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» The cat scratches in its sleep. Muslim dream book Why do you dream about a Cat? What did Freud say?

The cat scratches in its sleep. Muslim dream book Why do you dream about a Cat? What did Freud say?

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    Dream Interpretation Miller - cat bites and scratches in dream. Miller interprets enemy behavior cats in dreams as problems in the material sphere. When a person dreaming, What cat scratched him, then he will soon lose part of his income. Dream, where the black one will attack you cat, carries a warning character. if you dreamed about it black cat, then the meaning changes a little - beware not of direct conflicts, but of treachery, a sneaky strike. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If a person in dream scratched huge black cat, then in reality he should be afraid of the machinations of his enemies, who will do anything to see him defeated and without a livelihood. This dream can come true if it happened from Thursday to Friday. When do you dreamed about it(xia) what scratches cat?Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    Cat scratches ( scratched) – dream has a similar interpretation. Biting (scratching) the leg - a dirty trick should be expected from the person with whom you made joint plans, reconsider them before it’s too late. Feline bite (scratch) before blood interpreted as intrigue is expected from a blood relative. The bite hurts cats or a scratch - the trace of betrayal will torment your soul for a long time. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Cat scratched before blood dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cat scratched before blood? To select an interpretation sleep dream dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read more

    Dream book "name-sonnik"

    If you dreamed, What cat scratched You - dream warns you that your enemies will be able to deprive you of all the profits for which you simply constantly worked hard and hard for many days. If a young woman dreaming, What she holds in her hands cat or a kitten - here she will probably end up in a rather unpleasant situation due to the treachery of other people. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Post yours dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Cat scratched before blood in dream dreams!See in dream cat cat White and black cat Ant larvae.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Blood in dream it's just not like that will dream. Like almost all symbols, this one has an ambivalent meaning. That is, depending on big picture dreams and other aspects - this sign can be positive or negative. If in your dream shitted cat or cat, dream means meanness from a person from your environment. If in dream cat marked the territory like this dream For women it promises a scandal and a showdown due to connections on the side, and for men it indicates the seducers of their other half. Read in full

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If anyone will dream, What he fights with cat or killed her, he will catch and put the thief in prison. Eat in dream feline meat or get skin cats, means the return of a stolen item. If in dream You scratched cat, then this portends illness. Blood in dream- a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise. Bleeding see in dream- a sign of loss and poor health. Dream, in which you saw that blood coming from your nose means loss of money or position in society. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in your dream You are holding cat on hands, dream cat V blood, dream concerns one of the close relatives. This is a sign of fortune. Striped cat- an unbalanced person. Shabby, wet, shabby cats in dream symbolize illness. If such cat you scratches, bites, the disease can drag on for a long time. The same thing if in dream you will fight with cat.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Blood. if you dreamed, What you're expiring blood, in the near future you will be able to help a person very dear to you. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cat scratched before blood in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Cat in dream is often a favorable sign, but there are dreams, where the animal warns of danger. Find out more about what dreaming cat, ours will help dream book.To me dreamed about it today it's three cat or cats one was black, the second was gray-black, and the third was either white or gray, I don’t remember exactly, and all these three cats they scratched me, I saw everything happen, they scratched my legs and back right to the bones blood it was just like a horror movie at the end I stood up and drove them away by grabbing a computer chair. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Cats in dream always foreshadow failure (the exception is dreams, in which you killed or drove them away).Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cat scratched before blood in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from Dream Interpretation Mayan. Dream Interpretation- Bed. See in dream portends the road, lying on the bed means great danger. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cat scratched before blood in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    I dreamed about it head cat cats or kittens in dream.If in your dream You are holding cat on hands, dream means helping someone close. This is the case when they need help and you should not refuse it. If cat V blood, dream concerns one of the close relatives. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bed - bed will dream- if you get sick, you will be in bed; empty - death of a friend; laid - wealth; dirty is a misfortune. Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cat scratched before blood in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming Cat in dream By dream book? I dreamed about it cat- instability, unpredictability of situations and actions. Hello, I dreamed about dream today it turns out to be 15 lunar day(prophetic dream) as if a bunch of people were running after me cats(black) managed to attack me and scratched the back was so strange, along the spine densely and equally spaced scratches went almost to the neck, but closer to the neck there was some kind of scratched wood. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Scratch, but necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Scratch in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I scratched loved one, accidentally, just scratched her back, and bright drops began to appear blood from under the nails, hands in blood, the nails are thin and sharp, I looked at my hands! It's strange that I didn't realize myself in dream!Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming cat V blood? Dreams O cats, probably the most difficult to decipher. Cat- a capricious, unpredictable animal, walking on its own. I'll dream about it maybe a small kitten, and an evil one cat and affectionate cat.Dreams with cats are considered generally unfavorable. If in dream a person was bitten or scratched an angry animal - you need to wait for obstacles on the way to the goal. See in dream blood- this is also not good sign. Blood dreaming to unpleasant changes in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cat scratched before blood in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!See in dream. There is a sweet turnip Two thousand five hundred My friend fed Mongo Look for lost buckets Style clean hair White and black cat Will receive a passport and a foreign passport. What does it mean to feed? cat White and black cat Ant larvae.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming bite cats in dream. For what dream cats that bite and scratch? IN real life one must be wary of illness or gossip. If it belongs to someone you know cat bites in dream, then like this dream means that these people may be offended by you, and you should clear up the misunderstanding or make amends. If you see What cat bites someone else, then in reality you will simply feel bad or offended by someone. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    In dream for what dreaming Cat: See in dream cat- To treason, betrayal. But if you live at home cat, and she will give you dreamed about it, this dream means nothing unless, of course, accompanied by other signs. Hearing squeals and meows cats- means that your false friend does everything to harm you. See, in dream, What cat scratched you, it means that your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the transaction, on which you spent a lot of time and effort. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream, in which you saw that the calves of your legs are hard, predicts that you will stand firmly on your feet. if you will dream, What, you are scraping someone's feet before blood, then bad news awaits you about the troubles of loved ones who need your support and consolation. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Cat scratched legs up in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Cat With blood dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cat With blood? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams in dream You scratched cat Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Cat which scratches dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cat which scratches?Bit someone or scratched cat cat- open gossip. Games feline feline- to experiences. Play with cat in dream- to infidelity. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Scratching cat dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Scratching cat?Bit someone or scratched cat- to slight discomfort, your resentment towards this person. Catch cat- open gossip. Games feline- to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies. Fight feline- to experiences. Play with cat in dream- to infidelity. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Cat catches a snake dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cat catches a snake? See, in dream, What cat scratched You, it means that your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from Take other people's candies and Cat catches a snake cut his leg before blood Seeing a baby being bathed...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Blood at cat dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Blood at cat? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).If in dream You scratched cat, then in reality they are waiting for you big problems, because of which you will be very worried. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If in dream You scratched cat, then in reality big problems await you, about which you will be very worried. If you dreamed, What cat drove its claws right into your chest, then emotional anguish, sadness and sorrow await you. Especially if the animal was in blood. If you refuse support or help at this moment, you may lose this person forever. Black cat in dream just like in life, it does not bring good. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bit someone or scratched cat- to slight discomfort, your resentment towards this person. Catch cat- open gossip. Games feline- to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies. Fight feline- to experiences. If you will dream, What in dream your tooth fell out blood, then you will suffer a heavy loss and will be saddened by it for a long time. Such dream also means loss loved one or a relative and great experiences.

Dream interpretation cat bites

Cats are sacred creatures among a large number of peoples. They were worshiped by agricultural peoples, because the well-being of life depended on preserving the harvest when there was a need for protection from rodents.

Dream symbolism

Cats are a symbol of cunning, a sign of clairvoyance, intuition, and the ability to transform. At the same time, these animals can personify deceit and evil. Based on this information, the conclusion suggests itself that any manifestation of a cat’s aggressiveness is a sign of unfavorable prognosis.

Alternative interpretation

Previous soothsayers claim that seeing the anger of this animal in a dream speaks of hidden conflicts, betrayals, and financial losses.

If you dreamed that a cat was biting

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist is sure that if in a dream a cat rushed at the dreamer, it means that he will have enemies who are ready to do anything to tarnish his reputation and leave him without property.

If, according to the dream scenario, the dreamer still drives the animal away, it means fate favors him, and his reputation will be on the rise.

The deprivation of you, by your enemies, of part of the profit from a profitable deal promises a dream where a cat scratched.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer claims that the appearance of this animal in a dream is always a negative forecast.

If a cat bites or scratches, expect reasons for jealousy in relation to your partner.

Freud's Dream Book

Old Freud believes that when a cat scratches you in a dream, this is the personification of your desires to have sex with elements of masochism.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

If a cat bites you in a dream, beware of deception from business partners.

Modern interpretation

Today's soothsayers interpret a cat in dreams not only with troubles, but also with intuition and premonition.

Loff's Dream Book

Take a closer look at your surroundings

The pastor is sure that the dreams where this creature appeared carry a message to listen to your inner feelings.

When a kitty bites you in a dream, it means you have the talent of clairvoyance. You just need to develop it and be able to apply it correctly.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist claims that if you see a kitty bite in a dream, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. You may find a very flattering person who constantly wants to cause harm.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Based on the invaluable notes of her ancestors, collected for four centuries, Grishina writes that a kitty bite, or scratching in dreams, promises illness, or slander, slander, and, as a result, the machinations of envious people.

If this animal bites someone stranger in a dream, then the dreamer will experience a slight discomfort in reality, the dream book promises.

Cat fights, during which one kitty bites another, predicts mental, psychological suffering, the cause of which will be contradictory and unbridled aspirations.

Muslim dream book

Anxiety and illness are foreshadowed by a dream where you dream that a kitty is scratching.

Dream subjects

Depending on the dream scenario, cats can come, warning about something important, or reflect our fears.

Cat dreams

Why dream that a purr bites if:

Dream details

  • bite site;
  • who was bitten;
  • animal color;
  • scratches;
  • fight with other animals.

If you dream that you have been bitten by a kitty, this predicts betrayal or scandal. When a purr bites your hand in a dream, expect slander from an outwardly seemingly trustworthy person. cat in in this dream personifies a calculating, in fact, very dishonest person among friends. Moreover, the truth of his essence will appear at a very inopportune moment. This will cause you quite a bit of trouble.

It is very important what color the cat bites the dreamer on the hand. If it is white, you have to choose between labor activity and personal life. The bite of a redhead convicts you of debauchery, and the bite of a gray one of deceit and flattery. The bite given by a black kitty speaks of illness and betrayal. But the bite of a calico cat - turtle color - promises financial profit.

what color was the cat

If you dream that a tabby or spotted cat is biting your finger, this predicts uncertainty in business and, because of this, in your personal life.

The bite of a fat, well-groomed cat on the finger indicates such a character trait of the dreamer as great laziness and no less a penchant for voluptuousness.

If a woman dreams that she is stroking a kitty in her arms, and that she began to bite her finger with pleasure, then the dreamer will be able to seduce and finally conquer the desired man.

Seeing in your dreams how a dog got bitten in a fight with a cat is a harbinger of a situation where your devoted friend will suffer while protecting you. However, the truth will be restored.

Why dream of a huge kitty that scratched you badly. This predicts an upcoming battle with a dangerous enemy, clothed with power and enormous power. This fight will bring serious trouble.

Why do you dream of a cat jumping into your arms and scratching you in excitement because there was a dog nearby? He was afraid of her. This indicates that among your circle there is a cunning person who captivates with his charm. However, this is a situation where we can say that charm is not a reason to trust.

Why can you see in your dreams that a dog sitting peacefully next to a cat puts its paw on your leg? This indicates that you have a misconception about one of your friends.

Blatant slander directed at him is to blame. You have no reason not to trust him. Unless the dog growls at the cat.

You happened to see in your dreams how a dog was fighting with a mangy cat that bit you. In reality you have a sincere and reliable defender.

if the cat was with the dog

An interesting interpretation of a dream where a dog fought with a black cat.

Your secret admirer somehow found out that they want to harm you by attracting dark forces. And he is trying to help you in every possible way.

Man in the form of a cat

It happens to see unusual dreams where people appear in the form of some kind of animal. On forums where various dreams are discussed, you can find interesting comments:

  • the dreamer in the form of a cat;
  • dog - cat.

One girl wrote why I dreamed that someone was bewitching me, after which I was reincarnated and became a cat. For some time I live in her guise, moreover, I talk with selected people who believe in something unusual. After a while, I am returned to human form, retaining my cat’s features—hearing, vision, and the ability to purr. And on the full moon I am a beautiful black kitty, whose legs carry me to the witch’s dwelling. She says: either I will begin to serve her and the unknown will be revealed to me, or I will be left forever in the guise of a beast. And only once a year can I become human.

The seer explained the dream to the girl using Castaneda's interpretation. Perhaps this is a warning about some temptations and the dream book advises not to give in to them, so as not to fall apart as a person.

Here is another story - why I dreamed of many piebald dogs running after each other, as if playing. And then alone black Dog turned into a cat of the same color and began to bite everyone.

The specialist's answer - this indicates that among your friends one is sharply different from everyone else in his pretense and insincerity. And the moment will come when he will compromise himself in lies and betrayal. Just be on your guard so that the damage from his machinations is minimal.

Often dreams about cats warn of impending troubles, need and hypocrisy of loved ones. But if a domestic kitty manages to scratch in a dream, then the dream books will give very interesting, different comments on this plot.

Deceit and love

When a married woman dreams that she was badly scratched, this is an alarming sign that her best friend is harboring evil plans. The insidious friend seeks to destroy family happiness the dreamer by seducing her husband.

A sweet, gentle lady, she only pretends to be in love, in fact, she has a cold calculation in the first place - this is why a man dreams of a scratching cat.

A young lady who has a dream that a kitty has scratched the skin of her face and hands needs to be prepared for the appearance of an experienced, dexterous rival who has designs on the dreamer’s fiancé.

What could such a plot mean in a dream? young man? This is a sign that in the business sphere he has a powerful, cunning competitor in the person of the sweetest person of the fairer sex. She, pretending to be an innocent lamb, will do everything to confuse him and become the winner in a fierce battle between professionals.

Take care of your nerves!

Some dream books believe that people who are in an extremely tense, “excited” state dream about it. What could be causing this anxiety? It’s worth thinking about this when you wake up. Having determined the reason, try to calm down, because nervousness provokes various diseases, interferes with living and working fully.

True, there is a hint: when a cat tore blood in your night vision, or another part of the body, then you are quite rightly worried about the fate of a loved one.

The machinations of the cunning

In Modern universal dream book a plot is described in which he is on his feet, trying to bite or injure with his claws.

Why do you dream like this? This vision is a warning that a cunning enemy is lurking nearby, who, with the help of flattery and toadying, is trying to gain confidence, and then use this for selfish purposes, betraying the sleeping person.

About the meaning of color

The color of the animal's fur will help to unravel the mystery of the dream. So General dream book explains that an aggressive black cat in a dream means that competitors will show unprecedented activity, but if at the same time you don’t have a single scratch on your body, then a pleasant surprise, a happy occasion, is likely.

A red cat, clinging to you with its claws, dreams that you may fall victim to deception, fraud, a white cat - to love experiences, disappointments. Evil tortoiseshell cats in dreams come to those who are destined to painfully think and be sad about something.

Predictions from Miller

The famous predictor Miller is confident that belligerent felines in dreams are a signal that new enemies will appear. Moreover, they will try to take away from the sleeping person exactly what he values ​​most. If you managed to drive away a harmful animal in a dream, then you can resolve the most difficult problems, and besides, strengthen your reputation.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

A cat is not a very good sign, and if it also scratches in a dream, then you should be prepared for troubles in different areas of life. These could be problems at work due to careless colleagues, or everyday troubles; it all depends on the small details of the dream, which also need to be taken into account when interpreting it.

What if you dream that a cat is scratching?

If a woman dreams that a cat is scratching her child, then in reality he will become seriously ill, as a result of which she will have to endure several months of nightmare, since she will be very worried about him. In this case, she should control herself and not lash out at her relatives who will come to her aid. To see how a cat deliberately scratches furniture and walls - in reality, the sleeper should be vigilant, since someone wants to greatly harm him. Often such a dream promises the dreamer problems at work, and all because of envious colleagues who want to harm him and will spread unpleasant gossip about him. Beating a cat because it scratched a guest means you will actually have to help your friend who will get into trouble.

If a person was scratched by a huge black cat in a dream, then in reality he should be afraid of the machinations of his enemies, who will do anything to see him broken and without a livelihood. This dream can come true if it happened from Thursday to Friday.

If a cat scratches the dreamer’s relative in a dream, it means that in reality he will encounter unforeseen obstacles. The sleeper must definitely help him get out of this, since he will soon also find himself in a similar situation, and he will not have to count on the support of his friends, since they will simply turn away from him. If a cat scratched the dreamer’s entire face in a dream, then in reality he will be greatly disgraced and will walk with his head down for a long time. Examining the scratches left by this animal and complaining that they do not heal for a long time - in reality, the enemy will inflict an insult on the dreamer, which he will remember all his life. For a woman, such a dream promises betrayal best friend, which will hurt her greatly.

What does it portend?

Puzzling over why you have a dream in which a cat scratches, you should look through the dream books of famous authors, perhaps in one of them you will be able to find the correct interpretation of this symbol. For example, Nostradamus warns about the machinations of enemies who will not stop until they see the sleeping person completely defeated and inconsolable. Hasse foretells health problems for a person, and Miller promises him a new enemy who will do a lot of nasty things in the future. If you believe modern dream book, then a person should beware of colleagues who, out of envy, will try to ruin his career. Dr. Freud is inclined to believe that there is something wrong with the dreamer and he urgently needs to seek help. medical assistance, otherwise he may end up in a mental hospital.

It is worth knowing that most often a cat in a dream is a female enemy in reality, so you need to keep your ear to the ground with the fair half of humanity, since she is capable of very inventive intrigues and sophisticated revenge, and in most cases the dreamer may not notice the culprit of his troubles

A cat that scratches a person in a dream is a negative sign that brings continuous troubles to life. However, he can listen to the voice of his subconscious and do what it tells, then bad events will remain in a dream and will never come true.

A cat is an animal that personifies cunning, dexterity, strong intuition, and connection with the world of spirits. An attack by this animal in a dream is usually a bad omen. Those who see a cat scratching in a dream should not always expect trouble and misfortune. To understand what a dream portends, you need to remember it in detail and turn to well-known dream books for interpretation.

Who's dreaming

Great importance When deciphering a dream, whoever is dreaming plays a role. Vision will have different meanings for men and women.

A dream in which an animal scratches a girl’s face and hands indicates that she will have a rival in matters of the heart. For married woman Seeing a cat scratching her hands in a dream means a threat family well-being- an insidious intention will come from a friend. If a cat bites a girl out of pleasure, it means that she will be able to get the man she likes.

If the dreamer is a guy, then such night visions promise him obstacles in work matters, and the source of trouble will be a female person. For a man, a dream in which a cat bites him is a warning - he should take a closer look at his chosen one. Perhaps she is not interested in him, but in his wallet.

Animal color

The meaning of the vision depends on the color of the animal that attacked the sleeping person. The color of the cat will help you solve the dream.

The cat could be white, gray, black, speckled or striped:

  • If a white cat attacks the dreamer, this symbolizes a difficult choice. The dreamer will have to decide what is more important to him: family or career.
  • If you dream about a gray cat scratching you until you bleed, people around you consider you a cunning person.
  • An attack by a red cat in a dream means that the dreamer will be accused of promiscuity.
  • A bite from a spotted or tabby cat promises an uncertain situation both at work and in your personal life.
  • If a calico cat scratches and bites in a dream, then it means money.
  • An attack by a black cat is a bad omen that symbolizes meanness and betrayal. If the animal was driven away in a dream, the sleeper will be able to avoid problems and troubles.

Dream plot

When interpreting a dream, you need to remember the details of the plot. The meaning of the dream even depends on which part of the body the cat scratched, and on other details of the vision.

Dream books contain various interpretations a dream in which a cat shows anger and attacks the sleeping person:

  1. 1. A dream in which a representative of the cat family scratches a person’s face means loss of reputation. The sleeper will burn with shame.
  2. 2. If your leg was injured during an animal attack, then the dream promises the collapse of hopes associated with career growth. In the future, an obstacle will arise that will prevent the dreamer from realizing his intentions.
  3. 3. If you dream of a cat scratching and biting a person’s neck, then this is a sign of illness.
  4. 4. If in a dream the sleeping person’s hand was bitten or scratched by a cat, his financial situation will be shaken. The more painful the bite or scratch, the greater the loss of the sleeper.
  5. 5. If a cat left scratches on its back in a dream, this predicts difficulties in the business sphere.
  6. 6. If an animal scratches a person’s thigh or calf, this indicates that the sleeper lacks the attention of the opposite sex.
  7. 7. Seeing in a dream how a cat bit your finger calls for caution; you should not trust others too much. Under the guise of a friend there may be a person who wants to do harm. This dream foreshadows a quarrel, humiliation, a stab in the back from loved ones.
  8. 8. If a fat, well-groomed cat bites a sleeping person’s finger, then the dreamer can be characterized as a lazy person who loves pleasure.
  9. 9. If in a dream a person happened to observe how a cat grappled with a dog, this means that there is a friend next to him who is ready to protect and provide support. A friend of the sleeping person may suffer from the machinations of common enemies, but thanks to joint efforts, ill-wishers will be defeated.
  10. 10. If in a dream a huge evil cat scratches until it bleeds, the enemy of the sleeper is very strong, and he will be the cause of many troubles and troubles for the dreamer.
  11. 11. If in a dream an animal accidentally scratched a sleeping person, releasing its claws because it noticed a dog nearby, this is a warning. In real life, next to a person there is someone who hides bad intentions towards him.
  12. 12. If a sleeper sees in a dream how his cat breaks out, scratching and biting, this promises quarrels, misunderstandings, and troubles in the family circle.

If wounds or scratches remain after a cat attack, the dreamer will have a hard time dealing with the insult that an unfriendly person will inflict on him. If the bites and scratches left by the cat do not hurt, then the problems will quickly be forgotten.