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» Forms and methods of work of the class teacher in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. Active forms of work with students on the formation of a healthy lifestyle Forms and methods of healthy lifestyle

Forms and methods of work of the class teacher in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students. Active forms of work with students on the formation of a healthy lifestyle Forms and methods of healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle- a concept that in the modern world has acquired ambiguous interpretations. For some, a healthy lifestyle is nothing more than a way of self-expression. For others, it is really an attempt to strengthen their body. For the third - a completely incomprehensible abbreviation. In any case, one thing remains true - the creation of a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve the condition of the human body and even increase life expectancy. The absence of a healthy lifestyle, on the contrary, entails a huge number of problems that affect the well-being of a person.

So, today we will touch on a very important topic, which can be denoted by the following wording "Development of a healthy lifestyle."

The basis of a healthy lifestyle

First of all, it is necessary to give a clear definition of the very notorious healthy lifestyle that everyone is talking about. The abbreviation itself stands for "healthy lifestyle". It includes the following items:

  • lack of bad habits;
  • fitness support;
  • adjustment of the daily routine;
  • nutrition adjustment;
  • minimization of stress and its consequences in human life.

Now we need to understand in more detail.

1) The absence of bad habits should be understood as :

  • quitting tobacco smoking;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • abstinence from various kinds of drugs.

These are the main factors that have a serious impact on the state of the human body. However, due to the fact that the methods and means of forming a healthy lifestyle are still not popular, the public knows little about the real harm of their habits. Let's take a look at each point.

* Tobacco smoking causes dependence, which is caused by the cessation of the production of nicotinic acid in the human body. As a result, there is an addiction to smoking. However, along with nicotine, a huge amount of harmful substances enter the body. All of them settle on the surface of the lungs, which leads to significant violations of the oxygen saturation of the body. Additional problems that every smoker has experienced include:

  • vascular damage;
  • worsening of the work of the heart;
  • deterioration in appearance.

In addition, it should be clarified that the hot smoke inhaled by a smoker is a killer for the ciliated epithelium that covers the surface of the lungs. As a result, even after quitting smoking, the lungs cannot be fully restored. However, the timely cessation of smoking can significantly activate the regeneration of available tissues.

You should also consider the effect of smoking on human energy. Since this bad habit is unnatural, it is capable of destroying the human energy field. Energy is spent on the restoration of the body, but restoration is much slower than the processes of damage. Further, the smoker can begin to exploit the energy of people close to him. The consequences will manifest themselves in the form of illness and a significant build-up of tension in relationships.

Alcohol is also a terrible enemy of a healthy lifestyle. The state of alcoholic intoxication can be compared with poisoning, which is caused by intoxication. All human organs are subjected to a severe attack, which is expressed in the cessation of cell nutrition, as well as oxygen deficiency. The most terrible component of alcohol dependence is mental. When a person is intoxicated, his world becomes different. As experienced alcoholics explain their condition, “the world is getting a little better, and I am with it.” It turns out that the rejection of alcohol is equal to a blow to the body and the psyche. However, as soon as a person waits for the moment when all negative influences are neutralized, his condition improves very quickly.

As for the energy component, alcohol can take up to 90% of the total energy supply. A drinking person arbitrarily consumes the energy balance, which cannot be replenished with a frequent state of alcoholic intoxication. As a result, just as in the case of smoking, a person turns into an energy vampire, who, against the background of energy withdrawal, brings only negativity into relationships with loved ones.

Narcotic substances, depending on the type, have the ability to affect most body systems. Psychotropic substances are of particular concern. They can greatly shake the human psyche. Further recovery will be a division into two areas:

  • elimination of harm caused to the body;
  • socialization.

The last point is mandatory, since the addict falls into a chain of events and relationships that adversely affect his condition. The saying that "there are no former drug addicts" refers to a greater extent to the lack of competent socialization. The environment of the drug addict is the same drug addicts who will pull him back into this swamp. Even dependence on "light" drugs (marijuana) can develop into something more. The reasons lie in the need to increase the level of pleasure. When the borders are open, it is very difficult not to try everything that the cuisine of the drug world has to offer.

From the point of view of the energy component, drugs cause the most severe damage. However, timely decisive steps towards a healthy lifestyle can solve this problem.

2) Fitness Support

Our body is our temple. We must treat it with care. In response to our concern, it shows gratitude. It is expressed in endurance, resistance to disease, beauty and other manifestations.

Physical form support can be implemented using various sets of exercises, techniques, and so on.

3) Regulation of the regime of the day is a key link, since the very possibility of developing a healthy lifestyle depends on it. The ordering of each stage is necessary, since it determines the ability of a person to act according to a predetermined order. The result of a clear structuring will be discipline and the absence of stress caused by lack of time.

In the development of a healthy lifestyle, the daily routine is especially relevant, since there are certain time zones that require relaxation.

  • adherence to sleep
  • Ideally, a person should get up and go to bed every day at a certain time. This allows you to adjust the body, as it has its own biological clock. An example would be the beginning of the production of enzymes for the implementation of the digestion of food, which begins in the stomach, according to pre-formed habits.

  • differentiation of working hours and creation of breaks

The lack of a little rest very often leads to a decrease in human efficiency. Even a short break can significantly reduce the load on the body and, as a result, eliminate the possibility of certain problems in its functioning.

4) Power mode should also be corrected. The fact is that even maximum physical activity will not be 100% effective if the body does not receive “building material” for strengthening.

The main nutritional issues that need to be corrected include:

  • eating large amounts of fried foods;
  • replacement of high-carbohydrate drinks (soda, etc.);
  • excessive use of spices and seasonings;
  • lack of plant foods in the diet.

In addition, the diet should be associated with a certain time of eating. So:

  • should make it a rule to have breakfast every day;
  • try to eat at a certain time;
  • refuse food before bedtime;
  • do not eat too fast;
  • Try not to overeat until your stomach is full.

Practice shows that with the beginning of a healthy lifestyle and listening to the needs of the body, you can naturally refuse food surpluses.

5) The main cause of stress in life is work. In an attempt to earn the maximum amount of money, a person turns his body and mind into working tools. Lack of rest and constant work in multitasking mode leaves no chance for rest.

To eliminate stress from life, a certain emotional discharge is necessary.

Physical education as an active auxiliary element

In the question of how to form a healthy lifestyle, physical education plays an indispensable role. With the help of physical education, you can achieve the normalization of most of the body's metabolic processes, as well as significantly strengthen it.

The problem with trying to create a healthy lifestyle with the help of physical education is the lack of understanding of which particular type should be preferred. Today we will consider the 2 most popular types of activity that can improve human health in the shortest possible time and direct it towards the development of a healthy lifestyle. These include:

  • swimming.

Run allows not only to normalize the work of metabolic processes in the body, but also significantly strengthen its tone. Among the benefits that should make you pay attention to running are:

  • pressure normalization;
  • improving the saturation of tissues with nutrients;
  • increased endurance;
  • increased brain activity;
  • boosting immunity.

Doctors recommend jogging in the morning. The recommendation is explained simply: a morning run activates the work of all body systems. A person who runs in the morning will be much more active, his thought processes will flow better. In addition, the resulting tone will allow, contrary to the opinion that morning runs are tiring, to keep the sobriety of the mind longer.

When considering the methods and means of forming a healthy lifestyle, your attention will inevitably attract sooner or later swimming. The fact is that this sport allows you to distribute the load as evenly as possible throughout the body. Most of you have probably heard that swimming allows you to use all muscle groups. This, of course, is not fully true, but the fact that most of them are involved is a fact.

To the benefits of swimming include the following items:

  • lung development;
  • the possibility of creating a load for people with disabilities;
  • the most correct distribution of the load and, accordingly, widespread improvements in the functioning of the body;
  • the possibility of modifying and complicating loads.

In addition to swimming, a wide range of exercises can be performed in the water. Water resistance is a natural trainer that can, even without additional frills, become a solution for strengthening muscle tone.

It turns out that swimming can be part of the main formation of a healthy lifestyle, since improving the physical condition of the body naturally contributes to the rejection of addictions.

Thus, the concept of HLS is quite multifaceted. The coverage of all its components, to some extent, is possible thanks to yoga.

Yoga as a basis for the development of a healthy lifestyle

Yoga has been singled out in a separate category, as it is not just a sport or a healthy diet. This is a set of decisions that lead to the normalization of the state of the human body and his soul. In other words, this is a real healthy lifestyle! Perhaps there is no other direction that could boast such a vast area of ​​influence.

However, for most, yoga is an ephemeral concept. Someone believes that it is just a strange exercise, during which people take eccentric poses with their eyes closed. Others - that this is nothing more than a charge for the lazy. There are many opinions, but let's look at the true reasons for the benefits of yoga.

Representatives of the direction itself position yoga as a system of self-improvement. Initially, yoga appeared as the art of forming moral and ethical aspects that allowed a person to reach heights in many areas of life. The first practices taught a person not just self-control, but the most real techniques for knowing their real abilities through spiritual development.

In the modern interpretation, new yoga practices have been added to the spiritual practices of yoga, aimed at shaping the culture of not only the soul, but also the body. Today yoga offers many directions. Each is unique in its own way, but our task is to find common qualities that, thanks to yoga, are best reflected in human health. To highlight them, we need to determine the features that distinguish yoga from other areas of work on the soul and body. These include:

  • full static exercise;
  • emphasis on breathing techniques;
  • gradual increase in load.
  1. Full statics is a necessary attribute, since the art of yoga consists of sets of exercises that are postures. Each posture carries a load on a certain group of muscles, which, due to contraction and proper breathing, receive the appropriate load.
  2. The breathing technique involves the elimination of stagnant air from the lungs by slow inhalations and exhalations, produced with a certain effort. Such exercises allow you to achieve the correct concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the cells receive the best nutrition, which has a positive effect on mental and physical abilities.
  3. A gradual increase in load is achieved due to the possibility of developing new muscle groups. Regardless of the specific direction of yoga, each has a certain benefit for working on oneself.

If a person decides to engage in the development of a healthy lifestyle, yoga will be an effective way for him to achieve his goal. However, there is one more area to consider, namely the eradication of bad habits. Truly high development results in yoga can only be achieved through strict adherence to its postulates, which include the complete rejection of everything that can negatively affect the body.

Realization of a healthy lifestyle with yoga after bad habits

At the moment when a person has made a decision for himself that he needs to practice yoga and overcome his bad habits, a new era of his life begins. The main thing here is not to lose the incentive to move. To do this, you need to create certain reminders. For example, a girl wants to quit smoking. She knows that due to smoking, her skin tone becomes sandy, that her hands tremble due to a negative effect on the circulatory system, and even the inability to ride a bicycle for a long time due to shortness of breath is also a consequence of a bad habit.

To do this, it is necessary to compile a list of advantages that can be achieved by overcoming a bad habit.

As a rule, for female representatives, appearance plays a special role. In this case, it can be a reduction in wrinkles and an improvement in appearance (healthy skin color, no bags under the eyes, improved hair and nail growth). The most interesting thing is that all these pluses are true, since there is not a single system in the body that would not suffer from smoking!

Quitting smoking can proceed as painlessly as possible for the psyche and the body as a whole thanks to yoga. By regulating the work of the lungs during exercise, you can not only cleanse the body of the effects of smoking, but also activate its resources.

Another example: a young man who likes to drink. It is worth remembering the number of accidents that occurred due to the fault of alcohol (especially true for motorists). Or take the issue of having children. If he already has a child, it is worth thinking about the negative example that he adopts from his father. If there are no children yet, you need to remember that alcohol can deprive a man of the possibility of procreation.

Refusal of alcohol, associated with the beginning of yoga classes, will reduce emotional stress, as well as speed up the regeneration processes. The natural result will be a quick victory over addiction and strengthening of the body.

Education and development of a healthy lifestyle in children

The habits we carry on from childhood are the strongest. They are laid deep in the subcortex of the brain, and therefore it is almost impossible to get rid of them. It has been proven that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are best introduced in childhood.

These include:

  • demonstration of a correct example;
  • Information support;
  • incentive component.

Parents are not the only ones who should be role models. Every child needs a hobby. Try to make sure that it involves physical activity. A reasonable solution would be to enroll your child in a sports school. As you grow, the realization that the achievement of a result directly depends on its physical form will be an incentive to refuse harmful influences.

Information support should be understood as explanatory work. Explain to your child why smoking is bad and eating vegetables is good.

Encouragement - showing pride in adhering to the established framework of a healthy lifestyle. A positive reaction will strengthen the understanding in the mind of the child that a healthy lifestyle is good!

In the education and development of a healthy lifestyle in children, yoga also has a wide range of applications. The early start of practices allows you to independently "cultivate" your body. The child will grow in perfect harmony with his body. Learn to understand all his signals, which in adulthood is a significant plus, allowing you to avoid most diseases.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle is your key to success at any age. Paying attention to its development in yourself and loved ones, you thereby improve the quality of the standard of living.

1.3 Forms and methods of forming knowledge about a healthy lifestyle among younger students

Chapter 2

2.2 Program for the 3rd year of study "We want to be healthy"


The problem of educating a healthy generation is now becoming increasingly important. Many factors influence the deterioration of health, including the wrong attitude of the population towards their health and the health of their children.

The results of scientific research (V.F. Bazarny, Brekhman I.I., L.G. Tatarnikova and others) indicate that the trend of deterioration in the health of schoolchildren that has developed in previous years has taken on a sustainable character. As a result of the analysis of the medical records of future first-graders, it was found that most of the children had a visual impairment, in the second place - a violation of posture, in the third place - the presence of chronic diseases and very few children were recognized as practically healthy. This situation is due to the deterioration of the socio-economic and economic situation, the aggravation of the problems of rational nutrition, heredity, and overload of children. Research results have shown that children spend a lot of time at the computer, near the TV, lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The deterioration in the health of school-age children in Russia has become not only a medical, but also a serious pedagogical problem. The swiftness with which the crisis phenomena in this sphere of life are growing is striking. One of the reasons for this is the way of life of families where children are brought up today. In most families, so-called risk factors can be found: chronic infectious diseases, unbalanced nutrition, low physical activity, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, etc. In this case, often there is not one, but a combination of several factors in the family.

Students and their parents have not formed a value attitude towards their health, which is explained by insufficient promotion of pedagogical and medical knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

The formation of a healthy personality of a child has always interested scientists (see the works of I.I. Brekhman, L.S. Vygotsky, G.K. Zaitsev, P.F. Lesgaft, N.I. Pirogov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky [ 31 ] , L. G. Tatarnikova [32, 33], K. D. Ushinsky, etc.). The development of school programs for teaching a healthy lifestyle began in the late 70s - early 80s of the twentieth century. However, despite the considerable efforts invested in the development and implementation of programs, the results were much lower than expected. This was explained both by the difficulty of changing behavioral habits (many of them are formed in early childhood and are therefore very stable), and by the unpreparedness of teachers for health education activities.

Since the mid-90s of the twentieth century, many scientific works of the educational and health-improving direction have appeared, exploring: the organization of the educational process and readiness for schooling, the hygiene of teaching and educating schoolchildren, risk factors for the health of children and adolescents when studying at school, school valeological work .

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to suggest that one of the possible solutions to the problem of the deterioration in the health of younger schoolchildren is the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Purpose of the study: to identify effective forms and methods of forming knowledge about a healthy lifestyle among younger students.

Object of study: knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Subject of study: forms and methods of formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Research hypothesis:

It seems that the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle will be successful when using methods and techniques that are appropriate for the age development of younger students, namely games, quizzes, competitions, holidays, health lessons, sports competitions.

Research objectives:

1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic.

2. Describe the main concepts of the study: "health", "healthy lifestyle".

3. Reveal the age characteristics of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle of younger students.

4. Develop criteria for the formation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

5. To identify and experimentally test the effectiveness of forms and methods of forming knowledge about a healthy lifestyle among younger students.

Research methods: observation, questioning, testing, pedagogical experiment.


1.1 The essence of the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle"

Improving the health status of the new generation is the most important task of our time, in the complex solution of which it is impossible to do without a comprehensive school. Teachers, together with parents, health workers, psychologists and the public, need to organize school activities in such a way that students improve their health and graduate from school healthy. At the same time, the school is obliged to form in the child the need to be healthy, to lead a healthy lifestyle. To do this, teachers need to have a clear understanding of the essence of the concepts of "health" and "healthy lifestyle", which are widely used in the system of concepts of modern education.

There is no unambiguous and comprehensive definition of the concept of health. Based biomedical signs of N.M. Amosov points out: “Health is the natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with the environment and the absence of any painful phenomena.”

Taking into account the same signs, G.I. Tsaregorodtsev believes that "health is a harmonious course of various metabolic processes between the body and the environment, the result of which is a coordinated metabolism within the body itself." In this context, health is presented as a natural harmonious state of the body with the normal course of metabolic processes in it, excluding any painful phenomena.

FROM evolutionary and ecological positions D.D. Venediktov reveals the meaning of the concept of health as a dynamic balance of the body with the surrounding natural and social environments, in which all the abilities inherent in the biological and social essence of a person are most fully manifested and all vital subsystems of the human body function with the maximum possible intensity, and the overall combination of these functions is maintained. at the optimal level from the point of view of the integrity of the organism and the need for its rapid and adequate adaptation to the continuously changing natural and social environment.

FROM sociological point of view, health is a measure of social activity and the activity attitude of the human individual to the world. Developing this idea, I.I. Brekhman believes that such an attitude should first of all be manifested in the system of improving the quality of the environment, maintaining one's own health and the health of other people.

AT psychology are of the opinion that health is not the absence of a disease, but rather its reflection, in the sense of overcoming: health is not only a state of the body, but also a strategy for human life.

V.P. Kaznacheev expresses the meaning of the concept of human health from the position integrated approach. He believes that health is "a dynamic state (process) of the preservation and development of biological, physiological and mental functions, optimal working capacity and social activity with a maximum life expectancy" .

Thus, in the literature, the essence of the concept of "health" is presented in different ways, depending on the criteria that determine the basis for its expression. In a generalized form, this concept can be characterized as a capacious system that contains a set of criteria that are correlated with the requirements of the general culture of mankind.

In our opinion, health- this is a state in which the full implementation of the biological, mental, social, economic, spiritual functions of a person and society, as well as optimal working capacity and activity with a maximum life expectancy, which are determined by the level of development of universal, state, regional and national values ​​of culture.

concept "health" inseparable from the concept "Lifestyle", which is defined as a sustainable way of life that has developed in certain socio-economic conditions, manifested in their work, leisure, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, norms of communication and behavior.

Lifestyle predetermines the mechanisms of adaptation of the human body to environmental conditions, the harmonious interaction of all organs and organ systems, which contributes to the full fulfillment of social functions and the achievement of a long life. The way of life is also the fruit of man's cultural creativity and the result of his free choice.

Yurkova Elena Vyacheslavovna, Chief Librarian of the Maintenance Department of the State Budgetary Institution of Health of the Ryazan Regional Children's Library

Game forms of work in carrying out activities to promote a healthy lifestyle

The need to be healthy is a basic human need. It must be ensured in society by the constitutional right to life, therefore, society is obliged to create a certain minimum of conditions designed to protect the health of its citizen. General human health consists of physical, mental and social health. All these "kinds" of health are closely related. Thus, mental health is based on the foundation of the physical, moral and social health is based on the mental. “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” they said in ancient Sparta.
In Russia, now only less than 10% of school graduates can be considered healthy. According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology, during the period of schooling in children, the frequency of visual impairment and posture increases 5 times, 4 - neuropsychiatric abnormalities, 3 - pathology of the digestive system, i.e. already existing deviations in the state of health become chronic.
The program "Being healthy is stylish!" has been working in our library for 5 years. And during this time we can already talk about how much it is in demand. It is pleasant to note that the schools of our city actively involve the library with the activities of the program in holding decades and months of health. The demand for events is also due to the fact that most of them are based on the use of game forms of library work.

Program objectives:

To form in schoolchildren ideas about responsibility for their own health and the health of others;
. To form the basis for critical thinking in relation to knowledge, skills and practical actions aimed at maintaining health;
. Provide students with the necessary information to form their own strategies and technologies to maintain and improve health;
. Expand and diversify the interaction of the library, school, parents and society in the context of health promotion.

The business of the library is to engage precisely in informing about the preventive literature available in its arsenals, and not to try to replace doctors, psychologists, and narcologists. Ancient oriental wisdom says: “Let the sick and suffering one pick up a book - there are no stronger medicines in the world.”
Alas, we have to admit that, despite the efforts made by doctors, lawyers, teachers, the number of children and adolescents using intoxicating substances continues to grow. And here the mission of a librarian, as a carrier of information, having different tools for presenting this information, becomes, as experience shows, very much in demand.
To make sure that schoolchildren, forgetting about their teenage nihilism, from third-party listeners who came to the event at the behest of the teacher, become active participants in what is happening - this is perhaps one of the main tasks that I set myself when preparing for the event. Therefore, the events combine different forms of library work - games, discussions, creative tasks, elements of a dispute, quizzes are combined with a conversation, elements of a lecture, and all this is supported by an audiovisual series.
In my speech, I will try to dwell on some events.

Information hour "Experiment of a lifetime: sport in the life of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov".

This event appeared at the request of Gymnasium No. 2 of our city. Our fellow countryman, a physiologist, Nobel laureate I.P., studied at this educational institution. Pavlov. And now it bears his name. Everyone is well aware that Ivan Petrovich was an avid city dweller, but not everyone knows that he was fond of gymnastics, cycling, walking, swimming, hardening, did a lot for the development of the so-called mass physical education classes. One must see the eyes of younger schoolchildren when they listen to a story about this side of the life of a great physiologist. During the preparation of the event, I was greatly helped by the publications of a sports journalist and publicist, the author of the subject "Sports Local History", which is taught at the Ryazan State University. S.A. Yesenin at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Igor Iosifovich Burachevsky.

Conversation with elements of the oral hygiene game "Journey to the Toothbrush Galaxy"

During this lesson, the children will learn: what teeth are, how people at different times and in different countries relate to the prevention of the oral cavity, check and replenish their knowledge of hygiene, and of course, given the psychological characteristics of younger students, all this is accompanied by creative and playful tasks. It should be noted that before the start of the lesson, the class is divided into 2-3 teams.

Educational game tic-tac-toe on a healthy lifestyle "You will be healthy - you will get everything"

The game "You will be healthy - you will get everything!" designed for students in grades 5-7, built on the principle of the popular game "Tic-tac-toe".
Targets and goals:
- Introduction to the norms of a healthy lifestyle
- Promoting the development of creative, communicative abilities of children.
- Development of horizons
- Acquisition of group work skills.
- Identify the components of human health and establish their relationship.
Rules of the game: The players are divided into two teams "X" and "O". As in the usual "Tic-Tac-Toe", a 3x3 field is drawn. The task of each team is to build either a diagonal, or a vertical, or a horizontal line from their symbols faster than the opponents. Each sector of the field has its own name (“Myth or Truth”, “Erudite”, “Council of the Wise”, etc.) The “X” team has the right of the first move. Both teams answer the questions of the sector, but the right of the first answer belongs to the team whose captain raised his hand first. If the team won the round, it puts its badge on the playing field in this sector. The next sector is opened by the team that lost the round.
Before the start of the game in each playing field, students are given a brief introductory information. And after answering the question, the librarian completes the answer of the students, thus strengthening the knowledge of the students.
Sector Myth or Truth
- A healthy person is one who is cheerful, active, inquisitive, resistant to adverse environmental factors, hardy and strong, with a high level of physical and mental development.
There are many reasons why there is a deviation in human health. This includes malnutrition, the presence of any diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, and much more. It often happens that many of the assumptions taken as an axiom, in fact, have no specific basis.
In this sector, you have to debunk the myths associated with bad habits and give them an accurate interpretation.
1. Smoking helps to relax when a person is nervous.
(MYTH, because nicotine is highly addictive.
It affects the activity of the brain, leads to a change in mood.)
2. Tobacco is a drug.
(TRUE: The nicotine in tobacco is addictive.)
3. Alcohol is a stimulant, its use leads to an increase in good spirits. (MYTH, because alcohol is a depressant. It depresses the activity of the brain.)

Intellectual and educational game on healthy lifestyle "Remember and do not repeat"

Rules of the game:
1. Five teams take part in the game. The winner is the one who first collects five stars, or if no one has collected five stars, the one with the most stars. Stark tokens can be exchanged for stars
2. At the beginning of the competition, the team calls any number on the playing field, for example, B-5, then the game develops by itself. The leader turns over the square with the named number. On the reverse side of the square is a sign:
A star is a question of increased complexity. If the answer is correct, the player receives a token - a STAR.
Circle - a question, by answering which the team receives 3 tokens - healthy. For 10 tokens - ZHIkov you can buy one star.
Cross - a question-blitz. All commands are answered. Correctly answered - receive 1 token - HLS.
There are signs on the playing field - traps:
Arrow - opens a nearby square in the direction of the arrow.
Lightning - the team loses all health tokens.
Black hole - the team skips a turn. You can pay off the "black hole" by donating a star or 5 ZOZHIkov.
Star Questions (10)
1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)
2. Why are all organs of a smoker on "starvation oxygen rations"? (Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke binds to hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in carboxyhemoglobin that cannot carry oxygen.)
Questions for getting three tokens - healthy people (15)
1. What diseases of the respiratory system are caused by smoking?
(bronchitis; tracheal cancer; lung cancer.)
15. Name the birthplace of tobacco: (South America)
Questions for obtaining one token - healthy lifestyle (7)
1. How long after a puff does nicotine appear in brain tissues?
- 10 minutes;
- 7 seconds;
- 1,5 hour.
2. What bad habit and why does obliterating endarteritis cause a person's disease, in which the vascular system of the legs is affected, sometimes until the vessels are completely closed and gangrene?
- smoking;
- excessive consumption of beer;
- addiction.

Intellectual game about bad habits for high school students "HLS-darts"

Several teams take part in the game, each of which is given tokens of a certain color. On the scoreboard - a circle - darts in color thematic sectors under the numbers there are cards with questions. Players take turns drawing a question number. If the answer is given correctly, then the color token of the team that gave the correct answer is placed on the scoreboard in place of the question card.
The game circle-darts looks like this:
. historical sector
How were smokers dealt with in England during the reign of Elizabeth the First?
Smokers were equated with thieves and led through the streets with a rope around their necks.
. Literary sector
In ancient times, it was believed that tobacco is healing, it was considered a stimulant and sedative. With the help of smoking, they tried to treat toothache and headache, some skin diseases. One well-known literary work by a foreign writer describes how the main character tried to be treated for a fever with the help of tobacco. “... and suddenly I remembered that the inhabitants of Brazil are treated with tobacco for almost all diseases; meanwhile, in one of my chests there were several packs: one large pack of finished tobacco, and the rest of loose tobacco.<…>I did not know how tobacco was used against diseases, I did not even know whether it helped against fever; so I made several experiments in the hope that one way or another its effect should manifest itself.<...>My tobacco treatment has probably never before been used against fever; Having experienced it myself, I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone. True, it stopped the fever, but at the same time it terribly weakened me, and for some time I suffered from convulsions throughout my body and nervous tremors. ” What is the name of the literary hero, author and title of the book? Robinson Crusoe from the book by D. Defoe

Intellectual sector
Does nicotine provide any benefit? Yes, it is used as an insecticide - a substance that kills harmful insects

Practical sector (blitz questions)
The harm caused by nicotine affects more than just the smokers themselves. US scientists have found that taxes from the tobacco industry amount to $ 8 billion, and losses due to reduced work capacity, illness and premature death are ....
- 7 billion dollars
- 10 billion dollars
- $19 billion

Theoretical sector
They say one drop of nicotine kills a horse. What is the lethal dose of nicotine for humans? 2-3 drops or 50-100 mg. It is this dose that enters the bloodstream after smoking 20-25 cigarettes. The smoker does not die just because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go.

Multimedia conversations with elements of the business game "Beer front", "Stop and think!", "Running in a circle"

These activities are of great interest to high school students. And this is facilitated by their involvement in dialogue, discussion during the event.
Many of the activities on a healthy lifestyle are in demand in the subprogram “Interaction between schoolchildren and judges in the prevention of drug addiction, neglect and delinquency among minors” of the regional project “Meet the Russian Judicial System”. A special category of schoolchildren from the so-called "risk group", i.e. prone to committing offenses - the target audience of this subproject. Teenage nihilism, gaps in family education makes this group of teenagers difficult to communicate with. Therefore, we tried to find such methods in the events prepared by us in order to interest the children, give them the opportunity to assess the situation in which they find themselves and draw appropriate conclusions. Prepared interactive conversations with elements of the business game "Substance abuse", "Beer front", "Let's talk about drug addiction", etc. allow the children not only to get information, but also to become participants in the discussion themselves. Immediately after the meeting in the library, "in hot pursuit", the students go on an excursion to the anatomical museum of the Ryazan State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova. Such an algorithm of actions, as further analysis of the work showed, has a positive value.

Irina Romanova
Forms and methods of education in children of the concepts and values ​​of a healthy lifestyle

Health child is the main problem that worries both parents and educators. Important in childhood form proper attitude towards health, instill skills healthy lifestyle. In the preschool period, the formation of personality takes place, the basic skills for formation of a healthy lifestyle. Adults should help the child learn to consciously relate to his health and life acquire knowledge about health and acquire the skills to protect, maintain and preserve it. Content work in acquaintance with the outside world, a significant place is occupied by conducting cognitive classes with children, where children get acquainted with elementary scientific knowledge about the structure of the body, with the basics of first aid for injuries, and safety of behavior.

Tasks formation of a healthy lifestyle are solved in all types of children's activities. Taking into account clearly figurative the nature of the thinking of preschoolers, the main material must be presented with the help of visual and practical methods, for this, such methods as observation, examination, self-examination, experiment and own productive activity children.

It is important to improve knowledge children about the names and locations of the different sense organs and parts of the body. Such Work starts at a young age. You can use games like "Hide your nose"(or eyes, ears, etc., "washer" (wash hands, ears, nose). At the same time, children imitate the movements of washing various parts of the body. It is important to use illustrations, finger games, read folk rhymes, and sing songs. During this period, it is important to focus on children on the sense organs and parts of the body, to consolidate knowledge about them.

Older preschoolers are more actively involved in the norms healthy lifestyle. Representation children about health, the body and its needs, methods of hardening, the prevention of injuries, various diseases, the harmful effects of bad habits are enriched in a fascinating visual and practical form of study. At this age, the amount of material studied increases significantly, and the topics of children's research become broader. "How We Breathe", How do our organs help each other?, "Our friends are vitamins", "My computer is my friend", “In order not to get sick in winter, you need to harden yourself”

Research activities include self-examination method. So, when studying the appearance, children conduct experiments to study the structure of the skin, stretch it, examine it under a magnifying glass. study finger drawings. In the process, the children understood the importance of hygiene procedures for their body. The process of such classes includes tasks of a research nature that encourage children to independent and mental activity, activating thinking, creative imagination, ingenuity. For example: how to act if there is no water for washing hands, how to filter the water.

Lessons health education not only tolerance and empathy for people with disabilities health but also make you take care of your own health. Invite the children to close their eyes and walk (with support to feel what a blind person feels - very effective method for that so that children do not overwork while sitting at the computer.

The use of didactic games such as "What does it sound like?""What instrument (or item) sounds, "Whose voice?", "Smell", lead children to conclusion that every sense organ vital to man, help to learn more about the world around and its loss creates big problems for the person and the people around him. When children were able to freely show their sense organs and body parts, to explain their significance for a person, it is necessary understand how these organs are arranged, how they function and what features they have. Children really like and remember the experience when they are invited to move for some time without bending their arms and legs.

Mastering the experience of caring for your senses and body parts is the next important step in work. Conversations - How to protect your assistants?, "Does our body have enemies?". Help in the work is rendered by verses K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, V. Mayakovsky and other writers. Children find themselves "enemies" organism: dirt, temperature difference, noise, incorrect lighting. The purpose of these conversations is to evoke children the desire to take care of your body, to teach ways to take care of yourself. To save health you need to learn how to control your body.

In this work it is important to make parents your allies, because children has a family upbringing. An important role is played by conversations, consultations, where parents receive not only theoretical advice, but also acquire practical skills in conducting with children. healthy lifestyle work(for example, healing massage, self-massage techniques, acupressure for colds, gymnastics for the eyes, pronouncing healing sounds, hardening the body, breathing exercises). It is important to convince parents to spend more time outdoors with their child. control his stay near the computer, TV, devote more time to physical raising a child. This union of parents and educator contributes to the continuity of the kindergarten and the family in the physical preschool education. An experience work in a preschool institution allows us to conclude that in the process of joint research activities of teachers, children and parents can successfully solve problems successfully formation preschoolers have the skills and abilities of independent cognitive and creative work, the emergence and development of children interest in a healthy lifestyle, increasing the level of knowledge on culture health, interaction skills with adults and peers.

Receptions and methods of working with children to promote a healthy lifestyle:

Conversations and stories educator

Reading and memorizing poems

Simulation of various situations

Examination of books, plot and subject pictures.

- Conducting games: Role-playing




Physical minutes

Self massage

Finger and breathing exercises.


Master class for teachers

"Organization and holding of events with parents on healthy lifestyle"

Prepared by the teacher:

Easy Yu.Yu

Maykop 2018

1 part. Introduction.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again:
Health care is the most important
the work of an educator. from cheerfulness,
the vigor of children depends on their spiritual life,
outlook, mental development,
strength of knowledge, faith in one's own strength.

In the era of computer technology, there is a tendency for the health of children to deteriorate. The formation of a healthy lifestyle in a child is unthinkable without the active participation of educators and parents in this process.

Part 2 is theoretical.

The interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family should be systemic. The system of such interaction consists of various forms of work, the common goal of which is to establish collaborative relations with parents. As for the purpose of the work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, this is the establishment of cooperation with parents in the field of children's health improvement. As you know, the development and upbringing of a child largely depends on the adults who surround him, and on what example they set with their behavior. Therefore, a conscious attitude to their own health and the health of children, first of all, must be formed in parents. This goal is achieved by solving specific tasks:
- expansion of parents' ideas about the psychophysical characteristics of a child of a certain age;
- motivating parents to study the health of their child, strengthening their faith in the potential;
- mastering by parents of traditional and non-traditional ways of improving children's health;
- implementation of a system of joint activities to preserve, strengthen and shape children's health.

The unity of the preschool educational institution and the family in matters of preserving the health of children is achieved if the goals and objectives of raising a healthy child are well understood not only by educators, but also by parents; when the family is familiar with the basic content, methods and techniques of physical education and health work in kindergarten, and teachers use the best experience in family education.

Practice shows that one of the main ways to increase the interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is the use of non-traditional forms and means of working with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.

There are various forms of work with parents: collective, individual, visual and informational. A creative informal approach of teachers to the issue of organizing interaction with parents is desirable. It is important to remember that parents need not only theoretical information, but, most importantly, practical skills. Therefore, it is advisable to organize various workshops for parents, where they can gain some pedagogical experience.

The main collective form of work with the family still remains such a form as parent meetings. (sch)

I want to tell you more about non-traditionalcollective ways of working with families:

Among them are the functioning advisory points on the problem of valeological education, (u)

conferences for parents on the exchange of experience in the organization of rational leisure for children, motor mode, optimal nutrition;

workshops on the revival of national traditions of valeological content in families.

Meetings of discussion clubs provide for various topics and forms of work, including, for example:

lecture-consultation"Folk pedagogy about a healthy lifestyle",

discussion"The role of parents in shaping and strengthening the health of children",

question and answer evening"What is valeological education and how to implement it at home?",

round table"Let's figure out together what prevents our children from being healthy."

It is very important to use visual and informational forms of work with the families of pupils.

Information communication between the teacher and parents is carried out at the expense of visual aids. In order to attract the attention of parents are used: booklets; newspapers; (they can be both group and published by a creative group of kindergarten teachers), information leaflets.

When using visual-informational forms, it is desirable to solve pedagogical problems and tasks for parents with valeological content. These tasks can be logical, the main goal of which is to stimulate the activity of parents, to independently acquire pedagogical valueological knowledge, skills, comprehend the important provisions of pedagogical valueology, and raise children in the family. Logical tasks help to analyze, compare with the practical activities of raising children in the family and in a preschool institution, draw conclusions, notice prospects and ways to improve valeological education.

Practical tasks (For example: parents are offered a complex of morning exercises to music, or “Weekend tradition: going to the forest (to the pool, to the lake, skiing”) helps parents form and develop pedagogical skills and apply them in specific situations of raising children in the family These can be studies of specific conditions for raising children, studying the causes of shortcomings in upbringing and developing on this basis measures to improve the educational process in the family and preschool educational institution.

Learning objectives (For example: to acquaint parents with the Nikitin hardening system) are widely used by teachers in the system of parental universal education. Performing such tasks, parents individually or collectively analyze the literature on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, discuss pedagogical situations, and suggest ways and means to improve the valeological education of children.

To involve parents in the life of a kindergarten, the following are used:

    open days,

    Joint celebrations and entertainment (For example: “Mom, dad, I am a sports family” or “Growing up strong and healthy”)

    showing open classes or regime moments for parents.

I would also like to talk about individual forms of work with the family.

to individual The forms of work include joint activities of a teacher - parent - child. Project activities are very popular when parents become full partners in solving any problems.

Also, parents are involved in the joint implementation of the recommendations of the teacher on the development of any individual qualities of the child, in the design of albums, games, manuals (Diary-healthy family ..., or my family’s business card), as well as the design of the album of the group “Sort, sport, sport !!!"

By systematizing and combining the forms of work of the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution and the family, one can be convinced that there is no such part of the pedagogical process in which it would be impossible to include content on preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Valeology expands, diversifies the forms and methods of the technology of the pedagogical process and family education, makes it possible to widely use games, physical exercises, interesting intellectual tasks, conduct walks, hygiene procedures, and classes.

However, this does not mean at all that parents at home, from day to day, every hour, must explain valeological knowledge to children. We must beware of the loss of children's interest in valeological knowledge for overloading their inaccessible information, the lack of practical conviction of the importance of the acquired knowledge for self-development and self-improvement.

It is very important that each discovery for a child, a miracle, previously unknown, calls for introspection, further development. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a positive result, to develop in children a clear and constant desire to be healthy, dexterous, vigorous, cheerful, to make health a subject of constant concern for the child, and not just for parents. The child learns to analyze every phenomenon, action in terms of usefulness or harmfulness, learns to value life and health, which is the main task of a preschool educational institution and a family.

Modern parents, on the one hand, are quite educated people, and on the other hand, they are poorly informed on issues of pedagogy, psychology, physiology and other areas of knowledge.

Parents can receive psychological and pedagogical information from a variety of sources: periodicals, television and radio programs, popular science literature, Internet. But do all the parents in your group take advantage of these opportunities? A more accessible way is to communicate with you, dear teachers. And it depends on us what kind of person today's baby will become.

Part 3 is practical.

And now I want to invite you to draw up a plan for working with parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Let me remind you that for work you can use those forms of work with parents that you see on the screen (2nd slide).

Advisory point;





Evening of questions and answers;

Round table "Let's see what prevents a child from being healthy";

Booklets, newspapers;

Information leaflets, leaflets that contain some tasks for parents.

An open day or a demonstration of some regime moments or elements of health-saving technology;

Joint celebrations and entertainment;

Making a family album or a group album.

I would also like to add forms such as:

Questioning - revealing the level of knowledge of parents on this issue (y)

Interviewing - revealing the child's attitude to this issue (n).

Master classes - for example: “How to do morning exercises with children” or “How to make sports equipment from waste material” (u);

Entertainment for children, to which parents are invited as spectators;

Also, parents can be offered weekend traditions - for example, “Going to the pool with the whole family” (w) - every weekend during the month, the families of the pupils visit the pool, bring photos, share their impressions.

Teachers draw up a plan of work with parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Part 4 - reflection.

In conclusion of our master class, I would like to ask you what new did you learn today? What forms of work with parents are closest and familiar to you? What forms of work with parents interested you and would you like to apply them in your practice?

Thank you for your attention! Good luck with your work!