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» Standing ab wheel. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel, gymnastics for beginners. Exercises for advanced people with photos

Standing ab wheel. Exercises with a gymnastic wheel, gymnastics for beginners. Exercises for advanced people with photos

There is a fairly common belief that to get an excellent figure you need to systematically go to the gym or do some kind of training. Lessons are talked about at home in passing and quite little, although this option is much cheaper and does not require travel time. It’s quite possible to replace expensive exercise equipment, or with less expensive and bulky exercise equipment. The main thing in home exercises is to exercise exactly according to the recommendations in order to avoid injury or lack of results.

What is the name of the ab wheel?

There is a sports wheel with handles for abdominal exercises. This simulator is quite easy to find in any sports store. They call it by different names, ab roller, ab wheel, gymnastic wheel, gymnastic roller, but under all the names that are similar in meaning there is one exercise machine. The only thing is that some of these sports equipment have not one, but two wheels. This is justified by the fact that such a gymnastic roller becomes more stable and, accordingly, more comfortable.

What muscles are used during training?

The gymnastic roller is one of those things that is both practical and useful. Transverse, rectus, oblique, in general, all abdominal muscles work at full strength when using an abdominal roller with maximum impact. Thanks to the exercise machine, not only the abdominal muscles are developed. The back muscles also take part in the process. It should also be noted that the muscles of the arms, chest, buttocks and legs work, although not with such effort.

Such a number of muscles involved gives excellent and quick results, if, of course, you train systematically and constantly. Any professional fitness instructor will tell you that best result can only be achieved with a load on all muscles. And with one such sports equipment it is quite possible to develop several muscle groups at once.
With regular use of the ab roller, the body will become more sculpted and stronger, the skin will be elastic, and in addition, many problem areas will be resolved, for example, the lower abdomen.

How to properly pump up your abs with a sports wheel

It should be taken into account that at first, for many, long exercises with this apparatus are not only difficult, but even seem unrealistic. But if you make an effort and constantly train, the benefits will become noticeable and the effort and effort expended will not be in vain.

To begin with, you should change into comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, and remove all jewelry that could interfere or injure you during training. If necessary, create a hairstyle that will not interfere with exercise. It is advisable to lay a special soft mat for sports, but any other alternative to a mat is quite suitable.

One of the main conditions for working with sports equipment is breathing. With proper breathing, a person gets tired more slowly, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and as a result, exercise becomes more effective. When bending over, you need to inhale air, and when returning to the starting position, exhale it. It's better to breathe through your nose.

It is advisable to warm up your muscles before using the machine. Any exercise aimed at warming up is suitable for this. A simple warm-up will reduce the risk of muscle strain and simply prepare the body for heavier exercise.

For unprepared person Ten repetitions of each exercise will be enough, gradually the number should be increased, the main thing is to maintain the golden mean, because if you do not increase the load, the result will remain the same. Well, overdoing it can cause harm to your health.

First, you should practice resting on your knees, and over time, this period takes a certain amount of training for everyone, you can rest on your feet. Also, you should not roll out the wheel too far at first, otherwise you may not be able to hold the wheel. That is, the wheel will roll forward and it will be very difficult to keep from falling.

Contraindications include problems with the spine and cardiovascular system. Depending on the severity of the disease, you should either use the exercise machine while kneeling, or completely abandon such a simulator.

Exercises with a simulator for pumping the abs

Starting position: while kneeling, take the exercise machine comfortably and lean on the floor. Next, you need to slowly roll the wheel until maximum distance forward, hold the body in this position for several seconds, and smoothly return to the starting position.

  • Lying on your stomach and holding a roller in your hands, you need to stretch out in front. While resting on the projectile, you need to roll it as close to yourself as possible and bend over. In this case, the arms should be extended and the legs pressed to the floor throughout the entire exercise. Returning to the starting position, you can rest for a few seconds.
  • You need to stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Holding the roller in your hands, lower yourself down and smoothly roll the wheel forward along the floor. Remembering to put pressure on the machine, try to move forward as much as possible. Freeze for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • For the next exercise, you need to sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Place the wheel to your right. By pressing down on it with your hands and bending your body, roll it as far as you can. Return to IP. Perform the same movements on the left side. Don't forget that you can't bend your legs.
  • To perform another exercise, you need to lie on the floor and bend your legs. Having placed the handles of the wheel under your feet, you need to roll it with your feet. The further the projectile moves, the more your body should bend (your chest touches your knees in any case). P. Take a break for a couple of seconds and continue. The starting position is to sit on the floor with your legs extended together. Without bending your legs, you should roll the wheel out as far as possible.

It is advisable to exercise with such a simulator at least 4 times a week, and the results will not be long in coming!

Video: how a woman can exercise with a gymnastic roller

The video shows one of the most common and popular exercises using sports equipment - wheels with handles. Despite the apparent complexity, this exercise very effective, allows you to work various groups muscles. Before starting a workout, it is recommended to warm up the muscles to eliminate the possibility of injury.

Video: exercise with a fitness wheel for abs for men

You can see effective exercises for men using a fitness wheel in this video. Regular and systematic implementation of this set of exercises will allow you to pump up your abdominal, back and arm muscles in just 2-3 months. By following the recommendations, you can achieve the perfect abs at home, without visiting a fitness center.

Gymnastic roller- this is the simplest, at the same time, very effective sports device, it is also commonly called a gymnastic wheel.

At first sight, practice with a roller It’s as simple as shelling pears, but it’s not, you load your abdominal muscles to the maximum by working with your own weight. Compared to other sports equipment, the size of the wheel is quite small, which allows you to use it even in small rooms. And the price of such a gymnastic roller is quite affordable, although it is not inferior in efficiency to all other exercise machines. Often, beginners are not able to perform exercises with it; they need to have preliminary physical training and know the correct technique for performing the exercise. Let's talk about how to pump a press wheel correctly.

Correctly pumping the press with the wheel, You will feel maximum tension in all abdominal muscle groups at once. In addition, the muscles of the arms, legs and buttocks work and strengthen. For quick and effective results, you need to adhere to certain rules of correct press swing roller.

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel

Many people want to know how to pump a press roller correctly, after all, one wrong movement can nullify all efforts, and in the worst case, even harm the body.
Let's look at exercises that will allow you to properly pump your abs with a wheel.

  • One of the standard exercises is to kneel down, place a wheel in front of you and slowly, leaning on it, move forward. When you stretch your arms straight, return to the starting position.
  • sit on the floor and straighten your legs, place the machine to your left, leaning on it, move to the side, and return to the starting position, do not bend your legs. Repeat in the other direction as well. This exercise works the lateral abdominal muscles very well.
  • lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, take the wheel, holding the handles tightly, try to pull yourself up to your feet on the wheel. Do not lift your feet off the floor.
  • the exercise is similar to the first one from this list, only it needs to be performed not on your knees, but standing, on straight legs. We can say that this is a complicated version of this exercise.

When you want to keep your figure in good physical shape, but there is no opportunity to visit a gym or fitness center, you can purchase a machine and exercise with it at home yourself. A gymnastic wheel is ideal for this; performing exercises on which you can work out almost all muscle groups.

Using a gymnastic wheel will not work out your biceps and triceps, but to keep your body in good physical shape, exercising with a roller will be an excellent choice.

Strong muscles and ideal body shape are ensured by exercises with a gymnastic wheel.

Benefits of exercises with a wheel:

  1. Exercises with a gymnastic roller are useful for those who want to smooth out their abdominal contour, strengthen their abs and correct their posture.
  2. Exercising on a simulator can be an addition to your diet, if available. excess weight.
  3. When performing exercises on a gymnastic wheel, almost all the main and non-core muscles are involved, which allows you to train the whole body.

What muscles can you work?

Most of the load when exercising with a wheel goes to the abdominal muscles. If you choose the right set of exercises, you can also train the muscles of the back, legs, hips, arms, shoulders and neck. When performing a classic exercise with a gymnastic wheel, almost all the main muscles and many non-core muscles are worked.

The muscles of the abs, hips and shoulders are worked to a greater extent. The muscles of the back and arms are also tense as they help support their own weight. If you modify the exercise and perform it while standing, you will add additional stress to the muscles of the legs and arms.

Rules for performing exercises

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel in order to avoid injuries and increase efficiency must be performed, observing several simple rules:

How to increase the effectiveness of wheel exercises

If exercises with a gymnastic wheel have been performed for a long time, or the body is athletic and prepared, increase the time or number of repetitions of the exercises.

Increasing the complexity of standard exercises contributes to greater effectiveness. If exercises with the wheel were carried out in the initial position on your knees, then you should perform them in a standing position, thus increasing the load on the abdominal muscles, arms, and strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

You need to move on to more complex exercises gradually and carefully to avoid sprains and injuries.

Precautions and contraindications

The exercises can be performed by everyone, regardless of physical fitness, age and gender, but there are still several contraindications to exercises with a gymnastic wheel.

Contraindications include:

  1. Women need to avoid excessive exercise, as when performing exercises, the abdominal muscles are worked, which put pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system, which can cause female diseases.
  2. You should stop exercising if you have back injuries. The load can not only aggravate the existing condition, but also lead to more serious damage.
  3. Lower back pain. When performing exercises with a gymnastic wheel, the lower back muscles are involved in the work, so it is better to postpone the exercises until the pain goes away.
  4. High pressure. If there is a tendency to increase blood pressure, it is necessary to perform exercises with caution, monitoring the condition of the body.
  5. You should stop exercising if you feel unwell, dizziness, nausea, or headaches.

Exercises for beginners with photos

The gymnastic wheel is suitable for those who are just starting to play sports. The main thing is to start with simple exercises and do them Not a large number of times, gradually increasing the load.

  1. One of basic exercises aimed at strengthening the abs and training the oblique muscles. Sitting on the floor, you should spread your legs slightly to the sides. The wheel is in front in the hands. Start moving forward until it stops, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is similar to the classic abdominal pump, only with the help of a simulator. First, they roll forward several times, sitting straight, then move the wheel to the right of the body and move it to the side, repeat the same thing by moving the wheel to the left of the body. When moving to the side, you need to bend as low as possible so that your chest touches the floor.
  2. Another exercise is wheel rollouts while kneeling. Starting position - kneeling, the wheel is in outstretched arms in front. They slowly begin to move forward, then also smoothly return to their starting position. You can start with small rollouts and increase the amplitude with each repetition. Ideally, the wheel should be in front with outstretched arms, while the body remains level and does not touch the floor.
  3. Exercise against a wall. To perform this, you need to sit on your knees so that there is a wall at a short distance in front. The wheel must be held in your hands and rolled forward until it hits the wall. In this position, you need to tense your abs and hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Pressing the wheel against the wall allows you to keep your body tense for a longer time, which puts additional stress on your abs, shoulders and back.
  4. Rolls to the sides. Take the starting position, lying down, holding the body straight. Take a gymnastic wheel and place it opposite your chest. When moving forward, you need to roll the wheel to the side, approximately 45 degrees. In this position, finish the exercise and then do the same, pointing the wheel in the other direction.

Exercises for advanced people with photos

When the gymnastic wheel has been mastered and exercises with it are performed with ease, you can continue to complicate your workouts by increasing the load:

  1. An exercise that was performed while kneeling can be performed while standing on straight legs.. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below holding the wheel, resting it on the floor. Slowly begin to roll the wheel forward as far as possible from a standing position, then also slowly return to its original position. Perform the same actions when the legs are closed together. When performing these exercises, the load on the legs, as well as on the back and lower back, increases. To complicate the workout, you need to roll the wheel, taking a lying position, and stretch your arms up. Having fixed yourself for a few seconds and leaning on your feet again, move the wheel towards you.
  2. Plank with a wheel. Take a lying position, leaning on your toes, and hold a wheel in your hands. Then slowly move your arms forward, keeping your torso parallel to the floor. At the maximum rollout, you should fixate for a few seconds and slowly return back.
  3. Exercise from a lying position. You need to take the starting position lying on the floor, with straight arms extended forward and holding the wheel. They smoothly begin to move the exercise machine towards themselves, lifting and bending the body. Feet should remain pressed to the floor. They stay in this position for 2-3 minutes and begin to lower themselves to the floor, stretching their arms up.
  4. Rolling on one hand. You can perform the exercise on your knees or straight legs. You need to take a lying position, take the wheel in one hand and begin to roll slowly forward. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can use your other hand to lean on it a little. Repeat several rounds on one and the other hand.
  5. Rolling on one leg. You need to start this workout with strengthened leg muscles, since you will have to support the weight of your entire body on one leg. Place your legs straight and, bending down, take the wheel with your hands and begin to move forward, slowly lowering yourself. When the maximum rolling point is reached, lift one leg and return back.
  6. Rolling legs. For this type of training you will need a wheel with special pedals for your feet. Get into a plank position with your arms straight. The wheel is secured to the feet and begins to move forward until the knees touch the chest. Then they return back, straightening their legs.

How often to exercise

Training with the wheel must be carried out regularly, only then can you achieve the desired result. You should start exercising for 5-10 minutes, and perform the exercises every other day. Then, if possible, practice daily for 20-30 minutes. It is advisable that training take place at the same time every day.

How many repetitions to do

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel should be started with several repetitions, about 5-7 times at first. Gradually increasing the load, you should add 1-2 repetitions each workout.

To be effective, it is enough to repeat the exercises 20-30 times daily. But it is worth remembering that this is an average value and the number of repetitions is selected individually depending on the preparedness and endurance of the body.

The gymnastic wheel is a universal exercise machine. Exercises with it are highly effective, as they help to work almost all muscles. Everyone can train, regardless of gender and age, the main thing is to choose the right set of exercises and load so as not to harm your health.

Video about exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women

Exercising with a gymnastic wheel will strengthen your muscles and prevent weight gain:

How to properly perform exercises with a gymnastic wheel:

Roller, roller, gymnastic wheel, wheel with handles - this simulator has been called various times, but we are always talking about only one device. Sports roller with handles is one of the most popular types of sports equipment in all countries. Of course, abdominal wheel exercises are incredibly effective and in many ways superior to even crunches, sit-ups and other movements. But when working with a roller, technique plays a critical role. In this article we will look at everything related to the features of the training, technical aspects and the benefits of a gymnastic roller for athletes of any level.

What is a gymnastic roller

The so-called ab roller was used to train the abdominal muscles long before the advent of a large number of exercise machines. This is not new equipment at all, but rather forgotten old equipment, which has again become popular with the advent of the era of functional training. Very big advantage video is that it suits absolutely everyone. Of course, you won’t be able to use it to its full potential with weak abdominal muscles, but the beauty is that the wheel will be useful even for beginners. The fact is that most initial exercises with a roller have a very low entry threshold, but more advanced techniques and movements will require very impressive preparation. This is not just a machine for pumping up your abs, it is an ultimate exercise for the core muscles, which allows you to fix the entire body, keep important muscles in tone and improve posture. There are several types of rollers, so choose according to your preferences and physical capabilities:
  • Roller with a return spring (ideal for beginners. The mechanism and return spring will make it easier to overcome the negative phase, especially for people with weak muscles);
  • A wheel without a spring (quite complex equipment for people with good training);
  • Roller with rubber resistance bands;
  • Two-wheeled roller (allows you to better maintain balance, but is almost not suitable for training the oblique abdominal muscles).
Of course, it is best to choose a standard wheel with a soft ride and without a return mechanism, which makes the exercises very easy. But for beginners, for older people, and also for those with back problems, it is better to purchase a sports wheel with a return spring.

Benefits of the gymnastic wheel

Now let’s look at why the wheel is so useful and why it has again become extremely popular. Firstly, this is the most versatile simulator. It is suitable for both men and women. Moreover, people of any age can train with it. The wheel is also often used during rehabilitation, but in such cases it is better to give preference to devices with a return mechanism. They make the movement a little easier in the negative phase (returning to the starting position) and will help avoid injuries or strains. Another important advantage is which muscles are worked while using the roller. It's about not only about the development of the abs, but also about the back and lower back. Also, the hips, shoulders and forearms will receive stress, but it will not help increase muscle mass. Rather, it will help maintain muscle tone. The most important property This simulator is that it evenly loads both the abs and the back. This allows you to develop your core muscles without imbalance or overweight in one direction or the other, which will certainly lead to negative consequences or pathologies.
In general, if you evaluate the advantages of the wheel, it is worth highlighting:
  • Inexpensive cost;
  • Allows you to develop all the abdominal muscles (rectus, oblique, etc.) and back;
  • The load perfectly stretches the muscles, improving posture and stretching the fascia;
  • Suitable for people of any age;
  • You can even practice at home;
  • Does not compress blood vessels during exercise, like twisting and other exercises (especially important for people with cardiovascular diseases and after 40 years).
Although the roller is not an absolute exercise and a device that has no equal, it is still one of the most useful exercise machines for developing abdominal muscles. Moreover, it is much cheaper than a bench, an exercise machine with an elbow rest, and any other devices for developing the abdominal muscles.

Correct technique for wheel exercises

Many people believe that exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press are the very beginning level, which is suitable only for prevention or recovery. However, some exercises are difficult even for people with a high level of training, so the main thing is to use this tool correctly and think through your training wisely. Even for advanced athletes, the wheel is perfect due to the fact that, unlike many abdominal movements, it allows you to stretch the abdominal muscles. Each movement with the wheel must be done correctly, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved. First you need to remember a number of basic rules that are undeniable for all exercises:
  • Movements should be slow and carefully controlled;
  • Jerking or relaxing muscles during exercise is not allowed (fraught with injury);
  • Do not arch your back too much in the lower back, this can lead to injury. For additional fixation of the housing in initial phase a slight rounding of the back is allowed (as with a plank), this will better load the abdominal muscles;
  • During each movement, you must not touch the floor with your body;
  • Movement in the negative phase should be performed using the abdominal muscles, and not under the weight of the entire body and legs.
It is important to understand that the very essence of abdominal exercises with a roller is to slowly stretch the abdominal muscles, after which the reverse movement is performed using the abdominal and shoulder girdle muscles. If you do the exercises correctly, the effect will be much greater than from twisting, but if you just “help” yourself a little with your legs, adding inertia to the negative phase, the benefit of the movement will be reduced by almost half.
The most controversial point is amplitude. Many adherents of the wheel with handles insist that you need to stretch to the fullest, that is, so that the body forms a straight line at the lowest point. This gross mistake, which will not only reduce the load on the abs, but also increase the pressure on the forearms and shoulders. Also, with this technique it is almost impossible (only people with the highest level preparation) return to the starting position without the help of other muscles, which will again make the emphasis on the abs less and the exercise less useful.
The position of the legs will depend on the level of training. Beginners are advised to focus on their knees, while more advanced athletes should focus on their legs, following the example of push-ups.


It is not surprising that the video is often recommended by doctors. It is ideal for strengthening and pumping muscles, as well as for prevention or rehabilitation. The movements are quite difficult to perform with the correct technique, although even those who have never done abdominal exercises before can start training with the wheel. Don’t forget that such movements do not compress the blood vessels, so the roller is suitable even for hypertensive patients. Of course, it is important to breathe correctly during exercise: inhale while bending, exhale while returning to the starting position. The training program with a wheel is not so rich, but the movements are quite large, therefore they require considerable energy expenditure and involve a large number of muscles. You need to understand that the stretching nature of the exercise serves more to strengthen the abs than to create a visual outline. cardio training will help burn fat and “expose” the abs, but a roller alone will not achieve this effect. If the goal is visual aspect and relief, then exercises with a roller should be considered as an ideal end to the workout while simultaneously stretching the muscles.

Everyone knows that a flat stomach is achieved by physical activity. There are many types of physical activity that allow you to pump up your abs. In an effort to achieve results faster, both some men and women devote a lot (sometimes even too much) time to exercise, forgetting that excessive stress can also be harmful to health, and this is especially true for women who are at risk of developing gynecological diseases.

Exercises with an abdominal roller, a type of gymnastic equipment that is undeservedly ignored by many, will help you achieve results faster.

What kind of projectile is this?

The roller is a small exercise machine that allows you to train your abdominal muscles. Its configuration is simple - a beam with a pancake attached to it. By the way, some craftsmen build such equipment with their own hands - by putting a barbell on a metal base.

Exercising with this device is more difficult than without a device, especially for beginners, but the effect of such exercises is much greater.

Despite the simplicity of its design, this type of exercise machine can be compared even with serious sports equipment that serves the development of many muscle groups.

Initially, the design of the equipment was such that it was noisy. Today, equipment manufacturers produce exercise equipment with rubber wheels, and handles modern device maybe two, which makes it more comfortable for training and reduces the risk of injury to the skin of the hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the projectile has already been mentioned - it helps to effectively and quickly make the abdominal muscles attractive and prominent.

The advantages of the simulator include:

  1. Small dimensions. They allow you to store and use equipment that will not take up much space;
  2. Even beginners who are not athletic people can exercise with it. True, at first you will have to get used to using it correctly and to a load that cannot be called weak.

Among the disadvantages of exercises with a roller performed for weight loss, many practitioners note the fact that the first sessions with the equipment are very difficult.

There is no need to despair - after the first few workouts you will feel that they are becoming easier each time, and the expected result will be a great incentive to not stop exercising.

What muscle groups are included in the work?

The most valuable and effective physical activities are those that allow you to simultaneously work out several muscle groups. Only through this approach can you achieve weight loss and a slim body.

The roller is just such equipment that allows you to pump muscle groups different parts bodies.

The main load, of course, goes to the press, but the following work together with it:

The load on them is small, but with daily training you will notice that the muscles are pumped up, becoming more attractive and slender. Many girls believe that it is very difficult to beautifully pump up the muscles of the buttocks, but with a roller this can be achieved.

Considering which muscle groups work when performing exercises with a roller, we can say that the most “capricious” of them receive the load and at the same time those that in many ways make the body beautiful.

In order for the results to be visible as quickly as possible and to be significant, training must be carried out correctly, so consider some of the instructors’ recommendations:

You should not exercise using the exercise machine if you have had spinal injuries. You should also avoid such training if you experience lower back pain during exercise.

A set of exercises for women

You will be surprised at the results you can get from doing these simple exercises.

A set of exercises for men

Such effective exercises In addition to the abs, they will allow you to pump up the muscles of your arms, shoulders, and back.

A set of exercises on the wall

You can exercise not only on the floor. There are some great exercises that involve standing against a wall.

  1. Stand facing the wall, legs slightly apart, hold the projectile against the wall with straight arms.
  2. Raise it up, then lower it down (you need to reach the floor).
  3. The set of exercises using a gymnastic roller on the wall includes working with your back to it.
  4. Hold the equipment above your head, roll it up and down, stretching and arching your back as much as you can.

As for the duration of classes, at first it can be about 5 minutes, but to achieve a significant result this time must gradually be increased to 20 minutes.

Experts say that the cause of unattractive abs is fat deposits that hide the beauty of the body. Will help you get rid of them physical exercise, including with a roller, but don’t forget about proper nutrition.