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» Unfamiliar city. Unfamiliar city according to the dream book

Unfamiliar city. Unfamiliar city according to the dream book

The city in a dream is something alienated that the soul has left for a while or forever and is watching from the sidelines; alienated from the sleeping consciousness your own body / arena of life, a world without a soul.

An unfamiliar city, deserted, abandoned by the inhabitants - an image in which the soul of a deeply sleeping person perceives his own body.

A familiar city with empty streets and houses - to be burdened by strangers, to wish them harm.

An unfamiliar abandoned city is destroyed, perishes - the world of your daytime consciousness is experiencing losses, blows; get ready to upgrade.

An unfamiliar city without people, but filled with different creatures - the revival of the strength of your body in a dream / your thoughts about the posthumous disintegration of the body, in general, something disintegrating in you.

In an unfamiliar and empty city to meet a single person - to be in the world of your past, alienated from the soul, from which you are expelled for life / burst into it secretly from yourself.

In a strange city, suddenly being in a dream and being not very surprised by this is a turn in life that will bring anxiety.

Very beautiful city with a mass of monuments of the art of seeing - the world of your alienated and viewed from the side of high or base desires.

Walking around a Gothic, medieval city with narrow streets - your base desires to know, to see them from the outside.

A Muslim or Indian city with a mass of bizarre buildings to see is the world of your imagination to contemplate.

Chinese or Japanese buildings to see on the streets of the city is a symbol of the world of work, profit, monetary relations.

It is strange to see a city with a mass of galleries, cellars and factories, where something boils, foams, pours, or a city full of factories and factories - an image of your body and physiological processes alienated in a deep sleep.

To see the city slums and the landfill, to wander around them is the garbage dump of your body.

An unusually wide city square in a dream - gossip about you / your soul feels abandoned in your body / the world of the future awaiting you.

A city without earth and sky, with colossal buildings, with houses without windows and doors - the world of your thoughts, contemplation of it from the outside.

Narrow lane, street - failure, ill will, envy, trouble from sensual pleasures.

The wide street of the city - there are many opportunities in front of you.

To be in a dead end is a hopeless work or path.

City boulevards - always symbolize in a dream the world of past feelings and relationships.

To see noisy city crowds around is fun, joy / to be imbued with the vanity of life in a dream / to live thoughtlessly.

Noisy night city with lights - the life of the spirit barely breaks through the fuss of your thoughts.

A city that rose from the sea or emerged from the air - your thirst for mystery, the world of your curiosity.

Seeing a city with a mass of people sleeping everywhere or lying around corpses is a sharp turn in your destiny.

A city with people instantly frozen in various poses - thoughts and feelings that agitated during the day.

A city of absolutely fantastic buildings is an image of a worldview that is alien or alien to you.

The city of monkeys or other animals is a world of passions, you are in their captivity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

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Dream Interpretation - City

A large and crowded city - well-being and success in business.

The city destroyed by the earthquake unexpectedly.

Finding yourself in a strange city is a sharp turn in life.

Surprised that you are in a strange city - this dream will bring you a lot of anxiety.

Walking along a narrow lane - you can get into a difficult and unpleasant situation through your own fault.

A long walk along a narrow lane - to a long period of stagnation and calm in business.

A wide city street is a harbinger of great opportunities ahead of you.

To see an empty street is for nothing to lose strength and time, to see a lot of people on it.

Were at an impasse - you have to do useless work or engage in a hopeless business.

To be a city dweller is to honor and glory.

Interpretation of dreams from

The city enters the dream book as a symbol of order. Of course, when a city is unfamiliar and unusual in a dream, anyone will be curious to know what the city is dreaming of.

If the plot of the dream focuses on the fact that you have visited a city, then the subconscious mind wants to convey a very important message to you. In fact, the city: large, empty, nocturnal, or even abandoned and destroyed - always concerns your life arrangement.

It is also important to know why the city is dreaming because in such a dream very practical tips advisory nature in relation to reality. A dream about a city may recommend a different lifestyle, philosophy, worldview, or attitude to work.

Of course, a dream, for example, about an empty and ruined city can be impressive. Impressive and beautiful city. A dream will run through your nerves, where you managed to get lost among the yards and streets.

And yet, if we want to receive benefit in the form of advice from the subconscious, we must neglect emotions, it is better to let the memory and analytical mind strain. You need to remember the details.

It is possible that the memory of the dream will accompany you during the day. And in this case, it is better to remember the nuances than to twist thoughts around a few vivid emotions.

Unlike recalling other dreams, in this case, you may even need a pen and a piece of paper. The plot, events and situations of the dream must be written down, sorted according to meaning. The more carefully you carry out the work, the more unexpected interpretations in terms of effectiveness you can extract when analyzing a dream.

The city is included in the dream book as an assistant to streamlining life, bringing it to stability and harmony.

first look

To find out what a strange city is dreaming of, remember the first impression. What was it? Fascination or disappointment? Fear or peace? Curiosity or apathy? Yes, yes, in order to find out why another city is dreaming, you need to deal with the feelings that you experienced in a dream.

If disappointment, then the dream shows aspects of life that will harm. If peace, then the dream points the way to stability. The first impression is the light in which to conduct further interpretation.

What is the dream of the city of the neighboring region? If the town is smaller than your home, then the subconscious whispers that you should devote yourself to more global tasks. Is it time to boost your self-esteem?

It is possible that everything suited you in life and you categorically do not want changes. Alas, it is impossible to stand still: you either degrade or develop.

If, on the contrary, the city is large and with more developed infrastructure than your town, then the dream shows the way for the growth of self-awareness.


1. What is the dream of a city located in a mountainous area

It is possible that things are really going well for you. But one thing constantly upsets you: you are haunted by chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, energy exhaustion.

The subconscious advises: reconsider the structure of work - some functions can be given to subordinates. And you will not interfere with time management, thanks to which you will include mandatory rest in your daily routine.

2. The city is yours, but you were "skidded" into an unfamiliar area

The subconscious opens up new possibilities for you. It is possible that you have some resources right in front of you, but you do not pay attention to them. The plot of a dream can give you clues in this regard, for this you just need to connect your imagination.

3. She dreams that she went out for a walk around the city

Through sleep comes understanding of what is happening in your life. In this sense, “walk” is to look through one after the other facets of your being: work, family relationships, shelter, comfort of life and spiritual well-being.

Surely in a dream there will be accents on a series or individual events that occurred during a walk. If you dreamed that you went out for a walk, you simply cannot do without the details of a dream for interpretation.

4. Be in the midst of city events

Let's say you dreamed hometown. The plot of the dream spun so that you find yourself the center of everyone's attention. Even stranger can easily recognize you on the street. Well, get ready for great things! At least your subconscious is ready.

5. You dream of a beautiful city park

A beautiful corner of nature in the heart of a metropolis is very good. This means that despite all your efficiency and busyness, you find a place for the soul, for positive impressions.

This is something to be proud of, because modern man used to rushing to extremes: either work until he loses his pulse, or completely indulge in laziness. Harmonious combination work and leisure is a rare talent.

6. Get lost in a strange city

The dream notifies you that you have climbed into spheres that are incomprehensible to you. It could be labor activity or even personal relationships. How to find a way out in a foreign area? It is necessary to ask oncoming passers-by about the correct road.

And in order not to get lost, you should not go far from familiar places. Sleep advises the same. Ask for advice from those in the know and do not take on cases that you have little idea about.

7. Dreaming of a night city

If you were lucky enough to be in a dream in a night city, then this means that the subconscious has invited you to his home, to the realm of the unconscious. The night city is the personification of a part of our Self that is closed from comprehension.

Being "there" is not for everyone. Therefore, of course, it is interesting to remember the details of the dream and find out your “other side”.

8. Ancient city

Dreaming of a big, but abandoned and ruined city. Be in similar situation means to experience an exciting adventure. Again, a wave of emotions from the experienced impressions can overwhelm.

But you have to step back and remember all the details. The ancient city, even if only its ruins were dreamed of, is a connection with ancient forces. Rare dream. It's worth looking into Special attention, parse each event. If the ancients chose you, then this is no accident. This is a mission that cannot be passed by.

9. Find yourself in an empty city

We know that nothing is impossible in a dream. Finding yourself in an absolutely empty metropolis for the space of dreams is quite commonplace. The dream picture is reminiscent of frames from post-apocalyptic films. Deserted streets, houses, hypermarkets.

It is possible that the subconscious mind is recommending that you enter a state of mental loneliness. This state of "one among the crowd" pushes for philosophizing. It is possible that today you just lack understanding from the sphere of high matters. Such a scale prepares for the strategic planning of affairs.

10. Roads are being repaired in the city

If you had such a dream, then you have problems with commutativity. For improvement general position affairs, there is a need to increase the level of sociability, establish business and just friendly ties.

11. A natural disaster hit the city

Hurricane, heavy rainfall, smoke from forest fires - to see this in a dream is not very good sign. This is a warning signal from the subconscious mind that your life is on the verge of big changes.

If you carefully remember the events of a dream, then you will find moments that you need to pay attention to in ordinary reality. When forewarned, then it is easier to accept change.

12. The city is full of elements of a festival or carnival

The dream has a very positive meaning. There is reason to enjoy life. Postpone things - because they will never end anyway!

Take your family, all your loved ones and arrange a real holiday - you deserve it. And let the pleasant impressions of the holiday warm the heart for a long time on harsh everyday life.

As you deigned to see, dreams about the city, city life and city events are always solid, full of impressions and details. The city does not just dream. Once you had a dream, it means that something in life needs to be rethought and changed. Author: Igor Vaskin

During sleep, you found yourself among unfamiliar streets, and you can’t understand where you are? What an unfamiliar city dreams of most often warns of various difficulties. Changes in life circumstances, termination of relationships, various shocks and troubles - you should be prepared for all this if you see similar dream. But not all interpretations carry such a negative connotation. There are also good things among them. For example, an interesting trip and good news.

Dream in detail

Try to remember what the city was like in your vision, and then look into the interpretation of the dream book.

  • Big? Get a lot of new information.
  • Quite tiny? You run the risk of being the victim of an unpleasant trick.
  • Antique? Danger awaits you. Beware of suspicious individuals.
  • Was the city on fire? Trouble at home.
  • Ruined? Fate is preparing a strong shock.
  • Hidden underwater? Beware of accidents.
  • Extinct? There is a high chance of depression.

Everything depends on you

Why dream of wandering the streets of the town without finding a way out? This vision is a kind of warning - hold your tongue and do not gossip, otherwise there is a great chance of losing friends and loved ones.

Lost in a city that is unfamiliar to you? In reality, you experience discomfort from a change of scenery. But this will not last forever, the dream book is encouraging. Over time, you will get used to it, and the situation will normalize.

If a woman sees a strange city in a dream, in reality she will receive an offer from a man, which will make her pretty confused.

Miller's interpretation

If you saw yourself on the streets of a foreign city, in reality you should be prepared for unpleasant events, under the influence of which you will have to change your lifestyle.

And why dream of going to an unknown city? According to the dream book, the dreamer is trying to escape from problems on a subconscious level. It should be remembered that you still have to solve the problem, otherwise it will be solved by itself, but not at all in the way that you like.

Roam the ruined city? Now is not the easiest time, filled with losses, quarrels and other trials of fate. Do not fall into despair, but try to adequately meet the difficulties that have fallen to your lot.

There is another interpretation of such a dream. Your relationship is not going through the best period, it may also happen that the matter ends in a break. But, according to the dream book, parting will not bring pain, and this connection will leave only pleasant memories.

Surprise and surprise

Did you have a dream where you suddenly found yourself in an unfamiliar city? Your life will soon change dramatically, says the dream book. If you were surprised by a sudden change of scenery, the changes will bring anxiety and numerous worries, says the dream book.

Walking around the city led to a dead end? In reality, a job or occupation awaits you, in which there is absolutely no point.

Why dream of wandering in a strange city? The dream interpretation promises events that will surprise you in order.

Change is coming

In a dream, do you walk along unfamiliar streets and squares? Personal life will change soon. If the relationship has become obsolete, you will find a way to end it, while maintaining a peaceful relationship with your partner. A new novel will not keep you waiting. And let it be short, but it will give many pleasant minutes.

An interesting trip awaits you if the city you are walking in a dream is truly huge. Do not be indifferent to new experiences, think outside the box, develop yourself - and you yourself will be surprised how much more interesting and richer the world around you will become.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

The next night is important for those who are more interested in personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

Dreams of an unfamiliar city carry with it an individual interpretation for each individual. If in a dream a person enters the city, this leads to well-being. In addition, it makes sense what color the sky was in this dream.

To be in a dream in an unfamiliar city promises significant changes in life, as the dream books say.

What if you dream of an unfamiliar city?

If the city is deserted, then the subconscious informs: this person is worried about depression, despondency. If the city is well lit, the pleasant sounds of birds are heard, the sky above the city is blue, then all these factors indicate that there is a way out of the impasse.

A person who finds himself in a strange city, walking along a narrow lane - such a dream tells that he will soon find himself in a difficult and unpleasant situation, and through his own fault. If the path along this lane is long, then in business one must expect a decline and some lull. A long and wide street - this portends a person to discover great opportunities.

It is important to know that everything that happens in a dream is nothing more than a reflection of what is happening in a person’s soul. It depends on what emotions the view of the city evokes. In some dream books, an unfamiliar city is a symbol of something new, unknown.

An empty street means wasted time, and if it is crowded, then this indicates that they are waiting ahead pleasant chores followed by joy and merriment.

If a person ends up in an unfamiliar city, becoming a city dweller, in the future this is glory and honor.

A burning city has a bad meaning, which can mean illness, failure, misfortune.

When a person sees city boulevards in a dream, he recalls his past relationships. If in a dream someone gets into a dead end, then the chosen one life path no perspective.

What portends?

What is the dream of an unfamiliar city - according to family dream book it portends a change in lifestyle, occupation, perhaps even a change of residence. If you dreamed of a big unfamiliar city, then this could mean a business trip or appointment to new job. Such a dream often portends a change in lifestyle.

There are several more interpretations of this dream. A city with many towers means that the person who had this dream will start an unusual business. It is also believed that such a dream will lead to changes on the personal front.

According to the dream book of health, a big city portends a deterioration in human health, susceptibility to stress, and a small one - inner harmony.

The city, in which sleeping people are everywhere, indicates that a major turn will soon take place in the fate of the person who saw this in a dream.

An unfamiliar city has many meanings, each person, taking into account all the details of his dream, must choose the appropriate interpretation, because perhaps the dream he has seen will help him in one or another life situation, do right choice, make the right decision.

  • The city in a dream is something alienated that the soul has left for a while or forever and is watching from the sidelines; alienated from the sleeping consciousness your own body / arena of life, a world without a soul.
  • An unfamiliar city, deserted, abandoned by the inhabitants - an image in which the soul of a deeply sleeping person perceives his own body.
  • A familiar city with empty streets and houses - to be burdened by strangers, to wish them harm.
  • An unfamiliar abandoned city is destroyed, perishes - the world of your daytime consciousness is experiencing losses, blows; get ready to upgrade.
  • An unfamiliar city without people, but filled with different creatures - the revival of the strength of your body in a dream / your thoughts about the posthumous disintegration of the body, in general, something disintegrating in you.
  • In an unfamiliar and empty city to meet a single person - to be in the world of your past, alienated from the soul, from which you are expelled for life / burst into it secretly from yourself.
  • In a strange city, unexpectedly being in a dream and being not very surprised by this is a turn in life that will bring anxiety.
  • A very beautiful city with a mass of monuments of the art of seeing - the world of your alienated and viewed from the side of high or base desires.
  • Walking around a Gothic, medieval city with narrow streets - your base desires to know, to see them from the outside.
  • To see a Muslim or Indian city with a mass of bizarre buildings is to contemplate the world of your imagination.
  • To see Chinese or Japanese buildings on the streets of the city is a symbol of the world of work, profit, and monetary relations.
  • It is strange to see a city with a mass of galleries, cellars and factories, where something boils, foams, pours, or a city full of factories and factories - an image of your body and physiological processes alienated in a deep sleep.
  • To see the city slums and the landfill, to wander around them is the garbage dump of your body.
  • An unusually wide city square in a dream - gossip about you / your soul feels abandoned in your body / the world of the future awaiting you.
  • A city without earth and sky, with colossal buildings, with houses without windows and doors - the world of your thoughts, contemplation of it from the outside.
  • Narrow lane, street - failure, ill will, envy, trouble from sensual pleasures.
  • The wide street of the city - there are many opportunities in front of you.
  • To be in a dead end is a hopeless work or path.
  • City boulevards - always symbolize in a dream the world of past feelings and relationships.
  • To see noisy city crowds around is fun, joy / to be imbued with the vanity of life in a dream / to live thoughtlessly.
  • Noisy night city with lights - the life of the spirit barely breaks through the fuss of your thoughts.
  • A city that rose from the sea or emerged from the air - your thirst for mystery, the world of your curiosity.
  • Seeing a city with a mass of people sleeping everywhere or lying around corpses is a sharp turn in your destiny.
  • A city with people instantly frozen in various poses - thoughts and feelings that agitated during the day.
  • A city of absolutely fantastic buildings is an image of a worldview that is alien or alien to you.
  • The city of monkeys or other animals is a world of passions, you are in their captivity.