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» Should I file an appeal to the Unified State Examination? How to prepare for an appeal to the Unified State Exam and win it. How the Unified State Examination appeal was violated in Krasnodar

Should I file an appeal to the Unified State Examination? How to prepare for an appeal to the Unified State Exam and win it. How the Unified State Examination appeal was violated in Krasnodar

The field, the duel - all these are historically state-sanctioned ways to determine justice when it is impossible to do this in any other way. Verbal dispute, appeal! How many such fights have taken place across the country in the fight for Unified State Examination 2015 points in social studies! Our story is about some of them.

Get help from an Unified State Exam expert in preparing for an appeal about disagreement with the assigned scores!

Appeal against Unified State Exam results

So, the Unified State Exam 2015 is in full swing. The main days of exams have ended and the reserve days have begun. Unified State Exam scores are being calculated throughout the country. Organs state power- average (they, according to preliminary estimates, for example, in the Russian language, specialized mathematics and social studies, increased by an average of 3 points). Graduates who have received all the results are general for admission (universities are already accepting documents). And some are preparing to revise them. That is, to the appeal.

What is an appeal? This is a verbal duel between the graduate and the experts who checked the work. Humanities subjects—especially history and social studies—often contain in the form of answers not dogmas, but assumptions and theories. And the appeal often turns into a conversation... what did you mean?(as the popular song sang).

As we see, a Unified State Exam participant can not only increase, but also has a chance of losing points as a result of consideration of his work in the written part 2. Since last year, by the way, But... more on that another time. The appeal procedure itself, by the way, gives rise to completely different assessments... One gets the impression that sometimes it depends on personal discretion (or arbitrariness) on the ground. For example, look at the interesting comments to our post about Yes, and the graduates themselves are therefore simply guessing about what awaits them after closed doors on appeal. Here is an example of one of the “outreach efforts” on social networks:

As we can see, preparation for an appeal begins long before the exam results are received. You need to seriously prepare for it. After all, Unified State Exam statistics show that only less than 10% of those who filed an appeal can count on it being at least partially satisfied.

What do the statistics say?

Let's look at the statistics of our group subscribers
.So, how did our subscribers pass the Unified State Exam 2015 in social studies?

Average taller than guys in the country(so far the average score announced by Rosobrnadzor without taking into account those who took the test in the reserve and the appeal (in which, however, little changes globally) is 56.65. And approximately 60% of our subscribers, who prepared using materials from the site and the group, passed in the range from 60 to 80 points, more than 20% are high-scorers (more than 80 points!).

What do our statistics say about appeals to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2015?

The result of the appeal to the Unified State Exam 2015 in social studies. Survey

Of those who voted, 90% simply did not go to appeal. By various reasons. However about 10% managed to defend from 1 to 3 of their which can then give a decent increase in test score on a 100-point scale.

Unconstructive approach to appealing the Unified State Exam result

Do you need to fight for your points? We think YES! Although, there is an opinion that this is often useless. However, to convince experts with truly low scores (and this is the result of natural subjectivity, human factor, expert fatigue and a whole range of reasons) is possible. For example, here is my dialogue with a graduate Alisa Marisova, managed to defend as many as 3 primary points!

Here is an example of a different attitude towards the appeal procedure.

Many graduates understand that an appeal, competently prepared with the help consultations with an Unified State Examination expert, may allow them to get a score or two that is important for admission. But... this is the time and effort of an expert, and maybe his paid service. Another dialogue in the studio (with Evgenia Zemlyanskaya). Please check the essay:

A small note for infantile graduates. Analyzing your essay is the responsibility of your social studies teacher. I don’t owe you anything, agree? Now multiply the number of requests like yours to me by the proportion of those taking the Unified State Exam in Society in Russia?

Learn to respect other people's work and know that in adult life, where you go out, you have to pay for everything.

A constructive approach to appealing the Unified State Exam result

But now there is a different appeal to the expert, and a completely different attitude towards the need for an appeal, an understanding of its extreme importance for the final result, admission. Note that Elya Karpaeva— first-year student, studying in Vladivostok. Last year I couldn’t pass the budget test, and I’m trying again to get the score required to get into the budget test this year! She passed the Unified State Exam 2015 in social studies 82 points(25 above the Russian average!).

Note that in test part 1 the graduate lost only 1 point! Things were a little worse in For which Elya was going to fight with my help! At the same time, it’s nice when they say thank you for your work (Elya used the author in preparation):

Analysis of responses and choice of appeal strategy

Let's look at the forms of part 2 of the graduate that she received in her personal account on the resource technical support Unified State Exam 2015:

We note the large amount of work done by the applicant, good readable handwriting and absolutely correct formatting of answers: where necessary, the conditions of the task are written out, making the expert’s work as easy as possible. Such work usually only makes you want to meet the graduate halfway!

So, we didn’t have the text or assignments for it, so we decided to leave assignment 30, the wording of which the applicant did not remember. Our focus was on the tasks

A big mistake. on this Don't argue with anything; an appeal here is pointless.

Task 34

One of the points was not awarded for this task, the maximum being 3.

Task 34

On 34, to be honest, I don’t understand what they found fault with. That's right, you cited all three signs of this type of society. Maybe it just sounds a little vague "increasing life expectancy." Formally, it also happens in comparison with But, you specify *developed medicine (ideally, of course, it would be nice to add that medicine is capable of defeating previously incurable diseases - cancer, AIDS).
Here need to fight. Now let us give an example for argumentation about the development of medicine in an industrial society.

In the USSR by 1960 there were 20 doctors per 10 thousand people, in the RSFSR - 19.3, in Western Siberia only 15.5. Science Library dissertations and abstracts disserCat of healthcare in the cities of Western Siberia (1946-1960) dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Dudkina M.P.).

2010 Among countries with the largest number Doctors per capita Russia, according to WHO data, ranks fifth - for every 10 thousand Russians there are 42 doctors with higher education.

That is, we compare the indicators of industrial (1960) and societies (2010).

Mobility industrial society massive. For example, mass movement to cities, migration to New World(USA of the 19th century).

No, I'm not talking about that. It is clear that there are more mobility channels and access to them is also wider. The industrial social man is tied to the machine. The mobility of post-industrial society is individual. The means of transport are much more developed. Internet is added. It allows a person, creating an information product, to do work while traveling, changing countries around the world. An example from life is the phenomenon of freelancing. This is how creators of information and information products do their work and earn money - web designers, people of liberal professions. We are much more mobile than people were 20-30 years ago.

The final arguments of the members of the conflict commission turned out to be more than paradoxical:

1. Russia is not a post-industrial society (!!!).2. Theory is not connected with practice (!!!).

Well, it shows complete incompetence and the inability to move away from the mental pattern, closed-mindedness, to put it simply. An attempt to argue the point here failed.

It's a complicated plan. And again we are fighting for 1 point that was not given.

What confuses me first of all is the structure of your plan. It looks like a frantic attempt to throw everything you know about onto paper. And the structure and its consistency is one of the key evaluation criteria.
Ideally it could look like this:

1. The concept of “power”
2. Types of power:
- political
— economic
- military
- spiritual
- informational
3. Signs of political power:
- sovereignty
- legitimacy
- concentration in the hands of the state
- monopoly on the legal use of force
- monopoly on the publication of laws
4. We would match

So, they could reduce it for: 1. lack of information about other types of power; 2. Lack of structure in the answer (for example, the concept definitely does not need to be disclosed); 3. Point “principles of existence”. For example, subparagraph b) effectiveness. Isn't it political reforms, for example, are they always effective? 4. An important point about the state and its role was “hidden” at the end and not disclosed. And they should have been brought to the fore.

This is called a structural approach. If political is a type of power, you need to start with power. You can try to appeal to the plan, but I don’t think there will be any results.

And, indeed, according to the applicant, the experts on the conflict commission were even going to reduce the score (they have the right!!!).

The Ministry of Education is asked to prohibit appeal commissions from reducing received Unified State Exam points. The corresponding proposal will soon be sent to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva by the chairman of the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services, Viktor Panin.

A social activist told RT that graduates are often afraid of worsening results and refuse to appeal, so they do not defend their rights.

“If a grade has already been given and suddenly they want to reduce it, this is not only unfair, but also raises a lot of questions for those who initially checked the work,” the expert notes. “They deliberately scare graduates with stories about lowering their scores so that they do not file an appeal.”

In 2015, the organization already sent a similar appeal to the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. However, as Panin states, there was no answer. He hopes the current education minister will respond to the proposal.

It was not possible to obtain an immediate comment from the RT Ministry of Education.

Tutor Tatyana from Nizhny Novgorod told RT that in ten years of work, not one of her students has ever come out of a meeting of a conflict commission with increased scores.

“Assessors review all work and may reduce scores for other assignments. As a result, the student leaves with an even lower Unified State Exam score,” she notes.

However, the most unpleasant thing is the manner of communication of the members of the appeal commissions: “very rude, harsh, on the verge of rudeness,” according to Tatyana.

“Last year, a student told me that the expert simply yelled at her, saying that she didn’t understand anything and wanted high scores for free, threw her papers at her and turned to the next student - that was the end of her appeal,” says the tutor.

According to Muscovite Natalya, whose son took the Unified State Exam last year, achieving an improvement in the result is not easy.

“If a child is confident in his knowledge and is ready to fight for his rightness, then we can only wish him good luck. Because there are such people sitting on the commission that parents can’t get a word in,” she tells RT. “There are a lot of cases of points being reduced, but there are others known when smart guys earned themselves up to 15 points on appeal.”

  • RIA News

Another mother of a last year graduate, Evelina from Moscow, was unanimously recommended by all the teachers to file an appeal, as they were sure that her son’s work deserved higher scores, but the conflict commission had a different opinion.

“The spectacle is not for the faint of heart: humiliation, insults, no one’s points are raised, they are only lowered,” she says about the appeal procedure. - They called my son an ignoramus, said why the hell did he come to beg for a score, and in the end they sarcastically wished him good luck in his admission. And all this in the presence of my father.”

A student at one of the Moscow universities, Maria from Vladivostok, recalls that she went to appeal because of an essay in which, according to her, there was not a single grammatical or spelling error, and the points were reduced only for argumentation.

“The inspector was not in the mood to understand my problem, he began to find fault with my handwriting, intimidating me that he might count a sloppily written letter as an error. As a result, they didn’t raise my points, which is why I couldn’t enroll in the budget faculty international relations, where I dreamed of going since childhood,” she says.

  • RIA News

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Viktor Bolotov, in turn, believes that the current operating procedure for conflict commissions is more than justified.

“If a graduate files an appeal, then he does so for the entire work, and not just for the task that, as it seems to him, was incorrectly assessed. He must be prepared that the commission may reduce his scores on other tasks as well,” he gives arguments in favor of the current procedure. “The thing is also that a lot of applications are submitted just in case, in case they get promoted. And this is additional work for people, additional costs for the budget.”

At the same time, in a conversation with RT, he noted that it is necessary to oblige inspectors to reduce scores if additional errors are discovered. Today, as he notes, such a decision is left to the discretion of the inspectors.

  • RIA News

The former head of the subject commission and developer of the Unified State Exam in literature, Elena Romanicheva, also believes that it is necessary to preserve the ability of conflict commissions to reduce Unified State Exam scores, which, according to her, happens extremely rarely.

“An appeal is a review of work, so either we call the procedure differently, for example, “let’s raise my grade,” or we don’t call it an appeal. Cases of lowering grades during an appeal are minimal, the expert assures. — No appeal commission is inclined to reduce the rating. For her, the main thing is to understand the work.”

The Unified State Examination procedure provides for the Unified State Examination participant the opportunity to file an appeal in two cases.

Appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

Such an appeal is submitted on the day of the exam immediately after its completion. If a USE participant wants to file an appeal, he must do so before leaving the PPE (exam reception point).
You must inform the exam organizer of your intention to appeal and receive a form on which to file an appeal.
The appeal is written in two copies and submitted to the authorized representative of the State Examination Commission (GEC), who must affix both copies with his signature, after which one copy is given to the Unified State Examination participant, and the other is transferred to the conflict commission.
The result of the appeal consideration must be provided to the graduate no later than 3 calendar days after its submission. When filing an appeal, you need to find out where you can get an answer about its consideration. Usually, the result of the appeal can be found at your educational institution (educational institution) or at the local education authority (local education authority).

An internal investigation is being conducted into the appeal. If violations established order the conduct of the Unified State Examination is confirmed and it is recognized that they could have a significant impact on the result of the graduate’s work, then the appeal is granted.


An appeal will not be accepted if there is a violation of the examination procedure and established rules was admitted by the USE participant himself.

What is the outcome of an appeal if it is successful?

The Unified State Examination result is canceled and the participant is given the opportunity to take the Unified State Examination in this subject on another day. Another day is a reserve day for taking the exam in this subject. Date and place of re-examination passing the Unified State Exam are determined for all persons taking the exam on a reserve day.

Appeal of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam

How and when is an appeal filed?

Such an appeal can be filed within two working days after the official announcement of the Unified State Examination results and familiarization with the results of the work.
If a Unified State Exam participant does not agree with the result and intends to file an appeal, then within two working days he must file an appeal in any form or in the form received from the head of his educational institution ( educational institution) - for graduates of the current year, or the executive secretary of the conflict commission - for graduates of previous years.
The appeal is drawn up in two copies and handed over to the persons indicated above, who must accept it, certifying both copies with their signature. After this, one copy is returned to the Unified State Exam participant, and the other is transferred to the conflict commission.
The Unified State Examination participant must receive information about the time and place of consideration of his appeal.

How is an appeal processed?

The Unified State Examination participant has the right to be present at the procedure for considering his appeal. You must have a passport and a pass with the stamp “Unified State Exam Forms Passed” (or PPE stamp).


If the Unified State Examination participant is under 18 years of age, his parents or legal representatives, who must have passports with them (legal representatives must have documents confirming their authority), may be present instead of him or with him during the consideration of the appeal.
Teachers or tutors of the Unified State Examination participant are not allowed to attend the appeal hearing.

The Unified State Examination participant confirms in the appeal protocol that copies of the forms have been presented, the answers in the forms are recognized correctly, and signs the appeal protocol.

If the Unified State Examination participant or his parent (legal representative) does not appear for the appeal hearing, the correct recognition of the forms is confirmed by members of the conflict commission.


  • Appeals regarding the content and structure of CIMs are not accepted for consideration.
  • Drafts cannot be appeal material.

During the appeal hearing, subject matter experts show the participant Unified State Exam work, explain why points were awarded or not awarded.


When considering an appeal, only the participant’s compliance with Unified State Exam assignments Part C (essays).
Only technical complaints are possible regarding the test part.

As a result of consideration of the appeal by the conflict commission, the assessment may be changed in better side only by 1-2 points. Since, when considering an appeal, the work is checked again, it is possible that the experts will deem it necessary not to increase, but to reduce the points for the work.


    Please note that the conflict commission does not consider appeals regarding the content and structure of assignments, evaluation of the results of short-answer assignments, or incorrect formatting of the examination paper. Also, the commission does not consider drafts of the Unified State Examination participant as appeal materials.

    How to file an appeal for violation of the established procedure for the Unified State Exam 2017

    If a GIA participant wants to file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure, he must do the following:

  • After completing the exam, without leaving the Unified State Exam point, take 2 copies of the form on which the appeal is being drawn up from the organizer in the classroom;
  • transfer the documents to the authorized representative of the exam, who must certify the appeal with his signature and transfer one copy to the State Examination participant, and the other to the conflict commission;
  • get necessary information about the time and place of consideration by the conflict commission.

After the conflict commission receives an appeal, a check is carried out with the participation of organizers who were not involved in the audience, technical specialists, and public observers. The conflict commission considers the appeal within no more than 2 working days and makes one of two decisions: dismissal of the appeal or its satisfaction. If the appeal is satisfied, then the participant’s Unified State Examination result is canceled and he takes the exam on another day.

How to file an appeal about disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam 2017

An appeal of disagreement with the assigned scores is submitted within 2 working days after the official announcement of the individual exam results and the State Examination Examiner’s familiarization with them.

If a GIA participant wants to file an appeal about disagreement with Unified State Exam results-2017, then he must do the following:

  • At the place of registration for the exam or from the responsible secretary of the conflict commission, take the appeal form (in two copies);
  • draw up an appeal in 2 copies;
  • transfer both copies to the above persons;
  • obtain the necessary information about the time and place of consideration by the conflict commission
  • come to the appeals review procedure at the conflict commission, having with you a passport and a pass with the stamp “Unified State Exam forms have been submitted.”

How a complaint is processed

After the Unified State Examination participant has submitted an application, he must come to the specified place for the appeal. The complaint review procedure takes place in the presence of the examinee. You must have a passport and a document with you that confirms that you have passed the exam. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, his parents or legal representatives may be present with him.

The conflict commission considers the appeal no more than four days from the date of its filing. Based on the results of the decision, the number of points can be changed either upward or downward. A reduction in points is possible if members of the commission, during the re-examination of work on the Unified State Exam, discover additional errors, which leads to a decrease in the mark.


Violations of the procedures for passing the Unified State Exam are talked about every year, but I have never heard indignation about how appeals against Unified State Exam results are carried out. I learned how these appeals work through my own experience. I was left dissatisfied.

"A An appeal is a written statement from a Unified State Exam participant either about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, or about disagreement with the Unified State Exam results” - this is the official wording from the Rosobrnadzor website. They appeal to the results of the Unified State Exam very often. Some graduates just want to learn about their mistakes, but most are trying to improve their results.

The points that ended up in the table of my grades after passing the Unified State Exam are embarrassing to even pronounce - 62. But I was counting on at least 80. I was indignant.

I, a 2010 graduate of Lyceum No. 18 of the city of Novocheboksarsk, took the note of protest, on which I needed to enter my name, subject and signature, to the conflict commission of the Chuvash Republic. Remembering the answers that I wrote down on the exam forms and looking at the evaluation criteria, I prepared strong arguments to support the decisive: “Increase my scores!” In addition, I consulted with my aunt, a school literature teacher. My aunt made me optimistic and assured me that there was an opportunity to get more points.

Let me explain: the Unified State Examination in literature consists of two parts. The first (block B) includes 12 short answer questions (for each examinee can receive 1 point), but this part is checked by computer, so it is not subject to appeal. The second (C) requires writing detailed answers, which are already read by the inspectors. There are 5 tasks in total. For 4 of them you can get 3 points, and for the final essay - 15 points (it is assessed according to 5 criteria, each “weighs” 3 points). Based on the results of all the work, you can get 39 points - this result is called the primary result. But since all results are given to participants on a scale of 100, the amount received must be transferred. For this, there is a special scale that indicates how many points each primary is equal to. Each subject has its own translation system. Auntie spoke quite confidently about high probability win back two primary points.

The appeal was scheduled one day after the application was submitted. In the corridor of the conflict commission, I met its chairman, Elena Dmitrievna, who has been fulfilling this responsibility for several years now. Her main place of work is as a psychologist at the lyceum where I studied. From the teachers at my school, I heard at almost every meeting: “Elena Dmitrievna will control everything, don’t worry.”

I was invited to the office at 14:00 (although the visit was scheduled for 12:00). There was a female expert sitting at the table examining my work. Why alone? Ms. Glebova, the head of Rosobrnadzor, promised two! Well, don’t turn around towards the exit (now I understand that I should have run straight to Elena Dmitrievna!).

With an expert, whose name remains unknown, in his views on life path We did not agree on Rodion Raskolnikov. Another expert, as I understand it, believed that Lensky had fought with Grushnitsky.

During the analysis of the work, I heard three times: “Girl, the appeal is over for you! Goodbye". I stubbornly refused to leave because I did not consider the expert’s arguments convincing.

The entire analysis of my exam answers consisted of the phrases: “The examiners inflated the scores! I would put a zero here!”, “Girl, what are you unhappy with?!”
- Explain, please, for what mistake one point was deducted? - I asked.
- Girl, let's keep watching! Otherwise I'll cancel everything!

I thought I was unlucky, I had come across a harmful aunt, but at the next table there was a young man, at whom the nameless expert shouted in response to the timid: “I cited as an example a quote from Belinsky’s article.”
- Young man, Belinsky is not an authority for me!

My debriefing ended: “Girl, thank me for leaving the number of points the same.”

I did not look for the chairman of the commission (mistake No. 2). But in the evening I called her and explained the situation: “You should have told me right away, I would have come up and had a nice conversation.”

As it turned out later, “in an amicable way” really helped some, and even more than that. For example, an acquaintance who took the Unified State Exam in computer science received a point “in a good way” for an assignment that he did not even write. The expert simply asked how many points he wanted.

By the way, on the Rosobrnadzor website there are no rules for conducting an appeal. There is no time limit established for one Unified State Exam participant, and the presence of the two experts that Glebova spoke about is not specified. The positions and status of the inspectors also do not matter .