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» Can C students become successful? Why C students succeed more than excellent students: about evaluative dependence and priorities. Habit of being the best

Can C students become successful? Why C students succeed more than excellent students: about evaluative dependence and priorities. Habit of being the best

All possible jokes have already been invented about people who are both smart and poor. The C-grade student’s boss constantly fools the excellent student’s head. But how does this happen? Why do C students succeed more than A students? Even in the West, with its cult of education, it has been recognized that academic achievement is not always a guarantee of success in life.

But first, let us allow ourselves to doubt the general belief about the prevalence of excellent students-losers. Most excellent students are not poor. They work pretty well and get... average money. They have one quality that C students really lack - discipline. This makes them great performers. But not all excellent students manage to be a leader or a creative worker. And not all C students, by the way.

Why do C students succeed more than A students? Because they have to choose working professions. And in working profession, they pay more in our society than many smart state employees. A society can be called sick if it is more profitable to have an average special education than higher. Many C students, following the example of their parents, master a craft and live much better in financially than those who like to dry their brains.

Why do C students succeed more than A students? Let's talk about C students from higher education, since school C students are only highly paid hard workers and “new Russians”, who by the 2000s almost all were lying in the cemetery and were generally no longer in fashion.

So, the young man was able to enter the university, despite the competition and not so brilliant abilities. Why are C-grade students more successful than excellent students in higher education? But because average students can do better than refined excellent students. In a country where they don’t look at the average score at all, study unnecessary subjects for the sake of the coveted “excellent.” in the diploma can be either neurotic or vain individuals.

A refined excellent student is a person who is accustomed to constant external evaluation. It’s as if he’s been running around with his record book at the ready all his life, trying to make sure everything in life is just perfect. And this assessment is always made by the environment. That is, an excellent student is a deeply dependent and endlessly subordinate person. It is this attitude that prevents many smart people begin successful business and act more boldly. Why do C students succeed more than A students? Because they find alternative ways to maintain self-esteem.

But you shouldn’t get hung up on extremes; after all, there are not only excellent students and C students. There is also the widest class - good people. And it is they who are most often the most successful, and not the C students. These people know how to say “enough” in the sense of striving for quality; they do not have the perfectionism of excellent students. But if we are talking about professionals in intellectual specialties, then only one category of good people will be successful. Hidden Achievers.

These invisible front fighters know professional subjects very well, ignoring “stressful” ones like history and political science. At the same time, marks in professional subjects are not always the maximum, because the score at the university depends on both the attitude of the teacher and the predictability of the material in the exam. That is, not everything depends on the student. And in this case, good students are not slaves to the mark, they have knowledge, and the mark is a secondary matter. But most often, even in their record book, everything looks pretty decent. Although not always great.

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Have you ever wondered why those who once did very poorly in school now excel at everything? This is not a joke, because just recently one user published data that, according to statistics, C students have become much more successful than those who sat next to them at school and received only A's. It turns out that although secondary education is difficult for the “bad boys,” after finishing it their life is much better and easier than for the good and excellent students. What is the secret why C students are more successful than A students?

A little about excellent students

The first association that comes to mind when hearing the word “excellent student” is correctness and accuracy. But, you must admit that further life is simply impossible without mistakes. People step on the same mistakes – and that’s normal. A's, as a rule, strive to make as few mistakes as possible. These people are unlikely to “shout” something until they are sure of it. Also in school years Excellent students have always been characterized by perseverance, patience, excellent memory and hard work. And teachers literally adore such children who are ready to do all their homework and answer at the board every lesson. No, these are not upstarts. It’s just that excellent students are those people who don’t like failures; they are always used to being in first place.

By the way, many of them become wonderful careerists, for whom everything is calculated, everything is on the shelves. But why then do some people slide through life? The fact is that having high scores and just A’s does not mean that a person will have a 100% successful future. Moreover, most excellent students perceive failures as a real universal catastrophe, and sometimes such experiences can develop into permanent nervous breakdowns and mental problems. An ideal life is not built on just trying to get a good grade. Here it is important to promote yourself, have a core inside and not break down if you suddenly fail.

The secret of success for C students

It’s quite strange to hear that those who only had C grades in their diaries are more successful than A students. Surprisingly, this is a fact. The fact is that they relate to the world more simply and perceive it much easier. They don't sweat the small stuff and view losing as the best motivator to be even better. These guys are very attentive and versatile. Success also lies in the fact that it is C students who develop their own value system, which excellent students do not have, since they are accustomed to the fact that everything should be correct and according to plan. Assessment at school is nothing more than marks on a certificate. How a person goes on in life is what matters most. Here, any “C” in literature and “D” for a failed essay in the Russian language are no longer important. Also, according to statistics, although the “bad boys” study terribly, and their behavior is even worse, they never depend on the opinions of others - they grow up with every school day. Here are the top ten outstanding people, who had only C grades in their diaries at school, but today they have become famous and respected talents of our country:

  • Albert Einstein;
  • Nikolay Gogol;
  • Alexander Pushkin;
  • Henry Ford;
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky;
  • Anton Chekhov;
  • Quentin Tarantino;
  • Charles Darwin;
  • Sylvester Stallone.

How do you know that a C student will be successful in life?

This is not immediately visible, so it is not worth observing the student from the first grade. But from 5 to 11, you can quite see it in the child. There are some factors that show the advantage of C students over excellent students. Here's what psychologists highlight:

  1. “Bad guys” always defend their interests, defend their point of view among all their classmates, and are not afraid of sidelong glances and condemnation.
  2. These students are very rarely influenced by other leaders; they always stand up for themselves when necessary.
  3. It doesn’t matter how exactly a C student studies and how many bad grades he has. The important thing is that he has an interest in life and a constant desire for self-development.
  4. While excellent students often prefer to memorize only theory, C students actively combine it with practice.
  5. These children are not afraid of mistakes at all; for them, every mistake is an incentive to become even stronger.

Unruly children

Imagine a class with a lot of students. The audience is divided into those who study at “five”, “four” and “three”. In most cases, those with good grades will always be at the forefront of teachers' minds. They are trying to “build” C grade students, to create restrictions for them, beyond which they cannot go. Who would like this attitude towards themselves? That is why they are nicknamed “disobedient children”, because they think only for themselves, refuse to accept rules and create their own value system, which is so interesting and different. Very often you can encounter a situation where C students not only study poorly, but also behave terribly in class. The disobedience of such children is manifested in everything. But in the future, such brats grow up good people.

These kids think about more than just grades.

It’s not for nothing that they say that at school many are literally obsessed with grades, just to learn a subject and pass it with an “A”. Do excellent students think about how these grades will affect their future careers? Of course not. At this time, it is the C grade students who do not think about what is in their diary and class journal. There are more interesting things to think about. And while all classmates are participating in the “throw march” in order to quickly earn their long-awaited “five”, the C students have long thought out a plan for their own career ladder, looking forward to finishing school as soon as possible.

They have an ability - awareness

If excellent students are accustomed to the fact that everything around them is good, then they are unlikely to be prepared for failures. In turn, C students have long been familiar with what it means to “start over.” It turns out that those who study poorly have a greater chance of getting better at overcoming obstacles through long trials. Also, C students have a unique ability - to accept their defeats and not hang their noses. This is the same awareness real life, which very rarely lends itself to any excellent student.

C students are cunning people

You can talk about cunning here as much as you like. Everyone knows the situation of cheating in class when there is test, so difficult and impossible. What did we do in class? They sat down next to the smartest student, cheating from him for a chocolate bar. The conclusion is this: these cunning people can come to the rescue at any time, forming an army of assistants around them. This behavior is very welcome in adult life, which becomes very successful.

These are brilliant dreamers

While the excellent students listen to the teacher with bated breath during an uninteresting lesson, the C students are developing a plan global scale. Yes, let them look out the window and watch the weather, but it is at this moment that brilliant thoughts come to mind for children. Many teachers do the wrong thing by scolding students for not listening to the lesson and turning their heads away to watch the birds outside the window. Perhaps it is at this moment that the craziest, but unique idea about his future life is born in the child’s head.

These are unique manipulators

This is it best advantage C students. Remember how many problems these children create when the question of holding a pedagogical council or parent meeting. Adults always try to break such children, adjusting them to the level of everyone in the class. But, as a rule, this cannot be done, since C students protest and rebel against such rules - thereby making it clear to others that they cannot be joked with or treated like that. C grade students adapt all their classmates to themselves, who will subsequently follow them. These are excellent manipulators who always achieve what they set out to do. And this, by the way, is absolutely not bad in life.

The dream of every parent is this: they want their children to always study well, receive a gold medal at the end of school, pass exams with the highest scores, enter universities on a budget basis and move through life at the same pace. But this is all too simple. Life is much more difficult and confusing, but that’s what makes it more interesting. C grade students are those children who break the system and carry their own idea. As a rule, such children grow up to be wonderful people, hardworking and very attentive. So, do not evaluate your child’s knowledge based on Unified State Exam scores or grades on the certificate. Look deeper, because success lies in completely different things.

Now you know why C students are more successful than A students. And what do you think? Write comments and share the article with friends! See you again!

In the late 19th century, schools were designed to teach obedience. Given the dawn of the industrial age, large corporations needed workers for their factories. The goal of the academic system was to educate obedient workers who would not ask unnecessary questions.

This is how the standardized test was created. Our academic system has begun to educate an increasing number of students who meet the established standards. If a student fails the tests, they will have to wait another year to try again.

Even though our world has changed a lot since the late 19th century, the school system is structured the same as before. And although many of us can connect to the Internet and find out the answers to all our questions, there are thousands of teachers across the country teaching the same lesson.

The Internet has changed our world. If you want to learn something, you don't need to look through a huge number of reference books and encyclopedias. You can look it up on Wikipedia, YouTube, or millions of other sites on the Internet. There are many programs that can teach you how to learn something that interests you effectively and quickly.

The world is moving towards an entrepreneurial and innovation economy. It is predicted that by 2020, more than one billion people will be working from home. In the future, fewer and fewer people will work for one company as a general employee, and there will be more specialists who can work at several enterprises.

The world no longer needs obedient workers who can be easily replaced by each other. It needs artists, hackers and innovators. You no longer need to apathetically sit through your life at school and at work from 9 to 5. With all this in mind, let's look at why C students are more likely to succeed in life than their colleagues who studied with “good” and “excellent” grades.

They question the validity of the academic system

C students do not lend themselves to the academic system. They see the good that comes from science, but they do not worship the system. They see many flaws in her.

In addition, such students know that learning can happen in different ways, not just the way the system suggests. In addition, training can be completely outside of it. Thus, academia is only one approach to learning for C students.

These students are not afraid to challenge the status quo. Even if it is not always comfortable to stand out, it is much worse to move forward in the wrong direction.

They are not obedient followers

Such students think for themselves. They don't do anything without first asking why they were given such a task. Instead of listening to others and doing what they say, they come up with their own programs.

They don't try to please or impress their bosses

Such students do not expend enormous amounts of energy to impress their superiors. They respect and love their teachers, but do not worship them or obey every demand. C students do not perceive teachers as responsible for their own success. They do not depend on resumes and characteristics, because they understand that in modern world their work speaks for itself.

They have more important things to worry about

Ironically, if you're obsessed with your grades, you don't have time to think about the future. People who earn satisfactory grades are able to manage their time more strategically. While their classmates invest tons of energy and time to get an “A”, C students are chasing their own dreams. They don't wait until they graduate from school to start living.

They have their own definition of success

Excellent students feel successful when they get good grades. However, C students know that the awareness of success is an internal state. They know who they really are. No external standard of success can ever match their self-awareness and self-recognition, because they themselves define what success is. They don't care what others are fighting for; C students know how to chart their own path.

They know how to use other people's abilities

While excellent students try to do everything themselves, C students surround themselves with talented people who compensate for them weak sides. They are not afraid to admit that they don't know something.

Henry Ford was once accused of not being educated enough. In response to such questions, he pointed his finger at the interlocutor and said: “Let me remind you that on my desk there is a whole row of buttons. By clicking on one of them, I can call on my people for help, who will answer any of my questions regarding the business. And it is this activity that I devote most of my energy to. Now you tell me, why should I clutter my mind with general knowledge in order to be able to answer questions when there are many people around me ready to provide any information that interests me?

They prefer to learn on their own

In fact, C students love to study. They simply prefer to choose the direction of their studies themselves. They don't need a teacher to control who thinks what. They prefer to explore and discover what interests them and what they need. C students do not try to force things, but instead rely on their passions.

They are not perfectionists

“If you don't find anything challenging about the first version of your product, you launched it too late,” Reed Hoffman.

Perfection is much better than ideal. C students understand this. They are focused on results and getting things done on time. After all, it is known that perfectionism can drag on. Such students prefer to move straight and learn from their own mistakes. This is why so many successful entrepreneurs were not excellent students in school. They understand that rejection can be a great teacher, although many of them have been kicked out of school for this very reason.

They don't waste energy thoughtlessly

As already mentioned, C students love to study. But anything that goes beyond their purpose is considered waste. In fact, to get an excellent grade, you need to spend much more energy than to achieve good study required material. Thus, excellent students often waste their energy. C students are different from them. They are focused and effective.

They are dreamers

While the excellent students listen carefully to what questions need to be studied for the test, the C students look out the window at the clouds and beautiful landscapes. They have already heard this material in class. Consequently, we freed up a few hours to dream about better world. They think about what they will do in life, focusing on the issues that really matter.

Do you think they take short notes in class? Wrong. They write down their ideas and plans in detail. And when they return home, they spend most of their time working towards their dreams.

The stereotype that every schoolchild needs to study diligently and get only high grades is familiar to us from childhood. Our parents often told us to listen to our teachers in everything and do what was written in the textbook. After all, if you study poorly, you can forget about a good job.

But does the status of an excellent student really open all doors for a young man? Heads of large institutions, successful businessmen and researchers believe that everything is just the opposite. It turns out that the saying “Excellent students work for C students, and good students work for the state” is reflected in real life. It turns out that being an excellent student is bad? Let's figure it out.

Assessment of school achievements

Every year we hear more and more criticism of the current education system. Many claim that the school is outdated, and its best graduates turn out to be completely unadapted to real life. All they can do is do the work according to the instructions. Is it so? And what is the difference between good and bad students.

Is it good to be an excellent student?

Excellent students love theory, C students love practice

C students do not want to solve equations or study theoretical material, in which they see no benefit. They simply don't have enough motivation for this nonsense. A C student tries to understand the goal and moves straight towards it, not paying attention to everything else.

Excellent students get used to doing everything right

For an excellent student, a mistake is a terrible blow, which results in a low grade, subsequent sitting at books and a retake. For a C student, a mistake is a familiar event that serves as a guide to the correct option. A bad student does not strive for perfection right away, because he knows that the main thing is to try, then he will get better every time.

Excellent students are afraid to take risks

By getting used to doing everything correctly, an excellent student gets used to a feeling of security. He knows: do as the textbook says, and you will get the highest grades. But in life there is no textbook that will answer any questions, and here you need to take responsibility, get out and take risks. And here risky C students have an advantage.

C students are more sociable

Excellent students are confident in their knowledge. They believe that they have what it takes to solve the problem alone. C students understand that they don’t know much, so they are constantly looking for specialists and establishing connections with them. Even at school, in order to get passable grades, a C student has to negotiate with teachers, explain himself to the director, or find contact with excellent and good students in order to cheat.

C students find easier ways

They do not know book templates, so C students approach solving problems based on their life experience. Because of this, their solutions look original and quite simple. The ability to find such answers will be useful in adult life.

C students love to dream about the future

While excellent students are busy in the present, because they study diligently and delve into every word of the teacher, C students make plans for life. A bad student imagines his future, what he will have and what he will do. This helps him get to know himself and his needs better, so his chances of making the right life choices increase.

Researchers say that a person needs more than just knowledge to be successful. To succeed in life, you need to be able to establish contacts with people, take risks, find simple solutions, show persistence and character.

Life is multifaceted, and it poses a wide variety of challenges to a person. Therefore, it is foolish to hope that excellent grades guarantee a good future for the child. Do not forget that it is the parents who are responsible for guiding the child through life.

Greetings! Yesterday I watched a video from the last alumni meeting. And I noticed that each time the difference between us becomes more and more striking... Having started from approximately the same position, over the years we find ourselves at different levels: in terms of marital status, income level and position in society.

Someone has already traveled all over the world and changed three businesses. Someone still works in the public sector in the same position and with a salary of 12,000 rubles.

Do you know what's most interesting? Almost always among the first are C-grade students and scoundrels. And among the second, they are smart girls and role models at school.

Why do C students succeed more than A students?

I studied a couple of materials from psychologists and compared them with my findings. And he identified three reasons for such “injustice.” I invite you to discuss in the comments!

Agree, at school (and even at college) the essence of studying has nothing to do with life.

Every day you are given a specific lesson and their implementation is monitored. What is required from a student? Learn by heart a piece of text in English language and tell it to the teacher. Solve three math problems and write the correct answers. Memorize a bunch of dates in history and check the boxes next to them on the test.

What qualities can be improved in this way? Memory, patience, perseverance. Well, maybe also analytical skills. ALL!

What jobs require only this from the applicant? That's right, at the lowest paid ones (like a cashier in a supermarket). Exception: the work of an analyst, accountant and, perhaps, programmer. By the way, mathematicians have good chances !

Overboard schooling These skills include the ability to make decisions, resolve conflicts, sell yourself, be creative, find a non-standard way out of a situation, and much more. It’s a paradox, but these are precisely the skills that are valued most in adult life.

And while C-grade students at the very least learn this by communicating with each other (they clearly don’t go to school for knowledge), then excellent students do not have such an opportunity. They live in their own parallel world, killing a lot of time and energy on study and books. Virtually no contact with real life...

By the way, parents often support such a “vacuum”, protecting young prodigies from anything that could interfere with good studies. I personally know a girl who did nothing around the house until she was 17 years old. Having entered college in another city, she found herself absolutely unprepared for basic life.


At school everything is simple and predictable. Learned a lesson - take a pie from the shelf (get a grade in your diary). In my opinion, this approach is very corrupting.

Firstly, you study something (for example, English) not for the sake of the result, but for the sake of the intermediate grade (and then you regret it in the future...). This doesn't work in real life. Let's say an excellent student got a job as a sales manager. When she was hired, she was told that she needed to make at least 100 calls to potential clients per day.

She does them honestly and recites the memorized text into the phone. But for some reason sales are not growing. And they won’t pay her a salary for fulfilling the plan “on calls” either...

Secondly, the school approach to assessments is too primitive. You will not get a high score if you deviate even one step from the material in the textbook. But where is the creative approach, discussion, ability to defend one’s point of view, one’s own conclusions?

Neither family life, neither career nor business offers problems with a single correct answer. And the grading system in real life has nothing to do with school scores. The only thing that excellent grades can come in handy in the future is to give a chance to enter a prestigious educational institution, and then if the parents of their child.

Habit of being the best

The third reason is indirectly related to the previous two. An excellent student is a teacher's favorite. He is often praised publicly and set as an example for other children. His parents brag about their child's success to their friends. Yes, “nerds”, as a rule, are not liked by their peers. But self-esteem is greatly enhanced by high grades, victories at competitions and the status of “best student in the class.”

The “euphoria” can be extended at the university for another five years. And then - a cruel bummer... In the Soviet Union, you could work in some research institute for the rest of your life and feed your self-confidence with diplomas and “honor boards”. And today employers pay for the end result, and not for the effort.

It’s easier for C students in this regard. Since childhood, they raised their self-esteem in other ways: for example, they fought or came up with large-scale dirty tricks. 🙂 Some in high school were already working part-time and engaged in “children’s” entrepreneurship.
For them, the transition to adulthood was not as abrupt as for excellent students. After all, falling from a pedestal is always more painful...

These are the conclusions I came up with regarding excellent and C students. What do you think about this? Maybe I missed something or, on the contrary, dug too deep?