Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Original script for March 8th corporate party. Scenario of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy-tale kingdom" in verse, competitions and musical accompaniment to them

Original script for March 8th corporate party. Scenario of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy-tale kingdom" in verse, competitions and musical accompaniment to them

Our dear WOMEN!

Today is the most favorable and happiest day for you according to the “male” horoscope, i.e.:

Day of joy and beauty,

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!!!

What holiday of congratulations? And our respected leader expressed his desire to present the first congratulations to our dear women... He has the first word.

Dear Colleagues! If for women March 8th is a holiday, then for men it is most likely a headache!

After all, women have many worries,

But dividing them by a year,

You will get three hundred times less,

What a burden has fallen on us! –

Men this one day!

Although the snowstorm has not yet shallowed,

But after another drink,

Our souls have become warmer

And hearts were happy.

Let winter be full of excitement,

Spring has come to us today!

And we wish you happiness!

Third toast “For Love!” No wonder people say: “LOVE is a toothache in the heart!” And now the head of the transport department will share this love, or his pain, with us...!

Dear ladies!

We could praise you until the morning!

However, it's time to get down to business

The moment has come to give gifts!

As our most powerful argument!

We have already given you some of the gifts today, but the rest you need to earn by participating a little in competitions. In other words, we need to make up for February 23rd!

So the first competition, not even a competition but a summing up of the results of our survey conducted before the holiday itself.

To do this, you need to write the 5 questions below on a piece of paper and give them to the women to answer. questions asked and draw preliminary conclusions. You can change the questions at your discretion or add your own options.

Our dear women were asked to answer the following questions:

1. You came home and someone is sleeping on your bed. unknown man. Your actions (of all those surveyed, all but one asked to lie down next to him, and only one decided to throw him out the door, so guys, watch out who has him)

2. You come to work, and another employee is sitting in your place. Your actions

(There are many options in this direction, but you can group them into approximately three groups - 1. they want to get to know each other, 2. they will be surprised, but they will sit next to you, 3. they will ask you to work for yourself, but for free)

3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions

(50% expressed a desire to change their companion, 30% also decided to run away, and the remaining took measures to pay for dinner, but in different ways)

4. You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to recolor it before the reception. Your actions.

(here the women wished to remain in only socks or stockings, some only in shoes, in underwear, in one wig, but there were also modest ones - they wanted to stay in dresses, but all these items of clothing must necessarily match the color of their hair. Moreover, one of the women would decide to go with one toothless smile, and only two decided to go with what they had and as they were, at the moment)

5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors are having a big party, which keeps you awake in any case. Your actions

(Some of the women remained indifferent and decided to watch TV, but at the same time turn up the volume of the TV, 40% of women decided to take more radical measures - to shoot down their neighbors and conduct a debriefing, and - one of these 40% decided to do the “wet business”, and Only two women can’t afford a neighbor’s party - they decided to just relax)

6. You came to work and they announced a 10-fold increase in your salary. Your actions

(almost all the women will be happy about what happened, and one will faint with joy, two women will not believe the salary and will think that April 1st has come, three decided to get drunk with joy, but only one decided to get her colleagues drunk, and two decided to get drunk alone, and only one of them all said that she would work even better than before, in order to apparently earn even more), So... think about whether women should increase their salaries, maybe give it to men, who, on the contrary, are all ready to work even better!

The generalized results of the survey are as follows: Our women have a sense of humor, although before the survey, some men thought the opposite. Our women are resourceful - they have their own argument for any situation and a way out of the current situation. Our women have not stopped loving us men – at least in their thoughts! And that's already good! Our women have a large margin of safety - the conclusion is that the management of the department needs to burden them more with additional work.

Therefore, a toast is proposed to our daring, resourceful, hardworking, abundantly loving and of course dear women!

Ladies and gentlemen! We all address women, and we address women. Let’s turn to our men: “Dear men, tell me which of you is dissatisfied with the small salary you receive now?” And I thought everyone was happy. I suggest that those who are dissatisfied give their salaries to our female colleagues and work for free. This is how it always turns out, how to share - so everyone is in the bushes, not a single one was found! Therefore, we smoothly move on to another competition:

Theater competition: The jury is all men

4-6 women are invited and asked to portray the following:

1. portray a feminist

2. portray a man-hater

3. portray a prostitute

4. portray a female official

The winner gets a prize and the rest get a consolation prize.

A word of congratulations has...

It all starts with a woman! Fun, laughter, duels, disappointments, Love, care, warmth and pain and much more, all this is because of you and for you, our dears! No matter what age you are, you will always remain the better half of humanity.

We propose to hold a Culinary competition, for this I will now name each letter from the alphabet, and you, dear women, will have to name the dishes, within one minute, whichever one of you names the most wins!

Let's start clockwise from me and alphabetically, skipping the vowels, and for those who don't have enough consonants, we'll give them a vowel. Started:

B, V, D, D, F, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, W, Shch,

The winner has a prize.

We expressed a desire to congratulate the winner personally... and at the same time all the other women.

Dear men, the time has finally come for you. You are invited to pay Special attention on your neighbors. Our Ladies want to see filled glasses, your happy faces and ears hanging on the carnation of attention. While the glasses are being filled, I propose to hold another competition called

BUTT (or any other word or words "I WANT A MAN")

All women take turns saying the word “Butt” or “I want a man!” with increasing volume, i.e. the first speaks in a whisper, the second a little louder, the third even louder, etc. in a circle clockwise from me, the leader. The one who speaks loudest wins, i.e. after it, no one will dare to say (shout) or yell louder. If during the game someone enters the room where it is being played, they should say: “Hello, we called you.”

The winner has a prize, and wishes to congratulate the rest...

Dear women, now we want to determine which of you is the most dexterous, 4-6 people are invited

Competition “Tear a piece of paper”

With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear a piece of paper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. Who will do the smallest job?

And so they began. We have not yet congratulated the most dexterous prize...



The prize is taken and wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.


To play, you need sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of people present. Each guest is given this young artist kit and a card with the concept - the funnier the more interesting. For example: adultery; hellish tension; senility; second youth. In five minutes, players must draw their concept without using words or letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece, and the rest guess the concept. The winner is the one whose concept was guessed.

MATERNITY HOUSE (the woman is given a note with the child’s parameters - weight, gender, height, and even name)

Two people play. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because The thick double glass of the hospital room does not allow outside sounds to pass through. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.


This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass the roll around in a circle toilet paper. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Blow a candle - Chew an apple

Two volunteers are called up, preferably guys who know each other well. The rest stand around and pretend to be a support group. Players sit on both sides of a small table, a candle is placed in front of each, and a lighter (or matches) and an apple are given in their hands. The task is simple - who can eat their apple faster? But you can only eat an apple while your candle is burning. And the enemy can blow out the candle and then the player, before biting the apple again, will have to light it again.


The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the “wild beach”, where dances are announced. The dancers are given plates (one for men, three for women) - “so that intimate parts do not excite vacationers on the beach.” Music sounds and dancing begins. Players need to not lose a single record while dancing, and to do this they have to dance closely pressed to each other.

All words belong to the Presenter.
Prologue “The main miracle of the seven wonders.”
The song by L. Uspenskaya “A Very Beautiful Woman” is playing. Choreographic number. On the screen are slides of reproductions of the seven wonders of the world, between which appear reproductions of the best creations of artists and sculptors dedicated to women, or one slide - “La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci. The leader comes out and watches the dance.

Presenter (after the dance): Beauty... Beauty is a special feeling, it is something unearthly, magical, wonderful... There are even famous seven wonders of the world in the world. Of course you know which ones!..

He approaches the guests with a microphone and asks them to name a wonder of the world they know. Few people know all the wonders (Egyptian pyramids, hanging gardens Semiramis, Colossus of Rhodes, Lighthouse Fr. Foros, statue of Zeus at Olympia, temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Halicarnassus mausoleum).

The presenter lists them.
And for many centuries people have been searching for the eighth wonder of the world. And they assign this “title” various phenomena. But there are still seven miracles left. What do you think is the eighth wonder of the world?.. For a hint, look at these charming girls from the show ballet. Certainly! For the strong half of humanity, the indisputable eighth wonder of the world was, is and remains a woman! Is this the eighth wonder of the world? Maybe the first and most important thing? (Approaches one of the men.) Which miracle is more important for you: the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus or your wife? (To another man.) Foros lighthouse or your girlfriend? Is this already your wife? Especially. Will you exchange it for a lighthouse?.. Who has a mother-in-law?.. (Approaches the person who answered.) Egyptian pyramids could they be more wonderful than your mother-in-law? No? The pyramids are far away, but my amazing, kind and caring mother-in-law is always nearby. You can admire it every minute, and you don’t need to buy a ticket to Egypt. I announce a vote among men. Who is for the fact that a woman is the main wonder of the world? Unanimously! Therefore, the first toast is to the main wonder of the world. Here's to the beautiful ladies!

Song "For lovely ladies". A male choreographic group dances.

Our dear women, congratulations to you...

On the screen is a video recording of congratulations from a famous man - the mayor, governor or some celebrity.
The first episode “Miracle One. Black eyes".

The woman herself is the seven wonders.
When men look at a woman, what do they pay attention to? How does a woman attract them? We interviewed 100 men. They asked one question: “Why
does a man pay attention when meeting a woman?” We received seven possible answers.
On a large form, the answers are taped so that you can easily open any line. The answers to table 3 are:
Eyes - 25;
Smile - 20:
Hairstyle - 15;
Grace - 14;
Name -14;
Housekeeping - 12.
If the projection is on the screen, then the lines are opened in a computer version.
I'm talking to lovely ladies. Guess why men value you. Whoever guesses the first three lines wins prizes.
Music. Prizes are brought out and placed on display. The presenter invites women who guessed the words of the first three lines of the table.
And from the table you can see that the first miracle of a woman is her eyes! There’s even a joke like this: “I want to meet a woman with charming eyes. I will answer the letter with a photo. Don’t send landscapes.” Let's see what kind of eyes our heroines have and let's start the "Charming Eyes" competition! What do women do with their eyes when they like a man?.. They shoot! And now whichever of you shoots them more interestingly will receive the title “Charming Eyes”! We shoot at some man. Choose the man you will shoot.
Women choose a “target man.” And we will choose the jury. Dear
men, remember what songs there are about women’s eyes?
For example, “Charming eyes”, “Oh, those black eyes”, “Black eyes”, etc. The presenter invites three men who responded to the jury, having previously asked them to sing a few lines from the named song.
(To one of the women who came out.) What is your name?.. Who is your target?.. Are you ready... How to shoot? What gun?! We shoot with our eyes. We blink, we wink, we grimace. You know this better. Let's shoot!
When “shooting” there are phonograms of shots, explosions, and machine gun fire.
It was a shooting. And now the scoring shot! Shoot!
All three women shoot. It's good to show it all close-up on the screen.
Dear jury, who do you think deserves the title “Charming Eyes”?
The winner is determined.
The title “Miss Charming Eyes” is awarded to... (name) Applause! You choose the prize yourself at this prize vernissage. Toast from the jury! Ask!

The presenter boils down the toasts from the jury to one thing: “To charming eyes and beautiful ladies”! The song “Dark Eyes” plays.

Dear women, we received congratulatory telegrams for the evening from public organizations. The first telegram from car enthusiasts. She's kind of special. I don't know all the terms. You can't do this without a car enthusiast. Men, who understands anything about a car? Who can tell the difference between two foreign cars? "Mercedes" and "Zaporozhets", for example? Help me. (Invites a car enthusiast.)

1. Is it a good foreign car? (Any answer is accepted.)
2. What are the names of the signs on the roads? (Road signs.)
3. Policeman on the road? (Traffic police inspector.)
4. Front car glass? (Windshield.)
5. Best machine oil? (Any answer is accepted.)
6. Which unit in a car turns on the speed? (Transmission.)
7.Where do they drive the car at night? (Garage with cellar.)
8. Biggest car? (KAMAZ, BelAZ.)
9. Where is the water cooled in the engine? (In the radiator.)

The presenter reads out the text of the congratulatory address. “Today, on this beautiful day, you, dear women, are as elegant as... (car brand). All men look at you today with admiration, as if you were... (road signs). You are as beautiful as... (traffic police inspector), you are as dear to us as... (windshield), loved as (brand of motor oil). You are as gentle as... (gearbox), irreplaceable as... (garage with cellar). You are always near the heart, like a driver's license
ID. Always be healthy, like... (KAMAZ). Your unlucky ones... (radiators).”
Thanks car enthusiast! We just figured out why a woman attracts a man. But how does a man conquer a woman? We interviewed one hundred and fifty women. I have a table of answers in my hands. Men guess. The three who guess the top lines receive prizes!
The following rows are closed in the table:
Wealth - 67;
Beauty - 29;
Solidity - 19;
Erudition - 18;
Generosity - 10;
Housekeeping - 7.

The presenter invites three men.

Here we will determine the richest of you. The first competition “Who has the biggest wallet”! Because the larger the wallet, the more money it contains. Present your wallet or purse. Maybe someone has money in their stocking?.. You have the biggest wallet, and you are already in the finals of the competition.
If there is no wallet, money is presented. If you have no money, you need to find the largest bill in the hall in 20 seconds.
The second competition is “Money down the drain.” Two people who did not qualify for the final will participate. Here is a bill - 10 rubles. Blow on it to make it fly. The bill that flew farthest was from... (name) And you lost. There is no point in throwing money down the drain so far. Take I X1iz and save money further. Thank you. And we have the final! It is often said about the rich that they are the coolest. We choose the coolest. Who can spin the hoop around their waist the longest? Each person has three attempts.
The leader counts until the hoop stops or falls. On subsequent attempts, the counting continues further. “Cool” is revealed.
Here he is, the coolest man! Accept prizes... The main prize is a dance with Miss Charming Eyes! But first, say a toast from the “cool one.”

After the toast, the song “Charming Eyes” is played.
"Cool" and "Miss Charming Eyes" are dancing. Anyone can join them, because a dance round is being announced.
Dance block.
Second episode "The second miracle is a smile."

Friends, I remind you that the second miracle of a woman is a smile. Remember the expression "Gioconda's Smile"? Show us Gioconda's smile...
Slide reproduction of Mona Lisa.
Dear ladies, who wrote this masterpiece? Right! Leonardo da Vinci. Come for the prize. What other artists do you know who painted a woman’s beautiful smile?
Answer options: N. Kramskoy “Unknown”, S. Botticelli “Birth of Venus”, etc. Two women who answered come to the Leader.
Here they are - experts in a seductive female smile. Let's start the photo shoot "Gioconda's Smile"! You need to smile into the camera lens. The first one to smile... What is your name? One photographer asks a client:
- Girl, do you want big or small photos?
- Small ones.
- Then you shouldn't smile. And you, dear ladies, need to smile! At least there will be a smile. Let's practice first. And now a photo. Smile!

Soundtrack of laughter. All three women are photographed this way. There are close-ups on the screen.
“We choose Gioconda’s smile by the applause of men. She was the first to smile... Applause!
The winner is determined.
You are awarded the title “Miss Smile of Gioconda”. Choose your prizes, you all smiled beautifully.
Music. Contest participants choose prizes.
And for our Mona Lisa he sings... Vocal number.
(To someone in the hall.) Young man, do you agree with the general decision? (For any answer.) And smile yourself... Oh! With such a smile, you simply need this prize - “Orbit”!
Invites two more men with a smile that requires Orbit.
Smile... Great. Do you remember that for a woman, male beauty comes in second place. Now we will determine the most beautiful of you. Let's do photo tests. Give me Tantamoresque.
They bring out a Tantamoresque - a painting or photo of a person's height. It shows a bodybuilder in just swimming trunks, with a beautiful body. Instead of a face there is an oval cutout.
The task is very simple. You come up behind the painting, put your head in the cutout, the photographer takes a photo, and it turns out nice photo. But when taking photographs, you need to say: “I am the most handsome guy!” The winner will be determined by Mona Lisa. Please go behind the painting.

The men pass behind the painting. The noise distracts them, reminding them to shout very loudly, “I’m the most handsome guy!” And at this time the first layer is removed from the painting, and already in the painting there is a mermaid or a very thin man. You can prepare/, each man his own picture. A competition is taking place. The presenter asks to shout gently, with a Georgian accent, etc.
Mona Lisa's solution? The most handsome... (name) Accept the prizes, and we are waiting for a toast from the first handsome man of our holiday.
A toast from the winner. The host announces the white dance.
Third episode "Miracle Curls".
I have in my hands a congratulatory address from the fishermen's society. Is there anyone among you who can distinguish crucian carp from sprat in tomato sauce? Go here and help me understand the terms.
The “fisherman” is asked questions and the answers are recorded.
1. What kind of fish do you usually catch?
2. Is it a good attachment?
3. What is the most delicious fried fish?
4. What types of fishing rods are there? (One is selected, the most exotic.)
5. At what dawn is the bite better?
6. Brand of inflatable boat?
7. Line diameter? (Largest diameter.)
8. Shark hook number?
9. Valuable breed of fish?
10. Consultant's name?
The presenter reads out the congratulatory address.

“You, our beloved... (name of the fish)! We adore you like... (nozzle). You are as gentle as... (title fried fish), slender, like... (rod), temperamental, like a bite at... dawn. You are as good as a boat... (brand of boat). We would like to give you a fishing line of... (diameter) and hooks number... This is the most expensive thing we have. Happy holiday, our dears... (name of fish). Your mirror carp... (name of consultant).”
Thanks to the fishermen. Thanks carp. And another toast from you. Maybe a fishing one, but dedicated to the Eighth of March.
For example: “For our dear goldfish.” Hair show.
One of the wonders of a woman is her hair. Short original hairstyle or long hair, and curly ones too! All men of all nations adore this. Once a Chukchi came to Moscow and approached a policeman:
- Help, friend, find one woman. I have a photo.
- Are you stunned? This is Lomonosov!
- So what?! I like this. What curls!
And now I want to give a gift to the curliest woman at our holiday. I ask tables to nominate their candidates.
The curliest woman is invited
for the prize, and stays close to
The ideal woman was considered to have hair down to her hips. I prepared a gift for the lady who has the longest braid.
There is a woman with the longest hair.

And, of course, the original hairstyle has always been in fashion. Prize for the lady with the most original hairstyle.
There is a lady with an original hairstyle.

Wonderful ladies! Wonderful hairstyles! Yes, nothing makes a woman look better than... hydrogen peroxide! (To the ladies who came out.) What hairstyles are in fashion for men? So bring here the most beautiful bald one, you the curly one, and you the mustachioed bearded one.
Music. Women from the audience select men, bring them to the Leader, and he seats the men on chairs/
Ladies, where do you get your hair done? At the hairdresser? What else? Yourself? Great. Now you will do the hair of these distinguished gentlemen. Give everything you need for hairdressers!
Women are given wigs, ribbons, hairpieces, hairpins, elastic bands, etc.
Time - three minutes. Whoever you brought out, do his hair. Time has passed! (After the competition.) Now I ask “Miss Charming Eyes” to determine the best hairstyle. (After determination.) The winner and the rest of the ladies choose the prizes. And among the men we will choose the most respectable. Do you remember that women ranked solidity in third place? You guys are healthy, show it. We won’t hit each other’s faces, we’ll sort it out in a civilized manner. Ladies like muscular guys, like bodybuilders. Come on, do what bodybuilders do, showing off their muscles. You just need to undress at least to the waist. Whoever undresses first is already in the final... Oh, there is one finalist. (To the others.) And you work as bodybuilders. Show biceps and biceps. “Miss Charming Eyes”, please identify the second finalist. (To the loser.) Choose a prize. You have a wonderful hairstyle! Here's a swing.

They take out the children's swing. You can use bathroom scales.
We sit on the swing, bend our legs, and whoever ends up at the bottom is the most respectable. (After the competition.) The name of the most respectable person at our evening?.. Men, choose your prizes. A festive toast from the most respectable.
Toast “To the beauty of the hairstyles of beautiful ladies!”
Yes, a woman's hairstyle is a miracle! One lady made herself a chic
-hairstyle and sits dreaming, and her little son whines:
- Mom, I want to go to the toilet, Mom, I want to go to the toilet...
- And I’m going to Paris!
And I want... to invite you, if not to Paris, then to a dance!
Dance block.

The fourth episode "Miracle Grace".

Dear women, congratulations to you...
Video greeting from a local celebrity. Vocal number.
Do you remember what the fourth miracle of woman is? Of course, grace. This is a 90-60-90 figure. What should you do to maintain your figure? Dear women, teach us men. What? Diet? Come here. Tell us more and receive a gift. And what else?..
“Fasting”, “Exercising”, “Dietary supplements”, etc. The presenter invites three ladies.
Dear ladies, we will not measure your waist to choose “Miss Grace”. We will hold a competition for the slimmer man. I ask you to go into the hall and bring here the most slender man, in your opinion. Ask! (After three men are on stage.) Here they are - the most slender men. And now we will determine “Miss Grace”. We will calculate the sum of the lady's waist and the waist of the man she brought. Whoever has the smaller amount will be awarded the title “Miss Grace” to the lady of that couple.
Definition of "Miss Grace". Ladies choose gifts while listening to music.

(To the men who are on stage.) Men will also receive gifts. Let me remind you how men conquer women. The fourth line of our table indicates “Erudition”. Let's entertain women now, you guys are interesting! Attention! The most slender and interesting men in the city are beginning to prove this. Now you will depict paintings or sculptures. Raise your hands and wave them. Friends, tell me, what picture do these most interesting men resemble? (After listening to the options.) There are two versions. First: “Three poplars on Plyushchikha.” Second... Come on, wave your arms harder. Oh, the second version is better. Savrasov, “The rooks have arrived.” Now hug. What picture?.. Correct. Russian folk painting “Will you be third?” The hands were pulled back. What picture?.. Friends, this is a triptych: “Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya”, “Eaglet”, “Venus de Milo”! Now hold your hands, raise your right leg forward, left... Right, left... And now to the music!

The cancan sounds.
The painting is called “Three heroes... at a banquet”! himself interesting man determined by the ladies. We applaud them one by one. Here he is, our erudite! All men choose gifts. And the most interesting and erudite person makes a toast. (After the toast.) And once again about grace. A man sees a woman coming. And the legs are skinny, skinny, crooked, crooked! Man:
- Well, legs! Woman:
- A! It's okay to go to work.
We don't have to go to work, we have to go to the dance!
Dance block.

Episode 5 "Miracle Name"
Friends, you know how much music is dedicated to women. And how many songs! I propose a toast “To women who inspire musicians, composers and poets!”
Vocal number.
One morning a husband wakes up his wife:
- Get up, kitten! Wake up
And the wife responded:
- Today I am a fish, I have no legs, and I won’t go anywhere. You see - kitten, sunshine... What do you call your loved ones?
The presenter addresses specific men.
What a fantasy! So many names! In general, a woman’s name is also a miracle. Especially if it is the name of the woman you love. Songs have been written for many names. Who remembers what names are in the songs?
Answers from men, for example, Lyuba, Vika,
Hope, etc. Three men who know
songs, The presenter invites you to go out to
(To those who have left.) When a man goes to visit a lady for the first time, what does he take with him? There is a classic “gentleman's set”... That's right! Champagne, chocolate and flowers! Get the kit.
Music. Men are given: one
champagne, second chocolate,
flowers for the third.
But worry, these prizes are not yours. These are lottery prizes. And the lottery is unusual. It is played out by name. And we will find out “Miss Beautiful Name”, this will be the lady who will win the flowers! I ask you to suggest one female name from each table.
The host fills out a form for each name, where he writes the name and table number.
Chocolate is up for grabs! Which man has chocolate? Take out the form with the name... This is... (name) from the lotto throne.
Music, presentation of chocolate. The champagne draw is similar.
Attention! Now we find out "Miss Beautiful Name". A bouquet of flowers is being raffled off! And he gets it...
Toast from the winner.
You see how generous our men are. Without noise or dust, they gave the women everything to the bone! Don't be stingy! It’s not for nothing that women submit to generous men. This is indicated in the table. Thank you guys! And a collective toast from you. (After the toast.) And the lady who won the champagne demands dancing. Is the champagne out? Then dance!
Dance tour.

Sixth episode "Miracle Mistress".
Dear women, today men congratulate you on your holiday and admire you! They idolize you! Today men are generous. They buy flowers on the Eighth of March. One husband says in; store for my wife:
- Honey, you are as beautiful as this little carnation.
- Or maybe I’m as beautiful as this gold chain?
- No, you are beautiful, like this carnation!
And buys flowers! Although he understands that barbecue would be more enjoyable with this money. Today men take care of you...
By the way, dear ladies, why is it impossible to do without men? Sometimes it’s impossible?.. We surveyed 3,250 women and selected the most common answers. They are on my cards. Three answers - three cards. I'm asking for options. Whoever guesses the answer immediately receives a prize. So, why can't we do without men?
The answers on the cards are: “Feeds”, “Helps with housework”, “Warms the soul and body.” Women who guessed
The presenter invites you to go out for prizes and choose them.
Let me remind you that one of women’s miracles is the ability to manage a household! Before us are three delightful housewives. Let's choose "Miss Hostess" from them. To do this, you only need to answer one question. We asked 3,250 women what their wildest dream is? The answer is on my card. Try to guess.
Answer: “Man-cook.”
Right. You become "Miss Mistress"! Applause! Let's raise a glass to our charming hostesses! Friends, before the evening we interviewed one and a half thousand men. The question was asked: “Why can’t we do without women?” The main answers are written down on my cards. I ask men to offer their options. Whoever guesses the answer will receive a prize. Why can’t we do without women?!
Answers on the cards: “Feeds”, “Does housework”, Produces adrenaline when he makes a fuss.” Invites three men.
Loves? There are such answers... But not enough. Dear men, have you understood women’s dream of being a chef? Do you know why a man became a cook? There is such a parable: A husband came home and said:
- Darling, what did you cook for me for dinner?
- Horns!
Since then, husbands have been cooking. And now there is a competition for the best cook. Attention! How many ingredients are needed to make dumplings? Your versions? That's right, six! Egg, salt, water, flour, meat, onion! What is your name?.. You are awarded the title “Culinary”. Where is your wife? Oh, she's already filled your glass! Of course, what a joy! Now she knows that you know how and, most importantly, have an unbearable desire to cook!
Men choose prizes.
A toast from the best chef and his wife! Let's support a toast to the main wonder of the world - woman. Happy holiday, beloved ones! Happy holiday, wonderful ones!
The banquet ends with a dance block.

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There is a perceptible aroma of spring in the air, and girls wear shorter skirts. This means that March 8 is just around the corner. This is International Women's Day, on which men strive to give their girlfriends and employees happiness and a sea of ​​gifts.

Carrying out March 8th in a team: scenario

If the team is mixed and consists of men and women, then the representatives of the stronger sex should take upon themselves the organization of the festive corporate party. It's best if it's a surprise.

Instructions for holding the celebration:

  • Buy roses, their number should be equal to the number of workers. Tie short predictions to each stem using a satin ribbon. These are good lines. For example, your financial situation will improve in the near future, or you will meet your soulmate (if the women are unmarried)
  • Find out women's birth dates and prepare a desk calendar. Each month is a symbol of the woman who is born in it. You can order such a calendar from a printing house and give it to each employee.
  • Prepare some fun competitions. They may be accompanied by a cheerful melody
  • Prepare a small buffet with snacks and low-alcohol drinks
  • Give gifts to the ladies

Of course, no celebration is complete without fun competitions. On this day they should be purely female. That is, about cosmetics, diets and body care.

Options for women's competitions for the celebration of March 8

  • Women's logic. This fun quiz, during which women are asked questions. There is an extra word in the sentence that is not connected with the rest in meaning. The participant must identify the extra item. For example, cotton, polyester and linen. The extra one is polyester, since it artificial material. Or, henna, supra and basma. The extra word supra is chemical composition, made in the laboratory, henna and basma are natural dyes
  • Makeup. For this competition, decorative cosmetics are laid out on the table. The facilitator asks questions describing each tool. The woman’s task is to quickly find the hidden object. For example, apply eyeliner (eyeliner), do a manicure (varnish)
  • Vase. A fun competition for men and women. Teams are divided into opposite-sex pairs. Women pinching their armpits plastic bottles, and men must insert a flower there without using their hands

Carrying out March 8 in a women's group: scenario

If the team is female, don’t be upset. In this case, the ladies themselves will have to draw up the festive program. It is best to choose a presenter and presenter.

  • Presenters: “We invite our beloved boss (name and patronymic) to the stage.” The leader calls the women and gives them gifts and a bouquet of flowers. If the team is small and relations between colleagues are warm and friendly, you can hand out medals for various achievements. For example, “the longest legs”, “golden arms”.
  • When all the gifts have been distributed, the women sit down at the tables. You can have a little drink while listening to some quiet music. After this it is time for competitions.
  • After the competitions, the head of the department, the general manager, is called onto the stage. 2-3 people are enough, they don’t have to be men. Leaders say beautiful toasts. They must be prepared in advance. The heroes of the occasion drink champagne.
  • Presenter: “Let’s determine who their employees are the best hostess.” Participants need to complete some task. For example, prepare a salad, put a drunken husband to bed, apply lipstick with your left hand.
  • Women drink champagne and eat. Nice music sounds.
  • Presenter: “Let’s invite all women on stage. It is necessary to prepare two baskets with inscriptions in advance for the competition.” In the first container we put leaves with the inscriptions: chicken, car, child, telephone. The second basket will contain inscriptions with the following text: I will make soup, I will go to work, I will take you to kindergarten. Those who have the same answers receive prizes.
  • The women are resting again. Can we dance a little
  • Presenter: “The time has come to compete with those with whom it is difficult to find a common language.” All participants are divided into several teams. The pins are arranged in a wave in the hall. Teams are blindfolded. Participants must go through the obstacles with their eyes closed and avoid hitting the pins.
  • The holiday ends with a disco.

Funny scenario for March 8

A day through the eyes of a woman:

  • I woke up, there were flowers on the table and a note telling me not to go into the kitchen.
  • My husband made the pancakes himself. Then he surprised me. He put a VIP card in the envelope. I ran out of joy to go shopping. I was so tired, I spent 5 hours in the fitting rooms.
  • I came home, he prepared vegetables with meat and dessert. He gave me a night of love.
  • What a great guy he is, he tried his best.

A day through the eyes of a man:

  • I woke up early in the morning and bought flowers. I thought that on the 7th they would sell for a very high price, but that was just the beginning.
  • Made pancakes. There was a lot of smoke pouring out, I swore not to go into the kitchen again. I brought my wife breakfast in bed.
  • I transferred 20 bucks to the card, but I confused it with mine. Instead of 20 bucks on the card, it turned out to be six months’ salary. He sent me shopping and told me not to deny myself anything. After 20 SMS messages I blocked the card because I thought I would get a heart attack from spending.
  • In the evening I was going to a restaurant. After 20 SMS I realized there wasn’t enough money for dinner. I called the nearest cafe and ordered some shaky crap and vegetable mash for 20 bucks (the ones that were left on the card that I was supposed to give to my wife).
  • My wife came happy, had dinner, and praised me (I was the one who cooked). He asked if she had a headache or something else. Nothing hurt, unfortunately. I was falling off my feet. But I had to fulfill my marital duty until 4 am.
  • She rode off to work in the morning, happy. I called the boss and asked for time off, he gave it without question. Apparently it was a hard day too. I won't survive the next March 8th.

After the skit, you can hold several competitions and don’t forget about prizes and flowers.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a team of employees

The celebration begins with a speech from management. The leaders give the ladies flowers and gifts. Next, the boss makes a toast.


Eastern wisdom says:

  • “If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it against a touchstone;
  • if you want to know the horse's strength, load it;
  • if you want to know a man’s mind, listen to his speeches;
  • want to understand the heart of a woman -
  • you will never comprehend!
  • Women drink, music plays.

Fairy tale

  • Sea- Don't worry!
  • Seine- I work here alone.
  • Fisherman- The first guy in the village.
  • Fish- I will fulfill any three wishes!
  • Young woman- All women are like women, but I am a Goddess!
  • Trough– Samsung is resting.
  • Grass- And I dream about grass, grass near the house!
  • Apartment- Come in - don’t be afraid, come out - don’t cry.

It is necessary that when an actor is mentioned, he pronounces his words.

Fairy tale script:

There lived a fisherman by the sea. Every day he came to the blue sea to fish. He threw the net into the sea and pulled out only grass. Again the fisherman threw a blue net into the sea. And again there is only grass in the net. The third time the fisherman was lucky, and the Goldfish ended up in the net along with the grass. The fish turned into a beautiful girl. The fisherman married a girl, and they repaired the trough that washed them. We bought an apartment where it was always satisfying and cozy. And they lived in their apartment, making good money. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and those who listened can take a smoke break.

After a smoke break, the employees gather and have a drink. Competition times:

  • Cinderella. The women take off their shoes and put them in a box. The men's task is to find the owners of the shoes. Whoever does this will win
  • Body parts. A fun competition for which you need to print letters on A4 sheets. The participants' task is to hold the letter on the part of the body from which it begins. Whoever holds the most cards wins a prize
  • Rolls. Rolls or apples are hung from the ceiling. The task of each couple is to eat baked goods without using their hands as soon as possible

Scenario and cognitive courses for celebrating March 8th for youth

A host is needed to host the event. You can play around with a fairy tale theme. For example, a presenter with a presenter - Goblin And Baba Yaga. The holiday begins with the words:

Goblin: “The air smells like spring, it’s time to get up, I somehow fell asleep. I’ll go and look for my friend, Baba Yaga.” Returns with the heroine. They come back and congratulate everyone on the holiday. Fun competitions are announced:

  • Forehead. The essence of the competition is the need to hold the apple in the forehead area. That is, the fruit must be held by the foreheads of the participants. Whoever holds the apple the longest wins.
  • Songs. For this competition, participants are divided into two teams. You need to sing a couple of lines from a song about spring. Whoever runs out of lines sooner is the loser
  • Fanta. An old and familiar competition. You need to prepare a box or hat. Place leaves with wishes in it. For example, sing a song, crow, talk in the voice of a parrot
  • Pump. 2 participants are selected for the competition. It is necessary to place pumps on chairs and inflate the balloons by pressing the pump with your butt. Whoever can do it faster wins

Organize a sweet table if it is schoolchildren or a buffet for students. Be sure to end the holiday with dancing.

A corporate event on March 8 is an opportunity to get to know colleagues better and build relationships. Besides, good mood and fun is guaranteed.

VIDEO: Corporate party scenario for March 8

Gifts for women.


Props for competitions.

Musical accompaniment.


Congratulations, presentation of gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations to women. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too drawn out and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form.

Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, give her a compliment and say a few special words. Also, this holiday cannot be done without presenting flowers.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants are spared both the preparation of food and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition test "Real women"

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed up as women take part in it. In this case, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough) claiming that they are women, several participants are selected, and various competitions are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The presenter sets some feminine topic (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who names the last word, gets a bonus point.

Women's logic

The presenter names several items. Participants must name the item that is missing from this list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a prize point.

Women's logic. Examples of tasks “What’s extra?”:

Hair coloring with henna, basma, “Vella” dye. (Coloring with “Vella”, since henna and basma are natural dyes)

Vanilla crackers, bread crumbs, raisin crackers. (Breadcrumbs as they are not a ready-to-eat product)

Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, since viscose and cotton are natural materials)

Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Excess lotion, since it is used for hygienic purposes, and eau de toilette and perfume

Like perfume)

Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Basting, since it is done by hand, the rest is done on a sewing machine)

Cosmetic bag

The competition requires a large selection of various cosmetics. All of them are laid out on the table. The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the right item from the “beauty bag.” Time to select an item is limited.

For the correct answer, the participant receives a bonus point.

Examples of items:

Nail polish.



Lipstick in a neutral color.

Bright lipstick.

Lip pencil.


Cream contour for eyelids.

Nail polish remover.

Eyelash brush.

Cosmetic milk.


Powder compact.

Face tonic.

Foot cream.

Examples of tasks:

Line your eyes.

Touch up your lips for a business meeting.

Wash off your makeup.

Tint your eyebrows.

Touch up your eyes (choose at least two items).

Hide freckles.

Prepare your face for applying cosmetics.

Paint your nails.

Wash off nail polish.

Separate stuck lashes.

Non-standard situations

The presenter offers each participant difficult situation, from which she must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

Competition of unusual sculptures

This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must use tape to sculpt a female figure. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also be asked to make a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use Balloons various sizes and forms.

To ensure that those present do not get bored, the conversation is interrupted from time to time with games and entertainment.

You can suggest the following original game.

The game involves pairs (a man and a woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each couple.

Women clutch bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without using their hands.

The celebration ends with a noisily opened bottle of champagne!).


It sounds like “Oh, what a woman.”
These are exactly the thoughts that come to the bright minds of men when they look at the ladies who have gathered in this hall today!
We admire women because they bring beauty and new life, they are with us from childhood in the form of a mother and until old age in the form of companions, their eyes are full of tenderness and their souls are kind, poets sing about them, songs are written about them, their thoughtful gaze in paintings is mesmerizing. Queen woman!!! The whole world has been conquered by a WOMAN!!!
And the whole evening today from beginning to end will be dedicated to WOMEN!!!

Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to this hall, which today looks like a blooming meadow overflowing with wonderful flowers. It is you, our dear ladies, who filled this hall with the light of your beauty today!
Let me introduce myself……..

Here comes this amazing holiday again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles, and the drops are louder. On this day, men feel like knights and ardent poets.
Today there is a rush among flower shops, all the flora is being feverishly bought. Straining your memory, they remember what flowers you love, what perfume you prefer to use. After all, exactly a year has passed since the last holiday, when they, the so-called strong half, hurried to congratulate you and express their admiration for you! But! It’s no secret that the female team is quite complex, and managing all these chatterboxes, flirts, and charmers is not at all easy. However, there is a man in this room who copes with this role perfectly!
Your boss is simply super!
There is a masculine quality to him.
Okay, I found a reason
Tell him about this.
It's not easy being your boss,
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
Milk would be harmful to him,
But it's not harmful, thank God

Director __________________________.

I introduced myself to you, and I want to hear your names.
Let's all shout our names out loud now... Thank you! I didn’t hear a single name, but I saw your smiles and heard your laughter. Our mood is fine and that means we can safely continue.
Although men spend a lot of time at work next to women, they do not know all the secrets. I will take the liberty of telling you about women's secrets.
Women love fashionably dressed
Clean-shaven, skilled in housekeeping,
Affectionate, modest, talented, brave.
They love, especially tenderly, non-drinkers.
They love folk artists and just...
Basketball players of enormous height.
They love cheerful, resourceful, noisy people.
And sometimes... you won't believe it... smart!
I am sure that I am fully endowed with all these qualities.

Chief Engineer _______________________.

Eastern wisdom says:
“If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it against a touchstone;
if you want to know the horse's strength, load it;
if you want to know a man’s mind, listen to his speeches;
want to understand the heart of a woman -
you will never comprehend!

And we will be happy to listen to the speeches of the labor protection engineer ___________________________.

Dear men, even if you are not so numerous, your voices are clearly heard. So let's show our lovely ladies how much you want to congratulate them on their holiday.

Congratulations to dear women!
We wish you happiness and joy!
In life you - good luck, luck! -
Happy March 8th!

We wish you a holiday in your heart!
Jaguar in the garage!
And in bed - a leopard!
From right holiday on March 8th!

At work - to be appreciated!
At home, in your arms wore
Only trump cards!
Happy March 8th!

Good health!
So that through life comme il faut
So that you are always full of excitement!
Happy March 8th!

And summing up these wonderful wishes, another man will say congratulations to you __________________.

Men, of course, will not dare to doubt the presence of bright thoughts in the heads of women, but sometimes in these very heads there are lost thoughts.
Such as:
● If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
● So what if the wind is in your head?! But the thoughts are always fresh...
● I’ll live and I’ll see, I’ll live and I’ll find out, I’ll survive and I’ll kill
● I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying...that it's all your fault.
● What you don’t understand, you can understand in any way you like.
● I have unpretentious taste - the best is enough for me!
● If you want me to be an angel, organize heaven for me!
● If you don't like me, then you have no taste.
● I'm constantly haunted by smart thoughts... but I'm faster!
But we hope that today the thoughts in the heads of our lovely ladies will be confused by the compliments that ___________________________ will now say.

And on this March day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
And reach any heights
In all matters I wish you!
Let your eyes glow
Let your face shine with a smile!
And may fate give you
One day I'll meet a goldfish!
And since I wished you a meeting with a goldfish, I will hasten to fulfill this wish.
Fairy tale Goldfish
Sea- Don't worry!
Seine-I work here alone.
Fisherman- The first guy in the village.
Fish– I will fulfill any three wishes!
Young woman- All women are like women, but I am a Goddess!
Trough- The Indian is resting.
Grass- And I dream about grass, grass near the house!
Apartment- Come in, don’t be afraid, come out, don’t cry.

(The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, the “actors” act out the action and each answer their own phrase)

There lived a fisherman near the very blue sea. The fisherman was full of energy, young and dreamed of catching a goldfish. So he threw the net into the sea. He sees that the sea is a little rough. A net came with one sea grass. Another time, a fisherman cast a net.
He sees the blue sea is restless.
Again a net came with only sea grass.
For the third time, the Fisherman cast the net. The blue sea was raging. A net came with one fish.
With a difficult fish, but a magical one.
The fish inhaled oxygen and turned into a girl.
A fisherman saw such beauty, fell in love and offered his hand and heart to the girl.
The girl agreed to marry the fisherman.
First of all, the young people made a trough for themselves.
The trough washed the fisherman and his wife. Then we bought an apartment. The couple's apartment warmed and pleased them with its comfort.
And the couple lived and lived well and made good money.
This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened can take a smoke break.


Since we haven’t been able to get to know each other better yet, and I really want to know more interesting things about you, I offer you a dating template. As soon as you hear your number, you should energetically raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said.

Today everyone will sing number_ 1___ the most.
Everyone will dance number _2_
Today, number 3 will shine and star the most.
Everyone will shout louder: From March 8, number 4
But everyone will shout more often and louder, “Pour more! " number 5
Today 6 and 7 will hold hands and dance and sing “we are penguins, but we are not cold, and we live in the north”
8…. All evening he will pester you at 9 with the words “why do you girls, you love beautiful ones.”
And 10 will exclaim all evening, “Where am I?”
Today is 11... I will be inviting my colleagues to relax in Haiti all evening.
And 12... will chase men with the words: Look into my eyes!
...After the party, 13 will go on their own on their own...
Singing: I'm drunk and drunk, I won't get home, 14 will leave in a car...
And 15... and 16... will hardly take away 17..., who will shout: All the women...
In an hour 18 he will say that she (he) is the coolest,
In 1.5 hours 19... will say that he is Mega Star,
And after 2 hours 20... won’t say anything.
Tomorrow, 21 invites you to improve your health...
And with the words “Does a cow give much milk?” -tomorrow he will wake up in someone else’s bed 22
For the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: “And I wish you happiness,” drinks 23...
24 will allow 25 not to come to work tomorrow,
And 26 will come to work with a jar of pickle and treat everyone.
27 will dance on the table, and 28 will sit quietly... under the table and sing “a million, million, million scarlet roses”
29 will spend the whole evening looking at a bottle of vodka in fascination and saying “why am I so in love with you?”
Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot help but say about the 30 and the following who will now stand up and say loudly:
Enough of this talk, people, we need to pour it, people!
And we’ll pour it, but we can’t drink without toast, word ___________________________.

Before we continue our evening, I want to make sure that all the reflexes of your body are still in order, therefore:
I ask everyone to raise their right hand
Higher, higher! Fingers wider, like a fan!
Now, without lowering your right, raise your left! And do the same.
Well done! This is exactly how much you have the right to drink tonight for the health of our hero of the day

And now the hero of the day greets the guests with a simple gesture hands (waves)
Then - only with the little finger - the guests repeat, and now only with the thumb, and now with both the thumb and little finger...
Here it is, a SYMBOL OF REAL FUN, in Ukraine this gesture is called POUR-KA and it calls for filling glasses with the best drinks and giving the right to say a toast to ___________________________.

Drink, go for a walk, if only I have enough! (health)
I allow you to get drunk today, I still can’t get drunk. (talent)
We wither in comparison with female charm. (flowers)
We wish everyone that our dreams come true. (dreams)
I'll kill myself for luck. (dishes)
You're still drinking, but are you thinking about me? (liver)
If you get drunk, there’s no point in blaming me later. (mirror)
I congratulate you. I'll be on my way tomorrow morning. (hangover)
Don't drink without me! (toast)

In front of the children, please APPLAUSE
-only the beautiful half of humanity
- only the stronger sex
-those who love lard more than chocolate
-those who respect beer
– those who want to live beautifully
-those who have never been late for work
– those who are pleased to be in this room today. (flurry of applause)

During the break, while the children are changing clothes, there is applause.

Presenter– And so advice number 1
If your colleagues
They gave me a big bonus
And they completely forgot about you,
And they didn’t give any
Instead of paint
Pour into the printer
Strawberry jam
And about you in the institution
They will never forget.

Presenter– Tip #2
If in the evening the director
I erased all your games from your computer,
And in the morning you are out of grief,
Tearing hair from your head -
Then go and erase
All contracts, reports,
What would he do for another six months?
I didn't remember you at all

Presenter– Tip #3
If your friend is cute,
Invited you on a date
And the boss a little earlier,
Doesn't want to let you go -
You put your jacket on it,
Your most beautiful bra,
Let him prove it to his wife later
These things are not his!

Presenter– Tip #4
If everyone is in the office at once,
Sick of a terrible flu
And work immediately stopped,
And customers are calling!
You, with any piece of paper,
Come to them when they are sick,
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

Presenter– Tip #5
If on workplace,
Everything is littered with paper
And find you what they ask for,
There is no hope whatsoever
Quickly dump everything on the floor,
Stomp your feet on top
And get out of this job
Where there is no one to clean the table.

Presenter– Tip #6
If your leadership
Clearly hints to you,
That the customer will be there soon,
And the order is still standing -
You with a serious expression,
Play solitaire all day long
And then tell him
That you worked for everyone.

Presenter– Tip #7
If your best employee is
lift you up asks for salary,
And he threatens to quit,
If you don't agree!
Then give him some for lunch,
In tea and soup more pepper,
Because pepper is very
Reduces appetite.

Presenter– Tip #8
If New Year's celebration,
You were forbidden to carry out
And to the festive banquet,
The director said there is no money!
On the weekend we got together,
You will come to visit him,
Promise as a team
Check out the new year.
And then you very quickly,
They will get the required amount,
So as not to see
You at the festive table

Immediately after the children, the Sultan arrived and brought his most beautiful wife with the oriental dance “Sultan”.

Dear girls! Just look how excited your men are today! And believe me, I understand their excitement! Let's talk a little about the “strong half” of humanity. Today they want to impress you so much that even talking about work has faded into the background! Look, not a single man called mobile phone, and whoever had such an embarrassment, he, embarrassed and unnoticed by everyone, pressed the end button. All attention to you, dear ladies. But let's think about your recent investment in today's holiday. What did we recently celebrate? Right! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or as they used to say in the good old days - Day Soviet army. It just so happened that when more than three men gather, the conversation always turns to the army, service, and memories of military affairs. Dear men, raise your hand, for whom the word defender, the army, the military man, are not empty words!
So, my friends, I see who will share their memories with us. For which of you the sounds of a marching trumpet are not empty words! And let our lovely ladies not be jealous, but! A toast to men

Our dear women! Today we spent a truly magical evening with you. We men tried with all our might to show you how much we love you, how we care about you, how dear you are to us, our dear, charming, unique ones. We promise you that we will be just as gallant and attentive not only on the 8th day of the month, but always, every day, at home, in the office, especially on the roads! We swear that we will stop making jokes about blondes driving, we will always give way to you at unregulated intersections, give you compliments every day, and of course we will shift some of your daily worries onto our own, male shoulders!
Happy holiday to you, dear women!
We wish you happiness!

Our women are breadwinners
Bring it to me
tie (belt)

We spend a lot of time at work and need to know everything about each other. However, not everything is so simple, because everyone can hide their essence. It is precisely about the real essence that we are now learning. Those of you who received pieces of paper with assignments, I ask you to go to the middle of the hall so that everyone can hear everything clearly.
(leaflets 2 animals and characteristics)

Who is the most eloquent in the team? We invite you
Toast, says the participant, I hold up a piece of paper with the word, he must use it (refrigerator, RAM, carburetor, referee, felt boots, battery)

Hold a box of matches between your knees and throw them into a vase. (flying gait...),
rubber bands (wear from bottom to top)
from the start he throws the sheet forward. No. 2 - runs up to the place of the fall, picks up the sheet and throws the uncrumpled sheet forward with his hand.

Everyone knows that the most courageous women are Slavic women. I invite the most courageous to come out.
Now we will once again prove to men that courage is not an empty phrase. The administration of the cafe forbade setting the hut on fire, but I couldn’t find any horses. (they died from work). Therefore, we will show men the feat that every woman has definitely accomplished at least once. BIG WASH
For the big wash: erotically rotate the butt (Don't forget that men are looking at you) stamp our feet (what would be fun), we wink with an eye (as long as you can flirt)

Striptease with elastic bands. invite girls: What are the most erotic places for girls? We put elastic bands on them, a massive striptease.

I invite girls over and see who goes to work in the morning.
– What time does the working day start?
– what time does it end?
– what time does lunch start?
– what time does lunch end?
– who comes first
– who arrives on time
– who is late
I invite those who responded and watch them go to work in the morning

For pair dances: You work together, so you must understand each other perfectly, or better yet, without words at all. Men receive tasks and show their partner what she must do: The girl MUST ..... (and the pantomime begins)
go to the supermarket and buy:
– buy champagne
– buy beef tongue
– chicken breast
– beef liver
– and 10 pieces of eggs!!!

Let's prepare the most festive salad "Olivie"
Engine girl, boy, girl, boy... looking for the neighbor's waist (comment - I asked for my waist, not my neighbor’s pocket, I see some people patting my pockets) and holding the waist we move the neighbor to the level of an outstretched arm... When I speak
“SAUSAGE” we all lean forward,
“PEAS” - back,
“CUCUMBER” – in a circle (bends to the side)
"POTATOES" from a circle,
and when “MAIONNAISE” we all do a beautiful sexy rotation of our hips and let’s go...

Are there real men in the room? They go out. These are the men who should represent our country at Eurovision. The casting will take place now. Dear participants, we ask you to come up with a pseudonym for yourself. Everyone knows that in addition to voice data, emotion and facial expressions are very important. We’ll decide on the voice, technology will help, but we’ll work on facial expressions. We put the elastic band under the nose, you need to remove it around the neck without hands. We choose the winner with applause. The Eurovision Organizing Committee will contact you, look for sponsors.

(Russian beauty Mashenka, Freken Bok, the most beloved and most modest sex bomb, Little Red Riding Hood)
Perform a dance with energetic grand batmans while simultaneously jumping onto half-toes (as it says in the encyclopedia.)
Well, people know this dance as a simple can-can
Photo shoot, dance in costumes

Guys, please tell me, what is the power? Here is one character in the film who said (recording “What is the power, brother”), what do you think? But I unequivocally affirm that strength lies in kindness, only it is more important and dearer than anything else, and I’m not the only one who thinks so (Funtik and Belladonna come out). Photo shoot, dance in costumes.


Who came with what?

The game “The Man of My Dreams” - it has been scientifically proven that a woman at any age dreams of a handsome prince. I have a magic crown, with the help of which we find out who our queen dreams of.
1 real colonel - Pugacheva
America fight-Combination
Agent 007, - Brilliant
And I love the military - Combination
Such as Putin - Singing together, etc.

Let the winter glow not yet fade away,
But the air becomes unsteady.
Happy Women's Spring Day to you,
Happy first spring smile!

While they are seated, toast ___________________________.

A portrait of a celebrity, modified in Photoshop, is shown on the video screen for each participant. Among celebrities, you can insert photographs of their superiors. After the participants’ answers, the portraits return to their original appearance.

He. You have successfully completed the first task. Second stage - “Transport inspection”.
During the next competition we will name parts from a mechanism. Try to guess what kind of car we are talking about.
He. Steering wheel, trunk, bell, pedals, frame... (Bicycle.)
She. Keel, periscope, kingstons, propeller, porthole... (Submarine.)
He. Steering wheel, carburetor, brake, shock absorbers, headlights... (Car.)
She. Steering wheel, wings, fuselage, propeller, autopilot... (Airplane.)
He. Turret, barrel, tracks, tanks, hatch... (Tank.)
She. Body, axle, wheel, shafts, goats... (Cart.)

He. Now name the car brand based on its emblem. Julia, did you draw the emblems? Bring it!
She brings out sheets with emblems drawn on them. There should be two more units than the number of participants. Participants take one emblem at random and name the make of the car.
She. So our participants shot...

He. Julia, you forgot that the “Almost Professional” competition takes place in three stages. The third stage - “Sharp Eyes”. Carry a machine gun.
She. Or maybe we'll end here?
He. Julia, we are working according to the script. Bring it!
She takes out a fake gun.
He. What is this? Where is Kalashnikov or TT? Or at least gas?
She (almost crying). The medical commission did not give me permission to carry weapons...
He. Julia, don't cry! So! Take it backstage and bring... well, I don't know what. Now let's figure it out.
She takes out colored paper airplanes and hands them out to the participants.

He. Madams, due to circumstances beyond my control, we have minor changes in the script. Now the task will be this: launch airplanes into the hall so as to hit the target. Julia, we forgot to indicate the goal!
She. For women, there is only one goal - men.
He. Understood! If the plane reaches the jury - and there are only men there - you will receive 5 points.
launching airplanes one by one.
Competitive game moment

He. Madams, thank you. You can go backstage. (The participants leave.) Julia, get ready, now we need to advertise the competition and we’ll continue...
A cell phone ringing is heard. He takes his phone out of his pocket.
He. Hello! (To her.) This is for you!
She. If it’s Vitya, Yura or Pasha, I’m gone. And if it’s Zhora or Misha, then I’ll take it!
He. This name). He asks when is her exit.
She. Now!
Concert number.
He comes out from behind the scenes alone, looking into the opposite curtains.
He. Julia, stop sulking. Let's go to.
She (offended). I won't even think about it.
He (goes to Her). Julia! The audience is waiting.
She. Don't want. And I can’t...
He brings Her onto the stage.
Where will I go so upset? Who needs a sad presenter on stage? The presenter should smile, but I want to cry...
He. Did someone offend you? (Pictorially.) Where is he, scoundrel?
She (pokes him in the chest). Here he is! Here he is!
He. I?!
She (with boundless surprise). Don't you even understand? You men are so thick-skinned. In all the time we've been standing on stage, you've never given me a compliment.
He. Sorry, sorry, darling!
She. Look at me carefully (spins in front of Him)... And so, don’t you notice anything?
He. No, what?
She. Everyone says that I have become a real beauty.
He. It is what it is. But they didn’t tell you the main thing, Yulechka, you’re not only beautiful, you’re also smart!
She (thoughtfully, under her breath). They just say that something else needs to be done... with the face.
He. Well, if only a little.
She. Yes a little bit. Then all. Imagine, Andrey, I’m walking down the street, and the men are all with their mouths open. Those towards you stumble. Those behind are already lying down. This is beauty.
He. Yes... terrible power. Julia, Julia, don't get distracted. By the way, our next competition is called “Both smart and beautiful.”
Maybe, Julia, you will invite the participants to the stage? She goes towards the backstage.
He (after her). On the microphone! (To the audience.) In my opinion, I got carried away with the “clever girl”.
She (comes back). A woman's mind is to hide it. Our dear participants, we ask you to take the stage
Exit of the participants.

He. Competition “Both smart and beautiful” will take place in two stages. The first stage is “Clever girl”.
Each participant is given a marker and a piece of whatman paper.
He. I ask the participants to remember and write words starting with the letter A. The first word consists of two letters, the second of three, the third of four, and so on. Each subsequent word has one more letter than the previous one. One minute is allotted to complete the task.
She. The jury gives 1 point for each word.
On the sheets of paper, participants write words in a column from top to bottom. But at the end of the competition, the presenters read out the words written by the participants.

She. We continue the competition. Stage two - “Beauty”
Men, don't be afraid beautiful women! From a physical point of view, we are a torso on which a head is placed, two arms are attached to the sides, and two legs are attached below. But since our brain is enriched with additional stubs... empty... dance...
He. Julia, no need to be smart anymore!
She (playfully). Well, coquetry! That's why we take care of the shell. Hence the outfits, the lipstick on the lips and the fluttering of the eyelashes... You have to be in shape! (To the participants.) Really, girls?
He. By the way, the jury evaluates the “form” using a five-point system. She. Girls, let's start!
The presenter calls the action, the participants imitate it. In the final, all actions are performed simultaneously.

She. To keep your waist thin, we hula hoop in the morning ( circular movements hips).
So as not to be ashamed to go out in public, we sew our own outfits ( right hand as if we were turning a knob sewing machine). Have you sewn it? We hope.
We do our own styling - we combed our hair, straightened our hair (we straighten our hair with our left hand, comb it with an imaginary comb).
We ran to the shops, bought ourselves some chic shoes, with stiletto heels - and already ran in them... (running in place).
Don't forget to look around - head left and right and shoot with your eyes.

He. How much effort is spent on maintaining beauty - our women spin like a squirrel in a wheel.
And now we all do it together - hula hoop, twist the machine, fix our hair, go shopping in stiletto heels and around... around - so many men around!

Participants perform all movements simultaneously.
He. Yes... If a man is made in the image and likeness of God, then a woman is incomparable! Really, Julia?
She is silent.
He. Julia!
She doesn't respond.
He. Folk sign: If a woman suddenly becomes silent, it means she wants to say something. While Yulia is thinking, the participants can go backstage.

The participants leave. He goes to Her.
Julia, if a thought doesn’t come to mind, then it doesn’t come anywhere at all. How long can you remain silent?
She. Don't bother me, Andrey, I think.
He. I found the time and place! About what?
She. I'm thinking about what to give my mom for March 8th. Maybe you can recommend something?
He. Nooo! Maybe the viewers can recommend something? Wow, how many are there? Dear viewers, do you have any ideas for a gift for a woman on March 8th?
Game moment with the audience.

He. Most often, flowers are given as gifts. But men’s imagination does not go further than mimosas, roses and tulips. And here the women themselves come to the rescue.
She. I wonder how it is?
He. The choice of flowers depends on the profession of your loved one.
She. Okay, let’s say my favorite dressmaker...
He. You can give marigolds to a dressmaker.
She. What if it's a manicurist?
He. Marigold.
She. An ophthalmologist?
He. Pansies.
She. Trainer?
He. Snapdragon.
She. Hairdresser?
He. Cactus…
Julia, I have an idea! Try writing poetry to your mother.
She. I've already tried
He. So how is it? It turns out?
She. Half. I can write, but I can’t write poetry.
He. Maybe you can sing then? Her favorite song... What is mom's favorite song?
She. The one that will now be performed for everyone...
Concert number.
She (at the end of the number). She sings very well. I definitely won't be able to do that. What should I give my mother?
He. Maybe you'll dance? A gypsy girl coming out... Or will you depict some kind of scene? You understand that a creative approach is needed here. She! You and I are chatting! Attention! We are announcing the last competition - creative.

She. First yours homework is…
Creative competition.
He. The competition “Your Majesty the Woman!” is over. The jury retires to deliberate.
The jury leaves.
She (after him). Dear jury! Gentlemen, should I help you or not interfere?
He. Julia, you are much more needed here. Moreover, while the jury is summing up the results, it is necessary to somehow entertain the audience. Do you have any thoughts on this?
She. You will not believe. Eat! On the eve of Women's Day, I propose to think together about how and with what we can also congratulate women.
He. Song! I feel like my voice has returned.
She. So maybe you can sing something soulful then?
He. Eat. (Sings to the tune of “Oh, frost, frost...”) Oh, wife, wife, kiss me, kiss me - your horse...
She. Andrey, I'm serious, but you're joking.
He. And I'm serious. ABOUT! Eat! I can perform an old Russian ritual - procreation... Although it’s not worth showing, the ritual has already spread widely.
She. So what to do?
He. Call...
Concert numbers.

You can hold a people's choice competition. Viewers vote for the participants. The presenters count the votes and record the results.
The jury returns.

She. Dear participants of the competition, we ask you to take the stage.
Exit of the participants, formation for the award ceremony.
She. Andrey, say something good to our participants!
He. Women are the same as men, only better!
She. That's all?
He. Any nonsense for your sake
Our ancestors did it easily.
Because of your beautiful eyes
Madness is still not uncommon.
You are women! And your glory
She submits to you...
Oh delightful right -
Captivate and drive everyone crazy.

Now we will find out to what extent the competition participants managed to captivate the jury. Word to the Chairman. Please use the microphone.
Summarizing- rewarding the participants.

He. We congratulate the winners!
She. No! We congratulate all participants of the competition. We admire you! Good luck to you!
He. We congratulate the participants and all the women in the hall on the upcoming holiday!
Against the background of V. Meladze’s song “I liked you.”
Dear women, we wish you that you always have many reasons to be proud of yourself...
She. Even if someone doesn’t appreciate you, even if it seems like the world around you is unfair. If you yourself sincerely believe that you have something to be proud of, this is already happiness!
He. And we say goodbye to you!
She. All the best!
Together. See you again!
Music. A curtain.
Authors: M. Tyzova, Zh. Khmeleva. When preparing the script, materials from the programs of A. Zaitsev, A. Fomintsev, and the magazines “How to Entertain Guests” and “Around Laughter” were used.