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» What is the best wallpaper for the bedroom. What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom. Psychological perception of color: which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

What is the best wallpaper for the bedroom. What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom. Psychological perception of color: which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

The design of the bedroom is very important: the soundness of sleep and good mood since morning. Wallpaper plays a significant role in this. And, of course, when buying wallpaper, you should first of all rely on your taste.

  • When choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, the first thing you should pay attention to is its environmental friendliness and safety.
  • Equally important is their wear resistance and durability, as well as the complexity of application.
  • And the third factor that may influence the choice is the price per roll.

Types of wallpaper

Now in construction hypermarkets a large number of names of wallpaper. They vary in price, quality and composition. Let's consider only those that are suitable for the bedroom. The most affordable in terms of price and quality are several types: glass wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper, photo wallpaper and liquid wallpaper, for example, from They are durable, relatively inexpensive, easy to apply, and hide surface unevenness.

In addition, you can use silk-screen printing and textile wallpaper. They are environmentally friendly, breathable, have a large number of colors, and have a wide canvas. But, in comparison with other types, they are more expensive. A separate group is paper wallpaper. They are inexpensive, but breathable. However, such wallpaper can easily be damaged, exposed to the sun, and is “afraid” of moisture, so you will have to make repairs more often.

AND last group– metal, natural and cork wallpapers. They look very beautiful, are not “afraid” of the sun, are easy to process, have sound insulation, and are durable. Vinyl wallpaper is not recommended for the bedroom because it does not allow air to pass through.

Color selection

It is recommended to combine wallpaper in the bedroom with the color of the furniture. A fashion trend is the selection and ordering of wallpaper and textiles or wallpaper and curtains to match each other. Light colors are most preferable for the bedroom; wallpaper should not irritate the eye with either pattern or color. Red shades are suitable for newlyweds. Green and yellow tones are calming. White the color will suit everyone. When renovating a room, you can use a combination of different types of wallpaper. Combining wallpaper is best used in large bedroom where you need to separate areas for relaxation, personal care, and work areas. If you choose the right wallpaper tone, you can visually enlarge the room. For example, horizontal stripes will make the room look voluminous, while vertical stripes will make it taller. You can use wallpaper inserts - scatter inserts of a different color over a plain wall. Scraps of wallpaper will look unusual; this technique will add simplicity, softness and tranquility. You just need to choose the right thickness and color shades of the wallpaper.

The most important corner in every apartment is perhaps the bedroom. This is where you relax after a hard day's work. The bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for relaxation. The color scheme of the interior determines how peaceful you will feel while in the room. This means that the choice of wallpaper color must be approached with all responsibility. From this article you will learn what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom.

When planning a bedroom renovation, it is important to clearly understand the result you want to achieve. All interior details should be thought through. The selected wallpaper should look harmonious and match the decoration, furniture and accessories of the room.

Not everyone has a large number of square meters, so you have to combine the bedroom with others functional areas- for example, with a worker. In spacious and well-lit rooms, you can use a closet or a special partition to separate zones.

In the case of a small room, you will have to look for other methods. As an option, you can paste wallpaper combined method. This will help to visually make a cramped room a little larger, expand the space, make the ceiling lower or higher, and divide the room into zones (for example, a work area and a relaxation area).

To choose wallpaper for your bedroom, be sure to pay attention to its quality, the material from which it is made, the texture you like, as well as the color.


Worth considering existing types, their advantages and disadvantages, to understand which options are best suited in each specific case.

  • Paper wallpaper They are relatively easy to glue, they are environmentally friendly, breathable, and come in many different colors, patterns, and textures. They can be purchased at an affordable price. However, they will not last long, as they fade in the sun and are damaged by moisture and mechanical stress.
  • Vinyl wallpapers They are also easy to glue and come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. Such wallpapers will last longer than paper ones, because they are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, they can be washed.

However, vinyl wallpapers They do not allow air to pass through and accumulate moisture underneath, which can cause the appearance of mold and mildew. It is necessary to use special impregnation with them.

  • Non-woven wallpaper They have a high degree of breathability and are very resistant to damage. They are quite easy to stick on and can even be painted several times. However, you have to pay for such advantages, and the range of colors and textures is very limited.
  • Textile wallpaper absolutely environmentally friendly, they look very beautiful and luxurious. They are resistant to damage, have good breathability, and provide sound insulation. But it will be quite difficult to glue them yourself; it is better to entrust this to professionals. In addition, such wallpaper accumulates dust on its surface, and will be quite expensive.

  • Liquid wallpaper– this is completely new fashionable look. Among their advantages are environmental friendliness, ease of use, the ability to repair damage, and sound insulation. They don't fade. A special composition must be applied on top of them so that the wallpaper lasts as long as possible and is not washed off by water. The price for them is quite high.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper They are environmentally friendly, durable, hide uneven walls, and are suitable for repeated painting. The assortment is not very wide, in addition, you will have to pay a lot.
  • Natural wallpaper created from environmentally friendly materials(bamboo, cork, linkcrust). They are present on the market in very limited quantities. Such wallpaper will not fit organically into every bedroom.

Variety of textures

When buying wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types also has a variety of textures: drawings, patterns, imitation of materials. Most often, wallpaper creates an imitation of fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and other things.

If you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textured surfaces with different patterns. There is no need to be attached to the color - you can always get the desired shade.

Advantage texture wallpaper for painting is that they are very easy to care for - just wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.

Which shade should I choose?

Perhaps the most difficult but interesting task is deciding on a color. Designers offer bright color solutions. However, a bedroom is a room in which the environment should be relaxing and peaceful, and not annoying. Psychologists recommend muted pastel colors. Fans of Feng Shui advise focusing on certain recommendations. It’s worth sorting everything out in order.

Color really has an impact on a person’s psycho-emotional and physical state.

Choosing the shade of wallpaper is an important step, which will subsequently determine the mood while staying in the room.

Many different wallpaper colors allow you to create unique interior rooms. Use your own instincts and individual preferences, but keep the following in mind: important nuances:

  • Wallpaper must be in harmony with the furniture.
  • If the bedroom windows face the north side, warm-colored wallpaper is more suitable; if the bedroom windows face the south side, then cool colors.
  • If you decide to use rich colors, then they should be “balanced” with calm shades.
  • The color of the wallpaper should promote relaxation and sleep.

  • Uneven walls can be visually adjusted using a diagonal pattern.
  • Wallpaper with a glossy effect gives the bedroom a certain cool atmosphere.
  • Light-colored wallpaper will help visually increase the space of a small bedroom.
  • Combining wallpaper is a great way to zone a room, hide certain defects, and make the interior extraordinary.

Very good option for the bedroom there will be a combination of wallpaper of two shades. Be sure to consider the following nuances when combining colors:

  • Not all colors can go well together. Red and green will not look very good together. A combination of two shades of the same color looks great - for example, blue and light blue.
  • It is recommended to dilute a saturated color with a soft one; as an option, any dark color can be shaded with beige.
  • Cool tones (blue and white) look good.
  • Can be combined warm colors with cold ones (for example, green and yellow).
  • White will perfectly complement any other color. The combination of white and black is a very good option.

  • TO light furniture choose wallpaper in light colors - this will visually increase the space in the room. For a large room, contrasting wallpaper would be a good option, but then you need to be careful with the choice so that the interior does not “pressure.”
  • Under dark furniture Warm colors are suitable - both light and dark.

Deciding on color scheme for the bedroom, refer to the following features:

  • Blue-blue scale visually expands the space of the room.
  • Green and yellow revitalize the interior, restore emotional condition and health.
  • Red creates an atmosphere of passion, so it is ideal for the newlyweds' bedroom.
  • White wallpaper Suitable for everyone, but the abundance of this color can turn a recreation room into a hospital.

Popular options

  • Green has many shades and will fit well into any room style. This color helps you relax and get rid of irritation. Recommended for people engaged in intellectual work. Green looks best paired with yellow, discreet orange or red, white and all pastel colors.
  • Blue wallpaper has a calming effect, reminiscent of the sea and relaxation. Dark colors will "steal" the space of the room, so they are not recommended for small, dark bedrooms. Blue harmonizes with almost any other color - with the exception of black and purple.

  • Blue gives an atmosphere of lightness and romance and visually increases the area. It looks great in any room, from the most different furniture. You can add blue different shades: gray, beige, white, turquoise and others.
  • White is ideal for small rooms. It can be used as a base tone and in combination with absolutely any other shade.
  • Beige wallpaper are also universal. They are suitable for any bedroom. Can be used alone or paired with richly colored wallpaper.
  • Purple wallpaper is rarely used for bedroom interiors. It will be better to take a lilac or light purple shade. Purple is recommended to be used to create accents. You can combine it with white and pastel colors.

  • Red wallpaper is a truly bold solution for the bedroom. This is quite a bright and heavy color. Not everyone will make a choice in his favor. If you still want to use red, take a closer look at its calmer shades. Complement red wallpaper with other muted tones.
  • Black wallpaper color is a rather non-standard option. It is not recommended to use it alone, but it is quite possible to make accents using this color. Be sure to combine black with other colors. For example, black and white will look very stylish.
  • Yellow will create a warm and cozy environment, especially in a small dark bedroom. Give preference to discreet light tones of this color.

  • Orange is not a good color for a bedroom, as it is too flashy. Such an interior will be more invigorating than calming and promote relaxation. Unless you can create bright accents with its help. Or choose a muted shade of orange.
  • Brown wallpaper Great for the bedroom, they look stylish and “expensive.” The range of shades is very diverse, you can combine bright hues with dark ones. This range creates coziness and helps you relax.
  • Gray wallpaper– this is a completely neutral option that will not put pressure. Metallic colors look very fashionable. Calmer tones will perfectly complement any interior. Here you can also play with contrasts.

In every home, the bedroom is a small world that reflects the essence of the owner, his aspirations, hobbies and way of thinking. Each person has his own criteria for creating comfort in a room, and therefore it is necessary to carefully select the interior of this room. Creates a general atmosphere of comfort appearance walls, so it is very important to determine their type and characteristics.


At the moment, the manufacturer market offers several types of wallpaper:

  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Paper;
  • Textile;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Liquid;
  • Acrylic.


Each of the listed materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to familiarize yourself with before making a choice.


The material for this wallpaper is a paper base with a polymer applied to it. Thanks to this polymer, the wallpaper is durable, resistant to water and detergents. Vinyl must be glued, carefully preparing the walls (all irregularities must be eliminated). After wallpapering, the wallpaper may emit a pungent odor, but it will dissipate over time.

Vinyl is believed to be toxic and is made from low-quality materials, But modern technologies and strict quality control of manufacturers allows you not to fear harm to the body. At the moment, counterfeit products are rare. When choosing adhesive for vinyl wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include the following components: bactericidal agent, methyl cellulose, glue (PVA). The right adhesive will save time and money during repairs.


This wall covering also has two layers: non-woven fabric and vinyl applied on top. The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is the ease of working with it: glue needs to be applied only to the walls. In addition, if desired, the sheets can be repainted several times. The walls do not need to be treated before starting work; the wallpaper itself hides unevenness. However, after work you may feel bad smell, which disappears after some time.

When choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to its composition. For non-woven wallpaper, the glue used for gluing vinyl wallpaper is quite suitable. It is considered that the most suitable is Exclusive Non Woven.


This is the safest wall covering for health, which does not cause allergic reactions and has the property of allowing air to pass through freely. The composition of this type of wallpaper includes paper and cellulose, which makes it quite affordable. When decorating a room with paper wallpaper, it is necessary to level the surface of the walls, since otherwise all the unevenness and imperfections will be noticeable after gluing. In the room where work will be carried out, all windows and doors must be closed; drafts should not be allowed, otherwise the work will go down the drain and the wallpaper may simply fall off.

The best glue for paper wallpaper among domestic producers is CMC.

To a significant disadvantage of this material may be attributed to low durability. Paper wallpaper very quickly loses its original appearance; it cannot be washed, subjected to physical impact or repainted.


Part textile wallpaper includes a paper base and an outer layer of fabric elements. The most commonly used fabrics are linen, cotton, and polyester. The cost varies depending on the material of the fabric present, but is still quite high. Textile or fabric wallpaper, as a rule, are also quite environmentally friendly and do not harm those living in the house. A significant advantage is that the wallpaper does not fade from sunlight for a long time. In addition, textile wallpaper has an increased level of heat and sound insulation of the room.

Working with this material is a very difficult task, so it is best to entrust the matter to a specialist. There may be some unevenness on the walls that does not require leveling, since the coating can hide them. However, fabric wall coverings also have disadvantages: the ability to absorb moisture and, along with it, dirt, leaving stains. Also, this type of wallpaper retains the smell of the room.

Textile wallpaper is best suited for the bedroom.


To create this type of wall covering, specific fibers are made from special glass. These fibers are then spun into yarn, which is used as material for weaving machines. Fiberglass wallpaper is a durable material, has protection against cracks, and can withstand fire and moisture. There are two types of such wallpaper: smooth (used to eliminate wall defects) and embossed (used to decorative finishing walls).

As a rule, such wallpaper is used to later repaint the walls in a more preferred color.

When gluing, you need to take into account that wallpaper does not have the ability to change its size. Typical adhesives will not work on fiberglass material. The easiest option is to use PVA glue. Among the disadvantages are the high price and fragility of the canvas, which is why you need to work with fiberglass wallpaper extremely carefully so as not to break the coating. In addition to the bedroom, wallpaper can be applied to the nursery, living room or bathroom.


Part liquid wallpaper includes cellulose flakes, glue, color pigment. Additionally, they may include various decorative elements (dust, sparkles, mother-of-pearl). A distinctive feature of this coating lies in the method of application. Initially, “wallpaper” is a dry powder that must be diluted with water and stirred with your hands, because any other mechanical devices can damage the structure of the material. The resulting mass is applied to the walls in a thick layer, which is very convenient if the walls have pronounced irregularities and defects.

The main advantages of this coating include its environmental friendliness, high vapor permeability, lack of seams, and additional sound insulation.

If a section of the wall is damaged, you can easily eliminate the incident: just carefully remove part of the applied coating and carry out the “sticking” procedure again. There are no traces of work left after drying. . The only disadvantages are rapid fading from sunlight and absorption of odors.. Liquid wallpaper is most often used in bedrooms and children's rooms.


Acrylic wallpaper in composition they are a prototype of vinyl. The only difference is top layer This wallpaper is half the size of acrylic. Thanks to the spot application method, they have the property of breathability. Before starting work with acrylic wallpaper It is necessary to prepare the walls, clean off the old coating and apply a primer to them. Next, you can begin to work, taking into account the subtlety of the material used. Do not allow drafts during and for some time after pasting.

Acrylic sheets are more fragile than vinyl sheets. Therefore, these wallpapers have worse characteristics. They can be repainted, but much less times than vinyl ones. In addition, wet cleaning should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the fragile surface.

Color and pattern

Any room can be visually adjusted using the right wall covering: playing with the color, tone and pattern of the selected canvas . For small bedrooms you need to use lighter colors, and for large ones, on the contrary, dark ones. Choosing the color of the wall covering for the bedroom in accordance with its influence on the visual shape and volume of the room is possible only after a detailed consideration of each color separately. It is also necessary to beautifully choose a combination of these colors and their patterns.


Grey colour is the most neutral when it comes to the saturation of white and black colors. This color will give the bedroom a feeling of relaxation and tranquility, what people need to relax after a working day. But this color is contraindicated for melancholic people, as it can evoke boredom and sadness. On the contrary, hyperactive individuals can safely use this particular color scheme in wall decoration.

Gray color goes perfectly with any other colors, making it universal.


White- this is the most suitable, albeit bold, choice for a dark long bedroom. Such a room needs visualization of space, which this color does very well: it expands and gives more light to a dark room. When choosing this background, you must not forget about the furniture. It is furniture on a white background that will play main role, therefore it should be bright and expressive.

Better not to use White color V pure form. Like grey, white looks harmonious with any color palette.


Black color traditionally considered mourning and sad, therefore it is not recommended to use it in its pure form, especially in bedrooms. In modern times, black is often combined with brighter colors, but it is worth considering that these colors should be combined with each other.

Black color goes best with gray, white, bright blue, bright green, orange and peach.


This color is characterized as calming and cool. It can be used in sunny rooms to give a feeling of coolness. Besides, various shades green can visually expand and narrow the space of the room. Green color Suitable for the bedrooms of impulsive individuals, giving them peace.

This color goes best with white, gray, black, and brown.


Blue tones are considered a symbol of friendliness and kindness. This color can help a person relax after work and also give the eyes a chance to rest. It is also believed that blue helps in the functioning of the human cardiovascular system. This color in a room has the characteristics of green.

Blue combines most successfully with yellow, gray, silver and beige.


Blue color symbolizes reliability and stability. However, this is a very dangerous choice: if there is a lot of this color in the room, then it can create certain problems with concentration. It is highly recommended to use blue in sunny rooms, where it will absorb excess brightness.

The combination of white, gray, black, and yellow goes well with blue.


If the room in which the renovation is being done has a large area, then it is most suitable purple, which will narrow the excess space. This choice often means oppression and coldness, but in fashion circles it is considered elegant. It should be noted that sometimes this color has a bad effect on sleep.


Brown tone reflects reliability and stability in the owners. Suitable for light, medium-sized rooms. The color of the wood is suitable for any room in the house, but is most suitable for bedrooms and offices. It is worth considering the shade when choosing: dark tones can evoke depression, while neutral ones are used in any quantity.

Often Brown color goes in combination with green, gray, less often – black.



This color is usually used in girls' bedrooms and gives the owner optimism and dreaminess. Since too much pink can make you feel sweet and simply boring, you should combine it with other colors. You can glue part of the wall in pink, and part in beige, white or gray. This way the bedroom can be made more sophisticated.


This is an atmospheric color that dominates everything else in the interior. This color will look best in bedrooms. strong people, giving them a sense of passion. However, an oversaturation of red may not give household members a feeling of complete relaxation, so in the bedroom it is better to use it in combination with furniture in calm light colors and the following colors: white, gray, beige.


This color gives a cozy feel to the room and is usually used when there is not enough light. Pure, bright yellow is not suitable for the bedroom, but it pastel shades on the contrary, they will look appropriate in the bedroom. Yellow color is considered to be universal and suitable for the entire palette. But it should be noted that in combination with a black tone it can give a feeling of anxiety, since these two colors are considered the brightest contrast available.

When choosing a pattern for wallpaper, you should keep in mind that large patterns can be admired much longer than small ones: frequent ripples soon become boring and are not noticed in the future.

The direction of the pattern affects the perception of the shape of the room. A pattern directed horizontally is suitable for rooms with high ceilings, but small in volume. Vertical ornament, on the contrary, should be glued in bedrooms with low ceilings, but large in volume. It is better to glue a checkered pattern not with one canvas, but with alternating monochromatic coatings. This pattern is often used to divide space in a room. Similar separation techniques are used by using large flower patterns, geometric shapes, and less often – vertical lines.

It is worth considering that the pattern on the wallpaper tends to be embossed, which also matters for the room. It is recommended to select a not too pronounced texture for the bedroom. It is best to choose a fine-grained relief, otherwise you can overload the room. Embossed wallpaper can be made from different material: paper, vinyl, non-woven and glass wallpaper. If desired, you can create a relief using liquid wallpaper. But it is worth remembering that any relief visually reduces the space, so such wallpaper is not suitable for small bedrooms.


Manifold designer styles At the moment, it allows you to decorate your bedroom in a completely unpredictable way. Wallpaper, which is the face of any room, should most accurately convey the given style, so before buying it, you need to decide on the style of the room as a whole.


Classic is identified with sophistication and aristocracy, so wallpaper must correspond to this stereotype. Classic wallpaper have a dim large or medium pattern. Various flowers are considered to be such a design, but not all of them are classics. Flowers presented in surrealism and abstraction cannot be called a classical style.

also in classic style You can use materials that create the effect of plaster or wood. It should be noted that in in this case It is customary to use borders in combination with stucco.


This style suggests plain wallpaper. Graphic elements are allowed in it, but only as an accent. Often this stylistic decision includes a combination of several or two patterns that complement each other. For a bedroom, the ideal is a monochromatic wall covering made in mint, yellow, pink, blue colors. The main emphasis of this style is on furniture.


The Provence style immediately evokes associations with France and small floral patterns on the walls. All colors should be restrained and soft, the most suitable shade is pastel. Since such wallpapers can dazzle the eye, you should combine them with other design options. The most suitable combination would be a horizontal combination: part of the wall from the floor is plain, and above there is a floral print.


This style is based on the desire for comfort, so the wallpaper takes on pastel colors with silver and bluish shades. Textured wallpaper is considered the most acceptable choice. It is worth noting that although this style involves cold tones, it needs warm colors that can be used in color palette furniture.


Palette of colors and shades in Japanese style not limited. The main thing here is drawings of bamboo, hieroglyphs, a sakura branch and an image of a fan. In 2017, the minimalist style and the desire for nature are gaining popularity in all areas of life, and hence the demand for photo wallpapers. Speaking about minimalism in wallpaper, we should note its monotony and calmness. Light geometric patterns and lines are acceptable, but the complete absence of floral prints is important.

Photo wallpapers require maximum care to avoid overloading the room with patterns. They should be glued to one wall in the room. In the part of the room where the photo wallpaper is hung, there should be a minimum of furniture. It is better if they are on the wall next to the bed. It is better to leave the remaining walls as monochromatic as possible; there should be no pattern on them, and their color should be as compatible as possible with the pattern on the photo wallpaper.

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in your house. This is a place where you can relax, read a book or listen to music. Very often, the bedroom can additionally be equipped with an office or an additional wardrobe.

It all depends on the impulse of imagination and how you imagine the interior. Naturally, wallpaper plays an important role in it. Choose the right type of wallpaper that will perfectly highlight the owner’s individuality and meet all tasks.

What types of wallpaper are there?

There are a lot of types of wallpaper, so when faced with such a choice, you need to clearly understand what result you want to achieve. What varieties are there?

  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Paper;
  • Textile;

Each of these types has certain advantages and disadvantages. For example, vinyl wallpaper is easy to wash, so most stains can be wiped off with a damp sponge.

All thanks to polyvinyl chloride, which is part of the material. If the bedroom walls are uneven and have scratches, then non-woven ones will be a good option.

Classic paper ones are highly environmentally friendly and have a wide variety of choices. If the owner of the room has any allergies, then paper will be a salvation. After all, nothing is more important than comfort, especially in private bedrooms. Big disadvantage Such wallpaper is due to its low level of strength, as well as the inability to erase any damage or stains.

Textiles add richness to the interior; their appearance and great reliability very often captivate clients. They are absolutely natural, and also create a wonderful atmosphere indoors. However, such wallpapers are much more expensive than others.

Having familiarized yourself with the types, now it’s worth deciding which ones are used in which variants. In fact, the type of wallpaper depends solely on the interior. Harmonious combinations furniture, wallpaper and other decorative elements, a competent color scheme can create perfect interior, and ruin the entire intended atmosphere.

How to choose wallpaper?

The color of the wallpaper in the bedroom plays a huge role. For example, for small room It is better to choose light shades. The space will become much larger and will not seem like a dark closed box, which will immediately deprive the owner of the feeling of comfort.

White, beige, gold or ocher - all these shades combine perfectly with each other, so there is a lot of room for imagination. Light wallpaper in bedrooms will look advantageous in any case.

When the room, on the contrary, is large, then both dark ones will look interesting under light furniture. A game of contrasts that can look very impressive. However, remember that such experiments can be risky. Remember warm shades should be combined with warm, and cold with cold.

Photo wallpaper in the bedroom can create interesting designs, and complement the interior. The photo will become a small window into another world, perfectly expanding the space. However, we recommend using only one wall for photos, otherwise the design will look overloaded and complex. Moreover, this arrangement allows the use of a minimum of decor. 3D wallpaper for the bedroom can come as an option instead of a photo, and in both cases you need to choose the right picture that you could look at every day.

You can combine wallpaper in the bedroom in different ways. Horizontal or vertical arrangement will look extravagant. Wallpaper inserts with different textures, different brightness and the ability to experiment.

However, if you have already decided to combine, then the texture of the wallpaper should be the same. The colors can be different and sharply contrast with each other, but at the same time look like a coherent composition.

What trends will prevail in 2020?

Something always comes into fashion, and something goes out of it. True, plant motifs have been trending for several years now, and have absolutely no intention of leaving the list of fashionable solutions. What else can you offer? Geometry! It also migrated from several other times, but in combination with certain decor it can turn out to be a truly excellent option for your bedroom.

Three-dimensional drawings or black and white images, individual orders photoboots. All this is popular today and will remain in fashion for a long time. But it’s worth noting how dangerous it can be to decide to place someone’s photograph or three-dimensional drawing in the bedroom without being sure of comfort.

Each person is an individual who tries to choose a certain color scheme and interior elements. Therefore, you should take this choice seriously, and only then will the bedroom be a refuge for you, an abode of comfort.

Wallpaper for the bedroom - the best photos of options in the interior

Nice to be back in cozy bedroom after a hard one working day, and allow yourself to relax from everyday worries.

It depends on how well the interior of the room is decorated. the general mood of the owner will depend.

What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom - this issue should be approached with special responsibility and understanding that wallpaper is the general background of the room, and its appearance on the walls, one way or another, attracts the views of others.

Types of wallpaper

The main advantages of this model:

  1. Wear resistance. This construction material for walls will last for many years without having to be replaced if you treat the item with care.
  2. Product cleanliness.
  3. Soundproofing qualities. Protecting the room from extraneous noise from neighboring rooms makes the material soundproofing.
  4. Thermal protection. Wallpaper retains heat from the walls and creates additional protection from the cold in winter.

Lack of textile wallpaper is high cost and complex on the walls.

Cleaning should be carried out with a wet cloth on an ongoing basis - this is one of the rules for proper care of such products.

Textile wallpaper will make the interior of the room elegant and will be an excellent addition to luxurious furniture and figurines in the bedroom.


Wallpaper made from acrylic differs increased strength and safety from an environmental point of view.

The method of creating them is simple: a layer of paint is applied to the paper material, after which foaming is performed and the design is revealed.


Vinyl wallpaper is produced by applying paper base layer of vinyl material. Often such products are covered with a pattern or embossing. The service life of such a product exceeds ten years, and when the material loses its former brightness, it can be covered with a layer of paint.

Special chemical wallpaper manifest themselves in the application of an adhesive layer on them. They may become stretched or stretched.

After drying, they will regain their appearance, violating the distance between the joints. Therefore it should entrust the gluing work to professionals, if the owner is not yet experienced enough in this matter.

Construction stores are crowded similar types materials of different structure and color.

A room with this type of covering must be constantly ventilated; it is for this reason that such wallpaper is not recommended for covering walls in a sleeping area.


Non-woven wallpaper is excellent hide wall unevenness, but their installation is complicated by the size and density of the canvases.

The high cost is fully compensated by the service life of the product. Such wallpaper can be painted, and do not worry about external damage to the surface.

The width of the product can reach two meters. This product will improve the overall microclimate in the bedroom and give harmony.

Glass wallpaper

Glass wallpaper have high fire insulation, which is why they are common in the interiors of industrial enterprises.

Such products will be an excellent addition to the bedroom interior, and are highly durable and durable.

Service life can reach thirty years old when used correctly.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper consists of fibers, dye and special glue. The mixture of dry components is diluted in a separate container and applied to the walls in liquid form. Liquid wallpaper hide wall unevenness and are excellent option for renovation in the bedroom.

Silkscreen printing

Silk-screen wallpaper contains silk threads, which give the product specific shine. Wallpaper is highly durable and has a long service life.

The disadvantage of the product is increased vapor permeability, which forces constant ventilation of the room and is not suitable for a sleeping area.

For more information about choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, watch the video:

What color to choose for the bedroom?

The mood and atmosphere for the residents depends on the correctly selected wallpaper color in the bedroom.

Each color has its own characteristics for perception, and the color should be selected carefully.

White tones

The color white does not have a negative impact on health, but many people consider it too similar to the color of a hospital room.

For better perception, you should choose diluted shades of white, such as Ivory or marshmallow shade.

Blue and blue colors

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that blue color directly affects heart rate and level blood pressure, improving their condition and thereby extending the life of residents for many years.

Therefore, blue and light blue are perfect colors for bedroom wallpaper.

Green and yellow colors in the interior

The predominance of green on the walls pacifies a person and makes his life measured and calm.

Shades yellow flowers also have a beneficial effect on the state of mind, and will be appropriate with various types elements.

Red color in the bedroom

Red color in the bedroom affects the mental state and increases blood pressure.

Therefore, representatives of the fair sex are wary of such colors and shades.

It has been proven that under the influence of red and burgundy color dreams become brighter, and sex life is richer.

Pink color - the dream come true of Barbie's house

Many girls played with Barbie dolls as children and dreamed of their own doll house.

Growing up, they make their fantasies come true and enjoy the color pink.

Gray fashion

Gray color has come into fashion quite recently, and it is actively used in bedrooms with modern design.

But psychologists warn owners about the occurrence of lack of sleep under the influence of gray shades.

Chronic lack of sleep leads to stress and fatigue.

Therefore, it is better to avoid a bedroom with such shades.

The color violet and its effect on the brain

The effect of purple flowers on the brain is that they negatively affect sleep.

Sleep becomes shorter and more interrupted, which affects the mental state of the owner of the room.

Black tones

Black color is firmly entrenched in modern design projects. His can be safely used and not be afraid for your health. This color is usually chosen by people with a strong-willed character and great ambitions.

For a small bedroom

In a bedroom with small dimensions are appropriate gray colors, which visually expand the space. In addition, shades of gray can be combined with almost all furniture sets.

Walls made in contrasting colors will look good and will not visually make the room smaller.

Favorable colors for a bedroom with small square meters: beige, milky or pastel.

Cool shades in the interior of such a bedroom will be appropriate and will increase the space. Black color is often used in modern design for bedrooms - it will make the room stylish and sophisticated.

For a large room

In rooms with a large space, walls in pastel colors or shades of ivory.

A large bedroom with increased light encourages designers to create a variety of wallpaper patterns that shimmer with bright colors.

If a large room poorly lit, the situation will be saved by peach, orange and gold shades.

What colors should you exclude?

Experts believe that rich colors negatively affect healthy sleep bedroom occupants.

The right tones, on the contrary, have a positive impact on the relationship in the family and the careers of the people living in the bedroom. Shades of acidic flowers cause constant aggression and itchy skin.

Shades of blue and turquoise colors have a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system and establish psychological relationships with a partner.

Interior items that must be arranged correctly, including the “magnet for the whole family” - the TV, have an important impact on the overall psychological picture.

Is it possible to glue vinyl wallpaper?

There is an opinion that vinyl wallpapers contain polyvinyl chloride, an artificially created substance that can be harmful to human health. Availability in wallpaper harmful substances depends on where they were produced.

If the wallpaper was imported from a small handicraft production, then the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products increases.

Large wallpaper factories carefully monitor the quality of raw materials. Wallpaper is made only from safe materials.

IN Lately the likelihood of buying a low-quality product is reduced, but if you have any doubts, feel free to ask the seller to present certificates, confirming permission to produce vinyl wallpaper.