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» We wash the microwave at home. How to clean the inside of a microwave using improvised means. Windshield wiper and special products

We wash the microwave at home. How to clean the inside of a microwave using improvised means. Windshield wiper and special products

Almost every housewife now has a microwave oven. In the process of constant use, it appears greasy spots or old dirt or plaque remains. It is sometimes difficult to remove them yourself and you have to resort to using household chemicals. However, many housewives are trying to save themselves using folk remedies.

How to clean a microwave inside and outside?

Clean the microwave well from the outside and inside improvised means will help.

It can help to clean the microwave oven from the outside and inside laundry soap. It has good disinfecting properties, and thanks to strong acids, this soap allows you to wash off even the most stubborn stains.

So, you must first grind the laundry soap, for which a regular grater is perfect. Take some soap shavings and dissolve them in warm water. Using your hands or using a mixer, foam the water and apply the foam with a sponge to the inner and outer walls of the microwave. Then we leave the oven in this state for half an hour and wash off any remaining soapy water and dirt. We wash everything again clean water and wipe with a towel until completely dry.

You can clean the outside of the microwave using window glass cleaner. Spray the liquid onto the wall of the microwave and wipe off the dirt with a rag.

There is another way to clean the oven. We take any window glass cleaner at the rate of 2 parts to 1 part warm water. Mix these components in an enamel bowl. Dip a napkin or sponge into the bowl and wash the outside of the oven. Then we take out all the components from the microwave and wipe them.

Lastly, wash the inside surfaces of the microwave. After washing with a cleaning agent, you need to wash the oven again with plain water and wipe dry with a towel so that the product does not remain on the walls.

Has a good cleansing effect modern remedymelamine sponge. There is no need to use any special products: just moisten the sponge with water and start removing stains.

How to clean old stains?

Old stains can also be washed with improvised means (water, lemon juice, soda or vinegar). The method of getting rid of stagnant dirt using water and any of the above components is called “microwave autoevaporation.” Take water and pour it into a container used in microwave ovens. Then the vessel with the liquid is placed in the oven chamber and the required mode is turned on. For a certain time, the water with the additional available product will boil and then evaporate, thereby making the dirt easily removed with ordinary napkins.

And the following video describes in detail the procedure for cleaning a microwave oven from the inside using vinegar. It tells you how to prepare a cleaning solution and what you will need for this.

Lemon acid also has good properties in the fight against fat that forms in the microwave oven during its use. To clean the microwave with lemon, you need to carry out the following manipulations:
  • take specialized dishes for a microwave oven, and pour water into it;
  • then add a few drops of liquid citric acid to the water;
  • put the dishes with the mixture in the oven;
  • turn on the microwave at full power for 5-6 minutes;
  • After the oven has finished operating, you must wait another 5-7 minutes to lemon acid was able to absorb fat better;
  • after the time has passed, take out the container with the mixture;
  • take a towel or dry cloth and wipe the microwave until completely dry.
This video explains in detail and clearly shows how you can use lemon And citric acid clean the microwave oven.

Cleaning the microwave oven from the inside can be done using the usual dishwashing liquid. In a special bowl, which is intended for use in the microwave, we collect warm water and add the product in question there (any will do: “Cinderella”, “Fairy”, “Sorti”, etc.). Place the dishes and detergent in the microwave for 2 minutes. We take out the vessel and wipe the inside of the oven with a damp sponge.

Quick ways

You can clean a microwave oven using different methods, but how the cleaning itself occurs - slowly or quickly - does not matter, since the same products are usually used. However, there are times when the microwave needs to be cleaned very quickly.

Can be used plain water. In a small bowl, which is intended for use in the microwave, we collect about 200 ml of water. Place the dish in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 15-20 minutes. After the time is up, you need to wipe the inside walls of the microwave with a rag or sponge (soft side).

In this way, you can wash only fresh dirt that has not yet dried.

Also, vinegar, laundry soap and regular baking soda can provide quick + high-quality removal of contaminants after using a microwave:
  • Take baking soda (2 tablespoons) and dissolve it in water. Pour the prepared solution into any specialized container for a microwave oven. Place in the microwave for 15 minutes on high heat. Then you need to rinse off the remaining solution with plain water and wipe dry. For a better effect, after the first placement of the dishes with the ingredients, you can not immediately remove the container, but leave it there for some time. Then the procedure can be repeated.
  • Take vinegar and mix with water. Then pour it into a container, preferably a specialized one designed for microwaves. After this, put the bowl of liquid in the microwave and select the mode high temperatures. After finishing work, the MV oven must be washed with regular dishwashing detergent and wiped dry.
  • We take a type of laundry soap containing fatty acids 72%, and soap a rag or sponge with it. Lather well and wipe the microwave. Leave it in the soapy state for a while and then remove the stains with a napkin.

The listed methods are fast and effective against grease stains and other contaminants.

What products are suitable for different microwave surfaces?

Each microwave oven has its own coating, so the method of processing it must be different. There are 3 types of MV oven coatings:
  • Resistant enameled. This type of coating must be cleaned carefully, as hard brushes and sponges, as well as abrasives, can damage it. appearance enamel, leaving scratches on its surface. For cleaning, you can use ordinary water and laundry soap with an acid content of 72%.
  • Stainless steel. This coating gets dirty very quickly, but does not have any restrictions in cleaning it, so you can use soda, vinegar, laundry soap and household chemicals (not abrasive). But you can’t rub in one place or randomly. Hand movements should always be either vertical or horizontal (not circular), without stopping in any area for a long time.
  • Biological ceramics. It is a modern coating for microwave ovens. Biological ceramics are easy to clean and are not contaminated with grease. You can clean it normally paper napkin microfiber, water or pencil to remove dirt.
In order to clean the microwave oven, many resort to using commercial products. To clean ordinary stains, stagnant grease or soot, you can use special wipes or cleaning products.

The most popular microwave oven cleaners are:
  • "Ariston 93111". Allows you to clean and disinfect the microwave. It is enough just to spray this product onto the contaminated surface, wait a while and remove dirt, soot and grease with a regular napkin.
  • "Weissgauff WG-9423". Removes stubborn dirt and stains from the microwave oven.
  • Microfiber cloth "MagicPower MP-502". Removes burnt-on dirt and soot from the microwave oven.
  • "Topper IR5", "Topper IR5"– a pencil for cleaning the microwave. Removes fat well, even burnt fat.
  • Lotion "Look". It removes all types of dirt well in the microwave.
You can clean your microwave oven by different means, including folk ones (using vinegar, soda, water, etc.). Cleaning ordinary dirt and old greasy deposits is done using the same methods and means, so the ingredients for them are almost no different. You can also use the latest household chemicals.

Quickly prepare almost any dish, and if necessary, defrost food - this is the convenience of an electric device called a “microwave oven”. When this type of household appliance appears in the kitchen, over time the question inevitably arises: how to clean a microwave in 5 minutes? Returning a frequently used household appliance to its proper form after spending a few minutes will not be much of a hassle; you just need to know a couple of proven methods.

How to clean grease inside a microwave oven

Residues of food and a layer of fat on the inner walls of the microwave - this is the picture observed by the owners of the electrical appliance when they open its door again. When using this type of household appliance every day, do not forget that from time to time the microwave oven must be cleaned to remove any adhering fat. There are two ways to do this: buy a special product in the store and use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions, the second way is with home methods, in which the result is no less effective, but helps save money.


A homemade way to quickly clean the ceramic walls of a microwave oven from carbon deposits is using vinegar. Like citric acid, it also removes unpleasant odors and rust, and to clean the microwave, you need to make a solution. In a container, which is then placed in the oven, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar in 200 ml of water, set the duration to no more than 7 minutes and wait. When the device turns off, take a damp cloth and run it along the walls, removing grease deposits and pieces of food.

Lemon or citric acid

You can use lemon to wash the inside of the microwave until it shines clean again. At the same time, both the juice and the peel of the fruit of the citrus tree are useful, and citric acid is not inferior in effectiveness. To prepare the solution, in a container you need to mix 200-250 ml of water with three tablespoons lemon juice, or replace it with a couple of tablespoons of citric acid, stir thoroughly and place, uncovered, inside the oven. Within five minutes, under the influence of the waves, the solution will evaporate and cover the walls, then all that remains is to wipe them damp cloth.


Another effective one home method how to quickly clean a microwave in 5 minutes involves using baking soda. A universal product that is often used to wash dishes or stoves, it helps remove grease and at the same time disinfects the surface. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of soda per 2 glasses of water. Place the bowl inside the microwave, turn on the maximum power setting, and leave the cleaning solution for 5 minutes. In some cases, the procedure must be repeated until the steel shines again from the inside.

How to remove odor from a microwave

With a burning smell, if you go too far with the timer while cooking or heating a dish, the same home methods can help. It is not necessary to spend money on buying special household cleaning products; you need to look in the kitchen cabinet and find there: vinegar or citric acid, soda and some other types of products that may be useful.

They help clean the walls of the microwave until they shine, and at the same time eliminate the unpleasant odor. But there are other options that you can use without resorting to washing. One option is coffee, which neutralizes any odor. Perfect option involves the use of a natural, freshly brewed drink. Prepare it a little larger than the usual portion: pour a little without adding sugar, and wipe the walls of the household appliance. This procedure will take less than a minute, and after a couple of hours, simply wash off the solution.

Helpful in getting rid of internal space microwave ovens from unpleasant odors will become salt and activated carbon. If you use salt, then you don’t even have to turn on the device, you just need to pour four or five spoons into an open bowl, put it inside for 10 hours and slam the door tightly. During this time, salt neutralizes all odors. Activated carbon works in a similar way: crush 6-7 tablets, put it in the microwave overnight, and take out the open container in the morning. There will not be a single hint of the unpleasant odor left.

Video on how to wash a microwave at home

A microwave can always be crystal clean only in one case: if you don’t use it. If electrical appliance If used for its intended purpose, it becomes necessary to wash it. Fatty deposits on the walls, food residues from cooking, heating or defrosting food will not disappear by themselves, but if the right approach there will be no trace of them left. How and how to quickly clean a microwave in 5 minutes? About the simplest and effective ways Cleaning a household device at home is described in more detail in the video below.

Cleaning a microwave oven from grease

Trying to clean the microwave with vinegar

Cleaning your microwave with orange peels

How to clean a microwave with soda until it shines

Like all equipment used for cooking, the microwave tends to get dirty. When you look at how much fat has formed on the walls of the device, you give up. However, there is no need to despair, there are many simple and effective ways, which will help clean the microwave without much effort.


You can clean the device with baking soda. To do this, prepare a mixture of soda (1 tablespoon), vinegar (2 tablespoons) and 400 ml of water. Heat the water until it boils. Add vinegar and soda to it. Place the resulting mixture in the microwave and wait. After 30 minutes, you can open the microwave and wash with a sponge. That's all!


We proceed by analogy with the first recipe. Pour water into a cup, heat it, add vinegar (2 tablespoons). Leave the dishes in the microwave. We're waiting for a while. We take out the cup and wash the equipment. Wipe the walls of the microwave with a clean towel.

Lemon acid

Citric acid will help clean the device in a short time. To do this, add citric acid to a container of water - you can pour out the entire 20-gram bag. Then put the microwave on the most powerful setting and wait 10 minutes. Don’t wipe it off right away! Wait until the oven cools down. You can remove dirt and grease with a sponge or cloth.

Orange peels

One of best options- orange peels. Firstly, detergents are saved. Secondly, a fragrance appears. Place the peels of a couple of oranges in a container. Pour in enough water to cover the crusts. Place the container in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 5 minutes. The device will not only be easy to clean, but will also smell fragrant for a long time.

Special detergents

Nowadays, finding cleaning products to care for microwave won't be difficult. Among the most famous are “Mr. Muscle”, “Sanita Antifat” and “Sunklin”. “Magic Power” wipes give a good effect.

The only thing worth considering when choosing the presented method is that you should not be allergic to cleaning products!

How to get rid of the burning smell?

A special spray will help get rid of the burning smell. Spray the surface of the microwave oven in the evening and leave the device with the doors tightly closed overnight. In the morning, it is enough to wipe the internal surfaces of the microwave oven with a soft cloth several times.

There is another way you can get rid of the burning smell. To do this, pour water into a container and add detergent and a few tablespoons of lemon juice. Boil the mixture in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then open the device door and leave it overnight.

So now you know that there are many interesting and simple ways cleaning the microwave oven. Wherein excellent result is achieved in just a few minutes and lasts for a long time.

We all know that where food is being prepared, there are splashes that are very difficult to clean up. The kitchen is a place that requires constant cleaning, but every housewife dreams of finding a way that will help deal with dirt faster. It takes a lot of time, especially from the inside, since getting to back wall, as a rule, is not always convenient.

Modern technologies against dirt

Modern models of microwave ovens have a special program, thanks to which
you don't have to worry about how to clean the inside of the microwave. But if your assistant doesn’t have such a function, don’t be upset, your path to cleanliness will just be a little longer.

You can go to the nearest store and choose a detergent. But be careful! Read the instructions carefully, as some of them must be diluted with water before use. They will help you clean the inside of the microwave, but will definitely leave a chemical smell and residue on the walls of the oven. It is impossible to completely wash off cleaning agents, which means they will get into the food during cooking. "So what?" - you say, because we are surrounded everywhere by chemical compounds that harm our body. Of course, there is some truth in this, but why poison yourself? After all, there are proven folk methods that will help you cope with pollution using absolutely safe means at hand.

Traditional methods of combating pollution

The easiest way to clean the inside of a microwave? - put a glass of water in it for 10-12 minutes. The main thing is to pour water only halfway to avoid splashing. The steam will quickly soften the fat that has got on the walls of the microwave oven, and you can easily remove it with a regular napkin. To combat heavy pollution You can add vinegar or citric acid to the water, and for a pleasant smell, add a few dried orange peels.

It's no secret that baking soda can replace almost any detergent. And to the question of how to clean the inside of a microwave, you can safely answer: “With soda.” If this universal assistant is often used by many housewives as an excellent abrasive agent, then in our case ordinary cleaning will not work, because soda will easily damage protective covering, hopelessly damaging the electrical appliance. soda? Easy and fast! Take a deep container, pour a couple of tablespoons of soda and add plain water. 10-15 minutes of heating such a liquid will not only help to cope with the most difficult stains, food splashes, but also with unpleasant odors that have settled in the microwave oven.

Lemon is a universal helper

How to clean the inside of a microwave with lemon? Yes, this is possible. It will even do
old, half-dried fruit. It should be cut in half, placed on a plate or saucer with the flesh side down (this is important) and heated for 5 minutes. During this time, the door glass will become covered with condensation. As usual, all you have to do is wipe inner surface with a damp cloth without adding cleaning agents. In addition to cleanliness, you will also get a fresh lemon smell that will quickly disappear.

What you use is up to you, but using baking soda, lemon and plain water can quickly and safely clean your microwave without any effort.

During operation of microwave ovens, grease stains form inside, which are difficult to wipe off with a regular damp sponge. After some dishes, such as fish, garlic, dairy products, an unpleasant odor appears, which is not easy to remove. But it is still possible to cope with the task of removing contaminants.

When cleaning the inside of a microwave, you should always follow a few rules.

  1. Before cleaning the microwave from grease, it must be disconnected from the power supply by unplugging the plug from the outlet.
  2. When washing, do not use abrasive substances, metal brushes, or hard sponges.
  3. Cleansing household appliances You should try not to get it too wet, so as not to flood the moisture-sensitive elements. This leads to breakdowns.
  4. You cannot disassemble the equipment or wash it from the inside.

No special preparation is required before cleaning the microwave. Only de-energize the device and remove the tray from it, which is washed like ordinary glassware.

Clean the inside of the microwave

Cleaning the inside of the microwave different ways. They do it purchased funds or traditional methods. There are recommendations for use on goods from the store, but the use of “grandmother’s” methods requires knowledge of the recipe.

Having chosen, for example, vinegar as an ingredient for cleansing, you must follow the sequence of actions.

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar to a plate or glass of water.
  2. The container is placed in the microwave.
  3. The device is turned on at its highest high power for 5 minutes.
  4. Then the device is turned off, but the door is not opened, leaving the container with the vinegar solution inside for 20 minutes.
  5. All that remains is to remove the plate and wipe the walls of the microwave oven with a paper towel, dry rag or sponge.

When working with vinegar, you need to ensure good ventilation. Rubber gloves must be put on your hands, and the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose are protected with a respirator.

Clean the microwave from grease

Fat deposits inside a microwave oven are not uncommon if you are not in the habit of using protective caps when heating. When heated, fried food releases a lot of fat, which scatters in drops over all surfaces of the device. If you immediately wipe off these stains, they will come off easily, but old ones will not be so easy to deal with.

The best way to deal with this type of problem is chemical compositions, but adherents of everything natural recommend using the peels of orange, lemon or other citrus fruits.

  1. Place fresh or dried peels in a wide container of water and place it in the microwave.
  2. Select the mode with maximum power and set the timer for 10 minutes.
  3. Then wipe all the walls with a soft, dry cloth.

This method will soften stuck food particles and greasy stains, so they can be easily removed. You can also use orange peels to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish, garlic and dairy products.

Remove fat and plaque

Lemon or citric acid will help get rid of fat and plaque inside the product.

  • If citric acid was chosen, then take a 20-gram sachet of the substance, which is dissolved in 200 grams of water. The prepared composition is placed in the oven for 15 minutes, the device is turned on at the highest power. After time has passed, the product is wiped from the inside with a sponge or rag.
  • When there is lemon available, cut it into circles, place it in a plate with water, and place it in the microwave for 5 minutes at high power.

After treatment with lemon solution vapor, all deposits come off well; just wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

Remove old and stubborn stains

Old stains can be removed using baking soda. Since it is an abrasive substance, it should not rub the walls of the product. To clean dirt, you need to dissolve a couple of tablespoons of soda in small quantity water, put in the microwave and turn on the device for 5 minutes. After turning off the device, leave the container with soda inside for another quarter of an hour. Then the walls are wiped with a sponge and wiped dry with a napkin.

Eliminate unpleasant odor

There are several ways to eliminate unpleasant odors.

  • Using vinegar. It is diluted with water 1 to 4. The solution is placed in the device, which is turned on for five minutes. It is further recommended to leave the container in the oven for another 20 minutes with the appliance disconnected from the power supply. Then, after this procedure, use a damp cloth to easily and quickly remove the dirtiest fatty deposits and unpleasant odors.
  • You can get rid of the “aroma” with coffee. To do this, wipe the walls of the microwave with a coffee solution and leave for a couple of hours. Afterwards, clean the surface with a damp sponge.
  • Salt absorbs odors well. To do this, you will need to pour 100 grams of salt into a glass and place it in the device for a couple of hours.
  • Activated carbon works on the same principle. You need to crush 10 tablets of coal in a glass, leave it in a closed oven overnight.

Cleaning products

There is a wide range on the market household products for the care of microwave ovens. They differ in composition, cost, quality and other characteristics. But many housewives prefer not to use chemicals, opting for folk ways cleaning.


You can clean the inside of the microwave using various chemicals- Magic Power, Mr. Chister, Dr. Beckmann. They are sold in any department store. The main thing is to pay attention to the composition and manufacturer’s instructions when choosing. The label must show a microwave oven or have a characteristic inscription.

Most manufacturers produce creamy pastes, sprays, and liquids for cleaning microwave ovens. Apply this product to the walls with a sponge and leave for 5 minutes. After this, wipe the treated surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge and then wipe dry.


Many people do not use household chemicals because they are difficult to wash off and there is a chance that the chemicals will get on the food during cooking or heating. If there are small children in the house for whom food is being heated, or people with allergies, then it is better not to use chemicals.

They will come to the rescue:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon or citric acid;
  • orange peel;
  • laundry soap.

It is easier to get rid of stuck food pieces with plain water. It must be poured into a container, placed in the device, and turned on for 15 minutes. This is the safest and economical option. But this method is only suitable for fresh contaminants.

Steam bath from old fat made using a container of water and 1 tbsp. spoons of any of the above substances. When the water evaporates, the fat will dissolve and can be easily removed.

  1. Enameled surfaces are popular. There are virtually no traces of grease left on them and they are easy to clean. But enamel is afraid of mechanical damage. It should not be rubbed with metal brushes or abrasive sponges.
  2. Products from stainless steel cope well with sudden temperature changes. But they attract fat and soot. It is difficult to remove grease stains from stainless steel surfaces. It is not recommended to use acids for cleaning, as they cause darkening of the material, as well as cleaning powders that scratch the surface.
  3. WITH ceramic coatings dirt can be easily removed with a simple damp sponge, but such equipment is the most expensive.

How often to clean your microwave

It is necessary to wash the microwave oven as it becomes dirty, but the more regularly wet cleaning is carried out, the easier and faster it will be done.

  1. You should wipe the inside of the microwave oven every time after cooking using a damp, soft cloth or cloth.
  2. Stands, grill grates, and other elements are washed like simple kitchen utensils - immediately after use.
  3. General cleaning, which includes interior and exterior washing, is needed approximately once a quarter.

If you don’t have time to wash, then when purchasing a product it is better to pay attention to the presence of a self-cleaning function. Microwaves with this option have a special container into which water is poured. Afterwards, the specified program is turned on and the water turns into steam, which softens grease stains. The housewife can only walk the sponge along the walls of the device and wipe the clean surfaces dry.

Microwave care

Taking good care of your microwave will not only keep it looking good, but will also improve its performance.

  • Clean the oven household chemicals or use folk remedies.
  • After cleaning the microwave oven, the door should be left open for half an hour.
  • You should not immediately close the microwave after use so that there is no moisture left inside and a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

With respect to household appliances, they will delight their owners with long-term and uninterrupted operation.