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» Dreams and goals. Managing reality: how to make dreams come true, and why do you need a goal? The path to a new lifeWhen dreams become reality

Dreams and goals. Managing reality: how to make dreams come true, and why do you need a goal? The path to a new lifeWhen dreams become reality

There's no better time to start making your dreams come true. You can make your dreams come true if you put in the effort and make a smart plan. All you have to do is know what you want and take tiny steps to get yourself on the path to success. There will definitely be some bumps and falls, but if you can endure it all, you will most likely get the reward that is exactly what you always wanted in the end. Want to know how to make your dreams come true? the site will help you understand the best way to make your dreams come true.

Step 1: Make a clear plan

1. Realize your dream.

The first thing you need to do is be specific in order to understand what actions you should take. One way to be very specific about your dreams is to write them down. If you don't know what you really want, then you can't achieve it, right? However, you may still want to start your journey before being 100% sure of what will happen. You just need to have an idea of ​​what you want and then find a way to narrow it down to get closer and closer to your dream.

2. Turn your dream into a passion.

You will need to turn your dream into a burning desire. Having a strong will to achieve your dreams boosts your self-confidence and will help you overcome some of the worst phases. The way to turn your dream into a burning desire is to believe that your dream is achievable and that you really have the power to achieve it. If you just look at it as a general desire, like losing five kilos by summer or wanting to move to an island somewhere without much passion for it, then you definitely won't be able to take such dreams seriously.

3. Turn your desires into goals.

Now you need to turn your burning desire into a goal. Before, you had to turn your dream into a passion because you believe that it is real and that you can achieve it. But to turn it into a goal, you need to believe that you can do it. This belief is based on your commitment that if it can be done, you will do it now. The point is that goals are time-sensitive, so creating a time frame helps you accept the fact that you are ready to complete it.

4. Plan.

Create a strategic action plan. You will need to come up with a strategy to achieve your goals. There is no one-size-fits-all plan because each strategy depends on the person involved and the goals they want to achieve, because of this, the key to creating your own workable action plan lies with you and you need to find it.

5. Take action now.

Once you've turned your goals into an action plan tailored to you, you need to take action and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. It's time to stop making excuses and waiting for tomorrow. Of course, there are always good reasons to put off pursuing your dreams, such as planning your wedding, going through a stressful time at work, getting involved in a difficult relationship, etc. But if you're already in this mood, you may end up making excuses to always and never achieve nothing.

6. Set short-term goals.

Divide your main goal into sub-goals and set time periods to achieve each item on the list. It's all about taking small steps. For example, if your dream is to write a novel, you might start by writing a short story or an article. If you set your sights on writing a novel right away, it will be more difficult for you to complete the job without building a solid foundation that will give you the skills you need to fully realize your dream.

7. Monitor your progress regularly.

When you begin the journey to achieve your dreams, it is important to have an idea of ​​what you are doing. Although Moscow was not built in a day, and you cannot progress as quickly as you want, it is important to have an idea that you are moving forward. Here are some things you should pay attention to:

  • Small goals achieved or not
  • Do you have the desire to move on?
  • Have you lost your way to your goal?

8. Enjoy the process.

The main thing is that when achieving a goal and striving to make a dream come true, do not discover that you are actually unhappy at the moment and believe that happiness and satisfaction will come as soon as your dream becomes a reality. You should be in anticipation of something good, and not in a tedious expectation of a miracle and suffering.

Step 2: Stay Motivated

1. Visualize your success.

Close your eyes and imagine that you have already achieved what you want. Tell yourself that you are already there and imagine what your life will be like when you get what you want most. This is a great motivational tactic, especially when you're feeling down and it seems like you'll never be able to make your dreams come true. Visualizing the thrill and joy that will fill your life when you achieve your goals will make you perk up and feel much better.

2. Feed your confidence.

If you want to succeed in fulfilling your dreams, then you should not turn on the grouch and radiate negativity. You need to believe in yourself and always keep your head up. Of course, it is natural to doubt and sometimes be out of sorts, but this passes, so you need to be able to control yourself and believe in your success.

3. Don't forget to leave time for rest.

While it's important to stay energized to follow your dreams and achieve your goals, remember that rest and calm are also very important. You don't want to fill yourself with worry, sacrifice sleep, or forget about your friends. In fact, relaxation will make you more eager to achieve your goals and give you more energy and energy.

4. Learn from mistakes.

If you want to achieve your dreams, you must be able to learn from your failures and use them to move forward. If you fail at something, you need to sit down and ask yourself why it happened and what you could have done differently. Of course, sometimes it can just be plain bad luck and all you can do is endure it and move on, but most of the time, our mistakes act as good teachers.

5. Accept constructive criticism.

While it is important to focus only on your goal and not let other people stand in your way, it is equally important to listen to others who are actually trying to help you. Of course, you need to get rid of all the critics who try to bring you down and ruin your day, but if with you trusted friend or a person knowledgeable about your goals gives you useful tips, then it’s definitely worth listening.

6. Make the right sacrifices.

Make only necessary sacrifices. You may have to give up a lot of things you love that are taking up valuable time. You will have to work more, and inevitably you will have to give up frequent get-togethers with friends or regular time with your family. Make a list of all the things that take up your time and determine which ones you need to say goodbye to quickly.

7. Stop making excuses.

One of the most important traits of highly successful and driven people is that they don't make excuses and move forward no matter what obstacles stand in their way. Of course, your parents may have treated you badly and instilled in you a lot of self-doubt, that you have had bad luck in life, that people have constantly treated you badly, and all of this may indeed be true, but you must use adversity to your advantage in order to become stronger instead of making excuses for why you can't get what you want.

8. Change your dream if you can't achieve it

This doesn't mean you're a failure and couldn't achieve what you wanted, it just might not be what you really want. Perhaps by giving up this dream, over time it will come true, but you will no longer need it at all.

We hope that our advice will help you gain self-confidence and give you hope that if you put in some effort, you can achieve anything through willpower, perseverance, courage, and a positive attitude. the site hopes that everything will work out for you and absolutely all your dreams will come true.

Dreams come true

Most married couples like to make plans for the future; they discuss them late at night, lying in bed, when there is complete silence in the house. For some it may be a luxury trip to the islands Caribbean Sea or winning the lottery.

But Michael’s and mine’s greatest dream was much closer to home.

In 2006, I received an award from the Oil Company of America for the Youth Sports Against Autism program. The bonus was free gasoline at quite large quantities, and of course we were delighted. But the title of “Hero” embarrassed me somewhat. This news made me think of the soldiers and their families who fought for freedom and democracy in Afghanistan. Our neighbor is a fireman. Every day at work, he risks his life to save someone. Such people are true heroes, but not a mother in breeches who sets up miniature golf courses.

Michael is the one who helped me see positive side awards, and, inspired, I didn’t stop there. We have already seen that sports can transform children with autism. We had to put Jake and Wesley in one room to free up another room where we could store huge trunks full of sports equipment. We are on a quick fix We equipped the areas allocated to us by the church before classes, but we could do much more if we had our own permanent place for classes.

Sports activities opened our doors to older autistic children, which meant that we needed to take care of the future of those who would grow up very soon. Being a teenager is difficult. But being an autistic teenager is incomparably more difficult. We knew there would come a time when Jake and Christopher would need a break - a refuge from any difficulties they might face at school. If we look at the issue from this point of view, then the search for our own place for sports activities can be considered as running counterclockwise ahead of the curve.

For Jake and his friends, Little Light and Youth Sports Against Autism have already become a kind of refuge. Now Michael and I wanted to go further and create a recreation center where children and teenagers with autism could play sports or watch movies, get help with homework, play tag, but where no one would even try to pay attention on their illnesses. Many years ago, when we had to come up with official name For the charity behind Little Light, Melanie suggested calling it Jacob's because the name wasn't as intimidating as names that included the words "hospital" or "treatment center." We only used this name on our tax returns and it would be an excellent name for our recreation center.

The athletic program grew so quickly that the property we rented from the church was literally bursting at the seams. winter months. We did not downsize; on the contrary, for us it was a signal to expand. In the summer of 2008, we sold one of the cars, cashed in Michael's insurance package, which included pension, health insurance, etc., and went looking for a location for Jacob's.

We needed to find something outside the city. I really liked the whole building, but our budget was ridiculous. One real estate agent laughed outright when she heard that we could spend $15,000 on the building alone and another $5,000 on the renovations and equipment we needed. This amount was completely insufficient to buy what we needed, even in Indiana.

At that time, Michael had to travel all over the state for work, and he looked carefully to see if anything would suit us. One day he called home and said:

Chris, you need to come over. I think I've found what we need.

Earlier, we bought a beat-up Ford for $500 to replace the car we sold. It wasn't a car - it was just tears; there was more rust than paint. The kids loved it because they could see the road running down through the holes in the bottom - it looked like the car the Flintstones drove. I only allowed myself to drive it to the store, so I was a little nervous when I looked at the map and saw how far away the building was. Yet, despite the noise the car made, I managed to drive it to Kirklin, Indiana, a tiny town an hour's drive from our home. Vehicle worries aside, the ride was beautiful, most of the way being on single track gravel road through true rural outback. And I thought that such a trip in itself would be a kind of treatment for stress-weary parents and children.

I eventually got there and saw Michael's car parked at the far end of the main street, which seemed to consist mostly of abandoned shop buildings. Michael stood in front of the most destroyed brick building, I have never seen anything worse in my life. The building looked old. I mean, really old - built in the 19th century. It was clear that it had not received due love or at least attention since the middle of the 20th century. There was not a single window intact, and the back wall had caved in slightly and seemed to be falling. The sidewalk was not preserved, although individual pieces of concrete could be seen there sticking out among the weeds.

Trying not to show how upset I was, I tried to open the side door.

Everything there is very poor condition, said Michael.

As soon as I opened the door, I understood what he meant. There was nothing behind it, just a huge black hole. One more step and I would have fallen from a height of four and a half meters into a hole filled with garbage. (I then had nightmares for several months - it seemed to me that I was flying into this abyss.) But everything was much worse. The entire second floor at the far end of the building had caved in and collapsed, hanging like an amphitheater over the first floor. There was nowhere to step without risking being buried under the collapsing second floor. We shined a flashlight, staying on the spot for safety, and saw a terrifying pile of ancient medical equipment and furniture left over from the building's days as the town's doctor's office.

And where the second floor hung so terribly, in the depths of the building, I was able to see Jake and

Christopher, who exchanged free kicks from the center line of a beautiful, freshly painted basketball court. I looked at Michael and smiled.

“Just what you need,” I said. - This is a recreation and entertainment center.

Jake and Christopher had become inseparable friends by that time. I also became very friendly with Chris’s grandmother Phyllis, who raised him. That summer we talked a lot while the boys swam in the pool. These were rare moments of relaxation, and I really appreciated them. Chris's family owned a car dealership and lived in a huge house with indoor and outdoor basketball courts, a swimming pool and an elevator. Of course, Jake really loved being there. But Christopher also really enjoyed coming to our small house, where we grilled hot dog buns and made elaborate sandwiches in the backyard. He was a very funny boy who could turn even the most unfortunate circumstances, such as suddenly raining during a picnic, into great adventures.

What connected Christopher and Jake was that they both didn't always feel in the right place. It can be difficult for an autistic child to understand when children laugh with him and when at him. If Christopher told any funny story at school and the boys laughed, he could not always understand what their laughter meant. Was the joke successful or was their laughter unkind? What helped Jake was that he went to primary school, as well as our efforts to fill his life with friends. When he and Christopher met, Jake felt much more confident in society and was able to help his younger friend, guiding him and helping him get rid of the awkwardness that is typical of boys that age, the uncertainty of not knowing what other children are thinking or feeling. There were no barriers between Christopher and Jake.

Jake's mentorship became the basis of their friendship. Jake used to say:

Here. Learn this. It will be useful to you if you don’t know this, then it will be difficult.

On the first day they met, Jake taught Christopher how to spin a hula hoop. There was an urgent need for this, because every new skill a child like Christopher acquires reduces by one the range of things that can be laughed at about him, becomes one less thing that separates him from others.

But Christopher also helped Jake. He was much bigger than Jake and was much better at basketball. Jake gradually also began to play better under Christopher's guidance and began to enjoy playing sports.

Christopher loved everything mysterious. Jake really enjoyed writing coded letters to Christopher that he had to decipher, and Christopher took great pleasure in coming up with tricks and showing them to Jake, who then had to guess what they meant. Christopher very quickly understood the principles on which the riddles were based, and his tricks became increasingly complex. But what more difficult riddles Christopher grew, the happier Jake felt: he rarely met a peer who could really give him difficult task. Sometimes they worked on a problem together. For example, Jake helped Christopher develop a very complex trick with several mirrors that were placed exactly at right angles, this was something that Jake was very good at.

The boys went to different schools, but saw each other every Saturday at sports practice, and then the next day at church, they called each other every evening and talked for a long time about sports. I was always strict about having everyone sit together at the table at lunch, but I was glad Jake had such a great friend, so I would sometimes make him a turkey sandwich and cut up some vegetables so he could eat while talking to Christopher on the phone. .

Michael and I very quickly realized that we had gone too far with the recreation center. The $5,000 we had left to renovate the building was all we had. I remember Michael, looking at our bank statement, shaking his head and saying:

If our stove explodes, we will face a cold winter.

Michael's father is a carpenter, but he was also genuinely concerned about the scale of the work that had to be done there. Entering there for the first time, he said:

You can't afford it. Seriously, don't leave here, run away as quickly as possible.

But we didn't listen to anyone. Like many Americans at the time, we took advantage of loans. Michael was promoted several times, and the children's center flourished. I had thoughts about expanding it, even creating a small school there. When Ethan arrived, we realized how small our house was. At some point, I realized that our family did not fit in the living room; one of the children needed to sit on a perch, on the back of the sofa, or sit on the floor at our feet. It was inconvenient for us to watch TV all together; we needed more space.

The original plan was that we would all live in the recreation center and renovate it at the same time, but the city wouldn't allow water or electricity to be connected there until everything was done. Personally, I don't mind difficult conditions, but forcing three boys to live in a tent in non-residential premises It seemed risky even to me.

So we took out a mortgage and invested in a house under construction in a new subdivision in Westfield, a suburb north of Indianapolis that was mostly populated by middle-class families. Without exaggeration, I can say that this was the house of my dreams. There was plenty of room for all of us - even more than we needed. According to the plan, the kitchen, dining room and living room were connected to each other, so we could all be together at the same time. No one had to be kicked out of the kitchen when it came time to set the table for dinner. Ethan was very interested in cooking and baking and could prepare some dishes on his own by the age of four. Looking at the plan, I smiled and imagined what kind of feasts he could throw there.

The new house was also supposed to large garage, which could accommodate more children and an assistant in children's center. Michael and I agreed that although it would cost us a little more, we would keep our an old house until we move to a new one. I wanted our move to have as little impact as possible on the children attending the center.

While we were watching how our new house- all spring and summer - we became acquainted with our new neighbors. We usually went to see how the construction was progressing, and then settled down for a picnic on a small area near the pond, which was located just across the road from us.

The day we moved in, I felt like a burglar. I grew up in a low-income neighborhood on the east side of Indianapolis, and I always felt like someone was going to come and tell me that I had no right to live in this luxurious house. And today, when I enter some rooms of the house, I can’t help but smile. Just the fact that Michael and I have separate sinks in the bathroom makes me feel like the Queen of England.

From the very first or second day it became clear that space is open kitchen, dining room, living room - this is exactly the place where we will spend most of our time. Friends who dropped by to congratulate us on our housewarming and brought gifts sat on the sofa and eventually stayed for dinner.

We also made absolutely the right choice regarding our neighbors. I couldn’t help but get to know our closest neighbor Narnie and all those who met along her path. (One day, when we were shopping together, I heard her introduce herself to someone. I was in the fitting room at that moment. During the time it took me to try on a couple of dresses, Narnie found out everything about the woman’s upcoming wedding, her groom , its advantages and disadvantages.) No sooner had our truck pulled up to the house that first day than Narnie jumped out of the neighboring house. And what do you think? She immediately began to unload things. Without thinking about anything at all, with a friendly face and a loud belly laugh, she put my wardrobe in order before I even had a chance to introduce myself, and I didn’t even know her name an hour before she washed everything dishes in my kitchen. There could be no personal life when this retired yoga-practicing grandmother was nearby, and there was no need for this, because if she appeared in your life, she would remain there forever, especially when you needed her help.

I had everything I could only dream of. Our house was always full of people I loved, and gradually but surely we built the recreation and entertainment center that we had talked about for so long. One day I told Michael:

All. I have everything. I have everything I dreamed of.

Then the crisis hit and suddenly the recreation center was the last thing on our minds.

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How great it was to dream as a child! Any, even the most incredible, dreams seemed achievable and feasible. The visible boundaries between dreams and reality seemed unimportant and we knew for sure that the impossible was possible... How wonderful it is to watch people who to this day trust their dreams and make them come true. Do you notice all those things around you that were beyond fantasy just yesterday, but now they simply exist?! For this, I am deeply grateful to those people who not only did not lose the opportunity to dream, but also learned to make these dreams come true.

Today we see a huge number of clones, both in small businesses and in the segment of large enterprises. It is a rare enterprising person who has created something truly individual and unique. There are catastrophically few innovators in business... And this is neither good nor bad - it just is. People are more busy thinking about how to differentiate themselves from competitors, how to stay afloat, how to increase profitability and generally how not to go bankrupt... Instead of developing and opening new horizons in their areas, they close themselves off from opportunities. Can you suggest something different? I think so, if you learn to dream and at the same time make your dreams come true.

In order to master the skill of turning dreams into goals, it is worth paying attention to the model proposed in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) called “Walt Disney's Creativity Strategy.” It is based on three roles: Dreamer, Realist and Critic. The presence of each was clearly visible in the work of the animation genius Disney. When Walt's circle called it impossible to create color cartoons, he knew for sure that he would achieve success in this matter, which history has actually confirmed. Unfortunately, such courage of thought, healthy criticism and a realistic approach to the steps to achieve a goal are combined by a rare person. And yet this is possible, and worth learning. First, it’s worth determining which of the three roles you most often find yourself in:

A dreamer is someone who can imagine dreams, ideas, projects in all colors and details. He thinks in terms of the future and is looking for something new and unconventional. The flight of his imagination knows no boundaries and sees no obstacles.

Realist - lives in the present and has the ability to find resources to achieve any goals. He knows exactly what steps and actions will lead to success. He knows how to achieve results, is aware of the possibilities and always takes into account feedback from his actions.

Critic - thinks logically and consistently. Indicates errors based on past experience and describes possible difficulties when realizing a dream. His distinguishing feature is that he is at one with the Dreamer and the Critic and does not go against them common goal(dreams).

Using all three roles can guarantee the successful achievement of any goals, even if these goals are in the category of dreams. Learn to view, sense, and think through any dreams and ideas from all three roles.

One of the simplest and effective ways is the creation in space of zones responsible for one of the roles. Try to set aside a place for yourself where you will only do what you dream and fantasize. Rooms with upholstered furniture and original bright design, where you can, while admiring the decorative elements, go into a dream world and indulge in daydreams. When the thought comes that you have dreamed enough and you can start taking action, go to the “Realist” zone. It is convenient and contains all the resources for building an action plan, with the ability to simulate the conditions for achieving the goal. There you work on opportunities and propose concrete steps to achieve intended goals and objectives. It is good to place the “Critic” next to the “Realist” zone so that he has the opportunity to look from the outside and can objectively point out the weak points of the project and action plan. Make sure not to “confuse” these roles; if you are in the dreamer’s zone, you are busy with dreams, in the realist’s zone, you are busy with concrete steps, and the critic’s zone is only for looking for weaknesses and limitations.

Walt Disney worked with dreams like this: he started by creating a dream or a complete vision of the entire film from beginning to end. He entered into the feelings and experiences of each character in the film, imagining exactly how this character sees this story. Then he turned into a realist who carefully examined finances, time, resources and collected all necessary information in order to understand how to turn a dream into reality. After Walt set up the entire film project, he looked at it from a different perspective - from the point of view of a critical viewer. He asked the following questions: “Was everything you saw interesting? Was it entertaining? Was there something superfluous, despite all my attachment to it? For each process, he had separate places at his disposal where he could freely play the role he needed.

By creating such zones in space, you can easily, like Walt Disney, live and move from role to role until you achieve the result. Thus, from any incredible ideas and dreams, learn to create a specific action plan and be able to anticipate obstacles on your path to success. Business and any work can truly turn into something you love and make you happy every day. Try to track these roles not only in the work context, but also in other areas of life, to become an innovator...

This technique for fulfilling desires and achieving goals has changed the lives of everyone who has tried it. Thanks to these simple actions, dreams become reality!

Who is this method for?

The technique will be useful to those who have a desire, goal or dream, and who are determined to achieve it.

If you are looking for new, more suitable opportunities for self-realization¹ then the method will help, if not find them, then narrow the circle of searches and attract long-awaited changes into your life.

The technique will greatly help those lucky people who are already doing what they love and are pursuing their dreams - you will get a new vision of your path, optimize the process of achieving results, get rid of everything unnecessary, create and attract favorable circumstances and opportunities into your life.

What do you need to know?

1. The whole process will take more than an hour of your time. Choose the most appropriate moment, when nothing and no one will distract you.

2. Complete the tasks one by one in the given sequence.

3. Complete all tasks in one go, without procrastinating.

4. Be honest and open with yourself.

5. Trust the method and be sure that your life will change in the best possible way.

Now take a deep breath and exhale!

Focus and pay attention. To begin with, we will raise and sort out all your experience, knowledge and skills.

Step 1. Experience the present

Break down your daily activities in detail. Indicate on paper where you currently work, your functional responsibilities what you do throughout the working day.

Step 2. Experience from the past

Break down in detail where you worked and what you did before your current job, also describing your functional responsibilities. Remember and write down all your achievements, what you did on the way to these goals. Indicate your hobby and everything you are interested in or have ever been interested in.

Read everything you wrote down. You can add to your text as needed.

Step 3. Remove unnecessary things

Cross out those items that have always bothered you negative emotions- what you never liked, what you don’t like or didn’t like to do. Eliminate all this from your life. Remember these actions as if you are experiencing them again and again. Cross out these items until they can no longer be read. Make sure you haven't missed anything.

Step 4: Focus Preferences

Circle and highlight everything that you liked and like to do the most. Remember how much pleasure and enjoyment you get from these actions, how proud you are of the results of your work and how deeply satisfied you feel from the work you have done.

Give free rein to your emotions and feelings!

You have taken an important step towards transforming your life. You have structured and evaluated all your life experiences. Now you clearly understand and are aware of what you should spend more time and energy on.

Agree that it is best to do the thing that you do best, which gives you pleasure, and the result brings satisfaction. Read everything you circled and highlighted again. Turn the page.

Step 5. Forming a dream

If you already have a specific dream, goal² that you want to achieve, or you are already on the way to it, then write it down. Name your dream and describe it in detail. Let your imagination run wild. Imagine that you have already achieved your cherished goal.

Tell us what you got as a result, who you are now, and what is happening in your life. Put it all down on paper. Scale your dream and let it expand beyond your life. Let it become so bright, amazing and amazing for you that it seems completely unattainable.

Make your dream your legacy - what you leave behind in this world.

Put everything on paper. Now go back to the beginning of your notes and read everything again, adding new details as necessary. You can already see the path you will take towards your dream.

Step 6. Path coordinates

You already have a bright, unique dream. Now we will create a path to achieve this dream, thereby attracting favorable events and circumstances into our lives.

You already understand that on the way to your goal, you need to gain certain knowledge and skills, and perhaps meet a person who has the necessary status, knowledge, and connections that you need so much. Or it may well be that you will need to obtain a certain status or position on your own, and you can guess where and how this can be done.

Imagine that you have to be in the right place at the right time in the right place, become a participant in events of a certain nature.

Scale your desired events and circumstances until they lead you to your dream.

Example: “my dream is to become greatest politician of all times and peoples, but I’m still just a political science student.

1. First I have to build my reputation locally.

2. Now I have the opportunity to make myself known in the scientific community. I must write a work on a topic that interests me.

3. This work will definitely receive the highest rating from listeners.

4. I will definitely be noticed and invited to work for the authorities state power as a specialist in a topic that interests me.

Come up with and write down the necessary events and circumstances that, in your opinion, must happen in your life in order for you to achieve your cherished goal. Write down at least 15 such events and circumstances, numbering them in order. Remember, everything you write down should lead you towards your dream.

Step 7. Laying out the dream path

On clean slate paper, in the upper left corner, retreat a small distance and draw a straight line vertically down, 10-15 cm long. End this line with a bold dot, and extend it with an arrow at the top.

From this point, draw a strictly horizontal line from left to right, the same length and also extend it with an arrow. You now have the coordinate axes.

Under the bold dot, put today's date. The horizontal axis will represent time, and the vertical axis will represent the sequence of actions. On the horizontal time axis, closer to its edge, place another bold dot, and under it indicate the date when, in your opinion, you will achieve your cherished dream.

You determine the time yourself, choosing the most realistic one for you. For some it will be 5, for others 10, 15, 30, 50 years. It all depends on your feeling.

From this point in time, mentally draw a straight line strictly upward, parallel to the axis of the sequence of actions. Place a dot at the top. At this point, write down your deepest dream.

In the work field: in the interval between today and the day you achieve your dreams, place the very circumstances and events that should happen to you. Take into account the approximate time when this event should, in your opinion, occur and the order of the events themselves.

Step 8. Incarnation

From that moment on, your life took a course in a given direction. This is the path of your dreams. You will see amazing changes very soon. They have already begun! New opportunities and perspectives are opening up before you, which you so need to achieve your dreams.

Your main task is to respond in a timely manner to the gifts of fate and to take advantage of the opportunities that open up.

You will see that all the circumstances and events that you have planned for yourself are reflected in what happens to you. This is your wish fulfillment technique.

Accept these changes with gratitude, because you created them and attracted them to yourself. Save your notes. Let go of your dream. May she find the embodiment of her path in our world.

What to do next?

Continue with your daily activities. Try to focus on completing your current tasks, but be prepared to let go of the old and unnecessary in your life. All that your dream path will require of you is your time and your energy³.

As a rule, noticeable changes begin to occur after one or two weeks.

Dreams can come true!

How to dream correctly and what you need to know to make your dream come true

“Thought is material”... Just a few decades ago this phrase made everyone smile, but no, rather even a grin. It was something from the realm of fantasy or mysticism. But everything flows, everything changes. Science is moving forward by leaps and bounds. And now the times have come when this phrase has become real and already has a scientific basis. Many domestic and foreign scientists such as Pyotr Kapitsa, Anatoly Okhatrin, Kira Asipova, Pyotr Goryaev, Ch. Toich, Masaru Emoto and others conducted a lot of research and carried out dozens of experiments, the results of which are impressive. Thought really has power and can influence ongoing processes! Thought is energy. And everything around us is also energy. We all know the fundamental law of nature - the law of conservation of energy ( more precisely the principle energy conservation). If you say in simple language: “If it has arrived somewhere, then it has departed somewhere,” or “Like attracts like.” In order for us to want to receive something in life, we must first give something, and it doesn’t have to be something material, it could be, for example, your work, your energy. What they gave to the space was what they received in return. Therefore, everything that happens to us in our lives is the result of our mental activity. By controlling your thoughts, you can control your life.

Now let's look at what a dream is? A dream is first of all a thought. And the more clearly, clearly, more specifically and more realistically it is formulated, the more power and energy it will have and the more chances it will have to come true. For example, your dream is “I want a lot of money.” But money is just a means to achieve a goal and get what you want, and not the object itself. Therefore, such a dream is unlikely to come true. And if you imagine why you need a lot of money, for example, to buy a car, then your desire takes on a completely different form, more specific. And then you can already feel in detail the object of your dreams in your thoughts. To do this, you need to relax as much as possible and not resist, give free rein to your imagination and imagine the picture as clearly as possible. Note every small detail, your mood, your feelings, what you see, what you hear, how you react to everything that happens, how it makes you feel. For example, a car of a certain make, model, color, year of manufacture. Imagine how you approach it, run your hand over its surface, feel its warmth or coolness. You open the door, sit on the seat, smell the interior, etc. Imagine all the actions that you perform with this car, all down to the most insignificant detail. Your ideas should be close to reality. Return to this thought regularly, as if you already had a car in your real life. These thoughts will give positive emotions that will fill you positive energy and make you take action. Therefore, in order for your dream to come true, you need to work hard. Even Emelya in the famous fairy tale had to get up from the stove, take a bucket and go to the ice hole for water, where he caught a miraculous pike. Your actions must be planned. Indicate the realistic time frame for implementing the plan. Write down all the points from your first step to the last. And take action. Your dream should become your goal in life. And you have to go to the goal, and not lie on the stove.

The main thing is to believe in your dream. Cast aside all doubts and fears. And then your dream will come true!"