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» Contacts, technical support, phone number, address and offices of the online provider. Personal account of OnLime - provider from Rostelecom

Contacts, technical support, phone number, address and offices of the online provider. Personal account of OnLime - provider from Rostelecom

For all already connected users, and even those who are just about to become subscribers, there is a personal account from the onlime company - Rostelecom, which gives users a number of additional features. Previously, this service was provided by region, and there could be delays due to the need to communicate with the central database.

But today it is already a single service throughout Russia, and it does not matter where your location is - Moscow or Vladivostok, you will be able to manage your services without the help of an operator.

Advantages and capabilities of your personal account

Let's consider what benefits you will get by creating a personal account. You can:

  • Check your balance yourself, easily and quickly track the presence or absence of debt on your package;
  • Pay for the services provided to you without deducting commissions. And also, if you have several accounts, distribute funds between them;
  • Setting up automatic payments is another advantage that the subscriber receives, and then you will definitely not forget to pay for the service for the next month, and will not be left without TV channels or the Internet;
  • Personally, at your own discretion, manage the services already ordered;
  • Directly from your account, you can change or change the channel package if you wish;
  • Make it possible to add to your existing package;
  • The account also provides the ability to send SMS and MMS to family and friends.
  • to plug additional options: Night boost or Turbo boost.

Thus, the personal account of an Onlime subscriber - Rostelecom - is another plus in the activities of the most popular provider of broadband Internet, digital television and telephone communications that covers the largest number of subscribers.

Register your personal account Online

To register an Online personal account, the easiest way is to go to and follow the algorithm that the page suggests. Registration is done in literally 3 simple steps.

  1. Come up with a login that comes to your mind, the main thing is that you don’t forget it. Each client also enters their chosen password twice. It must consist of at least six (and no more than 10) letters, possibly some symbols and numbers.
  2. Provide your personal information by entering it in the form fields.
  3. Be sure to leave contact information - address Email and telephone.

Video on registering in your Rostelecom personal account

That's all, actually. All that remains is to check your email and confirm registration by simply clicking on the link provided in the letter. But keep in mind: activation via the link is available for 24 hours. If you don’t have time, you need to go through the same (generally simple) procedure again.

Repeated logins to the created account

After completing a simple registration operation, each client has the opportunity to enter his personal account at any time convenient for him. In order to log in to your account, you just need to enter your own login and your password. And then work freely with your services and payments.

Old version is temporarily available

If you previously already had a subscriber account registered, but in old version, when your region is the Moscow region, you can still enter it. You can choose an Online Internet tariff. But it’s still better to register with new version personal account.

Login to Rostelecom personal account

To get started with Rostelecom personal account , you need to check the relevance of the Internet browser on your personal computer. Versions of browsers from which the user account is opened: Mozilla Firefox after version 17, Internet Explorer after version 9, Google Chrome after version 22. Authorization in the system is available only to registered subscribers who use one or more services of the provider.

For authorization, a login and password are required. When entering a password, it is advisable to use the virtual keyboard to avoid errors. Make sure that the Caps Lock key is not activated and the English keyboard layout is selected.

Preventing the possibility of third-party access to your Rostelecom personal account, the company has provided two-factor authorization. After specifying the login and password specified in the contract mobile phone an SMS notification will be sent with 6-digit code secondary authorization. This code is written in the transaction confirmation form, after which the “Continue” option is clicked. When authorization is completed, the start page personal account.

Rostelecom personal account login, video:

Rostelecom personal account: interface

The main page of the online resource is visually divided into several areas:

  1. User account– data and settings system associated with the account, news, contacting a company employee through the feedback form.
  2. Menu categories– a block with personal account functionality.
  3. Main unit– a working panel where the main data about the section is recorded.
  4. Additional Information– an area with quick navigation through the categories of your personal account, information about the Rostelecom company.

If a subscriber wants to check information on his account, he must select one of the categories with account settings from the drop-down information window. To correct your profile data, you need to go to the section "Profile Management", and check the following parameters in the fields:

  • Name of the organization – telecom operator;
  • User's full name;
  • Contact phone number;
  • E-mail address.

In the same section, the status of your personal account is checked and a newsletter is set up by e-mail. When changes made entered, click the “Save” button. The system will automatically record new data.

In the section "A change of the pin code" The current account password is changed. First, the old password is indicated in the fields, then the new password is indicated twice. At the end of the procedure, click the “Save” button. You must remember the new password so that the next time you log in, it will be entered correctly. In order to receive SMS notifications or e-mails in a timely manner, you need to go to the “Setting up notifications” section and check the “Create/Change application” checkbox.

Information about the contract and details

Rostelecom personal account provides open access to details for receipts, contracts and settlement transactions. On home page office you need to select a category "Treaty", then it will be displayed full number And full form with information about it:

  • The organization with which the contract was signed;
  • Registration address;
  • Invoice delivery address;
  • Personal account;
  • Balance for the current date;
  • The amount of accruals for the previous month;
  • Amount of payments for the previous month;
  • Current balance.

In this section you can find the history of payment transactions and the history of accruals. By default, sections display information for the current calendar month. To view data about another personal account that is included in this division, you need to return to the list of agreements by clicking on the hyperlink “Return to the list of agreements” and click on the number of the desired personal account.

Contacting support from Rostelecom personal account

If you have questions about the work of the provider or its services, you can write to a support specialist directly from your personal account. This is done in this way: the user opens the section "Appeals", clicks the “Write a request” hyperlink. The first step in creating a request is to select its type:

  • Gratitude;
  • Consultation;
  • Claim;
  • Operation of the “Personal Account” system;
  • Technical support;
  • Financial consultation/Request for documents.

The second step of the procedure is to fill out the field in the request creation banner. The structure of the fields depends on the type of request that is selected at the first stage. TO online form You can attach a file downloaded from your computer. The file size should not exceed 5 Megabytes. Next, the contact person, contact phone number, and email are checked. After filling out all the fields, click the “Submit” button. A dialog box with the text will instantly appear on the screen “Your request has been sent to work”. A response from a support specialist may arrive within 24 hours.

Are you wondering what Online is? In fact, everything is very simple, this is Rostelecom for Moscow. More specifically, this is the brand under which RT has been providing Internet, digital television, telephone and mobile services to Muscovites since 2008. Why is this being done? Who knows, perhaps it’s a matter of associative memory; the main name of the company does not always bring back pleasant memories to us. In the market of the capital, RT has many competing companies, not like in the outback, where it has a monopolist. But you need to close the connection plan. But what should you do if many people shudder at the word Rostelecom? That's right, create a new brand aimed at a young and active population.

This article is just for those who are on Online. We'll tell you about your personal account, how to log in and what to do there.

Registration and login

We would like to say right away about one big minus. The website does not provide users with the opportunity to register; there is simply no such button. You can log in if you know your username and password. Which in our opinion is very inconvenient.

Many resources indicate that and have the same password and login. This is wrong! We tried everything, but we can’t log in using the same data.

So, click on Personal Account.

Enter the required data. Forgot your password? Read about his recovery below.

And click on Login. The procedure is standard.

Another personal observation. LK very quickly spits out its owner. It’s enough to leave the page open for 10 minutes and switch to something else, well, for example, you wanted to play some music on YouTube, and that’s it, you’ll have to enter your login and password again. Sometimes it's very annoying.

If you forgot your password

Modern man has big amount various personal accounts, but how to remember so many passwords? It’s easier with logins; you can use one for everyone, for example an email address or phone number. But what to do with passwords, because using the same combination on different resources can be unsafe. Even if you have forgotten your data, you don’t have to worry too much - use our reminder.

We indicate your personal account number and phone number that was used during registration.

If you do not remember not only your password, but also your account or phone number, then call the support service at 8 800 707 12 12. You will have to confirm your identity, i.e. voice your passport details, name the connection address and keyword, if any. If you don't like to call, then make a request by email [email protected].

What's in lk

As soon as you log in, you immediately see the status of your account, status, number of bonuses and number of days until blocking.
What is status? Status is everything! It is he who determines how many points you will be awarded for using the services. There are three of them: bronze, silver and gold, which are 3, 5 and 10 percent, respectively.

How else can you accumulate bonuses:

  • make a one-time payment in the amount of 2000 rubles and receive from 2% to your account
  • take part in the “Refer a Friend” promotion and receive 1000 bonuses
  • join groups on social networks and get 50 for each

If points remain untouched for 2 years, they will automatically expire. If you are overdue for payments on your personal account by a month, then they will also begin to slowly flow out of your hands, 5 for each day.

Okay, let's say we have accumulated a certain amount of bonuses. The question arises why they are needed at all:

  • you can pay for the company's services

  • or choose something from the catalog (it’s worth noting that the choice is not that big)

Personal account functionality

We've sorted out the bonuses. Let's see what else is in your personal account. Standard stuffing, everything is the same as many other providers, so you won’t get confused. But just in case, a little instruction for you.

Actions with your account

Here you can pay your bill online using a card or via Internet banking.

Forgot to pay for the Internet, and it was cut off for you, but without it it’s really hard? Take advantage of the promised payment; it is only possible if your debt is no more than 100 rubles. The number of days on credit directly depends on your Status: 3, 7 and 14.

I want to say that I myself am on a different provider, and if I forget to make a payment, then I don’t need to go into the account and configure anything there. My provider automatically renews my access, and no status is needed for this. But this is Rostelecom, everything is said in one word, everything is always complicated with them.

If you actively use bank cards, or you have at least one salary card, then you can set up Autopayment. But this is convenient! You won’t have to be distracted by paying your bill; debits will be automatically made from your card. But first you need to tie it.

Connection of new services and control

Here we see all the information about your service. On this page you can:

  • change tariff
  • connect a new service
  • set up an SMS notification, which, by the way, is very convenient - you don’t have to remember when you need to make the next payment
  • see what you have with your rental equipment
  • block account
  • activate the antivirus or use the turbo button

Equipment activation

This section is dedicated to your equipment. For example, you purchased a brand new digital television set, but you still need to activate it, otherwise this miracle of technology will not work. To do this, you will need to indicate the serial number of the device and smart card, which are indicated in the warranty card. You can activate up to three devices at the same time.

Call a technician to your home

The Internet is not working, have you already started tearing your hair out? Calm down and call a technician by filling out this simple request, or call technical support. The service is provided free of charge.

You can call Computer Emergency Assistance for a fee. Click on this banner, select what is broken and check out the prices. The doctor will come and fix everything.

Calling a technician from your service company is very convenient, firstly, he is always at hand, and you don’t need to look for someone left, and secondly, you can make a claim, if anything happens.

Changing the data in your agreement

Changed your mobile number or got married and changed your last name? It doesn’t matter, you don’t have to renew the contract, you can just change the necessary data.

Online is a provider from Rostelecom. Operating in Moscow and the Moscow region since 2008. Provides services of the following nature: Internet access, digital and interactive TV, Internet + TV, telephone, mobile communications, video surveillance, security alarm, installation and connection of the system " Smart House" Access to online services is available around the clock: “Computer help”, “Speed ​​check”, “TCHK. telegrams", "OnLime Blog", "Ya.Onlime".— official website of the OnLime provider

Representatives of small, medium, large businesses and the public sector can also use the services. This:

  • Virtual data centers, office, storage, PBX;
  • Web video conferencing;
  • Audio conferences;
  • Mobile device management;
  • M2M, etc.

Registration and login to your personal account

Subscribers have a personal OnLime office— Internet assistant in solving all telecom problems. The personal page opens at the moment of completing the authorization procedure. The client receives a login and password after selecting services, submitting an application for connection and drawing up an agreement. Before sending a request, the address is checked for connectivity on the main page.

Personal account features

The OnLime personal account allows the subscriber to perform the following actions:

  • View your current balance;
  • Issuing a personal receipt for payment of the bill;
  • Receiving a statement of cash flows on the account for a certain period;
  • View the current status of services and connected equipment;
  • Changing personal data and password, including;
  • Submitting applications for Maintenance, viewing the status of requests;
  • Subscribe to receive SMS alerts.

Login to your personal account

To log into your OnLime personal account:

  1. Enter the address in the browser search engine;
  2. Log in: enter the username and password you received when connecting;
  3. Go to the desired section of your personal account to solve a particular problem.

Login to your OnLime personal account

Password recovery instructions:

  1. Method 1 – contact technical support;
  2. Method 2 – use a recovery form.

In the first case, send an email from [email protected] or call the number 8 800 707-12-12 . Provide data:

  • Account number;
  • The address at which the connection was made;
  • Passport series and number;
  • Code word (if generated). To create it, a separate application is sent to the company.

In the second case, click “Forgot your password?”. In the recovery form, indicate the personal account and telephone numbers that were provided when concluding the agreement. When the data is sent, change the password in the settings.

Personal account sections

Your OnLime personal account is a full-fledged service with great capabilities. All main features are in the left column. The center displays information from these sections after moving to each of them. In the right column of the site there is information about the contract, personal account, balance, number of days until blocking, status and bonus account. Control information for timely payment of subscription fees for services, use bonuses to replace real means of payment. Below are links: how to change the tariff, how to set it up, how to make a payment. Use them for step-by-step instructions.


  • Personal account (contract, login and password, payment and account management);
  • Services (information, management, service request). To manage, check the box next to the desired service on the page, after which all data on it will open. Here you can connect additional options;
  • Turbo button. When you need to temporarily increase your Internet speed, go to this section and activate the service;
  • Static IP address. Connect it if you need a permanent IP;
  • Local drive (sharing large files within the network and using popular resources). You can also connect for points in the amount of 180 pcs. cost – 180 rubles/month.
  • Antivirus (selection and activation of license);
  • Parental control. The service is paid - 75 rubles per month, it limits the time a child can work on the Internet. Early deactivation is also carried out through your personal account after receiving a PIN code sent to your phone via SMS.
  • Online bonus (register in the program, receive points, spend them on paying for services);
  • Activation of "Online TeleCard". This solution allows you to watch TV in high definition formats. Setup instructions –;
  • Help/Settings. Use these sections to contact technical support and setting the required settings.

In the “Documents” section – access to contracts, statements, powers of attorney. Use them to contact the company to connect new options, conclude additional contracts, and obtain the necessary information.

As you know, Rostelecom provides services throughout Russia. But if we talk about Moscow, here the provider offers its services under the “Online” brand. Despite the different name, these are still the same quality advantages and capabilities, high speeds of Internet access, and even the presence of a personal account. By the way, it is the latter that we will pay attention to today.

Official website in the capital

As for the company’s official web portal in Moscow, using the standard resource, which is located at, is not suitable for accessing it. The “Onlime” portal is located at the link Although, it would not be amiss to note that if you select the capital in the region selection window on the official Rostelecom resource, you will automatically be transferred to the “Onlime” website.

The resource immediately welcomes all visitors to the most popular and important information which concerns the provision of services. Here we immediately see:

  1. Information for corporate and private clients.
  2. Data for contacting customer support.
  3. Information about the provider's available services.
  4. Loyalty program "Onlime Bonus".
  5. Blocks allocated for services provided:
  • Home Internet;
  • A television;
  • Landline phone(connected only in packages with the Internet).
  1. A form for checking the technical feasibility of connecting services to a specific address in Moscow.
  2. Available tariff plans for each of the services.
  3. Company's news.
  4. Personal account service for the provider's clients.

Login to your online account

And now we propose to consider information that will be relevant to users Rostelecom V Moscow who want to know how the authentication procedure is performed in the personal page service on the provider’s website. It is necessary to perform actions in the following sequence:

  1. Visit the official website of the provider in Moscow (ru).
  2. Pay attention to the very top panel of the site, called the header. On the right side there are two fields highlighted green. Find us the “Personal Account” field and click on it with the cursor.
  3. A pop-up form will open on the main page, in which you need to fill out two fields:
  • Login;
  • Password.

After entering the authentication data, you need to click on the “Login to your personal account” button.

  1. Congratulations! You have successfully logged into the service.

If you have just become a user of Rostelecom in Moscow and the personal account service is still unknown to you, you should first register with it. We talk about this below.

Registration in your Onlime Personal Account

To create a personal account in the service, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the “Personal Account” link.
  3. Under the “Password” field in the form that opens, click on the blue hyperlink “Forgot your username or password?”
  4. On the page that opens, pay attention to the first method of password recovery - this is registration in the service.
  5. Indicate the online client account number in the field below.
  6. In the field below, enter your contact phone number in the format with “+7”.
  7. Agree to the rules.
  8. Click on the "Restore" button.

After you complete the steps described above, within the next 20-30 minutes you will receive your login/password pair in a message to the specified phone number. It is important to understand that you must indicate the phone number for which you initially entered into an agreement with Rostelecom in Moscow.

As you know, Rostelecom provides services throughout Russia. But if we talk about Moscow, here the provider offers its services under the “Online” brand. Despite the different name, these are still the same quality advantages and capabilities, high speeds of Internet access, and even the presence of a personal account. By the way, it is the latter that we will pay attention to today.

Official website in the capital

As for the company’s official web portal in Moscow, using the standard resource, which is located at, is not suitable for accessing it. The “Onlime” portal is located at the link Although, it would not be amiss to note that if you select the capital in the region selection window on the official Rostelecom resource, you will automatically be transferred to the “Onlime” website.

The resource immediately greets all visitors with the most popular and important information related to the provision of services. Here we immediately see:

  • Information for corporate and private clients.

  • Data for contacting customer support.

  • Information about the provider's available services.

  • Loyalty program "Onlime Bonus".

  • Blocks allocated for services provided:

    • Home Internet;

    • A television;

    • Landline telephone (connected only as a package together with the Internet).

  • A form for checking the technical feasibility of connecting services to a specific address in Moscow.

  • Available tariff plans for each of the services.

  • Company's news.

  • Personal account service for the provider's clients.
  • Login to your online account

    And now we propose to consider information that will be relevant to users Rostelecom V Moscow who want to know how the authentication procedure is performed in the personal page service on the provider’s website. It is necessary to perform actions in the following sequence:
  • Visit the official website of the provider in Moscow (ru).

  • Pay attention to the very top panel of the site, called the header. On the right side there are two fields highlighted in green. Find us the “Personal Account” field and click on it with the cursor.

  • A pop-up form will open on the main page, in which you need to fill out two fields:

    • Login;

    • Password.

    After entering the authentication data, you need to click on the “Login to your personal account” button.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully logged into the service.
  • If you have just become a user of Rostelecom in Moscow and the personal account service is still unknown to you, you should first register with it. We talk about this below.

    Registration in your Onlime Personal Account

    To create a personal account in the service, you must complete the following steps:
  • Visit

  • Click on the “Personal Account” link.

  • Under the “Password” field in the form that opens, click on the blue hyperlink “Forgot your username or password?”

  • On the page that opens, pay attention to the first method of password recovery - this is registration in the service.

  • Indicate the online client account number in the field below.

  • In the field below, enter your contact phone number in the format with “+7”.

  • Agree to the rules.

  • Click on the "Restore" button.
  • After you complete the steps described above, within the next 20-30 minutes you will receive your login/password pair in a message to the specified phone number. It is important to understand that you must indicate the phone number for which you initially entered into an agreement with Rostelecom in Moscow.

    If you encounter any difficulties in the process of obtaining a password, or if you do not receive a message with authentication information, we recommend contacting our support service at 88007071212.