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» Queen of Spades read online summary

Queen of Spades read online summary

During dinner after a card game at the house of Horse Guards Narumov, Tomsky talks about his grandmother, Countess Anna Fedotovna, who lived in Paris in her youth. Once I lost at cards and couldn’t pay my debt. The Count of Saint-Germain, about whom mysterious stories were told, heeded her pleas and told her three cards, with the help of which Anna Fedotovna really won back. The Countess did not even tell her children and grandchildren what cards they were.

The story made the strongest impression on Hermann, a young engineer, the son of a Russified German, who loved cards but never played because, in his words, he could not sacrifice what was necessary in the hope of acquiring what was superfluous.

About Lisa

At this time, the old countess lived with her poor relative Lisa, whom she pushed around not out of malice, but simply out of senile egoism. The girl's life was not sweet. She accompanied the old woman to balls and walks, poured tea and received reprimands from Anna Fedotovna for everything she didn’t like, regardless of who was to blame.

Hermann and Lisa

One day, sitting by the window with a hoop, Lisa saw a young engineer on the street, standing motionless and looking at her window. it was Hermann. who kept dreaming of trying to find out her secret from the old woman and somehow, while walking, accidentally ended up near her house. Having learned that this was the house of that same countess, the next day he came here again, began to look at the windows and noticed Lisa in one of them. This minute decided his fate. Germani began to come to the countess’s house every day, soon he and Lisa began a correspondence, and finally the girl made an appointment for him in her room, writing how to get there without anyone noticing while she and Anna Fedotovna were at the ball.

Death of the Countess

Around twelve at night, Hermann entered the house, but did not go to Lisa’s room, but to the countess’s bedroom and remained waiting for her. Returning from the ball, Lisa hurriedly went up to her room, but her lover was not there. The maids took the Countess into the bedroom, changed her clothes for the night and took their leave. She was very scared. when Hermann suddenly appeared in front of her and began to beg her to reveal to him the secret of the three cards. Anna Fedotovna was silent in fear, then he took a pistol out of his pocket. The Countess raised her hand, as if in defense, and died.

Lisa's disappointment in Hermann

That evening at the ball, Tomsky, who had quarreled with his bride Polina, danced a mazurka with Lisa and casually mentioned Hermann, noting that he had the profile of Napoleon, the soul of Mephistopheles and at least three crimes on his conscience. These words sank into the girl’s soul. Not outposts young man in her room, she sat and recalled this conversation, when suddenly the door opened and Hermann entered. He revealed to her what had happened, ending with what seemed to be the cause of the Countess's death. Lisa listened to him with horror, realizing that his love for her was a pretense and it was all just for the sake of money. She gave him the key to secret door and told me how to leave the house.

Funeral of the Countess

There were a lot of people at the Countess's funeral, but no one cried. Hermann, unable to drown out the voice of his conscience, which insisted that he was a murderer, also came there. He was the last to approach the coffin, and it seemed to him that the dead woman looked at him mockingly, winking with one eye. The young man recoiled from the coffin and fell backward. They picked him up. At the same time, Lisa, fainting, was carried out to the porch. After the funeral, Hermann drank a lot in the tavern and, upon arriving home, immediately fell asleep.

Hermann's Vision

Waking up at night, he looked at the clock - it was about three. The sleep suddenly vanished, the young man sat down on the bed, thinking about the funeral of the old countess. At some point, it seemed to him that someone’s figure flashed outside the window. Soon they opened front door, and shuffling steps were heard in the next room. Suddenly the door to his room opened and a woman in a white dress entered, whom Hermann recognized as the Countess. She told him three cards: three. seven and an ace - so that after winning he would never play again, marry Lisa, and forgive him for his death.

Mystical story " Queen of Spades"was created by A. S. Pushkin in 1833 and immediately aroused the interest of the romantically minded reader.

The story tells about a young man who, being not rich, living on his modest salary, dreams of becoming rich.

The first chapter shows a group of friends who spent their leisure time playing cards. The young people spent time playing cards, without betting large sums, and were not very sad when they lost. However, the champagne they drank after the game lifted the spirits of everyone: both the winners and the losers.

That same young man was also here. One of the heroes of the story, Tomsky, drew attention to the fact that Hermann often watches the game, but never punts. He explained that the game occupies him greatly, but he is “not able to sacrifice what is necessary in the hope of acquiring what is unnecessary.”

Tomsky told his friends about his grandmother that once upon a time, many years ago, a combination of cards was revealed to her that you could bet on without fear of losing. And he is surprised that the grandmother never plays and did not even reveal this combination to her grandson.

This story captured Hermann's imagination. He decided at all costs to find out three winning cards from the old countess in order to play for sure.

In the second chapter, the reader meets the countess and her pupil, the young lady Lizaveta Ivanovna. Lisa was a poor girl who endured the whims of a wayward old woman. She was promised a salary, but she constantly received less than what was assigned. In addition, she often turned out to be a scapegoat.

One day, passing by the countess's house, Hermann saw a girl in the window and decided that she would help him get into the house. He used all his skill and assertiveness to attract Lisa's attention. Hermann wrote her notes with declarations of love. And finally, he got a romantically minded girl who dreamed of love to invite him into the house at night.

Once at the countess's house, Hermann went not to Lisa's room, but to the old woman. He begged her to name three cards. The old woman replied that this story had nothing to do with the truth. She doesn't know any combination. Seeing that the old woman was deaf to his pleas, Herman pulled out a pistol and began shaking it in front of the old woman, trying to intimidate her. But this also did not work, because the countess’s old heart could not stand it, and she died.

Then Hermann went into Lisa’s room and confessed everything to her. Although Tomsky said that Hermann had the soul of Mephistopheles, he was still not devoid of nobility. Having seen the dead old woman, he could not tell Lisa anything. But he found the strength to repent.

Although Hermann was only indirectly responsible for the death of the old woman, he was still tormented by remorse, and on the 3rd day he came to the monastery for the funeral service. The young man decided to ask the old countess for forgiveness. When he approached the coffin and looked into the face of the deceased, it seemed to him that she squinted and grinned. Out of fear, he backed away and, stumbling, fell. At this moment, Lisa lost consciousness.

This event greatly upset Hermann. He drank a lot that day in the tavern. Returning home, the hero lay down without undressing and fell asleep almost immediately. Woke up at night. I heard footsteps in the house and saw the door open and a woman enter the room. It was the Countess.

“I came to you against my will,” she said in a firm voice, “but I was ordered to fulfill your request. Three, seven and ace will win you in a row, but so that you do not bet more than one card per day and so that you do not play for the rest of your life. I forgive you my death, so that you marry my pupil Lizaveta Ivanovna...”

Hermann wrote down his vision that same night and began to wait. He could not think of anything else except to test in practice what the countess had said. And such a moment has come. In Moscow there was a society of rich gamblers. And its chairman, a certain Chekalinsky, came to St. Petersburg. Fans of the card game went to him to try their luck. Hermann also came here. The first two days, betting on three and seven, he won, and thereby increased his capital. But on the third day, instead of the required ace of spades, the queen of spades was placed, and Hermann lost everything. This event had such an effect on his excitable psyche that he went crazy and ended up in the hospital. Lisa married a kind, wealthy man, and Tomsky married his Polina.

1833. This is the most mysterious work of the poet. The plot is connected with mysticism, with the unpredictability of fate, with choice human values. The story was innovative for its time and was a resounding success. At receptions, when they played cards, they bet on the mystical cards from the Queen of Spades.

A.S. Pushkin “The Queen of Spades”: summary first chapter

At the evening, which was hosted by the Horse Guardsman Narumov, it was told amazing story. It was told by Count Tomsky. Once upon a time, his grandmother was a beautiful, headstrong and popular woman in her circles.

And then one day she lost a large sum of money at cards. Her husband, who usually indulged her, flatly refused to pay that amount. Then the countess turned to Count Saint-Germain for help. At that time he had considerable funds. Only the count didn’t give her the money, but suggested another way out - to get even. He revealed to the countess the secret of the three cards.

That same evening the Countess played one card after another and repaid the entire debt. She did not trust her secret to anyone. And only once did she help a certain Chaplitsky win back, but on the condition that he would not play again.

A young officer named Herman listened to this entire story. He was from a poor family, so he could not afford to play. But I always tried to be present at the game. And this story struck him to the core.

“The Queen of Spades”: a summary of the second chapter

The old countess was still at the mercy of her time. She carefully observed the etiquette of her youth; it took several hours to decorate it.

A poor pupil, Lizanka, lived with her. It was she who had to endure the quarrelsome temper of Countess Tomskaya. Lizanka dreamed that a deliverer would appear who would one day take her away from this life. Only all the young people were calculating and did not pay much attention to her.

But soon some events happened. They made Lisa perk up and believe in the world. An unfamiliar young man began to constantly appear in front of her window. This young man was Herman. This is how, using Lisa, he decided to get to the old countess.

“The Queen of Spades”: a summary of the third chapter

Herman sends Lisa sweet love notes every day. She suffers greatly, but always rejects them. But soon Lisa gives in and makes an appointment with him while the Countess is not at home.

Herman sneaks into the house, and at this time the Countess returns. He hides in her office and waits for all the maids to leave. Coming out of hiding, German tries to explain to Tomskaya why he needs this secret. But the Countess doesn’t seem to hear him. Herman gets angry and begins to threaten her, but the Countess unexpectedly dies.

“Queen of Spades”: summary of the fourth chapter

The young man leaves the dead old woman and goes up to Lizanka. There he confesses everything to her. The girl was very upset; she realized that she had made a mistake about him. Only Herman is not touched by her tears. He only regrets the lost secret.

“Queen of Spades”: summary of the fifth chapter

Funeral of the Countess. Herman also came to say goodbye to her. He was not tormented by remorse, but the voice of conscience still told him that he was a murderer.

At night the Countess appeared to Herman. She was in the same form as during their meeting. The old woman revealed a secret to him. She named three cards: three, seven, ace. But she also named a condition: he must marry Lisa.

“The Queen of Spades”: abridged chapter six

Having learned the secret, German decides to test his destiny. He sits down at the gaming table in the company of “Rich Gamblers”. Putting everything he had on the line. And for two days in a row he returns to his apartment with a huge win. Only on the third day, instead of the ace, the queen of spades comes across. Because everything is lost, Herman

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is known, first of all, as an outstanding Russian poet and reformer of Russian literary language. People become familiar with his works in early childhood and many retain their love for them until old age. However, it is impossible to fully judge Pushkin only by his poems, epic poems on fairy tales and mythological stories(such as “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and so on) and even on the largest event literary life first half of the 19th century century - pThis is interesting: Turgenev’s novel. omanu in verse “Eugene Onegin”.

Prose in the works of A. S. Pushkin

IN late period creativity Pushkin is increasingly interested in prose. Being a versatile person, he is interested in significant events of the recent past, and the idea of ​​writing a story about Pugachev’s uprising gradually takes shape.

Not the least role in the appeal of many outstanding Russian writers of that time to plots from national history played by the ongoing publication of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin’s fundamental work “History of the Russian State.” Pushkin strives to gain access to government archives in order to work on his work only on reliable grounds, but he fails.

Despite all the obstacles, Pushkin continues to study the history of the Pugachev region, and later the novel “The Captain's Daughter” will appear from this. Striving to discover new means of expression in prose, Pushkin remained dissatisfied for a long time with the quality of the works coming from his pen, so his first completed prose cycle came out relatively late: in the fall of 1830, the writer completed “Belkin’s Tales.” In it, Pushkin showed himself as a subtle stylist and connoisseur of all contemporary artistic movements, but the public reacted coolly to the work.

The failure did not bother the writer: until his death, he worked primarily in prose genres. Not the least role in this was played by his creation of the literary magazine Sovremennik, which had to be filled with literary texts. In the autumn of 1833 in the village of Boldino Pushkin creates a number of diverse works:

  • Study peasant war 1773−1775 "The History of Pugachev."
  • Poetic cycle “Songs of the Western Slavs”.
  • Poems “The Bronze Horseman”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Angelo”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.

During the same period, the Queen of Spades was created.- a story about the predetermination of fate. The story of Hermann - a young man who wants to get rich in short term with minimal effort - arose due to the successful combination of two factors:

  • Real story Princess Golitsina, who once won a large sum thanks to a tip from Count Saint-Germain about a combination of three cards.
  • The use of artistic means of the movement of romanticism, especially German.

The second fact is especially noticeable in the work: critics often note the closeness of “The Queen of Spades” to the stories of Ernest Hoffmann. The story became the first Russian prose work to gain recognition abroad. Based on the plot of The Queen of Spades, numerous operas were staged, one of which was created by Tchaikovsky, and subsequently the story was repeatedly filmed.

The plot of "The Queen of Spades" in abbreviation

There is a huge amount interesting books, and it’s not always possible to find time to read them all. Therefore in Lately Briefly is popular, or a short retelling of the plot work of art.

The plot of the story is as follows: engineer Hermann, who has a small fortune, does not take part in card game horse guard Narumov, but he is clearly attracted by the thought of big win. At the end of the game, Tomsky, one of its participants, tells the story of his grandmother, who received from the French alchemist Saint-Germain a secret combination of cards that allows her to win. After some deliberation, Hermann goes to the Countess and, threatening her with a pistol, tries to force her to reveal her secret.

The old countess dies of heart attack , but soon appears to Hermann in a dream, where he names three secret cards. Hermann goes to play. Twice he manages to win with a large bet, but the third card turns out to be incorrect. Hermann goes crazy and ends up in a psychiatric hospital.

Retelling the story by chapters

In addition to Hermann, the elderly Countess and dark forces There are other characters in the story who are also necessary for understanding the plot. Below you can read the story “The Queen of Spades” in a chapter-by-chapter summary.

Chapter 1

Late at night, a group of friends gathers at the young horse guard Narumov’s place to play cards. Engineer Hermann does not participate in the game, since a loss would have a serious impact on his meager fortune, but he watches it carefully. Friends make fun of Hermann, noting that both his name and his approach to gambling are German. They don’t understand why Countess Anna Fedotovna, Pavel Tomsky’s grandmother, doesn’t play, because she knows a win-win combination of three cards.

In her youth, Anna Fedotovna often visited Paris. At one of the social evenings, she lost an impressive amount to the Duke of Orleans. Her husband refused to pay her debt, and Anna Fedotovna, in desperation, tried to borrow money from friends. One of them, the alchemist Saint-Germain, declares that he is not able to provide financial assistance, but instead talks about three cards that you can win by betting on. Anna Fedotovna returns to the salon and wins back. Having paid off the debt, she never sits down at the gambling table again and does not tell anyone about the secret, not even her sons.

The young people find the story implausible and, laughing, disperse.

Chapter 2

Anna Fedotovna Tomskaya by that time had become a decrepit and very capricious old woman. Her household suffers from the countess’s quarrelsome character, especially her young pupil Lizaveta Ivanovna. Tomskaya gives her contradictory and absurd orders, and expects their immediate execution. Hermann is unable to forget about stories of three cards and decides to charm Lizaveta in order to gain access to the countess through her and find out her secret. To do this, he often goes to the countess’s house and stands for a long time in front of the window, where, as he knows, Lizaveta is engaged in embroidery. A handsome young man attracts the attention of a girl tired of the whims of the countess.

At the same time, Hermann’s obsession becomes stronger. He has dreams in which his bet wins, and under the admiring glances of his friends, he shovels numerous banknotes into his pocket.

Chapter 3

Hermann manages to convey to Lizaveta a note with an ardent declaration of love. The girl, although flattered by his attention, writes him a restrained answer and throws it out the window along with Hermann’s message. But he doesn't give up. Through the maids, he continues to send notes to Lizaveta, in which he begs for a date. As a result, the girl agrees and in one of her response messages she tells how to get into the house. This is all the easier to do since Anna Fedotovna, together with her pupil, is going to go to the ball in the evening.

Hermann takes advantage of the situation, but does not enter the girl’s room, but the countess’s room. He patiently waits for her return, and when the maids disperse after dressing for the evening, leaving the mistress alone, Hermann leaves his hiding place and demands from the countess the secret of the three winning cards.

The young man’s pleas do not make any impression on the old woman, and then in desperation he takes out a pistol. Seeing the weapon, the Countess is so frightened that she dies on the spot.

Chapter 4

At the ball, Lizaveta runs into Tomsky, who gives a not very favorable description of Hermann, comparing him to Mephistopheles. The girl internally agrees with this opinion. Upon returning home, she sends the maid away and is relieved to see that Hermann did not show up for the date. However, after some time he enters her room and states that the Countess died some time ago, possibly through his fault. It becomes obvious that the young man does not feel any attraction to the girl, and the whole intrigue was conceived only to get to the countess. Lizaveta still helps Hermann, giving him the key to the secret door to the street.

Chapter 5

Being a suspicious and superstitious person, Hermann decides to go to Anna Fedotovna’s funeral to ask her forgiveness for becoming her unwitting killer. In front of a large crowd of people, he approaches the coffin and faints: it seems to him as if the old woman is looking at him mockingly.

Now it seems to Hermann that the sure path to quick enrichment is lost forever. He goes to a tavern and drinks himself into unconsciousness. Having difficulty reaching home, he falls asleep.

Suddenly waking up around three in the morning, Hermann encounters the ghost of the Countess, who tells him three secret cards - three, seven and ace, but sets several conditions. Firstly, each card can be played only once a day, secondly, the combination can be used only once and after that never take part in the game, and thirdly, Hermann must marry Lizaveta Ivanovna.

Chapter 6

Hermann becomes completely obsessed with three cards: he constantly thinks about them, mentions them inappropriately in conversations. He learns that a game for large sums will soon take place in Moscow, and together with Narumov he goes there.

At the game, Hermann immediately attracts attention bet forty-seven thousand on three. Everyone knows this amount is all he has. Hermann's card wins, and he takes the winnings and leaves the hall.

The next day he comes again, bets his ninety-four thousand on seven and wins again. People around are very surprised, so when Hermann comes to the game for the third time the next day, everyone leaves their games to watch him.

Having bet all his money on the ace, Hermann, without looking, announces that he has won. To this his opponent, Chekalinsky, replies: "Your lady was killed". The engineer looks at his map in horror; it seems to him that the old woman herself is smiling mockingly from it.

The shock turns out to be so strong that Hermann is sent for treatment to the Obukhov hospital, where he constantly repeats false and true combinations of cards. The fate of the remaining characters develops in full accordance with their place in society: Lizaveta Ivanovna successfully marries the wealthy son of the old countess’s manager and keeps a pupil with her, and Tomsky successfully advances in career ladder.

The meaning of the story in Russian literature

"The Queen of Spades" is an example of Pushkin's mature prose, where all his basic artistic principles were embodied. They can be presented as the following list:

Pushkin's work had a serious influence on other writers. In particular, the motif of a terrible dream was deeply embedded in Dostoevsky’s prose, and the clear predominance of the realistic over the romantic formed the basis of Gogol’s stories. After many years of searching for new means of artistic expression, Pushkin was able to create a text that appealed to both critics and the mass reader.

The briefest summary of “The Queen of Spades” introduces us to one of the most mysterious prose works of A. Pushkin. The story begins with the most ordinary game of cards in the house of the horse guard Narumov. When the game ends, Tomsky begins to tell mysterious story your grandmother. According to him, one day Saint Germain opened to her the secret of three cards: if you bet on them in a row, you will definitely win. Of course, this story seemed implausible to everyone present. Hermann, a young officer who had never played before, did not believe in her either, but closely watched the players until the morning.

Meeting the Countess and Lizaveta Ivanovna

Further, the brief summary of “The Queen of Spades” introduces us to Tomsky’s grandmother personally. An old woman sits in the restroom surrounded by her maids. Her pupil is working here with the hoop. Tomsky enters the room and starts small talk with the countess, but quickly leaves. The reader's attention turns to the old countess's pupil, Lizaveta Ivanovna. The girl is left alone and looks for a long time at the handsome young officer, whose appearance makes her blush every time. The countess distracts Lizaveta - the woman, as always, gives the most contradictory orders and demands that they be carried out immediately. Lizanka's life in the house of a grumpy, selfish and wayward old woman has long become unbearable. The Countess has a habit of blaming her pupil for everything that she doesn’t like. The proud girl, in turn, could hardly bear the endless whims and nagging and looked forward to the long-awaited savior appearing in her life. This is the reason why the appearance of the young officer, who had been appearing near the house for several days in a row and looking through her window, made Lizaveta blush. This young man, as you probably already guessed, was the same Hermann.

Hermann finds a way to get into the Countess's house

Hermann himself was a man within whom passions boiled; his fiery imagination haunted him. Perhaps only his strong character saved him from the mistakes of his youth that many of his peers made. Tomsky's story fired Hermann's imagination, and he decided to definitely find out the secret of the three cards. Driven by this goal, he found himself at the house of the old countess, in one of the windows of which he saw Lisa. This moment became fatal.

The brief summary of The Queen of Spades, of course, does not include descriptions of the many moments that allowed Hermann to approach Lizanka and enter the countess’s abode. The officer secretly tells Lizaveta, and in turn answers him. In his next letter, Hermann insists on a date. The young man writes to Lizaveta almost every day and, in the end, achieves what he wants. Lisa makes an appointment with her admirer at the time when the hostess is supposed to go to the ball, and explains how to sneak into the house unnoticed. Further, a brief summary of the story “The Queen of Spades” shows us rapidly developing events. Having difficulty waiting for the appointed hour, Hermann enters the countess’s house and climbs into her office. When the Countess finally returns, the officer comes to her bedroom and begins to beg her to tell him the secret of the treasured three cards. The old woman is rendering uninvited guest resistance, but he is adamant: at first he begins to insistently demand, then threaten, and in the end he pulled out a hidden pistol. Seeing the weapon, the old woman falls from her chair in fear and dies.

And again, the briefest summary of “The Queen of Spades” takes us back to Lizaveta Ivanovna. She returns with her mentor from the ball and experiences fear at the thought that Hermann will be in her room. So the girl even feels relieved when no one is there. Lisa indulges in her own thoughts, and at that moment Hermann enters the room and informs the girl about the death of the Countess. This is how Lizaveta finds out that the officer’s goal was not her love, and understands that it was she who was to blame for the death of her mentor. The girl is tormented by the pangs of remorse. Hermann leaves the countess's house with the first rays of sun.

The soul of the deceased haunts the officer

Three days later, Hermann appears at the Countess's funeral service. When the officer said goodbye to the deceased, it seemed to him that she looked at him with mockery. Hermann spends the rest of the day upset, drinks a lot of wine and falls asleep. He wakes up in the middle of the night, hearing someone's footsteps in his room. The officer recognizes the old countess. She reveals to him the secret of three cards: three, seven and ace, and also demands that Hermann become engaged to Lizaveta Ivanovna. After this, the ghost of the Countess disappears.

The treasured combination continued to haunt the officer's imagination. He can no longer resist temptation, and therefore goes to the company of the famous gambler Chekalinsky and bets a huge amount on three. Hermann's card wins. The next day he bets on seven, and history repeats itself. A day later, Hermann finds himself at the table again. He puts down a card, but instead of the expected ace in his hand there is a queen of spades. The officer imagines that the lady grinned slightly... The image on the card strikes him with how similar the queen of spades is to the old countess.

This is how A. Pushkin’s story ends. But, of course, to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the work, it is not enough to read a very brief summary. “The Queen of Spades”, written in a lively, rich language, allows you to see all the scenes described by the author as if in reality. In conclusion, the writer says that Lizaveta Ivanovna got married some time later, and Hermann himself went crazy.