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» Grade for VPR in history. VPR in geography: everything a teacher and student need to know

Grade for VPR in history. VPR in geography: everything a teacher and student need to know

with the All-Russian Test Work (VPR).

Here you will find: Demo versions of work on geography and biology for grades 5 and 11 with answers. Description of the structure and evaluation criteria for all work. Key points related to the work procedure.

Good luck!!!



VLOOKUP in Geography: everything you need to know!

In 2017, VPRs will be conducted for graduates of 11th grade. According to the schedule approved by Rosobrnadzor, they will be held in April-May in five subjects, including geography and biology. Test options and an assessment system are developed at the federal level, which makes it possible to check the educational achievements of schoolchildren according to uniform criteria. The participation of schools in conducting educational training in the 11th grade is not mandatory; such a decision will be made by the school itself. educational organization. The VPR tasks will include for testing the most significant elements in each academic subject that are important for general development graduate and his life in society.

1. In 2017, the All-Russian Test Work in Geography is being carried out for the first time and is of an experimental and trial nature. This test was organized with the aim of creating a unified educational space in the Russian Federation.

2. Participation in the VPR is voluntary. The decision to participate is made first at the regional level and then at each school individually. It is worth understanding that refusal to participate may be regarded as an attempt to hide the results of studying in geography

3. The task of regional management structures: collect applications from schools, order required quantity control and measuring materials (CMM) and transfer them to the school. Schools organize the conduct of the VPR independently.

4. The order of the ministry determines the date of the work and the time allotted for writing it. The school sets the start time at its discretion.

5. Conducting a VPR does not imply the presence of an outside supervisory observer, but any school or region can introduce it at their own request.

6. There are no restrictions on the use of sources of geographic information that students may need while doing their work. You can bring atlases with you, or you can use those in the geography classroom.

7. Work checks school teacher. The CIMs that the school receives are accompanied by recommendations and evaluation criteria. The teacher informs students of grades and, if necessary, analyzes errors. Individually or in a general consultation. All students' grades are recorded in personal account schools on the VPR portal.

8. Students cannot refuse to participate in the VPR if this test is conducted at their school. Those high school students who choose geography to take the Unified State Exam do not have to write a paper.

9. The VPR does not affect the student’s final grade, is not part of the final state certification, but in the future it can become a test, based on the results of which admission to certification will be carried out.

10. On at this stage The status of the student is not high, so the student cannot appeal.

11. The school itself chooses which grade students will write the work, 10th or 11th. This may be influenced by the factor whether the subject is studied in 11th grade.

12. Writing a VPR does not require any special preparation. Its task is to evaluate the so-called “residual knowledge” with which students go into life.

13. How to prepare a student for work? It is important to understand that there can be no talk of any coaching. The types of tasks are the same, but the questions themselves are fundamentally different. To prevent questions from coming as a surprise, it is necessary to familiarize students with demo version work. It is available on the FIPI website. These are not simulators, but an example of how the work is formed.

14. The VPR contains 17 questions, 5 of which are classified as of increased complexity. The essence of increased complexity is that this particular knowledge was not given at school, but if you have a basic level of training in the subject and the ability to analyze available information, you can cope with it. That is, they are not checked specialized knowledge, and the ability to work with sources (in particular withatlases ), use the information to find the answer.

15. Topics are selected based on mandatory school curriculum: Sources of geographic information (1 task), World population (2 tasks), World economy (4 tasks), Geoecology and environmental management (2 tasks), Countries and regions of the world (2 tasks), Geography of Russia (6 tasks).

16. To successfully complete the work, the student must know: the meaning of basic theoretical concepts; geographical features of nature, population, economy and regions of the Russian Federation; geographical specificity individual countries and regions of the world, their differences in the level of socio-economic development; specialization of countries in the system of international geographical division of labor.
The student must be able to: compare geographic Maps various topics; assess the resource availability of individual countries and regions of the world; highlight the essential features of geographical objects and phenomena; use geographic knowledge and skills to identify differences in time; analyze and evaluate different territories from the point of view of the relationship between natural, socio-economic and man-made processes and phenomena; evaluate international events; identify and compare geographic trends in the development of processes and phenomena.

17. All questions have different wording. Therefore, the types of answers will be different: a short answer in the form of a word; establishing compliance; inserting terms from the proposed list into the text; selecting several correct answers from the proposed list; establishing the correct sequence of elements; detailed free answer.

18. For each basic question, the student receives 1 point, for a question of increased complexity - 2 points. Thus, the maximum number of points that can be obtained for a work is 22. How to convert points into the usual five-point grading system at the trial stage is decided by the teacher who checks the work, but you can use the recommendation, which offers the following breakdown: 18-22 points are equal to a grade “5”, 13-17 - rating “4”, 7-12 - rating “3”, 0-6 - rating “2”.



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Item4th grade5th grade6th grade7th gradeGrade 11
Russian languageApril 15−1925th of AprilApril 23April 9
MathematicsApril 22−26April 2325th of AprilApril 18th
The worldApril 22−26
Story April 1611 April25th of AprilMarch 13
Biology April 18thApril 1611 April21 March
Geography April 9April 16March 12
Foreign languages April 25th of March
Chemistry March 14th
Physics April 23March 19
Social science April 18thApril, 4

Order of Rosobrnadzor.

The purpose of the VPR in a foreign language (English, German, French) is to assess the level of general educational training of secondary school graduates general education studying a foreign language (English, German, French) in basic level.

The written part of the work consists of 18 tasks. The answer to each of tasks 1–5, 6, 13–18 is a number or sequence of numbers. The answer to each of tasks 7–12 is a grammatical form consisting of one or more words
The oral part of the work contains 2 tasks, each of which requires a free answer. The first task requires you to read aloud a fragment of text; in the second task - describe the photograph. The second task is alternative: the graduate must choose one of three proposed photographs and complete the task only regarding this photo.


Difficulty levels of tasks: B - basic (approximate level of completion - 60-90%);
P - increased (40-60%).

Job No. Tested activities, skills and abilities Task difficulty level Maximum score for completing the task
1 Carry out a phonetic analysis of the word; conduct morphemic analysis of words; carry out morphological analysis of the word; carry out syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences P
1 Listening: understanding the requested information in the listened text P 1
3 Listening: understanding the requested information in the listened text P 1
4 Listening: understanding the requested information in the listened text P 1
5 Listening: understanding the requested information in the listened text P 1
6 Reading: understanding the main content of the text B 5
7 Grammar skills B 1
8 Grammar skills B 1
9 Grammar skills B 1
10 Grammar skills B 1
11 Grammar skills B 1
12 Grammar skills B 1
13 B 1
14 Lexico-grammatical skills B 1
15 Lexico-grammatical skills B 1
16 Lexico-grammatical skills B 1
17 Lexico-grammatical skills B 1
18 Lexico-grammatical skills B 1
19 Meaningful reading of text aloud B 3
20 Thematic monologue statement (description of the selected photograph) B 7

The written part of the work consists of 18 tasks. The answer to each of tasks 1–5, 6, 13–18 is a number or sequence of numbers. The answer to each of tasks 7–12 is a grammatical form consisting of one or more words.
Each of tasks 1–5, 6, 13–18 is considered completed correctly if the number or sequence of numbers is indicated correctly. Each of tasks 7–12 is considered completed correctly if the grammatical form, consisting of one or more words, is correctly indicated. The answer to tasks 7–12 is considered incorrect if the grammatical form contains a spelling error. At the same time, in the VPR in English it is allowed to use the American spelling norm in English And continuous writing compound (analytical) grammatical forms. In VPR by French the absence of diacritics (accent aigu, accent grave, accent circonflexe, tréma, cédille) and continuous writing of compound (analytical) grammatical forms are allowed. In VPR by German language the absence of a diacritic mark (umlaut) is allowed.
The tasks of the oral part of the VPR are assessed depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer in accordance with the assessment criteria.
The points received by graduates for completing all tasks are summed up.

Not long ago, Russian educational practice was replenished with an innovation in the form of All-Russian knowledge cross-sections (or testing works). VPR - control events organized to certify the knowledge of schoolchildren in several subjects, based on the requirements of the Federal educational standards. Conducting a knowledge test is possible both centrally (at the regional level) and within an individual school.

The main rule is a standardized approach when writing assignments and determining assessment criteria. Of course, writing a VPR is not as scary as passing the final exam certification. However, both students and teachers experience serious stress during the testing period. The results of the VPR do not go to the table - they are used by specialists from educational departments to modernize programs for school disciplines, updating teaching methods, as well as assessing the performance of individual schools and teachers.

VPR is a test for high school students who are already busy preparing for the Unified State Exam

Like any test, VPR presupposes certain preparation, including psychological preparation. So let's find out what the essence of this event is, and also discuss the main organizational issues and features of the verification work carried out in 2019.

Why do you need a VLOOKUP slice?

As already mentioned, the practice of conducting CPR for Russian schoolchildren was introduced quite recently - the first session of this certification test was held in 2016. Not everyone took part in the experiment then. Russian schools. Literally a year later, the VPR covered 40,000 schools with 3 million students – which is approximately 95% of all secondary schools. educational institutions countries. In 2019, the coverage rate will be increased to 100%.

It is important that the VPR refers to mandatory certification events of an all-Russian nature. The results of this test will show the level of knowledge of a particular student, class, parallel or school, and will also demonstrate professional level teachers who teach children. Like any innovation, VPR is constantly subject to criticism. The dissatisfied are in all categories of people involved in this event.

Moms and dads of eleventh graders are indignant about the fact that in last years the number of controls is constantly increasing. The current list includes 6 items, and it is possible that another one will be added to them in 2019. In addition, the VPR is written before the Unified State Examination, so graduates need to devote time to both the exam disciplines and those that will be taken to the VPR. So far, the Ministry of Education and Science does not allow schools to conduct educational training on the entire list, but who knows what may change in the future.

The second point outrages both teachers and parents. It concerns the lack of a unified manual for preparing for the test. In particular, not so long ago, during a biology lesson, a real scandal broke out, as fifth-graders were faced with questions that are usually studied in the 6th or even 7th grade. Rosobrnadzor reported that each school follows its own curriculum and textbook, selected from a list of 12 publications accredited by the Ministry of Education, so in some schools these issues did not cause difficulties.

One of the main problems of VPR is that the test questions may not be compiled according to the textbooks that a particular school used

Rosobnadzor itself is also dissatisfied with the procedure for conducting the VPR. The agency is concerned about the transparency of control activities. There have been cases when the results of a math test in regular school from the Russian outback, whose students pass the mathematical Unified State Exam quite averagely, were an order of magnitude higher than in a specialized school in a large metropolis. All because teachers, fearing large quantity twos, gave the students answers to the problems. It is likely that in 2019 the department will tighten the procedure by banning teachers from being in the classroom during teaching sessions and sending independent observers to schools.

What items are submitted to the VPR?

The number and list of items for VPR are not the same for different classes. Current lists of educational programs include the following school disciplines:

  • VPR for 2nd grade: second-graders write test papers on the subject “Russian language”;
  • VPR for 4th grade: this parallel should show mathematical knowledge, as well as write a VPR on the Russian language and subject " the world" Previously, the school could choose one or two of the listed subjects, but in 2019, all of them may become mandatory for the VPR;
  • VPR for 5th grade: fifth-graders will need to prepare for tests of knowledge in mathematics and biology, as well as prove themselves in history or Russian. The school itself can determine which subjects to submit for control - only Russian is on the list of compulsory ones, but it is possible that history will also become the second compulsory subject;
  • VPR for 6th grade: for this parallel, management can select a VPR from a list that includes Russian, mathematics, social studies, biology, history or geography. The relevant department is still discussing the “mandatory” nature of the disciplines. There is a possibility that in 2019, the status of compulsory will be assigned to the Russian language, mathematics or social studies, and maybe to all three subjects;
  • VPR for 10th grade: Previously, this parallel wrote papers testing knowledge of the subjects “chemistry” and “biology”. The VPR in astronomy may also become an innovation. Most likely, the first tests on this subject will take place in 2019. Schools may be given the right to choose whether to write a test in the 10th grade or the 11th;
  • VPR for 11th grade: The educational department approved sections in biology and history, as well as the conduct of a practical training course in chemistry, block foreign languages, geography and physics. Let us remind you that geography can be included as a subject for higher education earlier - in the 10th grade. Schools are excluded learning programs which are designed so that the teaching of geography ends in the penultimate grade. Also in 2019, astronomy may be introduced.

Briefly about the VPR regulations

All schools in Russia are required to:

  • conduct test papers, adhering to a specific schedule. The schedule is created centrally so that each subject is written on its own day;
  • organize a control event, adhering to a certain time schedule - fourth-graders are supposed to work with measuring materials for 45 minutes, 5th-graders are given an hour, and eleventh-graders are given 1 hour and 30 minutes;
  • ensure control while writing test papers - schoolchildren should not be able to look at textbooks, notebooks or cheat sheets.

Maintaining discipline and stopping attempts to cheat from a mobile phone or cheat sheet is the direct responsibility of school staff during the educational process.

Converting points for VPR into grades

School management has the right to decide how to use the results of the VPR. Based on them, general conclusions can be drawn about the condition educational process, or to set marks based on the results of control events, which will become the final or quarter results of the student. The school has the right to develop its own translation scale, which it will use for assessments of 11th grade students, but for measuring the knowledge of 4th and 5th grades it is recommended to use unified approach, developed by Rosobrnadzor.

Converting math grades

  • For 4th grade: from 0 to 5 points – “two”, from 6 to 9 – “three”, from 10 to 12 – “four”, from 13 to 18 – “five”;
  • For 5th grade: from 0 to 6 points – “two”, from 7 to 10 – “three”, from 11 to 14 – “four”, from 15 to 20 – “five”.

Translation of grades in Russian

  • For 4th grade: from 0 to 13 points – “two”, from 14 to 23 – “three”, from 24 to 32 – “four”, from 33 to 38 – “five”;
  • For 5th grade: from 0 to 17 points – “two”, from 18 to 28 – “three”, from 29 to 38 – “four”, from 39 to 45 – “five”.

Translation of assessments for the surrounding world

  • For 4th grade: from 0 to 7 points – “two”, from 8 to 17 – “three”, from 18 to 25 – “four”, from 26 to 31 – “five”.

Translation of biology grades

  • For 5th grade: from 0 to 9 points – “two”, from 10 to 13 – “three”, from 14 to 18 points – “four”, from 19 to 22 – “five”.

Translation of history marks

  • For 5th grade: from 0 to 3 points – “two”, from 4 to 7 – “three”, from 8 to 11 – “four”, from 12 to 15 – “five”.

VPR schedule for 2019

Unlike graduates, junior schoolchildren take the VPR at the beginning of the year

As of today, it is not known exactly when the knowledge tests will take place in 2019. Usually the approved schedule appears closer to the beginning of the next school year. However, based on the practice of past years, it is possible to predict the approximate time for carrying out a cross-section of knowledge.

It is not recommended for schools to mark students for completing CDFs. However, many are interested in the question of converting VPR points into a grade. The answer can be found in demo versions of VPR 2018 for 4th grade published on the official website of the VPR StatGrad. Here is the scale of test scores for 2018:

Scale for converting VPR 2018 points into grades for grade 4

Item 2 3 4 5 Evaluation criteria
(see the end of the sample)
mathematics 0-5 6-9 10-12 13-18 download
Russian language 0-13 14-23 24-32 33-38 download
the world 0-7 8-17 18-26 27-32 download

The VPR evaluation criteria can be found in the demo version.

No special preparation is required for the test. The controlled content is reflected in the textbooks included in the Federal List of Textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general education that have state accreditation.

The conversion of VPR 2018 points into grades for 4th grade is almost the same as in 2017, with the exception of the world around us, where the maximum score has been increased to 38 (from 37).

Performance evaluation system individual tasks VPR in mathematics And test work generally.

Each correctly completed task 1, 2, 4, 5 (item 1), 5 (item 2), 6 (item 1), 6 (item 2), 7, 9 (item 1), 9 (item 2) is scored 1 point .

The task is considered completed correctly if the student gave the correct answer: wrote down the correct number, the correct value, drew the correct picture.

Completion of tasks 3, 8, 10, 11 is assessed from 0 to 2 points.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks in the Russian language and testing work in general.

Correctly completed work is scored 38 points. Completion of task 1 is assessed according to criteria from 0 to 7 points. The answer to each of tasks 2, 7, 12, 13, 15 is scored from 0 to 3 points. Answers to task 3 for point 1) are scored from 0 to 1 point, for point 2) - from 0 to 3 points.

A system for assessing the completion of individual tasks of the VPR in the surrounding world and testing work in general.

Correctly completed work is scored 32 points. The correct answer to each of tasks 3.2, 4, 6.1 and 6.2 is worth 1 point. A complete correct answer to each of tasks 2, 3.1 is scored 2 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra number written or one required number not written), 1 point is given; if two or more mistakes are made - 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 3.3 is worth 3 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra number written or one required number not written), 2 points are awarded; if two errors are made - 1 point, more than two errors - 0 points.

Answers to tasks 1, 5, 6.3–10 are assessed according to the criteria. A complete correct answer to each of tasks 1, 5, 6.3 is scored 2 points, to tasks 7–9 - 3 points, to task 10 - 6 points. The answer to each of tasks 4, 6, 8, 11 is scored from 0 to 2 points. The correct answer to each of tasks 5, 9, 10, 14 is worth 1 point.