be sure to share your methods of washing a microwave oven in the comments, where you can also ask me any questions you have on the topic.

A microwave oven is an indispensable attribute of the kitchen, which is present in almost every home. Using a microwave, you can easily heat up food, defrost food, and even cook a variety of dishes. But due to frequent use, it quickly becomes dirty both inside and outside. Fortunately, there are many ways to restore your favorite household appliances to their former cleanliness and shine.

Cleaning Features

It is quite easy to clean the outside of the microwave using detergents. The internal part of the technology requires a more delicate approach and has its own characteristics. There are three types of microwave oven coating:

  • From of stainless steel . This type of surface can withstand high temperatures perfectly, but at the same time it quickly attracts dirt and odors, which are very difficult to clean in the future.
  • Enameled. This type of finishing is the most popular and in demand. As a rule, prices for stoves with enamel coating are affordable. The smooth surface is easy to clean. But this must be done extremely carefully, as scratches will form on it instantly. The basic rule for enamel is not to use abrasives and wipe the coating dry.
  • Ceramic. This surface is easy to clean, has antibacterial properties and looks impressive. To clean ceramics, it is recommended to use mild cleaning solutions.

Today on the shelves with household chemicals you can see many products that help get rid of congealed fat and eliminate odors. Most often, the label indicates that greasy marks must be steamed before applying the product. This is one of the features of cleaning a microwave oven - creating a steam bath for easy removal of contaminants.

This can be done by purchasing a microwave with the appropriate function, or by using microwave oven utensils and hot water.

Types of pollution

In view of frequent use microwave oven, it forms various pollution and smells. Let's look at the most common of them that housewives encounter every day:

  • Grease stains. You can clean a very dirty surface with acetic acid; its components are excellent at breaking down fat. However, it is not recommended to use vinegar essence too often, so as not to damage upper layer coverings. The most gentle way to remove fat and soot is to use citrus fruit juice. Baking soda slaked with vinegar will help you forget about old greasy stains. Ethyl alcohol removes well from walls kitchen appliances traces of soot. Heavily contaminated surfaces are cleaned with citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  • The smell of burning. A specific smell appears after cooking some dishes. You can try leaving the microwave door open for several hours. If this does not help, then you need to take additional measures. The smell of burnt food can be eliminated using table salt, activated carbon and ground coffee. Coffee will perfectly eliminate the odor that remains after cooking fish and meat dishes with the addition of a lot of seasonings. Wipe the inner surface with coffee solution. After a couple of hours, the microwave should be rinsed clean water. After this, a pleasant aroma will remain. Salt and activated carbon tablets are excellent absorbents and absorb odors perfectly. It is better to use them in combination with other means.

Salt and activated carbon tablets are excellent absorbents and absorb odors perfectly. It is better to use them in combination with other means.

  • Yellowness. Plastic elements of microwave ovens begin to turn yellow due to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. You can easily get rid of yellowness with laundry soap and soda.

What to wash with?

Depending on the type of contamination, there are two ways to clean a microwave: folk remedies and household chemicals presented on store shelves.

Cleaning a microwave at home is absolutely easy and anyone can do it. You can effectively and easily clean dirty equipment using the following available tools, available in almost every home:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • table salt;
  • alcohol;
  • lemon or citric acid;
  • ripe orange.

If you prefer to use household chemicals to clean kitchen appliances, then liquid solutions such as Fairy, Pril, Frosch, Cif, as well as special cleaning compositions for microwave ovens from domestic and foreign manufacturers, for example, Microwave Cleaner Sano, will help you cope with this task , Korting, Magic Power. In the assortment of modern retail chains you can find both budget and more expensive products.

We must not forget about the inner coating of the furnace, which is susceptible to abrasive elements, therefore Cleaning products must be selected carefully.

Knives, hard and sharp tools are strictly prohibited from being used when cleaning household appliances. It is recommended to wash it with a soft sponge or cotton cloth.


You need to wash the oven even if you use a special lid while cooking and heating food. After all, steam from hot food somehow penetrates the space between the lid and the container. There are many ways to quickly clean a microwave oven at home:

  • Water. It is one of the most harmless cleaning methods. To do this, you need to pour it into a wide plate and place it inside the device. Then turn it on for a quarter of an hour, setting it to the highest temperature regime. After turning off the equipment, all that remains is to wipe it with a sponge. This option is suitable for fresh dirt, when carbon deposits have not yet hardened on the coating.
  • Soda. It's no secret that baking soda effectively copes with many stains in the kitchen. It will also help get rid of soot in the microwave. Pour 200 ml of water into a bowl or other deep bowl and add a few handfuls of soda. Mix thoroughly and place in the microwave. Turn on the equipment for at least half an hour. After turning off the timer, do not immediately remove the container from the oven. The fumes from the soda will settle on the walls and quickly dissolve the fat.

  • Vinegar. If you suddenly don’t have soda on hand, then vinegar essence can help out. The procedure is exactly the same as with a soda solution. Thanks to vinegar, you can not only clean the oven, but also get rid of the unpleasant odor inside the microwave.
  • Lemon. This citrus fruit is suitable as food and also as a improvised means in cleaning. With its help, you can wash the microwave inside and outside. Lemon juice is squeezed into a deep bowl partially filled with water. Place it in the oven and set the timer for 8-10 minutes. This time is enough to destroy greasy marks and remove the burning smell. If necessary, lemon can be replaced with citric acid. This method of washing can be called safe, and after this procedure there will be a pleasant aroma in the room.

Lemon juice can also be used to clean the outside of the microwave oven. To do this, just wipe the body of the equipment with a slice of citrus, then wash it clean after a while. damp cloth.

  • Orange. Orange peels perfectly absorb odors and remove fat and bacteria. They are filled with two glasses of water and placed inside the device. Turn on the device at full power and after 10 minutes simply wipe the surface from any remaining dirt.
  • Laundry soap. Its properties are in no way inferior to the above substances. Soap disinfects and cleans various contaminants well. To clean the microwave, you need to grate a small block on a medium grater. Stir a tablespoon of soap shavings into heated water. Thoroughly foam the resulting solution and apply it with a sponge inside and outside the oven. Leave the soap mixture on the surface for about an hour. You can vary the time based on the degree of contamination. After a while, rinse the surface well running water and wipe dry. After using laundry soap, the microwave oven will not only be clean, but will also regain its original shine.

  • Melamine sponge. Using this inexpensive and popular remedy, you can effectively clean your microwave. It is very simple to use: just moisten it in water and begin the procedure of cleaning dirt and grease. When working with melamine sponge, you should wear rubber gloves only. After the stains have been removed, it is recommended to rinse the surface with clean water.
  • Dishwashing liquid. To clean your kitchen aid in 5 minutes, you can use dishwashing liquid. Apply a couple of drops of the product to a foam sponge moistened with water, then foam and place the sponge on the glass tray of the microwave. Turn it on for 30-45 seconds and set the minimum power (to high power the sponge will melt). After switching off, wipe the internal parts with the same sponge. Then be sure to treat it with a clean damp cloth.

In addition to cleaning the inside and outside surfaces of the microwave oven, you also need to wash the glass on the door to remove dirt. kitchen device. A regular window and glass cleaner will come in handy here. It is enough to spray not a large number of and after a while wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

But you can also use traditional method. To do this, add a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of alcohol to a glass of water. Wipe the glass with the resulting mixture.

If the stove has not been washed for a long time, then cleaning it using all the above methods will be very difficult. This especially applies to microwave ovens that have a grill function. Meat products are baked in them until a crust appears. As a result of cooking, traces of fat and soot that are difficult to remove are formed. If they are not removed immediately after cooking, they harden firmly on the coating.

In such situations, it is recommended to use fat removers. But not immediately, but gradually. Initially, use lemon or orange peels to clean the device. When the fatty layer on the surface becomes soft, then a special solution is applied. The time for which the composition must be left is always indicated on the label.

In order for the microwave to always be tidy and bacteria not accumulate in it, it needs regular and proper care. And following simple rules and tips will save your time and effort:

  • When using kitchen appliances, it is recommended to always cover the plate with a special lid or cling film, then fat and crumbs will not spread over the surface. If you make this rule a habit, your microwave oven will need cleaning less often.
  • Treat your doors regularly with a mirror cleaner. It will remove stains and fingerprints.
  • Do not put pressure on the rag and sponge when washing the device; it is better to create a steam effect. It will dissolve the splashes of grease, then all you have to do is walk detergent over the oven cover and then rinse with water.
  • It is always necessary to disconnect the device from the electrical network. This simple rule will protect you from electric shock.
  • The plate that comes with the microwave oven also needs care. It can be washed by hand and in dishwasher. You can put the plate back after it has completely dried.
  • During cleaning, do not allow water to enter the holes located inside the device; they should only be wiped with dry rags. If water or detergent gets into these openings, the unit may be damaged and become malfunctioning.
  • Always wipe the grates dry to remove any dust that has appeared, as the accumulation of dust particles may cause interruptions in the operation of the microwave oven.
  • It is necessary to defrost food in deep containers.
  • After each use, it is recommended to wipe the microwave, so greasy stains will not have time to dry on the surface.
  • Periodically leave the door of kitchen appliances open to remove odors and accumulated moisture.
  • You can plug the device into a power outlet only after it is completely dry.
  • You should start cleaning the oven by washing the glass tray and ring. After this, start washing the grate, top and walls. Lastly, wash the door.
  • When applying cleaning products, you must use rubber gloves and safety glasses.

Clean the microwave oven acetic acid needed when open windows, or in the fresh air.

  • When treating the inside of the device with steam, you should install a protective stand. Otherwise, there is a risk that during the procedure the microwave door will open and drops of boiling water will fall on nearby objects.
  • It is not advisable to allow children and pets into the room where the stove is being washed.

The microwave oven has long been our indispensable companion in the kitchen. In it you can quickly heat up and cook any dishes, instantly defrost minced meat or semi-finished products. But the more often you use the microwave, the faster it becomes dirty, becoming covered with grease stains inside and out. Today we will talk about how to quickly clean the microwave from such difficult contaminants.

Basic cleaning rules

There are many ways to clean grease from your microwave, but before you get started, there are a few rules to understand:

  • Before starting the cleaning process, be sure to disconnect the microwave oven from the power supply by removing the plug from the socket:
  • metal scourers and brushes cannot be used;
  • the same applies to abrasive cleaners and detergents;
  • try to use as much as possible during cleaning less water so as not to accidentally fill elements that are sensitive to moisture;
  • Do not use aggressive household products for cleaning both outside and inside;
  • Even if heavy dirt has penetrated deep inside, do not disassemble the device yourself.

The easiest way to clean is to use special chemicals. Almost all companies that produce household chemicals have long been producing products intended specifically for microwave ovens. Most often they come in the form of a spray.

It is very simple to use: apply the spray to the surface (the bottom of the oven and its walls), leave it for a while, then wipe it with a damp cloth, and then dry it. To clean the microwave oven, use special means

and soft sponges

Such products should be applied very carefully so that they do not get on the grids that cover the magneton. But we offer you several ways through which you can save significantly. family budget and at the same time return your assistant to a clean, shiny look. You don't need a special one household chemicals

, you can get by with the products you have in your kitchen.

Home tricks: cleaning the microwave with products that are always at hand

  • There are 5 excellent products for cleaning the inside of a microwave oven at home:
  • fresh citrus fruits, such as lemon;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;

The first remedy is not only effective, but also pleasant. The citrus will clean the oven walls and scent the air inside and outside the oven.

  1. Take one large lemon or two small ones. Cut into slices of any size, fold into suitable dishes and pour a glass of water.
  2. Place the dish in the microwave and turn it on at maximum power for 5 minutes. After the process is finished, leave the dishes inside for a while.
  3. Unplug the microwave. Use a soft, slightly damp sponge to remove softened grease and dirt, then wipe the surfaces dry with an absorbent cloth.

You don't have to use whole lemons, but use peels cut into small pieces.

Fill the microwave container with water only halfway, so as not to damage the device when it boils.

If you don’t have citrus fruits at home, you probably have citric acid. This product has long proven itself due to its cleansing properties. It is enough to dissolve 25 g of citric acid (1 sachet) in a glass of water and place the plate with the solution in the microwave. The acid dissolves the fat as it evaporates. After the oven turns off, leave it closed for another 10 minutes, after which, unplugging the plug from the socket, carefully wipe the internal surfaces with a sponge or cloth.

Note! You can often see comments on the Internet that cleaning with citrus fruits or citric acid can “kill” the microwave oven. To avoid this, follow 3 rules: the container must be filled halfway with water so that when it boils, it does not flood the elements; do not turn on the microwave at full power; the oven should operate for no more than 5-7 minutes.

Vinegar, soda and laundry soap

Using exactly the same procedure, you can clean the microwave with vinegar. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and microwave the container with the solution for 5 minutes. Vinegar vapors are great for softening grease, but the strong smell can be unpleasant. Therefore, ventilate the room while cleaning or use a hood.

A solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon per glass of water) will also perfectly clean your microwave from the inside. The cleaning method is the same as in the previous paragraphs. Thanks to soda, the surfaces will acquire a bright shine.

Laundry soap is a long-known and reliable means. Despite its unassuming appearance and not very pleasant smell, laundry soap copes well with almost any type of dirt.

Lather the soap or lather your sponge. Wipe the interior surfaces of the microwave thoroughly and leave the foam layer on for a few minutes. After this, remove the soap, grease and dirt with a damp sponge, then wipe dry with a cloth. To prevent a burning smell from appearing after the first use, the soap must be removed very carefully, completely clean. Particles of the remaining soap may subsequently end up in the food you cook, which will not bring pleasure to you. Not your family.

Tip: You can save yourself the trouble of cleaning the inside of the microwave, because prevention is always better than cure. Buy a special lid from a dishware store. microwave ovens. Constantly cover the dishes with it while cooking, and you will forget about greasy stains on the walls. This cover is very easy to clean.

This way you can easily and easily clean the inside of your microwave oven from dirt, grease and foreign odors.

Your helpers in cleaning

Cleaning the outside of the microwave oven

The external surfaces of the microwave oven also require regular cleaning. Be sure to wipe the door with glass spray. It can easily be replaced with a much cheaper and environmentally friendly product homemade. Make a solution: one part vinegar, one part ethyl alcohol and two parts water. Dampen a cloth in it and wipe the door thoroughly until all traces of dirt are removed.

The outer surfaces of the microwave also need to be cleaned.

The same solution is very easy to clean the rest external surfaces microwaves. Before you begin the cleaning process, be sure to unplug your microwave to protect yourself from electric shock. Thoroughly wipe the surfaces free of dust, then with a cloth soaked in the solution. The cloth should be slightly damp, not wet, otherwise water may get inside the device and cause a short circuit after switching on.

Regularly clean the back of your microwave oven to remove dust. As you know, dust can cause static electricity, which will lead to damage to the microwave oven. Cleaning should be done with a dry cloth, without using any products, after first unplugging the oven.

If, nevertheless, you have allowed the rear surface of the microwave to become very dirty, use a soap, soda or vinegar solution.

Don't forget to wipe down your stove from below if it is suspended.

After cleaning, wait a while until the device is completely dry before turning it on.

Video about cleaning a microwave oven from grease

We hope our tips will help you deal with annoying microwave grease. Share with us your methods and secrets in the comments and ask any questions you have - we will try to answer them. Good luck and comfort to your home!

Modern technologies have firmly entered our lives. It is already difficult to imagine a kitchen without a refrigerator, food processor and microwave oven. This device helps us always enjoy hot dishes.

In order for your microwave to last as long as possible, you need to regularly clean it of accumulated grease and dirt. It is not necessary to use expensive cleaning products with aggressive chemical composition. After all, it is quite possible to get by with improvised means, for example, lemon juice.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin the process of cleaning your equipment, you need to perform a few simple steps. An example algorithm looks like this:

  • Disconnect the equipment from the electrical outlet (unplug the cord from the outlet).
  • Stock up on soft sponges and rags. Do not use hard bristle brushes or steel wool as this may damage the surface of the equipment.
  • Depending on the size of the citrus fruit and how dirty the microwave is, prepare 1 or 2 lemons, a special bowl and a small amount of clean water.

Cleaning process

Now it's time for the main work. Take a cup or microwave-safe container and add one and a half cups of water (about 300 milliliters). Next, cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a container. Then place the bowl inside the microwave, turn on the oven at maximum power, and leave the bowl for five or ten minutes.

The main task is to create conditions for steam from containers with water to condense on the walls of the equipment. After the specified time has passed, you need to remove the container with lemon juice from the microwave. Now all that remains is to clean the inside surface of the equipment using an ordinary kitchen cloth made of soft material.

Before cleaning the bottom of your microwave, be sure to remove the drip tray. This way you are guaranteed to completely wash not only the pallet itself, but also the surface underneath it. Just be sure to wipe it dry before putting it back in place. And with outside The equipment can be easily cleaned using any special cleaning spray that you probably have in your home.

Although this method is very simple and inexpensive, its effectiveness will seem incredibly convincing to you. You will need absolutely no effort to quickly wash away even the most stubborn stains.

This is one of the best options for caring for equipment at home, without the use of special products. However, if you are faced with incredibly difficult grease stains, you can repeat the procedure of heating the container with the solution or lightly rub the problem area using a small amount of soda. The result will be a perfectly clean microwave and a wonderful citrus aroma filling the whole house. It's very refreshing and uplifting.

The mechanism of action of this method

The effectiveness of this technique lies in the fact that the vapor of evaporated water successfully softens and loosens dried stains and food debris that remain on the walls of the microwave oven. As a result, even old stains can be easily washed out.

If you don’t have lemon on hand, it’s not a big deal. Citrus juice can easily be replaced with regular white vinegar, which you can probably find in any kitchen cabinet.

Don't worry about the sour smell of vinegar spreading throughout your home. The unpleasant aroma will disappear as soon as the liquid is completely dry. And if you have prepared too much cleaning solution, use it to clean the refrigerator. Simple lemon juice will do the job perfectly, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of such simple manipulations.

Things to remember:

  • If you have even minor symptoms of an allergy to citrus fruits, it is better not to use this method. Contact with lemon juice can adversely affect your health.
  • You should not try to disassemble the microwave oven yourself, even if its parts are heavily soiled. It is better to entrust such a task to a person who has the appropriate skills and knowledge.
  • Do not use too much water. Electrical appliances consist of many elements that are sensitive to moisture. Better to be careful with this.
  • Before removing the container with the heated solution from the microwave, it is better to wait at least half a minute. This is necessary so that the plastic cools down a little and you do not get burned. But don't wait too long, because then the stains will harden again and the cleaning process will become more difficult.

  • There is no need to close the container tightly, otherwise it may simply burst under the pressure in the oven.
  • Make sure that the liquid does not completely boil away from the container, as this will lead to damage to the container or even burns.
  • If citric acid gets on the eye mucosa for any reason, be sure to rinse your eyes immediately big amount water. Untimely measures can lead to serious burns.
  • Always use protective gloves when performing such manipulations.

When will you achieve perfect cleanliness your microwave oven, you will definitely want to maintain this result for as long as possible. This is why there are several simple tips that will help keep equipment clean for a long time:

  • Use deep containers for defrosting. During the defrosting process, a large amount of liquid and small thawed food particles appear. To avoid staining the microwave tray, choose deep bowls rather than flat plates. Then the food will defrost and the microwave will remain clean.
  • Don't forget about the lids. Food will reheat better if it is covered. special film and a not too airtight lid. In addition, the likelihood of contamination getting onto the internal surface of the equipment is significantly reduced.
  • Clean your microwave oven regularly. After heating the food and removing the container, simply wipe the inside walls and bottom with a dry cloth. This procedure takes only a few seconds, but it significantly saves time during further deep cleaning of the equipment.

Is it possible to replace citrus juice with citric acid?

This question interests many when there is no natural lemon at hand. Then citric acid powder will come in handy. Take 250 milliliters of water and add about 25 grams of acid. What follows is exactly the same algorithm of actions as with real lemon juice.

The effect of cleaning the oven with citric acid will not leave a pleasant citrus aroma, but the effectiveness of this method is not in doubt.

What else can you do to clean a microwave?

Besides lemon juice, vinegar and acid, there are many more homemade recipes for cleaning the microwave. For example, ordinary soda can easily cope with any stains, including even the most stubborn ones.


It's no secret that old stains can be easily removed if you simply rub them with a small amount of baking soda. However, such a substance is abrasive, and therefore it can damage the surface of the equipment if it is rubbed excessively. But there is an even faster and easier option using regular soda.

You will need a deep plastic or glass bowl, a couple of spoons of baking soda, pure water. Pour a small amount of baking soda into a container, fill it with water and place it in the microwave.

It is necessary to turn off the equipment only after the solution in the bowl begins to boil.

But you don’t need to immediately open the oven and take out the containers. Wait fifteen minutes. This is necessary not only to avoid getting burned, but also for this method to work. While the solution remains inside the microwave, the evaporation of the alkali will greatly soften old stains of grease and food.

After the specified time has passed, all you have to do is carefully remove the container with the soda solution from the microwave. Afterwards, remove dirt with a soft cloth or sponge. You don't even need to use any additional detergents.

Laundry soap

A brown bar of soap with a characteristic smell, familiar to everyone since childhood, will help you quickly and easily clean up your microwave oven. To do this, you need to take a clean rag or sponge, then soap it thoroughly with laundry soap. There is only one rule - the more foam, the better.. Wipe the inner and outer walls of the equipment with a soapy rag, leave the foam for a few minutes. Then simply remove any dirt with a damp cloth or towel.

Microwave - reliable assistant many housewives. With its help, you can quickly defrost food, heat up dinner or prepare a full lunch. No matter how neat the housewife is, inner surface ovens inevitably develop characteristic contaminants. It is important to know how to clean a microwave at home without harming it.

The microwave must be clean

1 How to clean a microwave correctly?

2 How to clean the inside of a microwave: choose a quick method

2.1 How to clean grease inside a microwave: main nuances

3 How to clean a microwave at home

3.1 How to clean a microwave with lemon

3.2 Clean the microwave yourself using vinegar and soda

3.2.1 How to clean a microwave oven with baking soda yourself

3.2.2 Features of cleaning a microwave oven with vinegar

3.3 Features of cleaning a microwave with orange peels

4 Microwave oven cleaning products: choose the right one

How to clean a microwave correctly?

In order not to reduce the service life of the device, you should know simple rules which will allow you to properly remove existing contaminants. You should:

Before wiping the inner surface, open the door of the device and let it cool to room temperature;

Avoid using metal sponges, brushes and other items. Sharp objects can damage the special coating applied to the inner surface of the device to ensure the required level of reflection of microwave waves. The appearance of scratches can cause cracks;

Avoid aggressive household chemicals containing chlorine, acid, and alkali;

Use a minimum amount of water, as moisture entering the device elements can lead to device failure. It is preferable to use napkins, cloth or foam sponge.

Napkins must have a suitable texture

If you are interested in how to clean a microwave oven hard to reach places, then you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​disassembling the device. It is best to remove crumbs and other food debris using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a narrow nozzle. In particular difficult cases you will have to seek help from a specialist.

To remove crumbs, use a narrow nozzle

Attention! During the cleaning process, the microwave must be disconnected from the power supply!

The microwave should be unplugged

When deciding how to clean the inside of a microwave oven, you should take into account the features of the internal coating. It could be:

Enameled. The absence of pores on the smooth surface does not allow fat to penetrate inside. This greatly simplifies the cleaning process. The use of compounds containing abrasive particles is unacceptable: they will cause scratches, the main cause of rust formation. The cleaned surface should be wiped dry;

Made from stainless steel. On such a surface, carbon deposits quickly form and grease stains appear. It is quite difficult to remove all dirt, since cleaning products containing abrasives lead to deep scratches, and acid causes the top layer to darken;

Ceramic. Best option, characterized by the smoothness of the top layer and high strength. For removing greasy stains You can use a damp sponge or soft cloth, depending on how long ago they appeared.

Ceramic coating is the best option

Clean the outside of the microwave using a damp sponge. In the presence of heavy pollution You can use detergent. Do not allow moisture to enter through the existing outer surface cracks and holes.

Moisture getting inside is the main cause of malfunctions

How to clean the inside of a microwave: choosing a quick way

You can quickly wash the inside surface of the oven only if there is no heavy contamination. If you are wondering how to clean a microwave oven within 5 minutes, you should wipe the inside surface more often. Contamination should be removed immediately if:

Food was defrosted in a container without a protective lid;

A fatty dish was being prepared;

The meat dish was being heated.

Care must be timely

If you are interested in how to clean a microwave quickly, you should familiarize yourself with the range of household chemicals on offer. Such products are available to everyone, are always available, and allow you to quickly achieve the desired effect. They can have different consistencies, which determine the order in which they are used.

Like any other household chemicals, special products, while demonstrating high efficiency, can have a negative impact on health. People suffering from various allergic diseases should refuse to use such formulations and choose more safe ways. Check out life hacks: how to clean a microwave on your own. They will tell you how, using improvised means, you can get rid of old carbon deposits or a thick layer of fat.

Attention! If you regularly wipe the internal surfaces, you will have to spend a minimum of time cleaning the oven.

Home remedies can be effective

How to clean the microwave from grease inside: basic nuances

If you are interested in how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits, then, as a rule, the inner surface is thoroughly steamed using a liquid placed inside. Its composition may vary. After this, existing carbon deposits and grease can be removed with a dry cloth.

The carbon deposits should be thoroughly steamed

How to clean grease from a microwave using water? Simply pour into a plastic or glass container warm water. The container should not have gold patterns or plating. The dishes are placed inside the oven and the door is closed. Having set the maximum mode and waited a quarter of an hour, drops of fat and food debris are removed using a rag. The volume of water poured depends on the parameters of the device itself.

How to clean a microwave at home

After a certain period of operation, the microwave oven should be thoroughly cleaned. This will prevent the appearance of stubborn stains, and will also give internal space initial appearance. You should find out in advance how to clean the inside of a microwave oven yourself at home. There are a number of available tools that can effectively cope with the task. You just need to learn how to use them correctly.

Handy tools will come to the rescue

How to clean a microwave with lemon

To restore a dirty surface to its original appearance, buy a standard-sized lemon.

Advice! In the process of slicing a lemon, first squeeze the juice out of the fruit and then start slicing it. This will preserve the juice and enhance the effect.

Surface cleaning includes the following steps:


Prepare a microwave-safe container.

Cut the lemon into small slices or circles.

Place the lemon in a container and add water. It should completely cover the contents. Having placed the prepared container inside the oven, turn on the heating mode for 15 minutes.

After the timer goes off, allow the oven to cool without opening the door. 15 minutes is enough.

Take out the container.

Wipe the inside surface first with a dry cloth and then with a damp sponge. Contaminants must be completely washed off. Upon completion of work, wipe all elements dry.

If you don’t have lemon, you should find out how to clean a microwave using citric acid. With its help, you can remove accumulated dirt and remove greasy deposits. For this:

Prepare a solution consisting of a glass of water and one teaspoon of soda;

A container with soda solution is placed inside the device;

The mode designed for the highest power is selected and the timer is set for 5 minutes;

After turning off the heating system, the container should remain inside the microwave for at least 10 to 15 minutes. At this time, the soda solution will continue to have a destructive effect on accumulated fat;

Disconnect the device from the power supply system and remove the container;

Wipe the inside surface with a paper towel. You can also use a soft cloth.

Citric acid is quite effective

Cleaning the microwave yourself using vinegar and soda

Almost every housewife has vinegar and soda in her arsenal. They are actively used in cooking and washing kitchen utensils. You can also clean the microwave with baking soda and vinegar, treating the surfaces inside and out. To achieve the desired result, you should follow certain recommendations.

Vinegar and baking soda: any dirt will be removed

How to clean a microwave oven with baking soda yourself

Before you begin the actual cleaning, you should purchase a bud of soda and decide on the sequence of work. There are two ways to clean a microwave with baking soda. The difference lies in the composition of the solution used when performing the work. In the first case, it consists of water and soda, in the second, a soap solution is added.

When choosing the first method, cleaning is performed in the following sequence:


Prepare a solution in a glass container by dissolving two heaped tablespoons of soda in half a liter of water.

Place the container inside the oven and turn on the heat. The duration of operation of the microwave depends on the degree of contamination. The liquid should boil. The resulting steam will have a cleansing effect.

Turn off the oven. Use a dry sponge to remove any existing deposits. Soak the sponge in the soda solution and wipe the entire interior surface again. Remove any remaining solution using clean water.

Allow the microwave to dry completely overnight.

When choosing the second method, in addition to soda and water, you will need laundry soap to prepare the solution. You should purchase a classic bar that does not contain aggressive additives. Clean the internal surface as follows:

Prepare a soap solution by dissolving a third of the soap in half a liter of water;

Prepare a working solution by adding a heaped tablespoon of soda;

Apply the solution to the walls of the oven using a spray bottle or a regular rag;

Leave the microwave in the microwave for at least half an hour to allow the solution to work. The oven must remain cold;

Remove all dirt first with a dry cloth and then with a damp cloth soaked in the working solution;

Rinse the surface with clean water and wipe dry.

Advice! To speed up the preparation of the soap solution, heat the water and grate the soap.

The solution will be easier to prepare

Features of cleaning a microwave with vinegar

Getting rid of dried fat is quite difficult. Having leftover vinegar on hand can help get rid of old stains. Prepare a sponge and a shallow container that can withstand the acid solution. It is also important to know how to clean a microwave with vinegar without harming the inside. To do this, the work should be performed in the following sequence:

Pour a glass of warm water into the prepared container;

Add vinegar. If the solution is 9% percent, 3 - 4 tablespoons are enough. The essence should first be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 9;

Place the container inside the oven and let the water boil;