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» From a simple driver to a millionaire, the owner of an auto empire. How to open a taxi from scratch: what you need for this, step-by-step instructions

From a simple driver to a millionaire, the owner of an auto empire. How to open a taxi from scratch: what you need for this, step-by-step instructions

Taxi services are relevant in almost any area, so a business idea can be profitably implemented even with a minimum investment. But even at the planning stage, it is important to take into account investment risks and high competition. With proper preparation, an entrepreneur will be able to open a successful business and show clients the benefits of cooperation with him.

How to open a taxi from scratch - what is needed for this?

The operation of any taxi is the same: the client calls the dispatcher, he checks the availability of a free car, asks for the address and places an order. Services can be provided according to your schedule (usually from 6-8 am to 12 midnight) or around the clock. To new business was able to gain momentum, and the income made it possible to quickly return investments and receive net income for preparatory stage, it is necessary to assess the relevance of the service for the population of the region and its competitiveness. You can make good money from your taxi from scratch only if you implement an effective marketing concept and various advertising strategies. What to focus on:

  1. Affordable prices.
  2. Good service.
  3. Travel safety, driver qualifications.
  4. Comfort of movement.

In order to profitably open your own taxi, you first need to register your activity and obtain the necessary permits, collect documents:

  • a license to provide passenger transportation services with your own vehicle (it is issued for each car, and it is valid only in one region. To obtain it, you must prepare a copy of your passport, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a copy of the PTS, a lease agreement or a document confirming the ownership of the car . The document is valid for 5 years from the date of issue. How much do you need to allocate for the state fee? Relatively little - up to 1500 rubles);
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (the cost of registration is 800 and 4000 rubles, respectively);
  • prepare documents confirming ownership or a leasing agreement.

You can profitably open a taxi from scratch in several formats - launch your own fleet or work through dispatch services (in this case you will have to transfer 10-25% of the cost of each order), special software products, involving intermediaries. Some entrepreneurs enter into contracts with drivers who own cars. To form a full-fledged team, the owner will need to hire dispatchers, drivers, and an accountant. In addition to taxes and wages expenses should be taken into account Maintenance, washing, advertising, payment for Internet and mobile communications, medical examinations of workers.

Advice: if an entrepreneur who has decided to open a business in the field of passenger transportation has no more than 15 people under his command, then it is more advisable to register his activities as an individual entrepreneur. This will greatly simplify accounting and provide an opportunity to save on taxes by choosing a simplified tax system with imputation. In addition to these contributions, you must pay a single social tax and income tax individuals.

To open a control room, any office space, meeting the requirements Sanitary rules and normal. How much space will be needed for full-fledged work? Each person should be allocated from 1.5 to 4.5 m². Equipment for the work of dispatchers can be purchased independently or through special companies. In order for them to work quickly and efficiently, it is advisable to purchase special software that will automate and simplify the process of collecting and processing orders. When choosing, you should pay attention to the functionality and number of working modules, the presence of restrictions on orders, relevance Google maps, need for an office. Some software products are sold together with a client mobile application.

It is also important to find the best solution to the automotive issue. The machines must be in good technical condition, otherwise the lion's share of the income will go to their maintenance and repair, which can be disastrous for a young business. Buying them is expensive, so most entrepreneurs, having decided to open a taxi, rent cars from private individuals or sign a leasing agreement. It is advisable that vehicles under the contract be serviced and undergo maintenance in service center, were equipped with a navigation system and GPS tracking. It should be taken into account that a taxi driver’s driving experience cannot be less than 3 years, and before each shift he is required to undergo a medical examination.

No less important than the qualifications of the driver is the marketing concept of a new taxi from scratch. Competition in this area is always high, so a young business must confidently move forward and win its customer base, following a clearly defined plan. Before opening a taxi, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • branding (selection of a catchy and easy-to-remember name, simple phone numbers, a bright logo; you will have to pay about 5-6 thousand rubles to register your trademark);
  • brands of vehicles (the more comfortable and higher class the car is, the greater the chances of a repeat customer order);
  • emphasis on additional benefits (for example, equipping cars with Wi-Fi, equipping one of them to meet the needs of people with disabilities).

As practice shows, best advertising for a newly opened taxi – word of mouth. With good service, fast and high-quality services, an entrepreneur will definitely form his own base of regular customers. It is also worth actively distributing business cards with good design and high-quality font, if you have the funds, you can place banners, streamers on busy city streets, and make it possible to pay for the service by card. Over time it's worth running interesting taxis, for example, a trip to the maternity hospital for 50%, delivery of medicines from a pharmacy at a discount, etc. Methods such as a system of discounts, discount cards, and creating a business card website effectively help increase the base of regular customers.

How much investment will be required? The amount depends on the scale of business development (own taxi fleet, work through dispatch services, in your own car, optional equipment, make and number of cars). On average, a taxi from scratch, if the car is leased, pays off in about six months. Working with the help of dispatchers, the owner will be able to achieve 10-20% business profitability. Even if a future entrepreneur is disappointed in the idea of ​​his taxi, there is no need to despair. There are many more interesting business ideas related to passenger transport, for example, etc.

Is it profitable to work in a taxi with your own car?

Some owners of their own cars decide to earn extra money using a taxi service without registration entrepreneurial activity. Thus, expenses for organizing a business are significantly reduced and the amount of net income increases. But if the driver is stopped by the police and it turns out that he does not have a license, he will have to pay a fine of 5 thousand rubles. You won’t be able to make good money this way, especially for a long time. In addition, it will be quite problematic to develop a customer base, which will deteriorate over time. technical condition personal car. According to the calculations of experienced taxi drivers, the net benefit from using your car for passenger transportation will be about 500-700 rubles, since part of the funds will still be spent on maintenance and repair of the car. After all, in this area it is used very actively, and road surface Not everything is of high quality, so this expense item cannot be avoided. In addition, the owner will need to independently deal with maintenance, insurance, and repairs, which takes a lot of effort, time and requires investment. In the case of a rented car, these burdens fall solely on the shoulders of the lessor. But even with a minimum of available funds, you can find a way out, for example, take it at 0%.

How much can you earn in a taxi in Moscow?

Many people consider the option of earning money in a taxi in a large settlement or in a city with a million population as one of best options. On the Internet you can find simply fantastic amounts of potential income per day - up to 80-100 thousand rubles. But, as taxi drivers with experience say, it is impossible to work in this field and achieve such figures in 12 hours. Experienced driver with good rating in special mobile applications (each is accompanied by detailed step-by-step instruction) by ordering a taxi and already having an established base of regular customers can rarely cross the 6 thousand barrier. But from this amount you need to deduct about 15-20% for payment for dispatcher services, fuel (on average about 1300 rubles), washing (300 rubles) and, possibly, payment for using someone else’s car (from about 1500 rubles). . It is physically impossible to increase income, since this amount is considered to be practically the limit of a taxi driver’s daily earnings. You can save a little on expenses by optimizing them: we look for a car with a cheaper rental or use our own, we find a dispatch company with a lower percentage for services.

Experienced taxi drivers in Moscow claim that you can earn a maximum of 2-2.5 thousand rubles in pure money for a 12-hour shift. It is almost impossible to achieve more than 30% of net income from daily earnings. Opening your own taxi in Moscow is profitable only if you have some investments that will make it possible to purchase or rent good cars, launch a powerful advertising campaign, implement a marketing strategy and not get lost among competitors, of which there are a lot in a city with a million population. Many beginning entrepreneurs with average investments are interested in the answer to the question: from scratch? In addition to organizing taxis, there are many interesting options: making custom furniture, opening your own bakery or confectionery shop, cheese factory, home brewery, etc.

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Organizing your own taxi is not very difficult. You can run it in relatively short time. But in addition to the availability of qualified workers and good cars It is important to first create a concept for the development of the business, otherwise it simply will not withstand the competition and will not create a positive reputation. It is also very important to develop a strategy for retaining and attracting customers, ensuring advertising effectiveness and quality of work. Weighing the pros and cons, the opening of a taxi cannot be called. Open it from scratch and invest resources, time is only worth it if the service is relevant, positive financial settlements, having certain experience that will help you build a customer base, withstand competition and not incur large financial losses at the start.

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*Calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

6,000,000 ₽ (taxi fleet for 10 taxis)


Net profit:

Payback period:

What do you need to start a taxi business and how can you make money from it today? The market situation, the most profitable car brands for taxis and calculations for organizing a small taxi fleet.

The taxi market is developing rapidly last years. And, despite the fact that competition in this business segment is increasing, this business represents financial profitable project. The use of leasing schemes allows you to reduce investments, and the involvement of aggregators allows you to easily provide a taxi fleet with customers. You can enter such a business without experience and gradually increase the number of cars, constantly increasing your profit.

The current situation in the taxi market

The volume of the Russian taxi market is more than 500 billion rubles. The leader in taxi business revenue is Moscow with revenue of more than 2 billion rubles annually. This is almost half of the entire Russian market. From the point of view of the federal districts, the clear leader is Central District, which generates revenue of about 180 billion rubles per year. Moscow is inferior to St. Petersburg in terms of revenue, but in terms of the number of registered cars, these cities are almost equal - they have about 7.5 taxis per 1000 residents. This industry employs almost 600 thousand people throughout the country. Due to the crisis in the Russian economy, the number of employees in this industry is projected to increase by more than 100 thousand people.

The share of illegal taxis on the market is about 15%, and this figure is constantly decreasing, which is due to the improvement in the quality of transportation by large taxi companies and the reduction in the cost of travel for customers. Major players in the taxi market are fighting for their clients, for example, over the past few years average speed Taxi delivery decreased from 10 minutes to 4-5 minutes. The average cost of a taxi trip over the past few years, according to market analysts, has decreased by about 35%. And this is despite a sharp rise in prices for all the main costs of transportation, such as the cost of cars, the cost of gasoline and spare parts. What made such savings possible? First of all, this is tougher competition among major market players. The cost of attracting a client has decreased slightly. But the main savings come from lower wage costs for drivers, who have to work more for less pay.

The entire taxi market is divided into two large segments - taxi companies themselves and aggregators who do not have their own cars, but only search for and transfer clients to taxi companies.

Among the aggregators in Russia, Yandex.Taxi, Gett and Uber are the leaders. Among the taxi companies are Rutaxi, Saturn and Maxim, which are large federal networks.

Based on the results of the market analysis, we conclude that despite the growth in the number of cars and revenue, there is no economic sense in creating a separate taxi fleet with its own dispatch service. This is due to the almost complete market penetration by large players who can support huge advertising budgets and low travel costs. The market is so busy that investing in a small taxi fleet with its own dispatch service is only possible in very tiny settlements where major players are not present. And, if such places still remain, it won’t be for long. In our opinion, such investments are not justified.

How can a small taxi company make money by taxi?

Due to the fact that creating your own dispatch service small company Currently not profitable, you can, having a fleet of cars, connect to any aggregator and fulfill orders on its behalf.

The diagram looks like this. You purchase several cars, hire drivers and enter into an agreement with one or more taxi aggregators. They will advertise, provide a dispatch service and provide you with clients at the rates they approve. You will pay the aggregator for each client or for a certain period of cooperation with him.

Aggregators work only with legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. As a rule, it is not profitable for a driver to open an individual entrepreneur to provide taxi transportation services using one car.

Exist two main schemes for working with drivers.

First scheme is based on the fact that you find a driver and agree with him on a certain plan, which he will rent daily. Essentially, you are renting out a car. As a rule, to avoid vehicle downtime, two daily drivers work on one vehicle. The cost of renting a car that you provide a driver depends on the class of the car, its mileage and what fuel it runs on. Naturally, renting a car on gas costs a little more, since this is associated with a rather expensive re-equipment of the car, but the driver recoups the costs by reducing the cost of fuel. As a rule, the cost of such rental for a driver per day per day is about 1300 - 2000 rubles per day for the regions.

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Second scheme is based on the fact that you provide a car and pay the driver a salary for the number of hours worked. In this case, you also connect the driver to your aggregator account, refuel the car, wash it and service it. According to the salary scheme in the regions, a driver earns from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles per day.

There is another scheme for working with a driver, when a taxi company attracts a driver with a car and takes a certain percentage of his revenue. Usually it is 4-6%. But such a scheme, probably due to the adoption of the law on self-employed people, will become disadvantageous for drivers. Since the law has already been adopted in the first reading, there is not long to wait and we will not consider this option. Many companies that worked on this principle are changing their business model.

It is impossible to determine which scheme, the first or the second, is more profitable for the taxi fleet. As in any business, financial results depend mainly not on the model of its organization, but on the quality of the business organization. Naturally, the salary model requires more attention to business, clearer control over the driver’s work, but often extends the life of the car.

Naturally, car maintenance and repairs in both described schemes are carried out at your expense and under your control. Aggregators carry out complete and strict quality control of orders. For any violations by the driver, he will be immediately fined or blocked. Aggregators often provide driver training.

What cars are advisable to purchase for a taxi fleet?

Of course, the cheaper we buy a car, the faster it will pay for itself and start making money. However, cheap cars, as a rule, have a shorter service life, which is very important for taxis, due to the fact that the cost of spare parts is constantly rising. Aggregators also issue best orders, taking into account the class of the car and its mileage or age.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a middle ground that will allow you to save on initial costs and ensure sufficient cash income from this car. Let's consider which main brands of cars are profitable to use in a taxi.

Let us turn to the practice of existing taxi companies, which have not only calculated the effectiveness of purchasing a particular brand, but have also verified the correctness of their calculations in practice over the years.

In 2017, companies purchased more than 29 thousand cars for use as taxis.

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Volkswagen Polo and Hyundai Solaris are in first place by the number of cars purchased for taxis, their share is approximately 13% of all cars purchased for use in taxis.

The third and fourth places are occupied by Skoda Rapid and KIA Rio with 11% and 10.7% respectively. The top ten most popular cars purchased by legal entities for use as a taxi also included: Skoda Octavia (6.4%), Ford Focus (6.1%), Renault Logan (5.6%), Volkswagen Jetta (2. 8%), Renault Kaptur (2.5%) and Nissan Almera (2.3%).

The main criteria for choosing a car for use in a taxi are its initial cost, fuel consumption, maintenance cost, convenience for the driver and the client. You can consider purchasing a used car, but the cost of maintaining it is usually much higher, especially given the significant mileage when working as a taxi.

Legal aspects of operating a taxi company

To begin with, let’s decide which organizational and legal form is better to use for a taxi fleet - individual entrepreneur or LLC. We are not talking about one car, which is operated by the driver himself, but about a taxi fleet, which has 10-15 cars.

There is no fundamental difference between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC for a taxi fleet. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is a little simpler, but not significant. The reporting of an individual entrepreneur is somewhat simpler, but keep in mind that the individual entrepreneur is responsible for his obligations with all his property, and accidents on the road are different and not all of them can fit into the insurance amount. Therefore, if you do not have any special reasons for choosing an individual entrepreneur, we recommend opening an LLC.

It is more important to immediately decide on the choice of tax regime. There are several available for taxis tax regimes: UTII (single tax on imputed income), patent taxation system or simplified taxation system. Please note that UTII can be applied to individual entrepreneurs or legal entities who have no more than 20 vehicles for transportation.

It should be noted that the amount of taxes for each mode will be different depending on the region of registration of the taxi company. You can do this yourself on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Let's calculate the cost of a patent for 10 cars for 2018 for a city, for example, Rostov-on-Don. Individual entrepreneurs can use a patent average number employees whose employees do not exceed taxable period, for all types of business activities carried out by individual entrepreneurs, 15 people, which fits into our conditions.

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The application of the patent taxation system provides for exemption from the obligation to pay income tax for individuals and property tax for individuals used for business.

Having entered all the necessary data, we find that the amount of tax when applying the patent taxation system for this type of business activity for 12 months. will be 192,000 rubles, the tax is paid in two payments - 1 payment is equal to 64,000 rubles no later than ninety calendar days after the patent begins to be valid, 2 payment is equal to 128,000 rubles no later than the expiration date of the patent.

Let's calculate the amount of UTII for the same conditions using a special calculator. The amount of UTII will be about 50 thousand rubles per quarter. The amount of UTII tax can be reduced to 50% of the amount of insurance premiums paid for individual entrepreneurs. Further, it all depends on what contributions you will pay for employees.

In our opinion, there will not be a big difference in the amount of tax paid in fact when using UTII or a patent.

Thus, it is better to choose UTII or patent as a taxation system; which is better, you can easily calculate it yourself for your region, according to the scheme that we showed. If you do not fall under the specified regimes due to restrictions, then choose the simplified tax system.

Registration of a license for the operation of a taxi fleet

Let's consider what is needed to obtain a license to operate a taxi company. Obtaining a license does not present any special problems. Licenses are issued by the Ministry of Transport. It is best to familiarize yourself with the list of documents for obtaining a license at the administration of the region where you will receive the license, since this list may vary slightly depending on the region of registration. The cost of obtaining a license varies depending on the region and is about 5 thousand rubles.

Please note that to obtain a license you must equip your vehicle with the following requirements:

    Always have the original permit in the vehicle's interior this type activities.

    Checkered stickers.

    The interior of the vehicle must be equipped with a taximeter device or a mobile application that replaces it.

    The roof of the car must be equipped with a characteristic “taxi” sign with a built-in light element.

There are also the following basic requirements for the driver:

    Driving experience of at least 5 years.

    The vehicle must be the personal property of the driver or provided to him in accordance with the current leasing agreement.

    As you can see, the procedure for obtaining a license usually does not cause problems.

And one more important one legal aspect. Taxi drivers are required to undergo a pre-trip medical examination. Such an inspection, by law, must be carried out by a certified specialist and an appropriate record must be made of the results of each inspection. To conduct such inspections, or record the fact of their conduct, you can enter into an agreement with a third-party organization that has a license for such activities.

Taxi fleet financial indicators

The financial performance of a taxi fleet will be different, depending on the operating model of the taxi fleet itself. Let's say we want to create a small taxi fleet of 10 cars in a city with a population of about one million people. As a dispatch service, we will choose an aggregator, for example, Yandex.Taxi. Hired drivers will work in shifts and pay a plan of 1,700 rubles per day.

Very great importance For the financial success of a taxi company, professionalism of the drivers is essential. If drivers often get into accidents or are negligent in operating their cars, then there will be no positive financial results there is no question. Correct selection drivers are the basis of a successful taxi business.

Let's consider what financial indicators in this example can be achieved by us.

Investment (initial) costs for opening a taxi fleet will include the following main elements: costs of opening a company or individual entrepreneur, costs of obtaining a license, rental of a parking lot, costs of a small office and costs of purchasing cars. The cost of purchasing cars makes up the bulk of all costs.

At average cost car costs 600 thousand rubles, the cost of 10 cars will be about 6 million rubles. These are significant investments; against their background, the sum of all other initial costs can be neglected. You can reduce the amount of initial costs by purchasing a car on lease. There are many profitable leasing offers for legal entities.

When concluding a leasing agreement, you must make a down payment of about 10% -20%. A leasing agreement is usually concluded for a period of one to five years. The longer the leasing term, the lower the monthly payment, but the greater the overpayment amount for the entire term. Additionally, the lessee can receive significant savings when paying the profit calculation. The lessee also saves on property tax and VAT, if he is its payer.

The specific amounts of tax savings depend on the tax system you choose and can be calculated at any leasing company you contact. In any case, the option of purchasing cars on lease is worth considering, as you can reduce the amount of initial costs by almost 10 times.

Each car will bring you about 51 thousand rubles per month. But this is the amount in the ideal case; in reality, the amount will be 10% - 15% less, and this is provided that the work is well organized. Let's take net revenue from one car in the amount of 45 thousand rubles per month.

The main expenses will be the following: the cost of purchasing an insurance policy, vehicle maintenance, which, given the high mileage of cars in taxi mode, can be monthly, taxes, office maintenance, if necessary, and payment for aggregator services.

The total cost will be about 14 thousand per month per car. Thus, the estimated profit from one car will be about 31 thousand rubles, and the total profit on 10 cars will be about 310 thousand rubles per month. In this calculation, we do not take into account some overpayments on leasing and believe that we are making all investments at once. The payback period for the car will be about 2 years. In fact, the service life of a car in a taxi, subject to high-quality service, is much longer and is at least four years, after which it is more profitable to sell the car at its residual value.

As a result, taking into account the residual value of the car, each car will bring you about 700 thousand rubles in profit over four years, that is, about 14 thousand rubles per month.

Summing up, we conclude that opening your own small taxi fleet is good business providing decent profitability and acceptable payback periods. At competent organization the total income is quite sufficient to ensure the effectiveness of the entire project.

Get current calculations for your business plan

A taxi service is either a dispatch office with hired employees, or a company with its own fleet of vehicles. Options vary in the amount of starting capital and advertising costs. If you study the city market, you can choose a narrow direction and focus on your niche, without giving in to numerous competitors.

Taxi service options

Typically, there are 3 options for operating a taxi service.

Private transportation

More recently, the owner of his own car could offer passenger transportation services, but today it is no longer possible to operate without special permits. At a minimum, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and work as a private owner.

Since this option is a “one-man company,” taxi drivers offer services at the exit from train stations and airports.

The average revenue of one car is from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles per day.

IN in this case You need to pay attention to the presentability of your car and offer discounts to customers.

With an established client base, you can achieve a stable income, however, given that everyone will have to do it on their own, the profitability of the business will be relatively low, and this is not counting competitors.

Dispatching service

The essence of a taxi with a dispatch service comes down to the fact that there is a company for transporting passengers, but without its own fleet. The dispatch organization hires car owners and offers to fulfill orders by radio or telephone.

Motorists can work with the dispatch center even if they do not have their own car by renting a car.

When the driver takes an order, he receives a financial reward of 25%, the rest goes to the dispatch company. Each organization sets its own tariffs and payment systems, depending on the volume of work and employment.

The company is required to enter into an agreement with hired workers, but it often happens that the dispatch company requires the driver to present an individual entrepreneur.

For its part, the taxi service provides employees with the following benefits:

  • Choice of order fulfillment;
  • Ability to work at any time of the day without supervision;
  • Opportunity to work for yourself.

According to the agreement, the dispatch center does not bear the cost of servicing the car or gasoline, but takes into account the condition of the car, as well as the age and experience of the motorist.

Taxi with its own fleet and dispatch center

The organization of such a business is the most impressive in terms of starting capital, but also the most cost-effective. The company requires both its own machines and a control room.

A standard taxi service may include 20 cars with drivers and 2 dispatchers. Motorists are not required to have personal transport, since the car is a company car. Although sometimes there are business options - having your own fleet of vehicles and additionally cars with independent employees. This is required in cases where the company is expanding and there is no need to take its own cars.

Range of customer base

A taxi service is the transportation of passengers, but each service differs from the other in its narrow profile. You can provide services in the following segments:

  • Average price tag for a wide range of clientele;
  • Elite VIP taxi for passengers with high incomes;
  • Taxi operating within a city or even a microdistrict, for example, only towards the airport.

There is no point in purposefully reducing the potential profitability of a business if competition allows it. It is better to highlight areas within the organization and offer additional services. For example, you can increase the cost of the service for passengers who want to order a business class car, and pay for trips to the airport at separate rates with discounts.

If the competition is too strong and it will take a lot of time to achieve a decent income, you can focus on your core area. For major cities the idea is of particular importance, otherwise the taxi service will get lost among dozens of others. Here are just a few options for the most common and proven solutions:

  • Taxi with free Wi-Fi;
  • Taxi, where the drivers are only women;
  • Taxi with a fleet of identical cars (by color, make or country of origin);
  • Taxi with the ability to transport disabled people;
  • Taxi with the lowest fare in the city.

What do you need to know to analyze the market?

To analyze the taxi market in your city, rely on the following factors:

  • City population;
  • The presence of airports and train stations, as well as the presence of traffic (if the city is large and a resort, then at certain times the services will be in great demand);
  • Presence of competitors;
  • Using additional ideas from competitors to attract interest in your business.

Taking these factors into account, you can build your own business line and take advantage of an unoccupied niche.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a taxi business

To open a taxi business, like any other business, you need to go through the registration procedure, rent an office, hire employees and think through advertising. But there are certain specifics that need to be taken into account.

Enterprise registration

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a company providing taxi services must have a permit (license) for freight and passenger transportation. This is true even for one driver who has opened an individual entrepreneur. They receive licenses for a period of 5 years only after registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the transport supervision service.

Usually the license is valid only within the region, but if regional agreements exist, the license may be broader. More information about the license (registration and receipt) -.

Rental of control room premises and equipment

The most important thing for the control room is communication, so its quality is taken into account first. The immediate location of the control room is not important, but for uninterrupted operation required:

  • GSM communication with stable channels from mobile operators;
  • Additional power supplies to ensure uninterrupted power supply;
  • Internet channel with unlimited traffic (if necessary, use the services of several providers);
  • IP telephony.

A control room with two employees does not require a large room to operate. More important are stable means of communication.

You also need to purchase computers for the premises. Based on the calculation of the same two dispatchers, three PCs will be required, two of which are needed by employees to process orders, and the third for server operation.

Today, software has been developed for the taxi service that allows you to automatically:

  • Place orders;
  • Calculate the cost of the order;
  • Calculate payments for operators and drivers.

The same software ensures communication between dispatchers and drivers.

Search for employees

The key employee of a taxi service is the driver, and it doesn’t matter whether he has his own transport or not. Ideal taxi driver:

  • Communicates politely;
  • Knows the city very well;
  • Punctual;
  • Knows how to keep the car clean.

In addition to the listed qualities, the driver must have at least 3 years of driving experience, but not be an advanced pensioner. Pre-trip medical examinations will also help weed out those who fail due to health reasons.

Standard working conditions for a taxi driver are one day every other day. This allows, in the presence of a branded vehicle fleet, three drivers to work on one car. In this case, employees are paid the rate with interest. If there is no own fleet of cars, the company pays only interest on revenue.

No less important is the work of dispatchers or operators. Young girls are usually hired to work as dispatchers. Their most important qualities for this job:

  • A pleasant voice;
  • Correctly delivered speech;
  • Clear diction;
  • Friendliness;
  • Communication skills.

Taxi services will also require the services of an accountant and manager. The latter may be the business owner himself.

Advertising and Marketing

For a taxi, especially in conditions of fierce competition, you need to think about what will be remembered by the client:

  • Nice and simple room. Such numbers are from the same numbers or a small amount symbols are always heard and quickly remembered. But at the same time, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than a regular room. For a taxi, the telephone number is important, so it is better to write it down as an expense item.
  • Logo. Bright and memorable logo - perfect solution and great advertising. Cars with the logo drive around the city and thereby attract attention. The taxi is in plain sight, and if the number is easy, then it’s easy for a potential client to remember who to call. Registering a trademark costs money, but for taxis with their own fleet it is The best decision.
  • Corporate color of cars. Another visual advertising trick is the color of the taxi fleet. This is used by taxi services in New York, where yellow became the color of taxis. If you don't stop at the logo and use the same color for the cars, this will make the taxi even more memorable.
  • Place advertisements in the newspaper;
  • Distribute leaflets;
  • Open your own website with the ability to order a taxi online;
  • Post advertisements on stands at entrances to residential buildings.

Are you planning to provide passenger transportation services? You have 2 main ways to implement this idea:

  • Open a dispatch service that acts as an intermediary between drivers with personal cars and passengers
  • Open a company with your own fleet and staff of drivers

The second option is more expensive and requires some experience in managing a large team of specialists, establishing partnerships with car services and a powerful advertising campaign. Therefore, in this article we will take a closer look at the first work scenario.

How to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch and without your own cars

Creation of a taxi dispatch service without own vehicle fleet is quite real. If you don't plan to lease cars, you'll just need a slightly different set of documents than when starting a fleet business. Let's look step by step at what is required for this.

What documents are needed to open a taxi: permits and licenses

According to Federal Law No. 99 of 05/04/2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities”, the activities of taxi companies do not require licensing.

However, to operate it legally, you will need permission to provide services to passengers. To obtain this document, you need to register your business and submit an application to the regulatory authorities.

Business registration

For taxi service it is enough to register the business as an individual entrepreneur and choose UNDV as the taxation system. In this case, an agreement is concluded with vehicle drivers, on the basis of which they pay the company a fixed amount or a percentage of the revenue received. The amount is specified in the contract as a fee for the provision of information services.

Further actions

If you do not plan to lease cars, after registering an individual entrepreneur, you must obtain a power of attorney to use them. Then submit the documents to the authorized organization. For example, for St. Petersburg this is the transport infrastructure committee. If the application is approved, the license will be valid for 5 years.

How to make an application

The application must provide the following information:

  • Legal form of the company
  • Business name
  • Full name individual entrepreneur
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
  • Phone and Email applicant for contact
  • Information about registration with the tax service

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Applicant's passport
  • Certificate of registration for each vehicle
  • Copies of power of attorney from vehicle owners (if the cars are not owned by the entrepreneur)

It is also necessary to add all issued documents to the register so that anyone can freely clarify whether the license of a particular car is valid.

How much does it cost to open a taxi service: calculations

The specific cost of opening a dispatch service depends on the prices for services in your city. The average cost of starting a business in St. Petersburg will be from 1’000’000 - 2’000’000 ₽.

Which mandatory expenses will be required at the initial stage:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs and licensing of activities - 2’000 ₽
  • Radio station 20’000 - 30’000 ₽
  • Radio wave rental - 15’000 - 20’000 ₽
  • Software - 5’000 ₽
  • Phone number - 2’500 ₽
  • Equipment for 1 car - 3’000 ₽: taximeter, walkie-talkie and flashlight with checkers
  • Trademark registration - 6’000 - 7’000 ₽

In addition to one-time expenses, there are monthly expenses:

  • Subscription fee for radio frequency - 10’000 ₽
  • Utility bills - 1’200 ₽
  • Operator salary - 30’000 ₽
  • Renting an office of 100 m² in the city center - 120’000 - 300’000 ₽

A significant cost item will be needed to promote your taxi service. If you are planning to launch a website, set up online advertising and promote your business in in social networks, the amount indicated at the beginning will increase significantly.

How to open a taxi service and make a profit

Not a single business startup tool guarantees you profit. However, there is a way that allows you to optimize costs. This ready business. By choosing this option to create your own business, you can get a number of advantages over creating a project from scratch. Thus, a taxi company with its own fleet can be purchased significantly cheaper. You will also receive the previous owner’s advertising efforts, customer base, and partnership agreements.

By doing your due diligence and choosing an option that fits your budget, you can make a good investment. View offers from operating taxi dispatch services in your city:

  • Directory of dispatch services in St. Petersburg
  • Options for operating taxi services in Moscow
  • Offers for the sale of taxi services as a ready-made business