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» Beautiful living room design with fireplace. Living room interior with fireplace - style and relaxing atmosphere. Fireplaces with panoramic fireboxes in the living room interior

Beautiful living room design with fireplace. Living room interior with fireplace - style and relaxing atmosphere. Fireplaces with panoramic fireboxes in the living room interior

Many homeowners dream of a living room with a real fireplace, because it is the physical embodiment of warmth and comfort. It’s quite easy to fit a home into a spacious room. But what about a small living room that you also want to decorate with a fireplace? And this goal is quite achievable, you just need to spend a little effort and time and correctly create the design of a small living room with a fireplace, which will allow the home to reveal its charm to the fullest and sparkle with new colors.

Features of a small living room with a fireplace

The hearth has the wonderful ability to transform the simple interior of even the smallest room into a surprisingly homely, warm and welcoming one. Any room with a fireplace looks more comfortable and atmospheric, which affects the mood of the people staying there. Psychologists explain this phenomenon by a person’s memory on genetic level, because from time immemorial fire has been considered a symbol of security.

Now the most common the following types fireplaces:

  • Traditional wood burning fireplace;
  • Electric fireplace;
  • Decorative false fireplace.

You need to select a fireplace based on the capabilities of your room. But we can say with complete confidence that a real wood-burning fireplace will bring many difficulties with installation and maintenance in a cramped room. And using a real hearth in small rooms is quite dangerous.

Therefore, the most suitable option for not large premises- an electric fireplace that is not only easy to install and does not require special care, but will also truly warm the room. In addition, it is completely safe not only for adults, but also for children and pets.

Attention! In small rooms, false fireplaces that serve only a decorative function are also in demand. Such a piece of furniture must be chosen very carefully and responsibly, since over time it can become a trinket that no one needs.

So, before you start designing your future living room, you need to know a few rules:

  • The fireplace should fit harmoniously into the overall design solution. The style and model of the fireplace should be successfully combined with the design of the room: for a living room in classic style a hearth with a traditional portal is best suited, and a minimalist hearth based on heat-resistant plastic and glass.

  • In the interior of such a living room, the hearth is the dominant feature, so all other decorative elements and furniture should be arranged in such a way as to maximally emphasize the uniqueness of the hearth.
  • Soft and cozy armchairs and a sofa should be placed around any fireplace. This composition creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the room and is conducive to a friendly conversation over a cup of tea.
  • Even the smallest decorative elements will help to reveal the full charm of the hearth, so it needs to be harmoniously furnished with stylish figurines and figurines, images and cozy textiles.

Recommendations for interior design of a living room with a fireplace

The design of a living room with a fireplace should be thought out in advance, since the fireplace will become the key one in the interior. All decorative details, design and even pieces of furniture should be purchased only based on the choice of a particular model.

The fireplace itself can be successfully installed on a loggia or in niches of walls and partitions.

Attention! It should be remembered that it is strictly undesirable to install a TV next to the fireplace. These two items attract attention with equal force. Therefore, place the fireplace and TV at some distance from each other, otherwise it may seem to you that the announcer is not only telling you the news, but also jumping over the fire.

To make your living room look impressive and stylish, experts suggest using exclusively thematic design. Otherwise, you risk turning a small room into a closet, where all the details are autonomous and do not form a single whole.

The color scheme of a living room with a fireplace should not be overly dark. The fireplace looks more impressive against a light background, which also visually expands the space.

The desire of designers to decorate the space around the hearth with appropriate elements often “hides” the beauty of the fireplace itself behind such decorative abundance.

However, the fireplace mantel, regardless of the chosen model, should not be a separate, autonomous element of the interior. It can, and even should, be moderately decorated with souvenirs, photographs or works of art. Designers urge you to pay attention to the wall next to which the hearth is located. A famous and stylish painting, its reproduction or an elegant mirror will look very harmonious on it.

Visual increase in space

Like any other small room, the living room needs to visually expand the space. Designers recommend using the following techniques that will further emphasize the effectiveness of the hearth:

  • More light. Properly selected and correctly installed lighting for all parts of the room, including accent lighting in the hearth area. This can visually expand the living room space.

  • More pastel shades. To prevent a bulky fireplace from occupying a good half of the room and reducing the volume of an already small living room, decorate the fireplace itself and the space surrounding it in the lightest possible or neutral shades.

  • Vertical accents, light and transparent materials, mirrors are not a complete list of solutions that can make the design of a small living room with a fireplace airier and lighter.

In general, the flight of imagination of designers is limitless, so it is important to find this fine line that separates style from bulky pretentiousness.

Long winter evenings I really want to sit comfortably by the fireplace in my favorite chair and with a cup of aromatic coffee... A fireplace is the dream of every owner country house. And the size of the living room does not matter. Create a warm and cozy atmosphere possible on any square meters.

When placed in the living room, the fireplace becomes the central element and determines the design of the entire interior as a whole.

Types of fireplaces

Choosing the right model is very important. Future comfort and safety will depend on it.

In most cases, a real wood-burning fireplace can only be built in a private home

The determining factor for the “right” fireplace is the capabilities of your room. For example, to install a classic wood-burning fireplace, you need a living room of impressive size; in addition, maintenance of the structure will require additional funds. Therefore, very often in tiny rooms they install decorative false fireplace(imitation) or electric fireplace.

Organization of space

Often in small living rooms a modern electric “relative” of a wood-burning hearth is installed. At the same time, the external attractiveness and functionality of the design are preserved.

The design of the artificial hearth should be in harmony with the surrounding environment

The design of the fireplace is chosen in unison with the overall decoration of the living room. So, for a hall in a classic style, they choose a design with monograms, gilding and ornate decorative elements from natural materials. For modern and high-tech style, a design made of glass and heat-resistant plastic is suitable. And the mantelpiece - no matter what style the hearth is made in - is a great place for decorative elements. Family photographs, figurines and boxes will add comfort and warmth to the overall atmosphere of the living room.

A stylishly designed fireplace will never cease to amaze you and your guests.

The wall above the mantelpiece is ideal for placing a painting or reproduction in the appropriate style on it.

A relaxation area is created in close proximity to the fireplace. It would not be an exaggeration to say that a fireplace is often installed precisely for this purpose. A pair of armchairs, a comfortable lamp and a table are the most suitable solution for such an area. The sizes of furniture pieces depend solely on personal preferences and the dimensions of the room. So, in a small living room with a small fireplace, compact armchairs and a small transforming coffee table will fit perfectly. The large living room can accommodate a couple of sofas and a medium-sized table for pleasant family evenings.

Seating area in a cozy rustic living room

At first glance it seems that in order to organize stylish interior, you just need to install a fireplace in the living room and everything will automatically fall into place. In practice, the exact opposite effect occurs. The presence of a fireplace “presents” certain requirements for the interior design and sets its own conditions, without which the design of the room looks ridiculous.

The material for finishing the fireplace is selected depending on the stylistic direction interior

Since the fireplace becomes the highlight of the room, all other objects, even small decorative elements, must be in harmony with it.

The first thing you have to take into account is the undesirable proximity of the TV and fireplace. Both objects are dominant in the interior, and for maximum harmony of space it is better to place them at some distance from each other.

A large mirror above the fireplace helps visual expansion small living room space

To create big picture design, experts recommend decorating the room in one “theme”, otherwise the result will be an incomprehensible jumble of objects independent of each other.

When choosing a color scheme, take into account the fact that the fireplace looks better against a light background. Avoid dark colors when choosing finishing materials. Finally, exactly light colors will visually expand the space, which is very useful for a small living room with a fireplace.

The most compact are corner fireplaces; they are often used to heat small living rooms.

While the mantel is a good place to display nice touches, don't overcrowd it so that it doesn't become the focal point of the fireplace. A framed photo and a figurine (or small vase) will do the job.

Decorative elements must correspond to the chosen interior style

Another design trick for visually increasing space is the correct placement of lamps. Make an accent over the area where the fireplace is installed. Don't be content with just one large chandelier, but install several light sources in different parts of the room. If the ceilings are multi-level, then install lamps at different heights; this move will make the living room even more impressive.

A fireplace designed in strict geometric proportions is suitable for a living room in a classic style.

Design the space around the fireplace in light colors. Sometimes a certain light island is created in the overall interior of a darker color.

Vertical accents and mirrors will make a small room feel spacious and airy. In this case, you should not be afraid of experiments. The most unexpected decisions give an amazing effect.

Fireplace in the living room in different styles

As already mentioned, regardless of the size and functionality of the fireplace, its design should match the style of the living room.


Very often this interior element is used in country style living rooms. The fireplace itself can be effectively decorated with ceramic tiles. Or you can limit yourself to facing with ordinary brick; for country, this option is acceptable.

Rustic style fireplaces are somewhat heavy and quite large in size.

Natural materials are best suited for finishing and decorating a country-style fireplace.


A chalet-style living room resembles hunting lodge in the Alps, where it is impossible to live without a fireplace. Interior features include wooden wall decoration, rough beams on the ceilings and large panoramic windows. Fireplace in brown or beige tonesperfect solution for this design. As finishing material Natural stone (or its high-quality imitation) is suitable.

The chalet style is characterized by simplicity and comfort, so the fireplace can be an ordinary stove lined with stone or wood

Fireplace portal in style alpine chalet usually decorated with a massive wooden shelf


The Scandinavian direction in interior design is becoming very popular. His characteristic features considered to be a light color scheme, a laconic interior and the use of natural materials for decoration. Therefore, the fireplace is finished with light ceramic tiles or stone. This option would be suitable for a modest-sized living room. If the living room parameters are impressive, the hearth is decorated in darker colors.

Scandinavian fireplaces are distinguished by their simplicity and lightness

Among the Scandinavians, the fireplace is often a compact metal structure round or square shape

High tech

A high-tech fireplace also has its place. At first glance, it may seem that this modern design trend will not be able to “get along” with the fireplace. However, laconic models with a glossy surface fit very harmoniously into functional design. Interesting solution– the steel surface of the fireplace against the dark background of the overall decoration of the living room. Another know-how for the high-tech style is fireplaces with glass surfaces. From the point of view of heating the room, such models are not very practical, but they look incomparable.

Hi-tech style fireplaces are ideal for modern apartments

Typically, such fireplaces are made of metal, glass and even mirrors


The Art Nouveau style will be complemented by a fireplace with brickwork. Laconic, familiar and very practical solution. Both in terms of style and in terms of heating the living room. To make this option more interesting, use gray or black brick instead of the traditional red.

Electric wall-mounted fireplace in a modern style living room

False fireplace in an Art Nouveau living room


A loft-style living room is a minimum of decorative elements and maximum functionality. A fireplace in this design must meet the same requirements. By the way, such an interior involves finishing one or two walls with brickwork. The fireplace in this case will fit perfectly into brick finishing walls.

A loft-style fireplace looks interesting and original

The most suitable for a loft interior would be metal fireplace, because these are the models that were used to heat rooms in the old days

Even in ordinary apartment you can install a fireplace or its high-quality decorative imitation. This ancient element of the interior immediately makes the house more comfortable and warmer. And evenings near the fireplace turn family dinner into an unforgettable pastime.

Video: fireplaces in the interiors of modern living rooms

In order to achieve a competent design of a living room with a fireplace, you should pay attention to the features of the room, its layout, dimensions, decoration and even the arrangement of furniture.

When choosing a classic built-in fireplace, first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for installing the fireplace. For safety reasons, a high-quality chimney must be equipped and ventilation grates for proper air supply.

The electric model or false fireplace is the most a good option for rooms with a small area. For these products, it is better to organize a place near the internal main wall. The electric fireplace is very compact, safe, lightweight and does not cause any difficulties during the renovation of the room.

A gas fireplace simultaneously carries two functions, it becomes original decoration and heats the room. Such a fireplace does not produce soot or soot. There are open, closed, built-in and stationary models, which, due to their versatility, can be located almost anywhere, for example, near the hay or on a special stand.

The photo shows the design of a bright living room with an artificial false fireplace.

The bio-fireplace is an ideal solution for the interior of an apartment. Such a product does not have any special requirements for location and is absolutely harmless to the environment. The airy transparent eco-fireplace built into the wall partition looks truly original and unusual.

How to place a fireplace?

The source must be located so that it does not contribute to the violation practical application rest rooms.

Fireplace in the corner of the living room

The corner model has a special design that allows it to fit harmoniously into any type of living room interior. Such a fireplace can be decorated using any materials, placed next to it a couple of cozy armchairs or complemented with a corner sofa.

To ensure that the fireplace does not get lost in the room, it should be installed in a corner that is best visible from different parts rooms.

The photo shows the interior of a classic living room with a fireplace located in the corner.

Fireplace in the center of the living room

Island fireplaces are rare, but they have a very interesting appearance. Such models are mainly used for the design of large rooms. The design is distinguished by the presence of a suspended chimney and the possibility of excellent visibility in all directions, therefore it most often serves as the central element of the living room interior.

The fireplace placed in the middle is visually highlighted due to color or decoration and the main pieces of furniture are placed around it.

Fireplace between windows

Is in an effective way location. However, this option has its drawback: due to heating the external wall, a certain amount of heat will be lost. Thermal insulation of this area will solve the disadvantage.

A fireplace installed between two French windows. It is also appropriate for front or corner placement between two window openings of different sizes.

In the photo there is a fireplace portal between two windows in the design of the hall in the fusion style.

Between two doors

A fireplace placed between two doorways may not be a very convenient option for the living room. Since there is usually a relaxation area around the fireplace portal, family members constantly passing by can interfere with a comfortable rest. Therefore, before arranging such a fireplace, you should carefully consider the layout and furnishings of the room.

Fireplace on free wall

The most traditional solution. It is better to place the fireplace insert near the internal walls to retain heat in the house. A portal with an open flame cannot be installed near wooden objects.

Photo in a private house

In the living room in the interior of a country house, it is possible to install a real wood-burning fireplace. To do this, you need to take care of the good strength of the floor and walls, pay attention to the height of the ceiling and take care of fire safety. Due to live fire in homely atmosphere Warm energy is formed, and the atmosphere is filled with comfort and acquires individual characteristics.

The layout of the house often involves a living room combined with a kitchen. In the design of a combined room, it will be interesting to look at the hearth, which acts as a dividing element between two functional zones.

The photo shows a living room in a country-style house with a corner fireplace lined with brickwork.

For the design of a spacious hall with a high ceiling, a portal made in a rustic country style is perfect. This D-shaped fireplace has large sizes and has a design that is particularly rural in simplicity and naturalness. In order to achieve maximum effect, the portal is lined with stone or wood, and firewood is laid out in the fireplace niche.

Examples of fireplaces in the interior of a city apartment

The interior of the living room is ideally complemented by an electric fireplace. If you apply high-quality finishing, the artificial model will look no worse than a real hearth. Such designs, as a rule, have several ways to simulate flame. The combustion effect is depicted using a display, carried out by backlighting or a fan, which causes the rag tongues of fire to move.

The photo shows an electric fireplace in the interior of a living room in a modern-style apartment.

In the living room of an apartment, the fireplace can be located along the entire wall or occupy only a small amount of space. It would be appropriate to hang a TV above the fireplace, and put a sofa opposite. The wall above the portal is also sometimes equipped with shelves, decorated with a mirror or beautifully framed paintings. A functional solution would be to install modular wall as a continuation of the horizontal fireplace.

Ideas in different styles

Installing a fireplace is appropriate in a living room with a wide variety of stylistic concepts presented in real design projects.

Fireplace in a living room interior in a classic style

IN classical hall most often erected monolithic fireplace with chimney, finished with granite, marble or clinker bricks. You can place a couple of natural wood chairs around the hearth and decorate the mantelpiece different decor in the form of antique clocks, photographs in metal frames, or decorate the portal with bronze candlesticks.

The photo shows the design of the area with a fireplace in the living room in a classic style.

Living room in loft style with fireplace

A full-fledged gas model with rough outlines and without unnecessary finishing is perfect for a loft. A steel stove coated with black or silver heat-resistant paint will allow you to advantageously decorate an industrial space.

A budget option for an industrial living room is a false fireplace with an aged effect, decorated with metal candlesticks.

Living room with fireplace in Provence style

The fireplace portal should be in harmony with the declared style, which is characterized by simplicity, unusually sweet appeal, delicate plant motifs and pastel colors without sharp accents.

A fireplace lined with materials in the form of decorative stone, ceramic tiles, aged brick and other coatings with a matte texture will be advantageously combined with light tones.

In the photo there is a Provence style hall with corner fireplace, lined with tiles.

Living room in high-tech style

For high-tech, a classic hearth with a U-shaped portal is not suitable. In the design of the hall, it is appropriate to install an ultra-modern fireplace of a triangular or spherical shape, as well as a model combined with a coffee table. The product can be attached to the wall or hung and placed in the center of the living room.

Neoclassicism in the living room interior

In the neoclassical style, the hearth is the main detail around which the entire interior composition is built. The symmetrical and monochromatic fireplace portal is complemented with various characteristic ornaments and decorated with thematic curls, rosettes and reliefs.

Fireplace in the living room in a minimalist style

A strict and laconic portal with metal, plastic or glass elements in combination with functional furniture designed in a minimalist style will give the living room a stylish look. A minimalist fireplace is considered budget option, since it can be made in the form of a flame located in a wall niche without additional cladding and accessories.

The photo shows a long bio-fireplace built into a furniture wall in a minimalist room design.

Interior design ideas

In the interior of a small living room with a fireplace, the main task is rational use and savings usable space. An artificial model will fit perfectly into such a room. In this case, there is no need to take into account the height of the ceilings and the number of free square meters in room.

For the hall you can choose a minimalist electric, gas model or a compact biofireplace. The design of a country house or cottage will be successfully complemented by a mini-fireplace, which is an excellent alternative to a stationary portal.

The photo shows the interior of a small room with a false fireplace.

No less suitable solution For small space will become a corner model. Such a fireplace will not only effectively use a corner in the hall, but will also advantageously transform and adjust the configuration of the room.

It would also be appropriate wall structure, having a thin body made of glass or plastic. A similar product in the form of a plasma screen with an imitation of the combustion process is conveniently hung on the wall in the living room, which can significantly save space in the room.

For a large living room, an island model located in the center or a wall stove is suitable. In the spacious room, near the fireplace, a seating area is set up, chairs, a sofa and a coffee table are installed.

The photo shows a fireplace placed between two window openings in a large living room.

Photo gallery

The design of a living room with a fireplace becomes the hallmark of any home or apartment. Such an interior clearly demonstrates the aesthetic taste of the owners and allows you to create a hospitable environment for a relaxing holiday with family or friends.

Creating a cozy environment where you gather with your friends and family is very important. In a pleasant atmosphere it is much easier to relax and tune in to the desired wave. One of the proven and popular ways to make your room truly cozy is to install a fireplace in it.

Today, fireplaces serve mostly a decorative function. Therefore, it is very important that the copy you choose fits perfectly into the overall picture.


Cozy rooms with a fireplace is the dream of many. And both owners of a private house and those who live in an apartment can make it a reality.

In a private house

Of course, it is much easier for owners of private houses to install a fireplace in their premises. The living room is usually used to accommodate it. It can be a separate room, or a room connected to kitchen space. If the budget allows, then a full-fledged fireplace can even be installed in the house. Such a room ensures complete safety, because everything in it will be equipped with an open fire source.

However, safety should never be forgotten. Even in luxurious interior you should not place a fireplace, especially with an open fire, next to textiles, upholstered furniture or carpets.

In a city apartment

Many people believe that fireplaces only belong in large private homes. But this stereotype in the modern world is gradually moving aside. Many small fireplaces are being designed that can easily fit in any average apartment.

When choosing a fireplace for a city apartment, try to pay attention to its functionality. It’s good if the fireplace is mounted on the wall or complemented by a TV. The latter is relevant for small electric fireplaces.

The fireplace should fit organically into the space around it. Think in advance about how it will fit with the furniture and decide what type of fireplace you need. After all, in addition to the fireplace and functional furniture, there should also be free space in the room.

In city apartments, electric fireplaces or false fireplaces are often used. This allows you to protect yourself and save maximum free space.

Another tip to keep in mind when choosing a fireplace for small room- it should be light. A fireplace made of dark stone or rich chocolate shade of wood, although it looks luxurious, visually weighs down the room and makes it less spacious.

Types of fireplaces

In a modern living room you can place not only classic wall-mounted fireplaces, but also other, more compact modifications.


If you have a small room, then a stylish wall-mounted fireplace will be the best option for you. It can be mounted in two ways - near the external or interior wall. If you want the fireplace to perform not only a decorative function, then it is better to mount it on inside– otherwise the heat will escape.


Another compact option is a floor-standing fireplace. He's good for studio apartment or studio. Most often, floor-standing fireplaces are electric, so it is quite safe to use them.


A built-in fireplace is also suitable for small rooms. It is good because it is mounted in a special niche in the wall. It’s better, of course, to think about installing such a fireplace in advance - then you won’t have to change anything in the layout of the room. Such a fireplace would be appropriate in rooms from 18 sq.m.


The most classic type of fireplace is an attached one. It is quite bulky, but at the same time it looks really atmospheric. The best places to place such a fireplace are the bedroom and living room.


IN Lately Island fireplaces are gaining popularity. If you have a small studio and want to save space, then this is a good option for you. It looks modern and stylish, takes up little space since it is located in the very center of the room, and at the same time heats the room well.


Fireplace options by heating type

Fireplaces also differ in the type of heating. Depending on what type of fuel is used, a fireplace can be a more or less economical option.


The most common option is wood-burning fireplaces. These are the kind of fireplaces that were found in ancient private houses. A large fireplace of this type is good not only for its appearance, but also because it is able to heat the room, creating the desired atmosphere.

Wooden fireplace The good thing is that his portal is able to retain heat even when the fire in the room is not burning at all. This is especially true for fireplaces built from cherry or mahogany. This elegant fireplace will fit perfectly into a living room, office or even bedroom.

IN modern fireplaces are often used and different types exotic trees. For example, rosewood, teak or wenge. They help emphasize the sophistication of the homeowner’s taste and the uniqueness of the design as a whole. However, exquisite decorative materials can also be used solely for decoration. Wood can be presented in the most different colors and shades.

Often different types or shades of wood are combined to create an interesting effect. In the high-tech or minimalist style, light wood colors are most often used. A popular option is pine coated with a transparent high-quality primer. Aged wood is trending. In order to achieve this effect, the surface of the wood is coated with a special paint that imitates cracks.

Wood is also often used to create fireplaces in traditional style. The most popular solution is to use mahogany, decorated with exquisite carvings or also artificially aged. Mahogany is decorated with darker colors, which ultimately looks luxurious and attractive.


In the modern world, electric fireplaces are also popular. This is an excellent solution for those who live in apartments. It is these fireplaces that are as safe and practical as possible. Of course, an electric fireplace does not provide enough heat to fully heat the room, but the desired cozy picture is still created.


Another modern solution- it is small gas fireplace. It is good because it allows you to save on the purchase of firewood, since heating occurs using gas.

Fireplaces are now becoming popular pieces of furniture in both traditional and modern living rooms. They give the interior a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and also help to interestingly diversify even a simple and boring environment. Modern fireplace options come in many varieties, so they can fit into almost any living room design project.


If you are planning to make a living room with a fireplace, for proper design it is important to take into account the features of your room. What matters is the layout, dimensions, as well as the desired finish and even the arrangement of furniture. When developing a design project, you will encounter many features of such an environment.

The place for the fireplace must be selected so that it fits organically into the general layout rooms. It is not recommended to place a fireplace in the passage, as this will simply be inconvenient: a seating area is usually set up around the fireplace, and if other family members constantly pass by, it will be uncomfortable to relax. In addition, it is not customary to place a fireplace close to doors or windows.

It’s worth taking care of practicality in advance, because the main function of a fireplace is to heat the room. The most heat will be provided by fireplaces that burn wood, as well as imitation hearths powered by electricity. It is also worth considering that fashionable modern models glazed on two or three sides are significantly inferior to traditional options in practicality.

If it is possible to purchase a fireplace portal with a drawer underneath, it is certainly worth doing. In a small cabinet under the fireplace it will be very convenient to store firewood for the fireplace or just any things you need in everyday life - for example, brushes for cleaning the fireplace. Often fireplaces also have a small open shelf on top. This can be useful if you have a spacious living room and you like an abundance of small details in the interior. On a similar shelf above the fireplace portal you can place clocks, stylish ceramics or photographs - such bright accents will help to further highlight the fireplace.

Many people fear that the fireplace will be too conspicuous in the interior. and will not be able to fit harmoniously into the design - this is especially true in cases where a fireplace with a traditional design is placed in modern interior. To avoid this, tables or low cabinets on the side are often attached to the fireplace portal. They can be decorated with the same tiles or paint as the fireplace portal. This way you can support the hearth in the interior, organically fitting it into the decor of your room.

Types of fireplaces

Modern fireplaces are very diverse - they can differ in their location, fuel required, heat emission and style. However, all fireplaces also have a number of common features. The main part of the visible structure is occupied by the fireplace portal - this is the facade, which can be decorated with a variety of decorative elements: tiles, tiles, wood and painting. The design also includes a chamber for burning wood, called a firebox, a smoke collector and a chimney that goes outside.

Sometimes a small fireplace cabinet for storing firewood is attached to the front of the fireplace, above or below, and a small table, decorated in the same style as the fireplace, is often placed on the side.

Despite the fact that the design of all real fireplaces is largely similar, there are a number of differences. First of all, fireplaces are distinguished by the location in the house that they can occupy.

The following hotspot options exist:

  • wall;
  • corner;
  • built-in;
  • island.

The most popular option is wall fireplace. At the same time, this option is quite voluminous and takes up a lot of space, so it is recommended to consider a similar model for spacious houses. An obvious advantage is that such a fireplace fits into the wall, which means it looks organically in the interior. Such fireplaces are usually distinguished by finishing with tiles, brick or stone.

Corner fireplace has a special design and can look very beautiful in any type of interior. Such models will be an ideal option for owners of small living rooms. The decoration of such a fireplace can be almost any, and around it you can easily place cozy armchairs or even corner sofa for relax.

Built-in fireplace has a chimney embedded in the wall - it is worth taking care of the presence of such a fireplace at the stage of building a house. This option looks great and takes up very little space in the living room. At the same time, in order for it to be noticeable, it is absolutely important to come up with a catchy and interesting decoration for the portal.

Island fireplace It doesn’t happen very often, but it looks very interesting. Mostly such options are suitable for spacious living rooms, otherwise you simply will have nowhere to place the island. Moreover, such options have a suspended chimney, and the heat transfer from them will be less than from other models. Island fireplaces are largely decorative. The hearth can be viewed from all sides, and located similar models you can anywhere in your room, complementing it with a sofa and armchairs.

In addition to the location in the house, It is important to highlight the differences between fireplaces based on the type of fuel required for the fireplace:

  • A wood-burning fireplace is a traditional option; it requires careful installation and does not give off too much heat. However, the sight of burning logs in the portal is mesmerizing and creates a special, incomparable atmosphere in the room.
  • If you want a more practical option, consider installing an easy-to-use gas fireplace.
  • Electronic fireplaces are an imitation of real fire; they are suitable for both apartments and homes, and are also convenient to use.
  • Finally, biofireplaces are innovative models that run on alcohol and have a primarily decorative function.

Based on the method of heat emission, modern fires can also be divided into several types:

  • The first option is a hearth with one-sided heat radiation, the most popular in private homes, it is the simplest design and has the maximum heat transfer.
  • Fireplaces with double-sided radiation will become an original design highlight in the interior, but they lose in heat transfer and practicality.
  • There are also options with three-sided radiation, they are rare, and their main function is decorative.


It is very important to choose the right fireplace portal design to suit your interior style. The fireplace can organically fit into the decor of any living room, but you need to find suitable decor options.

In an apartment or private house, a fireplace should become an organic part of the living space.

Very often fireplaces are selected for interiors country style V country houses. Often, traditional fireplace cladding with brick or stone looks very appropriate in such living rooms. At the same time, if you want to diversify the decor with folk motifs, you can choose colored ceramic tiles for decorating the fireplace. Wooden carved cladding options can also look very organic. Finally, simple metal facades will also suit the country style and will become the highlight of your interior.

Living room chalet style- This is one of the popular options for country style; such interiors are reminiscent of the decoration of houses in the Swiss Alps. Typically, such living rooms have wooden walls, beams on the ceiling, large panoramic windows, and the walls and floors are decorated with natural animal skins. Stone cladding is best suited for such fireplaces - beige and brown shades so that they do not contrast with the wooden elements in the interior. You can also sometimes find minimalist versions of metal fireplace portals - they are suitable if you want to make a special emphasis on the hearth.

Nowadays simple and practical is becoming fashionable Scandinavian style in the interior. It is possible to furnish a living room in this way inexpensively; a laconic design, light colors of decoration and environmentally friendly materials. The stove is most often finished with light ceramic tiles or light stone - this option is suitable for a small room. If you have a spacious living room in Scandinavian style, you can highlight the focus using more dark shades stone or tiles.

Among other things, molding is also a popular solution white, which is usually combined with the main finish.

For a modern living room in hi-tech style characteristic glossy surfaces for facing the fireplace. Various metal options can look very interesting - steel or copper will look great against the backdrop of a dark interior decoration. If you prefer pastel shades, you should consider plastic glossy facades, which will become a fashionable and universal solution for modern design. Finally, you should also consider unusual fireplace options, covered with glass on two or three sides - such fireplaces are not very practical for heating a room, but they look very unusual and stylish.

Often houses are decorated in classic style, neoclassical and baroque are also popular - similar interior looks luxurious and elegant. The fireplace in such settings is usually decorated with small decorative columns and stucco molding. Facade cladding made of solid stone, such as marble, is also popular. However, you can replace this option with a cheaper analogue - suitable ceramic tiles. In addition, sometimes a smooth white facade made of plaster or plastic can look interesting, as well as the now popular light tiles, stylized as brick or stonework.

For the living room in Art Nouveau style brickwork on the façade of the fireplace or its imitation with tiles will be the simplest and most harmonious option. At the same time, if you want to diversify this design, you can now choose very interesting modern finishing options made of black, gray or dark brown stone.

Such cladding will perfectly complement the interior in the Art Nouveau style and will become an interesting highlight of your living room.

For the living room V english style characterized by discreet decoration, pastel shades finishing, wooden simple furniture, striped and floral textile prints. Fireplaces in England are usually finished with pink or white brick - such portal facades look restrained and stylish. Often, brickwork is combined with molding or wooden elements. These fireplace fronts are characterized by open shelves on top and cabinets on the bottom.

Loft living room implies the most open space with a simple stylish design. Very often in lofts one or more walls are finished with brick. In this case, facing the fireplace portal with brick will also look very harmonious if it is located on one of these walls. At the same time, if the fireplace is located against a wall with a light finish, you can paint its portal in the color of the walls - this will also look very stylish and organic.

If you are planning to furnish your living room in an eclectic style, it is important that the design of the fireplace is not too restrained and not too flashy - it should fit organically into the decor of the room. A variety of modern fireplace models can look great - island hearths, portals glazed on several sides, as well as unusually shaped metal models. However, even the most ordinary traditional fireplace built into a wall with brick cladding can look interesting - just decorate the wall around the fireplace with molding or place a couple of bright accessories on the mantelpiece.

Color spectrum

The color of the facade of your fireplace is very important in the interior - of course, the fireplace portal should stand out, but not be too catchy.

Options for successful color range for decorating a fireplace, taking into account the finishing shades:

  • If your interior is in whitish or pastel shades, and the living room is small, the decoration of the fireplace portal should also be chosen mainly in light colors. Bright white tiles, plastic, whitish stone or brick may be suitable. A light metal facade will also look quite appropriate. Unusual design can be done using non-standard color combinations - for example, they can look great lilac tones with olive or beige with light gray.

  • If you have decorated the room in light colors, but the room is quite spacious, a fireplace can become a bright, interesting accent. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid pure colors - bright blue, yellow, scarlet or rich green. It is better to replace them with complex composite shades - for example, current solution The fireplace lining can be in wine, emerald, mustard and gray-blue shades. You can also use deep dark colors– black, brown, burgundy or dark blue.

  • For a dark living room, you should not choose a fireplace portal that matches the tone of the decoration - such a design may turn out to be too boring and gloomy. It is better if the façade of the fireplace is a little lighter or brighter than the main color of the finish: the degree of difference between these colors will depend on how much you want to highlight the fireplace in the interior. If you have burgundy wall decoration, crimson tiles may be suitable; for khaki walls, white fireplace fronts are often chosen, and for dark gray walls, you can choose an option in copper shades.

  • If you have a living room combined with an entrance hall or kitchen, which are decorated in different tones, use the fireplace portal the right color you can make the interior more beautiful and complete. The fireplace located in the kitchen can be finished in the same color as the living area, and vice versa. However, with any decoration that combines two colors in different zones, options with white cladding, red brick or metal cladding will be win-win options.

Where to place it?

Consider following features design of a living room with a fireplace depending on the layout:

  • If the fireplace is located in the center of a small living room in a private house, it is best if the design is quite laconic. Nevertheless, the fireplace will be the semantic center, so it needs to be highlighted visually. You can make a bright finish for such a fireplace, decorate the walls around it with molding or paint it a different color. Furniture is usually located around the semantic center of the room. In a small living room with a fireplace, this is best done in a circle, leaving a wide passage.

  • If the stove is located in the center of a spacious room, and you do not want to divide the space of the room into zones, the design should be rich and varied - do not limit yourself in choosing small accessories and bright accents. At the same time, all decorative elements should be arranged so that the fireplace stands out. There are two ways to do this. You can furnish the living room quite laconically, and decorate it with small elements around the fireplace. On the contrary, you can place bright interior items throughout the room, and leave the area near the fireplace with a minimalist design - this option will also highlight your fireplace as the semantic center of the room.

  • If you are going to divide your living room into several zones, the location of the fireplace does not matter. Most likely, the fireplace will be located in one of two or three zones, which, in turn, should be highlighted using lighting, trim color, or arches and columns. To make such a living room look good, you should take care to create several semantic centers in the room - one in each zone. The semantic center, along with the fireplace, can be a TV, a table, panoramic window, a corner with flowers or an aquarium.

  • Nowadays, layouts that involve a combined living room and kitchen are very popular - this trend is especially typical for private houses. At the same time, the options in which the stove is located at the separation point between the kitchen and living room areas look extremely interesting. In this case, the fireplace is often complemented by a bar counter or countertop in an island kitchen. The hearth is usually directed towards the living room area. For harmonious design you need to think through the situation so that your fireplace is visible from all points in the room.

  • In houses with a bay window, the fireplace is usually placed on the right or left side of it. Armchairs or a sofa are usually placed along the windows - this type of setting is especially typical for classical and neoclassical interiors. If you are afraid that the hearth in this case will become secondary in the interior, you can highlight it additionally - for example, hang a TV or a large picture above it.