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» Which down jacket is better, padded or down? What is warmer - padding polyester or holofiber in jackets

Which down jacket is better, padded or down? What is warmer - padding polyester or holofiber in jackets

Summer is almost over, very soon you will need to switch to warmer clothes. And autumn is the most suitable period for buying a warm jacket for the winter. IN last years Down jackets have become particularly popular. These products are affordable, practical and fit almost any clothing style. True, before buying such a jacket, the question always arises: which down jacket is better, padded or down?

Firstly, it’s a matter of taste; whoever likes it best buys it. Those who find it easy to decide on a winter down jacket are those with allergies who have a negative reaction to down. In this case, you need to buy a jacket with padding polyester. Whatever down jacket you buy, in the harsh winter it will protect you from the cold and prevent you from freezing. This product does not allow cold air and retains heat perfectly. For winter jackets with natural down, geese and duck feathers are usually used.

If you are leading active life, and have a lot of entertainment, then in winter you cannot do without such practical clothes as a down jacket. If you want to choose an inexpensive, stylish down jacket, contact the specialists at for help. They know for sure that padding polyester is better or down feather, and will also select a jacket that is ideal for your color and shape.

Each person chooses outerwear, which will suit his lifestyle and financial capabilities. In any case, any of the options will be comfortable and durable. We cannot say for sure which down jacket is better, padded or down. Because each person decides for himself what to wear.

But, for those who spend a lot of time in the winter on fresh air, we recommend buying a jacket with natural down. Such products are much warmer than synthetic winterizers, and accordingly, they are more expensive. At the time of buying of this product, be careful. After all, many manufacturers sell down jackets with insulation and add bird feathers to them. This will no longer be a full-fledged down jacket, but you will pay for it as for a product made from natural down.

To save money and not fall for this trick, look at the clothing label, there will be written “feather” with the word “down”. If the product has a ratio of 80/20, where the first indicator is real down, and the second is feather, then such a jacket is very warm and you can survive the harshest winter in it. Now about the disadvantages of down products:

  • they are difficult to care for (they need to be dry cleaned),
  • After washing in the washing machine, the fluff gets lost and the product loses its original appearance.

A real down jacket from a famous brand will serve you for many years, however, such a jacket is not cheap.

A synthetic down jacket also has its advantages; with this material everything is much simpler. If you still haven’t figured out which down jacket is better, padding poly or down, here are a few facts about non-natural jackets.

The insulation is not at all picky about washing and even after numerous washes, such a jacket will look like new. But, do not forget that synthetic padding can be different. You can buy a warm and light jacket, or you may end up with a completely useless, low-quality down jacket that will be blown through. Here everything will depend on the manufacturer’s company. For example, Fred Perry produces products with insulation, which has properties as close as possible to down. But, it is much better than natural filler, because it does not have its disadvantages.

Undoubtedly, such a jacket does not keep warm as well as a product made from natural down, but high-quality insulation is enough to keep you comfortable and warm. The cost of such products is lower, and a jacket made with synthetic padding wears out faster. This type of outerwear will last you for three to four seasons. But there is also a plus here: you can wear new models every winter and will always be in trend.

It is believed that the best down jackets in the world are produced exclusively by Canadian manufacturers. They fill their jackets with extremely warm eider down. Canadian down jackets are also distinguished by a very high-quality base material on the top; usually this is made up of high-tech fabrics with titanium threads or lycra, which protect well from wind, rain and snow. Unfortunately, all this makes Canadian down jackets very expensive.

European manufacturers most often use goose, swan or duck down to produce down jackets. Most often, a certain amount of feathers is added to the down. In high-quality products, the number of feathers should not exceed twenty percent of the total volume.

Decent down jackets are made in Sweden, Finland, France and Belarus. In some cases, they send things to production in China, however, more often the inscription on a down jacket Made In China requires you to take a closer look at the product, since this country produces a huge number of fakes from padding polyester and chicken feathers.

A real down jacket can be distinguished from a fake by several signs

Firstly, a real down jacket with high-quality natural filling should be easily folded to a compact size and weigh less than five hundred grams. Secondly, real down jackets are always supplied with special bags with samples of down filling and spare branded fittings. In general, all technical finishing(buttons, zippers) must be branded with manufacturer’s labels. Counterfeits are often equipped with cheap, unremarkable plastic fittings.

Thirdly, pay attention to the label, it should contain the word Down, which means “down”; if in addition there is the inscription feather, this means that feathers have been added to the down. If the label says polyester, this means regular padding polyester.

The fluff should be distributed evenly without lumps across the stitched blocks. If the size of the blocks exceeds twenty centimeters, you have a low-quality item. The fluff inside such blocks should move freely. Squeeze a section of the jacket for a couple of seconds, if after this the shape is quickly restored, you have a really high-quality item. If the shape does not want to be restored, most likely you are looking at a jacket with padding polyester.

Pay attention to the little things - in high-quality real ones, all the seams are reinforced to prevent fluff from coming out, and there are reinforcing pads on the elbows and shoulders. Naturally, all kinds of valves, hoods, and internal pockets must be executed at the same level.

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Bulky and heavy traditional insulation materials are being replaced by innovative, improved options that imitate natural materials. One of the most modern fillers, ideal for creating clothing and bedding, is Thinsulate.


Thinsulate - a practical invention of the twentieth century
Contemporaries, putting on light and comfortable warm clothes, no longer remember that Thinsulate was initially practically inaccessible to the average consumer. Its invention dates back to the era of development of space exploration. At the end of the 70s of the last century, scientists were faced with difficult task: the creation of reliable insulation technologies has become relevant. AND American developers from the diversified company "3M" they created a material that imitates down with fibers tens of times thinner than hair. This solution to the problem turned out to be optimal. A few years later, artificial down became indispensable in the equipment of polar explorers and Olympians. And over the course of three decades, improved Thinsulate has become a popular insulation material for everyday clothing and everyday life.

Advantages of innovative insulation and its disadvantages
One of the undoubted advantages of Thinsulate is its weightlessness, because the artificial analogue turned out to be somewhat lighter than high-quality natural fluff. Unique thermoregulation combined with high hygroscopicity make this material suitable for widespread use.
Such hygienic and hypoallergenic fibers have become especially popular for making children's clothing and winter blankets. Environmental friendliness and the ability to retain heat without creating excessive volume provide comfort even to the smallest.
Thinsulate guarantees excellent air exchange when combined with membrane materials. In addition, the insulation does not wrinkle when mechanical impact and dries quickly.
The ease of caring for artificial down attracts many consumers: both self-washing on a gentle cycle at 60°C and professional cleaning in a laundry are possible. Thinsulate retains its properties even after repeated washings.

Over several decades of use of the innovative material, no significant imperfections were identified. Some consumers indicate quite high price category Thinsulate compared to other artificial insulation materials. Sometimes they note with dissatisfaction the need to be careful when washing: experts advise not to expose the material to high temperatures. But such shortcomings turn out to be insignificant compared to those unique properties that are so important in everyday life.

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Winter clothing with Thinsulate insulation differs from down and synthetic winter clothing new clothes because it is warmer and lighter. Jackets with this insulation are superior in thermal insulation properties even to down jackets with eider down.

Thinsulate (from the English thin - “thin” and insulation - “insulation”) is a modern synthetic material made of thin fibers, used for insulation of jackets, blankets, sleeping bags, children's clothing, etc. The unique insulation was invented in 1978 by the American company 3M. Then this ultra-light material was used to sew clothes for astronauts. And over time, it began to be used for sewing winter clothes.

Advantages of Thinsulate insulation

The main advantages of this material include:

Higher thermal insulation performance compared to materials of similar thickness and weight;
low weight and thickness;
insulation fibers do not lose their quality after machine washing (subject to washing rules);
fibers practically do not absorb moisture;
Thinsulate, unlike fluff, does not cause allergic reactions;
based on Thinsulate they produce workwear for extreme conditions, protecting against cold at temperatures down to -60°C.

What is Thinsulate?

Thinsulate consists of fibers that are approximately 50-70 times thinner than a human hair. The fiber diameter of this insulation is 2-10 microns. The finer the fibers, the better thermal insulation. In terms of performance, Thinsulate is superior to down, as it breathes well and is easy to wash.

Currently, several types of Thinsulate are produced; they have different thicknesses and densities. The minimum density is 74 g per square meter, and the maximum is 191 g per square meter.

Sports and travel clothing insulated with Thinsulate is very comfortable and practical, since it dries quickly and takes up less volume than down and padding polyester clothing. Even in conditions high humidity This insulation is capable of retaining heat well.

Perhaps the only drawback of Thinsulate is its high price. For example, winter jackets based on this insulation are several times more expensive than down jackets.

Caring for products insulated with Thinsulate

Machine washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding +40 °C. It is recommended to wash products with liquid detergents for delicate fabrics. When rinsing after washing, you can use fabric softener. Also allowed dry cleaning products.
At machine washable You should use a gentle mode with a speed of no more than 600 and a gentle spin. When it comes to drying, it's best to dry your washed items at room temperature.

The cold weather is approaching, smart birds fly south for warmth, some of the animals hibernate, despite their thick fur, and we take out winter clothes from the depths of the closet. And sometimes we understand that it has gone out of fashion - oh horror, “they don’t wear this anymore”! Old thing goes to the place, because, of course, it’s a pity to throw it away - suddenly it will come in handy, and we are faced with a serious question - what will we have to buy now, since now in stores there is a huge selection of outer winter clothing, for every taste and budget.
Down jackets, jackets, coats, fur coats... Ideally, you would buy everything, but you usually only have enough money for one thing. A fur coat, of course, is the most expensive option and far from the most convenient and profitable. Fur is expensive nowadays, but its quality leaves much to be desired. You quietly wrinkle the hem of an expensive fur coat in a store - and it rustles, leaves hairs on the palm of your hand, and the fur “breaks.” And it may turn out that after spending a considerable amount (and some people save for winter clothes for a long time, denying themselves many things), you will buy something that will become unusable in one season. Many women who own fur coats complain that after a year the product begins to unravel at the seams, the fur becomes somehow sparse, and where would you go with a torn and even bald fur coat? Again, the cost of the atelier...B public transport It’s uncomfortable in a fur coat, and passengers will start wiping themselves on it (maybe accidentally, but it’s still a shame). You can’t actively walk with your child... It turns out that a fur coat is needed only for beauty - to wear it several times during the winter, and even then you need to look for a quality one and pay a lot of money for it.
do not require investments from several salaries. The purchase of such a jacket will also not entail groans and fainting from the amazed husband who learned about the true cost of the purchased item (such as an expensive fur coat), and besides, such winter clothes no less effective. Genuine Leather has always been valued and looked expensive and status, besides, it “breathes”, does not create greenhouse effect spacesuit (as in winter clothes from artificial materials), hypoallergenic. The fur lining gives incredible warmth, and it is difficult to freeze even in the most severe frost. The fur trim of the hood or fur collar also warms the face, giving the product beauty, style and chic. much simpler than a fur coat - most products are now sold High Quality(which, unfortunately, cannot be said about furs), and chic jackets are in great demand among customers, especially since their price is much lower than the cost of even the most shabby fur coat.
Down jackets. If you choose, then only leather ones, with beautiful finish fur - very beautiful ones are now on sale. They are also very warm, because the skin itself is warm material, and the filling made of down and feathers of waterfowl (mostly, of course, down) will not allow either frost or cold wind to penetrate. – the clothes are practical and at the same time chic. They do not swell and do not make their owner look like balloon, but, on the contrary, they beautifully fit the figure. Light and warm, pleasant to the touch, fashionable and effective, and at the same time wear-resistant, they can become any woman’s favorite item in her winter wardrobe.

Which jacket is better to buy? Should you give preference to a down jacket or buy outerwear with synthetic insulation? Each option has its pros and cons.

Buyers have many requirements for a winter jacket; it must be warm, light and comfortable. But most people don’t know which filler to give preference to. Each manufacturer praises its products, talks in detail about its advantages, while remaining silent about its disadvantages. However, it should be noted that high-quality men's jackets Regardless of the insulation, they will be comfortable and durable.

Advantages and disadvantages of down jackets

In fact, it is impossible to say that any option is better. You just need to choose outerwear in accordance with your lifestyle and financial capabilities. Winter jackets down jackets are suitable for men who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to spend a lot of time outdoors. They are often warmer than synthetic winterizers, but they are also much more expensive.

In addition, down jackets are often not down jackets at all; the manufacturer adds bird feathers to the insulation, which significantly reduces the heat-saving properties. It is quite easy to distinguish such a jacket from a real one; next to the word down there will be the prefix feather. With a down/feather ratio of 80 to 20, the outerwear will be quite warm, but if there is less down, the jacket will be cold and suitable only for cool autumn.

It is more difficult to care for a down jacket; at the end of the season it is advisable to dry clean it. After washing it in washing machine, the fluff may clump together. It is quite difficult to return the jacket to its previous condition. Therefore, if you are willing to put up with the high price and difficulty of care for the sake of additional comfort, then a down jacket is your choice. The main thing, remember, is that you cannot skimp on the quality of jackets; cheap fabric is not dense enough and after a couple of months the fluff can “climb”, and the jacket looks sloppy.

A down jacket from a famous brand will look perfect for many years and will last much longer than any synthetic padding jacket. Therefore, if you do not like to change outerwear every season or two, then feel free to buy a down jacket. And even if you like to buy a lot of things, no one forbids having two, three or even four jackets with natural insulation in your closet.

Jackets with padding polyester insulation

In the case of padding polyester, everything is much simpler. The insulation tolerates numerous washes well and retains its properties for many years. But it is important to remember that synthetic padding can also be different. This insulation can be warm and light, or it can be completely useless, and the jacket will be blown through. Much depends on the manufacturer, e.g. Fred Perry jackets It is produced with insulation, which is as close in properties as possible to down, but does not have the disadvantages of natural filler.

A padded jacket is suitable for an active person who moves a lot and does not have to spend a lot of time in the cold. All other things being equal, such clothes retain heat worse than a down jacket. But often, insulation is enough to make a person feel comfortable. Its price is lower, but it will wear out much faster. After three or four seasons you will need to buy a new jacket.

But for many, this can even be a plus, because the monotony gets boring; having bought an inexpensive model, you can safely exchange it for another. And it’s not a pity, and not a lot of money was spent. And the style changes, you want to change your wardrobe, and enjoy purchasing new clothes. And in the case of branded products, there will definitely be joy from new things.


Separately, it is worth noting jackets for active rest. Not only the choice of filler, but also its quality is of great importance. Professional athletes mainly choose down, but its content must be at least 90 to 10 in relation to feather. Such clothing remains light, warm and does not restrict movement. If you prefer synthetic winterizer, then it is important that the fabric is dense. A membrane that allows you to use a minimum of insulation, creating the effect of a thermos, is perfect. A person is not hot in a warm room and not cold outside at sub-zero temperatures. The combination of well-chosen fabric ensures comfort regardless of the weather. And the weight turns out to be no more than that of a high-quality down jacket.

Because now it's very Cold winter, I suggest watching a video about how not to freeze in winter.