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» Determination of a person's psychological type. Psychotypes of people

Determination of a person's psychological type. Psychotypes of people

We've been doing this since childhood, but it's a waste of time. You just need to know that there are human psychotypes, then identify yours and come to terms with them. This can't be fixed. Knowing the psychotype of your interlocutor, you can easily adapt to his style of communication and accept him for who he is.

What are they like?

So, human psychotypes are of four types. They are familiar to many: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and are established from birth and are practically resistant to change with age. A person can understand himself and accept the surrounding reality, but this will not change his temperament. A choleric person may learn to hide his emotions, but he will not stop being a choleric person. Now try to recognize yourself in the following descriptions.

You are choleric if...

You are not afraid to show your emotions, your mood often changes. You move sharply and quickly, talk loudly. You grab onto a new business, but soon give it up. You quickly become exhausted, wasting energy on trifles. You do not tolerate monotony; you can quickly get bored with any task. First of all, you value communication with people, although many acquaintances consider you an unbalanced person, but strong and powerful.

You are sanguine if...

Are you full vitality and energy, it’s a pleasure for everyone around you to communicate with you. Your emotions are very bright and strong, but do not carry negativity. There is harmony and tranquility within you. You - broad soul man, you go through any trouble easily and forget grievances quickly. You work with passion, for a long time, trying to do everything at once. You often change your occupation, you are dominated by good mood. You have many friends, you speak quickly and loudly, in this you are very similar to choleric people.

Are you melancholic if...

You are sad and waste sadness around you. You are very vulnerable, even with a small trifle. Anything can hurt you to the core. You are of thin build, constantly fussing, nervous, and do not know how to control your own emotions. You are very impressionable, you believe everyone around you, but at the same time you are very afraid of being disappointed in people and are constantly disappointed. You believe in horoscopes, predictions, and often visit doctors with or without reason. You have difficulty making decisions, preferring to follow the orders of your boss.

Are you a phlegmatic person if...

You are leisurely and do not show emotions. Your speech is monotonous and homogeneous, it is difficult to communicate with you, you are closed and reserved. You accumulate negativity for a long time in order to suddenly throw it out on someone. Friends say about you that you are a thorough person. Your actions convey confidence and determination. Although decisions are difficult, they are final and there is no turning back. Everything new causes a state of discomfort; you avoid awkward situations and new acquaintances.

Fifth type

Of course, human psychotypes are mixed in each of us in different proportions. Some are more phlegmatic with a touch of sanguine, others are choleric-melancholic. Few people fit perfectly into just one description. 4 human psychotypes are mixed, and this temperament is laid down at birth. So we can say with confidence that we all have the fifth type, mixed.

How to determine a person’s psychotype

There are many tests to find out who you really are. Here is the simplest one. There are 5 shapes in front of you: square, circle, triangle, rectangle and zigzag. Choose the one that suits you best. So, square people are good performers, triangles are leaders, circles are Good friends, zigzags are creative individuals, and rectangles are doubtful individuals. Human psychotypes are a complex branch of psychology, which includes many aspects, but you can understand yourself throughout your life; it will never cease to be interesting and informative.

According to the most bright features character inherent in seemingly different people, psychologists combine them into several groups called psychotypes. There are many classifications of psychotypes, because each psychologist who studies them has his own criteria. Therefore, they are all rather arbitrary and subjective.

Psychotypes of people

For example, German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified the following psychotypes:

1. Hyperactive

Here he included energetic, proactive, sociable, talkative, optimistic people who cannot stand monotony and loneliness. These are people of action. On the one hand, they are a godsend for the employer and the soul of any company. But on the other hand, it is not easy to deal with such people, because they are authoritarian, they put their own opinion above all else, do not recognize other people’s rules, which is why they often come into conflict with those who disagree with them or try to put them in a framework .

2. Dysthymic

People of this type are the opposite of the previous one. They are laconic, withdrawn, slow and passive. Large and noisy companies are not for them. They are selective in choosing friends, so their social circle is quite small, but it includes people whom they trust and with whom they feel comfortable.

People of the disthymic psychotype prefer to be led, but they do not blindly follow everyone who claims to be a leader. They obey only those in whom they feel sympathy and trust.

Distimniks avoid conflicts and certainly do not initiate them. They can be entrusted with painstaking work that requires perseverance and attentiveness - work that people of a hyperactive psychotype do not tolerate.

3. Cycloid

As the name suggests, the behavior of these people is cyclical and depends on their mood. If it is bad, they are silent and withdrawn, like people of the dysthymic psychotype. If they are good, they are talkative and sociable, like a hyperactive person.

4. Excitable

You won’t envy someone who lives next door, works or is a relative of a person belonging to an excitable psychotype. At a time when he is calm, you can communicate with him, but this state of his is short-lived. He gets excited easily - and then be careful!

He is irritated by other people's children, animals, views, practices. It seems to him that he is being ignored, offended, and disrespected. And then he gives vent to irritation and anger, grumbles, enters into conflicts, so they try to avoid him if possible.

5. Stuck

Suspicious, touchy, vindictive, vain and incredibly boring. Thanks to these qualities, people of this type are often the initiators of conflicts.

6. Pedantic

Bureaucrats are about people of this psychotype. They love order and precision in everything and sometimes simply harass others with their demands. Employers treat them favorably, but others shun them, considering them boring and annoying, preferring people who are brighter and more interesting.

7. Anxious

The name of this psychotype speaks for itself: these people are timid, indecisive and lacking initiative. IN difficult situations, when making decisions they need support and support. They are characterized by a minor, depressing mood. They are often sad, depressed, melancholic. Loss of spirit, depression, despondency are a common state for them. In a team, they are often chosen as extreme ones - the so-called scapegoats.

8. Emotive

The name comes from the word emotional - emotional. People of this psychotype are impressionable, sensitive, kind-hearted, compassionate and responsive. The main place in their lives is occupied by feelings and experiences. They are efficient and very responsible.

9. Demonstrative

People of the demonstrative psychotype love to be the center of attention and consider themselves the standard of behavior. They are sociable, but at the same time they love intrigue and gossip. Still would! After all, by intriguing and pitting others against each other, they themselves catch fish in muddy water: achieve what they want. Namely - leadership and power. They imitate active activity more than they actually develop it.

10. Exalted

These are people with bright and sincere feelings and experiences. The simplest things and events evoke in them unbridled delight and a violent emotional reaction. They often overestimate both their own appearance, abilities and capabilities, and these same qualities in other people.

But their enthusiasm and liveliness are easily replaced by despair, melancholy and despondency if something does not go the way they would like. What other people perceive as a slight disappointment becomes a disaster for people of an exalted psychotype.

A sharply changing mood - from stormy delight to sudden depression - is the main sign of an exalted person. By the way, people of this type are often the owners of good taste, who make outstanding artists, designers, etc.

They are amorous, affectionate, compassionate and talkative. Due to imbalance, they tend to panic.

11. Extroverted

People belonging to this psychotype are united by sociability and sociability. They have many friends and acquaintances, they are talkative, but they also know how to listen carefully. They avoid conflicts or play a passive role in them. They are efficient, but somewhat frivolous and easily fall under the influence of others.

12. Introverted

These people are reserved, reserved, they are prone to philosophizing and loneliness. They are principled and stubborn, they insist on their own even when they know that they are wrong. They are credited with emotional coldness and lack of attachment to anyone.

Having become familiar with each psychotype, you can identify your own and correct some of your character traits that interfere with your work and personal life. It is worth noting that there is hardly any “pure” psychotype. Each person usually recognizes himself in two, three, or even more psychotypes.


Another interesting division of people into psychotypes was proposed by the American psychologist Susan Dellinger. Psychogeometry is the name of its theory. What does geometry have to do with it? According to Susan Dellinger's theory, each person is associated with a certain geometric figure. Of course, here, too, there is no “pure” psychotype, but a mixed one, in which one main type predominates. So these are circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and zigzags.


These are the people who are called the life of the party: they are cheerful, sociable and optimistic. Not a single event, be it a corporate party, someone’s birthday or an ordinary get-together, takes place without their active participation.

They are good psychologists, they are trusted, people come to them to “cry”, get support and useful advice. They don’t have enough “live” communication, that’s why they are regulars social networks, where they have many friends with whom they maintain active correspondence.

Circle people adore wildlife: they get pets, which become almost full-fledged members of the family, and plant flowers. And thanks to these hobbies, they find like-minded people and further expand their circle of acquaintances.

The disadvantages of circle people include a dislike of order and some dependence on the opinions of others, as a result of which they often fall under outside influence.

Triangle people

It is Triangle people who most often occupy leadership positions in business, politics and other areas of life, because they quickly make decisions and are not afraid to take responsibility. They grasp new information on the fly, know how to operate on it, and are able to simultaneously perform or control the execution of several tasks. It is impossible not to obey their orders: they give them quickly, clearly and competently.

It's no wonder that triangle people prefer expensive things, emphasizing the status of their owner, be it clothes, a car, a smartphone, alcohol, etc.

These people do not tolerate objections; they are somewhat despotic and vain.

Square people

These are neat people and pedants. They do not allow themselves to be sloppy in anything: their things do not scream about status, they may be unfashionable and inexpensive, but they are always in perfect order. The same can be said about their workplace: here everything is always in its place. When buying a car or other necessary things, square people primarily consider practicality.

They make good administrators, accountants, business executives, and officials. Numbers, documents, orders, instructions - what bores others, their element, where they feel like a fish in water. They are efficient, reliable, calm and not prone to open expression of emotions.

Rectangle people

These are people with unstable psyches. When everything turns out the way they would like, they are filled with joy and love: “Life is good!” But here white stripe changes to black, and their mood changes dramatically. They do not know how to cope with troubles and failures.

They give up, and from cheerful optimists they instantly turn into gloomy pessimists and whiners. Their self-esteem changes just as quickly: it either rapidly soars or falls just as rapidly. Their mood can be judged by the state of their desktop: there is something on it perfect order, it's a blatant mess.

They are somewhat childish, immature and do not have strong convictions of their own. Their opinion fluctuates like a weather vane in the wind, depending on the opinions of others. They tend to copy not only other people's opinions, but also behavior, habits, and preferences. For example, when buying a car, they are not guided by their own interests, but pay attention to what brand other people choose. In the same way, they copy someone else’s style in clothing and manners, because due to lack of self-confidence they are not able to define their own.

According to Susan Dellinger, all psychogeometric types under stress become like rectangular people.

Zigzag people

Inventive, creative, emotional, fiery - this is how people of this psychotype can be characterized. Their behavior is unusual and impossible to predict. They are unusual in everything: in the way they speak, dress, and decorate their home. Zigzag people, as a rule, choose creative professions. They like to be different from everyone else and attract everyone's attention. These people, for the most part, are flighty and fickle.

A little humor

You can determine your psychotype by reading the description of each of them. But Susan Dellinger also suggests two funny tests.

In accordance with first need from the five above geometric shapes select and draw three. The first one, which a person will portray, will determine his main psychotype. The next two figures he drew will show additional character traits, because, as you know, people are not “pure” psychotypes, but mixed ones, with a predominance of one.

In second The test asks you to answer 5 questions and, depending on the answer, determine your psychogeometric type.

So, we get on the bus and:

  1. We quickly take empty seats for ourselves and our companion, after which we continue the cheerful conversation, involving others in it;
  2. we choose a better place, then go deep into our thoughts and stubbornly do not notice anyone until we reach our stop;
  3. are looking for free place. If we find one, we sit down; if there is none, we calmly ride while standing;
  4. we feel uncomfortable because we would prefer a taxi;
  5. We stop near the driver without wanting to go into the middle of the bus. We willingly enter into conversation both with him and with the other passengers.

In the first case, a circle man got on the bus, in the second - a triangle, in the third - a square, in the fourth - a rectangle and in the fifth - a zigzag.

All people are similar, but at the same time, each of us is an individual. For many years, psychologists have tried to find certain traits in people's personalities that could be used to classify them into groups. And today there are several options for such classifications. Doctors have found that patients belonging to certain groups are more prone to certain diseases, show a predilection for certain types of activities, and behave in certain situations in a similar way. Therefore, the topic of our conversation today will be human psychotypes, general characteristics people on them.

It is worth noting that different psychological schools can define psychotypes differently. At the same time, most experts agree that most often people are a mixture of several psychotypes. But sometimes you can meet individuals with similar characteristic features psyche, traits, behavior and manifestations. Most of us know only a couple of basic personality types, and these are perhaps the most popular of them. But in fact, there are quite a few different psychotypes, and different scientists have different approaches to defining them. Let's consider one of the options for classifying psychotypes - according to Leonhard.

Psychotypes of people - characteristics according to Leonhard

Hyperthymic type

Such people are extremely active and have strong sociability. They appear emotional and talkative. When talking, people with this psychotype use all kinds of means of expression: gestures, facial expressions and pantomime. When talking they tend to move away initial theme conversations and actively talk about something else - completely abstract. Basic positive features such people: pleasant energy and initiative, optimism in life, as well as a thirst for activity (activity). However, there are also negative personality traits: frivolity, a tendency to extravagant actions and conflicts due to a frivolous attitude towards responsibilities. Such people have difficulty succumbing to the need to adhere to rules, do monotonous work, and they also cannot stand loneliness.

Dysthymic type

Such people are withdrawn, they feel discomfort in large and noisy companies. They avoid conflicts and are not inclined to start them. People with a dysthymic personality type are taciturn and have a heightened sense of justice. They are followers and have practically no friends. People with this psychotype are excellent workers for monotonous and routine activities; they look sluggish, slow and passive.

Cycloid type

With this psychotype, people are completely influenced by their mood, which can literally change with the wind. If their mood is excellent, they become sociable and emotional, and if they are in a bad mood, they become withdrawn and irritable. They may exhibit features of the types already described above: hyperthymic or dysthymic.

Excitable type

With this type of personality, people are gloomy, uncommunicative and withdrawn. They have slow reactions, a tendency to be rude and curse. Such people can often get into conflicts, and may even become their main instigators. In the team they are usually disliked and even shunned. In the family, individuals with this psychotype are despotic and domineering. However, being in a calm emotional state, such people are careful and love animals and children. But when they are in a state of excitement, they become hot-tempered and lose control of themselves.

Stuck type

Such people tend to remain silent a lot. And in communication they look like terrible bores and love to read moral teachings. They can provoke conflicts and become the worst bosses. Such people are accustomed to setting inflated demands on themselves and those around them. They are distinguished by vindictiveness, distrust, jealousy and pride.

Pedantic type

Such people are bureaucrats and pedants. They easily give way to leadership to others, and do not like to stick their neck out. With this psychotype, people tend to harass loved ones with demands for order in the house. They become excellent partners for business - serious and reliable, but in other situations they look like terrible bores and formalists.

Anxious type

These are eternally depressed people, not inclined to take initiative, passive and uncommunicative. During conflicts, they try to find support and support. Such people are quite friendly and self-critical, but they are often disliked in the team.

Emotive type

Such people love to communicate exclusively with a select few who understand each other literally. They try to keep all grievances and emotions within themselves, can sympathize with the troubles of other people, have an excessive sense of ownership and high efficiency. The main repulsive trait of their character is excessive sensitivity and tearfulness.

Demonstrative type

These people always try to be the center of attention, wanting leadership, praise, and also power. They look soft and sociable, but they can put a knife in the back. They can safely be called major intriguers and gossip collectors. At work they can take non-standard solutions, but are distinguished by selfishness, boasting and hypocrisy.

Exalted type

Such people are distinguished by high contact and communication skills. They are ardent debaters, but are not inclined to enter into open conflicts. Such people seem especially romantic; they quickly and often fall in love, but also quickly cool down towards the object of passion. But at the same time, with an exalted psychotype, individuals are usually strongly attached to their relatives and show the ability to sympathize with the troubles of others. Such people are especially susceptible to momentary impulses; they often create panic out of the blue.

Extroverted type

Such individuals are often surrounded by a significant number of people; they may concede leadership, but are particularly talkative and even talkative. But at the same time, individuals with an extroverted psychotype can listen carefully to their interlocutor and carry out various requests and instructions. They are subject to the influence of others, tend to commit frivolous and even rash acts, love to party and have fun in different ways.

Introverted type

Such people are the complete opposite of the previous psychotype. They are thinkers and philosophers, look reserved and rarely attend various noisy gatherings. They are not at all inclined to conflict, unless their personal space is encroached upon. Such individuals rarely become attached to people, show stubbornness in their beliefs, have their own point of view on everything and stubbornly defend it. Their main positive traits– this is restraint, as well as integrity.

Traditional treatment

Some features of psychotypes cause a lot of inconvenience to the person himself. Thus, a tendency to enter into conflicts, aggressiveness and nervousness can cause problems in work and personal life. Depression, excessive anxiety and unsociability can also interfere with normal life. Coping with such character traits is very difficult, but in some cases recipes can be helpful traditional medicine.

To eliminate or reduce anxiety, aggressiveness and nervousness, you can periodically drink mint tea or mint infusion. Brew a teaspoon of crushed leaves with a glass of just boiled water. Boil this product over low heat for ten minutes. Strain the finished drink and drink half a glass twice a day. This tea can be sweetened with honey.

To improve your mood, eliminate nervousness and aggressiveness, you can prepare a medicine based on birch leaves. Pour one hundred grams of crushed young leaves with half a liter of warm, pre-boiled water. Infuse this medicine for six hours, then strain and squeeze out the plant material. Take half a glass of the prepared drink three times a day shortly before meals.

In case of constant depression, passivity and increased tearfulness, you can prepare a medicine based on the following collection. Combine equal parts of thyme, St. John's wort, as well as yarrow, catnip and lemongrass berries. Brew four tablespoons of this mixture with half a liter of just boiled water and leave in a thermos for an hour. Drink half a glass of the strained drink in the morning and evening.

Having information about psychotypes and their characteristics, you will know what to expect from this or that person, and how best to communicate with him.

Well-known psychological types were identified and described by the Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst C. G. Jung.

His theory about “introversion - extraversion”, as well as about the four types of perception of the world, has developed and continues to develop.

Psychological personality types proposed by Jung:

  • Personality types depending on the vector of its orientation:
  1. An extrovert is a person psychologically oriented to the outside world; sociable, active, active.
  2. - a person focused on inner world; closed, sensitive, reasonable.
  • Psychological types depending on the predominant way of perceiving life, in other words, on the main mental function:
  1. Thinking type - a person who primarily relies on logic and thinking when making decisions. The sphere of feelings is suppressed.
  2. The feeling type is a person focused on, judges in terms of “good - bad”, and not logically.
  3. The sensing type is a person who perceives life directly through the senses; he looks, listens, touches and makes decisions based on the information he receives. it is suppressed.
  4. Intuitive type - a person who relies on the “sixth” sense; such people make decisions based on intuitive, unconscious knowledge, rather than on direct sensations.

Based on Jung's typology, in the seventies and eighties of the last century, Soviet sociologist A. Augustinavichiute developed one of the most detailed and reliable personal typologies and became the founder scientific direction called "socionics".

  • A. E. LICHKO

Another Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko, observing teenagers, identified psychological types that describe the types of character accentuations. Accentuation is an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, psychological deviations bordering on psychopathology, but not beyond the norm.

  1. In adolescence, the crisis age, accentuation manifests itself most pronouncedly.
  2. Later, the character “smoothes out”, and accentuation appears only in times of crisis.

The German scientist K. Leonhard proposed a similar classification, but did not limit it to the puberty period. The classification is based on an assessment of a person’s communication style with his close environment.

Psychological types according to K. Leonhard:

  1. Hyperthymic. Optimistic, sociable, proactive, active, conflict-ridden, irritable, frivolous.
  2. Disthymic. Pessimistic, silent, withdrawn, non-conflict, conscientious, fair.
  3. Cycloid. Changeable type, combining hyperthymia and dysthymia.
  4. Excitable. Slow, irritable, gloomy, domineering, conscientious, neat, loving animals and children.
  5. Stuck. , inquisitive, fair, ambitious, touchy, suspicious, jealous.
  6. Pedantic. Formalist and neat, serious, reliable, non-conflict, passive, boring.
  7. Anxious. Timid, insecure, defenseless, pessimistic, self-critical, friendly, efficient, sensitive.
  8. Emotive. Excessively vulnerable, tearful, passive, kind, compassionate, responsive, efficient.
  9. Demonstrative. Can be both a leader and an opportunist; self-confident, artistic, courteous, captivating, extraordinary, selfish, boastful, lazy.
  10. Exalted. Extremely sociable, experiencing bright and sincere feelings, amorous, altruistic, compassionate, changeable, prone to panic and exaggerate.
  11. Extroverted. Sociable and talkative, open, efficient, frivolous, prone to excitement and risk.
  12. Introverted. Idealist, reserved, philosophizing, non-conflict, principled, restrained, persistent, stubborn.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on temperament

Most often, a personality typology is compiled based on differences in the temperaments and characters of people.


The first known typology of personality depending on the type of temperament was proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It still remains relevant and popular, although the scientist did not individually connect the typological characteristics of personality with the properties nervous system(as is customary now).

A person’s psychotype according to Hippocrates depends on the ratio various liquids in the body: blood, lymph and two types of bile.

Psychological types of temperament according to Hippocrates:

  1. phlegmatic - a person in whose body lymph (phlegm) predominates, which makes him calm and slow;
  2. melancholic - a person in whose body black bile (melanchole) predominates, which makes him fearful and prone to sadness;
  3. sanguine - a person who has a lot of blood in his body (sanguine), active and cheerful;
  4. choleric is hot and impulsive; there is a lot of yellow bile (chole) in his body.

For many centuries in a row, the doctrine of temperaments has been developed and supplemented. In particular, the German philosopher I. Kant and the Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov were engaged in this. Today, the names of the types of temperament remain the same, but the essence has changed.

Temperament - combination congenital features higher work nervous activity. It depends on the speed and strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain. Thus, a weak type of higher nervous activity corresponds to the temperament of a melancholic person; strong, balanced, but inert – phlegmatic; choleric – strong and unbalanced; strong, balanced and agile - sanguine.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, German psychiatrist E. Kretschmer identified Various types personality depending on character. This was the first character classification. Kretschmer connected a person’s psychotype with the constitution of his body.

Three types of bodily constitution:

  1. Asthenic. Thin and tall people, they have elongated arms and legs, underdeveloped muscles.
  2. Athletic. People are strong, with well-developed muscles, average or above average height.
  3. Picnic. People who tend to be overweight with underdeveloped muscles and musculoskeletal system, of average or short stature.

Since E. Kretschmer was a psychiatrist, he compared personality psychotypes with a tendency towards one or another psychopathology and grouped them into two personality types:

  1. Schizothymics are mentally healthy people with an athletic or asthenic build, vaguely reminiscent of patients with schizophrenia. They are characterized by the following character traits: artistry, sensitivity, aloofness, selfishness, and authority.
  2. Cyclothymics are mentally healthy people with a picnic build, reminiscent of patients with manic-depressive psychosis. These are cheerful, optimistic, sociable, frivolous people.

E. Kretschmer's theory was based only on his personal observations, but served as the basis for subsequent, more complex character typologies. Much later, scientists came to the conclusion that body shape really influences the character and individual typological characteristics of a person. The connection between the constitution of the body and the tendency to accentuate character (an extreme degree of normal functioning of the psyche) and psychopathology does exist.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on character

People differ not only in their character traits, but also in their attitude to life, society and moral values. Although there is a concept of proper behavior, people behave differently.

The German psychoanalyst and sociologist E. Fromm introduced the concept of “ social character” and defined it as a certain identical set of character traits in the personality structure of the majority of members of a particular community. Any community, class or group of people has a certain social character.

Social character was taken as the basis for the classification of psychological personality types.

Psychological personality types according to E. Fromm:

  • "Masochist-sadist"

A person who is inclined to direct aggression towards himself or other people if he considers them to be guilty of ongoing personal failures or problems of the whole society. Such people strive for self-improvement, are insecure, punctual, responsible, demanding, domineering, and love to terrorize others, justifying their actions with good intentions.

Psychological masochism is almost always combined with sadism. However, there are people who are more inclined to one of the types.

Individual typological features of a “masochist”: self-deprecation, self-criticism, tendency to always blame oneself for everything. Fromm defined a “sadist” as an authoritarian personality. This is an exploitative man, domineering and cruel.

  • "Destroyer"

He does not cause suffering to himself or others, but aggressively eliminates the cause of his troubles. In order not to feel powerless and frustrated, a person ends the relationship or interrupts the business he has started, that is, he uses destructiveness as a means of resolving any trouble. “Destroyers” are usually anxious, desperate, cowardly people, limited in the realization of their capabilities and abilities.

  • "Conformist Automaton"

Unlike the two previous psychological types, the “conformist” is passive. He does not fight, but resigns himself to difficult life circumstances. This is a too labile person who has practically lost his

He is an adaptable person who will change his point of view, behavior, principles and even type of thinking if the situation demands it. Such people are immoral, and therefore do not see anything shameful in changing points of view and life values.

This social typology is not the best side characterizes people, but reveals the problems of society and remains extremely relevant in our time.

It is impossible to say which typology is better; they complement each other. Any personality typology allows an individual to know himself and at the same time realize his uniqueness.

The reason for the division into psychotypes

Philosophers and scientists at all times of the existence of civilized society have tried to distinguish and isolate psychological types of people from the diversity of the nature of human nature. Many classifications are based on observations of people, life experience, or the conclusions of the scientist who proposed a specific typology. Only in the last century, in connection with the flourishing of psychology, personality psychotypes became the object of research and received proper scientific justification.

Despite the variety of psychological types that exist today, it can be difficult to determine which personality type a person belongs to. Often, when reading the classification of types and wanting to find oneself, one cannot decide or finds several types at once, similar to the individual typological characteristics of one’s own personality.

The disadvantage of any typology is that it cannot accommodate everything possible types personality, because each person is an individual. We can say that it is more likely to belong to one type or another, is more similar to it, or at some moments manifests itself in a similar way.

Any human psychotype is a generalization, an attempt to combine into a group similar and often observed together qualities, temperamental characteristics, and other individual typological personality traits.

Personality types are often exaggerated and simplified, describing deviant behavior (even psychopathology) or only those personality traits that are pronounced and stereotypical.

Pure types are rare. However, every second person, reading this or that typology or passing a psychological test, easily determines his psychotype and agrees with the characteristics given to him.

The more developed an individual’s personality, the more difficult it is for him to classify himself as one or another personality type. Harmoniously developed personality and a bright individuality hardly “fits” into any particular psychotype.

Despite the imperfection of typologies and personality types, they allow you to understand yourself, notice shortcomings, and identify ways of development. It is easier for people around an individual, who know what psychological type he belongs to, to build relationships with him and predict behavior in a specific situation.

Personality typology helps professional psychologists conduct psychodiagnostics of the client. A psychological portrait of a person necessarily includes a description of his psychotype. Individual typological characteristics of a person are extremely important, because they will tell about temperament, character, abilities, emotional-volitional sphere, orientation, attitudes, motivation and values ​​- about all components of individuality.

There are many pseudo-scientific classifications of psychological types that people use in Everyday life. For example, dividing people depending on the time of day when the greatest activity and ability to work is observed, into “larks” and “night owls”.

There are a huge number of pseudoscientific tests on the Internet, more likely to be entertaining than to help you understand yourself. But even such psychological tests have a right to exist, since they give rise to a person’s desire to know himself. What psychotypes of people are described in the science of psychology?

Distinctive feature choleric These are strong emotions and quick changes of mood. That is, one minute you can be very cheerful, then wilt, and then start getting angry. At the same time, he himself may not understand why he just laughed and is now crying. The movements are sharp, the voice is loud, the speech is fast. When starting something, he puts all his energy into it, quickly gets exhausted and gives up because there is no more strength left. For example, he may rewrite an article several times and leave it unfinished. It is not advisable for choleric people to choose work that requires monotony. It will be interesting for them for a while, and then they will get bored. In the first place for them are activities that involve communication with people. A choleric person has a strong, unbalanced, mobile nervous system.

ABOUT sanguine we can say that he is cheerful and energetic, spreading joy and warmth around him. Like a choleric person, emotions are strong and moving, but balanced. That is, he is outwardly very active, but inside he is calm. If failure occurs, then the sanguine person, due to his qualities, quickly comes to his senses and continues to live as if nothing had happened. A sanguine person does what he wants, and because of this he cannot stay in one place for a long time. At the same time, he has enormous efficiency. And if he does something, he does it avidly, at one time. This type of temperament is characterized by a good mood, so sanguine people easily get along with other people. The movements are fast, like those of choleric people. Hasty speech and loud voice predominate. The nervous system is strong, mobile, balanced.

Melancholic - This is a sad person who behaves in such a way that he is about to cry. Sadness spreads around him for many meters. Thoughts in the head of a melancholic person about the inevitable and necessarily sorrowful. It is noteworthy that all this happens inside and is almost invisible from the outside. If you offend him, then little will be reflected on his face and body, but a deep wound will remain in his soul. Outwardly, melancholic people look thin, sad and fussy. They are drawn to people and react very well to what is happening around them. At the same time, they quickly fall into emotions and cannot control them. Mostly they are afraid or sad. They do what others say. For example, melancholic girls read advice in women's magazines and follow them impeccably. In our society, a typical example of melancholic people is the subculture of emo kids. Melancholic people are best at activities not related to the emotional sphere - accounting, design, programming. Melancholic is a weak, mobile, unbalanced type of nervous system.

About phlegmatic you can say that he is very leisurely. His emotions are slow and very difficult to move from one position. He laughs a little and gets irritated, is almost always calm, and it is difficult to get him out of this state. When he talks about something, it is without any emotion, monotonously, so it is difficult to communicate with him. A phlegmatic person accumulates emotions within himself, and when a turning point comes, he splashes them out. There is a sense of solidity and confidence in his every movement. A phlegmatic person thinks and makes decisions for a very long time, but once he has made a choice, he will not give up on it. Once in a new environment, a phlegmatic person will most likely be lonely, as he needs time to get used to the situation. He will communicate with those people with whom he is familiar and will prefer not to notice others, because they create discomfort for him. For a phlegmatic person, the best thing would be monotonous, constant work, without changing the type of activity. Here he will prove himself better than others, because he is very efficient when he gets into the rut. An example of a phlegmatic person is the Terminator. A phlegmatic person has a strong, balanced, inert nervous system.

8. Favorite color and character of a person

A favorite color can tell about a person’s character and emotional makeup. What can color tell about a person’s character?

White is a synthesis of all colors. It is the ideal color, the “color of dreams.” White has a multifaceted meaning; in it we see both the reflection of light and the coldness of snow. White color symbolizes purity and innocence. Those who prefer pure white to other tones are usually distinguished by accuracy in everything, they are careful and insightful, critical and somewhat fussy. Not liking white does not mean that you are a disorganized or unkempt person, but it is unlikely that you are completely possessed by a passion for order, especially since you cannot be called too fussy a person. Slightly asymmetrical things are much more interesting to you than ideal proportions, and a few specks of dust on a bookshelf do not make you want to immediately start a big cleaning. You are relaxed, and it’s a pleasure to spend time with you in company.

If a person likes black color, this may indicate a gloomy perception of reality. Life is often perceived by such a person in gloomy tones. No wonder the black color symbolizes mourning symbolism. If a person loved black things and suddenly began to dress in bright clothes, then perhaps his worldview changed, and he began to look at the world more optimistically.

Grey – neutral color. It is preferred by those who are not inclined to declare themselves too loudly. Gray lovers will check and double-check everything several times before making a decision, which is sometimes not a bad idea.

It is worth mentioning separately red color and character of a person. Red color increases internal energy, it is the color of passion. Red, promotes the activation of hematopoiesis, increases libido and sexuality. A person who loves the color red is most likely strong-willed, courageous, active and sociable. But people who are irritated by this color are distinguished by a penchant for solitude, an unwillingness to conflict and, possibly, an inferiority complex.

People who like orange color - dreamers, they like to attract attention. Such people have intuition, but they are also characterized by hypocrisy and pretense. Orange color helps overcome fatigue, blues, and depression. A vase with bright oranges, beautiful orange curtains in the kitchen, and an orange scarf will bring back a good mood.

Brown - the color of the earth. Favorite brown color speaks of the character of a person who stands firmly on his feet. These people value their home and their family, family traditions and values ​​are not an empty phrase for them. And at the same time, they are secretive and a little proud.

Yellow the color has an antidepressant effect. This color symbolizes calmness and openness in relationships with people. The character of a person who loves the color yellow is sociable, courageous, he loves to be the center of attention, appreciates fun and humor. Those who find this color unpleasant are people who are pessimistic and have difficulty communicating with other people.

Pink – the color of goodness and love. He is liked by subtle, vulnerable natures. These are friendly, often too vulnerable people who quickly take offense, but also quickly forget the offense. But rational, practical people pink color annoys.

Violet the color symbolizes high spirituality and emotionality. This color is responsible for the connection between man and the cosmos. Violet color is loved by harmoniously developed people. If purple causes irritation, it means that a person strives to live only in the present.

Blue – the color of the sky, harmony and tranquility. It helps well with insomnia, relieves stress, causing a feeling of calm and comfort. If a person likes the color blue, then perhaps he needs to rest more often, he gets tired quickly and needs the support of others. Do not like Blue colour people are closed and unsure of themselves.

Green – the color of foliage, the color of life itself. Green lovers appreciate good treatment, but do not like life's difficulties. For the sake of love they are capable of self-sacrifice, but disappointment is extremely difficult to bear. Green color appeals to those people who do not tolerate the influence of others and strive to assert themselves in life.

9. Character of a person and his blood type

Blood group 1.

Character advantages. According to scientists, this blood group is the most ancient. According to various sources, it makes up about 44% of the total population. People with blood type 1 are distinguished by clearly expressed leadership qualities: they are self-confident, self-sufficient, prone to courageous actions, strong, set ambitious goals and pursue them to the last. Tend to be independent. Usually they are workaholics; you can rely on them in any situation, since they have a very developed sense of responsibility. They believe in themselves and achieve a lot. Teams often have informal leaders. Their motto is: “Fight and search, find and don’t give up.” People rarely like them.

Character Cons. They are suspicious and trust few people. They can be stubborn. These people are very emotional. Sometimes their emotions simply go off scale, and they cannot cope with themselves until their 9th wave subsides. They are narcissistic and arrogant, do not tolerate being subordinated to anyone, and really do not like criticism, even in the form of harmless jokes. It’s better not to get into trouble with them and joke very correctly. They adapt poorly to everything new: place, food, people. They do not know how to forgive, they can simply be furious if they are betrayed or deceived. People are drawn to them as leaders, trust them, but are afraid of their excessive emotionality.

Blood group 2.

Character advantages. They know how to think sensibly and approach things calmly and head-on. They are conscientious, diligent, love to analyze, and listen to the opinions of others. Pay attention to details. These qualities help them move forward in their professional activities. You can rely on them, they do not like to disappoint their surroundings, and if they are entrusted with something, they will try their best to complete it with 5 points. The most reliable and loyal friends who can calmly listen to you, cheer you up, and give reasonable advice. They love harmony, order and tranquility. In relationships, they try in every possible way to prevent conflict, and if it doesn’t work out, they simply step aside. They show themselves very well in team work, they know how to find a common language with everyone. They see right through people, feel them and can find the key to anyone. Always friendly. Romance at heart.

Character Cons. Stubbornness and inability to relax. Some slowness, weakness of will. Perhaps these are the main disadvantages of this blood type. People with the second blood group may not rest or sleep at night, doing the assigned task. Always focused on finishing what we started. This is what can undermine their health. This is what makes them irritable during periods of greatest stress. They are not suited to leadership, however, under certain conditions they can occupy leadership positions. Very sensitive. In moments of irritability they can be abrupt, which greatly surprises others.

Blood group 3.

Character advantages. People of the third blood group are creative, resourceful, can show flexibility, can get along in any society, while being purposeful, honest and fair. They have high mental activity, are very balanced, know how to easily communicate in any team, love to talk, give practical advice, and are happy to listen to someone’s point of view; they are known as erudite people. They are very impressionable, but they can hide it, they fall headlong in love forever. They demonstrate remarkable abilities in any field of activity. They make good leaders– highly qualified professionals. Peace-loving, but very businesslike.

Character Cons. They are deeply vulnerable, do not like to experience failures in front of other people, can be “explosive” when it comes to feelings of the heart, and place high demands on both themselves and those around them. Their joy and pleasure can be unbridled.

Blood group 4.

Character advantages. People with this blood type are a kind of chameleons, they are multifaceted. They easily adapt to new conditions, are more capable of empathy than other groups, are selfless in friendship, do not demand anything in return for their love, are realists, good advisers, their motto is “Everything that is not done is done for the better.” They are admired, they are loved, they are popular, they are listened to. They love to bring joy to people. They understand many issues, especially economic ones. If they know that they can upset, they believe that a sweet lie is better than the bitter truth. The most charming and attractive personalities.

Character Cons. Illegibility in details. Those with the fourth blood group are individuals whose actions are not subject to any logic. Sometimes it seems like they are playing, but this is how they live!

10. Human character types

“There are as many characters as there are people,” we often repeat. And this is true, no two people are identical, and even twins, so indistinguishable at first glance, turn out to be completely different people at second glance. People have different value systems, hobbies, principles and worldviews, and react differently to external stimuli. A person’s character determines his actions, which make up his life.

In modern psychology there is no general classification of human character types. And how can one classify characters given the richness of compatibility of their traits? different people? However, such attempts have been made by scientists since ancient times. So, for example, there is a division of characters according to their dominant volitional and emotional qualities. As a result, a strong-willed type of character is distinguished (active, with a dominant will), an emotional type (guided by an emotional background) and a rational type (sober-minded, based on the arguments of reason).

At one time, the German psychiatrist E. Kretschmer classified people according to their build and hypothesized that people of a certain constitution have certain character traits. The scientist identified three main human body types and their corresponding character types.

Picnics (from the Greek “thick, dense”) – obese or overweight people of average height with a large head, short neck and a wide face with very small features. Picnics are emotional, sociable, sociable people who easily adapt to various new conditions.

Athletics (from the Greek “characteristic of fighters”) - broad-shouldered, tall people, with developed muscles, a strong skeleton and a powerful chest. Athletics are powerful, practical, unimpressive, calm people, restrained in facial expressions and gestures; They do not like any changes and adapt very poorly to them.

Asthenics (from the Greek “weak”) is skinny people, with weak muscles, a flat chest, long legs and arms, and an elongated face. Asthenics are stubborn, serious, reserved people who find it difficult to adapt to various new conditions.

Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung developed his own typology of characters, which is based on dominant mental functions (sensations, intuition, feeling and thinking). He classified all people according to the predominance of the internal or external world (introverted and extroverted types).

Introvert - a closed, internally focused thinker, turned inward, a person fenced off from the entire surrounding world, carefully analyzing all events, while suspecting everyone of contradictory actions. He has very few friends, because it is very difficult for him to make new contacts, he is closer to loneliness, and he does not change his own habits. An introvert is a very suspicious person with a high degree of anxiety; he listens to his feelings and values ​​his health.

Extrovert - a straightforward, open person, extremely sociable, active and understandable to everyone, he has many acquaintances and friends, he cannot stand loneliness, has little interest in his own health, loves to travel, tries to get the most out of life. He becomes the life of the party, initiates various meetings and parties, loves to tell jokes, and in everyday life is guided not by subjective opinion, but by circumstances.