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» Ammonia in the garden: application. Ammonia for strawberries - a dual-action product Ammonia for pest control

Ammonia in the garden: application. Ammonia for strawberries - a dual-action product Ammonia for pest control

Ammonia is ammonium hydroxide dissolved in water. This Chemical substance has the appearance of a liquid without color, but with a sharp unpleasant smell. Some call it ammonia for shorthand, but it is a different substance. One of the areas of application of ammonia is work on personal plot.

One of the ways to use an aqueous solution of ammonium (ammonia) on a personal plot is as a fertilizer.

To synthesize chlorophyll, plants use nitrogen in their cells. This one chemical element stimulates the formation of chlorophyll, as well as the growth of green mass of foliage and shoots. Therefore, in order to accelerate the growth of plants (both flowers and fruits and vegetables), they are fed with minerals containing nitrogen. Ammonia can also be used as such a top dressing.

Nitrogen is also found in organic. Or rather, it is released during their decomposition. But such transformations of a natural kind take a long time. Easier and more profitable to use mineral supplements. To use ammonia as a fertilizer, you need very little, and it is quite cheap in pharmacies, which allows you to save money.

In addition to fertilizing with nitrogen, which is carried out by the gardener at will or according to the recommendations for growing plants, the latter themselves will make it clear when they lack nitrogen:

  • the lower leaves turn pale and acquire a yellowish color;
  • rapid falling of flowers or absence of ovaries;
  • brittle weak stems;
  • slow pace of development.

The greatest amounts of nitrogen are consumed by:

  • Zucchini, eggplant, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, rhubarb.
  • Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, plums, .
  • Dahlias, lilies, clematis, peonies.

First aid for ants - ammonia

It should be remembered that ammonia in undiluted form is poisonous and can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes of people and the surface tissues of plants when drops of a saturated solution of the substance come into contact with them. Therefore, when preparing nitrogen fertilizing, it is necessary to work with gloves and avoid contact of ammonia vapors with the eyes and respiratory tract.

When calculating the saturation of an ammonia solution for fertilizing plants, you must follow the established dosages. Otherwise, you may not get the desired result at all. When plant cells are oversaturated with nitrogen, the following is observed:

  • excessive development of deciduous mass;
  • late and weak flowering;
  • increased risk of fungal diseases;
  • accumulation of nitrates ( nitrogen salts) in edible tubers.

Different plants need different dosages of nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Onion. To obtain juicy and large feathers, half a tablespoon of ammonia is diluted in one liter of water. For good harvest plantings are watered with a solution of one tablespoon of ammonia in 10 liters of water.
  • – one tablespoon of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers - dilute 3 tablespoons of ammonia in 10 liters of water.

If necessary, you can slightly increase the dosage.

The use of ammonia in the fight against insect pests

Ammonia solution can also be used to protect plants from harmful insects. To do this, prepare a solution and spray it on the above-ground parts of plants from a spray bottle.

The following concentrations of ammonia are used to control pests:

  • For aphids - 20 ml of solution and 100 g of crushed laundry soap, mixed and diluted in 8 liters of water.
  • From ants – 40 ml dissolves in one liter of water. The anthill is watered with this solution.
  • For wireworms - 10 ml per 8 liters of water. The solution is poured onto the soil in the planting holes.
  • For weevil - 25 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • For mole crickets - 10 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • For onion flies - 5 ml of alcohol per 10 liters of water.
  • For cabbage whites - 100 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • For the secretive proboscis - 25 ml per 9 liters of water.

A weak aqueous solution of ammonium can be sprayed on ripening fruits and berries in order to scare birds away from them.

How to work with ammonia

If ingested human body ammonia causes severe poisoning. If the dosage exceeds 10 g, death occurs.

The entry of ammonia vapor into the respiratory tract leads to spasmodic contractions and respiratory arrest.

Ammonia causes burns upon contact with human skin.

In this regard, working with ammonia requires great caution.

Ammonia should not be mixed with active chemical compounds. Preparation of the solution should be carried out with good flow fresh air. You need to work with rubber gloves and, preferably, a respirator.

Clothing should cover all parts of the body as much as possible.

While watching the video, you will learn about ammonia in the country.

Ammonia is effective and budgetary funds, suitable for use in gardening work. Its solution can be used both in the fight against and as plant nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of dosage and work with the substance.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

Ammonia is formed by combining ammonia and water. This substance is successfully used by amateur gardeners to protect plants from pests and fertilize. Using ammonia in the garden is safe method, does not cause accumulation harmful substances in fruits, therefore it can be used in growing environmentally friendly products.

There is no need to confuse ammonia and ammonia. The first is the same substance that will be used in the garden in diluted form, which has a characteristic odor. The second is ammonium chloride - colorless, odorless crystals, but if it is heated, the smell of chlorine will also be mixed with ammonia.

Interesting! Ammonia does not contain ethanol. Its name comes from the English spirit, which means spirit. Chemists called all volatile substances this way.

Why should you use ammonia in the garden?

Ammonia is a source of nitrogen nutrition for plants. Why is it necessary to apply ammonia as a fertilizer if plants can obtain nitrogen from the air? There are several reasons for this:

For each case, you need to correctly calculate the dosage so that the problem is solved in favor of the plants.

How to use ammonia to feed plants

Use an ammonia solution for fertilizing garden crops- it's fast, simple and safe. Therefore, to the question of which plants can be watered with ammonia, the answer is everything. Another issue is dosage. For fertilizing - one concentration, for pests - another.

Vegetable crops in open ground and greenhouses are fed with nitrogen. Some people prefer to fertilize on a schedule, regardless of the condition of the foliage and shoots. If there is no discipline in the garden, then you will have to feed the vegetables urgently when all the signs of nitrogen deficiency are visible:

  • pale green leaves;
  • delayed shoot growth;
  • fall of the ovaries;
  • small fruits.

Nitrogen nutrition is introduced in the spring during the growth of greenery. Fertilizers are applied by root and foliar methods, using solutions of different concentrations:

  • For root plants – 10 ml/1 l of water.
  • For foliar - 10 ml/bucket of water.

For spraying against pests, laundry soap is added to the solution.

For cucumbers and tomatoes

Ammonia in the garden is used for cucumbers and tomatoes, starting from the seedling stage. Some people prefer to soak cucumber seeds in a solution before germination. This method works well if the shell is hard. Seeds germinate on the 3rd – 4th day.

An Internet forum describes a method when A 10% solution was simply dripped onto the seeds, held for 1–2 minutes, washed and planted in the ground. Result - fast shoots and healthy plants. We tried the same thing on zucchini and pumpkin seeds - the result was confirmed: ammonia for cucumbers is a germination accelerator.

At the stage of growing seedlings, they are sprayed with a solution of lower concentration to maintain the amount of nitrogen in the tissues. This will determine how the transplant will take place in open ground, and how the cucumbers will bloom. Fruiting depends not only on nitrogen, but also on potassium and phosphorus, so along with ammonia you need to add nutrition for the development of the root system.

Tomatoes at the seedling stage need 5 ml of ammonia solution per 10 liters of water. This will help the plants survive transplantation and continue to grow. You especially need to pay attention to weak plants, because fertilizing is more beneficial for them. If the leaves and shoots are in good condition, feeding is not necessary.

For adult tomatoes, double the dose. You need to feed with ammonia three times a season. This is especially true for the lungs sandy soils, where fertilizers are poorly retained in top layer and after the rain they go to the lower horizon, where the root system does not reach.

For cabbage

It is not possible to grow cabbage without using fertilizers and pest control. One of the universal drugs is ammonia, which repels:

  • cruciferous flea beetle;
  • cabbage fly;
  • slugs;
  • caterpillars;
  • grape snails.

Concentration of the substance is 100 ml/10 l of water. Spray regularly once every three days if there are signs of damage to the leaves or head of cabbage. If slugs attack, you can spill the soil around with the same solution. At the same time, nitrogen reserves will be replenished, so it is better not to add other nitrogen fertilizers to avoid overdose.

Cabbage seeds are also treated in an ammonia solution before planting. Because of this, they germinate faster. The seeds are placed in gauze and dipped in a solution prepared for 10 minutes. 1 part ammonia and 3 parts water.

For strawberries

Ammonia for strawberries is useful in the spring so that the bush gains strength for flowering and fruiting. Ammonia is used in the garden for strawberries in concentration 40 ml per bucket of water. It is carried out at the end of March - beginning of April when the first leaves appear.

Video: Using ammonia for strawberries

This is both feeding and preventing the appearance of pests, because in the spring not only plants wake up, but also fungal spores, and the larvae of beetles and caterpillars that eat the foliage. For sticking to the leaves, you can add half a bar of laundry soap. The procedure is carried out in the evening after sunset to avoid chemical burns.

It is practiced to fertilize strawberries with ammonia three times a season. The second time is applied before flowering, 7-8 days in advance, so that the solution has an effect on the plants, but does not scare away the bees that participate in pollination and affect the harvest.

The third time the soil and bushes are watered after harvesting in the fall. Fertilizing strawberries after fruiting with ammonia is needed to destroy pests preparing for winter and fungal infections in the form of spores. This will protect strawberries from a spring outbreak of diseases.

For flowers

A pharmaceutical ammonia solution contains 82% nitrogen. This is more than any other nitrogen fertilizer. But plants absorb it without much enthusiasm: just as much as needed. It is impossible to overfeed plants with ammonia.

Ammonia for indoor flowers and garden ornamental plants - complete and safe source nitrogen. The dosage most often recommended is for root application. 30 ml of ammonia per 10 l of water, or 3 ml/1 l.

For foliar spraying and for young plants it is enough 1 teaspoon per liter or under the root.

Ammonia is used:

  • for peonies;
  • dahlia;
  • pansies;
  • bulbous plants.

If ornamental plants are attacked by aphids or other insects, the concentration can be increased to 50 ml/bucket.

Video: Fertilizing with ammonia works wonders

Ornamental crops that were not fertilized early in the growing season will have an inappropriate appearance. If you do not feed enough nitrogen at the stage of green mass gain, the flowering phase will come late, there will be few buds, because half of them will fall off.

Without nitrogen fertilizing, potassium fertilizers, which are responsible for the color and brightness of plants, do not work well. In addition, midges, flies, and caterpillars appear on sick and weakened flowers.

Ammonia for pests in the garden and vegetable garden

Ammonia is used in the garden against the following pests:

  • Medvedki. These pests can swim, dig tunnels underground, and try to fly. They are very difficult to deal with using conventional methods. The only way out is to scare off the insect with chemicals or ammonia with a pungent odor. The solution is poured around the plants so that the mole cricket cannot reach the root and cut it with its claws.
  • Wireworm. It has solid, so you won’t be able to crush it. The adult individual, the click beetle, lives for about a year.

Wireworms are a larval stage that lasts 2 years and causes much more damage than adult beetles. In spring it rises to the surface to find food. At this point, you need to start etching the soil with an ammonia solution. Or plant legumes near vegetables, because the click beetle doesn’t like them and leaves.

  • Aphid. Sucks juice from leaves and shoots. Two sprays with an ammonia mixture and laundry soap are enough for the colony to die.
  • Cabbage whiteweed, whose larvae eat plants of the cruciferous family.
  • Summer shield.

Ammonia is a clear white liquid with a pungent odor; it is widely used for household and medical needs. Ammonium solution or in other words ammonia tincture. Many gardeners use ammonia as a fertilizer for indoor flowers, garden and garden plants. This chemical compound can serve good source nitrogen for plants.

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements for plants. It promotes the process of photosynthesis. If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the production of chlorophyll is disrupted and plant diseases - chlorosis - appear. The leaves lose color, turn yellow and become discolored. Over time, the leaves die, buds and flowers fall off. The plant may die.

Fertilization with nitrogen compounds promotes the growth of leaves and stems. The plant acquires a juicy rich green color. Nitrogen is necessary for all living crops; the only difference is in the amount of the element consumed.

How to use ammonia solution

Dilute 3 tbsp. spoons of ammonia in 5 liters of water. The resulting fertilizer is used for home flowers by watering at the root. For some flowers, such fertilizing must be done regularly, without waiting for alarming signs of deficiency. useful substances. Geraniums, clematis, lilies, hydrangeas and even garden crops on the windowsill will grow.

A solution of 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water is used as a foliar fertilizer.

It is very easy to prepare universal fertilizer from available funds. Such ammonia solutions are an easily digestible form of nitrogen for house plants and garden crops.

During the period of active growth, the plant especially needs feeding. Fertilizer is applied from February to March into moist soil every 15–20 days until buds form. Non-flowering specimens are fed during growth and development, usually from spring to autumn. The exception is those plants that begin to awaken from dormancy in the fall and bloom in winter (camellias, azaleas, etc.).

Pest treatment

Ammonia is a real two-in-one product that will not only help saturate the soil with useful elements, but also resist pests. Even typical garden and garden pests can enter an indoor garden through an open window or in a bag of purchased vegetables. In this case, pampered indoor flowers can become easy prey for pests. After feeding with the appropriate ammonia solution, the uninvited guests disappear.

  • Midges can cause significant damage to decorative indoor plants. They spread across the windowsill and throughout the apartment very quickly. Combine 25 ml of ammonia with 2 liters of settled water, and water the plants at the root with the resulting solution.
  • Aphid. A dangerous enemy for indoor flowers, especially on open window or balcony. Destroys greenery and can lead to the death of the plant. A solution of 50 ml of ammonia per 7 liters of water is suitable for watering at the root and spraying leaves.
  • Weevil. A frequent visitor to gardens and vegetable gardens, it can cause a lot of damage. To treat the soil, mix 25 ml of ammonia solution with 5 liters of water; repeat the procedure every 7-8 days until the pest disappears.

Safety in use

Treatment of plants with ammonia should be carried out very carefully. In order to properly prepare the fertilizer and not cause harm, it is important to adhere to the given proportions. Fertilizer is applied to moist, loose soil.

When using ammonia, safety precautions must be observed.

  • Do not inhale vapors deeply or allow prolonged contact
  • Avoid contact with eyes
  • Ensure room ventilation or good ventilation
  • Avoid contact of children and animals with the solution

Every owner of a neat green bush and bright flower in a pot wants the plants to be strong, healthy, develop well and bear fruit. Fertilizing the soil, especially in limited space flower pot one of the main conditions for normal growth. When used in moderation, ammonia acts as nitrogen fertilizer. Even when using ammonia for treatment against pests, the ammonia solution will not harm the plant itself, but will even nourish it.

Good day, dear friends!

Ammonia has been used on the farm from generation to generation. In everyday life, ammonia is used to clean carpets, remove stains from clothes, wash windows and mirrors, but for farming and gardening this product is used much less often, and completely in vain! We will talk about what magical transformations you can achieve using ammonia in the garden and on your personal plot in today’s article.

It's no secret that a solution of ammonia can sober up and revive a person who has fallen into unconsciousness. Ammonia has the same effect in gardening - it can truly transform your garden space.

This is due to the fact that ammonia is nothing more than a real nitrogenous substance, and nitrogen is so necessary for the growth and development of any plants. A solution prepared with ammonia will help you fill your shrubs and beds with bright green shades, since with a chronic lack of nitrogen compounds in plants, the production of chlorophyll slows down. To prepare the solution, take a bucket of water and dissolve three tablespoons of ammonia in it - no more! The resulting solution is watered at the roots of the plants.

Ammonia solution is better absorbed by plants, unlike other nitrogenous compounds. But fertilizing and watering with diluted ammonia are only needed in exceptional cases - when the plant really begins to die.

Cucumbers, onions, lilies, geraniums and hydrangeas are sensitive and demanding when watering with an ammonia solution. In order for the fruits and flowers to be of high quality, nitrogen fertilizing must be carried out systematically within reasonable limits and volume.

The effect of ammonia on garden pests

Ammonia has a characteristically strong odor. Not only is the human sense of smell sensitive to its scent, but most insect pests avoid it. Therefore, spraying with ammonia solution helps to get rid of many unwanted guests of the beds, fruit trees and bushes.

The bush will be fed with nitrogen, and the aphids will be destroyed if you pour it with the following ammonia solution: take a handful of grated laundry soap and 50 ml of ammonia into a bucket of water. You can also spray the branches and leaves of the plant, and then the aphids will not only leave the bush, but will certainly not encroach on its integrity again in the coming season.

Many gardeners are faced with such an insidious pest as the mole cricket. This pest prefers to settle in beds with growing cabbage. To prevent this bad neighborhood, when planting cabbage seedlings, pour a solution of ammonia (10 ml per bucket of water) into the prepared hole. The same concentration of ammonia solution successfully fights another pest - wireworm. Therefore, half a liter of solution can be added to the holes for future tomatoes.

Planting carrots and onions requires a slightly lower concentration of ammonia solution - watering with ammonia once at the beginning of summer will protect your carrots from attack, and onion fly, since these insects do not like the smell of ammonia.

Ants are also afraid of the smell of ammonia. To kick out uninvited neighbors from country house, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, adding a few drops of ammonia to the water for washing walls and floors. The unpleasant smell will soon disappear, and the ants will leave your house with it.

Thus, using ammonia in the garden, you will acquire an effective assistant on your site in the fight against pests and a guarantee of a good harvest. See you!

Many gardeners have heard how useful ammonia is; using this product in the garden will help not only restore soil fertility, but also protect plants from many pests. We will tell you why it is necessary to use ammonia, how it affects crops and in what proportions to use it.

The benefits and use of ammonia in the garden

What functions does ammonia perform in the field of land cultivation? Let's think logically. Again from school curriculum it is known that for good growth and favorable development, all plants without exception need nitrogen. Despite the fact that the air contains 78% free nitrogen, plants are able to absorb this component from the soil only as part of chemical compounds. Therefore, the use of ammonia in gardening for watering various cultivated plants and flowers saturates them with the substance so necessary for the growth of development. In addition, ammonia is used for spraying plants: garden crops, shrubs, flowers and trees to combat harmful insects. Onion fly, ants, mole crickets, aphids, and secretive proboscis cannot tolerate the strong smell of ammonia and leave their favorite habitats.

What plants can be fertilized with ammonia?

The life cycle of any plant is associated with the process of growing green mass, flowering, and fruit formation. Nitrogen types of fertilizers help it make development efficient. The nitrogen needs of all plants are different.

Among them there are big lovers of nitrogen; fertilizing with ammonia is most useful for them:

  • Cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Pumpkins, zucchini.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Pepper, potatoes.
  • Perennial bulbous flowers.
  • Peonies, dahlias, clematis.
  • Raspberry, cherry, plum, strawberry, blackberry.

It is useful to feed any seedlings with an alcohol solution while growing at home, when transplanting to a permanent place.

Feeding cucumbers with ammonia

Ammonia, the use of which in the garden is known not only for pest control, can serve excellent feeding for cucumbers. This is the plant that needs large quantities nitrogen. To do this, take three tablespoons of ammonia per ten liters of water. The resulting solution is added to the cucumbers immediately after the shoots begin to grow.

Treating cabbage with ammonia

The beneficial effects of ammonia on many plants are known. Thus, ammonia, the use of which in the garden no longer causes any controversy among summer residents, also turns out to be useful for cabbage. He not only saturates her essential microelements, but also effectively fights pests. For example, this drug is a malicious enemy of slugs, snails, fleas, caterpillars and the well-known cabbage fly. In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plants once every few days. But if the slugs are already infested, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. Pests should soon leave your garden bed.

Treating onions with ammonia

The benefits of this drug for onions have been noticed for a long time, so ammonia is actively used to improve the growth of the crop and increase its yield.

The use of nitrogenous fertilizers stimulates the rapid growth of green mass. For onions grown for greens, this will be an excellent feed. The feathers of such plants become juicy, green, and beautiful.

The introduction of certain norms of nitrogen significantly affects the development of the underground part of the onion, the main thing is to prevent an excess of nitrogen, and also not to forget about other elements (potassium, phosphorus).

If everything is done on time and in the right proportions, then the onion heads will be juicy and large. Along with onions, garlic also absorbs such nitrogenous compounds very well; it is no coincidence that these crops are most often fed with this pharmaceutical preparation.

Fertilizing garlic with ammonia

Fertilizing with ammonia is carried out if the tips of the garlic leaves become thin, begin to curl and turn yellow. To do this, prepare a low concentrated solution: 2 tablespoons of ammonia water per 10 liters of water.

They use ammonia against pests in the garden, namely, they carry out foliar treatment against weevils. To combat them, add 25 ml of ammonia to a bucket of water, ready-made solution Water the beds every few days.

Treating tomatoes with ammonia

Tomatoes are a common crop. Each summer resident plants his favorite varieties to pamper with homemade salads, tomato juice and preparations. The crop ripens on the above-ground part of the plant, so a strong bush is necessary condition. For its proper formation, tomatoes need nitrogen. You can feed tomatoes with a useful element using regular ammonia from the pharmacy chain.

The effect of using ammonia as a fertilizer for tomatoes is very noticeable. The substance in ammonia is in a form that is easily digestible for plants and does not require additional processing by bacteria. After proper feeding with ammonia, tomatoes in the beds:

  • increase green mass;
  • actively blooming;
  • are not subject to pest attacks;
  • do not suffer from fungal diseases.

Ammonia for indoor flowers

IN winter period our indoor flowers that grow on window sills, where it can be cold or drafty, or, on the contrary, too hot due to heating, the flowers feel quite bad. Therefore, they need to be fed, especially in the second half of winter. In addition, whiteflies can appear in indoor flowers, spider mite or other pests. Therefore, to disinfect and fertilize with nitrogen, you need to make a soft, delicate solution using ammonia.

Excess nitrogen can burn the roots of plants, so you need to water with such solutions away from the roots of indoor flowers and other plants, especially shrubs.

For indoor flowers, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia in a bucket of water. The solution turns out to be very weak and gentle. But this is quite enough for watering, fertilizing and disinfection. Then we water the flowers with ammonia and this solution so that pests do not multiply there, at the same time we obtain disinfection from pests.

Nitrogenous fertilizers quickly reach the roots indoor plants they begin to grow faster.

Also make the solution stronger and wash the windows where the indoor flowers are with this solution. Pests can be found there. Indoor flowers respond well to this feeding.

Safety precautions when treating plants with ammonia

The pungent odor of ammonia and its vapor, if basic protective measures are not followed, can be dangerous:

  • sudden inhalation can cause respiratory arrest, so it is better to mix solutions in well-ventilated areas;
  • in people suffering from hypertension, it can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • ammonia - medicinal product and under no circumstances should it be mixed with chlorine-containing substances;
  • To avoid burns, be careful not to get the product on the skin and mucous membranes.

At correct use, observing proportions and rules, ammonia will become your indispensable assistant and friend for plants. They will certainly thank you healthy appearance and a rich harvest.