Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Who is a copywriter and what does he do? Who is a copywriter and how to master this profession from scratch - advice from a professional

Who is a copywriter and what does he do? Who is a copywriter and how to master this profession from scratch - advice from a professional

After reading the article, I recommend that you read the real story of a girl about remote work - tips from a copywriter.

My name is Babaskin Alexander. The profession of copywriter is my main job and today I will talk about the nuances of this specialty. If after studying the material you have any questions, you can find me Here.

I thought for a long time where to start. I’ll be honest: if you expect to make quick and a lot of money from articles, then you won’t succeed. Remember three things:

  1. writing texts is the most common and difficult job on the Internet;
  2. all copywriters are mercilessly criticized;
  3. Copywriting cannot be combined with your main job.

If you are in doubt now, stop reading and move on to other blog articles. I completed my mission. I talked you out of the hellish work in which only text fanatics achieve success.

If you read the article to the end and decide to act, you can master a profession from scratch and start earning money.

The choice is yours.

Professional path

You have thought about my words and are reading this subsection. Based on this, I conclude that this is a future colleague.

To make it easier to understand the specialty, let’s agree that we will consider a copywriter to be an author who fills sites with useful texts. We will not go into details, since this is too multifaceted a profession and now these nuances are not important.

There is a map in front of you professional development copywriter.

P.S. Click on the photo for easy viewing.

At the beginning of your career, you will write articles for sale and hunt for customers on your own. Over time, you will form your own brand and a base of satisfied customers.

If you don’t get tired of your profession, you will eventually manage your own studio.

It took me 2 years to complete the above stages. Next, I will tell you the basics and tips that will help you achieve a similar result much faster.

Create a continuing education program

Without education, you won’t be able to write quality articles. Below we will look at an indicative plan, following which you can quickly understand the basics of the profession.

  • Set aside time every day to read.
  • Try to write at least 1 article per day.
  • Select 5-10 topics and devote 80% of your texts to them.
  • Write different types of articles
  • Study the structure and bring order to each text.
  • Learn the basics of SEO optimization.
  • Start a blog and start publishing your work.
  • Organize your own newsletter.
  • Learn to write selling texts.

After implementing the plan, you will have basic level knowledge that is necessary to start working as a copywriter without experience. To make learning easier, everyone theoretical aspect reinforce with practice. Find text exchanges for beginners, take simple tasks and start working.

Save time and take preparatory courses

To speed up your learning, use ready-made copywriting training. There are many of them on the Internet, so I will recommend only a few options.

  1. Online University Netology.
  2. Course by Vasily Blinov on information and sales copywriting.

Using educational programs, you do not waste time preparing a plan and collecting material. You get acquainted with the lesson → gain a skill → apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Personal experience

I started homeschooling. My first training was free courses Yulia Volkodav. If you are new, be sure to visit Yulia Alexandrovna's blog. The available material will last you for a year. Once the free content was explored, I switched to " Copywriting school" Let's figure out what this program is and what its advantages are.

The school consists of three levels: “Beginner”, “Specialist” and “Professional”. A month is allotted to study one level. Right now, go to the school’s website and check out the program offered. After that:

  1. select the desired level;
  2. make a payment and get access to the closed part of the site;
  3. study the proposed video lessons;
  4. complete all homework;
  5. receive a certificate from Yulia Volkodav.

Certificate of "Beginner Copywriter"

Certificate of "Specialist"

Certificate of "Professional"

If you study well and complete your homework on time, you will receive an invitation to the Yulia Volkodav Agency.

You can view the agency's website Here.

Below I have prepared a comparative table of the advantages and disadvantages of paid courses. Study and draw your own conclusions.

Paid training
You will have a mentor and a clear plan on how to become a good copywriter.You have to pay for the courses.
The skills necessary for work can be obtained in a short time.Completing the course does not guarantee an abundance of customers.
The ability to attract clients and negotiate payment are separate skills that are acquired with experience.
In parallel with your training, you will earn money on your knowledge.
You will be confident in your own abilities and will be able to communicate with customers on equal terms.

After going through copywriting school, I gained confidence, fell in love with the profession, and increased my income. I recommend to everyone.

Copywriter income

I am writing this proposal on January 29, 2017. I linked it to the date so that you understand how much a copywriter earns. Let's look at a few places where you can find work.

Exchange eTXT.

  • 5 rubles per 1000 characters is the minimum that we could find.
  • 180 rubles is the maximum.

  • Minimum: 10 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • Maximum: 45,000 rubles per month.

  • Minimum: 3000 hryvnia per month.
  • Maximum: 32,000 hryvnia per month.

  • Minimum: 1500 hryvnia per month.
  • Maximum: 15,000 hryvnia per month.


  • Minimum: 1000 hryvnia per month.
  • Maximum: 10,000 hryvnia per month.

As you can see, salaries can vary. It all depends on the place of work and your skill.
Next, we will talk about professional secrets that will help you more easily immerse yourself in your specialty.

Write standing half the time

Such modernization of your workplace will increase your productivity, save you from obesity and other problems that cause sedentary lifestyle life. While standing, it is easier to monitor your posture and maintain the correct distance from the monitor. A standing author is less distracted and spends more time on the project.

Master touch typing

When you acquire this skill, you will be able to get more done and be less distracted. You will always think about the article, and not about the letters that make up it.

Have a voice recorder ready

During the day, each of us is visited by a lot of useful ideas. As a rule, they come unexpectedly, stay for a short time and rarely return. For the author this is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, develop the habit of collecting thoughts in a voice recorder. You will be shocked by your genius.

Keep a copywriting notebook

It is convenient to use the voice recorder on the go and in times of time pressure. If the situation allows, write down all explosive ideas in a separate notebook. Believe me, this is an excellent cure for creative block.

Always work for quality, not quantity of characters

Most copywriters start their professional careers with text exchanges. Here key requirement of any technical specification is the number of characters. This is not entirely true.

Let's say you need to write an article on the following topic: “How to become a successful forex trader and buy a yacht in Portugal in 7 days.”

The entire article will consist of one word: “No way.” Your customer will not appreciate such an honest and truthful answer. Instead, he will require an SEO-optimized article with 15 keywords for 5000 characters. A self-respecting author will refuse such an order, since it is impossible to carry out such work efficiently. There is no truth in it.

Plan your time

If you don't manage projects, you won't be able to work effectively. Get a diary and use it to plan your next day. Divide the work on each article into parts and record the time for completing intermediate tasks. Here are step-by-step instructions for you.

  1. Studying and collecting material (5 hours).
  2. Preparing a plan (30 minutes).
  3. Draft (2 hours).
  4. Finish version (2 hours).
  5. Editing (2 hours).
  6. Reserve time (3 hours).

Take breaks

If you don't rest, you won't be able to work effectively. Here are some common load balancing options.

  • 25 minutes work – 5 minutes rest
  • 40 minutes work – 20 rest
  • 50 minutes work – 25 rest
  • 1 hour 30 minutes work – 30 minutes rest

Every month, more than 100,000 Internet users are seriously interested in the topic of copywriting.

A copywriter is a person who writes texts for websites, media, social networks, etc. according to technical specifications from the customer and receives money for it. Such people are also called authors.

The purposes of texts can be different: from simple informational to complex selling ones. A professional who wants to earn from 50,000 rubles a month in this area must understand.

How to understand a good text or a bad one?

For example, you read an article on a topic of interest from beginning to end, and if everything was clear during the reading, then this is a useful text.

If boredom has already overcome you in the 2nd paragraph, then such a text is complex and uninteresting to read. Let's figure out who a copywriter is and what he does in more detail.

On the Internet we communicate with each other through texts. If a person has a question to which he does not know the answer, then he goes to the Yandex or Google search engine and enters queries that interest him.

The user goes to the first site and if he does not find the answer on this site, then he goes to another. This continues until a satisfying answer is found.

The copywriter’s task is to write a text that would answer 100% of a person’s request. So that the visitor no longer needs to look for information on other sites. A copywriter must be able to immerse himself in a topic that is new to him and study it as deeply as possible. Next, you need to process the information received, discard the “water” and leave only the facts, benefits and benefits.

99% of copywriters don't want to work like that. They are too lazy to dive deeply into the customer’s topic. That is why such authors receive pennies and always complain about low income.

Copywriters who study the topic thoroughly. As a blog author, I am in dire need of people who are willing to work like this.

Skills a copywriter must have

A copywriter must be able to express thoughts clearly and competently. The text should be:

  • informative (facts, evidence, examples);
  • structured (headings, subheadings, paragraphs);
  • beautifully designed (photos, videos, items and lists);
  • optimized for search engines (SEO, keywords);
  • written for people (without complicated terms).

Having mastered these simple skills, the texts will be interesting to read and they will take leading positions in search engines Oh. The result is the best portfolio for a copywriter.

Why the profession of a copywriter will always be relevant

There are tens of millions of sites in RuNet. For many website owners, this is not just entertainment, but a real business. And to overtake competitors, you need a lot of interesting and useful content.

A copywriter can start running his own project in the form of a website or blog at any time and make money from it

Owners of Internet resources and advertising agencies are constantly looking for authors who understand how to write correctly. I have already said above that there are many lazy people, but few hardworking ones. A professional copywriter will always find a job.

What is copywriting?

Fulfilling an order for copywriting means writing text that should be on a given topic. The writing style depends on the customer’s goal. It can be:

1. Regular copywriting. Basically, these are informational articles that talk in free form about a particular thing, event, place, etc., as well as descriptions of goods and services.

2. Rewriting. Presentation of one or more articles in such a way that the meaning of the rewritten is preserved, but the text becomes unique.

3. . In such articles, keywords are always used, which can be used both in direct occurrence and in modified form, for example, in a different case, or diluted with other words.

SEO copywriting is the most popular and in-demand type of copywriting. Thanks to such texts, sites get to the first positions in search engines.

4. Business copywriting. This includes selling texts, development of commercial proposals. These can be texts about the company - pages that describe a product or service and contain a feedback form so that the page visitor takes an active action, longreads - formats of long texts diluted with multimedia elements: photographs, videos, infographics, etc. , as well as many other texts that help promote business.

6. PR copywriting. One of the most difficult areas, which requires professional knowledge of marketing and psychology, creating an image and brand.

7. Technical copywriting is texts on a narrowly focused topic, which are most often ordered from specialized specialists. These could be articles on medicine, biology, industry, etc.

8. Author's copywriting. It is also called creative or exclusive. Such texts include copyrighted materials that have not been published anywhere and are written based only on one’s own thoughts. For example, storytelling - writing stories and stories, speechwriting - texts for speeches, as well as writing books and scripts.

Cheap and simple texts are considered informational articles, and the most expensive are copyrighted and unique ones, requiring the author to a large number of experience, knowledge and skills.

What is a technical specification (TOR)

TK is technical task, which is given by the customer to the contractor before writing the text. It usually indicates all the requirements for the final article.

It could be:

  • number of characters or words in the text;
  • presentation style;
  • rough plan;
  • keywords.

The copywriter must follow this specification in order to write the desired text. After all, the customer draws it up based on many parameters necessary for website promotion.

Pros of being a copywriter

Copywriting, like any profession, has its pros and cons. If you work as a full-time copywriter in an office, then not all points can be attributed to you. Pros of the job:

  • free work schedule that you can plan yourself;
  • distant work. The ability to work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet;
  • the dependence of earnings on personal professionalism, that is, if you are not lazy, but constantly develop and improve your skills, your income will grow steadily;
  • There is a lot of scope for self-development; you can constantly learn something new in the process of searching for information and writing articles;
  • self-realization.

Internet – the profession of a copywriter allows you to work remotely from anywhere in the world where there is Internet.

Disadvantages of being a copywriter

Let's look at the disadvantages of copywriting, which for some may not be disadvantages at all, but simply features of freelancing:

  • lack of experience, if you do not open an individual entrepreneur or other form of own employment;
  • If you don't work, there is no income. This is work for yourself, and there is no salary, but you can determine the cost of your hour yourself;
  • the need to take care of paying taxes and insurance premiums;
  • If you don’t calculate the load, your eyes, arms and back can get very tired from working at the computer. But this will be a disadvantage of any office job;
  • explaining to your relatives that it’s not easy for you to sit at the computer, but to earn money.

The pros and cons are quite relative, because if you really like the profession, then you no longer pay attention to the cons or find ways to deal with them.

Where to find a job as a copywriter

Most copywriters start their work with exchanges and freelancing. And many of them remain there, unlike those who continue to develop and look for customers “on the side.”

Exchanges are very convenient because you don’t have to worry about not getting paid. It is, as it were, a guarantor both for the customer that the order will be completed, and for the performer that he will be paid for his work.

Thanks to the exchange, it will be easy for a beginner to master a new profession and understand whether this activity is suitable for him as his main one. Each exchange has its own nuances, pros and cons.

Copywriting exchange is the most quick way receive the first order for a novice copywriter.

And the peculiarity of one exchange can be a disadvantage for one copywriter, and an advantage for another. Therefore, it is important to try in several places and choose the right one for yourself.

List of the most convenient and popular exchanges for beginners:


The stock exchange is a great place to start. It's ideal for learning the basics of being a copywriter. Most customers are loyal and provide clear technical specifications. We are also ready to answer any questions in private messages.

What do copywriters get paid for and what does it depend on?

A copywriter is paid for high-quality text that meets the technical specifications. Payment depends on:

  • experience and skill of a copywriter;
  • the copywriter’s desire to receive a certain amount for 1,000 characters.

On exchanges, as a convenience for novice copywriters, payment is established for 1000 characters or symbols without spaces or with spaces, depending on the wishes of the customer. A copywriter, developing his skills, can gradually increase the amount for signs and apply for increasingly more expensive orders.

Copywriters who leave exchanges for free swimming and master more complex work in the form of landing pages, landing pages, and so on, often set the price for the work as a whole based on how much resources and time it will take them to do this work.

A copywriter's income ranges from 5,000 to 120,000 rubles per month.

Experienced and skilled copywriters receive from 500 rubles for 1 hour of work or more. They create a portfolio for themselves and look for customers on all possible resources. Or customers find them themselves thanks to word of mouth, advice from partners or through social networks.

Rewriter and copywriter - what's the difference?

Rewriting differs from copywriting in that when rewriting the entire structure must be preserved source text. The article should be unique, but generally the same as the original text.

In copywriting, both the structure and the text itself must be created anew. In both cases, information can be taken from one or several sources.

Where to start and how to make money as a copywriter

You should start by understanding whether you want to connect your life with writing texts. Copywriters are primarily people who like to express their thoughts in in writing who cannot live a day without a line.

To earn a little money, you just need to start. Register on the exchange and take your first order. To start earning decent money, you need to constantly develop, increase the level of your skills and gradually increase prices for your work.

A copywriter is, first of all, a person who has an inexplicable love for writing. This will be enough to start your journey. But to become a professional in this field, you need to work hard and hard.

Creative teams in advertising agencies know exactly who a copywriter is, what he does, and what they will get from him as a result of his work. In fact, anyone familiar with marketing, advertising and design knows that a copywriter is creative person and strategic thinker.

But, try asking people - “ Who is this copywriter??. For example, some people believe that copywriters are those who work in a law firm and write fine print under advertisements to protect copyright.

Copywriting should not be confused with "copyright". Copyright means that a person or entity has the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell or distribute someone else's work (eg books, music, art). The purpose of copyright is to protect this material and prevent its misuse by unauthorized agents. The owner indicates that the material is protected by copyright with the symbol: ©.

Often uninformed people say this:

If you are a copywriter, then this dialogue will be familiar to you:

- So, what do you do?
- Oh, I'm a marketing copywriter. I write for technology companies.
- Oh cool.
...Twenty minutes after the conversation...
“Sorry, can I just ask—I mean, what do you actually do?” I mean, what is your job?

This article is for a variety of people.

  1. for those who are not in the know at all;
  2. for those who want to know more;
  3. for those who are already a copywriter and think that they know everything

A copywriter is more than a writer. A copywriter is first and foremost a creative strategist and artistic director.

What is copywriting?

The rumors are true! A career as a freelance copywriter is a pretty satisfying “job.” You can work from home, take naps during the day, get plenty of rest and get very good money.

One of the most simple ways answer - what does a copywriter do? - is to say: “ Everything you get on email in the form of text made by a copywriter" But copywriters also write other marketing materials, website copy, articles, emails, brochures, catalogs, etc.”

If you're interested in copywriting, it's probably because you've heard:

  • This is a great way to make money while working from home.
  • You can get started quickly with a small investment.
  • That the job does not require formal education.

All this is true. And in fact, professional copywriting skills are still in high demand, and copywriting jobs are some of the highest paying jobs for freelance writers. For example, Tinkoff Magazine can pay a professional journalist a decent amount of 10,000-20,000 rubles for a unique expert article, and there are many such examples.

Many copywriters earn six figures while working full-time. Others only work part-time but receive additional income from their main job. The best part is that there is still plenty of room in this huge and expanding industry.

What is commercial copywriting?

Commercial copywriting is the process of writing advertising materials. Copywriters are responsible for the copy of brochures, billboards, copy-selling websites, emails, advertisements, catalogs, and more.

Unlike news or editorial writing, marketing copywriting is about getting the reader to take action. This action may be purchasing, selecting, or interacting with a product, service, or company.

Misconceptions and incorrect names

First, let's look at a few misconceptions: Not all copywriters are advertising copywriters (creating sales copy). This in itself causes some confusion, since sales texts are more common.

Medical copywriters have their own special niche, which I know nothing about and do not have the competence to write about its features in this article.

Ironically, one of the main problems in communicating with copywriters is the lack of clarity in the definition of the term itself.

For example, Jesse Forrest divides copywriters into those who write to get people to take action and those who write to communicate something valuable.

Personally, I like Ian Broome's answer better:

Being a copywriter defies definition, but to be fair, we have one thing in common: we all work with words every day..

So what does a copywriter do?

Let's name a few things that we, copywriters, do:

  1. We write the text (the most obvious)
  2. We conduct research on topics
  3. We take an interview
  4. Editing
  5. Correcting
  6. We manage projects
  7. Creating images
  8. We plan and implement marketing campaigns

It is important to understand that although text (words) are the main result of a copywriter’s work, copywriting is not necessarily writing text; copywriters spend most of their time on other things. As copywriters, we need to do a lot of research and analysis, format text before publishing, and perform a bunch of other seemingly peripheral tasks.

In fact, some professional copywriters say that to write copy, you should spend half your time on research, a third on editing, and only a sixth on the copy itself. Despite this, some people think that copywriting is just “talk.”

Who are we copying for?

Unlike fiction writers or journalists, copywriters typically write with an agenda for the client. This may be promoting a product, training an audience, or demonstrating some experience.

Written content is used by businesses in every possible way, especially with the advent of “return marketing,” which works through communication with customers rather than directly promoting a product or service.

This means that copywriters must be versatile, quick to learn and have very little ego. You will never know the name of the copywriter - our work is usually published under the name of the customer of the text. We definitely need to make changes that will please the marketing department and make everyone happy.

We copywriters care about the quality of our work, but we certainly cannot be the public's favorite because we are under the shadow of our customers.

Copywriter's opinion

A copywriter must become what his customer wants. (I'm a little upset...)

What I really mean is that while every copywriter has an opinion, it is secondary to the client. We must adapt our writing style and tone depending on what audience we are speaking to and on whose behalf.

There are certain golden rules of writing that specific copywriters adhere to - for example, we do, but if the client has his own, then it should come first.

And although not every customer has his own technical specifications. Just try to write something of your own that will differ from the technical specifications, and they will force you to edit. Copywriters should ask questions of their clients to better immerse themselves in the topic and write the project in a style acceptable to the client.

What do copywriters write?

If you want to talk about day-to-day work, what copywriters write includes:

Blog Posts. They can range from 200 to 1500 words. They are usually a bit informal but vary from client to client.

Articles. (White Papers). Typically 1500-2500 words long, they are informative, educational documents that explain the origin of the problem and how it can be solved. Often this decision will be related to what the customer is selling, but most of the articles will be objective and useful, for example the text you are reading now.

Case studies. These are short articles that explain how the company helped its clients (case studies). Case studies often have a formulaic structure, but a good copywriter can fit a “Story” into it.

Industry reports. Sometimes copywriters have a hard time when they have to write hardcore reports based on real research that illuminates or expands on a particular issue, industry or trend.

Of course, in addition to all this magic and secrets of copywriting, copywriters also do a bunch of other things: administration, management, emails, training, arguing with customers and hanging out on social networks when deadlines are burning.

What qualifications do you need to become a copywriter?

Zero! There are successful copywriters with higher education, and some of them did not graduate high school. Some copywriters are only 18, and some are retired. Some copywriters are stay-at-home mothers.

By the way, I’ll tell you from experience, for some reason girls and women who are on maternity leave do much better work on the text exchange, so when performers leave requests for my orders, I give preference to women on maternity leave. I don’t know why this is so, apparently because talented girls have a lot of free time while they are at home on maternity leave, and they want to spend this time on additional income, for example, to buy something for their child.

The only thing you need to get started as a copywriter is a computer and an Internet connection. Everything else can be learned along the way. If you are able to write letters to friends via email, then this means that you have all the qualifications necessary to start working as a copywriter.

Top 7 best books on copywriting

  1. We write convincingly. I am my own copywriter. Author: Sasha Karepina. The book is written in simple and lively language. Even the pros will be able to learn a lot. Liters rating: 4.21.
  2. Copywriting: how not to eat a dog. We create texts that sell.
  3. Neurocopywriting. 100+ techniques for influencing using text.
  4. Text that sells a product, service or brand.
  5. Selling texts. Model for assembly. Copywriting for everyone.
  6. Texts that are believed. Brief, clear, positive. Author: Peter Panda. In the book you will find many practical and effective techniques; you can re-read it several times. Rating: 4.50.
  7. Language of writing. How to write texts that sell and letters that are read. Authors: Allan Pease, Barbara Pease. After reading this book, you will change your style not only in writing, but also in life. Rating: 4.29.

Is it really possible to earn six figures?

Yes, and many copywriters do this! But how much you earn depends on how much time and effort you put into it.

For example, one copywriter I know works a lot, not only on copywriting, but also on the growth and development of his freelance business. He earns more than 120,000 rubles a month.

Another freelance copywriter is sharp and lucky. He has a talent for copywriting and is an amazing business developer. He has concluded a number of lucrative contracts with a number of large companies and this year he will earn more than 300,000 rubles every month!

If you don't want to work full time, that's okay. You can also make good money working part-time.

Another copywriter I know plans to earn extra money for vacations and savings for his family. She works in the evenings and on weekends and makes 10,000 rubles a month. (Hopefully hoping to make 20K though!) Not bad for a part-time job.

The great thing is that you are a freelancer, so you can work as much as you want. It all depends on how much you want to earn and how often you want to work.

To become a copywriter, you need to be able to work at speed, as well as have a talent for a sparkling manner of expressing thoughts. Below are 10 tips to help you become a better person.

1 Know the scale. The last decade has seen an explosion of online content, creating unprecedented demand for copywriters. This is largely due to the need for search engine optimization (SEO). Good description companies on their websites not only gives potential clients confidence in purchasing services, but also helps companies increase site views through good positions in the Yandex and Google search engines.

Online marketing is a rapidly evolving sector, and writers who understand the latest trends in SEO, social media, and other forms of digital marketing will have an advantage.

2 Decide what type of copywriting you want to do. Previously, Google meant by copywriting the creation of advertising videos in advertising agency, as well as text in mailings, various press releases, brochures or other business literature. These sides of copywriting still exist, but the demand for web editors, SEO copywriters, content managers and other roles in online advertising is much greater. Make sure you understand what copywriting means. What is associated with the role you want to master?

3 Realistic expectations. You'll likely have to create large volumes of content quickly and at low cost, especially early in your career. Working with content or using sites like can be a good way to create a portfolio, especially if you've never worked online before. Having your own blog will effectively showcase your skills and strengths.

4 Research the company or person when you apply. The vast majority of boilerplate messages I receive are addressed to “Dear Customer” or “To Whom It May Concern?” But on the Internet it’s easy to find my name and what I do. And accordingly, you can write a more personalized message with a specific indication of the name of the potential customer. You can try Linkedin, FaceBook, VKontakte or Twitter - or just call. Establishing a personal connection with the decision maker at the company you want to work for is a quick win, but few people do it.

5 Use social media to form connections. At the very least, follow the company you want to work for on social media Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook. If you can build a relationship with a person through social media, that's good, but don't cross the fine line that separates enthusiasm from trouble.

6 Don't overestimate yourself. You cannot perform many tasks equally well at once. different types. When I see a candidate who claims to be a copywriter, a marketer, a social media guru, an internet expert, and a sales professional, and is fresh out of university, I assume that he is unlikely to be an expert in any of these specializations. Focus your resume (portfolio) on specific, highly specialized skills; this will set you apart from your competitors and increase your credibility in the eyes of the employer.

7 Don't make spelling or grammatical mistakes. If you're applying for a job as a copywriter, make sure you check your copy for typos and basic grammar. Read the text out loud and then have someone read it before you send it. For example, there is a spelling and syntax checking service called Spelling.

8 Be prepared to write a sample test. We often ask candidates to create a work sample to demonstrate their skills. For us, speed and reliability are as important as the talent of the writer. And we consider the test sample as good way evaluate not only the quality of the text, but also the ability to submit on time. So don't be outraged if a client asks you to write something for free - this is often standard practice.

9 Specialize. There are many copywriters who want to write about “fun things” such as music, movies, fashion, travel and food. But there are far fewer writers with experience in industries such as insurance, finance, telecommunications and law. By specializing in these industries, you can open up more opportunities for yourself. In addition, these areas are very commercialized and therefore expensive, and accordingly will be well paid compared to ordinary and popular topics.

10 Don't give up. I receive so many resumes from new copywriters that my standard response is to say we don't currently have any openings. But remember, this is not a one-time deal. Although you may not get the job the first time, you may be the ideal candidate in the future. Those who watch and wait are not left unattended.

By the way, if you yourself are planning to order text from copywriters, then I recommend reading an article about not being deceived and meeting your expectations.

How technology is changing the future of copywriting

Copywriting has undergone many significant changes since the marketing industry first began to take off back in the 1950s. TV, print, and radio advertising budgets were just beginning to rise then, and they continued to dominate throughout the rest of the 20th century. But in the early 2000s, budgets began to shift towards digital marketing.

At the start of the millennium, agencies spent an average of about three percent of their total marketing budget on digital channels. Companies are spending more than 30 percent of their budgets on digital these days, and the growth rate is expected to continue to rise. Search engine marketing is expected to account for the largest share of spending.

How is copywriting different from 20 years ago?

Things are completely different now than they were 20 years ago. Take a look below at the list of new technologies that are constantly changing copywriting.

1 Niche marketing. Well, first of all, copywriters now need to hone their skills in marketing their niche. This means that you need to not only know your audience and be able to advertise to a large mass of people at once, but also understand individual people and their habits and desires.

2 Expertise. Copywriters become experts in their field to provide audiences with more valuable, industry-specific content that is relevant and engaging to their clients. A copywriter creates detailed, useful, unique content and targets it to a specific market. Content is adapted not only to a specific audience, but also to each media channel.

3 SEO copywriting. Optimization for search engines. The gradual shift away from traditional channels to digital media has changed copywriting. Now his goal is not only to connect with readers, but also to keep up with changes in online algorithms. Copywriters now write texts not just to convey information to the client - they also write to “make friends” with search engines that rank their content, for example the Google and Yandex search engines.

What does the future hold for copywriting?

Now that humanity is fully immersed in the age of digital marketing, it is important to look to the future and try to stay ahead. Marketing has been revolutionized on the internet thanks to search engine optimization, social networks, mobile devices and copywriters need to be savvy and nimble when it comes to new changes in Internet technology that are on the horizon. Let's take a look at some of the technologies that will change the world of copywriting and how writers will need to adapt to keep up in this accelerating race.

1 Cleaning the text from spelling errors and illiterate writing. In the copywriting of the future, there will be no room for spelling errors and bad copy. It’s not that this was forgiven before, but earlier it was possible to take good positions with illiterate text. Algorithms are becoming more and more sophisticated when it comes to weeding out grammatical errors and bad syntax - so the online copy will be much more polished and, hopefully, more interesting than ever.

2 A/B testing. Technology is increasingly making it easier to test every element of an online copy of a text and then use the text with the highest scores. Technology will also help copywriters create more relevant copy to increase conversions. There are now software extensions that help authors generate the right headlines for better ranking of the online copy of the test. Writing transforms from art to science, as we begin to manipulate the text, paying more attention not to the reader but to search algorithms.

3 Updating old content for SEO. Copywriters can breathe new life to old copies of texts, updating their SEO parameters. An existing blog may not receive much traffic, but if you properly optimize the text for the right keywords, your traffic can increase exponentially. This way, writers will be challenged not only by creating new content, but also by reworking old content.

4 New methods of generating ideas. There is new software that allows writers to generate ideas for new content based on statistics and trends of certain audiences. This increases efficiency and simplifies the life of copywriters, because now they write not just anything, but according to their specific requests. target audience, making it easier for writers to work with a stream of new ideas rather than randomly coming up with ideas on their own. For example, in Russia there is a keyword query statistics service called Wordstat. Good example The software is KeyCollector.

These are just some of the ways we are now seeing how technology is having a huge impact on the future of copywriting. Despite all the changes that inevitably occur, one thing remains clear. The more prepared a copywriter is to adapt to new technologies, the better they will succeed and create amazing and compelling content.

How to become a copywriter from scratch and make money?

At one time, as a customer, I tried different platforms to find performers for my content marketing tasks. My choice was the text exchange TEXT.RU, I immediately liked the user-friendly interface, unlike other software, the ability to check the uniqueness of the text. I also liked the fact that you can send an order so that the performers themselves respond to my tasks by setting the price for which they are willing to complete this task.

  • Immediately after registration, install a real photo. Profiles with real photos they are more trustworthy, in 90% of cases I give my orders to performers with a real photograph in which the face is visible. This will make you stand out because no one puts up a photo.
  • Enter your real first and last name, not a key or nickname. The effect is the same as with the photo. If a person hides his name, then for me this is a bad factor. Statistically, people with real names turn out to be good performers.
  • Fill out your profile with as much detail as possible. Describe your skill level and language proficiency. Indicate which topics you are best versed in. The more details, the better.
  • When you take on a task, don’t rush, read the customer’s terms of reference, and address him by name in your response. For example: " Good afternoon, Ivan Nikolaevich, you have such a competent technical specification, it’s immediately obvious that you are a professional, so it will be a great success for me if you allow me to write this text for you". Do you think the customer will be able to refuse after such a super offer? And the most interesting thing is that no one does this.
  • Don't take on many tasks at once. Take one and make it as good as possible. You won't be paid much at first. But gradually your hard work will attract regular customers who will love you and will give you more often tasks with decent pay.

What do they write on the Internet about how to become a copywriter?

I typed this query into the search and received a bunch of primitive advice on the Internet. Advice that even a child would intuitively understand. While reading, I felt like I was listening to a boring university professor in a super boring lecture. But for your sake, I decided to be patient and study. So I crawled around, Googled, and compiled a list of primitive tips:

  • Write correctly (In fact, I don’t care if the article is cool, verified)
  • Reset fears and doubts (I still don’t understand what they are talking about...)
  • Learn the basics of copywriting (There is no need to study anything, it is better to start with practice)
  • Take courses and trainings on copywriting (It is better to first gain some experience and then go to study)
  • You need to choose what to write about (You need to monitor your thoughts, and if a cool one appears, then write immediately.)
  • Divide texts into paragraphs (Well yes, I agree)
  • Expand lexicon (This is really useful)

I decided to conduct an experiment. The copywriting exchange has a rating of all copywriters in the entire history of this service. I opened this rating and wrote to the best ones, starting from the top and to those who were online, in order to get answers faster. The question was posed as follows: “ Hello. Please tell me, what advice would you give first of all to someone who wants to learn how to write the same cool texts as you? “People thought I was new and decided to learn how to type. A list of all the answers is given below; I did not indicate names.

  1. Thank you for your high assessment of my abilities.)) A person who wants to write texts High Quality, must understand even before the first letter is written that the future text is not at all a masterpiece that needs to be admired. This is the key to the reader’s heart, a tool for expressing not only one’s thoughts, but also information that needs to be conveyed to the target audience, and therefore the written article will be adjusted repeatedly in order to achieve perfect understanding and trust between the author and the reader, as well as between the author and search engines . To do this, do not be afraid to use knowledge about promotion, optimization, key placement and other techniques.
  2. Advice is paid))) But seriously, I don’t even know where to start. Thank you for the compliment. Books should be read from childhood!
  3. I wouldn’t say that my texts are “cool,” because I don’t consider myself a “super-professional.” There is only one piece of advice - try to make the text of maximum quality, taking into account three parameters: spam, wateriness, readability.
  4. Thank you for such a high assessment of my work :) No advice, in fact, maybe read more and write more?
  5. Advice (for beginners) is to practice writing various texts every day for a small fee (for the sake of experience). Read more informational literature; Strive to create “attractive”, highly readable texts, etc.
  6. Advice: write as much and often as possible. Only practice makes it possible to improve skills. P.S. Thanks for checking the originality of the answer))
  7. Well, I don’t consider myself “perfection”, I learn and listen to the opinions of customers.
  8. Write only about what you understand.
  9. Who told you that I write cool lyrics? To write well you need to be literate, versatile and with a well-developed imagination.
  10. Thanks for the compliment. You need to write about what you know.
  11. Did I write something for you? 🙂 The question took me by surprise, but the answer will probably seem very banal: education and reading.
  12. How do you know what kind of texts I write?
  13. I can’t give advice because I write quite normally. Just take only those orders where you immediately understand what you will write about.
  14. Why do I write cool texts? If there are any comments, I will correct them... Forgive me, this is not about comments for you. I wrote to the customer, but accidentally sent it to you...
  15. Have one working hand, five minor children and live in a rented apartment. But seriously, love is enough for this native language, read and study more. Constantly learn. Now this is possible (and not only for a fee). And thank you for assessing the quality of my work!
  16. Sorry - is this sarcasm?
  17. I don’t know where you saw my texts... One piece of advice! read more! Both specialized literature and literature in general! Very good book: “Your own copywriter!” And modern, and precise, and laconic.
  18. 1. Research the topic. At least “diagonally”. 2. Do not choose customers who, instead of technical specifications, have a canvas with numbers, safe words and other rubbish. 3. Write as much as possible “for people”, not for machines. Even SEO texts. 4. Choose topics that you like and are close to. 5. Put yourself in the shoes of the target audience, the customer: what should be in the text for it to “work”? 6. Repeat the cases of nouns :)
  19. Regarding the “cool texts”, you got excited. This is the advice. Read a lot since childhood, get two higher fundamental educations, thoroughly study the areas of marketing, SEO and website promotion.
  20. 1. Always learn, copyright does not stand still; 2. They are not afraid to take on difficult tasks; 3. Be attentive to details; 4. Prioritize quality of writing over quantity.
  21. I don’t think that I write such cool texts as you say, but thank you very much. I'm very pleased. By education I am a philologist and journalist. So I'm just using my copywriting skills, nothing special.
  22. Thank you for rating. It's difficult to answer definitively. Probably patience and time.
    You can, of course, read a few books on the topic. Well, start with the minimum prices and slowly move forward. I don't think my lyrics are that good.
  23. The desire to earn good money is my main desire. This is what I recommend.
  24. Work and not be afraid of difficulties! Moscow was not built right away (c)
  25. I would advise not to give advice for free)
  26. Be able to find good sources information.
  27. Probably, you need to start writing texts with a fascinating topic. For example, I started writing texts on perfumes and films, and it was not at all stressful, because the topics are very interesting to me. Well, perhaps try something new in copywriting, when the style is more or less complex (take different topics, read about other exchanges, learn something new in SEO, even participate in competitions). I don’t consider myself a cool copywriter with cool texts, there is room for improvement.
  28. Where did you get the idea that I write cool texts?))) I’ve definitely never worked with you.
  29. Have you decided to retrain from “customers” to “performers”?))
  30. Well, I don’t think my texts are cool, I still have to study and study. My advice is to write more on different topics.
  31. Probably look for another profession - constantly write about the same thing, your brain burns out)))
  32. Thank you for such a comment) As for advice, there are probably two of them. Write on a topic you understand. Then the text will turn out “alive” and useful. And read more fiction.
  33. I've definitely never worked with you. Where did you get the idea that I write cool lyrics?))) - ( You have rank 56)))) So I decided to ask) - I don’t know what to answer) The quality of texts does not depend on the “rank” on the stock exchange. A person can come here quite recently, have the rank of a schoolboy and at the same time have a lot of experience and write well. I don't know how well I write. Let customers evaluate). But essentially, reading fiction literature gives a lot. It is advisable to read Russian classics and works of foreign authors in good translation. And more practice. A lot of practice.

Well, that seems to be all. The article turned out to be great. I wish you the best of luck in the world of copywriting.

In short, a copywriter is a specialist who creates texts. Often this is a generalist writer who can write advertising text, greetings for a school wall newspaper and instructions for a pocket knife.

When creating a text, a copywriter searches for information (in various languages), reads found materials (one of the main tasks is to understand the topic so as not to write nonsense), selects quotes for an article, interviews people (sometimes an article needs reviews or opinions of people).

Life story. I started writing a sales article on tent hangars. There are no difficulties with literacy and style, but in hangars I’m not “boom-boom”.

I read a number of articles about tent hangars - some things became clear, but there was a feeling of information overload. Then I decided to meet with the customer and talk. Asked questions, inquired thoroughly about clients, competitors, prices and alternatives tent structures. After this meeting, I read more information on the topic and... somehow everything settled down in my head.

Next is the routine. An outline of the article, effective wording, a request to the customer for the selection of content (the article will require photographs of built hangars, a screenshot of one of the commercial proposals, two or three reviews), creation of text, coordination with the customer and improvements, the final version of the article and its placement on the website. Hurray, the order is completed, you can relax.

Copywriter specializations

In addition to writing articles, the profession of a copywriter requires solving the following problems:

9 out of 10 copywriters know how to write in different styles and decide various tasks. Almost all multi-machine operators, because this allows you to earn more at the first stage. Once a specialist has a name, he can focus on one thing.

Places of work

Full-time positions of copywriters are found in online agencies, web studios, media, educational institutions and other companies. If the company is a large specialist, he works in a team with proofreaders, layout designers, journalists, correspondents and editors.

Among copywriters, there are many freelancers and those who work remotely and receive payment for finished texts.

Responsibilities of a copywriter

Basic job responsibilities copywriters are:

  • Writing texts and content in various formats.
  • Collection of materials - customer surveys, interviews, photographs.
  • Drawing up and adjusting the content plan (when and what needs to be done). Planning the development of Internet projects.

Sometimes the tasks of a copywriter include:

  • Entering texts onto the site.
  • Translation of foreign texts.
  • Participation in the creation of videos.
  • Creation of presentations.

Requirements for a copywriter

The basic requirements for copywriters are as follows:

  • Literacy.
  • Ability to quickly find information on the Internet.
  • Skill in using key queries in texts.
  • Fast printing on PC.
  • Portfolio of works.

Sometimes a copywriter must know HTML and CSS (for layout of material), English language(for translating articles), website admin panels (wordpress, joomla, UMI and others for posting articles on websites). Occasionally required higher education in philology, journalism or marketing.

How to become a copywriter

To become a successful copywriter, you first need to love writing and get great pleasure from it. You can evaluate the level of love for this business through maintaining your own blog or public page. This will give you the necessary skills and start a portfolio.

The second stage is fulfilling orders for customers. Since the customer will most often be a business, it is important to know the topics you are going to write about.

I regularly encounter one problem with copywriters - they have absolute literacy in writing and almost zero knowledge of the topic. Recently I was looking for a copywriter for texts on MBA business education. 24 people applied, but I couldn’t choose a specialist who could clearly write about MBA.

For this reason, some copywriters position themselves as specialists in medical, legal, construction or automotive topics and build a strong portfolio for themselves. These are popular and complex niches where good articles require a deep understanding of the issue.

How much do copywriters earn?

The salary of a copywriter on the company’s staff ranges from 30 to 80 thousand rubles per month. Big money is paid, as a rule, to those who know how to write and at the same time be a PR manager and marketer in one person.

Copywriters earn money in freelancing in different ways - some agree to work for 80 rubles per 1000 characters of text, others write for 300-800 rubles per 1000 characters (depending on the topic). Selling texts can be priced not by the number of characters, but by the piece - one text costs 15,000 rubles, for example. In general, prices are set at our own discretion and adjusted during negotiations with the customer.

So, you became interested in the profession of “copywriter” to earn money and decided to find a description of the profession. Perhaps this is where your path to climbing in it will begin.

If so, get ready to learn the hard truth: almost everyone LIES about who a copywriter is and what they do.

Surprised? Now we are arguing our position.

A true copywriter... and not so much

Wikipedia does not have an article about copywriting, but there is a page about copywriting. The basic definition clearly states:

(By the way, I, Sergei Troubadour, had a hand in this article at one time, and some of my phrases are still used there.)

Nevertheless, we have to admit: in Runet they call anything and everything. Among other things, you can find the following tasks supposedly for a copywriter:

  • collect information
  • Write a comment
  • write a review
  • edit a finished article
  • prepare technical specifications (TOR)
  • make technical material according to strict technical specifications
  • draw up instructions
  • write an informational article
  • sketch out ideas
  • write a post
  • Create resume
  • decipher the video recording
  • upload texts to the site and so on

And most importantly, Copywriters are all authors of content exchanges without exception., although only a small part of them are directly involved in selling texts.

At one time, we actively fought against the distortion of the term. Now we have come to terms with the state of things. It's like a pancake stuck to the frying pan that you can't tear off :).

But in our School the terminology is clear - and you should, at a minimum, know the true meaning of the word:

  • copywriter writes selling texts
  • web writer - articles and others informational materials for the Internet

So what are the responsibilities of a copywriter?

Let's look at this in a table.

Web writerWeb copywriter
1. Finds information for articles1. Briefs the client to obtain the necessary marketing information
2. Works with experts, interviews2. Collects missing data
3. Interviews focus group participants3. Conducts marketing analysis of the target audience and competitors
4. Writes informational articles, including those for search queries (“SEO copywriter”)4. Develops a landing page layout
5. Cooks step by step instructions, reviews, reviews and articles in other formats5. Writes text for him
6. Writes analytical materials6. Designs it clearly for transmission to the designer
7. Runs newsletters and blogs7. Can design an automatic or release funnel
8. Prepares the text part for content marketing8. Writes sales letters for mailings

9. Prepares salespeople of other formats: commercial proposals, marketing kits, sales video scripts, promotional posts

Below are screenshots of examples of specific projects for a web writer:

And for the true copywriter:

A for colleagues who do everything, we came up with the term “universal author”- he can master all these tools.

It is clear that we have described the ideal picture. As a complete beginner, half of the words may seem unfamiliar to you - all this is yet to be discovered.

However, on professional level Not many authors work in articles and selling texts. Thousands and tens of thousands of stock market “copywriters” are unfamiliar with these tasks and work at a much more mundane level.

What authors from content exchanges do: “menial” work that is poorly paid

When you first come to the exchange, you see that there is a sea of ​​seemingly simple orders. This imaginary simplicity attracts tens of thousands of people from the most different professions- For part time jobs.

Here are examples of such tasks:

At first glance, it seems to you that you don’t need anything to start copywriting: sit down and write as best you can. Without completing courses, without studying books.

But there is a rule or even a law:

The lower the qualifications of the performer are needed, the less preparation required for the work, the worse the pay will be.

A janitor does not need to be trained to sweep the territory - but he does not even dream of a decent income (unless, of course, he is a Gazprom janitor).

They take on all topics in a row. Today they write about electric brooms, tomorrow about hamsters, and the day after tomorrow about raising the younger generation.

Their payment can start from 20-30, or even 5 (!) rubles per thousand characters. Perhaps the Internet will cost more than the tears they earn.

For example, in her review of one well-known work resource, the top author said that for years she worked for pennies, and now she cannot raise the price much - she is afraid of losing position. Therefore, I am constantly forced to work hard and plow so as not to lose my rating.

Plus, it turns out that seemingly simple tasks aren't all that great to do. For example, take a look at this assignment:

The very listing of the technical requirements for the work takes up several sheets of paper in this project. You don’t just need to write for pennies, but keep strict technical requirements in mind and revise the text a lot before delivery to the customer (and often after it).

The same applies to work in rewriting.

Rewriter and copywriter: what are the differences?

On exchanges, “copywriting” is often called, among other things, an author’s text written:

  • from the head
  • with the study of several sources
  • with the participation of experts

That is, this long-suffering term also denotes the depth of the text in terms of the degree of semantic uniqueness.

This is contrasted rewriting - rewriting someone else's text in your own words.

The rewriter takes an existing article and changes the wording at the level of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, achieving technical uniqueness for search engines, but preserving the original meaning of the text.

At first glance, this seems like an easier task than writing your articles. But only for the first one.

In fact, rewriting other people's texts is not easier, but more difficult than writing your own. It's routine, exhausting, technical work. It can be difficult to withstand this for a long time; the brain gets tired quickly.

At the same time, the rewriter is paid less. After all, the point is to save on the services of authors - you don’t create anything, you just rewrite it.

Web writer (stock copywriter)Rewriter
1. Finds sources of information himself (as a rule)1. Receives a link to the source from the customer
2. Draws up an outline of the article (if the customer does not provide it)2. Can write an article according to the same plan as the original one (or changes it in deep rewriting)
3. Writes text3. Achieves changes in sound at all levels, down to individual words
4. Builds the logic of the text and selection of facts at its own discretion4. At the same time, it must not distort the meaning
5. It is easier to achieve technical uniqueness of the text (after all, he writes it himself)5. Then he agonizes over his uniqueness longer.

The task of preserving meaning while changing sound is not so simple; you need to be a real master of verbal balancing act. This is illustrated by the following picture:

And the most cunning customers can order something that is closer to the original article - the so-called “multiple rewriting with a search for sources.” Like, my dear, find 3-5 articles yourself, take paragraphs from them, rewrite them in other words and, if I like it, I’ll pay for it the same money as for rewriting.

(By the way, this is the same divorce on the part of customers, as rewriting itself is an attempt to deceive search engines.)

The result is deplorable - the rewriter earns pennies, earning a lasting disgust for his profession.

Is it worth working for little money in author's articles?

After all, web writers on stock exchanges are often paid little?

In principle, at the very beginning of your career, you can try - to gain experience - not so much in the technique of writing articles, but in interacting with clients.

However, keep in mind that technical specifications on exchanges are often not related to those articles for which they pay well (and real selling texts do not order there). That's why:

Exchange ratingSerious work in articlesWorking in selling texts
1. Minimum sources of information1. Many sources of information
2. We write about anything2. We often specialize by topic.2. There can be specialization by niches
3. No live work with experts3. We involve experts or act as experts or researchers ourselves3. Mandatory in-depth marketing research
4. Articles are written quickly, on a quick fix(take quantity)4. Deep immersion in the topic, long work on the article4. Long preparation, quick text writing
5. More often there are a lot of technical requirements. There are no great requirements for the quality of articles and speeches, fact-checking5. There are requirements for style and fact checking, but few technical ones5. No technical and often no style requirements
6. Working without an editor6. There is often an editor (or you can grow into one)6. You are your own editor (usually)
7. Main customers - optimizers, information sites7. Customers - serious publications, business7. Customers - microbusinesses, online schools, larger businesses
8. Small materials are usually needed8. Preference for long-form useful materials (such as this article J)8. Text format is determined by the task
9. Average payment - from 100 to 500 rubles per article9. Payment from 1000 to 20000 per article9. Payment from 2000 to 30000 for a selling text prototype

That is why, when working on stock exchanges, it is important not to get bogged down in technically dreary requirements, but simple from the point of view of the quality of the article, but to leave a foundation for professional growth.

Although you can earn money here too - as a rule, due to the large volumes of tasks performed (after all, there are really a lot of orders). But this path is not for everyone, but only for those who are ready to write texts on the keyboard for 10 hours.

This is not why you came here, agree?

Where to look for a normal job as a copywriter?

Normal work both in articles and in selling texts is possible. And not only a part-time job, as is often the case, but also a full-time job for that type of employment

But remember about the “bottleneck” in finding well-paid orders. Of course, there are fewer normal clients than those who need cheap texts. And finding them is usually more difficult.

Not to mention that you must first develop that level qualifications, which is suitable for solving their problems. These are all the requirements, abilities and skills of a copywriter that we talked about earlier.

Where you can look for work:

  • Any content exchange has a “top” zone with interesting orders (the hidden part of the iceberg). But for this you need to earn a rating.
  • Closed resources with strict selection (such as the TextBroker agency) usually pay better than open resources (such as Etxt and Advego), and it is easier to find orders.
  • Freelancing (not copywriting) exchanges have sections for copywriters. And, for example, earlier on the exchange there were enough orders for prototypes for landing pages at a price of 3-8 thousand rubles, and they still do.
  • There are special groups on social networks with vacancies for freelancers (including order sections in copywriter groups). At our School, vacancies are added to the alumni chat.
  • There are communities of businessmen like Websarafan, where a copywriter can show himself as an expert, promote himself and find an order.
  • A difficult path with low returns, but huge potential - direct access to potential clients.
  • Advanced options for finding clients for mature authors: your own website, contextual or targeted advertising, speaking at conferences.

Who is a copywriter: let’s summarize

1. A real copywriter creates advertising (selling and image texts)

3. An advanced web writer does no less complex tasks than a real copywriter - works with experts, conducts research, writes long useful materials (longreads)

5. A rewriter is the lowest “caste” of keyboard workers, and we do not recommend that you engage in rewriting

6. To grow to good pay, you need to grow professionally and learn to look for good clients in completely different places.

And start mastering the profession with complete zero you can with a free training, the invitation to which you can see below, under the article.

I wish you the right start and rapid growth!

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