Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» What does a Chinese rose look like in a pot? Chinese rose (or Hibiscus) - home care for indoor beauty. Planting - nuances of the procedure, requirements for soil and planting site

What does a Chinese rose look like in a pot? Chinese rose (or Hibiscus) - home care for indoor beauty. Planting - nuances of the procedure, requirements for soil and planting site

The first building to be erected on a summer cottage is a toilet. A toilet in a country house differs from a city bathroom in the absence of a sewage system. Therefore, building a toilet at the dacha is not only the construction of a cubicle, but also the organization of a waste collection and disposal site. There are several possible options for installing a toilet in a dacha, and how to build a toilet in a dacha with your own hands will be discussed in detail in this material.

Outdoor toilet for a summer residence

Most dachas are used only in warm time year, so the most popular is a summer or outdoor toilet for a summer residence. This design is simple and well-tested by time. You can build a summer toilet in your dacha with your own hands from available materials, which is certainly a great advantage.




An outdoor toilet for a summer residence consists of a toilet cubicle and a pit for collecting waste underneath. A toilet stall in a country house can be made of any materials. A pit for a toilet in a country house can be made of any size. The depth of the toilet pit depends on the number of users.




However, a cesspool for a toilet in a country house will only work well at a low level groundwater. If the groundwater level is high, then the cesspool will be constantly flooded, and it will always overflow. In this case, you will have to abandon this type of toilet, or you will have to use a waterproof container in place of the pit. However, then it is necessary to call the vacuum cleaner at least once a year.




Do-it-yourself wooden toilet for a summer house

The construction of a toilet in a street-type dacha can be divided into three stages: preparing a pit for collecting waste, constructing a foundation and manufacturing a toilet cabin. During construction, it is important to remember that the toilet will last a very long time only if the installation of the toilet in the country house is done correctly.

Fig. 10.

Fig. 11.

Cesspool for a toilet in the country

A toilet pit in a country house is made with reinforced walls. If you do not strengthen the pit for the toilet in the country, then in a short period of time it will quickly collapse. To strengthen the walls of the pit, it is convenient to use a toilet tank from a two hundred liter barrel.

Fig. 12.

If there is danger high level groundwater, you must use a plastic sealed tank. The barrel is dug into the ground in the place of the cesspool. It will have to be cleaned as you use the toilet. To make this easier and at the same time not to think about where to put the contents, during the operation of the toilet it is necessary to add a special composition to it. This composition can be purchased at any country store. It contains bacteria that will process all waste, after which it can be used as fertilizer.

Fig. 13.

If there is no groundwater, then it is good to use a metal barrel. Holes are made in it so that the liquid phase of the waste goes into the ground. The barrel is filled not with soil, but with gravel. This creates drainage for the liquid fraction. A cesspool for a toilet in a country house, built according to this principle, can operate for more than 10 years and does not require cleaning.

Fig. 14.

Fig. 15.

Fig. 16.

How to make a foundation for a toilet in a country house

By and large, a structure such as a wooden toilet does not require a special foundation. However, in order for the building to serve for a long time, a foundation for a toilet in the country is still needed. In addition, if the cabin is raised above the ground by at least 10 cm, then ventilation of the toilet in the country will be ensured.

Fig. 17.

Fig. 18.

The simplest option for a foundation for an outdoor toilet is to dig holes in the corners of the toilet 20 - 30 cm deep, fill them with sand, and place blocks or curb stones on the sand. It will be just as easy to install a pile foundation; for this you can purchase four screw piles 1 m long.

Fig. 19.



Drawings of a wooden toilet for a summer residence

The toilet cabin for a summer house can have different appearance, but in design it is always the same type. It is made from wooden beams By frame technology. First, a frame is assembled from bars, and then covered with clapboard or any other material.




For the frame, timber 60x80, 80x80 or 100x100 mm is well suited. You can use timber of a smaller cross-section, but then it is necessary to install several diagonal jumpers for the stability of the structure.



The construction of a frame toilet for a summer house begins with the assembly of a base of 4 bars 1.5 m long. Next, vertical posts are installed. It is necessary to install door racks. The distance between the posts should be equal to the width of the door including the frame. You can use a 40x120 mm board as rafters. A 20-25mm thick board is laid on top of the rafters, and a corrugated sheet is laid on top of it.



How to make a hood in a toilet in a country house

For summer toilet It is important to provide a window above the door; this will provide ventilation for the toilet and a source of lighting. You shouldn't glass this window, otherwise it will be hot and smelly in the toilet.



How to cover a toilet for a summer house outside

From the outside, to protect from rain, the frame of the toilet stall can be sheathed with any material, for example, corrugated sheets or siding. However, the most popular material is lining or block house. For the toilet roof, use any roofing material, for example, professional sheet.




Toilet seat in the countryside

Can be used as a seat various designs starting from the platform and ending with the hole in the floor. In my opinion, it is most convenient to use a special toilet seat in the country.




Odorless garden toilet

There are several options for organizing an odorless toilet for a summer cottage: a dry closet, a peat toilet, a cesspool and a septic tank. All these options differ in cost, complexity of maintenance and labor intensity of construction.

Chemical toilet at the dacha

A dry toilet is a type of toilet that does not require a sewage system. Waste is accumulated in a special tank.


Chemical dry toilets are equipped with a tank for storing waste and flushing; water and deodorizing liquid are poured into the flush tank, and a disinfectant-cleaving liquid is added to the waste tank. The use of such a toilet is almost identical to the city one.


The advantage of chemical dry toilets is their autonomy, and, therefore, they can be installed anywhere, including in the house, without having to build a special structure.



The disadvantage is the need to constantly drain the waste. It should be noted that not all chemical liquids allow waste to be discharged into the soil, which means you will have to have a special place for waste disposal.

Finnish toilet for a summer house

A peat toilet for a dacha differs from a chemical one in its simpler design. They do not use chemicals in their work. Structurally, peat toilets are a small tank with a liquid drainage mechanism. To break down waste after each use, you need to pour a little peat into the toilet.

Fig.42. Fig.48. A septic tank is an autonomous sewage system for a home. Due to the complexity of installation and the need for year-round use, they are usually used in country houses. Sewage entering the septic tank undergoes decomposition. The septic tank does not require regular cleaning.

Considering the complexity of installation and the cost of equipment, septic tanks are usually used in country houses for year-round use.


We've covered everything possible options toilets for the dacha. Despite the abundance of options, the most widespread are the septic tank and the traditional outdoor toilet for the dacha. A septic tank is good for its autonomy and the ability to organize a complete sewage system. Typically, a septic tank is used in country houses and summer cottages for year-round use. If the dacha is visited only in summer period, then the simplest option for organizing a toilet is the rustic option. For village toilet it is necessary to install a cesspool, the role of which is usually played by a barrel, and build a cabin on top. Typically the cabin is made of wood. If you decorate the toilet house well, then in addition to fulfilling its direct purpose, it will also wonderful decoration plot.

If a person decides to purchase a country plot for relaxation with friends or family, the question of how to make a toilet in the country will arise first. A house for the discharge of natural physiological needs is a mandatory attribute not only of any home, but also garden territory, where you have to stay for more than one hour. It is quite logical that every owner will want to start and finish building the toilet everyone needs at their dacha as quickly as possible. And although at first glance it seems that this matter is quite simple, there is no need to rush. You should carefully study the dacha area and decide on the choice of location for the toilet house, taking into account a number of sanitary requirements. And 1 more important point is the choice of the type of restroom, because there are several of them. What kind of toilet is better to build on the territory of a summer cottage?

How to choose the right place for an outdoor toilet?

Convenient and comfortable for dacha residents is to place the toilet inside the house. It's warm and dry here. Don't go out at night or on a rainy day. But such a closet requires a long time to construct and is more expensive. If a person is working in the garden beds, it is preferable to run to the yard restroom, without thinking about the possibility of soiling the floor of the home. Therefore, at first it will be easier and more correct to build a toilet on the street. Where should it be placed on the site? To do everything right, you should take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the arrangement of outdoor closets. This is especially true for latrines with cesspools.

Since the most unpleasant thing about them is the smell, restrooms are usually located not in close proximity to the walls of a residential building, but at a distance of 8-10 m from them. You should not plant trees and shrubs near the toilet. The distance between them should be several meters. If there is a well at the dacha, then a distance of 50 m should be maintained between it and the latrine. If the country house is not located on the outskirts, but is surrounded by neighbors’ plots, you need to think about their comfort. You cannot build a yard latrine right in front of their house, even if the areas are separated by a fence (the distance from the fence should be at least 1 m). It is better to place the closet so that neighbors do not smell it or see it right in front of them. It is necessary to observe the wind and determine which direction it blows most often. And if there are no buildings nearby, you can build a restroom in this place.

An important circumstance is the topography of the dacha plot and the presence of groundwater underground. If the suburban area has a slope, then the toilet should be located in a low area so that the source of water intake is higher than it. In this case, dirty wastewater will not enter the clean water. It is good when groundwater flows at a depth of 2.5 m, i.e., sufficiently far from the surface of the earth. This means that you can build a latrine with a cesspool on your site. And if the depth of the groundwater level is less than 2 m, types of toilets with containers for collecting sewage are suitable. Otherwise, the soil and water may become contaminated with harmful decay products.

Main types of yard latrines

Having decided on the location of the future toilet, it is worth thinking about its design. Currently, there are several types of latrines that are suitable for a summer residence:

  • dry closet;
  • powder-closet;
  • peat latrine;
  • chemical toilet;
  • latrine with pit cesspool.

It is advisable to install all of the above water closets, except the last one, in areas with groundwater close to the surface of the earth. A latrine with a cesspool is installed only when the groundwater flows deeply. What are these toilet houses?

The simplest solution for a summer residence would be a dry closet. This is a booth that you can buy and install on your site without wasting time on construction. Inside the cabin there is a two-section container for collecting sewage. Special feces breakers are poured here. They process them and eliminate the unpleasant odor. 7-8 days after you start using the dry closet, it will need to be cleaned of sewage by draining it either into other containers or into the soil. Caring for this toilet is easy. But the disadvantage of such a restroom for some zealous owners is its cost.

A chemical water closet is almost no different from a dry closet. The only difference is in the antiseptics poured into the tank. Chemical reagents that destroy sewage are harmful to environment, they cannot fertilize the soil on the site. Therefore, such latrines are better suited for cities. They can be seen on construction sites or public holiday events.

A powder closet is a toilet structure without a cesspool. It is replaced by any volumetric container (barrel, reservoir) installed under the toilet seat. All sewage entering the container is immediately sprinkled with sawdust, peat or ash, as if powdered on top to eliminate the unpleasant aroma. Hence the name of the closet. When the tank is filled to the top, it is emptied and the contents are used as fertilizer.

A variant of the powder closet is the peat toilet. IN cistern dry peat is poured, which enters the reservoir under the toilet seat and sprinkles with sewage.

The most familiar to everyone, but the most labor-intensive to build, is a latrine with a cesspool. A toilet house is installed above the pit. After filling the pit, sewage is either removed manually or vacuum cleaners are called in to help.

How to build a support for a house for a toilet?

Any outbuilding begins with a drawing. The owner needs to decide on the size of the future closet before purchasing building material. The following sizes are common country toilet:

  • height - 2 m;
  • side width 1.5 m;
  • depth 1-1.2 m.

But you can adjust them as you wish: make the structure taller, more spacious.

To prevent the toilet from being blown away by the wind, it is necessary to provide support for it under the frame. As for the foundation, it is not necessary for a small building. There are several ways to construct supports. In the first case, you can make a stable base from bricks or blocks. To do this, at the site of the future toilet, remove the soil to a depth of 30 cm, then thoroughly compact the soil. The perimeter of the area is laid out with blocks or bricks. A toilet house is installed on top of the support. It can be easily moved to another location in the future.

In the second case, asbestos pipes with wooden beams can be used as supports. Pipes with a diameter of at least 15 cm and a length of 100 cm will be stable and reliable. First, 50-80 cm recesses are dug along the perimeter of the base in each of its 4 corners. Asbestos pipes are installed vertically in them, into which 1/3 of the concrete solution is poured. Then wooden beams with a length of 2.3 m and a diameter of 5x5 cm are inserted inside such supports. They will serve as vertical parts of the frame of the future toilet. The tree will be firmly fixed in the concrete mortar; during installation, you just need to ensure that the beams are even, so that they are strictly vertical. The rear beams should be 10-15 cm shorter than the front ones, since the roof of the house is usually sloping.

Making a closet frame and covering it

By installing the vertical support beams and adjusting their height, you can strap the frame. The top screed is made at the level of the roof of the structure. Horizontal slats are nailed around the perimeter of all sides of the house. At the front and rear, they should protrude 30 cm beyond the boundaries of the building. Since the roof is made with a small canopy and leads away from the restroom rainwater so that it does not flow directly onto the wall. The lower screed is performed at the level of the seat or toilet seat at a height of 35-40 cm from the floor of the restroom. The front wall is not touched, because there will be a door here. To make the body even stronger, diagonal jibs are placed on its side and rear walls. Two more vertical supports are installed on the front wall of the toilet, their height is 190 cm. A horizontal jumper is nailed along their top line. The door will be inserted into this frame.

Now you should sheathe the structure with the selected material: wood or metal profile. It's warmer and more comfortable to be inside wooden toilet. It is better to take boards 1.5-2 cm thick for it. Measure the material in height and nail it vertically to the frame on 3 sides. Be sure to ensure that the boards fit snugly against each other and that there are no gaps between them. From below on back wall you will need to make a small door from the same boards. A container filled with sewage will be drawn through it. To make this process easy, the door is made to the height of the toilet seat and the width of the rear wall of the restroom. Hinges are used to secure the door. The roof of the toilet house can be either slate or wood. To extend service life wooden roof, it is covered with roofing felt on top.

Arranging a toilet seat and door

After all 3 walls of the closet are ready, you can begin making the door and attaching it to the body of the structure. The dimensions of the door (width, height) must match the opening prepared for it. The boards are knocked together. Screw 2 hinges onto the toilet body and door leaf, and hang the door on the wall. Screw the handle on the inside and outside. 1 more important element the door is a latch. It is attached to the door on both sides. You can close the door using a regular hook, a steel latch or a latch - this is everyone’s personal choice. To make the restroom light, it is advisable to make a small window above the door and glaze it. A window can also be cut on the side wall of the toilet.

Now all that remains is to do the most the right part toilet - toilet seat. As mentioned above, its height is usually no more than 40 cm. A toilet seat that is too high is inconvenient, especially for children. The frame of the toilet seat is 50 cm wide. Like the walls of the restroom, it is covered with boards and a hole is cut out in the top center for the discharge of natural needs. It shouldn't be too big or small. A container for sewage with a volume of 30-40 liters is placed under the finished toilet seat. The rest of the floor is covered with boards. The wooden toilet house needs to be painted or varnished. When the coating is dry, the toilet is completed with the finishing touches. A container for sawdust or peat and a holder (bracket) for toilet paper, put the trash can on the floor. The powder closet is ready!

How to make a cesspool?

Some owners prefer the good old fashioned pit toilets. How to properly arrange such a restroom? First, you need to dig a hole 150 cm deep. The slope is made towards the back wall of the future closet. Then all the walls and bottom of the pit are compacted tightly with a layer of clay (20-25 cm), you can line them with bricks. The toilet house, which is being built, like the powder closet, will be located above the front third of the pit. The base for the toilet is made of wooden beams. Boards are laid over the pit (outside the closet) and covered underneath with roofing felt. A hole is cut in the flooring and the lid is hung on hinges. This will be the hatch. A pipe for ventilation must be brought out of the pit up parallel to the back wall of the toilet. Its lower edge should fall 20 cm below the level of the toilet floor, and the upper edge should extend 80 cm above the roof of the closet. A wooden house is installed next to the pipe above the pit and the pipe is secured to its back wall using clamps. Next, a concrete blind area (1 m wide) is poured around the outdoor toilet for the dacha. It will prevent rainwater from entering the cesspool.

What kind of latrine should I build? suburban area, each owner will decide for himself, but any closet will require a little time and effort. There are pros and cons to building a country toilet with your own hands. But when the design is ready, the person will be proud that he made it himself.

The installation of external sewerage in a summer cottage often does not require special knowledge; the main thing is to choose the right place and draw up a simple drawing. It will not be difficult to build a toilet in your country house according to the drawing with your own hands if you adhere to the technology and carry out each process efficiently. There are several types of country toilets, so before starting construction you should familiarize yourself with the features of their construction.

Their design is extremely simple: a hole dug in the ground, a solid ceiling with a hole in the center on top, and a frame with doors covered with boards or iron. You can install such a toilet in a few hours. More durable structures are made of brick, but the principle remains the same.

The next option is a backlash closet. This type of toilet has a completely sealed pit, the contents of which are removed using a sewer ora machine. The toilet cabin is not always located above the pit and can be built into the wall of the house. Pros: no need to look for a site for a building, convenient to use in any weather. Disadvantage: for cleaning you need to hire special equipment, which is very expensive.

Another type of country toilet is a powder closet. This structure is being erected on a flat area, without a cesspool. For feces, a small container is installed under the toilet seat, which is removed after filling. This option is convenient for those who visit the dacha only periodically, because regular emptying of the container will still require the construction of a cesspool.

Choosing a place for the toilet

When choosing a site for construction, it is necessary to take into account the distance to residential buildings and neighboring areas, the height of groundwater, the location of wells with drinking water, terrain of the site.

Even with proper care, unpleasant odors may emanate from the toilet, and the contents of the cesspool will seep into the ground. According to sanitary rules, the distance between a domestic well and a country toilet must be at least 25 m. This means not only wells located on the site, but also those belonging to neighbors.

You need to retreat at least 12 m from the residential building, and 1-1.5 m from the boundaries of neighboring plots. It is allowed to build a cesspool only if the height of the groundwater is no more than 2.5 m. On relief terrain, choose the lowest one for the toilet plot.

And lastly: to the toilet there should be easy access not only for households, but also for special equipment that will have to be hired periodically for cleaning. These rules apply only to toilets with pit cesspools; there are fewer requirements for the construction of other types.

Closet construction technology

The most labor-intensive is construction of a pit toilet, so it is recommended to study the technology from it. Construction process includes the following steps:

  • pit preparation;
  • strengthening the walls;
  • construction of a toilet house;
  • ventilation device.

You can complete each stage yourself using the most simple tools. After choosing a site for construction, you should decide how to strengthen the walls of the pit, as well as what the house will be assembled from.

For wooden frame Any foundation will do, but if the house is planned to be built of brick or stone, the walls of the pit must be reinforced very securely. For convenience, first draw up a drawing of the future toilet and calculate the amount of material from it. When everything is ready, you can start working.

To dig and strengthen a hole you will need:

  • roulette;
  • pegs and cord for marking;
  • ladder;
  • bayonet and picking shovels;
  • sand and crushed stone;
  • tamping;
  • concrete solution;
  • brick, stone or concrete rings.

On the prepared area, markings are made in the form of a square with a side of 1 m. Using shovels, select soil to a depth of 2 m, trying to leave the walls even so that the hole does not lose its shape. If the pit is reinforced with concrete rings, the pit is made round; its diameter should be 7-10 cm larger than the diameter of the ring.

It is not worth digging a pit of greater depth: this will require additional material consumption, and the time to fill the hole will increase quite a bit. But you also don’t need to save money and make the pit too small, because then the toilet will have to be cleaned very often.

There is no need to remove all the soil taken out of the hole right away - it will still be needed for backfilling the floor. If groundwater lies close and the soil on the site is not dense enough, the pit should be made airtight to avoid soil contamination. To do this, cover the bottom with a layer of sand and fine crushed stone, carefully compacted, poured with concrete.

The concrete solution is prepared in the following ratio:

  • 1 part cement M 400;
  • 4 parts sand;
  • 6 parts fine crushed stone.

Crushed stone can be replaced with medium fraction slag, reducing the quantity to 4 parts. Water is added after mixing the dry ingredients in small portions. Ready solution should slide off the shovel easily, but not spread. After pouring the concrete, work is suspended for at least 7 days: during this time, the bottom will be sufficiently hardened and subsequently will not be eroded by the contents of the pit. To avoid cracking, during drying the bottom should be periodically moistened with water and covered with a film from the sun's rays.

Most practical option strengthening the walls of the pit is brickwork. You can lay brick walls yourself, even without the relevant experience. Not recommended for use sand-lime brick, it is better to take burnt red. The masonry is made in half a brick in a checkerboard pattern, using a sand-cement mortar. The wall thickness should be about 20-25 cm, then the reinforcement will be quite reliable and durable. The top row of a brick wall is usually raised 10-15 cm above the soil level.

To ensure that the masonry remains vertical during work and does not deform, it is recommended to lay no more than 6 rows of bricks at a time and continue work no earlier than after 7-8 hours. During this time, the solution will have time to set and dry a little, so the walls will remain smooth. Every 3 rows you need to check the verticality of the masonry building level. The finished walls are plastered with the same solution and covered bitumen mastic.

If concrete rings are chosen for strengthening, you will not be able to do the work yourself. To facilitate the installation process, the hole is first dug to a depth corresponding to the height of the ring. Using technology, the concrete product is lifted above the hole and carefully lowered down, and then they dig up with a shovel and remove the earth from under the base.

The soil must be chosen evenly so that the ring that settles under its own weight is horizontal. Any, even minor, distortions will complicate the sealing of the pit.

After installing the first one, proceed to installing the second ring. The concrete is lifted again on cables and leveled above the hole, after which it is carefully lowered. Now they dig up the ground below in exactly the same way until the concrete drops to the required depth. The last ring should rise above the soil by about 10 cm. All joints are sealed with mortar and covered with bitumen mastic. When the walls are strengthened, the bottom is covered with crushed stone and sand, compacted and filled concrete mixture.

In areas with dense soil and low groundwater levels, sealing the pit is not necessary. After excavating the earth, the bottom of the pit is covered with sand and compacted, and then red brick walls are laid out. The lower rows are laid with staggered gaps, which provide additional drainage. As the walls rise, the gaps between the bricks are reduced, and, starting from the middle and to the top of the pit, the masonry should be continuous.

Such strengthening will protect the walls from destruction by the roots of trees that may grow nearby. Finally, the bottom is covered with a layer of large pebbles or crushed stone for filtration.

Construction of floors

The ceilings for a country toilet must be strong enough to support the weight of the house and a person. For wooden structure A simple columnar foundation and thick timber floors are suitable. At each corner of the cesspool, stepping back from the walls by 15-20 cm, make a square depression, fill it with crushed stone and sand and concrete it.

Brick pillars up to 20 cm high are laid on top of the concrete and covered with a piece of roofing felt for waterproofing. While the foundation is being built, the floor beams are being prepared. Select strong, even beams from dense wood, cut them to the required length, impregnate them with an antiseptic primer and dry them.

Dry beams must be coated with two coats of paint to extend the life of the wood. After this, a rectangular frame 1x1.2 m is assembled, securing the beams with bolts. In the middle, the frame is fastened with a beam, and then one of the resulting halves is once again partitioned with a piece of timber.

Now the frame is installed on poles so that a whole half of the frame is located above the pit. The part with the partition will be under your feet. The bolted frame is covered with boards 3 cm thick.

If the toilet is made of brick, it is necessary to make strip foundation. A shallow trench 25-30 cm wide is dug on three sides of the pit. The fourth side of the pit should protrude 20 cm beyond the perimeter of the foundation. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the trench, a reinforcement frame is laid, and the foundation is filled with concrete.

The resulting box is covered metal channels or concrete pillars every 30 cm, the rest of the space is covered with reinforcement or chain-link mesh. A spacious hole is left above the pit itself, and a plastic pipe with a diameter of 15 cm. One end of the pipe is lowered into the hole 10 cm, the second end is brought out.

After this, the ceiling is poured with concrete.

Construction of a wooden house

To build a wooden house you will need:

  • dry timber with a section of 100x100 mm;
  • 4 wooden beams;
  • boards for cladding;
  • level and tape measure;
  • hammer, nails;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • wood primer;
  • slate;
  • loops and hook.

First, the front and back parts of the frame are assembled from timber. The height of the front part is approximately 2.1 m, the height of the rear part is 2 m. The width of both frames is about 1 m. The inside of the frame is reinforced with spacers made of timber, while in the front part the spacers should not block the passage. On the base of the floor, 4 beams are installed in the corners and secured with metal plates and anchor bolts. All frame elements are treated with a primer and the installation of the frame begins.

The face frame is inserted between the front beams and leveled vertically using a level. Having secured it with nails, insert the rear frame and also level it. The frames are fastened together with transverse bars on the sides of the building.

The upper bars on which the roof will be attached are located at an angle, since one frame is lower; The bars should protrude 30 cm in front and 15 cm in the back.

The next step is to install the frame for the pedestal. To do this, another beam is nailed inside the box at a height of 45 cm, which will divide the toilet into 2 parts. Parallel to it, the same beam is attached to the rear frame and 2 more on the sides. When the frame is ready, you can sheathe it. Boards, thick plywood, imitation timber, and corrugated sheets are suitable for cladding. The inside of the pedestal is covered with boards in which a hole is cut.

You can insert glass above the doors or simply cut out a small diamond shape.

A ventilation pipe is attached to the rear wall using special clamps and its upper end is brought out through the roof. Then boards are placed on the frame beams at regular intervals, and slate is laid on them. All that remains is to assemble the door, fasten the hinges and hook, and hang door leaf. Many people install lights in the toilet to make it easier to use in the dark. To make it more decorative, the house can be painted or painted.

Brick house

To build brick house To use the toilet, you need to have at least minimal skills. Such a structure is more reliable and durable, and also has an attractive appearance.

It is very important to lay out the corners correctly, otherwise the structure will be skewed.

After laying the first two rows of bricks, you should install wooden frame for doors; it must be strengthened with spacers made of beams or timber installed outside. At a level of 40 cm from the floor, insert between the bricks of the rear wall metal corners for attaching the podium. Having reached the top, another 1-2 rows of bricks are made in front to raise the roof. If wiring is planned in the toilet, a section of hollow tube is concreted between the bricks, through which the wire can be easily pulled.

For the podium, boards 30 mm thick are attached to the corners, and the vertical part is laid with bricks. You can sheathe the entire podium with boards by cutting a hole at the top.

The next step is fastening ventilation pipe. Not yet roofing, a plastic pipe mounted into the base of the toilet from the pit side is lifted and fixed to the back wall with clamps. The upper end is passed through the floor beams and raised above the building by 20 cm. After this, the roof is mounted, the door is hung, and a light bulb and switch are hung.

This toilet is installed directly in country house or next to it. A wide pipe extends from the toilet, the other end of which is built into the septic tank. The construction of a septic tank begins with digging a pit, the depth of which is about 1 m. The bottom is filled with crushed stone, formwork is installed along the walls, and then everything is filled with concrete mixture. When the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed, and after complete drying, the surface is treated with mastic.

Outside, around the perimeter of the pit, clay is poured in a layer of about 50 cm. The septic tank is covered with shields on top, covered with clay and only a small hole is left for the hatch. The hatch is tightly closed first with cast iron and then with wooden lids, laying insulation between them.

On your own personal plot You can’t go anywhere without your own toilet. You can build a toilet yourself if you take this matter more seriously. The most difficult moment in the construction of this structure is digging a pit. But this work can be done too. One of the main processes in the work is not the aesthetic appearance of the toilet, but the creation of a solid foundation for the toilet and the construction of a cesspool.

You should take into account the fact that most summer residents do not equip a toilet, but get by with an ordinary bucket. But still, the waste should be disposed of somewhere and removed based on this, a capital pit is simply necessary. It’s better to carry out the work on arranging your country toilet once according to the necessary norms and rules, and be happy with the result.

But if the owner of the site does not want to spoil the appearance of his territory by installing a standard toilet, then this building can be easily hidden from view in the farthest corner of the site. Therefore, in this article it is worth talking about how make a country toilet with your own hands.

Choosing a place to build a toilet and its design

In most cases, a structure such as a toilet is built away from the country house. And this is no coincidence, since the unpleasant smell will be located near it. But many people resort to other methods, setting up a pit next to residential building. And the area for the toilet is chosen in free space at home, providing for output to a pit. This design is used when water is supplied to a residential building, and in the future it is planned to install an insulated tank for collecting waste. IN in this case The standards set by the sanitary authorities must always be observed. This is necessary primarily in order to create safety for the environment and for neighbors from the occurrence of negative consequences: all kinds of diseases, soil contamination.

  • If the plans provide for the arrangement of an insulated container, then its installation is possible anywhere.
  • If a septic tank is provided, then it must be installed at a distance of at least 20 m from the residential building.
  • When constructing a cesspool, it should be located at some distance from the main sources of water (30 m). Under no circumstances should its depth touch groundwater.
  • In most cases, the cesspool itself the simplest toilet its area is 1 sq.m. in the same case if a hole breaks out round shape, then its total diameter should be 1 m. The depth of the hole directly depends on the occurrence of groundwater.
  • After choosing a place for the pit, you need to decide on the design of the toilet itself.

Firstly, It should be remembered that the weight of the structure will depend on the material used for construction. This structure should be light in weight. This is necessary so that under the weight of the toilet the soil does not begin to settle and does not deform the entire structure. As a building material, it is best to use wooden bars or boards, or galvanized steel profiles and thin metal. You can also use corrugated sheets.

If you decide to build a toilet from logs or bricks, then you should think about maximally strengthening the base of its foundation. But there is no point in erecting such heavy structures, since they still cannot provide the right heat. If this option occurs, then you can insulate the toilet with various thermal insulation materials having low weight. This structure will be warm and light and will not be blown through winter period time, and in the summer it will be cool.

Secondly, It is important to determine the size of the future toilet. Once the material has been selected, it is necessary to decide on overall dimensions toilet booths. The toilet most often has the following dimensions: height -2.5 m and width 1 meter.

The length of the room itself is 1.4/1.5 m (depending on your requirements). You need to remember that the room should be very comfortable.

What is needed to arrange a country toilet

From this article you can learn how to make a toilet in the country. Once you have decided on the design and location for the toilet, you need to start purchasing the necessary building materials. You can also purchase a ready-made booth made of metal or wood. When self-built toilet you will need the following materials:

  • Wooden boards and bars.
  • Fasteners (screws, nails).
  • Metal reinforcements (corners for frame rigidity).
  • Accessories (latches, handles and hooks).
  • Roofing material (slate or corrugated sheets).
  • Chair with lid.
  • If you need to insulate the toilet, then you will need to purchase polystyrene foam and wall insulation material (plywood or chipboard).
  • To dig a hole you will need:
  • Sand, cement and crushed stone.
  • Reinforcement to strengthen the base of the toilet foundation.

Steel mesh netting required to cover the pit and metal brackets to secure the mesh to the ground. Instead of a mesh, you can use ordinary bricks, which cover all the walls in the pit.

Besides everything else. In order to dig a hole, concrete rings are often used, which have special holes in their walls. Most summer residents use large rubber tires for these purposes.

The most common option, and in turn environmentally friendly, is a ready-made container called a septic tank. They are various sizes. If necessary, you can purchase a container that is suitable for you. This usually depends on the number of people in your family and the length of time you live at the dacha. Of course, when building a toilet in your summer cottage, you will need the following tools:

  • Hand drill. He will help you dig a pit.
  • Shovel (scoop or bayonet, having a short and long handle).
  • If the soil in the selected area is very clayey and rocky, then you will definitely need a hammer drill.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Tool for markings - tape measure, ruler, pencil or marker.

Arrangement of a cesspool with your own hands

If you don’t know how to make a toilet in your country house with your own hands, then our tips and useful video will help you. Of course, construction work should always begin with marking and digging a pit.

If a plastic septic tank with 2 chambers is installed in a hole, then the hole is dug so that the inlet pipe of the septic tank is located exclusively in the toilet stall itself, since this is where the chair will be installed. And the neck of the second chamber of the septic tank should be located outside the toilet. It is necessary for the constant pumping of human waste.

Septic tanks come in various shapes. As a rule, the size and shape of the pit will depend on this. The pit should measure 25-30 m more sizes tanks, since the soil around them will be compacted tightly.

If the surface of the pit walls is finished with concrete mortar or brick, then it can be made either square or round.

  • After the hole is dug, drainage should be provided at its bottom. It should consist of large stones, rubble or brick fragments.
  • Next, the walls should be covered with a chain-link mesh having cells of 50*50. The mesh is fastened by driving metal brackets into the ground.
  • To obtain strong walls, they must be reinforced with a steel lattice with cells 100*100.
  • Then concrete mortar is poured onto the walls. It is left until completely dry.
  • After the first layer of concrete mortar has completely hardened, all walls must be leveled and plastered.
  • The pit is covered using reinforced concrete slab. It will become the basis of the foundation for the toilet.
  • Then they are laid on the pit wooden boards. They should extend beyond the boundaries by 750-800 mm. The boards are installed in the ground.
  • There should be holes on the surface necessary for arranging the high chair and for the cesspool. Formwork must be installed around the holes.
  • A thick PVC film must be laid over the entire surface of the foundation.
  • A reinforcement grid should be laid on top of the film. In the future, it will be included in the formwork over the entire area of ​​the foundation.
  • The height of the hole formwork should be equal to the height of the foundation formwork.
  • Next, we need to prepare a concrete solution and fill our site with it. After which everything should be left until completely hardened.
  • After the site has dried, you need to install a toilet booth on its surface. A hatch is installed on the hole that will pump out waste. You can buy this item in a store or make it yourself.
  • You can also dig a round hole, which will be equipped with rubber tires. But you should take into account the fact that this type of cesspool, unfortunately, is not suitable for frequent use. Such a toilet can only be used in a summer cottage, when residents arrive for a short stay or on weekends.
  • To construct a cesspool of this type, it is necessary to dig a round pit 170/200 mm larger than the diameter of the tires. Drainage should be laid at the bottom of the hole with a thickness of 17-20 cm.
  • Next, you need to lay the tires in the middle of the pit. They are stacked on top of each other to the surface of the soil.
  • As the tires are laid, drainage consisting of sand and crushed stone should be filled and compacted around them. This procedure must be carried out to the surface of the soil.
  • After all the tires have been laid, it is necessary to build a strip foundation around the entire pit. To carry out this work, a shallow trench (500m) is dug along the perimeter of the future building; subsequently, concrete mortar will be poured into it. Next, the bottom of the trench must be compacted and covered with sand (50/65 mm). It also needs to be covered with a layer of crushed stone.
  • Then you should lay waterproofing consisting of a dense PVC film.

We build a toilet in the country with our own hands, video:

  • Install metal reinforcement, install formwork with a height of -100/150 mm. Then pour concrete.
  • Make a brick foundation and plaster it with cement. After the solution has hardened, cement foundation the formwork should be removed and brick foundation- level. A sheet of roofing material must be laid on the surface of the foundation. It will be able to separate the wooden surface from the concrete. You can install a ready-made toilet booth on the foundation, or you can make one yourself.
  • In order to make it more convenient for you to carry out this work, a base must first be attached to the foundation - a frame, which is made of thick wooden blocks. Next, the remaining structural elements will be installed on it.

It is worth talking about one more method of arranging a cesspool - using steel barrels without bottom. Installation of these containers occurs in the same way as installation of tires. The area around them is also compacted using crushed stone and sand. At first glance, it may seem to you that this method is quite simple. But unfortunately, it has a lot of disadvantages.

Metal barrels, when exposed to an aggressive environment, very quickly succumb to corrosion, which will lead to their destruction. Unfortunately, such a toilet will not serve you for long.

How to build a toilet house for a country house

After the site for installing the toilet and the pit are ready, you should begin installing the house. To do this, you need to prepare a diagram in advance. Toilet houses can be of various shapes. They may even look like a small fairy-tale hut. In our photos posted on the site, you see a house made of wooden logs. They just give the toilet a beautiful decorative look.

In this diagram we have presented the basis for building a log house, but in this case, boards will be used instead of logs. In the diagram you can see how to assemble the walls and raise the roof slopes. Next, it is necessary to sheathe the roof, install the roof, and sheathe the walls with material (metal or wood). This house installed directly on a cesspool or used as a room for a dry closet.

How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands, drawings of the simplest

There is another option for arranging a toilet. It's called "Shalash". In this case, the house has the shape of a triangle, and its walls serve as a roof. This form is quite simple. Building such a house will be easy and simple. It is also quite comfortable and spacious. You can see it in the posted photo internal structure, the location of the high chair and the method of sheathing the walls and roof. Such a house can be installed on a cesspool. and also be used as a room for a dry closet. This form of toilet is the most common. It can very often be seen in summer cottages and can be easily decorated. Suppose a toilet in a summer cottage needs to be made in Japanese style. This can be said by those written on wooden sign Japanese characters, or a lantern suspended on chains near the entrance to the house. The interior design can also tell about the Japanese style. You can see an approximate diagram of the construction of this type of toilet in this figure. It shows the structure of the cesspool; the installation of a hatch for cleaning and the installation of the toilet structure are also visible.

This structure is quite simple. It is easy to make, but to give it strength, you should ensure maximum rigidity of the ligaments of all parts with each other. The area inside the toilet at the time of erection of the walls looks like this - foundation bars are installed on the base of the foundation, onto which the frame of this building will later be attached. Then you should start installing roofs and cladding walls. Only after completing this work is it necessary to install the chair.

After all internal Finishing work, the room takes on this appearance. you can also come up with any other design for your toilet. But finishing inside it should still be done using warm materials.

Photo: DIY country toilet step by step

Should not be used ceramic tiles for finishing such a toilet. This type of material is quite cold and in winter the tiles will be very slippery.

Dry toilets as an option

If you do not have the opportunity to equip your summer cottage with a toilet, or you simply do not have the time or desire for this, you can purchase a dry closet. This option will completely free you from construction work. A dry toilet is a device that does not require a separate place, and also does not need to be connected to various communications.

It consists of the following elements: 2 compartments – chambers. One chamber serves as a toilet, and the other processes human waste. All active substances are located in the lower chamber. They just decompose them into a single odorless mass. This substance will be effective for a week. Next, the camera is cleaned and the contents are removed. Waste disposal in this case depends on the action active substances, used in dry closets. These substances come in three types:

  • Chemical.
  • Composting.
  • Microorganic.

All of them will be suitable only for a certain type of dry closet.

Peat is used for composting. This substance perfectly absorbs liquid. 1 kg of peat can absorb 10 liters of liquid. The resulting compost will be an excellent fertilizer for plants. This dry closet, as a rule, comes complete with ventilation tubes. They are ways to eliminate unpleasant smell in the process of processing.

The chemical toilet is equipped with an indicator indicating the time of cleaning from waste. They usually drain into the sewer.

Landscaping a summer cottage usually begins with the construction of a toilet. A summer resident cannot live without this structure. All other buildings such as country house, bathhouse, gazebo, appear later. Having built a wooden toilet in the country with your own hands , a person can calmly do gardening, enjoying the breaks fresh air and admiring the beauty of the countryside. Before starting excavation work, you need to plan your site and choose a place that is safe in terms of sanitary and hygienic requirements for structures of this kind.

This video clearly shows the process of building a country toilet. After watching the video, you will understand how to make a toilet in your country house on your own, and also decide on the choice of the necessary building materials.

On the territory of Russia there are sanitary standards and rules, in accordance with which it is necessary to build a wooden toilet in the country. In this case, you need to take into account not only your own interests, but also the requirements of neighbors who are developing their summer cottages.

When choosing optimal location for a wooden toilet with a cesspool, follow the following rules:

  • The distance from the well (yours and your neighbor’s) to the toilet must be at least 25 meters. Only under this condition can the quality of well water used for domestic purposes be guaranteed. If the water from the well will not also be used for drinking, then it is better to analyze its quality in a laboratory.
  • Structures such as a toilet are usually not erected in the center of a summer cottage. It is better to find a place at some distance from the house so that a person can comfortably use the building for its intended purpose without causing inconvenience to other people. In order to respect the rights of neighbors, it is necessary to retreat from the border separating the plots by at least a meter. If you ignore this requirement, your principled neighbor will force you to move the structure by court decision. You will also have to pay legal costs.
  • If the site is located at an angle, then the toilet is built in the lowest place.
  • When choosing a location, the wind rose is also taken into account. This will get rid of unpleasant odors. Although, with proper care of the object, this problem should not arise.

Also think about how you will clean the cesspool. If possible, arrange an entrance for a sewer truck that pumps waste from septic tanks, drains and cesspools.

Choosing a good location on a summer cottage for the construction of a wooden toilet must be done taking into account the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations

Construction of a toilet in a country house with a cesspool

Of all the types of country toilets, this option is the most common. The street structure is simple and convenient to operate. After all, waste generated in the process of human activity ends up in a deep cesspool, specially dug for this purpose.

As soon as the pit is filled to two-thirds of its depth, the owner of the site cleans it manually or by machine. You can preserve the object by filling the hole with earth. However, you will have to look for a new place to place the toilet. If the area of ​​the dacha plot is large, then the option of conservation and relocation of the object can be considered. If the area is small, then it is better to clean the pit from accumulated waste.

Stage #1 – digging a cesspool and strengthening its walls

The construction of an outdoor toilet in a country house begins with digging a cesspool. Its depth must be at least two meters. The shape of the pit is a square, all sides of which are equal to one meter.

To prevent the soil from collapsing, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the cesspool using ready-made reinforced concrete rings, boards, brick or stone masonry. The bottom of the pit is made sealed using concrete screed or simply covered with a layer of crushed stone to provide drainage. If there is a threat of groundwater contamination, then the walls and bottom of the pit are made waterproof, necessarily sealing them with special materials.

Scheme of a wooden country toilet with a sealed cesspool, a ventilation pipe that removes unpleasant odors, and a hatch for waste disposal

Stage #2 – construction of a toilet house

Above the cesspool is placed protective structure in the form of a house. The rectangular frame is fixed on a columnar foundation, with all four corners wooden box lay blocks or bricks. Waterproofing is provided using roofing felt, laying the material between the foundation and the wooden frame. Next, the work algorithm is as follows:

  • The timber used to assemble the frame structure must be coated with a primer mixture and then painted. The resulting coating will protect the frame from premature rotting.
  • The processed timber is fastened together to form a frame the right size. Assembled structure placed on foundation pillars.
  • Then four vertical racks are attached to the frame using metal plates and bolts. The building level allows you to set the racks strictly vertically.
  • Next, they begin to install the racks necessary for hanging the doors.
  • The beams for constructing the roof are secured so that they protrude slightly around the entire perimeter beyond the edges of the structure. Surface pitched roof should be located at a slight slope. The rear shortened pillars allow you to provide the desired angle.
  • A podium-seat is placed above the cesspool, for which they collect additional frame from bars and attach it to the main structure.
  • The roof is constructed from a sheet of slate laid on crossbeams covered with roofing felt.
  • It remains to perform the external and interior lining, choosing for this the available building material. Most often they use lining, siding, corrugated sheets or regular boards, if the toilet is being built for temporary use. To secure the sheathing, additional crossbars, cut to size from timber or thick boards, are nailed to the frame. The seating podium is also covered with clapboard.

The construction is completed by hanging doors made from boards on hinges.

Construction of a wooden frame for a country toilet over a cesspool, the walls of which are reinforced with old car tires

Installation of a pitched roof and cladding of the side walls of a country toilet, built with your own hands on a site from inexpensive building materials

At the stage of constructing a toilet, it is necessary to take care of it artificial lighting. You will have to supply electricity and connect a small lighting fixture. During the day inner space The toilet house is illuminated through a small window cut out above the door.

Summer residents who love their yard approach creatively the design and decoration of a toilet in their dacha. In the photographs below you can see interesting options designs of toilet houses.

A country toilet in the form of a fabulous wooden house, built by the skillful hands of a real craftsman, is a decoration of the entire suburban area

The country toilet, built in the form of a quaint wooden hut, is surrounded by greenery growing for joy caring owners plot

Stage #3 – how to properly build ventilation?

To remove unpleasant odors coming from the cesspool, ventilation must be provided in the toilet design. A plastic one is suitable for its arrangement. sewage pipe, having 100 mm in diameter. The pipe is pulled to the back wall of the toilet with tin clamps.

The lower end is inserted 15 cm into the cesspool, for which a hole is cut out in the podium seat required diameter. The upper end of the ventilation pipe is led upward through a hole cut in the roof of the building. In this case, the end of the pipe is located at a height of 20 cm above the roof plane. To enhance draft, a deflector attachment is attached to the head of the ventilation pipe.

Features of the construction of a powder closet

In some cases, it is not practical to build a pit toilet. Therefore, they choose the option of a wooden toilet, called a powder closet. The main difference between this type of structure is the absence of a cesspool. Instead, the toilet is equipped with a container, which, when filled, can easily be pulled out from under the toilet seat and removed from the area for emptying.

Usually, a small box with peat, sawdust, dry hay or ordinary soil is installed in the powder closet. After visiting the toilet, the waste is “powdered” with loose material.

Ventilation in these buildings is also indispensable. Installation of ventilation is done according to the method described above.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process of building a wooden toilet. You can come up with your own options for how to arrange this the required structure. Surprised neighbors will ask for advice, asking you about how to build the same toilet in the country with their own hands. Share information so that everyone around your site can enjoy everything beautifully.