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» Oils to repel ticks. We use essential oils against ticks and mosquitoes. The best natural protection for people, children and dogs! What oils repel ticks

Oils to repel ticks. We use essential oils against ticks and mosquitoes. The best natural protection for people, children and dogs! What oils repel ticks

Oil is obtained from the leaves tea tree, growing in Australia. Method of receipt – steam distillation. When using high-quality raw materials and following technology, the result is transparent light yellow or light olive colored fluid with a spicy woody aroma.

If the aroma contains the smell of camphor, then the oil is not natural.

The composition of the oil is complex - it includes more than 95 components, about 50% of which are monoterpenes. It is they who give him valuable properties:

  • bactericidal,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • warming.

The main active ingredients are terpinen-4-ol and cineole. In order for the effect of the ether to be balanced and bring only benefits, the recommended content should be 40% and 5%, respectively.

In addition, the composition contains the substances viridifloren (up to 1%), B-terpineol (0.25%), L-ternineol and alligexanoate (in the form of traces), which are rarely found in nature. Viridofloren enhances the bactericidal effect of the oil.

Antibacterial effect so high that it is used instead of carbolic acid and phenol to disinfect premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the oil are undeniable; it is used in cosmetology, medicine, household and for sanitary purposes. Helps well with treatment of bites insects– relieves swelling, redness and itching.

When using ether against mosquitoes and ticks, it is combined with other aromatic oils. The smell repels insects, so it can be used as a repellent or fumigator instead of ready-made chemicals.

The bactericidal and fungicidal properties of the oil allow it to be used for sanitary purposes - from mold on the walls and pathogenic microbes– staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli.

To conditional shortcomings tea tree oil can be attributed to it irritating effect on mucous membranes shells.

The product should be used with caution and only in diluted form.

Application for insect control

Summer brings joy with warmth and greenery, but the joy is sometimes poisoned by annoying insects. One of effective means Tea tree oil helps combat them.

Against ticks

Some insects are dangerous, such as ticks. The result of their bites can be serious illnesses, so precautions when going into the forest are simply necessary. Ticks are repelled by the smell of essential oil. Tea tree can be combined with other esters.

  • Anti-tick product

A mixture of 50 ml of water and 10 drops of ether will help avoid tick bites. Before going to the forest, you need to shake the mixture, drop it on your palm and rub it on exposed areas - face, neck, hands, apply it to your hair. It is also advisable to spray it on clothes. You can add a few drops of lavender, cedar or juniper oil to the mixture. Upon return, the clothing should be treated again with this mixture to smoke out any mites remaining in folds or pockets.

  • Anti-mite shower mixture

To 30 ml of gel or other body cleanser add 15 drops of tea tree oil and 5 ml of soybean oil. After a walk in the forest, you need to take a shower with this composition.

If a tick has already bitten, treating the bite site and the insect itself with 100% oil will help reduce the risk.

From mosquitoes

These buzzing insects can poison life, especially in the country. Repellents sold in stores do not always help and definitely do not benefit the body, especially children. Lighting mosquito coils at night also does not promote healthy sleep. Tea tree oil will not only successfully replace them, but will also provide benefits.

  • Mixture for aroma lamp

50 ml is poured into the aroma lamp hot water and add 3-5 drops of tea tree oil, you can add geranium or basil essential oil. The mixture must be heated with a candle. This is enough to get rid of mosquitoes in a room or on a veranda of 15 square meters. m. You will be provided not only good night, but also good mood for the whole next day.

  • Spray mixture

You got rid of mosquitoes indoors, now you need to scare them away fresh air. To do this, prepare a composition of water (50 ml), alcohol (3 ml) and essential oils (10 drops), (2 drops), (10 drops). Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use it whenever you go outside.

This anti-mosquito composition can be sprayed at the dacha window frames and the front door.

From lice and nits

Tea tree oil against lice can be used to prevent them reappearance.

Do not use oil in pure form. It should be mixed with carrier oil or shampoo.
  • Alcohol tincture against lice and nits
  • For prevention

To prevent the reappearance of lice and nits, use a mixture of shampoo and tea tree oil to wash your hair. Add 2 ml of oil to a standard jar of shampoo. You will see what benefits it will bring to yours!

This mixture will not only make your hair healthier. It will soothe the scalp itchy from bites, heal scratches and relieve swelling and redness.

From insect bites

From mosquito bites 100% oil helps a lot. Necessary just wipe them the place of the bite. Slight redness and burning from it are normal. Apply no more than once a day, otherwise the skin will begin to peel.

Another recipe a mixture against mosquito bites and other insects, which helps with severe reactions to them. This is tea tree combined with lavender ether in the proportion of 1.5 ml and 0.5 ml respectively. Wipe the bitten areas every hour until the redness and swelling go away.

For multiple bites, a bath with oil will help (dilute 10 drops in milk and pour into the bath).

Additional recipes for folk remedies for mosquito bites:


In wet areas Mold often appears on the walls, which is very harmful to health. It is difficult to fight it, but it is possible. The most the best remedy Tea tree oil is considered to be effective against all types of mold on walls.

  • Anti-mold mixture for spraying

Pour 250 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of oil into a spray bottle. The solution is applied to the surface of walls with moldy areas and is not washed off. It will not only remove it, but will also eliminate its subsequent appearance forever.


It has no strict contraindications, with the exception of an allergic reaction and bronchial asthma. Use with caution for children under 3 years of age. It is not advisable to use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but if there is an urgent need, then use it only after consulting a doctor.

Avoid contact with mucous membranes. Use only as an external remedy.

Every owner of a four-legged friend knows how dangerous tick bites are for the health of the animal. The stores now have a large assortment of all kinds protective equipment. But some dog breeders prefer to use natural rather than chemical preparations. And among them one of the first places is occupied by essential oils for dogs against ticks and fleas. Let's figure out how justified their use is and what varieties make sense to use for protection purposes.

Ready-made preparations in the form of drops and sprays, sold in pet stores, have a pronounced effect. According to the instructions, they do not enter the animal’s blood, but only accumulate in the dermis or remain on the surface of the fur. But a toxic substance can still have side effects on the body. That's why many people don't like to use acaricidal drops. I personally know several such dog breeders who do not use chemicals for treating your pets.

But on my part, this is in no way a call to abandon them and switch to essential oils. The following information is for informational purposes only. The choice is always yours. You just need to take into account that the specific smell of a fluid plant extract can protect your beloved pet not only from fleas and ticks, but also from midges, flies and bees, which sometimes annoy not only us, but also animals.

What essential oils help against ticks and fleas

You must understand that any products prepared with essential oils do not kill ticks caught on the animal’s fur or skin. They only scare them away, that is, the effect of ethers is preventive in nature. But this does not mean that using natural remedies does not make sense. You just need to choose real natural, not synthetic options.

Below is a list of essential oils that can be used to treat your dog's fur against ticks and fleas. You can use only one type of oil or as part of complex mixtures. But more about recipes for such remedies later, but for now the rating is a list of plants, essential extracts from which it is advisable to take note:

  • tea tree;
  • carnation;
  • palmarosa;
  • lavender;
  • thyme;
  • juniper;
  • pennyroyal;
  • rosemary;
  • geranium;
  • citronella;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cedar.

Some essential oils, such as pennyroyal, should not be used on puppies or dogs that are expecting offspring. You should also not use these natural means, if they have a negative effect on the pet: irritation, nervousness or other negative consequences appear.

Recipes for treating dog hair

  1. Dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of tar soap in 250 ml of water, add tea tree oil, cloves, juniper, grapefruit and thyme. Esters are added 2 drops each. Shake the solution well before use.
  2. Mix tea tree and thyme oil, 2 drops each, citronella and lavender, 3 drops each. This product helps not only against ticks in dogs, but also against fleas. The mixture is added to oil or water (50 ml).
  3. Lavender and thyme - 1 drop each, eucalyptus - 2 drops. Essential oils are dripped into vodka (1 teaspoon). The total amount depends on the size of the dog. This product is used once a week.

Processing methods

The most important thing is that when treating a pet, two rules are followed:

  1. You should be comfortable using the prepared emulsion.
  2. The product should not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the animal (and yours too).

Application by hand

The product can be applied a little bit onto the palm of your hand and distributed over the dog’s fur. It is better to do this against the growth of the hair, so that the ether gets not only onto the surface, but also into the thickness of the fur. Before the procedure, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves, although if the smell on your skin does not bother you, you can do without them. After treatment, the dog's fur needs to be combed.

But before application, the active substance must be added to the base oily base. She can be anything vegetable oil, but it’s better to take almond. It contains sulfur, which also has some acaricidal effect. For 2 tablespoons of base oil, take 10-15 drops of the essential mixture.

When treating your dog with tick and flea preparations based on essential oils, do not forget about the paws!

Using a spray bottle

There is another way and, in my opinion, it is more convenient and rational. The composition is prepared from water (1 glass) and a teaspoon of essential oils. The emulsion is poured into a spray bottle. It is advisable that it be fresh every time.

Before a walk, this liquid is shaken and sprinkled over the animal’s fur. Just remember to lift the hair to thoroughly treat the entire cover. And also the wool needs to be combed so that the product is evenly distributed.

Collar processing

There is another method that is more often used to protect against fleas. The essential oil or mixture is applied to the dog's collar. Periodically you need to drip again, as the esters evaporate quickly. Using this method, you cannot remove existing fleas, but you can scare off the “new ones.”

Using Shampoo

To enhance the repellent effect, you can use it when bathing your dog. detergent with essential oils. It is done very simply - add a few aromatic drops to the amount of shampoo required for washing. How much shampoo you need depends on the size of your dog. In this case, take 15 drops of the essential mixture per 100 ml of washing liquid.

You can use any shampoo. But I can tell you that the experienced veterinarian who sees our dog gave us advice to wash the dog with human shampoo, and not with the one they sell in the pet store - like this...

Although you can still take tar shampoo - it also has a preventive effect against subcutaneous mites. Tar, by the way, can also be bought in a regular cosmetics store, and not in a zoo.

You can protect your dog from ticks and fleas different ways. If essential oils are suitable for your pet and you, then this method should not be discounted.

Health to your pets! Nadezhda Goryunova

Along with industrially manufactured anti-tick preparations, there are also products that you can prepare yourself at home. These products are based on essential oils against ticks.

  • palmarosa;
  • geraniums;
  • carnations;
  • lavender oil;
  • ether bay;
  • eucalyptus.

There are several in various ways the use of essential oils to ensure maximum safety during walks. The most common are the use of essential oils to protect against ticks in the form of actual oils (creams) and in the form.

Preparing oil (cream) to combat ticks

The recipe for the most common remedy:

  • you need to take a couple of tablespoons of base oil (for example, apricot kernel or almond oil);
  • combine it with palmarosa or geranium ether, 15–25 drops will be enough;
  • The resulting product should be used to treat clothing and unprotected areas of the skin before leaving the house.

This aroma, pleasant to humans, will repel ticks.

The only significant contraindication to the use of these products by people is allergic reactions to flowering plants.

The undeniable advantages of this method are:

  • ease of preparation and use;
  • instant effect that appears immediately after use;
  • long shelf life of the finished product – up to six months.

The recipe also has disadvantages:

  • possible allergic reactions;
  • Use with caution on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Spray as a way to combat ticks

In order to make a spray, you need:

  • take a couple of teaspoons of base oil, for example, lavender;
  • mix with 200 ml of ordinary tap water;
  • add a small amount of alcohol (to help mix the ingredients) or vinegar (to enhance the smell);
  • Pour the resulting solution into a bottle with a spray cap for ease of use.

Before going for a walk, a person should spray open areas of the skin and clothing.

The advantages of the method include:

  • ease of manufacture and use;
  • an effect that appears immediately after use.

The disadvantages, as in the first case, include possible allergic reactions.

Uses of clove oil

Application of a protective agent:

  • clove ether is mixed with water and a small amount alcohol;
  • sprayed using a container with a spray bottle.

Since clove essential oil has a very pronounced effect, you should be careful not to overdo it with its amount.

When using clove ether to protect children, you should be extremely careful. Clove concentrate is strictly not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

To use this product only in combination with base oils:

  • 10 ml base oil;
  • no more than 3 drops of clove remedy.

Under no circumstances should the resulting preparation be rubbed into the skin or allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes or eyes.

This mixture can be used not on the child’s skin, but on his skin, the effect will remain at the same level.

Contraindications for the use of clove oil

The disadvantages of this drug, in addition to allergies, is the higher cost of cloves compared to others.

In addition, although it repels ticks, it is contraindicated:

  • those suffering from hypertension;
  • people with increased nervous excitability systems;
  • pregnant women.

Considering that clove oil can have a strong irritating effect on the skin, before you start using it, it is necessary to test for its tolerance.

The product should be dropped onto the skin in the elbow and wait for the reaction. If the skin does not begin to redden and itch, you can use the resulting drug as directed.

Essential oils to protect children from tick bites

Because children have more delicate skin, they are more prone to allergic reactions, medications used to protect children from tick bites, should be the most gentle, not irritate the skin, have no pungent odors, and vinegar or alcohol is in no way suitable for their preparation.

You can repel ticks using a spray with tea tree oil. It is enough to mix 10-15 drops of tea tree product with 50 ml of plain water, and the preparation is ready.

Since the resulting mixture tends to separate, it is necessary to shake thoroughly before each use.

The spray should be used by sprinkling it on a cotton swab and wiping open areas of the child’s body. As additional protection The spray is sprayed onto clothing. Lavender oil is also suitable for these purposes. This is a good repeller of various insects, as well as ticks.

Another method against ticks, suitable for preventing bites, is the following decoction, you need to take:

  • water (1 l.);
  • vanillin (2g);
  • the ingredients are mixed;
  • bring to a boil;
  • Once the mixture has cooled, it can be used.

Precautionary measures

Since the duration of action is not too long, they must be reapplied to the body and clothing at least every 1.5–2 hours. The effectiveness of finished products also directly depends on the quality of the ingredients used, the better the essential and base oil, the more effective the product obtained from them will be.

Well, and, of course, when going into the forest, you should not forget about clothes in which unprotected areas of the body are reduced to a minimum. You should not walk in a forest with dense undergrowth or near bodies of water. And, of course, upon returning from a walk, you must immediately and carefully examine your clothing and exposed skin.

Most effective at repelling or killing them, it may not always be at hand. Drug against blood-sucking insects you can cook it yourself. Main active substance it will have a natural component. The article provides recipes for folk remedies and methods of protection against forest ticks.

Drugs that protect humans from ticks are divided into 3 types:

  1. Repellents (have repellent properties)
  2. Acaricidal (kills insects)
  3. Insecticidal-repellent (combine 2 properties).

The basis of folk remedies for ticks

Most often, the basis of a folk remedy for ticks for people and pets is one of the following elements:

Folk protection against ticks for people (adults)

A tick medicine may consist of one or more scents. The composition of the drug suitable for adults includes alcohol or vinegar. They act as an emulsifier (mix immiscible components).

Alcohol based spray


  • 2 teaspoons of essential oil (any of the above);
  • 2 teaspoons of medical alcohol;
  • 250 ml water.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a tightly closed container.

Application: spray on exposed parts of the body and outerwear. Shelf life in unopened containers is 6 months.

Vinegar spray

Components of the spray:

  • 10-15 drops of mint or eucalyptus oil;
  • 4 teaspoons of table vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of water.

Preparation, use, storage: shake in a closed container. Spray onto uncovered areas of skin and clothing. Store in a closed bottle for up to 6 months.

Cologne with valerian


  • 9-16 drops of valerian;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of cologne.

Method of production and use:

  • Mix thoroughly in a sealed container.
  • Wipe uncovered areas of skin with a cotton pad soaked in the prepared solution.
  • Can be stored for 6 months.

Soap based on Golden Star balm

To prepare you will need:

  • 50 ml. apple cider vinegar;
  • 10 ml. liquid soap;
  • 200 ml. water;
  • “Star” ointment on the tip of a knife or two drops of balm.

Production and use:

  1. Mix all components in a closed bottle until a homogeneous suspension is formed.
  2. Apply to uncovered areas of skin while walking.

Fragrant oil gel

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 150 ml. aloe vera gel or cream;
  • 20 drops of lavender oil;
  • 20 drops of Geranium oil;
  • 300 ml. vegetable oil.

Production and use:

  1. Pour aloe vera cream (gel) and vegetable oil into a tightly closed container. Stir until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  2. Pour in essential oils. Shake thoroughly.
  3. Apply the drug, if necessary, to uncovered areas of the skin.
  4. Can be stored and used for 6 months.

Garlic tincture


  • 100 grams of alcohol or vodka
  • 1 head of garlic.

  1. Peel the head of garlic and grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Pour alcohol (vodka) over the garlic.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Apply to clothing and uncovered areas of the body with a spray bottle.

Vanillin with vodka


  • vanillin;
  • vodka or alcohol.


  1. Mix vodka and vanillin in a ratio of 1:50. For example, 1 g of vanillin per 50 g. liquids.
  2. Mix thoroughly and leave for 7 days in the refrigerator.
  3. Spray on body and clothing before going out.

Folk remedies for ticks for children

Delicate and sensitive baby skin requires special care. Products that contain aggressive components can negatively affect the child’s body and damage the thin epidermis. Anti-tick medications labeled “for children” sold in pharmacies contain acaricides. Their use is permitted only from 3 years of age. Self-prepared products folk recipes, can be used from birth.

Fragrances that effectively repel ticks and are safe for children's skin:

  • tea tree;
  • geranium;
  • carnation;
  • vanillin.

Attention! Before starting to prepare the product, you need to conduct a test for allergic reaction. To do this, apply components that may cause allergies to small area baby's skin and watch the reaction.

Tea tree oil spray

Spray components:

  • 10-15 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 50 ml. water.

  1. In a closed container, mix the components to a homogeneous suspension.
  2. Wipe uncovered areas of skin with a cotton pad. Can be sprayed on clothes and hair.
  3. Shake well before each use.

Tea tree soap

Soap ingredients:

  • 10-15 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 5-10 ml soybean oil;
  • 30 ml of liquid soap or shower gel.

Production and use:

  1. Mix soybean oil and liquid soap or gel.
  2. Add essential oil and mix.
  3. Shower with soap before going out into nature.

Decoction with cloves

Ingredients of the decoction:

  • 1 teaspoon of cloves;
  • 200 ml water.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Place a container of water on the fire, add cloves, and boil.
  2. Leave for 8 hours.
  3. Before walking, treat uncovered areas of the body with a cotton pad.

Vanilla water


  • 2 g. vanillin;
  • 1 liter of water.

Preparation and use:

  1. Boil water with vanilla.
  2. Allow the solution to cool.
  3. Lubricate uncovered areas of the skin with a cotton pad before walking. Clothes and hair can be sprayed with a spray bottle.

The use of natural-based protection products can cause an allergic reaction, so always carry anti-allergy medications with you.

Folk remedies for ticks for animals

Pets are less at risk of infection from ticks, but some diseases can be dangerous for them too. In addition, it is difficult to notice insects in thick fur, and they can move onto a person.

Almost all methods used to protect people are also suitable for the safety of animals. It is not advisable to use preparations with vinegar, since animals lick their fur, and vinegar is harmful to their body.

Infusion with vanilla


  • 2 g. vanillin;
  • 100 ml vodka.

Preparation and use:

  1. Leave the mixture of vodka and vanillin for 7 days.
  2. Rub the animal's withers, belly and paws before walking outside.

Vanillin is also used in its pure form to repel ticks from pets. Cover your pet completely with vanilla powder and thoroughly rub it into the fur and skin - this method will protect the animal until the next bath.

scented collar

You will need 15-20 drops of any essential oil (effective against ticks). Usage:

  1. Lubricate the animal's collar with essential oil.
  2. Use the scented collar only for outdoor walks.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the animal’s reaction to the essential oil.

The remedy with wormwood is also very effective.

"Perfume" with wormwood


  • 20 g of dry wormwood leaves or 50 g of fresh leaves of the plant;
  • 400 ml water.

Production and use:

  1. Dried or finely chopped fresh leaves add water, boil.
  2. Cool and pour into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the animal's fur if necessary.

It is important to know! Natural preparations against tick attacks, they quickly disappear and are washed off with water when swimming. During long walks, apply protection every 2-3 hours.

Methods of protection against ticks in a summer cottage

Ticks can lie in wait not only in the forest, but also in the grass on summer cottage. You can protect yourself by planting plants that repel insects with their scent. Thus, you can not only secure the area, but also decorate it.

  • marigold;
  • pyrethrum (Persian chamomile);
  • pink geranium;
  • lavender;
  • sage.

Remember! There are no means that guarantee complete safety from tick attacks. Their use only reduces the likelihood of an attack. Therefore, it is worth following a few mandatory rules for walking in nature.

  1. For outdoor recreation, choose clothes from thick fabric.
  2. It is better to choose a jacket with long sleeves.
  3. Avoid shorts and skirts. Trousers - the best option.
  4. No open shoes(sandals, shoes). Shoes should be closed and preferably high.
  5. Don't forget about your headdress.

Even if all conditions are met, it is worth inspecting areas of skin that are not covered by clothing every two hours, and at home inspecting the entire body for the presence of ticks and their bites.

Ticks choose to bite places with the most delicate skin: the neck area, armpits, folds of the arms and legs, groin area, scalp.

May-June is the period when ticks become active. The bite of these insects is not sensitive to humans, but is dangerous. Ticks carry diseases such as encephalitis, borreliosis, fever, therefore, when going camping or kayaking, you should be especially careful.

First of all, make sure you wear appropriate clothing. Wear boots, thick pants, a long-sleeve sweater and a hat. Choose clothes in light colors, periodically examine yourself and your friends. Avoid bushes and tall grass- this is the favorite place for ticks to be located. And, of course, do not forget about protective equipment!

Nowadays various repellents are produced to protect against ticks. They are quite effective, but most often toxic. Many substances that come into contact with the skin can cause irritation and allergies. Repellents are especially dangerous for children, but children are much more active in nature than adults. Therefore, before you run to the store for the treasured aerosol can, remember that there are proven over the years folk remedies from ticks. And at the same time completely safe. These include:

Essential oils

Dissolve tea tree, clove, spruce or eucalyptus oil in water in a ratio of half a teaspoon per 100 ml of water. Before going out into the forest, rub the exposed areas of your body with this mixture and spray the rest onto your clothes. You will be reliably protected from being bitten, since ticks cannot tolerate these odors.

Ticks do not like such beautiful flowers as geranium and lavender. Therefore, feel free to prepare improvised perfumes. 2 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of oil in a glass of water and add a small amount of alcohol. In a container with a tight lid, the mixture can be stored for up to six months without losing its properties.

Apple vinegar

Be sure to take natural one. Ticks also do not like the smell and taste of this product. Feel free to smear it on your skin and the edges of your clothes.

Onion and garlic

Eat a little onion or garlic before going out; you can rub them on your palms, ankles, and neck. The smell is certainly not pleasant. It will repel not only ticks, but also people :)

Birch tar

You can lubricate your skin and clothes with clean tar, or you can prepare a solution. Pour 700 grams of tar into 2 liters warm water and let it brew thoroughly. Place the mixture in a container with a tight lid. This remedy will be effective for a long time. If necessary, remove and lubricate exposed areas of the body.


This method is often used by foresters and hunters, but it is also suitable for tourists. When you encounter forest ants, take off your outer clothing and place it in an anthill for 10-15 minutes. Then shake off the ants - you can safely go further into the forest! Or you can do it simpler - buy formic alcohol at the pharmacy and treat your clothes and exposed areas of the body with it.