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» Causes of perestroika in the USSR. The restructuring can be roughly divided into three stages. Let's see what laws were passed

Causes of perestroika in the USSR. The restructuring can be roughly divided into three stages. Let's see what laws were passed

Hello perestroika everyone!Today I decided to complete the topic of the post-war development of the USSR with the topic “perestroika in the USSR”, in which you will learn a lot of new things and systematize your knowledge. After all, systematization is the most important thing in memorizing the main historical events for each period...

So, you and I remember that we have a plan for covering any topic: reasons, occasion, course of events and results. The chronological framework of perestroika is 1985 - 1991.

Reasons for perestroika in the USSR

1. Systemic socio-economic crisis caused by the arms race in the foreign policy of the USSR, the financial dependence of the socialist countries on Soviet subsidies. Reluctance to change the command-administrative economic system in accordance with new conditions - in domestic policy("stagnation").

2. There were also accompanying prerequisites and reasons for perestroika in the USSR: the aging of the Soviet elite, whose average age was within 70 years; the omnipotence of the nomenklatura; strict centralization of production; shortage of both consumer goods and durable goods.

All these factors have led to an awareness of the changes needed to further development Soviet society. These changes began to be personified by M. S. Gorbachev, who became the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in March 1985.

The course of events of perestroika in the USSR

To reveal and assimilate the topic, you need to remember a number of processes that were embodied in the era of perestroika in the USSR. The first of them is publicity. Publicity manifested itself in the weakening of censorship, in legalization (legality) pluralism, when alternative, other points of view on the development of the USSR began to be recognized in politics. It became possible to freely discuss political, socio-economic and cultural life countries. The consequence of glasnost was the emergence of many fly-by-night parties, alternative publications, etc.

Glasnost led to the fact that in March 1990, Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the leading role of the CPSU in society was abolished. This led to the split of the CPSU into a number of parties. A prominent role in political life countries from the first days of their creation were played by the Communist Party of the RSFSR (CPRF) and Russian Party communists (RCP). The Russian Communist Workers' Party (RCWP) took shape. At the initial stage of their activity, they all saw their main task as returning to communist ideology (taking into account the changes that had taken place in the country), as well as strengthening the role of the state in economic life.

The following process is acceleration of socio-economic development. The essence of acceleration was announced at the April plenum of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) in 1985. Acceleration was understood as greater integration of science and technology, decentralization of management in the economy, development of the private sector of the economy with the dominance of the public sector for now.

In essence, it was about replacing the command-administrative economic system with a mixed one. From the social studies course you should know the signs of all three types of management;). Acceleration led to laws “On the general principles of entrepreneurship in the USSR”, “On cooperatives”, “On state enterprises”. However, these measures did not lead to the expected effect.

In foreign policy, perestroika in the USSR during the reign of M.S. Gorbachev led to the so-called « velvet revolutions» . The fact is that glasnost and the weakening of censorship revealed not only socio-economic problems and contradictions within the socialist camp, but also led to the growth of nationalist sentiments in the countries of this camp.

In 1989, the Berlin Wall collapsed and Germany began to unite into one state. The Cold War is over. In countries where there were socialist regimes, liberal-democratic regimes are emerging, and there is a breakthrough towards market and mixed economic systems. The camp of socialism finally collapsed in 1989-90, when the countries of the socialist camp declared themselves sovereign, the phenomenon of "Parade of Sovereignties". The United States issued a medal for victory in the Cold War.

Collapse of the USSR occurred on December 6, 1991, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (BSSR), a meeting of the leaders of the three sovereign states of Russia (B.N. Yeltsin), Ukraine (L. Kravchuk) and Belarus (S. Shushkevich) took place. On December 8, they announced the termination of the 1922 union treaty and the end of the activities of state structures former Union. At the same time, an agreement was reached on the creation of the CIS Commonwealth of Independent States. Union of Soviets Socialist Republics ceased to exist.

Results of perestroika in the USSR

1. The weakening of the command-administrative economic system and the attempt to transform it led to an explosion of political, socio-economic and nationalist contradictions that had formed throughout the previous development of the USSR.

2. The arms race and other prerequisites indicated above led to uncontrollable processes within political development THE USSR.

3. All these factors led to the collapse of the USSR. Also, do not forget that American President Ronald Reagan began to call the USSR the “evil empire” 😉

4. Of course, there were also subjective reasons. One of them is the desire to destroy everything at once, which, in my opinion, is characteristic of most Russians. We need everything at once! This psychology was confirmed, in particular, by the program of S.S. Shatalin and G.A. Yavlinsky’s “500 days”, which provides for a transition from a command-administrative system to a market system in 500 days! It is absurd, in my opinion, to blame the collapse of the USSR only on M.S. Gorbachev or solely on “ American intelligence" - this is a household level.

A systemic crisis has been brewing in the country for a long time and it has manifested itself. Yes, if you have 90% of the power and you want to destroy the system, you will destroy it - and it’s not even a question! But in my opinion, the reasons for the collapse of the USSR were laid down even under I.V. Stalin, when people were accustomed to obey the center, which a priori should have had not only 90% of power and 100% of authority. It is not the fault of the subsequent leaders of the USSR that they did not have it.

In general, this is such a difficult topic. I will devote further posts to such related topics at the intersection of history and social science as the development of Russia in the 90s and global problems modernity. Of course, I know that now the school curriculum includes topics almost up to 2012. This, in my opinion, is nonsense, because history is events that happened at least 20-25 years ago... Everything else is pure political science and sociology! Well, okay - we'll figure it out.

You, of course, my dear reader, can leave comments on this post and state your point of view on the specified period! Don't forget to subscribe to the following posts on the site!

Perestroika jokes

The era of perestroika in the USSR remained in people's memory as the collapse great country. And of course, in order to overcome this difficult event, people created jokes that were both funny and sad at the same time. But they also help to understand the essence of the era.

— What did your plant do before perestroika?
- Released tanks.
- And now?
— And now we make baby strollers.
- Well, how about they buy it?
— They buy it, only some picky mothers complain that it’s inconvenient to pull the child out through the tower

. -

6.Kara-Murza S.G., “Soviet civilization”, T. II.

7.Novodvorskaya V. Ten exploits of Gorbachev // New Time, 2005, No. 12.

.Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary. - M., 2005.

.Pihoya R.G. " Soviet Union: History of power", - Novosibirsk, 2000.

.Sogrin V. 1985-2005: Three transformations of modern Russia // National history, 2005, №3.


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Her whole trick was to intensify labor, but without increasing wages. That is, they wanted to go out on people, exploiting them even more. Naturally, such an experiment failed. There were no fools to work harder for the same money. There was a State Planning Committee, there were prices and production standards. If the plan was exceeded, the standards were increased at the same prices. Why did people need to work harder? No need. And perestroika collapsed, ending with the collapse of the USSR, and before that there was an operetta putsch.

Today, with capitalist relations and the introduction of private ownership of the means of production, there is no need to urge workers. They themselves know how you work is how you earn. But the salaries at state-owned enterprises, and even at some private entrepreneurs, are very low. And, consequently, newspapers are full of job advertisements given the existing unemployment in the country. Only the salaries for such jobs are generally less than the subsistence level. Naturally, no one will work at a loss. Only pensioners will work at low rates.
How many government programs have collapsed in . Khrushchev built communism, so much so that he quietly removed Nikita from his high post. Then, during the last months of Leonid Brezhnev’s rule, they announced a food program that was in effect until 1990. We carried it out, carried it out, and today we live on the “food needle” of the West. The housing construction program was also curtailed. Buy any apartment today if you have the money. But not every family has them, especially young ones.

Listening to the Prime Minister's speech today, where he talks about modernization, it is bitter and offensive. His words sound like a distant echo of the socialist economy. What should we modernize? An industry that is dying? Or an economy fueled by oil and gas? Or it can withdraw new variety slave people?

It is possible to modernize something that actually works. For example, in the USA it is possible to carry out modernization Agriculture. It, as one professor there put it, can pull the entire economy along with it, like a locomotive. And with its normal functioning, all control over it will disappear. The lower the prices for food products, the easier it is for people to live, the richer the country's citizens will be, the more successfully industry can be developed. Like this.