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» DIY shoe rack. DIY shoe racks. Modern, original do-it-yourself shoe racks. Corner triangular shelf

DIY shoe rack. DIY shoe racks. Modern, original do-it-yourself shoe racks. Corner triangular shelf

Summer gives way to autumn, autumn to winter, winter to spring, and so on, according to a circle set by nature. And we try to adapt to the whims of each season, purchasing a bunch of clothes and shoes for all occasions. The question of placing the latter in an often incapable of boasting of extra square meters the city hallway remains open. What to do? A completely rational and economical option is to make a shoe rack for the hallway with your own hands. Don't have enough imagination to make the end result pleasing to the eye? We offer 20 photos of shelves for shoes made by yourself - you will certainly find something for yourself that meets your criteria.



The best option is to cut the existing plywood into small pieces of equal size, then thoroughly sand it and assemble it into a structure of the shape you need. U-shaped designs are usually preferred. As a result, we have a strong and attractive shelf that perfectly copes with its immediate function.


The traditional material for homemade shoe racks is good old wood. It will never let you down, is absolutely non-toxic and is perfect for processing. All you need is a plane, a hammer, a pencil, a grinder, as well as a tape measure and a saw.


Compared to untreated wood, it has greater visual appeal, but in terms of its main characteristics it is outright inferior natural material. For production you will need a grinding machine. Irregularities and other shortcomings of the workpiece are leveled out sandpaper, and your shelf will acquire its final “marketable” appearance when you stick a special tape onto the sanded surface.


Metal is rarely used to make a shoe rack with your own hands, but similar options often appear on the Internet. As a rule, they are modifications of accessories that have already served their purpose.

Perhaps the simplest option. It is easy and quick to make, quite roomy and will fit perfectly into any interior.

Even something as insignificant at first glance as a shoe rack can look like a real design revelation.

An example of a huge shoe shelf made of chipboard. The simplest design guarantees increased stability. As you can see in the photo, absolutely all the shoes will fit in this shelf. There will also be room for your guests. And the cat :)

An excellent rack that has solid capacity with fairly modest dimensions. Such homemade shelves can often be found in small Khrushchev-era hallways.

In the photo there is a forged homemade shelf. It will fit well into the format of both a city apartment and the design of the hallway of a private house. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to fit all your shoes on it. The shelf is small and perfect for a small family of 2-3 people.

A striking example of how skillful hands can give a second life to even scrapped furniture.

A common option, especially in demand in small hallways. The shelf is attached to the wall and allows you to do without a bulky chest of drawers or closet, thereby saving precious meters of living space. Making this option is not difficult for anyone: the main thing is to collect everything necessary details and tools. Note: wet shoes dry much faster in this suspended state!

Budget shelves

The need for invention is tricky: sometimes in order to conveniently place shoes in the apartment, you don’t need to do anything. Just a pallet is enough, and now your sneakers, sneakers, shoes, boots are in their place. True, before using such a shelf directly, you should thoroughly sand it in order to prevent damage to the shoes.

What a small and modest shelf for shoes in the hallway - and how much it holds! You can really make anything with your own hands - the main thing is that your hands grow from the right place.

Interesting DIY shoe rack. As you can see, both wood and materials from already defunct furniture were used. As a result, we observe extremely practical option with a rather specific look.

Did you know that a shoe rack can be made from ordinary cardboard? A minimum of wasted effort and time, but what an original and practical accessory you can see in the hallway!

It seems to us that such an impromptu metal shoe rack will fit perfectly into the format of a large private home. However, in the conditions of the good old Khrushchev and panel apartments there will be a place for her too. You can make it in half an hour - if only you have the desire, material and tools.

This is what happens when a person with a progressive design mindset slowly but surely brings his crazy projects to life.

Above we have already looked at an example of a homemade shoe rack from an ordinary pallet. Here, the source code for the furniture accessory is the same, with the only difference being that it has been noticeably “ennobled” by generously adding rich colors.

Creative shelf for shoes in the hallway. It will probably find its place in the apartment or house of a person prone to design thinking.

You can make a shoe rack from pipes. The “recipe” is simply outrageous: take several long pipes, cut them into pieces of equal length, fasten them with a neat bundle to the wall - and, voila, your shoes are stored in a comfortable place and in appropriate conditions.

We decided to update computer desk? Don't rush to throw away the old parts. The photo shows a vivid example of how to use even seemingly unnecessary things.

Aged wood motif - good idea for making a shoe rack with your own hands. The main thing is not to overdo it with style, otherwise your design risks losing its designer charm and acquiring a purely nominal value.

An option for a shelf for shoes in the hallway, which you can easily and quickly make with your own hands. The steel sheets used in this example are durable and will not allow your shoes to end up on the floor. You can, of course, argue about the spaciousness of this type of shelf, but we won’t: both the idea and its direct implementation are too good.

An example of a DIY shoe rack, the manufacture of which may require forging skills. In fact, a practical accessory for the hallway. If anyone is afraid that this could damage your shoes, we hasten to dispel your doubts: the product is carefully varnished at the very end and will not leave a trace on your shoes, boots, ballet flats and other types of shoes.

Look at this sweet girl: her dad just made a shelf for shoes in the hallway with his own hands - and now the first shoes have taken their rightful place. A classic version of the popular homemade product, which you won’t be able to find fault with, even if you really want to.

Summary: We hope that you are convinced that a shoe rack in the hallway is easy to make with your own hands, and the end result can leave even standard store-bought copies far behind. The main rule is not to be afraid of your own imagination. A certain amount of creative courage in one direction or another and straight hands will allow you to seriously surprise your household and once and for all solve the problem of placing shoes in a small hallway.


It is clear that without a shelf for storing shoes at home it will be difficult to keep this part of your wardrobe in perfect order. There are many variants of the simplest designs used for storing shoes in the hallway. In our article we will look at the simplest solutions to implement, which involve independent production of two types of structures, namely:

  • hanging shelf made of drawers;
  • simple floor shelf.
  • cardboard (or multilayer plywood);
  • floor shelf for shoes made of fiberboard.

Before you make a shoe rack with your own hands , you need to accurately calculate the number of pairs of shoes that require storage space, which is ultimately determined by the composition of your family.

Cardboard construction

In the case we are considering, as source material Thick cardboard is taken, usually used for packaging for furniture (household appliances), which ensures the simplicity and economy of manufacturing the product itself.

The shelf, made of cardboard, is lightweight and can be used as suspended structure, which is ideal for storage summer shoes and house slippers.

In addition to cardboard, to make such a shelf you will need:

  • wood glue and tape;
  • powerful scissors or knife cutter;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • stapler with staples maximum size.

Before you make your own shelf from cardboard blanks, you will need to do the following simple operations:

  1. First of all, you should lay out the disassembled cardboard sheets on some flat surface(on the floor, for example).
  2. After this, they are marked into rectangular blanks of appropriate dimensions. (When marking, you should proceed from the number of compartments that you plan to get after making the shelf). In this case, the length of the blanks can correspond to the size of the cardboard sheet, and their width is chosen to be 30 cm.
  3. At the final stage of the preparatory operations, the rectangular blanks themselves are cut out along the marking line using a knife or scissors.

Making a shelf

Individual shoe boxes are formed from cut-out cardboard blanks by dividing them lengthwise into equal parts and folding them into rectangular boxes of the appropriate size. After you have made the required number of such figures, you can proceed to assembling them into a solid block.

In most cases, when assembling a finished shoe block, one uses only a stapler; however, in order to strengthen the structure, this fastening can be reinforced with tape and wood glue. In this case, upon completion of the gluing procedure, the individual drawers on the back wall side are additionally fastened with a stapler, after which the entire assembly is wrapped around the perimeter with wide tape. As a result of these simple operations, you will receive a finished shelf, for hanging which you will need to provide two flat cardboard loops in advance.

The design we described is good because it saves space on the floor and easily fits in the hallway. But when using it, one should not forget that the number of stored shoes should be strictly limited.

Floor shelf

For the manufacture of floor-type shelves, laminated chipboard blanks with a thickness of at least 16 mm are usually used. Please note that when sawing this material, you should act very carefully, avoiding its destruction along the cut line. It has been practically proven that it is much more profitable and convenient to order sawing of chipboard in a special workshop (indicating all the required dimensions).

Before placing an order, it is important to note that to manufacture a full-fledged wooden structure, the following basic blanks must be used:

  • two sidewalls;
  • upper and lower shelves;
  • intermediate shelf and partitions.

Concerning additional materials, then for assembly you will need special shelf mounts, wood glue, so-called confirmants with plugs, as well as a decorative (melamine) edge that protects the edges of the chipboard from destruction and gives finished product finished look.

Manufacturing procedure

The procedure for assembling a shelf for shoes made of chipboard is as follows:

  • first of all, in all workpieces, holes are drilled to the required depth for the confirmations planned before assembly;
  • then a melamine edge is applied to the outer edges of the blanks using a heated iron;
  • further, with inside Shelf holders are installed on the side posts at predetermined points;
  • after this, the upper, lower and intermediate shelves with partitions are attached to the sidewalls;
  • and finally, the back wall (made of thick cardboard or plywood) is mounted on the finished frame.

To assemble the frame, special confirmations are used (countersunk screws with a head for a hex or tetrahedral tool), holes for which must be drilled with a special drill. You can increase the rigidity of the entire structure by using metal corners, installed at the joints of base blanks.


This video shows how to make a shoe rack in your home workshop:

It will be easy to make a shoe rack from cardboard after watching this video:


Reading time: 13 minutes. Views 738

Furniture for convenient placement of shoes helps to clean up the hallway. But since this room is often not spacious, it is important to maintain a compact design combined with maximum practicality. Typical factory models do not always meet these criteria, making choice difficult. An excellent solution in such a situation is an original do-it-yourself shoe rack, made in full accordance with the dimensions of the room. If you have the appropriate experience, you can design the product yourself or use ready-made drawings.

Materials and tools

Selection of materials - important stage on the way to creating a shelf with your own hands. Here you can be guided by the skills and abilities of the master, available resources and equipment, financial side question. A DIY shoe rack can be made from:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • textiles;
  • combinations of different raw materials.

It is possible to make a structure that is strong and durable only if you choose the right material and the corresponding technology. For home production most often used:

  1. Wood (or derivatives to simplify and reduce the cost of furniture). The raw material has a noble texture and plasticity in processing, but does not tolerate high humidity.
  2. Metal. The material is durable, but assembling structures requires experience and special welding and other equipment.
  3. PVC pipes. A modern, popular option. The furniture is light and mobile, but at the same time quite durable, resistant to rust and other aggressive influences.

Shoe racks are also made from cardboard, plywood, chipboard and even fabric. Simple and quite beautiful solution is a laminate shoe rack. All these materials do not require large financial costs and are easy to process.

To make most models you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill.

Glue, screws, and scissors will also come in handy. In general, the set of tools and consumables will vary, depending on the chosen model and material for home-made shoe racks with your own hands.

Manufacturing stages depending on the type of product

On preparatory stage It would be useful to familiarize yourself with the types of structures and choose the most suitable one for a specific room and interior. The most popular homemade models:

  • wall;
  • in the form of racks;
  • cabinets;
  • stands.

The shoe rack in the hallway, made in the form of a bench, looks original. The tall multi-tier design is useful for placing other things. A closed slim cabinet is a structure that opens by turning the body. Comfortable in very small hallways corner shelves. Just this type of handmade shoe rack is very often used to preserve general style corridor.


Easy to move homemade design It will also be suitable for street use. A metal or plastic model is used outside the home. In the first case, additional treatment with special compounds that protect the surface from corrosion will be required. In the second it is excessive lightweight design may be damaged by wind. The combination of metal and plastic will solve both problems.

For a portable shelf for shoes in the hallway with your own hands, low weight is important. You can make a bench from boards or a cardboard corner option. Another idea for using relatively lightweight materials is to create a shoe rack from PVC pipes.

Pipes with a diameter of 20 or 25 cm are used to make a very original floor structure, convenient for transportation. Cutting into cylinders can be done using a hacksaw. The parts are connected using glue. How to make a shoe rack step by step:

  • cut the pipe into pieces 30 cm long;
  • sand the cut area until smooth;
  • if desired, apply decor to the cylinders;
  • assemble a structure from prepared parts of any shape: for example, in the form of a honeycomb, a flower, or in another way.

To connect parts, you can use not only glue; ligation with a cord or double-sided tape are suitable.

If the design is light enough, it can be used not only as a floor stand, but also for hanging on a wall.

Carousel shelf

Round shoe rack can be installed in any closet standard sizes. For furniture width and depth - 60 cm, with internal dimensions 56.8 × 56 cm you will need the following materials:

  • Fiberboard 22 mm thick;
  • round beam diameter 22 mm;
  • steel tube with a diameter of 40 mm, length equal to the height of the cabinet;
  • screws - 4 x 35 mm, with lock washers;
  • metal corners;
  • primer - 0.5 l;
  • acrylic paint - 0.5 l.

Manufacturing procedure:

  • cut shelves from fiberboard required diameter- 54 cm;
  • drill into them with a core drill in the center of a hole with a diameter of 41 mm;
  • Secure large disks, draw a circle with a radius of 24 cm on them;
  • drill holes with a diameter of 22 mm along the drawn line;
  • cut out small disks with a diameter of 12 cm, necessary for attaching large ones to the central rod, and also drill holes in them in the center;
  • cut round timber into pieces of various lengths - 36.5; 31.5; 26.5; 21.5 cm, the number of pins depends on the number of shelves;
  • sand large and small discs and pins, paint and let dry;
  • insert the pins into the holes on large shelves;
  • secure large discs to the central rod using small ones and corners;
  • install the central rod with the fitted shelves in the cabinet, secure with screws and lock washers.

The shoe storage device is ready. A similar design can be made not in a closet, but using a crosspiece, then you will get a bookcase with round shelves.

Shoe rack design
Cut big discs
Attach the disks, draw a circle on them, drill holes along the drawn line
Cut small disks, assemble the structure
Install the center rod in the cabinet
Secure with screws and lock washers

From metal pipes

Shoe stand made of metal (or plastic) water pipes can have any size depending on the dimensions of the room. In a spacious corridor, you can install a long structure along the entire wall with big amount tiers. For a small hallway, you can come up with a compact corner solution. For production you will need:

  • metal pipes cut into pieces of the required length;
  • corners for fastening;
  • metal flanges;
  • die for cutting threads.

Stages of making a shelf from pipes with your own hands:

  • fix in the wall or on the floor in in the right place metal flange;
  • apply a thread to the cut pipes with a die;
  • begin to build a zigzag structure, fastening the elements with corners, in accordance with the creative concept;
  • secure the final flange.

It’s easier to make a shelf out of plastic pipes because you don’t need to cut threads.


Homemade shelves designed for shoes are often made in the form of a wooden bench. Such furniture can be the most various designs: a simple bench, with steps, with shelves of different widths.

To make the simplest version of a shelf, you will need: a wooden box, a piece of plywood, padding material and a piece of fabric, sandpaper, paint and a brush, four wheels for furniture. Algorithm of actions:

  • sand the edges and burrs on the box with sandpaper;
  • paint the box itself and the shelf for it;
  • make a seat: put padding material on a piece of plywood and cover it with fabric;
  • secure the material with reverse side using a furniture stapler;
  • screw the wheels;
  • attach a shelf in the middle of the drawer.

If the shelf-bench is used as an outdoor or portable option, it should be treated with moisture-proofing agents, and the seat should be made of leatherette.

Prepare materials
Determine product dimensions
Cut out parts, process edges and burrs
Paint the details
Assemble the box
Make shelves, fix them in the middle of the drawer
Screw on the wheels
If desired, make a soft seat and add decor


Another option for a shoe rack in the hallway is a folding model, which will come in handy as additional storage space. summer season. It must be complemented by a folding mechanism: these can be door hinges, textile inserts, belts or wooden, plastic slats moving on bolts.

To make a shelf you will need: a drill, a jigsaw, sandpaper, boards or plywood. You can also use ready-made plastic shelves, then the dimensions of the back part need to be adjusted to them. If you choose door hinges as the rotating element, it will be easiest to make a folding shoe rack:

  • cut from a sheet of plywood back measuring 50 × 100 cm, as well as shelves measuring 50 × 20 cm;
  • process the resulting parts with sandpaper;
  • attach the back of the structure to the wall;
  • connect each shelf made of plastic or wooden boards with back wall loops;
  • To hold the shelves in a horizontal position, attach them to the sides using belts, chains and other accessories.

If it is necessary to fold the shelf, it is freed from shoes and folded towards the wall, securing it in this state with a latch.

Cut out the blanks and sand them
Attach the back of the structure to the wall
Connect the side parts to the back wall with loops
Folded shoe rack
Install shelves
Folding model is ready

From wooden boxes

You can make shoe shelves for your home with your own hands from the most unexpected things. For example, these are ready-made wooden boxes. The result is natural wooden shelf or a multi-tiered structure, built independently, essentially from scrap materials.

Boxes are used to serve as containers for vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to clean their surface with sandpaper and cover it with varnish or paint of various colors (use a different shade for each cell). Treated and painted boxes are placed on the wall in a randomly selected order.

This design can be used not only for shoes, but also for storing other items: books, toys, and other small items.

Clean the surface of the drawers, coat with varnish or paint Stick it on the wall in any order


A very convenient multi-tier design, in which horizontal shelves are attached to the side walls or racks. A shoe rack can be stationary, portable, small in size, portable, portable, or on wheels. This design is made of metal, wood, chipboard, and other materials. There is a funny variety that is made from pallets with your own hands. Take as a frame metal profiles, the elements are connected with bolts. Beams, hooks and other fasteners are used, in which case each shelf is adjustable in height.

A similar design is made with your own hands from wood, using an old sliding staircase. You just need to add crossbars on the second side symmetrically to the steps. The shelves are fixed on the supports, the rack is painted or varnished.

Pallet rack
Take a sliding ladder Paint or varnish the shelving

From cardboard

A narrow shoe rack for hanging on the wall is made of cardboard. You need empty boxes, glue, a ruler, a pencil. You should also prepare the decor: paint, film, wallpaper and lace for decoration. As a result, several pockets are combined and fixed where shoes will be stored. The procedure is as follows:

  • cut out rectangular pieces 65 × 60 cm from cardboard;
  • divide the long side into three parts: 20, 25 and 20 cm, draw lines along the marks;
  • on a side 60 cm long, retreat 25 cm and draw a perpendicular - this will be the fold line;
  • cut the blank in the shape of the letter “T” with sides of 25, 25 and 35 cm;
  • on the resulting wings, measure 11 cm from the top border of the square (25 × 25), draw diagonals from the resulting points to the cut out corners of the letter “T”;
  • bend the cardboard in one direction along all the lines, helping yourself with a metal ruler;
  • make an assembly: a 35 × 25 rectangle will be the back wall of the pocket, to which a 25 × 25 square (front part) is bent upward, the bent triangles will become the sides;
  • Connect the pockets together vertically; glue or tape is used for fixation.

If desired, the structure can be decorated; wallpaper, film, fabric, cords are suitable, painting is also suitable. A DIY cardboard shoe rack is ready. You can finally mount it on the wall.

Cut out parts from cardboard, make marks, bend along all lines
Connect the pockets together vertically Attach a shelf to the wall


A similar model would be appropriate in small hallways. Fantasy allows you to give the design bizarre shapes, for example, by making shelves not in the form of a triangle, but by cutting them curved according to a beautiful pattern. They make structures from a variety of materials, for example, plastic, chipboard, one of inexpensive options- MDF (fine fraction, boards made of pressed wood fibers), fasteners - self-tapping screws.

Stages of making a shoe rack in the hallway with your own hands:

  • cut the MDF sheet with a jigsaw: you need to get 2 rectangles from which the side walls will be built, as well as triangular parts - shelves;
  • process the edges
  • make markings on the side walls, marking the places where the shelves are attached;
  • assemble: fasten all parts with self-tapping screws;
  • cover the surface with acrylic paint.

The stability of the corner structure will be added by the dowels with which it is pulled to the wall.

Fasten all parts with self-tapping screws and cover the surface with acrylic paint

How to use the drawing

For the manufacture of shoe shelves Do-it-yourself drawings are needed. Preliminary design will help you keep all the details in sight, navigate the stages and dimensions, making your work easier. Draw diagrams of a shelf or shoe rack yourself or find ready-made designs on thematic websites.

Here are some rules for constructing and reading drawings:

  1. Any diagram must contain dimensions: length, width, height.
  2. If the drawing is complex, it can be made in volume (3D model) and several projections.
  3. Connections and small parts that are not visible on general scheme due to the size, they are done enlarged, on a scale larger than the rest of the drawing.
  4. The diagrams may show designations of fasteners, for example, M6 × 35 mm screw, which means a screw 35 mm long and with a 6 mm thread.

It is difficult to briefly list all the rules for creating drawings, so only the basic ones are given. If the rules specified here are not found in the diagrams, you will have to turn to specialized sources.

Any diagram must contain dimensions: length, width, height
Joints and small details are made on a larger scale than the rest of the drawing.
The furniture diagram is depicted in volume and in several projections


Shoes need to be stored somewhere, but is it worth spending money on purchasing an expensive shoe rack? If you wish, you can make your own shelf from any available materials - laminate, and even pipes and boxes. This does not require special carpentry skills.

We will briefly tell you... You will find lists of materials and tools, diagrams, drawings and photographs. It's time to take on your entryway!

The choice of materials and tools will vary depending on the design of the future shelf. Therefore, developing a single standard is problematic. The most technically difficult solution is considered to be the “slim” solution.

The difficulty of such cabinets lies in the installation large quantity various accessories. All other shelves are much simpler, so when compiling a list of necessary things, we will proceed from the most complex circuits. You will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw for wood (or metal);
  • chisel;
  • ruler;
  • Sander;
  • pencil.

DIY wooden shoe rack

How to make a shoe rack with your own hands

Before you start self-production shelves for shoes, you need to decide on the design of the future product, its dimensions and functionality. You can create shoe shelves from anything - profiles, wood, slats, laminate, metal and even cardboard. The most popular (in terms of design) are rotating, round and angular models.

In some cases you may need to drill and sand (metal, wood). Somewhere we will get by with simple gluing and cutting ( carton boxes). And some varieties will seem exotic to you.

For those who have an old unnecessary closet, the process of making a shoe rack can be incredibly simple, just watch the following video:

You can build a modular shelf with your own hands from plywood, and not just a shelf for shoes. This shelf will be attached to the hallway wall and will not take up much space, and the drawings for its manufacture are quite primitive. In addition to sheets of plywood, you will need:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • perforator;
  • glue;
  • pins.

Plywood is cut into identical rectangles (for example, 20x30 cm). The parts are carefully polished, after which the assembly process begins. Sheets of plywood form U-shaped structures that are “nested” into each other, forming something like a labyrinth.

You can hang any number of similar blocks in the hallway. Fastening is carried out using wooden pins and holes drilled in plywood.

Plywood shoe rack

Made of wood

The easiest way is to make a shoe rack with your own hands from store-bought items, rather than from “raw” wood. But since you have decided to start this business from scratch, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sandpaper;
  • plane;
  • metal corners;
  • wood glue;
  • screwdriver (can be replaced with a screwdriver);
  • saw;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • varnish (or paint);
  • pencil and tape measure.

We will use as material wooden board. The width of the workpiece is 25-35 centimeters, the thickness is a couple of centimeters. The manufacturing process looks like this:

  1. Vertical side walls are cut out (80-90 centimeters each).
  2. The support bars and crossbars are being prepared.
  3. Four fragments of 60-70 centimeters are cut out (these are shoe shelves).
  4. All workpieces are processed with sandpaper.
  5. The bars are attached to the side walls using self-tapping screws.
  6. Metal corners are attached to the rear ends of the product.
  7. Shelves are laid on fixed beams.
  8. After assembly, the product is varnished (if desired, with paint of any color).

A DIY wooden shoe rack can also become a comfortable ottoman. In the following video you will learn how this is possible:

From chipboard

Making your own shoe racks from chipboard is in many ways similar to the previous options. In addition to a screwdriver, drill and other standard tools, you will need:

  • mounting knife;
  • hex wrench;
  • square;
  • edge tape;
  • plugs;
  • screws;
  • confirmations.

The shelf can be made, or it can be made with rounded or straight ends. In general terms the process looks like this:

  1. The sidewalls are marked and cut out.
  2. With help grinder We get rid of chips and irregularities.
  3. Take a hot iron and cover the edges with special tape.
  4. Trim off the excess edge tape with a knife.
  5. We process the corners with fine-grained sandpaper.
  6. We make cuts (if the plan requires it) and assemble the product.

The following video will tell you how to create a shoe rack with your own hands from chipboard and pipes:

From laminate

You can create a minimalist and stylish shoe rack with your own hands using regular laminate. To do this, you will need laminate sheets (the quantity depends on the level of the shelf) and metal tubes with slots. The slots can be made with a grinder (using metal circles), and plastic plugs can be placed at the ends.

If desired, you can create frame structure up to the ceiling, but then you will have to think about additional fastenings to the wall.

The number of sections is limited only by your imagination and the size of the hallway.

Photo of laminate shoe racks

From slats

Not a bad solution for country house slats can serve. Having stocked up with the necessary amount of this material and a minimum set of tools (hammer, nails, screwdriver), you can assemble a shoe rack with your own hands from slats with two or three tiers in a short period of time. Let's list the advantages of such a shelf:

  • ease;
  • budget;
  • good ventilation;
  • practicality.

Shoe rack made of slats

From profile

You can also assemble a shoe rack with your own hands - from a profile, using also materials strained glass. From the tools you need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • glass cutter;
  • electric drill (with metal drills);
  • jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver

For your purposes, you can use a galvanized profile or a regular multi-colored one. The first will be more moisture resistant, the second will fit better into the chosen interior. A similar structure is mounted on the wall:

  1. The profile is applied to the wall and secured with one self-tapping screw.
  2. After this, take a level and check the horizontalness of the markings.
  3. The remaining screws are screwed in.
  4. The frame is mounted.
  5. Previously prepared glass shelves are installed.

Shoe rack in loft style

From boxes

Most a budget option- a shelf for shoes, assembled with your own hands from cardboard or cardboard boxes. It takes up little space and looks beautiful in a small hallway. Work procedure: do-it-yourself shoe rack made of cardboard

  1. The contours of the blanks are drawn on the box with a pencil.
  2. The blanks are cut out using a cardboard knife.
  3. Rectangles are folded into special boxes.
  4. The blanks are placed on top of each other, forming grooves for shoes.
  5. Fastening is carried out with staples.
  6. The shelf is mounted on the hallway wall and covered with decorative film.

Cardboard shoe rack

From pipes

To make this shelf, you can take water pipes plastic pipes- for example, those from which risers are installed in bathrooms. The tools you will need are a hacksaw. The procedure for assembling a shoe rack with your own hands from pipes is as follows:

  1. Sawing PVC pipes into equal segments - these will be the “boxes” of our shelf.
  2. Sand the edges with sandpaper.
  3. We cover the sections with decorative film.
  4. We fasten the sections together with plastic holders on both sides. The diameter of the pipes and the shape of the structure may vary. New cells can be easily integrated into the circuit if desired.

Pipe shoe rack

We do not suggest doing metalwork or going to a blacksmith. It’s quite easy to make a primitive metal shoe rack with your own hands - to do this you need to get an old, out-of-use stepladder. Procedure:

  1. A fragment of a stepladder is cut out, consisting of several “steps”.
  2. The edges are sanded.
  3. The fragment is fixed on the hallway wall.
  4. Plastic hooks are attached to the crossbars - shoes will hang on them.

Homemade shoe rack made of metal materials


For the simplest corner shelf For DIY shoes you will need MDF sheets, a jigsaw, a drill, drills and screws. It is advisable to have a pencil, a building level and a jar acrylic paint. The actions are:

  1. Two identical rectangles and several triangles are cut out (their number depends on the tiers).
  2. The rectangles are fastened with self-tapping screws, forming a corner structure.
  3. The same self-tapping screws are used to mount the corner shelves inside.
  4. The shelf is covered with acrylic.
  5. Now we put the shelf in the corner of the hallway and secure it with dowels to be sure.


To make a round shoe rack with your own hands, you will again need a jigsaw and MDF sheets. The shoe rack will have two tiers, so we will need to cut out three “round pieces”, the radius of which will correspond to the largest shoe size of your household. Further actions:

  1. Having dealt with the round blanks, you need to cut out rectangular ones (4 pieces).
  2. Grooves are cut in the middle of the rectangular blanks.
  3. Rectangles are inserted into each other, forming crosses.
  4. Using a screwdriver, the crosspieces are attached to round workpieces.
  5. The ends are sanded and covered with film.

Photo of a round shoe rack

I remembered the famous number from KVN about the married couple Igor and Lena. Lena has a lot of shoes; she has filled a whole closet with them. Igor begins to empty shoe boxes and is hilariously indignant at his wife’s irrationality and wastefulness. The audience laughs, the men give a standing ovation. Igor himself has one pair of shoes for all occasions. At the end of the number, sitting peacefully next to his wife, the husband utters the catchphrase:

I realized how many pairs of shoes a woman needs to be happy.

How many?

One more than she has.

To which Lena replies:

What lesson can be drawn from this story? You need to store your shoes correctly and carefully, and then no one will find out how much you have and why you need them in such quantities.

Now we will dwell on the problem of storing wearable shoes; in other words, we will tell you where to hide a bunch of shoes, slippers and boots from the corner of the hallway. Simple and rational decision- place it on the shoe shelf. The option of purchasing this piece of furniture in a store seems simple only at first glance. Such a small-sized item is not so easy to find; as a rule, it comes with a set of furniture for the hallway. Separately, it is not always possible to choose something suitable in size, design and wallet. But you can always do it yourself.

And here our imagination and skills acquired in labor lessons come to our aid.

There are a lot of options, let's look at some of them.

How to place shoes at home

First, you need to decide what you want, and most importantly, you can make a shelf for storing shoes. Different materials can be used for this; each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. A PVC product will be light in weight, easy to clean, because it can be easily washed, but in order to work with it you need a tool and skill. Wood is good for everyone, except that to work with it you need a tool, a place and at least basic knowledge of carpentry. Cardboard is easy to work with and convenient, but during use it can become deformed from pressure and moisture. Look at the options offered and decide which side you are on.

Shoe rack “Woodpile” made of PVC pipes

This option is suitable for placing indoor, summer and demi-season adult shoes or for any children's shoes. High boots will have to be placed separately.

  1. We purchase sewer pipe made of PVC, diameter 30 cm.
  2. Use a hacksaw to cut into sections 30–35 cm long, depending on the maximum size of shoes in the house. A length of 30 cm is enough for size 42. If you need more, attach the boot to the pipe and measure the required length.
  3. We sand the edges with fine sandpaper to make them smooth.
  4. Since the shelf is called a woodpile, we cover the pipe sections with wood-look wallpaper. If such a design does not fit into general concept hallway, choose a different pattern that is more suitable in style and color.
  5. We glue four blanks together epoxy glue, purchased in hardware store. We fix the row using clothespins, pliers or special clamps, if available.
  6. In the same way, we make two more rows of three blanks each.
  7. Let us make a reservation that here we offer one of many options for combining design fragments. If you wish, you can assemble a shoe rack of a different shape and size. There can be as many sections as you like, up to occupying the entire wall with them, if this is functionally justified (getting shoes out of high altitude It’s inconvenient, but you can place out-of-season or rarely used items there).
  8. We assemble a “woodpile” from three rows of cells in the following order: at the bottom and at the top there are rows of three sections, in the middle - of four. We put it against the wall.
  9. Voila, the original shoe rack is ready.

The “Woodpile” rack is good for everyone, but it would hardly suit Lena from KVN. After all, you can put exquisite stilettos in there, but somehow it’s not comme il faut. Especially for Lenin’s stilettos, there is a mega simple version of a shoe shelf called “Cornice”

Photo: Storage option “Cornice”

It is convenient to place high-heeled shoes on the ledge Unusual use of a cornice as a shelf for “studs” Any cornice is suitable for serving as a shoe shelf You can organize an entire shoe rack by attaching several curtain rods under each other.

  1. Take any window cornice and cut off part of the required length.
  2. Attach the cornice to the wall.
  3. We hook the shoes with the heels to the cornice and hang them up. It turns out to be a witty shelf for your favorite heels.

DIY wooden shelf “Bristles”

Making this shelf requires a little more work than the previous two.

It is made from plywood and shoe brushes.

  1. The first thing you need to determine is the length and width of the future shelf. In order to calculate the length as accurately as possible, you should take into account the parameters of the plywood and the number of brushes that you intend to place on this plywood. The width of this part of the shelf should be 5 cm greater than the width of the brush.
  2. Having decided on the parameters, we cut out 2 identical blanks.
  3. We connect them together with a “book” as shown in the picture.
  4. We drill holes on the long part of the shelf at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. We place the second board on its end and use screws to connect the two fragments. On the sides we attach a square of the same width from the same plywood.
  5. If the brushes have handles, cut off the handles. We straighten the edges of the cut using a file.
  6. We drill holes in each brush on both sides. Screw the brushes to inner surface shelves with bristles facing outwards, as shown in the photo. The first part of the shelf is ready.
  7. For the second part, we take a sheet of plywood and make it the same length as the first, and 35–40 cm wide, depending on the big size shoes in the house. Width 35 cm is designed for shoes size 43.
  8. We saw off another board of the same length, 15 cm wide.
  9. We attach the small board to the large one with screws so that we get a side (we drill holes in the large one 1 cm from the edge, attach the small one with the end and drive the screws into the holes on one side and into the end of the board on the other side).
  10. On the side opposite from the side, we drill 3 holes closer to the corners of the large board as follows: one hole on the long side, two on the short side. The distance between the holes depends on the width of the first part of the shelf with the brushes inside. Suppose the width of the shelf is 15 cm, then we make holes at a distance of 2.12 cm from the corner. On the long side we make an indent of 5 cm from the corner.
  11. Using screws, we assemble a shelf from two blanks.
  12. Paint the finished shelf in your favorite color. After the paint has dried, drill 2 holes in the central board and attach all this splendor to the wall.

Using the same principle, you can make a simpler version. Essentially, these are just two planks nailed to the wall parallel to each other at a close distance.

Shoe rack “Carousel”

If there is a person in the family who has the skills of a carpenter, has tools and a workshop, and at the same time, for some unknown reason, does not know how to make a shoe rack, show him this video. Everything looks easy and accessible on the screen. Just to get started you need to prepare: a sheet of plywood, nails, wood glue, turntables, paint.

Video: how to make a shelf from improvised means for storing shoes

And now, pay attention to the screen:

Simple production of pockets from cardboard “Guests on the threshold”

Anti-waiting cardboard is often used in making shoe storage sections. Although it sounds a little fantastic. The video shows how you can make durable and original pockets for storing slippers and summer shoes, armed only with a cardboard box from a vacuum cleaner, scissors and good glue. Even the most physically unprepared segments of the population - old people, women and children - can easily do such a thing. So, get it household appliances out of the boxes and start actively viewing.

Another cardboard version of a shoe rack from the “get creative with the kids” series.

Shoe rack “Triangle”

We take as a basis the same cardboard boxes, the design potential of which is as inexhaustible as an atom.

So, we need: cardboard boxes, colored wide tape, scissors, ruler, glue.

  1. We cut out a rectangle from cardboard with sides 45x35 cm, so that even a large shoe can find a home on the shelf.
  2. Using a ruler, make 2 folds at a distance of 15 cm from the edges of the long side.
  3. We cover the edge of the side from which the folds go vertically with tape - this will be the front façade of our section.
  4. We fold a triangle along the folds, paste it with tape on top along the edge, and also in several other places along the fold.
  5. In our case, we make a total of 13 sections in a similar way. You can vary this number in any direction at your discretion.
  6. We assemble the bottom row of the rack from four sections. We glue them together with tape. You can stop there, or you can glue a sheet of cardboard with glue to strengthen the structure, but this will not add elegance to your structure.
  7. We assemble the second row of five modules, fasten them together and tape them to the bottom row. And so on.

Attention! The peculiarity of cardboard structures is that you cannot store wet and dirty shoes in them.

Shoe cabinet “Magic box”

Do you live near a grocery store and are you annoyed by the stack of boxes outside your windows? Your husband bought a case of beer and now you have a drunk man, glass containers and an empty case in your house? Then you're in luck! Turn the drawer into a bedside table or shelf for storing shoes, because physical labor calms the nerves!

You can simply move a plastic box to the wall in the hallway, cover it with rubble and place dirty and wet boots and shoes in it. You can also use a tray with sides or a plastic tray for these purposes.

Several boxes are easily fastened together with a plastic clamp or ordinary wire, placed “on the butt”, moved towards the wall, or better yet, attached with the same wire to a pipe or some other protrusion, and now we have several sections for storing shoes or something more.

WITH wooden boxes you'll have to tinker a little.

  1. Sand the surface of the box with fine sandpaper.
  2. Cover with paint.
  3. Hang on the wall.

A wooden pallet can be used in the same way.