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» "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman": a review, the main characters, the atmosphere of the story. Synopsis of the lesson in Literature "The human value of A.S. Pushkin's story "The young lady-peasant". The plot and characters of the story. The world of the Russian estate"

"The Young Lady-Peasant Woman": a review, the main characters, the atmosphere of the story. Synopsis of the lesson in Literature "The human value of A.S. Pushkin's story "The young lady-peasant". The plot and characters of the story. The world of the Russian estate"

Pushkin's ingenious innovation has been repeatedly noted by critics. “Pushkin's muse,” Belinsky wrote, “was nourished and nurtured by the works of previous poets. Let's say more: she took them into herself as her rightful property and returned them to the world in a new, transformed form.

This remark of Belinsky is also true in relation to Pushkin's prose, in particular Belkin's Tales, his first realistic prose work, which revealed to the reader a wide variety of plot themes, motives and directions.

Let's try to consider in this respect the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman". The very plot of the story - the enmity of the older generation and the love of children - reminds us of Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. However, the very motive of enmity in the story is noticeably reduced - Muromsky and Berestov reconcile due to a rather comical situation: “Having fallen rather heavily on the frozen ground, he [Muromsky] lay, cursing his stubby Mare, who, as if coming to her senses, immediately stopped as soon as she felt herself without a seat. Ivan Petrovich galloped up to him, asking if he had hurt himself. This comicality was also noted by V. S. Uzin, who considered the story to be completely parodic.

The description of the clouds that “waited for the sun, like the courtiers of the sovereign,” is an allusion to France of the era Louis XIV("Sun King"). Here already there are motifs of classicism. We also find details of clothing from the same era in the description of Liza’s outfit during lunch with the Berestovs: “... fake curls ... were whipped up like a wig of Louis XIV; sleeves... sticking out like Madame de Pompadour's fizma; the waist was constricted like the letter X ... ". The very development of the action reminds us of French vaudeville. A young lady conceives a charming adventure with dressing up ”in which Nastya, her maid, helps her. Nastya here reminds us of a clever servant-assistant, dedicated to all the affairs of the mistress. This is exactly what Dorina is like in Molière's comedy Tartuffe. Pushkin's conceived adventure is quite successful, and everything ends well. Thus, the very plot scheme of the story reminds us of the comedies of classicism.

But in regard to "meaning", ideas, Pushkin's story is far from classicism. "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is devoid of the heroism and satirism characteristic of classicism. The characters of all the characters, their psychology is ambiguous, multifaceted. So, Liza appears before us not just as a sweet, lively, direct young lady. This is also a rather wayward, proud girl, with self-esteem.

Alexey is not just a “passionate fellow”, kind and simple-hearted. This is also a strong-willed, courageous person, ready to defend his position in life.

In The Young Lady-Peasant Woman there are many associations with romantic literature. So, Alexei Berestov, wanting to seem romantic hero, appears before the local young ladies "gloomy and disappointed", speaks "of lost joys and of his withered youth." To top it off, he wears a black death's head ring, sends letters to the mysterious A.N.R....

But already the portrait of the hero betrays completely opposite features in him, which in no way fit in with “withered youth”: he is a strong, stately fellow, “slender, tall”, with a “blush all over his cheek” (as opposed to romantic pallor). “... It would be a pity if his slender waist had never been pulled together by a military uniform and if, instead of showing off on a horse, he spent his youth bent over stationery ...”, the author notes. So already here the writer mocks meekly at romantic clichés, as if hinting to readers how far this young and cheerful man is from all romantic canons.

The very thought of Alexei to marry a peasant woman and “live by his own labors” outlined a sentimental motive in the story, but it was completely unnecessary: ​​the peasant woman turned out to be a young lady in disguise. Thus, the exclusivity of the plot situation here is only external: it exists only in the consciousness of the hero. The reality in the story is rather banal.

However, the influence of sentimentalism in The Young Lady-Peasant Woman is not limited to just one emerging motive. Morning landscapes of the story, situations unexpected meeting heroes, the gradual development of relationships - all this reminds us of stable schemes of sentimental plots, which was noted by V. F. Botsyavsky, V. V. Vinogradov, V. V. Gippius. Such plots are present in "Poor Lisa" by Karamzin, "Lake Rostov" by V. V. Izmailov.

However, Pushkin's story is devoid of excessive sensitivity, didacticism, an ironic smile is often guessed behind the very feelings of the characters. The “content” side of the sentimental scheme is, as a rule, an unhappy love story: short-term happiness ends with the parting of the heroes who return to their “ social roles", to real life. The endings of such plots are often tragic: in Poor Liza, Liza dies because her lover preferred a rich bride.

In Pushkin's story, the sentimental plot (poverty of the hero or heroine, obstacles in the way of lovers) is only beginning to be "projected" outwardly, in Alexei's mind. However, we can assume here that there is a happy ending: the hero is ready to the end to defend his right to free choice in love. But the real ending of the story turns out to be happy, the author's tone here is peppy and cheerful.

Thus, The Young Lady-Peasant Woman is a magnificent synthesis of classicist, romantic and sentimental traditions, themes and motifs. Without striving for a parody of these styles and creatively reworking them, Pushkin overcomes the plots and situations that are stable in literature, offering his own resolution for them.

The lesson uses the technique of developing the creative abilities of the individual - with the help of a mask. Mask as a bright, materially tangible element of disguise, transforming the appearance of a person, contributes to the knowledge of his world. The mask is strong in its visibility, obvious materiality and form, which evokes a certain emotional response in the wearer of the mask. The mask is complex in its multifunctional orientation. It can be both a work of art, a cultural sign, a playing instrument, a part of a ritual. Children easily perceive and play masked heroes of myths, fairy tales, films, cartoons. Adults associate pranks, childishness, humor with playing in a mask, but they take derivatives of the mask - psychological masks - images seriously. The image is characterized by elements of disguise - hairstyle, makeup, costume, details of the toilet, not to mention body language - plasticity, demeanor and style of behavior. Disguise is diverse and universal as one of the ways of knowing the world. The lesson uses elements of working with a mask as a stimulation of the creative activity of students.



Lesson topic: A.S. Pushkin "Young Lady - Peasant Woman". (2 hours)


1. Introduce students to the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman", its plot and characters. Identify the role of antithesis in the story.

2. To form the ability to analyze a literary text.

3. To educate the emotional perception of the artistic text, attention to the artistic word; cultivate respect for human feelings.

Equipment: texts of the story "The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman", pencils, paper.

Methodological techniques: student's message; teacher's story with elements of conversation; vocabulary work; commented reading; drawing up masks of characters; comparative analysis characters.

During the classes

  1. teacher's word

Guys, today we begin our acquaintance with a cycle of stories called "Belkin's Tales". They were written in Boldino, in the autumn of 1830. (Student's message about the role of Boldin autumn in the life of A.S. Pushkin.)

In today's lesson, we are working on Pushkin's story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman".

  1. Conversation

"Young Lady - Peasant Woman" is parody on the romantic and sentimental works of the time. (Dictionary work - what is a parody?)So, we will read not quite a serious work of Pushkin. Nevertheless, in it Pushkin talks about very serious problems, but with humor.

At home, you read the story. Starting reading, you probably noticed its title and epigraph. How can you explain the title? What is the lexical meaning of the words young lady and peasant woman? (The young lady is a girl from the upper class; the peasant woman is from the lower.)

- What is the combination of these words? (Combining opposite concepts, Pushkin intrigues the reader with the title of the work. Reception antitheses Pushkin uses throughout the work.)

Explain the meaning of the epigraph. (The epigraph is taken from I. Bogdanovich's poem "Darling" and is, as it were, a moral characteristic of the heroine, who is "good" in both noble and peasant appearance.)

CONCLUSION: Judging by the title and epigraph, the main character will be a girl shown in a contradictory situation and retaining her high moral qualities.

  1. Discussion of the characters of the story (comparative analysis)

Let's start with the analysis of the characters in the story.older generation(differences):

Ivan Petrovich Berestov

Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky

1. Keeps housekeeping in the Russian manner:

On weekdays he went to plush (dictionary work) jacket, put on on holidays frock coat (dictionary work) from cloth homework; he himself wrote down the expense and did not read anything, except for the Senate Gazette.

2. Of the people who condemned G.I. Muromsky, “Berestov responded most severely. Hatred for innovation distinguishing feature his character."

  1. Anglomaniac:

“... he divorced english garden... His grooms were dressed as English jockeys. His daughter had an English madam. He cultivated the fields according to the English method ... "(Unlike the geometrically correct French garden, the English garden is like a natural forest.)

2. Grigory Ivanovich "was considered a man not stupid, for the first of the landowners of his province guessed to mortgage the estate to the Board of Trustees: a turn that seemed at that time extremely complex and bold."

Angloman "endured criticism as impatiently as our journalists."

We note the irony of Pushkin in the description of the relationship between Berestov - the elder and Muromsky. In their depiction, Pushkin uses the technique of antithesis.

However, despite their differences, they have a lot in common:

Thanks to the common life, Berestov Sr. and Muromsky were able to find in the end mutual language and reconcile.

younger generation

Alexey Berestov

Lisa (Betsy) - Akulina (the name of the heroine was not chosen by chance: everyone is familiar with " Poor Lisa Karamzin, it is no coincidence that the heroine reads Karamzin's "Natalia, Boyar's Daughter").

1 .Characteristics, portrait:

"He was raised in*** university and intended to join military service, but his father did not agree to that ... They did not yield to each other, and young Alexei began to live as a gentleman for the time being,letting go of the mustache just in case (attribute of the military).

He was, “indeed, well done ... The young ladies looked at him, and others looked at him; but Alexey did little of them, and they believed that the cause of his insensitivity was a love affair.

“It is easy to imagine what impression Alexei had to make in the circle of ... young ladies. He was the first to appear before them gloomy and disappointed, the first to speak to them of lost joys and of his faded youth; moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of a dead head. All this was extremely new in that province. The ladies went crazy over him.

1. Characteristics of the character, portrait:

“She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened a swarthy and very pleasant face. She was the only one and, consequently, a spoiled child. Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson to despair ... "

“Nastya went after Lisa, she was older, but just as windy as her young lady.”

- Why did Lisa decide to disguise herself as a peasant woman, couldn't she charm Alexei in her true guise?

Alexei wears the mask of a suffering lover, cold to all young ladies, because it is fashionable in society, and with simple peasant women he is cheerful, sweet, plays with burners. You don't have to wear a mask with them, you can be yourself. So Alexey is more interesting to Lisa.

- Why did Alexei and Liza fall in love with each other?

“... Alexei, despite the fatal ring, the mysterious correspondence and gloomy disappointment, was a kind and ardent fellow and had a pure heart, capable of feeling the pleasures of innocence.” He was going to marry a simple peasant woman, disobeying the will of the parent.

Lisa was too unusual for a simple peasant woman: self-esteem (even self-esteem), an outstanding mind, ease of communication and at the same time impregnability and adherence to principles.

“His relations with Akulina had the charm of novelty for him, ... although the prescriptions strange the peasant women seemed burdensome to him.

All this speaks of the high spiritual qualities of Alexei

The originality of Liza-Akulina caused strong feelings.

  1. Group work

Students draw masks of the characters in the story and verbally describe them.

Berestov - the elder - a bear (Muromsky called him "... a bear and a provincial").

Muromsky - dandy - Englishman (English manner of speech, monocle on his eye).

Aleksey is the mask of a suffering lover (reminiscent of Pierrot's mask) and a "good master".

Liza - two masks: a funny painted Frenchwoman and a peasant Akulina.

The heroes of the story hide their true face, their real spiritual qualities under masks. However, some masks, on the contrary, emphasize the beauty of the soul of the characters.

  1. Work on the composition and plot of the story

How did the last explanation of Alexei and Lisa happen? (By chance, Alexei wanted to explain himself to Lisa, to talk about his love for Akulina, and found Lisa in her true form.)

What is the role of chance in the story? Let's list the accidents that move the story. Are they random? Consider composition. Recall how the composition is built:

On the desk:

Exposition - plot - climax - denouement - and - epilogue (optional).

E .: A story about the heroes of the older generation, characteristics of the younger generation.

W .: Nastya, Liza's maid, meets A. Berestov and tells Liza about it. Accidental acquaintance of Nastya with A. Berestov entails a well-planned "accidental" acquaintance of Lisa with Alexei.

To .: Chance meeting with Lisa - Akulina in her house. The climax is preceded by another accident: the fall of Muromsky from the horse and his rescue by Berestov, the elder.

R. : Missing: "The reader will spare me the unnecessary obligation to describe the denouement..."

Are coincidences in the story so random? Reflect on this question at home .

  1. Homework
  1. Composition - miniature “The role of chance in the story of A.S. Pushkin "Young Lady - Peasant Woman".
  2. Read the story "Shot".

“The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” is a story from the cycle “Tales of I.P. Belkin”. in it, the author managed to express his dream of high morality, of love that knows no social barriers.

Let's try to analyze the story by answering a series of questions:

1. When and where was the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" written?
"The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" was written in the autumn of 1830 in Boldin. More precisely, September 20, 1830. It was this date that Pushkin put at the end of the work.

2. Explain the title of the story.
Liza was a young lady, the daughter of a landowner, and after disguising herself, she pretended to be a peasant woman.

3. Why did Lisa do this?
She wanted to meet Alexei Berestov: their fathers were in a quarrel.

4. What caused the quarrel of the landowners?
The reason for the quarrel of the fathers is not very clear to the children. They say that Berestov was thrifty, and Muromtsev was wasteful. One tripled his income, while Muromtsev went into debt. Students should feel Pushkin's irony in the depiction of both landowners. The teacher explains it. Berestov's self-conceit was expressed in the fact that he himself "considered himself the smartest person in the whole neighborhood, which is in no way a sign of a really smart person." Neighbors only “did not rebuke him on this. His cultural interests were very narrow: he did not read anything, except for the Senate Gazette. Along the way, we pay attention to the features of the old noble life, familiar to them from Dubrovsky. As with Troekurov in Pokrovskoye, Berestov's neighbors "... came to visit him with their families and dogs." One can dwell on the Anglomania of Muromsky, which speaks of the admiration of Russian landowners for foreigners, already familiar to students from Dubrovsky.

5. What did Miss Jackson do in her host country?
She did almost nothing. Twice a year I re-read an English novel, received two thousand rubles for it, a lot of money for that time, and “died” of boredom in this “barbaric Russia”.

6. How does Pushkin portray Alexei Berestov? The author talks about him with sympathy, but at the same time with mockery. Aleksey "was a good fellow", rode a horse well, wanted to go to military service. He was young and cheerful person, but spoke of "lost joys and withered youth" and wore a black ring with the image of a dead head.

7. And how does Alexey feel about Akulina?
Alexey sincerely fell in love with Akulina, teaches her to read and write. He, contrary to the wishes of his father, who threatened to deprive him of his inheritance, decided to marry Akulina and live by his work.

8. Remember how the quarrel between the two landowners ended and what are the general plans
made them friends. We recall how the landlords reconciled and how they decided to marry their children. And it was this common venture that made them friends.

9. What attracts us to Lisa?
Lisa is "brave", "easy to deal with Nastya", "playful". She is resourceful: she found what to do when Alexei was supposed to come to them.

10. What is the originality of the composition of the story "The young lady is a peasant woman"? After Liza, in the guise of Akulina, meets with Alexei, we keep an eye on Alexei's behavior all the time. We know who Lisa is, but he doesn't. When the fathers reconcile, Lisa finds herself in a difficult situation. We do not know how she will come out of it, and we look forward to her appearance among the guests with interest. In the last scene, Alexei learned what the reader had long known: Akulina is Lisa. On this stage, you can show children the technique of "indirect
inner speech. The author speaks about the joy of Alexei, who recognized Akulina in Liza, but says
just as Alex would say.

There are no traces of romantic poetics in The Young Lady-Peasant Woman, there is nothing mysterious or unexpected in it, everything is simple in it: love, heroes, and the atmosphere of village life. Here sounds a joke, mischief, cunning. Pushkin jokes directly, jokes without looking back. “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” is a light story built on a real-life basis with a simple plot and a happy ending. Some critics, Pushkin's contemporaries, considered the story unworthy of Pushkin's talent, condemned it as frivolity. "But they did not notice a positive, artistic and creative beginning in the ironic pathos of the story."

It is easy to write a review of the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”, because this wonderful work is full of interesting, vivid characters, each of which deserves a separate detailed description. And most importantly, they are so realistic that they give rise to images and associations in the soul of any reader.

It is curious to make a literary review of the “Lady-Peasant Woman”, because Pushkin used in the work interesting tricks narratives:

    Scenery for the main storyline from a detailed description of the life of the landlords, the customs of the peasants, nature. All this gives rise to a certain mood in the reader and adds individuality to each character.

    The harmony of the whole story is so imperceptible, but if you think about it, Pushkin's genius once again confirms. The exposition, the plot, the climax - this is a single whole, the plot goes smoothly, and the absence of an epilogue is natural.

    Irony does not violate harmony, but adds even more lightness to the whole story, lightness of the atmosphere. Each character is described very naturally, vividly. And this is precisely due to the irony, which allows us to notice and shade the natural for real life, but skillfully introduced by Pushkin into invented characters, some absurdity and excessiveness. But this is the characteristic, what makes real people interesting and different from each other.

Two equally respected families

The heads of the families of the two lovers are not the main characters, but they leave an indelible impression. In both of them, from the very first lines, one can see the excessive enthusiasm of each for their own interests, which opens the field for the author's irony. Angloman with the most progressive views and his zoil (the name of the Greek malicious critic, which has become a household name) is a Russian landowner with deeply conservative convictions. A review of the book “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” will be incomplete without a description of such different fathers Liza and Alexei, respected by everyone in the district. Ironically over these characters and the history of their reconciliation, Pushkin gives readers the opportunity to laugh easily and heartily.

County lady Liza Muromskaya

The author included in the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman” a review-story about provincial girls. This description of county young ladies in the literal sense exists separately, is famous in itself, and was often quoted by other writers.

Pushkin calls the main advantage of young ladies from the province "originality", the characteristic of each, individuality and behavior, and way of thinking, which are not violated by the capital's education. Girls who were educated in two capitals and then went out into the world, over the years of study, learned the same type of behavior, like their uniforms, which disgusted the author. Their judgments, principles, expectations from life - everything is “the same as their hats”. Liza was embodied by Pushkin as their complete antagonist, the sweetest county young lady that the poet could imagine.

Mysterious Alexey Berestov

What kind of young man could captivate any county young lady? One word - mysterious. That is why Lisa was looking for a meeting with Berestov, who was unfamiliar to her. Although Alexei was also handsome, stately, young. But this ring has a dead head. Drama unknown to anyone about him broken heart gave rise to gloominess in his behavior. And most importantly - complete indifference to all the county young ladies.

What seventeen-year-old girl could resist such charm? The last straw was the review that the confidante Nastasya gave to the peasant lady about Alexei. Like, the young landowner is cheerful, handsome, he only ignores noble girls, and he doesn’t let a single peasant woman through. And a frivolous prank came to the mind of the young lady of Murom.

First meeting

The meeting of Lisa the peasant woman and Alexei in the forest is decorated with a short description of nature: a fresh morning, a golden sunrise, spring renewal - a wonderful background to set off both Lisa's girlish charm and the beauty of the feeling that is emerging between lovers. Joy, anticipation, “infantile gaiety” - that’s what a review is, and the young peasant woman, and the reader himself, together with her, feels in his heart the answer to the surrounding beauty, dreaming, waiting for the first meeting with a mysterious stranger. It is as if the reader is walking in the spring forest at sunrise - young, naive, innocently rejoicing together with Lisa at a successful prank.

Barin and peasant woman

What made Lisa agree to continue her acquaintance with Alexei, although initially she was determined to end everything at the second meeting? Passionate love and humility of the master. Some feminine vanity: a nobleman at the feet of a peasant serf. An impossible plot for the time. The prohibition of society on any happy development of such relationships.

Whatever response to The Young Lady-Peasant Woman may be born in the hearts of Pushkin's contemporaries, almost two centuries after it was written, it leaves the impression of a happy love story in a distant and romanticized era. Russian landscapes, landowners' estates, mysterious rendezvous, the patriarchal system and the drama of two lovers from opposing families. A romantic story with a happy ending that is read with a smile and ease!

We suggest you take a look at this famous work Pushkin, as "The young lady-peasant". A summary of this story is presented in this article.

Murom and Berestov

The work begins with a description of how two neighbors ran their household - Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky and Ivan Petrovich Berestov. The latter owns the Tugilovo estate, and the former owns Priluchino. Berestov conducts his economy prudently and reasonably. He makes good money out of it. Ivan Petrovich is hostile to innovations, therefore he often makes fun of Muromsky, who squandered most of the estate, but continues to go crazy. Grigory Ivanovich tries to imitate the British in everything. On his estate is an English garden, which absorbs the bulk of his income. At the same time, his grooms are dressed as English jockeys. He, moreover, ordered an English governess for his daughter. Muromsky tries in agriculture to adhere to the methods that were developed in his beloved country. However, this does not bring tangible profits. Muromsky is even forced to mortgage his estate. Relations between the two neighbors are hostile, so they do not go to each other.

Alexey Berestov

The following events continue the work "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" ( summary, of course, describes only the main ones). Pushkin tells us that Muromsky has a daughter, Liza, and Berestov has a son, Alexei. The latter has already graduated from the university and wants to become a military man. However, the father prevents these plans, because he wants to see his son as an official.

Aleksey wants to present himself sad and disappointed, which greatly impresses the county young ladies. The black ring, as well as the mysterious correspondence, as if existing, are the attributes of his game. But the author destroys this romantic gloomy image. He talks about this with a touch of irony, and then completely rips off the mask from Alexei.

Lisa's trick

Muromsky's daughter, Lisa, like other local young ladies, is eager to meet the neighbor's son. But their fathers do not want to communicate. What should she do? Nastya, her maid, comes to the rescue. Lisa trusts her with her secrets. Having visited the village of Berestovo, Nastya tells her mistress that the young master is by no means thoughtful and sad, but a cheerful and cheerful young man. Nastya and Lisa immediately figure out how to introduce the young lady to him. Liza will go to Berestov's estate, disguised as a peasant woman.

Acquaintance of Alexei and Akulina

As if by chance the meeting of heroes occurs. Thinking, a young peasant woman walks along a path in the forest. A summary of further events was foreseen by this girl. Suddenly, a dog runs up to her, which frightens Lisa with his barking. Here comes Alexei Berestov, the owner of the dog. Lisa's masquerade was a success: the young man thinks that in front of him is Akulina, a peasant woman from a neighboring village, the daughter of the blacksmith Vasily. Aleksey is used to behaving freely with pretty girls, but a new acquaintance inspires him with involuntary respect for his behavior, so he abandons his attempts to hug Akulina. Alexey longs to see her again. He promises to come to Vasily. Fearing that her trick will be revealed, the girl promises to be in the same place the next day.

The development of relations between Alexei and Akulina (Lisa)

A young peasant woman returns safely to her parents' house. We will continue the summary with a description of how her relationship with Alexei developed. The governess and father do not suspect anything. However, the girl thinks that her prank is risky. She decides not to go on a date anymore, but her fear of exposure makes her promise to keep. Lisa, having met again with Alexei, says that they should not meet again, since this is frivolous and will not lead to good. The depth of feelings and thoughts of the peasant woman amazes Alexei, and the hero is already fascinated. Berestov asks her to meet with him at least occasionally and agrees not to look for other dates other than those that Akulina herself appoints him. They chat for a while. Gradually fall in love with each other, these characters, which were created by Pushkin ("The Young Lady-Peasant Woman"). The summary of the work becomes more and more interesting.

Reconciliation of the fathers

Chance changes the fate of the heroes. One morning, the fathers of Lisa and Alexei accidentally collide. Muromsky, chasing a hare, fell off his horse. Alexei's father invites a neighbor to his estate. He in response invites him to come the next day with his son to his estate.

Lisa, having learned about this, was afraid that Alexei would recognize her. She says that she will not come out to the guests. The father chuckles that the daughter harbors hereditary hatred for the neighbors, like a heroine of novels. However, Lisa stands her ground. The father stops the pointless argument, realizing that she cannot be persuaded.

Lisa's new plan

The new plan of Lisa is described by Pushkin ("The Young Lady-Peasant Woman"). We will not describe the summary of the trick invented by this heroine now. You will learn about it a little later. Lisa consults with Nastya on what to do. Together they develop a plan and put it into action. What exactly did the girls think? You will learn about this by reading the summary of the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman". In the morning, Lisa declares that she will receive guests, but her father should not be indignant or surprised at her actions. Suspecting his daughter's new trick, the father agrees.

The Berestovs visiting the Muromskys

The Berestovs are coming. Muromsky shows them his menagerie and park. All these whims do not make a favorable impression on the prudent landowner. However, he is silent out of politeness, and the son is indifferent - he wants to see the owner's daughter. Although Berestov is fascinated by the mysterious peasant woman, he is still interested in looking at the young lady. Then the guests and the host enter the house. Muromsky and Berestov are talking about their bygone youth. Alexei thinks how he should behave in the presence of Lisa. Again he puts on a mask: he puts on an absent-minded and cold look. Here comes Lisa. Seeing his daughter in an unusual appearance, the father is amazed. Liza is playing a secular cutesy young lady. She made a hairstyle out of fake curls, put on white, put on a formal dress and diamonds. Of course, Alexei does not recognize his beloved in this doll. The Englishwoman, realizing that her pupil took white without asking, is angry with her. Liza and Alexei continue to play their roles during lunch. He keeps himself thoughtful and absent-minded, and Lisa pretends to be a cutesy young lady.

Akulina learns to read and write

The girl, disguised as a peasant woman, meets Alexei again the next day. She asks him about the impression made by the young lady on him. Alexey assures that Akulina is much better than young ladies. However, the girl laments that she does not know how to read and write. Then Alexei offers to teach her to write and read. After 3 classes, the girl reads Karamzin, inserting her comments.

The upcoming marriage of Lisa and Alexei

After some time, a correspondence begins between young people. The oak hollow acts as a mailbox. Meanwhile, the fathers decide to marry the children. The summary of Pushkin's story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is approaching its culmination. The landlords quickly agreed among themselves on marriage, but now they had to persuade the children as well. Muromsky believed that the neighbor's son and his daughter did not like each other. However, he hoped that this would change over time in better side. His neighbor had a much simpler view of the matter. He called his son and asked why he no longer wanted to join the hussars. The son replied that the father was against it, so he did not insist. Berestov praises his humility and says that he will not yet force Alexei to the civil service, but intends to first marry him to a neighbor's daughter.

Alexey's solution

There is an argument between father and son. Alexey is trying to refuse this marriage. The father says that he will deprive him of his inheritance in this case, and gives him 3 days to think. Alexei decides to marry Akulina, a peasant woman whom he has not seen for several days because of the rain. He writes the girl a letter describing the situation. Berestov offers Akulina his hand. He puts the letter in the hollow of the oak.

happy ending

The summary of the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" ends, like the work itself, with a happy ending. The next day, the young man goes to a neighbor in order to talk frankly about his proposed marriage to Lisa. But Muromsky's servant reports that the master has left. Alexei asks if he can see his daughter. Upon learning that the girl is at home, he decides to talk to her. However, when Alexei enters, he recognizes the peasant woman Akulina, who has taken possession of his heart, in Lizaveta Grigorievna.

Liza was reading his letter just at that time. The girl, seeing Alexei, tries to run away. However, Berestov keeps her. Lisa is still trying to behave like a well-bred young lady should. She breaks out of Alexei's arms and speaks French. The Englishwoman, who is completely at a loss, is also present at this scene. Suddenly, at this time, Lisa's father appears, who is glad that the feelings of Alexei and his daughter coincide with his plans. It is clear that Alexei and Liza will get married.

Cycle "Tales of Belkin"

This concludes the summary. "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" - Belkin Ivan Petrovich's story. You will probably be surprised - after all, Pushkin wrote the work! It really is. However, it is included in the Belkin Tale cycle. "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman", a summary of which we have reviewed, is the fifth, last story from this cycle. Other works from it: "Shot", "The Undertaker", "The Stationmaster", "Snowstorm".

In 1830 Pushkin wrote Belkin's Tales. The Peasant Young Lady, a summary of which you have just read, as well as other works from this cycle, were first published in 1831.