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» How to choose a jigsaw: professional advice. How to choose a jigsaw - detailed instructions Household jigsaws

How to choose a jigsaw: professional advice. How to choose a jigsaw - detailed instructions Household jigsaws

Previously, in order to assemble the entire set of necessary tools, it was necessary to acquire simple and primitive things. Today, without tools with an electric motor, it is impossible to organize repairs and construction. Good device for processing wood, drywall, tin and much more, at home, is electric jigsaw. For those who don’t know what it is, let’s just say it’s a small electric saw with a drive. How to choose an electric jigsaw for your home?

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today we’ll talk about choosing a tool such as a jigsaw. It is practically irreplaceable in household and every owner should have it.

Nowadays there are a lot of different manufacturers offering such products, but how not to make a bad choice and not purchase a low-quality tool. To do this, you need to know at least a little about what a jigsaw is, what functions it has and what purposes it serves.

But you shouldn’t give up the right approach Choosing an electric jigsaw for your home is not difficult. I hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Which jigsaw to choose for your home, household or professional?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need this tool and how often you will use it. I understand that you need a jigsaw to cut, but you can cut in different ways.

Someone can choose a tool to cut plywood with a thickness of no more than 20mm, while someone else can saw a board with a thickness of 50mm or more; for these cases, completely different models are needed.

In the first case, any household model will do, but in the second, a serious professional tool is needed. So you need to clearly define the scope of work in order to choose the right jigsaw for your home.

To make it clearer, I’ll explain this: You don’t need a professional tool if you use it, roughly speaking, once a year, but I also don’t recommend that you take an amateur model if a lot of work will be done with a jigsaw. In principle, this rule applies to any instrument. It will be a bad investment of money that you will simply lose.

  • Household models designed for rare use, have a low power reserve and material cutting thickness. They also do not include additional functions, such as quick blade change, laser pointer and many other useful things. They have a fairly low price.
  • Professional models Designed for high and long-term loads, they have great power and cutting thickness. They have many additional functions. But along with all the advantages they have a high price.

In general, we won’t focus on what is a household jigsaw and what is a professional jigsaw, just make a choice based on your needs and the amount of work. Very often people write reviews saying that Chinese jigsaws are bad.

As I already wrote in the article, you should not pay attention to the country of the manufacturer, since now all famous companies have already moved their factories to China, but they monitor the quality of the products. As a matter of principle, do not buy Chinese because it is not made correctly. Let's move on to the characteristics of jigsaws.

Main characteristics of electric jigsaws

This is the most important thing; you should pay attention to these characteristics first. In most cases, they are the ones who determine the quality and class of the instrument. Let's look at all the characteristics separately.

Power and cutting thickness

The very first thing to do is look at the power of the tool; the higher it is, the thicker the material the jigsaw can cut. High power jigsaws can withstand long periods of time. high loads. The higher the power, the more the unit can withstand.

The power varies in the range from 400W to 1000W, perhaps a little more or a little less, but the picture roughly looks like this. A tool with a power of up to 500 W is considered household, and above 500 W a professional one.

The power of the jigsaw directly affects the thickness of the cut. The cutting thickness is a value indicating what material and what maximum thickness a given model can cut. Usually the thickness of the cut of wood and steel is indicated; as a rule, the cut of wood is always larger than steel.

With increasing power, the thickness of the cut also increases. On household jigsaws, the cutting thickness of wood reaches up to 70mm, and steel up to 5mm. In home life this is not a bad indicator. Professional jigsaws can cut wood up to 140mm thick and steel up to 10mm. If you cut softer metals (such as aluminum), the cutting thickness reaches up to 20mm.

When choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, think about what thickness of material you work with most often and purchase a jigsaw with slightly higher performance for a power reserve.

Pendulum mode

First you need to figure out what the function is. This function is that when sawing, the file not only moves up and down, but also pushes forward. This effect allows you to increase cutting speed and reduce saw wear. But there is also back side medals, the cleanliness of the cut decreases significantly. Chips and burrs appear. Also, you cannot cut metal in this mode.

Almost all modern jigsaws are equipped with a pendulum function. You can find out whether it is present on the model or not by the presence of a switch on the side of the instrument.

Usually the function goes to 3 positions, the higher the number, the stronger the angle of the saw. But there are exceptions, and on some models there are from 4 to 8 positions, but this only happens on professional models.

This mode is only suitable for straight cutting. If you are planning to cut out complex shapes, then when choosing a jigsaw for your home, you should not pay attention to this function, since you will not need it.

Blade stroke frequency

The cutting speed of the jigsaw directly depends on this parameter. This value shows how many moves the saw makes per minute. On various models the number of moves varies.

Of course, when choosing a jigsaw for your home, it is better to choose medium or high values, since a low value of this parameter is an indicator of the low quality of the tool.

On household models, most often the saw stroke frequency is from 2000-2800 rpm. On professional jigsaws this figure reaches 3000-3200 rpm.

One more important parameter is the stroke length of the saw. This is the distance from the bottom dead center of the saw to the top dead center. The greater this distance, the longer the file will last you, and the better it will cut.

Handle shape

The shape of the handle on jigsaws also differs; there are two types: staple-shaped and mushroom-shaped. The first got its name because its shape resembles a staple. By the way, this is the most common type of handle, which is most often equipped with modern models. This form involves working with one hand.

The second type of handle is less common, but still found on some models. As you may have guessed, it got its name because its shape is similar to a mushroom. They say that it is better to make curly cuts with this particular handle shape.

However, it still depends on your individual needs. Take one or the other type in the store, hold it and decide for yourself which will be more convenient.

What is a sole, what should it be like?

The sole is the platform of the jigsaw on which it stands when sawing. The quality of the cut depends on its type. Also, a high-quality platform allows you to make cuts at an angle. There are two types of soles: stamped and cast. Let's look at each type separately.


The cast sole is installed on expensive professional models. The presence of such a platform indicates the good quality of the tool. As the name implies, the sole is made by casting. It is thicker and more rigid than a stamped sole.


The stamped sole is installed on a cheaper tool of low quality. Made from thin sheet material by stamping. Often has insufficient rigidity, because of this the quality of the cut decreases (The cut often leads to the side).

If you are interested high quality cutting, then choose a jigsaw with a cast sole, but if it is more important for you to save money, then with a stamped one.

Angle of the sole

Almost every jigsaw has this parameter. They differ only in the way they are tilted. For some models this is done inconveniently and for a long time. In the places where the sole comes into contact with the jigsaw, there are special screws that are loosened with a hexagon, the angle is set, and then all the screws are tightened again. Agree this is long and inconvenient.

In other models, tilting is much faster and easier. Using a special lever, you loosen the platform, set the tilt and set the lever to its original position. Note that all this is done without the help of a tool.

Again, think about how often you will use this function; if the answer is “not often,” then you don’t need a model with a fast tilt. If you do it often, then choose a jigsaw with a fast tilt, without hesitation, it will save you a lot of time and nerves.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are inserts and overlays on the soles. They are used for sawing fragile materials so that there are no scratches on them after cutting.

The cheaper version has plastic linings; the more expensive version has metal inserts.

Additional functions

I would like to talk separately about various additions to jigsaws. Although such functions are not necessary, they still facilitate the operation of the tool. Some may seem completely useless to you, but they still exist, which means there is a demand for them.

Keyless blade replacement

A very convenient and necessary function. Mostly professional jigsaws are equipped with it. Everything happens quickly and conveniently.

On conventional models, the blade is replaced by loosening special pins, and in a keyless replacement, this occurs by pressing a special lever. The principle is described as similar to the tilt of the sole. Choose an electric jigsaw for your home with this function and you won’t regret it.

Backlight and laser cut pointer

Another addition appears as a backlight. Helps in low or no light conditions. There is an LED on the front of the tool that illuminates the area at the front of the jigsaw. In most cases, of course, this function is not needed, but there are still cases where it is used.

Another addition could be a laser pointer that indicates the cutting line. It's positioned so it kind of projects the cut line onto the blade you're sawing, so you can see where the cut will be.

Speed ​​adjustment

Adjusting the speed essentially means adjusting the number of strokes of the saw. It is very easy to determine the presence of such a function by the presence of a wheel on which numbers are printed. You can increase or decrease engine speed by turning the wheel.

This function is useful when sawing plastic, metal and all such materials that need to be cut at low speeds. Typically this function is located on the top of the handle or on the side.

Stop for straight and circumferential cuts

A stop for an even cut comes with almost every jigsaw. So, when choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, make sure that you have such a stop; it will most likely be useful to you.

This addition looks like a ruler with a perpendicular stop at the end. One side is clamped into the jigsaw sole to the required length, and the perpendicular stop is pressed into the edge of the workpiece. Thus, when cutting, a cutting line is obtained that is parallel (to the edge of the workpiece).

The same stop can be used in cutting a circle. But it needs to be fixed in the center of the circle, so that it can rotate around its axis. In general, for these purposes there are special stops that are well fixed in the center of the circle. There are also 2 in 1 stops.

Removing sawdust from the cutting site

Enough useful feature, since during the sawing process very often the cutting line is covered with sawdust, and you cannot see where to cut. This is where sawdust removal will save you.

The blowing occurs in the front part, in front of the jigsaw, blowing sawdust in different directions, cleaning the cutting line. It happens that sawdust is sucked into a special pipeline running above the sole. At the end of this tube a special bag for sawdust is put on, or a special vacuum cleaner is connected.

Corded or cordless tool

Nowadays cordless tools are very popular, but this does not apply to jigsaws. Perhaps something will change in the near future, but for now everything is as it is.

First of all, cordless jigsaws have several disadvantages. One of them is the very high price of the tool and its consumables, such as spare batteries and chargers.

Another drawback is the short operating time without recharging, so the issue of autonomy has not been fully resolved. Also, the battery life is limited. The advantage is that you can use the tool without electricity. This is convenient in places where it is not possible to connect to the power grid.

In the network version of the jigsaw there is only one minus. It consists in the fact that you cannot use the tool without electricity. And the advantages are obvious, it works without recharging in any mode. No need to buy any batteries or chargers.

Well-known manufacturers of jigsaws

Let's look at the most popular manufacturers of jigsaws, both for home and professional models.

  • Black& Decker A US company founded in 1910. It produces professional jigsaws equipped with rich functionality.
  • BosWithh A German company that produces both professional and household jigsaws of excellent quality. Well, the price for such equipment is not small.
  • Makita, Dewalt,Fiolent– Companies producing high-quality products that can withstand increased loads.
  • InterskolRussian company also produces jigsaws at an affordable price good quality, but with the relocation of factories to China, the quality suffered noticeably.

Let’s dwell on this number of manufacturers, since there are a lot of them, and I see no point in listing them all. Most are cheap copies of famous brands.

Well, this article is coming to an end, I hope you learned something useful and I helped you choose an electric jigsaw for your home. If you want to add something or disagree with something, write in the comments, I will be grateful for your opinion. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. I would like to add a video on choosing a jigsaw for your home. I guess that's all, thanks for your attention, good luck!

One of the most popular tools, always helpful when the need arises for accurate cutting of straight and curved shapes. Being a fairly compact and quick-to-use device, the electric jigsaw is increasingly becoming part of the everyday life of craftsmen around the globe. Manufacturers of famous and “underground” brands are constantly releasing new, more advanced analogues of this device, the variety of which dazzles the eye.

Most technically inexperienced people are simply lost in the abundance of offers and cannot accurately determine which jigsaw to choose. In order to, without further ado, convey to you the clearest possible understanding of the subject of the conversation and help you choose the optimal tool for yourself, this article was created.

average cost

These days, the price range for jigsaws reaches colossal proportions. The cost of devices of the same type and similar at first glance can vary from several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles. For example, the cheapest representative of this class (Kolner KJS 450) will be sold to you for only 900 rubles, and the most expensive (Festool Trion PSB 300) will cost 23 thousand. Battery-powered models can have completely indecent price tags, reaching 60 thousand rubles.

With all the variety of prices, both cheap and expensive copies will be able to cope with cutting several meters of boards, plywood or chipboard. And if you answer the question “How much does an electric jigsaw for wood cost,” you can accurately say “from 859 to 63,800 rubles.” The information is certainly specific, but is practically useless to those who do not have specific requirements for the instrument they are purchasing.

Price is only a subjective figure indicated by the manufacturer and seller. To make the best choice, you should answer what you expect from the tool: many years of flawless operation, quick and one-time use, or something in between. After reading this article, you will answer this question yourself and set clear requirements for your future jigsaw.


The operating speed of the tool depends on the properties of its working mechanism, which has certain indicators. The main technical characteristics of a jigsaw are power, depth of cut and frequency of stroke of the rod (file). Let's figure out what opportunities certain indicators open up for the device.

Stroke frequency

Affects the speed and accuracy of cutting. For household models of jigsaws, the maximum number of reciprocating movements of the saw blade is 3000 per minute, while for professional ones it reaches 3200. Sawing wood, better tool with a high stroke frequency, and for cutting metal, on the contrary, the minimum values ​​of this indicator are suitable.

Most modern jigsaws are equipped with a special regulator where you can set the speed that is optimal for working with a particular material. An analogue of the regulator can also be a sensitive trigger, the pressing force on which affects the frequency of movements.


electric jigsaw determines the speed of its operation under increased loads and is measured in watts (W). A tool with a low power rating will not be able to confidently cut a wooden block more than 10 cm thick, since the saw blade simply cannot cope with the resistance of the material. When choosing a jigsaw, it is enough to know the following facts about this parameter:
  • A power of 400-600 W is enough to cut wood 50-80 mm thick, as well as steel 3-4 mm. This is enough for most household chores.
  • An indicator of 600-900 W will allow you to confidently cut wood up to 100 mm, and steel up to 8. Such power, in most cases, is possessed by professional tools used in production when working with increased loads.

Cutting depth

follows from the power of the instrument, but not necessarily according to one formula. So, for example: 2 jigsaws with the same power rating of 450 W can have a different cutting depth of 50 mm on one and 65 mm on another device.
  • Budget jigsaws for home use have an average of 60 mm for wood, 3 mm for steel and 4 for non-ferrous metals.
  • The maximum cutting depth for professional tools can be 160 mm for wood, 30 for aluminum and 10 for steel. In everyday life, such a power reserve will not be very relevant.

Device design

In order not to make a mistake and choose the best electric jigsaw in your opinion, it must not only meet the presented characteristics, but be reliable and easy to use. It wouldn’t hurt to have additional functionality that simplifies the execution of certain types of tasks, but first things first. Let's start with the main thing.


On store shelves, you can see jigsaws with two types of handles - staple and mushroom-shaped. The first type is the most common due to ease of use in Everyday life, when performing standard tasks. The mushroom-shaped handle is more suitable for figured cutting and fits well in the hand, but it still feels inferior to a staple.

When choosing a tool, pay attention that the grip area is rubberized, and preferably with perforation. Such a tool will lie more securely in the hand, and vibration during operation will be slightly reduced.

Attaching the file

When working with an electric jigsaw, sooner or later, the need arises to replace the saw blade: due to wear or to work with a different type of material. Such a need may appear once a year, month, week, or several times a day, and it depends on how actively you use the tool. Before choosing a jigsaw, you should answer the question: “How often will it be used?” and based on the answer, consider the best options. Today, 3 types of saw blade fastenings are common:

1. Block clamp. The most common type of fastening, most often found in budget models. It has a simple design and consists of a metal clamping block with two hexagon screws (in most models). This mount is universal and can fix any type of saw blades. Replacing the blade requires a relatively long time, which is quite noticeable if you do it several times a day.

2. Screw clamp. It has some similarities with the block type, only instead of two screws installed frontally, it is tightened with one installed on the side. This mount is more reliable, and replacing files in it is a little faster.

3. Quick-release fastening. The most convenient and fastest clamp, allowing you to replace the saw blade in a couple of seconds without special keys. Reliability of fixation is a controversial issue, and often depends on the model of the instrument. One of the disadvantages is the possibility of using files with a certain thickness and type of shanks. It is better not to skimp on tools with this type of fastening and consider reputable brands (Makita, Bosh, Hitachi, AEG). For uninterrupted operation - the best option.


An important design element of a jigsaw that determines the accuracy and quality of the cut. The sole can be stamped or cast. The first option is most often found on budget models and, according to experts, has a low safety margin. In fact, with proper use of the tool, the stamped sole will serve perfectly for many years, without any defects.

Most jigsaws with a cast sole can be classified as professional. Such a base is less susceptible to deformation and retains its shape even if the device is not used carefully. If you plan to use the tool frequently and in the most unusual, harsh conditions, you should pay attention to the cast sole. For household use, a stamped one will suffice.

Having examined the main design elements, it’s time to pay attention to additional functionality that expands the capabilities of the tool and can greatly simplify the performance of certain work. Modern jigsaws may (or may not) have the following auxiliary functions.

Maximum speed support
Stabilizes the speed of movement of the saw blade under severely increased loads, ensuring consistent quality of the cut line. Quite a useful function when working with metal and other hard materials.

Pendulum stroke

Many modern models of jigsaws, starting from 2000 rubles, are equipped with an adjustable pumping function (pendulum stroke). The main objective of this function is to accelerate the cutting speed due to the loss of quality of the cut line. This strengthening is achieved by adding to the standard reciprocating movements of the file (up and down), movements directed back and forth in the direction of sawing. The pendulum stroke is used for rough and fast cutting of large volumes of wood. For curly or just neat work, this function must be disabled.

Smooth start

The name of the function speaks for itself. Instead of the usual, abrupt start, a soft-start tool does not jerk the tool, but picks up speed gradually. The function is designed to make the cut more accurate, and in addition to increase the comfort of working with the jigsaw.

Sole angle

Many models of jigsaws (both professional and budget) are equipped with a sole tilt function, which allows the tool to cut material at a certain angle. Installed limiters, allow you to set only certain degrees of inclination provided by the manufacturer (0, 15, 30 and 45). Depending on the jigsaw model, the tilt mechanism can be fixed with a key or a special quick-release lever.

Pipe branch

The lion's share of models on the market have a built-in or attached dust removal pipe. A vacuum cleaner is connected to the hole and sucks up the generated dust and small sawdust. Quite a useful feature for long-term use of the tool.


A useful feature when working in areas with poor lighting or hard to reach places.

Laser pointer

A thin bright line will significantly simplify the process of straight cutting, reducing the time for marking. A laser guide will come in handy when a large amount of work needs to be done.

Professional electric jigsaw

The very concept of “professional tool” implies long-term use of the device non-stop. Not every electric jigsaw can last long in daily use for many hours, so the first question must be about its quality. Parts and their assembly must withstand and even exceed the loads declared by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, not every brand today can be trusted without question. Some of the reputable companies producing jigsaws of decent quality are: Makita, AEG, DeWalt, Hitachi, Bosh...

To more accurately determine which jigsaw to choose for professional work, you need to answer how often it will be used and what thickness of material it will work with.
The average cost of corded jigsaws for professional work varies between 7000-22000 rubles. Such devices can work without interruption for several hours, and if you periodically give the instrument time to cool, then up to 8-10 hours a day.

Average technical characteristics of professional electric jigsaws:

  • Power: 600 - 1000 W.
  • Maximum stroke rate: 3000 - 3200 per minute.
  • Cutting depth: wood 120 - 160 mm, non-ferrous metal 20 - 30 mm, steel 8 - 10 mm.
The availability of additional functionality is individual and depends on the requirements of each individual buyer.

Jigsaw for home

Unless we are talking about building a house or other impressive structures, the tool is not used very actively in everyday life. Of course, sometimes there are days when the sound of whirring engines rings in your ears, but this does not happen often (unlike in production). It is for such short-term work that household jigsaws exist. They confidently cope with their task and at the same time have quite reasonable prices commensurate with their quality. There are more or less usable devices in the area from 2000 to 7000 rubles. With proper use and moderate loads, some models last for decades without complaints, requiring only replacement or sharpening of saw blades.

To understand how to choose an electric jigsaw for your home, we recommend paying attention to the following recommendations:
  • The handle should be rubberized.
  • The presence of a stroke rate regulator will add versatility to the tool, allowing you to work with both wood and metal.
  • A stamped sole is sufficient (if you are not going to throw the tool on a hard surface).
  • The availability of additional functions depends only on your needs. Above, we have already described each of them in detail.
A household jigsaw is defined by the following characteristics:
  • Power: 400 – 600 W.
  • Maximum stroke rate: 3000 per minute.
  • Cutting depth: wood 50 – 120 mm, steel 3 – 4 mm, non-ferrous metal 6 – 8 mm.

We hope that the above data will help you determine which jigsaw is best to buy. Purchase tools from official suppliers, where the word “warranty” has legal force and follow the operating rules.

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There are tools that do not need advertising and an intrusive offer; they can rightfully be called “folk” - all this is about manual electric jigsaws. The multi-purpose unit has a simple design and can make cuts along a straight or curved path, as well as at an angle of 45°.

To decide how to choose a good jigsaw for your home or workshop, you should turn to the experience of qualified specialists in the field of construction and repair. Useful advice from our experts will help you decide which jigsaw to buy for upcoming works and do not regret the money spent.

Household or professional

Like any Building tools, jigsaws are divided into household and professional. The classification determines the maximum load that the equipment can handle, the time of continuous operation and, of course, the comfort of use.

Household jigsaws are intended for rare use in the country, at home or in the garage. Also, DIY class tools can be used in production for rare operations. Such models always have a limit on the time of continuous operation: for the most budget ones, the parameter can reach up to 10-20 minutes. Conventionally, household models can be used for no more than 4-8 hours a day (or about 30-50 hours a week) with regular breaks.

The tools of the unspoken semi-professional level (Hobby) became a transitional link between household and professional models. If the task is to buy an inexpensive, but good jigsaw, it’s worth taking a closer look at this segment. At the same time, the resource of the device is somewhat higher than that of inexpensive amateur models, and the functionality is comparable to the top positions. These jigsaws are suitable for work at home or in small production. Hobby class equipment is rarely limited in terms of continuous operation time, but it will not be possible to use them “to the fullest” - the mechanism is not designed for such loads.

Professional and industrial class models have found their application in woodworking workshops, cabinet furniture manufacturing or wooden structures, in construction and finishing of premises. As practice shows, amateur craftsmen often opt for top-end equipment, but this is not always rational. If a tool is rarely used, there is no way to realize its full potential, for which, by the way, you will have to pay a lot. In addition, repairing expensive equipment is never cheap.

How to choose an electric jigsaw - main parameters

Choosing good model jigsaw, you should focus on the key factors that determine its performance and convenience:

  • saw stroke frequency;
  • electric motor power;
  • the presence of a pendulum stroke;
  • type Supplies;
  • dimensions and weight;
  • functional.

High-quality jigsaws are distinguished by a competent combination of technical characteristics, but you cannot choose a tool solely by parameters. An important component of a good tool is decent ergonomics; such a tool fits comfortably in the hands and does not tire the operator during operation.


The power consumption of a jigsaw can vary from 450 W to 850 W. As practice shows, high energy consumption does not always characterize the performance of a tool. The low-power professional-class model is comparable in efficiency to the more powerful DYI series unit.

How to choose a jigsaw based on power? It all depends on the needs: if speed and performance are required, then average or high power should also be combined with a good saw blade speed. If “working quickly and hard” is not your main task, you can choose any unit from the “pro” class or a household model with a power of more than 550 W.

Blade movement frequency

The speed of the saw blade is one of the main parameters by which an electric jigsaw is selected. The higher the value, the faster the cutting is done. Products made of aluminum, plywood or wood are sawed at maximum speed, and at low speeds materials that are sensitive to overheating are sawed - plastic, stainless steel.

In most cases, jigsaws are equipped with stepwise speed control, but this does not apply to the most budget versions. The minimum threshold can be from 0 to 800 strokes per minute, the maximum speed reaches 3200-3500 strokes. When purchasing, it is not necessary to choose the “fastest model”; for ordinary saws and good performance, 2600 – 2800 strokes/min is more than enough.

Pendulum stroke or pumping

Many models are equipped with a pendulum system, this constructive solution increases sawing speed. When installing one of the 3-4 stages of the pendulum, the file moves not only up and down, but also back and forth, along the trajectory of the pendulum. The higher the level, the stronger the pumping. The pendulum system is applicable only to straight cuts; if the tool is needed for artistic cutting along a curved path, you can choose a model without pumping, or with the ability to turn it off.

Cutting depth

The maximum depth of cut indicates the maximum thickness of the workpiece that can be cut. The technical manual always specifies the limit values, and different materials have their own limitations. Thus, the maximum cutting depth for a wooden workpiece can reach 70 or 100 mm, for metal (aluminium) 15 – 20 mm, for plastic – 80 mm, and for ceramics – up to 10 mm.

This characteristic should not be neglected; using the tool for other purposes may lead to overload and rapid breakdown.

File and types of its fastening

Types of paintings

The equipment for a jigsaw is special files, which are a blade with teeth and a shank of a certain shape. Each type of material has its own files, as indicated by the letter marking:

  • wood (B, C, D, BO, BR);
  • for metal (A);
  • for glass and ceramics (Riff);
  • on plastic.

The blades are also distinguished by the type of cut: files with small teeth are intended for clean cuts (B, C), with large teeth - for fast and rough (D). For curved cuts, narrow blades with straight, small teeth (letter O) are used. To saw laminate or other material with a delicate coating, you will need a saw with the reverse direction of the teeth (revers - the letter R in the marking).

PVC products can be sawed with almost any wood saw; large and medium teeth are not picked up by soft shavings. A blade for metal is also suitable, but sawing is done at minimum speed.

The digital designation indicates the length of the file:

  • 1 – up to 75 mm
  • 2 – 75-90 mm
  • 3 – 90-150 mm
  • 4 – more than 150 mm

Blade mounting type

There are two types of shanks:

  1. T-shaped
  2. U-shaped

The vast majority of jigsaws use T-shank files. A sample of the canvas is almost always included with the tool; you can also try on different types of cloths when purchasing. However budget models amateur class "omnivores". They have the simplest cartridge installed, which simply clamps the file on both sides, regardless of the type of fit.

Types of handles

Among modern models of jigsaws, two designs are widespread: with a staple-shaped or mushroom-shaped handle. A mushroom-shaped handle is the prerogative of jigsaws for professional work, but such a design solution is quite rare.

The more common staple handle is universal and is divided into two types. Compact models are equipped with a square “bracket”, larger ones – with a semicircular one.

To a greater extent, the comfort of use is influenced by ergonomics - the presence of rubber pads, protrusions for the fingers, thickening in the grip areas.


The support platform of an electric jigsaw can be cast or stamped. This design solution plays a big role when purchasing a professional-class tool, when long-term use is expected.

Stamped soles are found in all household and semi-professional models, as well as on inexpensive professional jigsaws. Such a platform is made of relatively thin metal; under prolonged loads it is subject to deformation. As a result, the positioning of the saw blade is shifted, there is no proper contact with the workpiece, and sawing at an angle becomes almost impossible.

High-quality jigsaws are equipped with a cast platform; it is stronger and more durable, but slightly increases the final cost of the unit. Often you can see a plastic cover on it for protection. soft materials from chips.

Power type

The type of food can be specified as a separate item. A corded jigsaw is not intended to work in “field conditions”; a mobile power station will be needed to pair it with it. The solution would be to buy a wireless model, of which there are quite a few on the market now. The duration of continuous operation and power here depend on the battery capacity and the availability of replaceable batteries.

If you decide to purchase a cordless jigsaw, pay attention to Ryobi's ONE+ line of cordless tools. Any item from the model range, be it a jigsaw or a screwdriver, can be powered by one battery - this is really convenient and profitable with economic point vision.

Features that may be useful

When choosing a reliable jigsaw for home use important aspect will be its functionality. There are very useful options that significantly increase productivity and ease of use.

What functions are equipped with electric jigsaws:

  • Forced airflow working area – a directed air stream cleans the workpiece and platform from sawdust, providing full visibility.
  • Smooth start– an advantage of powerful tools, although the option is quite rare. Limiting the starting current protects the operator from jerk during startup, as well as all internal mechanisms from increased load.
  • Laser pointer– quite a useful option. The rough markings on the workpiece may be covered with sawing products, the user will have to turn off the tool and clean the work area - all this takes time. The laser, in turn, indicates the direction even over small chips.
  • Chuck type. Many modern models are equipped with a quick-release chuck for saw blades. To change the equipment, just bend the lever and install the file.
  • Illumination of the working area with LED will provide comfort and maximum accuracy sawing.
  • Maintaining power under load– a serious design solution that can increase the service life of the tool and protects all internal components from unintentional overload. As a rule, in household models, when the speed decreases, the power also decreases, therefore, the tool is easy to overload.

Which brand of jigsaw should I buy?

When deciding which jigsaw is best to choose, it is recommended to give preference only to reliable manufacturers. There are a lot of popular Chinese brands, but the dubious cost hides the even more dubious quality of workmanship. It is for this reason that we will present the best manufacturers of jigsaws in terms of price-quality ratio for 2017:

  • Bosch
  • Makita
  • DeWalt
  • Interskol


A jigsaw is an excellent assistant for any repair, necessary to speed up and improve the quality of work. Jigsaw having electric drive, is a universal device with low weight and dimensions. This device is very convenient for not only direct cutting of sheets and profiles, but also for any figure cutting. To purchase a quality tool, you need to know exactly how and which jigsaw to choose for certain jobs.

A jigsaw can perform the following tasks:

  • make any cut other than a straight one;
  • cut holes of various shapes (rectangular, circular, etc.);
  • make straight cutting of various types of material.

How to choose a good jigsaw from the variety of models offered by manufacturers? This is the question every average craftsman asks himself when preparing for a repair. To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the determining factors.

Advantages of an electric jigsaw

  1. The tool is convenient at home, since there is no need for a saw, hacksaw or similar devices. With a jigsaw, you can make any cutting much faster, and most importantly, with little effort.
  2. Thanks to this device, you can easily perform figure cutting.
  3. Every professional appreciates the convenience, speed and quality of operation of this device.
  4. Very convenient for wood carving.

The differences between a number of models, differing in their technical characteristics, as well as in the range of various additional functions, influence the choice of a good jigsaw.

Household jigsaw

Household devices, or jigsaws for the home, are suitable for sawing wood with a thickness of about 70-80 mm, and metal - about 2-5 mm. They have less power and shorter working life.

Professional jigsaw

Professional jigsaws, unlike household ones, are necessary for performing various jobs under heavy loads. They have a longer service life and higher performance parameters. With this jigsaw, cutting is carried out within the thickness range: for wood - 80-120 mm, for metal - 5-20 mm.

Jigsaw design

The choice of a good jigsaw is also influenced by its design features.

The body has a built-in saw that is driven by an electric motor. Such a file makes reciprocating movements within 3.5 - 4 thousand strokes in one minute. The support platform, installed on the work surface, allows for precise sawing of the product in in the right place. The platform has the ability to rotate to the required angle, allowing you to create the desired cutting angle. To maintain the safety of the process, the file is hidden under protective plexiglass.

Additional functions of electric jigsaws

Each model is equipped with a multi-level mechanism with a pendulum that informs the saw about displacements away from the cutting direction. Thus, the safety of the file itself is ensured and its service life is extended, and a more even and high-quality cut is produced.

Speed ​​adjustment

This parameter is simply necessary for working with various materials. There are two frequency selection modes:

  1. Select the mode immediately before turning on.
  2. Frequency adjustment by pressing force on the support part.

Consequently, the higher the speed of movement of the file is set, the higher the productivity of the device, but at the same time more wear occurs on the file itself. For additional convenience, many manufacturing companies have filled the power tool market with the necessary modifications:

  • backlight on the handle, which allows you to illuminate the work surface in low general lighting;
  • automatic sawdust blowing function;
  • connection to a vacuum cleaner, which will allow you to immediately collect waste sawdust;
  • the ability to rotate the saw 360⁰ (very convenient when cutting circles).

The most common devices

  1. A fastening device that secures a device to a work surface. Thus, when cutting, it is not the jigsaw itself that moves, but the cutting material. This device is effective for working with small parts.
  2. A replaceable plate that allows for better gliding of the jigsaw on the working surface.
  3. Convenient suitcase for storage. This suitcase allows you to stow your device with all its accessories, without fear of damage during transportation.

Electric jigsaw blades

Files are the most basic element of a jigsaw. They differ in configuration, material of manufacture, color options, as well as the shape of the shank. The most common file materials are bimetal and steel. The files for these devices, based on the material of manufacture, are used for the following work:

  1. Carbon steel is used for cutting soft types of wood; in addition, it is also used for processing artificial materials.
  2. High-speed steel is used for cutting metal, as well as for processing hard materials, such as plastic, non-ferrous metal, aluminum, etc.
  3. Bimetal blade has high ductility and a longer service life.

Saw blade tail

The tail is the final part that directly cuts the material. The tails differ in the shape of the end on the canvas itself. This parameter is important when purchasing a new blade, which must be compatible with your model of electric jigsaw.

Jigsaw blade shape

On the market building materials, the following types of ponytails are found:

  • Cross is the most common. Produced by many construction companies, among which is Makita, which has established itself as a reliable and high-quality brand.
  • Having two stops, it is often found in Bosch models.
  • Universal, having a semicircular recess, produced by Dewalt and Skil.
  • Smooth, typical for companies – Defort and Hander.
  • The mold with circular holes is a product of Makita.

Saw blade size

One of the most common varieties are files with a length of 50-105 mm, as well as 155-160 mm.

Files are used for:

  • straight cut;
  • crooked cut.

A curved cut is made with a narrower blade, providing a more fine cut. For many manufacturers, the color of the canvas indicates the area of ​​application cutting elements.

Saw blade teeth on a jigsaw

The types of teeth in blades differ depending on their area of ​​application. The teeth have a variety of shapes, sizes and pitches. When using teeth with a larger set, productivity increases, but the cutting quality decreases.

Coated files

When working with fragile materials, such as glass or ceramic tiles, blades that do not have teeth are used. Such files are equipped with diamond or carbide coating, which allows for extremely accurate cutting.

Device power

Along with the choice of blade, power is of decisive importance when choosing the right jigsaw. The amount of power directly affects the performance of the device, but it also consumes more electricity and carries more weight. Among other things, power affects the speed of the cutting blades.

Blade replacement system

Replacing files is very necessary when working with various materials. All blades in a jigsaw are clamped with special clamps or working screws through holes. When changing blades, it is important to have a mechanism that allows you to easily, quickly and safely make such a change. All of the above characteristics will help everyone make the right choice of a good jigsaw.

Duration of work with certain materials with increased strength and hardness. During prolonged use, the tails of the files heat up, become soft and can become deformed or simply break. It is necessary to provide additional cooling of the working elements. This can be done with water, machine oil, or all kinds of soap solutions.

It is recommended to cut steel at a higher speed of the cutting elements. For plastic, it is recommended to use a speed of no more than 1000 strokes per minute. When working at low stroke rates, it is necessary to take frequent breaks and cool the cutting blades. Working with thin material, experts recommend placing a sheet of plywood under the work surface.

The mechanisms and parts of the jigsaw should be kept in proper condition and lubricated in a timely manner. If they fail, replace them in a timely manner.

What is a jigsaw - it is a tool with an electric motor and a stepper mechanism driving a special saw designed for such a tool. Used for cutting wood, plastic, metal materials. Can be used to create straight and complex, tortuous cuts.

In turn, electric tools are divided into those that are connected to the mains and cordless options. They are divided into groups: household, for use at home, and professional, which can be used in construction or production. Jigsaws also differ in appearance, handle shape, some models are not at all hand tools, and desktop, this tool is attached to a table or frame and is used as a stationary one.

How to choose a jigsaw for your home

To do a good choice and purchase an inexpensive tool for the home, you need to determine for what purpose you need it, that is, what kind of work you plan to do. How often do you plan to work with it? What material will you be processing? It is important to answer these questions to determine the right model to suit your individual requirements.

When choosing, pay attention for the following technical specifications:

These technical data will help you choose an electric jigsaw for your home according to your tool requirements. But a good choice depends not only on technical characteristics. This is often influenced by price, build quality, and company reputation.

Main selection criteria

For example, a jigsaw can be inexpensive, but quite functional, and will cope with the necessary operations without additional devices that increase the cost of this model, which you will never use.

Pay attention to the quality of assembly and parts. Manufacturers are trying to make their products cheaper, because of this the quality may suffer, even among well-known companies. Therefore, not all models from the same company can be of high quality.

They will help you choose the jigsaw you need, rating the best, reviews from owners and photos in which you can see appearance tool.

The rating may contain a list of the most successful models from different manufacturers, sorted according to various criteria, for example, price/quality or endurance. There may be functional superiority over similar instruments.

The information listed above will help you choose a good jigsaw for your home. You already know how to choose. Now let's look at the entire range of models included in the top ten.

Jigsaw: top 10 best

Hitachi CJ90VST

A good, solid jigsaw that fits quite well in the hand. Full potential is revealed with straight long saws. Created for frequent use at home as a household tool . Has a good power reserve. Manufacturer: Japan.

Interskol MP-55/500E M

This model is produced in Russia. Quite functional, budget machine. Will cope with necessary work around the house or cottage. A large number of service centers guarantees fast and inexpensive repairs.

  • power 500 W
  • adjustment of saw stroke frequency from 800 to 3000 per minute
  • saw screw clamp
  • maximum cutting depth wood/metal 55/6
  • the sole is stamped from metal with the ability to adjust the angle up to 45 degrees
  • 4-stage pendulum control
  • connection pipe for vacuum cleaner
  • weight 1.6 kilograms.

I chose a jigsaw for home use. I was confused by Russian production, but the price won me over, I decided to take a risk and was pleased. For household use Enough with your head.

Fiolent PM 5-750E M

Produced in Simferopol. It has good characteristics, this jigsaw will cope with the tasks with a bang . If we take the entire range of products released by Fiolent» jigsaws, then this model has absorbed all the best, it is well refined and balanced. Choosing this tool will be a good decision.

Bosch PST 18 LI 0

German manufacturer, excellent quality. It can be called “smart” due to the implementation of several technologies at once. This model is a battery-powered version, powered by an 18-volt battery. Such a tool will be useful where there is no fixed power supply or the ability to connect to one. D Remaining compact electric tool. Makes a good, high-quality cut.

Makita JV100DZ

A good jigsaw from a Japanese manufacturer. Users leave good review about this company. This model is also rechargeable. Lightweight and easy to use, suitable for housework. Quality parts and workmanship guaranteed by the manufacturer.

  • power 130 W
  • The saw stroke frequency is adjusted using the power button, maximum 2400 per minute
  • saw screw clamp
  • maximum cutting depth wood/metal 65/2
  • cast aluminum sole with 45 degree angle adjustment
  • electronic engine brake
  • vacuum cleaner connection pipe
  • weight 1.7 kilograms
  • battery 10.8 volt.

Ryobi R18JS

Powerful electric cordless jigsaw. Good brand speaks of high-quality assembly. This device can handle any complex tasks. This tool will be useful both at home and at work. Has good runtime from one battery charge.

When buying an instrument, I decided that it was better to overpay for quality once, and I was right. As a result, I have a powerful and reliable device that does not fail even with intensive use.

Matabo Steb 140 Plus Case

The necessary, powerful jigsaw from a German manufacturer. The model is included in the class of professional tools. Hardy under long loads, compact enough for its class. All operations are carried out with ease. Has all the functions necessary for professional use.

DeWalt DW331K

Expensive, but at the same time a necessary electric tool. According to reviews from the owners, all the shortcomings are only that the manufacturer did not build in the backlight, but otherwise everything is excellent, there are no complaints. This jigsaw can be chosen for professional work. He is not afraid of harsh working conditions. Possesses everyone necessary characteristics for this. Country of origin: Czech Republic.

  • power 701 W
  • adjustment of saw stroke frequency from 0 to 3100 per minute
  • quick-release saw blade replacement mechanism
  • maximum cutting depth wood/metal 135/12
  • cast sole with adjustable inclination angle of 45 degrees
  • 4-stage pendulum control
  • smooth start
  • vacuum cleaner connection function
  • weight 2.8 kilograms.

Makita DJV181Z

Another battery-powered model is capable of performing the entire list of work that a professional jigsaw should perform. This is a powerful, high-quality, well-balanced machine. The shape is designed so that your hands do not get tired during long-term work. It can handle dense materials without losing the quality of a clean cut.

I was looking for a battery option, since I work as a roofer, and the extra wires simply get in the way. I was pleased because the work sped up significantly. The jigsaw is powerful and copes with any task. I recommend it to those who work at heights - you won’t regret it.

Bosch GST 160 BCE L-Boxx

This is one of the most expensive models among network options. Represents the embodiment of power and quality. Professional tool for production and construction work. Comfortable and not heavy for its characteristics. Choosing this option means ensuring yourself a good, reliable tool.

The choice on the power tool market is very large. But your goal is to choose one, what you need for your needs, and here it is important to find a middle ground between price and quality.