Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» DIY board game for kindergarten on the theme: Space. Game - activity for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group

DIY board game for kindergarten on the theme: Space. Game - activity for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group

Final game - activity “Journey into space” in preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: I offer you a summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “Journey into Space”. This material will be useful for teachers of the preparatory group.

Target: To form children's ideas about space.
Continue to develop children's ideas about outstanding people Russia: the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Develop children's creative abilities in different types activities.
Foster a sense of pride in your homeland.
Equipment: Portrait of Yuri Gagarin; illustrations depicting the first satellite of the Earth, Belka and Strelka, rockets; portraits of astronauts, books on the topic of the week.
Preliminary work: learning poems, looking at illustrations. Given for the house homework: do a craft on the theme “Space”.

Educator: Guys, this year our whole country celebrates April 12th significant date? Can anyone tell me which one?
Educator: Let us remember who was the first to fly into space?
Educator: Tell me the names of the astronauts you know?
Educator: Let's all remember the names of the planets together? How many planets do you know?
Children read poem about planets:
In order, all the planets,
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
Educator: Guys, what do you think the rocket looks like?
Educator: Am I suggesting you make a rocket out of Dienesh blocks? Look carefully and tell me, from what geometric shapes did you make the rocket?


Educator: Do you remember the names of the books that we read on the topic “Space”?

Educator: What is the Solar System?
Answer. The child talks.

Educator: I want to invite you to a physical minute, but not a simple one, but a cosmic one.
Physical exercise.
We'll go to the cosmodrome, (Walking)
Together we walk in step,
A fast rocket is waiting for us (Hands above your head, continue to walk)
To fly to the planet.
Let's go to Mars (Hands to the side)
Stars of the sky, wait for us.
To become strong and agile
Let's start the workout: (stop and perform movements according to the text)
Hands up, hands down,
Lean right and left,
Turn your head
And spread your shoulder blades.
Step right and step left,
And now jump like this.

Educator: Listen to the riddles and name the answers.
- A man sits in a rocket.
He flies boldly into the sky,
And at us in his spacesuit
He looks from space (cosmonaut)
- The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our cosmonaut...(Gagarin)
- On an airship,
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
We are rushing on ... (rocket)
Educator: You have guessed the riddles, let us also go on a space journey, but to make the journey, we need transport. I propose to build a rocket and travel on it.
(we are building a rocket from a construction set).
Educator: Guys, what kind of rocket is it?
Answers.(big, space, fast...)

Educator: Guys, we have words mixed up in the sentences here, we need to put them in their places and read the sentences.
Didactic game: “Collect and read.”
- Yuri flew into Gagarin's space. (Yuri Gagarin flew into space)
- We celebrate Cosmonautics Day in April. (We celebrate Cosmonautics Day in April)
- and Belka Strelka flew into space. (Belka and Strelka flew into space)
Educator: Let's go on a trip, I invite you to come to the table, look, what is it?
Educator: That's right - this is a globe, a small model of our Earth. Let us take you on a tour of our little model.
Children examine and study the globe.

Educator: Imagine yourself in the place of the astronauts and describe how you see the astronaut?
Educator: Our lesson today is not easy, I have another surprise for you. I want you to lay out the planets for me, but these planets are special. You must come up with names for them, tell a little about them.

Educator: Guys, remember what we talked about today. To consolidate our material today, I suggest you answer the questions:
- What do you call people who fly into space? (astronauts)
- What is the name of an astronaut’s clothing? (space suit)
- What was it called? spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin flew? (East)
- Remember the name of the female cosmonaut? (Valentina Tereshkova)
Educator: We talked a lot about space, and now I invite you on an excursion to the Planetarium. What do you think a “Planetarium” is?

Educator: I wish you well and have an interesting trip, look and remember everything carefully, and then tell me everything.
In the meantime, we will visit an exhibition of your works (joint creativity of parents and children)

Thank you for your attention.

Belova Olga Alekseevna – Deputy Head of MMR

Tokareva Oksana Gennadiena – teacher

Sitnikova Ekaterina Viktorovna - teacher

MADOU d/s No. 146 of the city of Tyumen

Didactic game “Exploring the Universe” or “Space Travel”

Purpose of the game: development of children's cognitive interests, mastery constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

Educational objectives:

"Cognitive Development"

To form an idea of ​​the structure of the solar system, of the importance of space exploration for modern humanity: there are hundreds of artificial satellites in space that perform a variety of jobs -

study stars and planets; they study our planet - they find deposits of oil, gas, ore in the ground; telegrams are spread throughout the world, telephone conversations, television broadcasts; help predict the weather; they give signals if the ship is in distress, and satellites do many other necessary and useful things. Give knowledge about the feat of Yu.A. Gagarin and other space heroes, about the significance of Russia’s achievements in space exploration.

Continue learning to navigate limited space, place objects (missiles) and their images in the indicated direction: left, right, up, down. Improve quantitative skills.

"Speech development"

Continue work to enrich children's social science vocabulary (names of planets, their characteristics, the purpose of artificial earth satellites, the purpose of space exploration, etc.). Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech, the ability to compose stories on a given topic and, from personal experience(information about planets, artificial Earth satellites, astronauts - from the Internet, television programs, etc.) Reflect in speech the spatial arrangement of objects and their images (a rocket flies left, right, up, down); the rocket landed on the planet Mars, etc. During games, develop forms of free communication with adults and children

"Social and communicative development"

Develop forms of free communication and interaction between the child and adults and peers, and develop readiness for joint activities. Foster friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite for joint play. Based on expanding knowledge about the country, its achievements in the field of space, develop social and emotional intellect, cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Develop aesthetic perception and aesthetic attitude towards the environment.

"Physical Culture"

Create conditions for children’s physical activity (creating a playing field from large elements makes it necessary to move throughout the entire space around this field)

the game "Space -" - made with your own hands, this is one multifunctionala game, it is two-sided, one surface is space puzzles, and on the other side there are arrows with rockets.

Game material:

Puzzles (36 pieces, size 15*20), with a double-sided image, i.e. 2 playing fields:

1 side - map of the planets of the solar system, didactic game“Describe and find the planet”, side 2 – playing field, didactic game “Launch the Rocket”, rocket toy - 1 pc., chips - 54 pcs.

Appendix – album “Conquerors of Space” with images of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts.

Didactic game “Exploring the Universe”

First playing field consists of separate fragments (36 pieces), by adding them, children create an image of a map of the planets of the solar system + a toy rocket.

Progress of the game:

1 difficulty level:

Children create a map of the planets of the solar system from individual fragments. Participants in the game can demonstrate their knowledge about the planets and artificial satellites of the Earth. The number of participants can vary from one child to 36 children.

Difficulty level 2:

Didactic game "Space travel"

The second playing field consists :

Cards with arrows – 18 pieces: 6 pieces red, 6 pieces yellow color, 6 pieces green. Of these, 9 pieces have 1 stripe, 9 pieces have 2 stripes.

Cards with rockets - 18 pieces: 6 pieces red, 6 pieces yellow, 6 pieces green. Of these, 9 pieces have 1 porthole, 9 pieces have 2 portholes.

Progress of the game:

1 difficulty level:

The participants in the game distribute the sequence of participation among themselves: players who have puzzles with an image of an arrow give a task to players who have puzzles with rockets; During the game, players can change roles. The first one places an arrow indicating the direction of the rocket and says “Send the rocket where the arrow points”; the second player selects and places the rocket in accordance with the direction and characteristics of the arrow (direction up or down, left, right; the number of arrow strips corresponds to the number of portholes on the rocket). The child accompanies the completed action with comments, for example: “A green rocket with two windows is flying to the left” or “A red rocket with one window is flying up”, etc. (18 arrows

different directions, 18 missiles). When the playing field is full, the task is given: “Count how many rockets are flying to the right, left, up, down.”

The number of participants can be from 2 to 36, there can be a team with arrows and a team with rockets.

Difficulty level 2:

“Complete the task without error”: if the participants of the game complete the task correctly, they gain points (chips) - 1 or 2 chips (the number of chips depends on the number of portholes on the rocket). If a participant in the game makes a mistake, a “missile got lost” signal is received and he gives away 1 chip. When the playing field is full, the participants in the game count how many rockets are flying to the right, left, up, down, and count the points.

The optimal number of participants is from 2 to 6 players.


Teach children to correlate a schematic representation of an object with an artistic representation;

Introduce the symbolism of some constellations, accepted by astronomers since ancient times.

Materials and equipment:

Lotto cards, each of which is divided into 6 parts, three of them contain schematic images of different constellations;

1-2 separate pictures with images of fabulous animals or people symbolizing these constellations (Leo, Whale, Pisces, Ursa Major, Eagle, Swan, Dragon, Hercules, Perseus, Bootes, Cassiopeia, Pegasus).

The game involves two to four children. They are given lotto cards depicting various constellations. Pictures depicting animals or people are kept by the teacher.

Educator. All of you guys have seen stars in the sky in the evening or at night. Since ancient times, people, observing the stars, divided them into groups - constellations; They mentally connected the most noticeable and brightest stars in each group with imaginary lines, as if drawing across the vault of heaven, and then looked at what the drawing looked like. The drawings turned out different: one resembled an animal, another a bird, the third a man.

If you observe the starry sky at the same time for several days in a row, you will notice that constellations appear in the sky in certain places: one constellation is behind the forest, another is always above the house, the third is above the river, etc.

In ancient times, travelers relied on the stars to navigate their way and determine their location.

People came up with names for constellations and drew them. There are a lot of constellations, we will now talk about only a few. I will tell you, and you can guess which Constellation we are talking about.

The teacher shows the children pictures and talks about the constellationsRIt is recommended to adhere to the suggested sequence.

1. If you look carefully at the starry sky, you can find a constellation that looks like a large bucket. You can imagine that the end of the bucket handle is the nose of some animal, several stars under the bucket are its paws and body, and the bucket itself is the saddle. Ancient people believed that all these stars, if connected together, looked like a bear, and they drew it in their own way.

Look at your cards: do you have a constellation that looks like a bear?

The teacher shows a picture of the Big Dipper. Children first look at the cards with constellations, then the picture shown to adults, and look for the desired constellation. The child who has a card with this constellation receives a picture of the Big Dipper and places it above the corresponding constellation.

2. And right in front of the Big Dipper there is also a group of stars, which was called the constellation Bootes. This is a man who tends an ox (shepherd).

The teacher shows the corresponding picture.

Who has the constellation Bootes?

Children look at the picture and look for a schematic representation of the constellation on the lotto cards. The child who has a card with this constellation receives a picture and places it above him.

3. There is also the constellation Cygnus in the sky. It looks like the Swan is flying across the sky with its wings outstretched.

The teacher shows a picture with the corresponding imagemarriage.

Who has the constellation Cygnus?

Guessedgets a picture.

4. And you can also see the constellation of the winged magic horse - Pegasus. Which of you has the constellation Pegasus?

5. Here is the constellation Hercules. It consists of many stars. According to legend, Hercules is very strong man. He had a club with which he defeated the terrible lion. Since then, the lion's skin replaced Hercules' armor and helmet. Who has the constellation Hercules?

6. And another group of stars is called the constellation Leo, the same one that Hercules killed. Who has the constellation Leo?

7. There is a group of stars called the constellation Aquila. He flies towards the Swan. The eagle is a very formidable bird. Do you have such a constellation?

8. You can find the constellation Pisces in the sky. These stars are best visible during the autumn months. Who has the constellation Pisces?

9. And behind Pisces the constellation Cetus glimmers faintly. It is also best seen in autumn. Find this constellation.

10. In the sky you can even find a Dragon - a magical, fairy-tale serpent. Look carefully, do you have such a constellation?

11. There is also a constellation with an unusual name - Cassiopeia. It consists of five bright stars, connecting which we get the letter M. Cassiopeia is the name of the queen. According to legend, she boasted greatly of her beauty and always admired herself. Who has this constellation?

12. There is the constellation Perseus in the sky. The hero Perseus saved a beautiful young princess from the evil Keith. He had a fabulous weapon - the head of Medusa the Gorgon. Everyone who looked at her turned to stone. Perseus showed Keith his fabulous weapon. The whale looked at him and turned into an island, and Perseus married the princess. Who has this constellation?

When all the cards are laid out, the teacher ends the game.

Different people connected the stars in different ways, and their drawings were different. The Big Dipper in Rus' was at one time called the Pan, in the Ukraine - the Cart, and in Siberia - the Elk. If you look at the sky, it may also seem to you that this or that constellation could be called something else. But people who study the sky got together and agreed that the same groups of stars would be called the same.

When repeating the game, children exchange lotto cards.

Note. When the children learn the names of the constellations, they can be invited to play on their own, like any other lotto. In this case, the game can be simplified: the presenter, showing a card, asks the game participants: “Who has such a constellation?”

Children place pictures with fairy-tale images symbolizing various constellations in the appropriate places.

Elena Gerasimenko
A collection of didactic games on the topic “Space” for children of middle preschool age

"I believe, friends, caravans of rockets

They will rush us forward from star to star.

On the dusty paths of distant planets

Our traces will remain"

V. Voinovich


Modern preschoolers ask a lot of questions about space, stars, planets, as this topic excites their childhood imagination. This topic causes children interest and provides an opportunity to develop the child’s personality in many ways. Didactic games on the topic« Space» help children form initial ideas about space, the sun as a star, the planets of the solar system, about the constellations. During the games about space for children knowledge about the world around us is formed, cognitive processes are cultivated. They broaden your horizons, contribute to the development of children observation and curiosity, develop intelligence.


Enrich and expand ideas and knowledge children about space, about the planets of the solar system, about constellations, to promote the development of cognitive and intellectual abilities children.



Expand knowledge children about space, about the structure of the solar system;

Develop orientation skills and spatial concepts;

Name the planets of the solar system from memory;

Practice counting planets;

Develop children communication skills.


nine cardboard planets different sizes and colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 9, a diagram of the solar system, cords for laying out orbits, nine balls of different sizes and colors.

Game options:

Option #1

Children use cords to lay out the orbits of the planets around the sun on the table and then place the planets with numbers in their own "paths", orbits.

Option No. 2

Children lay out the planets on a diagram solar system using a poem without cards.

“One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row

And then after him

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto"

Option No. 3

Children use cords on the floor to lay out orbits around the sun and with balls - planets - stand on their "orbits" in accordance with the location of the planets of the solar system.



Learn children correlate a schematic representation of an object with an artistic one;

Introduce the symbolism of some constellations, accepted by astronomers since ancient times;

Develop cognitive interest.


Lotto cards depicting various constellations;

Pictures depicting fabulous animals or people symbolizing these constellations: Ursa Major, Eagle, Swan, Lion, Whale, Pisces, Dragon, Hercules, Perseus, Pegasus.

Progress of the game.

Children are given lotto cards depicting various constellations. The teacher has pictures depicting fairy-tale animals or people symbolizing these constellations: Leo, Whale, Pisces, Ursa Major, Eagle, Swan, Dragon, Hercules, Perseus, Pegasus.


In the night sky you can see a constellation that looks like a big bucket. In ancient times, it seemed to people that the end of the handle of the bucket looked like the nose of some kind of animal, several stars under the bucket looked like its paws and body, and the bucket itself looked like a saddle. And they decided that if they connected all these stars, they would look like a bear. It's called Ursa Major. Who has such a constellation? (etc. with other constellations)



Learn children depict a constellation on a plane;


sheets of black or blue paper, stars made of yellow cardboard.

Game options:

Option #1

Children depict the constellation according to the model.

Option No. 2

Children depict this or that constellation from memory.



Learn children planar design based on a model;

Develop thinking creative imagination, memory;

Develop fine motor skills fingers


12 large cards depicting an object (rocket, sun, alien, etc.) And geometric figures different color.

Game options:

Option #1

Children put details on the sample.

Option No. 2

Children design by looking at a sample.

Option No. 3

Children design from memory.



Consolidate knowledge children about geometric figures;

Learn children design according to a model and from memory;

Develop thinking, imagination, memory;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


cards with pictures items: rocket, astronaut, satellite, robot, star.

Game options:

Option #1

Children construct an object according to the model.

Option No. 2

Children construct an object from memory.



Consolidate knowledge children about geometric figures;

Develop thinking and imagination;

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


Cardboard rockets with slots, with "holes", geometric figures: circles, triangles, trapezoids, rectangles.

Progress of the game:

Educator: -Guys, our missiles collided with a stream of meteorites and they damaged them. Now you are all design engineers. We need to repair our spaceships.

What color is our rocket?

(In front of the children is a rocket with holes in the form of geometric shapes. There are geometric shapes on the tray. Children put and identify those holes that are suitable for repair.)

Now name the figures that you needed for repairs (children call).



Form at children elementary ideas about the change of day and night;

Give children the idea that the Sun rises early in the morning in the East, rises in the sky during the day, descends in the evening in the West and goes beyond the horizon. At night the stars and the Moon are visible. The moon is in different phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon; together, day and night are called days;

Cultivate interest in the world around you;

To form a cognitive and research interest and broaden one’s horizons;

Encourage children to active verbal communication.

Relevance of the game:

The game guide will allow the child to reveal his potential and use analyzers body:

1. Auditory: listens and remembers the teacher’s assignment;

2. Visual: finds visually "Sunrise", "Sky", "Sunset";

3. Tactile: the child independently holds the model "Suns", "Moons", moves it in an arc.


10 sets consisting of 2 cards indicating "day" And "night", layouts "sun", "moon", "months".

Game options:

Option No. 1

Each child has a model of the sky in one hand and a model of the sun in the other. The child inserts the model of the sun into the slot and moves it in an arc, finding the sunrise, moving it to the sky, and then to the horizon, carefully listening to the teacher’s instructions.

Option No. 2

The night luminary is the Moon; when night falls, the Moon appears in the sky. Children change the model of the daytime sky to a starry sky and insert a model of the moon. Day and night - a day away! At night the stars and the Moon are visible; The moon is in different phases: new moon, waxing moon, waning moon. Listening to the teacher's instructions, children insert the layout new month, full moon, waning moon.

Children can play with a teacher or independently.



Develop logical thinking (analysis and synthesis);

Develop the ability to classify, combine objects according to some basic, essential characteristic;

Develop memory.


sets of cards of four pictures.

Rules of the game:

First level (based on clarity). The teacher shows the children sets of 4 pictures. The children are given the task of finding among pictures an extra item that does not fit into general scheme.

Second level (without relying on clarity). The teacher reads sets of words to the children. Task children– find an extra word in this set that does not fit into the general scheme and explain your choice.

Suggested sets words: Rocket, satellite, lunar rover, boat. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth. Comet, star, meteorite, globe, etc.

A game "Rocket launch site"

Children say a chant before the game starts.

We are all now astronauts,

Like Gagarin, like Titov

Our rocket crew

IN space is ready to take off. Start.

(raises red flag)

Children stand around the rocket; at the sign of the red flag, the children begin to move in a circle under space music, after some time, the second child raises a yellow flag - the children move in a circle in the other direction, then the third child raises an orange flag - the children begin to move freely around the hall, the fourth raises a green flag - the children squat down or stop in place, the game is played in For some time, the children themselves control the process of raising the flags, the main task is to monitor the raised color.

Didactic game

"Find Your Planet".

Target: - Learn to navigate in a confined space (office room, find and arrange toys according to the teacher’s instructions.

Develop visual search in macrospace, consolidate knowledge of the basic prepositions characterizing the location of an object.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to find 4 rockets located in different places office and tell where the missiles are, using spatial prepositions.

Didactic exercise

"Find your planet (star)».

Target: - teach to see among set of objects a given subject, develop visual attention, perception.

To form the concept of the relativity of the size of objects, the ability to compare objects by size.

Progress of the exercise:

1. Children are offered among stars laid out on the floor, find given:

– Find a big red star, or a small green one.

Find the big blue star.

Compare which of the big stars more: red or blue? etc.

Game "Around the Sun"

Each team has 6 people who form columns. The two leading players of each team are given balloon. Players from both teams raise their hands. At the leader’s command, the game participants pass the balloon from hand to hand to the back of the column. The team that completes the given task faster wins.

A game " Cosmonauts”

Fast rockets are waiting for us, children are running scattered around the hall, lying on the floor

For walking around the planets. rocket hoops are one less than children.

Whatever we want, at the end of the words, the children run into the hoop

We'll fly to this one. which of there weren't enough hoops for children, out

But there is one secret in the game - from the game

There is no room for latecomers.

Didactic exercise

"Rocket Route".

Target: - develop children visual perception,

Activate the visual functions of the eyes, develop peripheral vision.

Form visual-motor orientation and graphic skills.

Progress of the exercise:

Children follow the teacher's instructions and draw a route. rockets:

First, the rocket will fly to a big red star, then it will fly to a small green planet, etc.

One child completes the task at the board.

A game "Who gets to the moon faster"

2 children take part in the game and stand opposite each other. Each person holds the edge of the ribbon on a stick in their hands. In the center of the ribbon is the symbol of the Moon. On command, children twist the ribbon onto a stick. Whoever is faster wins. It is played with 3-4 players.


Knowledge comes first children's ideas about space were superficial, derived mainly from cartoons. Children named 1 - 2 planets, 1 - 2 constellations, had no idea what people do in space.

Educational games about space helped children systematize knowledge about outer space,Solar system, constellations, enrich the active vocabulary by introducing new words. Children have become more competent, their horizons on this topic have expanded significantly. topic.

Used Books.

1. Panikova E. A., Inkina V. V. "Conversation about space»

2. DoninaO. I., Khamidulina L. A. "Journey through the Universe..."

3. Grizik T. I. "Experience the world"

4. Bondarenko T. M. "Ecological activities"

5. Pavlova L. Yu. “ Collection of didactic games to get acquainted with the world around us"

6. Wenger A. A. “Raising a child’s sensory culture”

Well, are you off to explore space?

I have collected here a lot of educational and creative tasks from various resources, in which the child could show his artistic qualities, study a little celestial objects and train his hand in writing. All pictures are ready for printing - download and play!


Cards for children "Space"

Print out a sheet of cards and laminate it or glue it to cardstock. Then cut along the gray lines. To make playing with cards educational, show your child the cards and tell them what is depicted on them, describe these objects and what is special about them. Show only 1 card at a time.


Lotto "Solar System"

Round small cards with planets, Sun and Moon. The planets of the solar system are not named to save space, but you can easily label them with reverse side cards.

The order is: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

*to download the picture in its original size, right-click and select “save picture as...”

How to play lotto?

  • Tell your child what is shown on the cards.
  • Show how to place cards on similar objects on the playing field.
  • Ask him to lay out the cards on the field himself.
  • Try to tell something new about the depicted object each time.
  • If the baby already knows how to speak, then let him name the object with which he picked up the card.


Coloring pages "Space": Earth and Moon, Rocket, Saturn, flying saucer.

*to download the picture in its original size, right-click and select “save picture as...”


A task to prepare your hand for writing “Let’s start!” Attention! March!".

Ask your child to help the rocket take off by drawing a line from the ground to the rocket. If you hide this printout in a file corner and give your child a dry erase marker (a whiteboard marker), you can do the activity many times.

*to download the picture in its original size, right-click and select “save picture as...”


Find identical rockets and connect them.

This game is for attention. The child needs to find identical rockets among many similar ones. This difficult task, so don’t worry if your baby can’t handle it right away. Hide the sheet in the file corner, like the previous task, and the next day invite your child to play this game again.

*to download the picture in its original size, right-click and select “save picture as...”


Complete the half.

This task prepares the hand for writing and develops creative thinking. If the child is still small and finds it difficult to complete this task on his own, try drawing with him hand in hand.

*to download the picture in its original size, right-click and select “save picture as...”


Draw wings and tails for the rockets.

This game develops creative thinking, because, you see, it’s quite difficult to come up with different beautiful wings for all the rockets

*to download the picture in its original size, right-click and select “save picture as...”


Help Belka and Strelka find their way!