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» What date does winter break at school start? To be or not to be: Is it worth working with a child during the holidays? Alternative work schedule options

What date does winter break at school start? To be or not to be: Is it worth working with a child during the holidays? Alternative work schedule options

Winter holidays in schools usually last about two weeks and the current school year will be no exception. Schoolchildren will have a holiday in honor of the New Year holidays from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

There are additional holidays for first-graders - they will take place from February 25 to March 3. This is necessary in order to measure the load and not overwhelm the child with studying from head to toe. Such additional holidays will help those who are lagging behind to catch up with the rest, and those who are already doing well with their studies will simply take a breath.

Holiday calendar 2018-2019

Each school can set its own vacation schedule, adhering to the recommendations developed in legislative acts. Holidays in summer period must be no shorter than 8 weeks. And school holidays during the academic year should not be less than 30 calendar days. Vacations must begin on Monday and cannot be shifted by more than 2 weeks.

Academic year 2018-2019 starts on September 1st. The educational process will last 34 weeks, excluding final certification, and the holidays will last 18 weeks.

In addition, schoolchildren will have a rest on public holidays.

School holidays in quarters. Moscow

  • Winter – from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.
  • Additional holidays for first-graders – from February 16 to February 24, 2019.

School holidays in quarters. Saint Petersburg

  • Autumn holidays - from October 27 to November 5, 2018.
  • Winter – from December 29, 2018 to January 12, 2019.
  • Spring break – from March 23 to March 31, 2019.
  • Additional holidays for first-graders – from February 4 to February 10, 2019.

Each school can choose its own vacation schedule, but it is necessary to meet the established deadlines.

Russia is a huge country. It happens that due to unforeseen circumstances ( natural disasters, quarantine) children cannot go to school. If this continues for 3-4 days, then the students are able to catch up with the program. But in cases where students do not attend school for more than a week, the vacation schedule may be changed. Or some days off can be used as school days.

How to organize a vacation

Before leaving for the holidays, all children must listen to instructions on how to behave correctly during the holidays. Class teachers must explain to students what can be done and what cannot be done.

A separate topic should be devoted to traffic rules, since a large number of Road accidents involving children occur during the holidays.

If students go on summer vacation, parents must inform where and with whom their children will be. Before summer holidays, parents must also listen to the instructions and sign for it.

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What to do with your child during the holidays

How fast children grow. Just recently, a baby was snoring comfortably in his crib. He constantly needed love and care: feed him, change him, calm him down. Now he is already a schoolboy, an individual, a person capable of coming home from school, changing into home clothes, having something to eat, and even, if he’s in the mood, washing up after himself and sitting down to his homework. But it’s too early for parents to relax. He is still a child and needs the supervision and attention of his parents. Especially during the holidays, when he has a lot of free time. What you can do with your child during the holidays largely depends on the time of year in which they fall.

Autumn vacation

The first holidays from the beginning of the school year are the autumn holidays. Autumn is a very beautiful time of year. So that your child can appreciate all its charm, take him to the forest or park. There you can show your child what trees, shrubs and herbs grow in our area. Tell why the leaves fall in the fall and make them up beautiful bouquet. And at the same time, collect beautiful twigs, berries, pine cones and make fun crafts out of them, ideas for which you can spy on the Internet or come up with something to suit your taste. Such products can become a great gift for grandparents or home decoration. They will help preserve the memories of a great time. autumn day. The autumn holidays are followed by winter holidays.

The winter vacation

In winter, it's time to take out the sleds, skis or skates from the mezzanine. If there is no money for ski resort or an indoor skating rink - no problem. You can have a great time with a sled on the nearest slide or yard skating rink, if there is one. And after riding to your heart's content, build a snowman, play in the snow, or just roll around in the snow.

Spring break

You can also spend spring break outdoors. Dress rubber boots and become brave captains of paper boats that can be launched in the surrounding streams and puddles. Or go to the park to admire nature coming to life after winter. If you collect a bouquet of twigs with buds and, when you come home, put them in water, then tiny leaves will soon appear on them. Not only children, but also adults will be happy to watch their gradual appearance.

Summer holidays

Summer holidays are the longest and most suitable for outdoor recreation. Parents have the opportunity to come up with something new at least every day. Biking, rollerblading or walking. Hiking and kayaking on the river or relaxing on the beach. Football, beach volleyball or picnics with the whole family. Picking berries and mushrooms or reading a book on a park bench. It all depends on temperament, physical capabilities, or simply the mood of the parents and child.


For better organization education, recreation and leisure time for children; school holidays are provided. The Ministry of Education annually approves a tentative schedule for their holding. The management of educational institutions sets its training schedule for 2017-2018, taking into account the adopted system of acquiring knowledge.

Holidays in quarters

The most popular method of school education is dividing the year into 4 quarters. After the end of each, the schedule provides for rest. The following factors are taken into account:

  • Summer holidays primary classes start on May 24th. According to the schedule, the rest of the schoolchildren will graduate on May 31, 2019, for graduates - after passing the exams.
  • Public Holiday Day national unity falls on a Sunday, so the duration of rest in the fall is increased.
  • Winter holidays for schoolchildren coincide with New Year's holidays for parents.

Students will have additional respite time due to official holidays– February 23, March 8-9, 04.30-02.05, 05.09. With such a school education system in 2017-2018, according to the calendar, children’s autumn holidays will be 8 days, winter holidays will be 13, and spring holidays at school will last 9 days. The following preliminary schedule of training and rest is provided:


Study time

Schoolchildren's holidays



System 5/1 (Modular)

The management of some educational institutions organizes the school process according to the principles modular system. The schedule in this case provides for classes for 5-6 weeks and 7 days of rest. At the same time, autumn and winter holidays are held twice. The approximate schedule for 2017-2018 will look like this:

Study period

School break

1 autumn

2 autumn

New Year's



Vacation schedule by trimester

Regions of Russia, educational institutions in Moscow and individual cities independently choose their study concept. One of the options that the director of a school or gymnasium can organize with the support of the parent committee is the education of children according to the trimester system. The academic year is divided into three parts, each of which includes two modules. The school holiday schedule for 2017-2018 in this case may be as follows:

Period of study

Children's holidays

1st trimester

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

2nd trimester

New Year's

3rd trimester


Vacations for first grades

In the second half of the school year, first-graders find it difficult to cope with school loads. The schedule provides for an additional rest period for them. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, taking into account public holiday February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day, The first classes can still rest from February 18 to 25.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

It is difficult to create a unified school schedule for how children will study and relax in 2017-2018. Deviations from recommended dates are possible.

It is important that changes made to the schedule do not increase the length of absence educational process more than 14 days.

In this case, it will be difficult to catch up with the program. An additional rest period may be due to the following factors:

  • quarantine due to illness;
  • low temperatures V winter time;
  • natural disasters;
  • floods in spring;
  • squally winds;
  • building safety issues;
  • utility accidents.
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  • Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums for 2018-2019
  • How to organize a vacation
  • What to do with your child during the holidays

The favorite time of the year for schoolchildren is summer - this is the longest vacation period, when you can take a break from classes and not think about lessons. The rest of the time, children also have the opportunity to take a short break from school: in the fall, winter and spring there are rest periods after the end of each quarter.

School holidays during the 2018-2019 school year will also be no exception, and children will be able to take breaks from their studies, although not all schools will take them at the same time.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums for 2018-2019

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days at the discretion of the administration educational institution can be added to autumn or winter holidays taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019

The 2019 New Year holidays begin for schoolchildren after December 25, 2018 and continue until January 9, 2019. All-Russian holidays fall during this time new year holidays, so the guys will be able to spend them with their families. Family vacations can be spent at ski resorts and on trips to interesting places in Russia. Throughout the country at this time there are many offers entertainment events for children, which can be visited by the whole family.

How to organize a vacation

Before leaving for the holidays, all children must receive instructions on how to behave correctly during the holidays. Class teachers must explain to students what can be done and what cannot be done.

A separate topic should be devoted to traffic rules, since a large number of road accidents involving children occur during the holidays.

If students go on summer holidays, parents must inform where and with whom their children will be staying. Before the summer holidays, parents must also listen to the instructions and sign for it.

What to do with your child during the holidays

How fast children grow. Just recently, a baby was snoring comfortably in his crib. He constantly needed love and care: feed him, change him, calm him down. Now he is already a schoolboy, an individual, a person who is able to come home from school, change into home clothes, have something to eat and even, if he is in the mood, wash the dishes and sit down to his homework. But it’s too early for parents to relax. He is still a child and needs the supervision and attention of his parents. Especially during the holidays, when he has a lot of free time. What you can do with your child during the holidays largely depends on the time of year in which they fall.

1. We rest according to the regime

The first and most important trap that awaits parents with children who stay at home is the comprehensive and unconditional readiness of all family members to derail the daily routine. When you don’t have to get up in pitch darkness, go to work, drag the younger one to the garden along the way, and send the older one to school, then all family members are ready to crawl under the covers together and plunge into lethargic sleep, hibernation and suspended animation.

After the holidays, it will be much more difficult to adjust to work mode after a week of sleepy spree, so the most reasonable decision would be to simply not disrupt the daily routine, at least radically.

Of course, forcing children to wake up at 7 am when the alarm goes off would be cruel. For proper rest, it is enough to shift your schedule by 1.5–2 hours and try not to go to bed later than 23:00. And a pre-thought-out program will help the whole family cope with the temptation to lie in bed until noon. When children know that the next morning a long-awaited favorite cartoon awaits them in the cinema, a trip to a water park or riding on live horses, they themselves will wake up their parents.

2. Alternate activity and doing nothing

A uniform alternation of active and passive rest will help make your holidays bright and eventful without overwork. Try to make a list of long-awaited activities in advance that you have long put off due to lack of free time and alternate them throughout the day. In the first half of the day you can walk through the forest or go skiing, go to an exhibition, museum, planetarium or theater, and in the evening invite friends over and calmly play Monopoly or Scrabble, read books about the Mummies or Carlson, watch your favorite films... or vice versa: go to the cinema premiere in the morning, and in the evening go to the shining multi-colored skating rink in the central square.

Some families create a “vacation” schedule at least a month in advance. Booked tickets and a meeting schedule agreed with friends, of course, minimize the elements of surprise, but they save a lot of time on organizing entertainment.

3. Get creative

IN Everyday life It often happens that the only sled races that we arrange for our children are a crazy run along the route “home - kindergarten“, because everyone overslept again and is late for work. The holidays are a great time to correct this annoying misunderstanding: you have time for long walks together.

However, it can be difficult to agree on the issue of choosing family entertainment with nihilistic teenagers: often these guys are convinced that they worked their asses off during the quarter, and now they have a well-deserved rest - a healthy sleep before lunch, chips for breakfast, popcorn for dinner and a lot of fooling around in pajamas. These preschoolers and junior schoolchildren will enthusiastically support absolutely any of your joint initiatives, but in order to convince a thirteen-year-old bumpkin that a joint ski trip is great, you will need much more ingenuity and ingenuity.

4. Avoiding sources of infection

Sometimes a single sneaky flu or cold virus can disrupt all Napoleonic plans. It’s great if at the beginning of autumn... no, in the summer... or immediately after being discharged from the hospital, you became concerned about the issue of hardening. But if a contrast shower and air baths passed you by, then during the New Year holidays you can remember about vitamins and trips to visit only healthy kids.

If you do get sick, then your program still includes a lot of home entertainment: pillow fights, plasticine crafts, polymer clay and salt dough, origami and favorite books, finger paints and huge cities made of Lego - for any age and character. Remember that it will help us not only to recover faster, but also to spend the holidays with benefit and pleasure... that’s right, a good mood.

A carefree summer flies by, vacations and school holidays are coming to an end. The first bell in schools is just around the corner. Thousands of boys and girls with bouquets of flowers will go for new knowledge.

The kids will have their next opportunity to take a little break from school in the fall. The school holiday schedule is established by order of the educational institution. When schoolchildren have holidays in the fall of 2018, parents can find out at their school or gymnasium.

General provisions

School holiday dates may differ from one school to another. The Ministry of Education only establishes the period of time during which schoolchildren should be given a break from the educational process. The number of vacation days is also approved.

The calendar schedule is approved in each educational institution separately by order based on the charter. There are gymnasiums in which students are given additional holidays. Also, additional holidays should be organized for first-graders for seven days in February.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the total number of vacation days must be at least 30. summer rest 56 days are allotted. It is often important for parents to know in advance when schoolchildren's holidays are in the fall of 2018. This is necessary for scheduling vacations at work and planning trips.

School holiday schedules

In different educational institutions School holiday schedules are different. This is due to the training system. The academic year may consist of trimesters or quarters. When studying in schools using the quarter system, it is recommended to organize 7 days of rest in the fall, 14 days in winter period and a week in the spring. At the discretion of the school administration, additional days of rest may be added if the holidays fall on public holidays.

Most often, holidays start on Monday and end on Sunday. This method of distributing vacation days helps to properly organize the study load.

In 2018, autumn holidays in many schools will begin on October 29. The holiday period will be extended due to the public holiday on November 4th. National Unity Day 2018 falls on Sunday. By general rules The day off will be moved to Monday - November 5th. Thus, the holidays will be extended by one more day.

    Do you think the children will have time to relax during the autumn holidays?

    Of course they will have time

    No, a week is not enough

    Children never have too many holidays

From October 29, children who study according to the quarter system will have a rest in the fall. Their vacation will last 8 days, and they will return to school on November 6.

If training is organized by trimesters, then calculating vacations is much simpler. The educational process is structured in such a way that training for 4-5 weeks alternates with rest for a week. Thus, students will be able to take two breaks in the fall each semester.

The first holiday will begin on October 8 and end on October 14. The second time, schoolchildren will rest from November 19 to 25.

The total number of rest days both when studying in quarters and in semesters will ultimately be the same. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, the number of vacation days in 2018-2019 must be at least 30 days.

School holidays are loved and long-awaited not only for millions of students in our country, but also for their parents. In order to successfully plan the winter holiday period at school and their vacation schedule, parents should know the New Year holiday schedule for 2019-2020 and the dates when their children begin their studies. This way, they will be able to adjust their vacation time and other events to the schoolchildren’s rest period. At this time, you can go with the whole family on a trip, to the country, plan trips to museums, theaters and other entertainment programs.

It's not just children who have holidays. This is a wonderful and long-awaited time, which always passes incredibly quickly and, often very brightly, is accessible to adult citizens of Russia. Every year, at the legislative level, the country’s authorities decide when and how many days the residents of the state will have the opportunity to take a break from everyday work. As a rule, such a calendar of holidays and weekends applies only to officially employed citizens working in the public sector of the labor market, and this also applies to schoolchildren and students.

Holidays, as well as the time of vacations common to all, are determined by Labor Code Russian Federation. According to this government document, in 2020, in the month of January, we will have a rest according to the wording, which is enshrined in the Labor Code and is called “New Year holidays.” This concept includes the numbers from January 1st to January 8th inclusive. This general rule has been in effect in our country since 2012 and suits our fellow citizens completely. True, some servants of the people are trying to introduce an initiative to extend the holiday weekend and add December 31 to them. But so far this amendment has not officially passed, and we will rest according to the Labor Code.

In 2019-2020, the New Year will begin, as always, on the night of January 1, 2020. Russians will have the opportunity not to go to work from January 1 to January 8 inclusive. Everyone's Favorite Old New Year will fall at the beginning of the week in 2020, and therefore residents of Russia will not have the opportunity to rest and relax. So, if you adhere to the tradition of celebrating this controversial but fun day, then be patient and wait until the end of the working day on January 13th. And remember that on January 14th you will have to go back to work in the morning; in this sense, Russian legislation does not provide any relief for citizens.

New Year calendar of working days and weekends for the New Year 2020

The days when the whole family can enjoy a relaxing holiday in January are the longest, and therefore long-awaited. In the coming year 2020, no exceptions are expected in this sense. Russian citizens are planning various trips with the whole family these days. This time really gives people an atmosphere of goodness and family warmth. New Year's holidays are like a small vacation that people truly value and plan for carefully.

The first of January falls in the middle of the week, it will be Wednesday. The New Year holidays will last from this day until January 8 inclusive. But January 4 and 5, which fall on Saturday and Sunday in the calendar, will definitely regain their status as full-fledged holiday weekends in the future. They will be rescheduled for another time. There is no exact information yet on how the authorities will manage these days off. Perhaps the New Year holidays will be extended, and we will return to work not on January 9, but only on January 11. In this case, the New Year holidays 2020 will become incredibly big. Another option is that this couple of days will go into May and will complement the weekend period as part of the May Day holiday, or two days will be added to Victory Day. In any case, Russians should not worry, people will definitely get their legal holidays, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation simply will not allow other scenarios.

If we talk about the production calendar, then everything depends on the specific organization. In many manufacturing and service sectors, there are irregular working hours, where people work 12 hours or even days. For these categories of the working population, it is necessary to take these features into account when drawing up the appropriate calendar plan. In the country as a whole, with a 5-day working week when a person works 8 hours every day, we can determine following features accounting for working and non-working time in the first month of 2020.

In January 2020, the total number of days is 31. Official working days in January are 17. The number of non-working days is 14. Transfers of holidays to other dates are 2 (January 4 and 5).

Where to go on vacation?

Where to go in Russia in winter? When the long winter holidays arrive, many parents have a question: where to go or travel with their child so that he will be interested, so that he does not spend the entire holiday watching TV or the computer. Of course, a lot is organized for children, but I would like variety, so that there are not only Christmas trees, and so that the children can walk in the fresh air.

Eat interesting places, where you can go with children from Moscow or cities in the Moscow region. This deer farm“Reindeer”, which is located in the village of Antsifirovo, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, near the city of Yegoryevsk.

The farm is located right in the forest, among beautiful snow-covered forests and fields. Children will have a lot of fun sledding on a real reindeer sled across a snow-covered field.

Happy holidays for schoolchildren for the New Year 2020

Modern children are the same boys and girls as 10 years ago, but with some differences. And this is understandable - when times change, it is children who are the first to catch the wind of change. Today, guys still love to communicate, have fun, make plans and fool around as before. Only the methods have changed a little. These days, most kids are older school age communicate, make acquaintances, make friends, find entertainment on the Internet.

What about the holidays? How do kids these days prefer to spend their days off, especially when the holiday period lasts as long as winter break? Among the dominant entertainment for schoolchildren during the New Year holidays are the following options:

schoolchildren create New Year's chats on the Internet and communicate with peers on a variety of topics;

  • They are engaged in photography, because during the New Year holidays there are many wonderful places and scenery against which your selfie will look very attractive. After this, most often the guys organize secret competitions for best photo on Instagram and other virtual networks;
  • play computer games over the network, when competitions take place with real people;
  • If, after all, children get tired of surfing the Internet, then they choose a sports and entertainment form of leisure. This includes slides, skating rinks, ski lodges, and so on;
  • visiting cinemas, since during the New Year holidays, as a rule, there are a huge number of movie premieres, both foreign and domestic directors;
  • organization of so-called “apartment parties”, when parents go to relatives, and children invite friends to their home for a holiday party.

Exciting winter holidays 2019-2020 for students

The New Year will come very soon, the session and exams are behind us and now is the time for students to have a good rest and gain strength before the next academic period. What to do with yourself during such a long vacation, which the state gives us at the beginning of January? Sitting in front of the TV all day, eating salads, is perhaps not the brightest prospect, especially for young people.

There are many options for spending a useful and exciting holiday weekend. The main thing is not to get lost in this diversity, but to draw up a more or less clear plan and try to stick to it.

Who are the students? These people are already quite adults, but in fact most of them are still real children! Therefore, the way of spending leisure time among students is something between children's fun and adult leisure. During the New Year holidays, we offer the following activities for students of all ages:

  • a trip to the country of your dreams;
  • a trip to the mountains in the company of like-minded people;
  • meeting with old friends, classmates and fellow students;
  • organizing sports activities, for example, the option to gather friends, rent laser tag equipment and go to the nearest forest to get true adrenaline;
  • going to nightlife in your city;
  • participation in various master classes and quests;
  • trip to a ski resort;
  • visiting memorable places hometown and the region in which you were born and raised;
  • going to the theater or cinema;
  • spending evenings in a coffee shop in the company of a loved one;
  • a trip to visit relatives in another city.

To see how Russians spent their winter holidays during the New Year holidays 2019, watch the video: