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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Mistakes that became discoveries article. Mistakes that led to discoveries. Random inventions in food

Mistakes that became discoveries article. Mistakes that led to discoveries. Random inventions in food


I have known the famous ophthalmologist and traveler Ernst Muldashev for a long time. I interviewed him several times. One day our conversation touched on the topic of the human aura. I asked the professor if he saw her. The doctor laughed cheerfully and replied that he was a typical scientific researcher, and that all of his scientific life is devoted to the study of the structure and biochemistry of human tissues with their subsequent use as transplants in eye and plastic surgery.

“Having performed up to 700 complex operations annually, I am used to evaluating the results scientific research according to specific, clear parameters. And if I start philosophizing about a person’s aura and so on,” the doctor, thinking a little, fell silent and after a moment continued, “no, I don’t see a person’s aura...” - And then he looked into my eyes as if he wanted to penetrate my soul . For a moment, it even seemed to me that a wave ran down my spine. Or maybe I didn’t imagine all this... Muldashev, noticing my confusion, laughed cheerfully.

“Ernst Rifgatovich, and yet, why do people look into each other’s eyes?” - I ask the scientist. - "Because through the eyes of the interlocutor we can get Additional information about him,” he explains. - It is known that the human gaze works like a scanning beam. The eyes make minute movements, as a result of which our gaze traces the object in question along and across. From here we are able to see the volume, dimensions, and many of its details.

When looking, we take scanned information from the entire ocular part of the face. This includes eyelids, eyebrows, and the bridge of the nose. These parameters make up a complex geometric configuration around the eyes, which is constantly changing depending on the person’s condition.

Therefore, we look into each other's eyes in order to see changes in geometric parameters periocular area of ​​the face. This scanned ophthalmic information is transmitted through the eyes to the subcortical brain centers where it is processed. Next, the information in the form of images goes to the cerebral cortex. We judge our interlocutor by them.” This, it turns out, is a complex process that occurs when simple glance Each other.

“And about the aura... In a cave located at an altitude of three and a half kilometers, I once met one of the Himalayan yogis. Here he sees a person’s aura. And if you have a sunny aura, he will communicate with you, but if he sees you around purple, then you won’t be able to have a conversation with him,” says Muldashev. - When I asked him what color the aura hangs over Russia, he answered - pink. What does this mean, I asked. “This means that all the most important inventions in the world are happening and will happen in your country. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to take advantage of their fruits; you won’t learn how to apply them in life or do business with them.” This is the verdict, according to my interlocutor, that the Himalayan yogi made in relation to Russia.

By the way, in one of his books Muldashev wrote that these are not ordinary people claim: the bulk of humanity is infected with a disease of the soul called greed...

“As a practicing ophthalmic surgeon, I had to travel a lot around the world. I met many doctors from different countries and continents. Then it seemed to me that the main goal of a medical worker is to help the patient on the principles of compassion and love. But being disappointed over and over again, I realized that for many of them the patient is, first of all, a source of income.

No, I am not against the fact that you have to pay for the operation and the work of a doctor. But I do not accept that some doctors oppose new treatments to serve their own financial interests. After all, it is much more profitable, for example, to put useless drops into the eyes of a patient (the patient will constantly come to you and pay money) than to immediately perform an operation and make the person healthier. Hence we conclude: the disease is financially beneficial!

Greed has permeated the whole world, the professor continues, people are hoarding money. Where? Why? We are all mortal. Sooner or later this will happen. And what? Children? But then they will grow up to be just consumers.

Such people are separated from God. They have true love to another “god” – to money. Greedy man he can go to the mosque, to the temple, he can talk about God and even spout phrases from the Koran and the Bible, teaching others to be decent, but his entire spiritual potential is occupied by idolatrous love for the artificial creation of mankind, which gives him power and wealth - money. And such love is a terrible sin."

“What do you think true love is?” – I ask Muldashev again. “Each of us has probably experienced the feeling of love. And any person can say about it that it is a feeling of spiritual uplift, a surge of energy, the deification of a loved one and a time of sweet sleepless nights. Love can save the soul. It is through her that good always wins in the end. But I want to talk about this from the point of view of the subtle world.

They say that in the depths of our Aryan civilization, immersed in matter, somewhere in Nepal and India there are unusual, as if detached from this world and very simply dressed people who claim that their age is 300, 500, 1000 or more years . These are adepts. Of course, it's hard to believe them. This all sounds very implausible. But these people are our future.

It was they, the adepts, who managed to put goodness and love at the service of their health and the process of increasing life expectancy. By loving God and meditating in this direction, adepts, with the help of love, strengthen the positive (good) energy of the soul and partially get rid of negative (evil) psychic energy. In this way they purify their soul.

I think that pathological cancer cells are one of the material substrates of negative (evil) psychic energy, and growing (regenerating) cells are one of positive (good) energy.
In the human body there is a constant struggle between normally growing cells and cancer cells. This process resembles the process of the struggle between good and evil. Therefore, with the help of love, which stimulates a good beginning in the soul, one can achieve a constant process of destruction in the body cancer cells and stimulating the process of cell renewal of the body and ultimately increasing life expectancy.”

“And how to learn to love with therapeutic purpose? - I continue to develop the topic. “Loving yourself is pointless, since self-love is negative quality. We must learn to love life, to love God - the creator of earthly life. If this love is strong and selfless, then the healing effect will occur on its own, says Muldashev. - Therefore, in the morning, when you go out into the street, try to look at people with love and say kind words to them. pleasant words. You will immediately feel happy because people will begin to reach out to you with both troubles and joys.

Do not hesitate when you encounter misunderstanding, do not respond with evil to evil. Don't become an idle preacher, it's pointless. Try to show through your actions and labor that good will still win. Understand that fighting evil is the natural state of man, and without fighting it there will be no progress. Punish a person without hesitation for an evil deed, since punishment for the sake of good is a manifestation of good, and indifference is evil. Listen to your conscience. Work until you sweat, don’t feel sorry for yourself, have compassion, fall in love...”

March 2007.


You know, for me personally the question of a constant state of bliss is very controversial. Often, ignoring the natural impulse to respond to the offender with a strong word, we drive ourselves under the plinth, accumulate grievances within ourselves, and think in the evenings “we should have responded like that.” This is fraught with psychosomatic illnesses due to stress, suppressed aggression, depression, and the offender, confident in our submission, will feel unpunished. What do you think?

The name of the ophthalmologist scientist and experienced traveler Ernst Muldashev is well known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. In his articles and books, he writes about his vivid impressions of meeting people of different religions and cultures, and offers his bold hypotheses about mysterious phenomena nature. His books have many caring readers who write to the editor and ask questions to the author. We addressed some of them to Ernst Muldashev.

–Ernst Rifgatovich, you have come to such an understanding of the world where there is a place for esotericism and religion. This probably has a lot to do with the impressions gained while traveling. But as time passes, many things are seen differently, and a more balanced understanding comes. Are you still ready today to believe your intuition, those extraordinary conclusions that readers talk about and argue about?

– There’s a lot about intuition different interpretations. A popular version, for example, is about “connecting” selected people to the global information space, from where they draw new knowledge. For me, this question is clear: we must listen to God’s prompting - this is intuition. And you can hear it only when you take it seriously, you can understand it, systematize it and use it correctly.

Technology of the Ancients

– Among your readers there are those who consider these publications from the point of view of strict science. There is a lot of controversy about amazing ancient structures, about the origin of mountains of unusual shape.

– I met with geologists many times. We often talked about the unusual buildings that I had seen during my expeditions. But I believe that my version does not contradict their professional point of view. Tibetan lamas told me that the legendary “city of the Gods” was built with the help of powerful energy that emanated from the Shantamani stone. This energy fed the “machines of the ancients,” and they, like giant lasers, sharpened the mountains, giving them the desired shapes. The stone was inside the pyramid. According to Tibetan legends, it is in it, like in a stone file, that the program for creating life on Earth is written.

– In Buryatia in 2002, the “incorruptible body of Khambo Lama Itigelov” was placed in a temple for worship. The head of the Buryat Buddhists remained in this state for 75 years. Do you think this is the same state of samadhi that you write about in your books about Tibet, when a person is “neither alive nor dead” and can return to normal life?

– Somati is a phenomenon that we, Russian scientists, were the first to identify. Again thanks to intuition. In 1996, I traveled to India and on this trip I made a discovery for myself: the people of the Atlantean and Limurian civilization, whose height reached 10 meters, could self-preserve through meditation. The human body passed into the fourth state - viscous water. At the same time, his spirit was in a free state, but connected to the body through the so-called silver thread - this is an energy substance that allows one to find his body if the spirit wants to bring it back to life. The state of samadhi can last for thousands of years. But there is one condition: the temperature in the cave must be plus 4 degrees.

All samadhi are located in deep caves, which are protected by an energy barrier; it does not allow aliens in there. But I visited one of them. I was allowed into this sacred place as a person with a special mission. I managed to get quite close to people in a state of samadhi. In the dim light I saw them. Various heights, they sat motionless in the Buddha pose.

– In the Valley of Death you experienced severe pain, fear and real sensation near death. But your followers follow the same tracks. Why didn't they experience what you did?

“I really barely survived.” My whole life flashed before my eyes, as if in a kaleidoscope. I realized: The Valley of Death is a place where conscience is at the forefront. It reveals how you got along with your conscience throughout your life. But not everyone who has been there undergoes the ordeal that I had to endure. I think this is due to the fact that not every person strives to live with a clear conscience and is used to acting according to circumstances.

– In addition to the Valley of Death, you have visited many so-called places of power. I would like to know your opinion about the death in 1959 of a group of tourists at the Dyatlov Pass, about which much is written today...

– I’ve been to this pass twice, but both times I went around this place from the other side of the ridge. This is the Permian triangle, a very difficult place. The Dyatlov Pass is a place where we are not allowed to appear at all. There, according to local legends, there is an entrance to the underworld, where the yellow ocean splashes and the underground sun shines. They live there according to the law of the pure soul. The Dyatlov group was not to blame for anything, they are not bad guys. But for underworld We, ordinary people, are an infectious bomb.

The search continues

– You recently returned from an expedition to Great Britain and Ireland. What finds did you bring? What are you working on now?

– Many people have watched the film “The Lord of the Rings”, but not everyone knows that this trilogy is based on the ancient scripture The Silmarillion. It has come down to us, apparently, from the depths of centuries. The Silmarillion, as well as the works of the Initiates (E. Blavatsky, Plato), contains knowledge about the creation of the world, about competition different forms life. The world was different then. There were angels - elves, there were dwarfs - gnomes, little people - hobbits, there were ordinary people, there were devilish creatures - orcs, werewolves... After studying The Silmarillion, we went to Great Britain, because it is on the territory of modern England that the so-called point 6666 is located Calculations according to mathematical model The globe showed that the distance from the sacred Mount Kailash (its height is 6666 meters) in Tibet to one of the sacred points in the south of England is exactly 6666 kilometers. Tibetans consider six to be the number of power. From this point in England to the center Bermuda Triangle– also 6666 kilometers.

In addition, the Silmarillion mentions Rings of Power, endowed with special powers. Readers can learn about all this from my new book, which I am currently working on. It's called "The Three Rings of the Elves."

– Where are you planning to go on your next expedition?

– This will be Jaisalmer, a city in India. It is located in the middle of the Great Indian Desert and is the point on the globe opposite Easter Island, where there is a pipe cave guarded by a bird-man, and the famous idols born from the Rano Raraku volcano, which, according to legend, are death chips. According to the information we have, we can say with confidence that there are no accidents in the location of ancient monuments. All of them are arranged in strict order and seem to cover them with a network. Earth. There are guesses that the point opposite Easter Island keeps many secrets and mysteries. We plan to go there this year.

Off topic question

– Ernst Rifgatovich, in your medical practice you have been successfully using your own invention – alloplant – for a long time. What prospects do you see for its wider use in medical practice? What other clinics besides Ufa use alloplant?

– Alloplant gave rise to the medicine of the future, regenerative medicine. Alloplant gave about 150 types of new operations. It is already used by 605 Russian clinics. People from all regions of Russia and 70 countries of the world come to Ufa for treatment. With the help of an alloplant, for the first time in the world, we have the opportunity to “grow” organs and tissues. The drug is not rejected by the body and can remain in the tissues for a long time, gradually dissolving and thereby providing long-term (up to a year) stimulation of biologically active points of the body. In the organ for which the alloplant injection point is responsible, local immunity increases, the process of cell renewal is activated and the regeneration mechanism is launched. But even I, the person who invented the alloplant, can honestly say that I do not fully understand the nature of its effect on the human body. Working on this important topic continues.