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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» What treasures have not been found. The most famous treasures in Russia. Rare coins from the German library

What treasures have not been found. The most famous treasures in Russia. Rare coins from the German library

Probably, in childhood, each of us dreamed of being Indiana Jones. It would be great to go in search of adventure and lost treasures, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it should be noted right away that archeology is not such an exciting activity. Moreover, most likely, there are practically no lost treasures left, especially today, when most of the world has already been explored and inhabited. But what if there are treasures out there somewhere, just waiting to be discovered? Below is a list of ten long-lost treasures that could still be found today, as their fate is still unknown.

10 Alamo Treasures

The Alamo is known for many things, most notably for its famous war cry shouted by Texans during the Battle of the Alamo: "Remember the Alamo!" The old Franciscan mission in San Antonio was the site of one of the most famous battles in American history, when 188 men, including Jim Bowie and Davey Crockett, tried to fight back against the powerful Mexican army of Santa Ana ( Santa Ana). However, few people know the legend of a massive hoard of silver and gold, which, according to stories, was buried somewhere in the Alamo region.

Many people, such as historian-explorer and fortune hunter Frank Buschbacher, believe that in an attempt to start a revolution against Mexico and declare Texas independent, people like Bowie and Crockett actually brought wealth worth millions to the Alamo. US dollars. The money was intended to form an army and to finance the upcoming war. The treasure was called San Saba and was lost when all 188 Americans died in that famous battle. Those who believe that this treasure exists believe that the fighters buried it under the Alamo complex. Bushbacher personally dug up the land around the Alamo, but never found a trace of silver or gold.

9. Treasures of the Dutch Schultz (Dutch Schultz)

Dutch Schultz is one of the most famous gangsters in American history. He was a Prohibition era gangster who moved in the same circles as Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky. According to legend, he made a fortune for himself with his dark deeds. His condition vanished without a trace after he felt federal prosecution loomed over him. It is believed that he decided to hide his treasure somewhere in the Catskill mountain range. When Schultz was shot in 1935, the location of his vast fortune perished with him.

There are many different versions about what happened to his treasure and how much money he actually hid. Most believe that his fortune fluctuates between five and ten million dollars, which he hid in an iron box somewhere in a village surrounded by dense forests called Phoenicia, New York. Some believe that his treasure was hidden closer to the Esopus Creek River, which explains the fact that it has not yet been found. In the decades since Schultz hid his treasure, the area has been flooded many times, which in all likelihood should have washed away his treasure. Still, it's nice to think that a leisurely stroll through Catskill could make you a millionaire.

8. Treasures of Mount Victorio

Mount Victorio is part of the southern part of the Rocky Mountains, which are located in the state of New Mexico. For many years, this place has been widely used by the US government: for example, the White Sands Missile Range is located nearby, where the government once tested nuclear weapon. Before the place was closed by the government, it was open to the general public - just when Doc and Babe Noss showed up here.

According to legend, they were hunting deer with their friends when Doc discovered an old mine, located in one of the slopes of Mount Victorio. He and Babe later returned to explore the cave and found skeletons, gold, jewelry, and historical artifacts. In 1938, the Nosses obtained ownership of the find and after that, rumors began to circulate that Doc had found either the Casa del Cueva de Oro or the Don Juan de Onate treasure. ), the man who founded New Mexico as a Spanish colony. In 1939, Doc tried to widen the passage into the mine, and was advised to use dynamite, which, as usual in such cases, went sideways for him: the mine completely collapsed. Noss was never able to gain access to the mine. He was killed in 1949 by his fiancee after he divorced Babe. The Noss family is still trying to excavate the entrance to the mine, but so far no gold has been found there. Rumor has it that the government expanded the missile range to include Mount Victorio and moved the gold to Fort Knox, but no documentation has been found to support this theory.

7. Treasures of Montezuma (Montezuma)

Apparently, if you want to find lost treasures in the US, then you should probably look for them in the Rocky Mountains or the US Southwest. The treasures of Montezuma are said to be buried somewhere in the city of Kanab, Utah. Montezuma, the legendary leader of the Aztecs, was a man who had an incredible fortune at his disposal. It was captured after he was killed during a battle with the Spanish led by Cortes. Gold and jewelry worth several million dollars were seized from Montezuma's treasury by his own people in order to hide them from Cortes.

6The Lufthansa Robbery

Anyone who has watched the movie Goodfellas (1990) is familiar with the Lufthansa robbery, which is considered the biggest money theft in US history. The theft took place on December 11, 1978 in international airport John F. Kennedy, where approximately $5 million in cash was stolen, as well as jewelry worth a total of $875,000. If converted to today's exchange rate, it would be more than twenty million US dollars. The theft was carried out by gangsters, including Henry Hill, later played by Ray Liotta. So far, no money or jewelry has been found.

One of the reasons why this money was never found is the many violent and sad deaths of many guys who took part in the theft. These deaths were ordered by Jimmy Burke, who planned the crime and realized that such a theft would trigger a massive federal investigation. As part of the cleanup plan, he ordered the killing of almost every member of his team so that they could not spill the beans. It is believed that some of the money from the theft was used for drug deals, but much of it has never been found.

5. Amber room

When you hear about the Amber Room for the first time, you might think that this is the name of a high-class men's club. But in fact, this is one of the most sought after treasures in history. The room, which is a small space made entirely of amber panels, gold sheets and mirrors, was built in the 18th century for the first king of Prussia, Frederick the First. Subsequently, it was presented to Peter the Great and remained in the ownership of Russia until the Second World War. People who managed to see the Amber Room said that this room is the Eighth Wonder of the World.

And then she disappeared. It turns out that the curators who were responsible for guarding the Amber Room during the war had covered it with wallpaper in an attempt to hide it and protect it, as it was very fragile. However, this did not stop the Nazis from plundering this priceless treasure. Then it was moved to Konigsberg Castle in Germany, but in 1944 the Allied forces destroyed the city and left the castle in ruins. The Amber Room was lost forever. Until now, no one can say with certainty what happened to the room, although complete destruction seems to be the most likely explanation. However, the Amber Room has become the object of folk myths. It is also believed that the Amber Room is cursed, as several people who owned or hunted for this room died prematurely under very strange circumstances.

4. Flower of the Sea (Flor do Mar)

In 1502, a Portuguese ship called Flor do Mar (Flower of the Sea) was built. The ship was part of the Portuguese expedition to India launched in 1505. It was under the control of Vasco da Gama's brother (Vasco de Gamma) - Estavo (Estavao). In the next six years, the ship participated in several naval battles, until in 1511 she was lost in a storm.

Even the very idea of ​​a warship with such a history already makes the search for its lost treasures quite intriguing, but that's certainly not the whole story. Most important is the fact that Flor do Mar was carrying a full load of trophies after a recent victory. According to legend, the treasures that were on this ship were innumerable, which makes the "Flor do Mar" the most sought after shipwreck in history. According to legend, the ship was carrying the treasures of the kingdom of Malacca (Melaka), located in modern Malaysia, which, according to various sources, consisted of more than sixty tons of gold.

3. Gold Leon Trabuco (Leon Trabuco)

In the early 1930s, a Mexican millionaire named Leon Trabuco organized several secret and mysterious flights into the New Mexico desert. At this time, the United States was going through a period of great depression and the value of the dollar was about to fall, but the value of gold was to increase many times over. So Trabuco and a few of his business associates bought up as much gold as they could and smuggled it into the US in the expectation that gold prices would skyrocket so they could sell it for an unbelievably large sum.

It is believed that in total they collected more than sixteen tons of gold and hid it in the New Mexico desert. Instead of taking advantage and selling their gold, Trabuco and his partners held on to it, expecting prices to continue to rise. However, they seriously miscalculated, as the Gold Law was introduced, according to which the private ownership of gold was illegal. Therefore, Trambuco and company found themselves in an unenviable position with their gold. Like many other treasures, according to legend, Trabuco's gold carries a curse. Three of Trabuco's five partners died within five years, and when Trabuco died, the location of the gold disappeared with him.

2. Treasures of Blackbeard

In 1996, archaeologists discovered a shipwreck off the coast of North Carolina, less than two kilometers from the coast and just 7.6 meters below sea level. Finding a shipwreck is not unheard of, but it is arguably one of the largest and most astounding finds in the history of treasure hunting. This is because many believe that this ship was a ship called the Queen Anne's Revenge, also known as the flagship of the infamous pirate Blackbeard. In 1718, the Queen Anne's Revenge blocked the port of Charleston and ran aground on the spit shortly thereafter.

So what's the deal? What's wrong with that? Well, to begin with, Blackbeard was a wildly successful and wealthy pirate, and the location of his largest and most valuable ship indicates that his fortune must be nearby - somewhere on the coast of North Carolina. Since this ship was discovered, not a single gram of gold has yet been found on the shore near it, and it is worth noting that rumors that this is exactly Blackbeard's ship have not yet been confirmed. Before his death, he was asked where the gold was, to which he replied: "Only I and the devil know that."

1. Treasures of the Knights Templar

Per last years The Knights Templar and its treasures have become a popular theme in Hollywood movies, books and even games. This is one of the most famous and mysterious treasures in history. The Order of the Knights Templar was founded in 1114 AD, and over the years it amassed incredible wealth that has never been found.

At the beginning of the 14th century, the Templars were arrested, and those who escaped arrest and torture collected the remaining treasures and loaded them onto ships and sent them to an unknown destination. According to rumors, they sent the treasure to Scotland, and from there they subsequently ended up in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. There are still rumors about a huge cellar full of money located on Oak Island in this Canadian province, where the Templars are said to have hidden their money among traps. Searches on Oak Island continued for years, and it was initially believed that the cellar with money belonged to the infamous Captain Kidd (Captain Kidd). However, based on the fact that most of Kidd's treasures were found, it is now believed that the treasures of the Knights Templar are stored in this cellar.

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Near the east coast of Canada, they found an object similar to an ancient Roman sword. The find indicates that even earlier than the 2nd century, the foot of the ancient Romans set foot on this land. This is at least 800 years before the Viking landing, which is now considered the first contact between the Old and New Worlds. /website/

The sword was found just off the coast of Oak Island (Canadian province of Nova Scotia) during the search for a treasure, which, according to local folklore, is buried on the island.

The search was part of the hugely popular History Channel television program The Curse of Oak Island.

J. Hutton Pulitzer worked for this television program for two seasons as a consultant (and appeared in the second season of the television program). His team began research on the island eight years before the History Channel arrived there in 2013.

Pulitzer provided The Epoch Times with exclusive information about new finds on the island, which, along with this sword, support his theory of the presence of the Romans there.

J. Hutton Pulitzer is a well-known businessman and prolific inventor. Many remember him as the host of the television program NetTalk Live, the early bison of the Internet IPO, and the inventor of the CueCat (an idea that attracted large investors; it was a device that could scan codes like today's QR barcodes). At one time, the collapse of his company when the dot-com bubble burst caused a lot of noise, but Pulitzer's patents live on today in 11.9 billion mobile devices.

Just over a decade ago, he rekindled his passion for forgotten history, and since then, as an independent researcher and author, he has been working with experts in many fields to explore the mysteries of Oak Island. His theory about the presence of the ancient Romans on the island has already met with some resistance, because it challenges the now generally accepted theory that the first travelers to reach the New World were the Vikings. Nevertheless, he asks historians and archaeologists to approach the factual material objectively and not to deny the obvious.

The authenticity of the Oak Island sword has been confirmed by the best analyzes available, says Pulitzer (The Epoch Times was given access to the analysis). However, a sword alone is not proof that the Romans visited Oak Island.

It is quite possible that someone, just a few hundred years ago, sailed near the island, carrying this Roman relic. Later travelers may have lost the sword, not the Romans. However, other artifacts also found on site provide a context that is hard to ignore, Pulitzer says.

Other artifacts studied by his team included a stone with ancient language inscriptions associated with the Roman Empire, ancient Roman-style mounds, crossbow bolts (reportedly confirmed by US government laboratories to originate from ancient Iberia (which was part of the Roman Empire). )), coins associated with the Roman Empire, etc.


An X-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF) confirmed that the metal was chemically consistent with Roman votive swords. XRF analysis uses radiation to excite atoms in a metal to see how the atoms vibrate. Researchers can thus determine which metals are present in the subject. Chemical elements found in the sword include zinc, copper, lead, tin, arsenic, gold, silver, and platinum.

These findings are consistent with ancient Roman metallurgy. Modern bronze uses silicon as the main alloying element, but the sword lacks silicon, Pulitzer notes.

Several similar swords have been found in Europe. This brand of sword has an image of Hercules on the hilt. It is believed that Emperor Commodus gave this ceremonial sword to outstanding gladiators and warriors. The Museum of Naples has made copies of one of these swords from its collection, causing some to wonder if the Oak Island weapon is such a copy. Although these replicas are similar in appearance to the Oak sword, according to Pulitzer, analyzes of its composition have confirmed that it is not a cast-iron replica. The sword also contains magnetite, which points due north and can thus aid in navigation. Copies do not contain magnetite.

The directors of the History Channel received the sword from a local resident - the sword has been passed down in his family from generation to generation since 1940. Initially, he was found during an illegal collection of shellfish - he clung to a rake. The family never told anyone about this find until there was a surge of interest in Oak Island. They did not talk about the sword, either to avoid fines for breaking the law, and because the collection of shellfish is not approved and considered taboo in the local community. Also near the place where they found the sword, they found the wreck of the ship.

Pulitzer's team scanned the wreckage with side-scan sonar, and the History Channel television program also backed this up. detailed maps underwater terrain. The Pulitzer Research Group and the scientists who backed the idea are working on filing an application for government approval of an initiative to dive underwater and recover the artifacts left from the shipwreck.

The History Channel television program The Curse of Oak Island featured a Roman sword in its January 19 episode. Pulitzer turned down an offer to work with the program's creators as a consultant for the program's third season. He felt that the approach to research in reality TV did not fit the style of work that he would like to continue to apply.

Participants of the TV program brought the sword to Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada, so that its chemical composition was studied by a senior assistant professor chemistry dr Christa Brosso. She removed shavings from the sword for analysis and reported that the results showed a high zinc content, suggesting that it was modern brass.

Pulitzer replied: “We were amazed that they applied such a rudimentary [underdeveloped] method to the sword. chemical analysis. The analysis was not the best and not the most professional, but what makes us even more perplexing is the fact that their findings differ significantly from our XRF analysis, and they failed to mention the use of arsenic in the manufacture of the sword.

He noted that the TV program did not mention the presence of precious metals and magnetite in the sword. According to Pulitzer, the bronze used in the manufacture of the sword could come from a mine in Breinigerberg, in Germany. Two Roman swords of the same brand were found near the ancient Roman settlement at this site, and there are natural impurities of zinc in the ores of this mine.

This could explain the presence of zinc in the sword and prove that zinc was not added on purpose, as is the case with modern brass, he says.

Dr. Brosso identified the material as brass. Both brass and bronze are copper alloys and both were used by the ancient Romans. However, Pulitzer insists that the material must be defined as bronze, because zinc is a natural impurity there, and was not added. He hopes that further research will be carried out, especially by scholars with experience working with Roman relics. The context of the Roman presence on the island can be provided by other artifacts.

A stone from the ancient Levant?

In 1803, a stone was found on Oak Island, which received the nickname "90-foot stone." It was discovered 90 feet below sea level, in the so-called Money Pit. The first treasure hunters on the island were a group of young people who saw a hole in the ground and a pulley in a large oak tree above it. Out of curiosity, they began to dig and found wooden platforms in the ground at regular intervals. They also found and took out this stone. Before the diggers could reach the bottom of the pit, it filled with sea water. There was speculation that the pit contained treasures. According to the diggers, the hole was badly bricked up and through it one can get ashore through the mine.

On the stone were inscriptions with signs of unknown origin. In 1949, the Reverend A. T. Kempton of Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, claimed to have deciphered the inscription and said that it said that a treasure was buried there 40 feet deep.

Although the drawings from the stone survived, the stone itself disappeared without a trace in 1912. Pulitzer, exclusively to The Epoch Times, announced that he had found the stone, and his analysis indicated that it may have a close connection to the ancient Roman Empire.

Pulitzer was given the stone by one of the island's treasure hunters, whom Pulitzer does not wish to publicly identify (his identity has been privately revealed to the Epoch Times). The man's family recently opened up to Pulitzer and allowed the rock to be analyzed.

Pulitzer claims that in 1949 the inscription on the stone was misinterpreted.

Reverend Kempton ignored some of the signs, mistaking them for error, and misinterpreted the rest. Now the inscription has been subjected to statistical analysis using a computer program that compared it with a database of different languages.

The result was a 100% match with the writing associated with the ancient Roman Empire. Pulitzer's background in engineering and statistics helped guide this analysis. According to his analysis, the inscription corresponds to the ancient Canaanite script, also known as the ancient Sinai script. It is the ancestor of many languages ​​in the Levant.

The text on the 90-foot stone is an ancient seafaring derivative of the [descendent language] of the ancient Canaanite language, which was used as a language during the Roman Empire. common language to communicate in ports with different local mother tongues. It is a mixture of Old Canaanite with Old Berber (the ancestor of the North African Berber languages) and other ancient languages. The inscription on the stone is subjected to lengthy analysis at universities in the Middle East by the world's leading experts on the ancient languages ​​of the Levant.

Pulitzer says his team has deciphered the inscription, but he is awaiting a final report before announcing what the inscription says and where the analysis was done. This writing was lost in antiquity. Only at the beginning of the 20th century it was rediscovered by Hilda and Flinders Petrie. Full codification [a process of standardization and development of norms for a language] of writing was achieved only after the discovery in 1999 of the so-called Wadi el-Hol inscriptions, which were found in Egypt by John and Deborah Darnell.

Since the 90-foot stone was found in 1803 [and the writing used on the stone was rediscovered only in the early 20th century], it cannot be a fake, Pulitzer concludes.

After a visual comparison, Pulitzer suggested that it was a distinctly distinctive type of stone called imperial porphyry, which does not exist naturally in North America. The ongoing analysis of the stone will include verification of its mineralogical composition.

The Roman naturalist Pliny (23-79) documented in his Natural History the discovery of imperial porphyry by the Roman legionnaire Caius Cominius Leug in 18 AD. Its only known source is the Mons Porpyritis quarry in Egypt. Porphyry was prized for its use in Roman monuments. Exact location The quarry was lost from about the 4th century until 1823, when it was rediscovered by the Egyptologist John Gardner Wilkinson.

Crossbow bolts

At the turn of the century, a treasure hunter dug a thick wooden beam. When the beam was cut, they found three crossbow bolts inside it. This means that bolts were fired from a crossbow at a tree, and the tree grew around them.

According to calculations, the tree, when it was cut down, was about 1000 years old. The bolts were stuck 3/4 of the way in, suggesting they hit the tree hundreds of years before it was cut down. However, it is not known how long ago the tree was cut down to make a wooden beam out of it. A more accurate dating of the bolts was made when they were analyzed by the American weapons testing laboratory, Pulitzer notes.

Rick and Marty Lagina, stars of The Curse of Oak Island, showed Pulitzer the results of this analysis. The laboratory determined that the bolts come from Iberia and that they date from the same time period as the various military campaigns of the Roman Empire and possibly the sword.

The Epoch Times Couldn't Verify Results laboratory tests. According to Pulitzer, he asked for a copy of the results, and they promised to give him one, but they never did.

The documentation is owned by Oak Island Tours (in which the Lagina brothers own a controlling stake) and its partners. The History Channel did not respond to Epoch Times inquiries. Pulitzer said he saw the results and knows they came from a contact at the US Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Massachusetts.

The extent to which this conclusion is debatable is evident from the response Pulitzer says the Lagina brothers received when they contacted an expert at a major American university about the bolts. Pulitzer, reading his notes from his meetings with Lagina, shared his response with The Epoch Times: “Don't use our name, don't drag us into this, don't mention the university. Don't even tell anyone you sent this to me. These things are dangerous, they are dangerous for my profession, I don't want to be in any way
involved in this."

Putting forward an assumption in support of the claim that the Romans made it to the New World can be regarded as professional suicide [destruction of one's own].

ancient burial mounds

There are mounds off the coast of Oak Island that are currently under water.

According to James P. Schertz, an earthworks expert and professor emeritus of civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the mounds are of non-Indian origin. “I agree that the underwater mounds are foreign (Old Seaman) in style and not native to Nova Scotia or traditional North Americans,” Schertz said in a comprehensive report on the evidence that the Romans were reaching Nova Scotia.

Among the authors of the report are Pulitzer and several other scientists. The report will be published in the spring; The Epoch Times got to know him first. “These mounds… in terms of ocean levels in the area, known from specific Canadian reports of sea level rise, a possible date for the origin of these mounds is 1500 BC. - 180 AD,” Scherz concludes.

The local Mi'kmaq indigenous culture does not belong to the mound-building cultures. However, the way the stones are lined up there is consistent with the ancient burial mounds of Europe and the Levant. Schertz also noted that the mounds are astrologically aligned [to match the alignment of the stars].

Pulitzer's team explored the underwater mounds using surface scanning and direct diving for visual inspection and photography.

Roman signpost?

Several other artifacts found on the island could, upon further study, support the theory of a Roman presence there, Pulitzer says.

Pulitzer's team is working with ancient language experts to compare the signs on the stone with other known Roman inscriptions. From what he currently knows, he believes they will turn out to be Roman navigational markers.

Petroglyphs in Nova Scotia depict what Pulitzer's team interpreted as a possible depiction of ancient seafarers and Roman soldiers.

In the late 1990s, a local amateur metal detector found a cache of Carthaginian coins near Oak Island. Their authenticity was confirmed Dr. George Burden of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Dr. Burden also confirmed the authenticity of two 2,500-year-old Carthaginian coins that were similarly found by hobbyists near the ocean in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

It is possible that the Romans demanded help from the sailors of their empire in making the journey, since the Romans themselves were not famous as great shipbuilders or navigators. The Carthaginians (ancient Tunisians) were famous for their shipbuilding and how Roman subjects could take the Romans on their voyage, says Pulitzer.

Pulitzer notes that if someone asked him if he could swim across the Atlantic Ocean, he would answer: "Yes." But not because he personally can do it, but because he can hire a ship that will take him with him. So it was with the Romans.

Myron Payne, Ph.D., a former engineer who taught at the University of Oklahoma, wrote in a detailed report that he believes "swim-jumping" was feasible for ancient navigators in pre-Columbian times. They could take a route with stops in Britain, Iceland, Greenland, Baffin Island, Cape Breton, and eventually Oak Island.

Opt for Oak Island as a waypoint, Pulitzer says, due to the presence there fresh water and good visibility from the sea. The tall oaks, after which the island is named, protrude from the horizon as you sail along the coast.

Similar finds in Brazil

Oak Island is not the first place in the New World where Roman artifacts have allegedly been found. It is beyond the scope of this article to describe all the controversial claims, but we will briefly cover one of them as an example.

In 1980, archaeologist Robert Marks reported that he had found a large collection of amphorae in Guanabara Bay (24 km from Rio de Janeiro). Amphorae are vessels with two handles that the Romans used to carry goods.

Elizabeth Will, an expert on ancient Roman amphoras at the University of Massachusetts, confirmed the authenticity of the amphoras. Then she said in an interview with The New York Times: "They look ancient, and in view of their contour, thin-walled structure and the shape of the rims, I assume that they belong to the 3rd century AD."

Dr. Harold E. Edgerton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a pioneer in underwater photography, also echoed Marx's claims.

The Brazilian government forbade Marx from further study of the find. A wealthy businessman, Americo Santarelli, claimed that these amphorae were copies he made. However, according to him, he had only four of them. Marx also reported a huge number of them, located in one place.

Some amphoras were on the surface, and some were buried at a depth of more than a meter, which suggests that they were stored there for a long time. Marks also claimed that the Brazilian Navy covered the site with silt to prevent further exploration.

According to a New York Times article, Marx said a government official told him, “Brazilians are not interested in the past. And they don’t want their discoverer [16th-century Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvarez] Cabral to be replaced.”

Pulitzer hopes the same thing doesn't happen in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Culture Minister Tony Ince took some interest in the sword and suggested that it be sent to Roman antiquities experts for inspection.

The sword is not currently protected by the Special Places Protection Act of this Canadian province, because the law was passed after the discovery of the sword.

But this act will give the province the right to intervene when it comes to any artifacts found in the future. Pulitzer hopes that the artifacts found on and near this island will arouse the interest of scientists around the world and that the area will be declared an archaeological site and thus protected for further research.

Dedicated to all lovers of looking for someone else's good in the earth (and not only) - the largest treasures found from all over the world!

Did you play pirates or robbers as a child? Then you probably drew a map with an “X” at least once, and then pretended to be looking for a valuable treasure - a chest of gold, for example. Well, the treasures that Bigpiccha will talk about today were indeed found - by chance lucky ones or true adventurers. Only, unlike your children's trinkets, these valuables are worth much, MUCH more. The most interesting thing is that sometimes the treasure is almost under our noses.

1. Treasure in the foundation of a building in the town of Środa Śląska

In 1985, builders undertook to repair the old building, and they discovered a treasure in the foundation dating back to beginning of XIV century. The immured vase contained more than 3,000 rare coins, medallions and a golden crown. The find is valued at $150 million. The treasure is currently on display at the Wroclaw Museum.

In 2012, search engines lifted about 48 tons of silver from the ocean floor. The treasure became one of the largest finds of silver. Its cost was estimated at 38 million dollars. The valuable cargo was on a military transport ship that sank after being attacked by German submarines. The treasure was found after the British Ministry of Transport announced a reward.

In 2007, the Odyssey Marine Exploration company, which specializes in geological exploration, found a Spanish ship on the shelf. Gold and silver coins were found on board. After the treasure was found, a terrible scandal erupted. The Spanish government demanded that the treasure be handed over. And the gold itself was taken out of Peru.

In 2011, gold was discovered in the foundation of the Padmanabhaswamy temple, the value of which is estimated at 22 billion dollars. And it weighed over 30 tons. When the treasure was opened, the son of the last Maharaja was present.

6. The treasure was found in 2010 by David Crisp. He is an amateur treasure hunter. The treasure is valued at just $5 million. The most valuable treasure in the historical aspect: this is due to the fact that during this period the Roman Empire experienced economic crisis and the quality of the coins is very low, and the treasure itself represents a four-year salary of a legionary warrior. The found coins can be seen in the British Museum.

The cargo with platinum was supposed to be delivered to New York during the Second World War - this platinum was paid for "Allied assistance". But the ship was sunk by a German submarine. Estimating the value of this treasure is very difficult - according to tentative estimates, it costs $ 3 billion. Found by treasure hunter Greg Brooks.

The largest treasure found in England was discovered in 2009. The treasure was found by amateur treasure hunter Terry Herbert. Almost all items date back to the 7th century AD. The treasure consists of silver and gold items, their total weight is 7.5 kg, and the number reaches 1500 pieces. These are weapons, utensils, and jewelry.

10. Archaeologists who were excavating on the island of Jersey (Britain) discovered a cache of Celtic treasures. The treasure was hidden about two thousand years ago. Most likely, he was hidden from the troops of Rome, who invaded the British Isles. Now the cost of jewelry and coins is estimated at 17 million dollars.

The treasure was found during the renovation of the mansion in which the Trubetskoy-Naryshkins lived. During the repair, a secret room was discovered that was not marked on the plans of the building. It contained whole deposits of silverware with the coat of arms of the Naryshkin family, awards and jewelry. The dishes have a great view, because they were in linen fabric soaked in vinegar. This cache was created in 1917. The treasure was estimated at 189 million rubles.

13. In the state library of the town of Passau, cleaning lady Tanya Hels accidentally discovered rare coins in 2011. Tanya took her find to the management. The treasure is estimated at several million euros. This cache contained very rare Byzantine, Greek, Roman coins. It is believed that this collection was hidden from the authorities in 1803, for the reason that the authorities took away the monastery's coins and books for the needs of the government.

This treasure was found in 1984 by an archaeologist who specializes in underwater excavations. The treasure is valued at $15 million. He was on a sunken ship built in the 18th century.

The Atocha galleon was loaded with jewels for two months! With great difficulty, the ship managed to set sail, but it never made it to the metropolis. The ship sank off the coast of Florida. The Spanish authorities repeatedly tried to raise the treasure from the bottom, but all attempts were unsuccessful. And only in 1985, Mel Fisher was lucky enough to find the treasure. To search for him, Mel created an entire company, Treasurers Salvors Incorporated, and was also able to find investors for financing. When searching for the treasure, the Mel team examined about 120 square meters. miles of seabed. The cost of the raised valuables is estimated at $450 million. It is believed that $500 million worth of valuables were not found from this vessel. And they probably never will...

Many treasures have been found throughout the world. The most interesting and valuable for collectors are those treasures in which there were ancient coins. Where else can you feel the real breath of history? It is worth noting that huge and valuable treasures were found by treasure hunters and simply ordinary people and in Russia. The finder is entitled to a certain percentage of the find, 25%, everything else is supposed to be transferred in favor of the state, as the cultural heritage of Russia. But those who found the largest treasures in Russia, the funds received will be enough for a comfortable life not only for themselves, but also for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The largest treasure in the world was discovered in India. It consisted of a huge variety of gold coins and large ingots, the total weight of everything found was about two tons.

There were also several large containers, filled to the brim with diamonds, completed all this splendor with a necklace of diamonds as long as five and a half meters. But scientists do not consider this to be the most remarkable and valuable find. Most of all, those who found it were struck by the beautiful statue of the god Vishu, completely cast from the purest gold. Its height is 1.2 meters.

A rather large treasure was also found in the UK. Its total mass was 70 kg, it was discovered on the distant island of Jersey. The find is remarkable in that it is very ancient: historians jointly estimated its age at 2000 years.

The treasure consisted of gold and silver coins. These banknotes were in circulation among one of the Celtic tribes of coriosolites, who inhabited the territories in the north of the province that currently bears the name of Brittany. Experts believe that such a mass of money, unimaginable even by today's standards, was hidden by the French Celts on this island immediately before the attack of Rome, its legionnaires in the 1st century. BC e. mastered these lands, while conquering different tribes of the Gauls.

Not very long ago, 4 years ago, there was a happy accident. The ship was able to lift from the bottom Atlantic Ocean an incredible treasure, its mass was about 48 tons of pure silver. This is the biggest load these days. precious metal, of all those located in the depths of the ocean. Its cost is incredibly huge and amounts to approximately 38 million dollars! The ship, which had such a unique chance to remain in history, was called the "Gersoppa", it was almost next to the coast of Ireland. The jewels were not on a pirate ship, as one might first think, but on a simple military transport ship. This ship sank back in 1941 as a result of an irreparable torpedo hit by German troops.

The largest treasures of Russia

Russia also boasts beautiful and indeed very valuable finds worth several million dollars. The largest treasure in the history of Russia is the sensational treasure of the Naryshkins. It was found in 2012 by an ordinary worker, who then carried out the restoration of the beautiful mansion of this fabulously wealthy family.

This person has simply failed. secret room, in which all kinds of bags and boxes were instructed. When describing the find, it became known that there were 2168 objects in total. This famous find included 5 almost complete sets of silver, where the ceremonial table service stood out, which included more than 200 copies of the famous Sazikov company. There were even items from Faberge and Keibel in the found jewelry. This incredible treasure is estimated by experts at $4 million, or 189 million rubles.

Very famous in history is the treasure found by the parishioners of the Church of the Archangel Michael, which at that time was under restoration. The temple is located in the village of Yusovo. Apparently, the royal coins and three military medals found by the parishioners were the savings of this church, which consisted of donations from Christians. Most likely they had to be hidden in 1914, but despite the age of the coins, they are perfectly preserved, there is practically no corrosion on the found specimens.

Among the coins, the oldest one dates from 1736, and the newest of them belong to the 1914 kopecks. The denomination of coins is small, a copy of the largest denomination is one ruble.

There are not so many silver coins, only 716 pieces, the rest are smelted from ordinary copper. Copies are very worn, others do not even show what kind of coin it is. Parishioners are going to spend the reward for the find on the further restoration of the church.

Another find is also known near the church. This church treasure was found in Vologda and was considered the largest, it was found in 1951. Treasures were accidentally discovered by workers who broke the wall of the basement of the Church of George on Navolok. When the wall broke through, a stream of 17th-century silver coins literally poured on people. The coins turned out to be pennies, their total number was immediately 46 thousand copies.

How is the treasure hunt going?

Treasure hunting is impossible without one very important and necessary thing, a metal detector. Now they are constantly improving and are already able to not only feel the metal and give a signal, but also show a number that indicates a certain type of metal. Also, the device can show the depth at which it is located. metal object and even the estimated size of the future find! Some of them even know how to identify gold nuggets and distinguish them from the rest.

In order to start searching for treasure, you need to properly prepare. For starters, you should go to a good, large library and carefully study old reference books and maps. From them you can determine the place where you can find treasures. After choosing, you need to find this place in Russia, and, if you're lucky, dig up a real treasure there.

With the found objects, there is also a long work to be done at home. First, everything that can be cleaned must be put in order, only very carefully so as not to damage it. Then, using special catalogs and reference books, it is necessary to determine what exactly was found, whether it is a valuable thing or just a trinket.