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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Connecting the pumping station to well 25 with a pipe. Rules for connecting pumping stations. Pumping station installation process

Connecting the pumping station to well 25 with a pipe. Rules for connecting pumping stations. Pumping station installation process

Absence central water supply is no longer an insurmountable barrier to providing water to private houses and summer cottages in the countryside. This issue can be easily resolved using a device on personal plot wells or boreholes of varying depths, depending on the location of the aquifer. To create a pressure in the water supply network sufficient for the connection and constant operation of plumbing equipment, pumping stations for wells are used.

These compact units ensure the lifting of water from a depth of up to 20 meters and its uniform distribution under good pressure to all water consumption points in the house. Thus, a person does not experience any discomfort due to lack of water or its absence, unless there are interruptions in the supply of electricity. However, this problem can now be solved through the use of generators and mini-power plants.

Selecting the appropriate pumping station model

Operating principle of one-pipe and two-pipe stations

Depending on the type of suction pipeline device, all pumping stations can be divided into two groups:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe (ejector).

For single-pipe stations, the water intake design is very simple, since water flows through one line into the pump housing. For two-pipe stations, the design structure is much more complex. But this equipment, having less power, is able to ensure the rise of water from greater depths. This is achieved due to the fact that the water rises due to the vacuum created by the pump impeller, which increases due to the inertia of the water, which circulates in a circle during operation of the station.

Choosing a location for a pumping station

If possible, it is better to connect pumping station to the well not in the basement of the house, but in a separate building on an area located away from the house. This will relieve people living on site from the noise that occurs when the equipment is operating. The room must be dry, as only this will ensure proper and safe operation. pumping equipment dependent on electricity.

In the technical room, the station is installed on a solid concrete floor or on a pedestal made of bricks or wooden blocks. Before installing the unit, it is advisable to place a rubber mat under it, which will partially absorb vibrations. The pumping station is attached to the base using anchors, which are driven into the holes provided in the legs of the unit.

It is better to install a pumping station that makes noise during operation in a separate room, located on a plot of land near the well.

If the water supply to your home is not from a well, but from a well, then the following material about connecting equipment may be useful to you:.

Self-installation and connection

The two outlets available at the pumping station are designed to connect it to the well and to the water supply system of the house. First, start connecting the unit to the well. To do this, take a polyethylene pipe, the diameter of which should be 32 mm. The pipe, of course, must be solid, which will eliminate the possibility of leaks. Therefore, it is better to buy a pipe with a small margin; if necessary, the excess can be cut off. One end of the pipe is lowered into the well, and the second is connected to a pump built directly into the station. If necessary polyethylene pipe insulated using materials produced by Termoflex as insulation.

A metal mesh is attached to the end of the pipe, lowered into the well, which serves as a coarse filter. A check valve is also installed there, which is necessary to ensure that the pipe is constantly filled with water. Only in this case will the pump be able to pump water from the well. To secure the check valve and filter, use a coupling with an external thread.

The second end of the polyethylene pipe is attached to the pump using the same coupling. First, an American tap is connected to the outlet of the station, then a coupling with an external thread is connected to it, and then a polyethylene pipe using

The pumping station is connected to the pipeline using the second outlet, which is usually located in the upper part of the unit. At the same time, an American tap is also connected to the station threaded connection. Then a polypropylene combined coupling is screwed into the tap, the diameter of which is 32 mm, the angle is 90 degrees, and the length of the external thread is 1 inch. A strong connection between the polypropylene water pipe and the coupling is ensured by soldering these elements.

You may find this material with instructions for troubleshooting the most common problems useful:.

As you can see, you can carry out the work of installing and connecting the pumping station to the well yourself. If you do not want to delve into the intricacies of conducting installation work, then hire specialists.

The arrangement of a country house, as a rule, has some difficulties, since not everywhere there is a centralized water supply, and if there is, then water is supplied on certain days. However, this problem can be solved using a well, extracting water from it using a pumping station.

Organize autonomous water supply You can even do it yourself at home this way. Next, we will look at the features of this system and tell you how to install a pumping station in a well, because this will not only save family budget on the services of specialists, but also a place on the site or in the house, since the equipment will be located inside the well.

Design and principle of operation of the pump

As a rule, the depth of wells is summer cottages does not exceed 10 meters. In this case, there is no need to install an expensive deep well pump. A pumping station, the price of which is much lower, will cope with the task.

However, before installing a pumping station in a well, you need to understand what it is and what it consists of.

So, its main functional units consist of the following equipment:

  • A centrifugal surface pump that transports water from the well to the house.
  • A hydraulic accumulator that stabilizes the pressure in the system when the pump is turned on and off.
  • A pressure switch responsible for this indicator in the system. If the pressure drops below the norm, the relay starts the pump; if the norm is reached, the pump turns off.
  • A pressure gauge is a device for measuring pressure that allows you to adjust the relay.
  • A water intake system that has a check valve located in the well or the pump itself.
  • The main connecting the pump and the water intake.

In the photo - pumping station

Installation of a pumping station

Why is it better to place the station in a well?

At first glance, it may seem that there is more than enough space for installing equipment - any corner in the house can be adapted for this. But, in reality, the situation is completely different, since only proper arrangement of equipment can guarantee its uninterrupted and full operation.

For this reason, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The proximity of the location to the well will ensure stable suction of water.
  • The equipment must be located in a warm, dry and ventilated area.
  • The place where the station will be located should not be cramped, since from time to time it will be necessary to carry out preventive or even repair work.
  • The room must be soundproofed, since water pumping equipment produces a certain noise during operation.

Most often, the following places are used to install equipment:

  • The boiler room on the premises is an excellent site for installing equipment. However, with poor sound insulation, the operation of the pump will be constantly audible.
  • Also often used for these purposes basement or underground However, this option should be designed during the construction of the house. If the basement is not heated and the walls and floor are not insulated, then preparing it yourself will take a lot of time and money.
  • A special platform near the well, deepened into the ground, is a good option, but the main thing is to correctly determine the optimal depth of the site.

All these options, to one degree or another, require the expenditure of effort and financial resources, while the well itself has a lot free space. Why not use it?! To do this, you just need to make a special platform, which will be attached to the wall of the well on brackets.

Installing a pumping station in a well meets all of the above requirements, with the exception of one – inconvenience of access to the equipment. However, this problem can be easily dealt with, for example, by using a small stationary staircase, along which you can go down into the well to inspect or perform minor repairs equipment.

Note! To place equipment in a well, it is necessary to insulate it top part, for example, build a wooden house over it.

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Pipeline laying and equipment installation

As a rule, the well is located not far from the house. In order for the water supply system to operate without interruptions, it is necessary to ensure unhindered access to water from the source to the points of consumption. The water supply system is responsible for this, the installation of which must be approached very responsibly.

The fact is that winter frosts can cause the highway to freeze, so pipes must be laid to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, the water supply system must be insulated.

The installation instructions are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to dig trenches, providing a slight slope towards the well.
  • Then a hole must be made in the foundation and wall of the well at the optimal depth.
  • Opposite the hole in the wall of the well, a platform for installing equipment is mounted.
  • Next, the pipes are laid.
  • The pumping station always has stand legs, which must be fixed on the site with anchor bolts. Otherwise, the equipment may end up at the bottom of the well due to constant vibration.
  • After this, the pipeline must be connected to equipment installed on the site in the well.

Sometimes during the construction of a highway a problem arises related to high level location of groundwater. In this case, the pipes must be installed above the critical level and protected from the cold with thermal insulation material.

Advice! For thermal insulation of pipes laid above the ground freezing level, you can use inexpensive and at the same time environmentally friendly pure materialmineral wool, made on a basalt base.

Connecting equipment

After installing the pipeline, it is necessary to properly equip the water intake pipe. To do this, a metal mesh is fixed on its outer side, which serves as a coarse water filter. It is needed to protect equipment from failure.

In addition, it is necessary to install a check valve. This part ensures stable filling of the pipe with water.

If not installed this part, then the pipe will be empty, and the pump will not be able to pump water. The check valve can be fixed with outside coupling.

The further work order is as follows:

  • After the equipment is installed and secured, the end of the pipe with the valve is lowered into the well.
  • Then you should connect the intake hose to the pump. To do this, you can use a coupling with an external thread. At the same time, with reverse side hose, a check valve should also be placed.
  • The final step is to connect the pump to the water supply.

Advice! To seal the connections, they must be sealed. Linen winding is usually used as a sealant, on top of which a special sealing paste is applied.

After connecting the pumping station to the water supply and water intake system, it is necessary to test the quality of its operation. To do this, the pump must be filled with water through a special hole, also filling the accumulator and lines. After starting the engine, water will fill the system until a certain pressure is reached, after which the pump will turn off.

In some cases, the relay must be adjusted so that the pump turns on and off when optimal performance pressure.

The use of a pumping station to draw water from a mine well significantly increases the level of comfort of country life. The process of filling containers for cooking and hygiene procedures takes a few minutes and does not require the slightest effort from the owners. Don’t you think that saving both energy and time is extremely useful?

To everyone who strives for effective arrangement site, we offer carefully selected information. Here you will find information about which pumping station for a well will become ideal solution. We will tell you how to install the equipment and make the connection.

The article describes the installation in detail plumbing system, made on the basis of a pumping station. The nuances of connecting the water supply and electrical parts are thoroughly analyzed. The information offered for consideration is perfectly complemented by photo collections, diagrams and videos.

They come in two types. Built-in and external, remote. The built-in one has better performance, but increases the noise of the entire structure. As already mentioned, this deficiency can be cured by attention to installation and placement.

Selection of power and model

Even a small and low-power installation can provide solid performance, sufficient to supply water to several consumers. Arguing about the merits of a particular brand is completely useless - it’s like discussing cars. Everyone has their fans.

The main factor influencing performance is the storage volume - the pump operates intermittently. Its task is to pump water into the tank as soon as the pressure drops below a predetermined level.

But the water flow and pressure in the network are supported by a hydraulic accumulator. Consequently, the larger it is in volume, the less often the automation operates, the less the starting load on the engine.

Image gallery

It should also be taken into account that half the volume of the storage tank is occupied by compressed air, providing pressure in the system and displacement of water. Consequently, only part of the tank volume is filled with water. And, when the pump is turned off, the consumer can only rely on it.

The required volume depends on many factors: the number of residents, installed equipment, and so on.

But schematically it looks like this:

  • one or two people or a dacha, where there is only one washbasin or a primitive shower - the volume of the hydraulic accumulator is 24 liters;
  • three to four people should already be looking at sizes of 50 liters or more;
  • over 5 people- minimum tank volume is 100 liters.

In addition to the performance characteristics that should definitely be taken into account, there are optional options. For example, the presence of a dry start relay. It is not necessary in the design, but under certain conditions it is quite capable of extending the life of the station or preventing its breakdown. Unfortunately, it slightly increases the cost and complexity of the system.

Determining the installation location

It is best to locate the pressure station as close as possible to the intake point. In this case, the inertia of the system is reduced. It reacts faster to water consumption and quickly replenishes it.

That is, the entire system operates more smoothly, without pressure surges, and more stably. So in an ideal world the best solution There will be a pumping station installed in the well. Which is not always possible.

With compact installation, the pumping station takes up very little space and finding an installation point for it is quite easy

Option #1 – installation directly in the well

When the problem of removing the station from the source is solved. The noise of the mechanisms also does not in any way affect comfortable operation - the engine operates outside a residential area.

There are also disadvantages. First of all, the operating conditions of the mechanisms are improved - mainly high humidity. Waterproofing and sealing measures do not give the expected effect - due to condensation.

Installation of the station inside a well shaft can be done in two ways:

  • removable mount with fastening to the upper surface of the well shaft;
  • wall bracket in a well shaft.

Both methods are approximately equivalent. The first one is a little simpler, the second one is more compact. Both of them interfere with other methods of raising water - a bucket, for example, is already inconvenient to manipulate, and inevitably dripping water does not add to the service life of the station.

Additionally, the well will require insulation of the ground part. Of course, the temperature of water and soil at such a depth is invariably positive, but surface, local freezing of water and ice formation are possible - even this is for pumping unit completely contraindicated.

With this installation, only summer operation is possible - in winter, without insulation of the equipment, problems may arise

Option #2 – caisson or separate room

There is also the option of installing a pumping station in a special service well dug near the main one used for water supply - this is called installation in. An alternative would be to install the equipment in a ground-based service room.

The coffered installation method has the same advantages as installation directly in the well. Quiet, close to the pick-up point, convenient. Most often, the caisson is mounted as close as possible to the well rings - at a much shallower depth, of course.

From negative points It is worth noting the possibility of condensation formation. And the need, and the most thorough. And, if possible, combating condensation. This is all with the most high-quality waterproofing- ground moisture in the caisson is completely unnecessary.

There are also mandatory measures to prevent melt or rain water from getting inside the caisson - in most cases they are solved by the design of the hatch. You'll have to tinker with the rest.

The construction of a ground support facility specifically for a pumping station is quite simple from a technology standpoint. But even here insulation is required. And, since the location is above ground, heating concerns are added to the need for insulation. Sub-zero temperatures are unacceptable in the room where the pumping station is installed.

If the pumping station is installed in a separate utility room, it must be insulated

Option #3 – inside the house

The third placement option is inside the house in which the water supply is organized. Due to the noise of the equipment, it is best to install it separately - usually a boiler room or basement is used for these purposes. But, if space is at a premium, installation can be done in the bathroom or laundry room, basement or under the stairs.

In any case, you should take care of sound insulation. Otherwise, living in such a house will not be very comfortable, to put it mildly. And if you choose the option of installing the station in the basement, then you should check the need for additional waterproofing. If the basement is humid.

When a pumping station is installed in a house, we always remember to remove it from the supply well. This factor can also adjust the installation point relative to the internal geography of the house.

If you can’t find a quiet place for the station, you can go the other way and choose a model with a large hydraulic accumulator - the pump will turn on less often

Main unit installation requirements

The station itself should also be installed according to certain rules. It is bolted to the base. The base is preferably concrete. A rigid steel frame made of rolled profiles is allowed. Its design is welded or bolted.

It is very useful to install it on a pad made of a thick sheet of hard rubber - this shock absorber will reduce shock loads when turned on and reduce operating noise.

Much less often for these purposes, spring steel shock absorbers are used, placed under the base, similar to the type of fastening of the eccentric exciter of the vibration table.

But such fastening, at the slightest loosening or violation of the adjustment, can break the mounting sockets on the base of the station and create unnecessary loads on the vibration amplitude that is too large. So the best option there will be a hard rubber sheet up to 3 centimeters thick. The rigidity is approximately the same as that of a summer tread. car tire.

It is important to pay due attention to the electrical part. It is mandatory to connect the station housing to the grounding loop - regardless of the choice of installation location. Very useful (residual current device - the second name for this mechanism is “differential current device”) - especially if the option with a caisson is chosen or the installation was carried out directly in the well.

In any case, the station must have an individual protective electrical circuit - at least a circuit breaker with an operating current slightly higher than the rated starting current of the installation.

In addition, the service life of the electrical part of the station is positively affected by the presence of stabilizers, network filters and uninterruptible power supplies. Maybe they won’t be able to have a significant impact on the engine itself, but for the electronics as part of the station’s automation unit, such an addition will be very useful.

Construction of a water supply network

Technically, connecting the pumping station to the well can be divided into two sections. Before and after the station. There is an important difference between them. Figuratively speaking: up to the station is the sphere of influence of the pump itself.

After the station, the accumulator tank is the area of ​​concern, since it is it that is responsible for water flow and creating pressure in the water supply system. Therefore, it is easier to consider them separately. Moreover, they can use a wide variety of pipes.

Intake part of the water supply system

This part general scheme located between the pumping station and the well. It is through this that water is drawn in and the system is powered. Its device is simple, but there are several important points.

Most often, a HDPE pipe with a diameter of 32 mm is used for the fence. A supply pipe of this cross-section will not create unnecessary loads on the pump. Plastic pipe It tolerates freezing and water hammer more easily. Not afraid of corrosion. That’s why she’s preferred in this role. One end of it is lowered into the water, the other is connected to the station.

On the water side, a casing coupling is attached to the pipe. A check valve is screwed onto it, preventing the flow of water from moving back into the well. Thus, the valve prevents the system from emptying - it always remains full.

A special mesh tip should be screwed onto the valve. The mesh plays the role of a coarse filter that retains suspended sand and large fractions that may be found in the water.

Most often, the return filter has an inch fitting thread. So this unit will require couplings with a transition of 32 - 1РН.

It is better to remove the pipe from the well at a level below the depth of soil freezing. You can insulate the pipe and pass it through the top, but it is still better to run it to the house at a depth. If this is not possible, then it is good to supplement the heat-insulating shell with a special electric heater for pipes - it will prevent water from freezing.

HDPE pipe can be considered the best material for the intake line - thanks to convenient fittings, assembling the chain will be similar to a simple construction set

The pipe is led underground, at a depth below the calculated freezing point. Most often this value is 1.4 - 1.8 meters. Depends on the region. It is better to enter the house at the same depth. If this does not work, then the input must be insulated, and very, very carefully. The insulation should start below the freezing depth.

When running a pipe through a trench, it would be a good idea to cover it with sand before filling it with soil. A layer of sand will not provide any major advantages for drainage or similar things, but later it can serve as a good indicator - the sand will serve as a signal when digging when the pipe is close.

The supply pipe ends with a crimp coupling with a transition to inch thread to connect to the station. In this area it would be nice to install another additional mesh filter (optional) and a collapsible American fitting. Already a must - it is needed in case of preventative maintenance or repair of the station. Shut-off valves and additional systems There is no need for water purification in this area.

When organizing water supply from a well in a country house, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of preserving the system. Before entering the pumping station, you need a drain valve or an American valve to disassemble the pipeline

Water supply after the pumping station

The outlet of the pumping station usually has a 1-inch thread. But this diameter is no longer so important when installing the system - it can be easily reduced to half an inch. It is no longer the pump that operates on the flow line, but the hydraulic accumulator. Therefore, a possible increase in load due to the smaller cross-section of the pipeline does not play a role.

So, during installation, many people install a transition fitting from an inch to a half - this way they save money on further assembly of the system, since pipes and fittings of a smaller diameter are cheaper.

A shut-off ball valve is screwed into the fitting in case of preventive and repair work with the system. From the ball valve, through a collapsible “American”, an outlet is already made into the water supply system of the house. Its features already depend on what kind of pipes are used in the house - polypropylene, metal-plastic or traditional metal pipes.

The check valve must be equipped with a mesh filter - without it the valve will quickly fail

Immediately behind the shut-off ball valve, a flask with a water purification filter is also installed. It is not advisable to place it before the station. It works better with a uniform flow of water, which is only possible after - on the supply line to the station, the water moves too impulsively, with a higher peak power. After the hydraulic accumulator, its movement is more predictable and stable.

The filter should also be cut off from the system by taps in case it is replaced. And then it’s a good idea to provide a bypass line - in case this replacement is delayed for one reason or another. Naturally, this bypass must also be closed. Otherwise, the water current will always flow through it - according to the rule of least resistance.

After the filter, it is already possible to branch the main line - into cold and hot water supply, into the supply branch for the heating system, and so on. Before the filter, you can make a diversion for the needs of watering the site - plants are not as demanding of water quality as humans. For other purposes, it is better to use prepared water.

The characteristics of the filter depend on the characteristics of the water in the well. They can be determined after making a conclusion about the composition of the water. Sometimes even several filters may be required - for example, against limescale inclusions and ferrous compounds. Universal types does not exist in nature.

If only seasonal operation of the water supply system is planned (for example, in country house), then fittings should be installed to lower the system. Usually this is a simple tap at its lowest point.

Commissioning of the station and testing

The first start-up after installation or restoration of the system after a long “dry” period is simple, although it requires certain manipulations. Its purpose is to fill the system with water before the first connection to the network.

This is a simple procedure that does not require special skills. There is a plug on the pump that needs to be unscrewed. A simple funnel is inserted into the hole, through which the system is filled - it is important to fill the supply pipe and the pump with the hydraulic accumulator. A little patience is required at this stage - it is important not to leave any air bubbles.

Fill with water up to the neck of the plug, which is then screwed in again. Then, use a simple car pressure gauge to check the air pressure in the accumulator. The system is ready for start-up.

To make it clearer how to test a pumping station, we have prepared 2 galleries for you.

Image gallery

To check the performance and technical characteristics, we install a pumping station near the well

Fittings (elements for connecting water pipes or hoses with the unit) are not included in the kit, so we purchase them separately

TO top hole hydraulic accumulator, we connect a pipe through which water will flow to the distribution points in the house (shower, toilet, sink)

We also connect a hose or pipe to the side hole using a fitting to draw water from the well

Don’t forget to equip the end of the water intake pipe with a check valve, which ensures stable operation and the required pressure

Before pouring water into the pipe, we check the tightness of all connections - the tightness of the fittings and the quality of tightening union nuts

To test the quality of the pumping station, fill the reservoir clean water. When installing a pump near a well, check whether the water level allows the pump to be used

Security engineering communications suburban settlements is a problem in most territories. Centralized water supply, sanitation, and heating are possible only in suburban settlements adjacent to megacities. The solution to the problem of providing the population with water is in the hands of the citizens themselves, who organize autonomous sources of water supply in their area. This can be a well, a well to the first aquifers, an artesian well to aquifers.

Extracting water from a well using buckets is quite labor-intensive process. Possibility of connecting various technical means allows not only to mechanize, but also to fully automate the process of supplying water to the house.

To automate the water supply process, it is necessary to connect the pumping station to the well.

Pumping station elements

An autonomous pumping station consists of the following elements:

  • self-priming centrifugal pump, which ensures that water rises from the well to the required height;
  • a hydraulic accumulator, which softens water hammer and maintains pressure in the pipeline (it is a container with a membrane and a pneumatic valve for pumping air);
  • pipes and pipeline fittings and connecting elements;
  • shut-off and control elements (valves, pressure gauges, pressure switches, check valves etc.);

Principle of operation

The general connection diagram of the pumping station is shown in the figure. From the well, the suction pipeline goes to the pumping station. At the end of the pipeline in the well there is a check valve with a strainer. Shut-off valves and a coarse filter are installed in front of the pumping station. A pressure gauge, check valve, and fine filter are installed at the outlet of the station. Next, the water is supplied to consumers through the pressure pipeline.

Through a pipeline from the well, the pump begins to pump water into the accumulator. Having filled it to a certain pressure, the pump turns off. When the tap is opened, water under pressure flows into the faucet, shower and other water consumption points. When the pressure drops, the pump turns on and starts pumping water from the well into the accumulator again. Thus, when regulating the pressure in the system, the pump either works when water is consumed, or is turned off when all water consumers are shut off.

Before installing the station, you should decide on its location. should be located close to the well. The pipeline from the well to the house must be laid below the freezing level of the soil with insulation and protection against frost heaving. Accommodation options:

  1. Special utility heated room: a separate shed, utility room in the house or in the basement of the house. The most preferable option, as it allows you to carry out Maintenance equipment in a warm room.
  2. In a caisson, which is a protective well located below the freezing level of the soil. This option is less common. The caisson is insulated to prevent soil freezing in very coldy to prevent freezing, damage and failure of all expensive equipment.

Station installation

At self-installation you need to know how to connect the station. The reliability and service life of the water supply system depends on correct installation.

  1. Installation of a pumping station. It can be installed on an L-shaped bracket mounted on the wall of the room, or on a special podium on the floor where the station is located. The station is located based on the direction of the pipeline to the well, so that there are no unnecessary bends. The station must not be in contact with the wall. Rubber pads can be installed under the station feet to eliminate vibration noise during operation.
  2. Installation of the station entrance. Through adapters, a coarse filter, a check valve, shut-off valves, and a coupling for transferring to a plastic pipeline are mounted to the inlet of the station.
  3. Installation of the suction pipe. At the end of the pipeline, which is located in the well, a metal mesh and a check valve are installed. To lay the pipeline, a trench is dug to the freezing depth, in which the water supply is laid. The pipes are laid on a sand bed and covered with sand. If the freezing depth is large, the pipeline is insulated. The pipes are brought into the house and connected to the transition coupling.
  4. Installation of the outlet pipeline. A flexible hose from the hydraulic accumulator is connected to the pressure switch. At the outlet, rigid pipes are used to connect a fine filter, a check valve, shut-off valves, and connecting couplings for the pressure pipeline in the house.

Before the test run, water is poured into the pumping station. This is necessary in order to prevent the pump from running dry.

The pump is connected to the mains and started. All locking elements must be open. All connections are checked for leaks.


See how to install a water supply pump:


Living outside the city, temporarily or permanently, is pleasant, but there are some difficulties in it. After all, not every holiday village has centralized communications. Residents of cottages and private houses quite often have to improve their living conditions on their own.

One of the important points comfortable life is constant availability water. A pumping station can help with this, which is quite easy to install yourself.


The pumping station is capable of supplying water to the water supply system of the house, as well as automatically maintaining a given pressure in it. Due to this, it is possible to make the water supply network branched, facilitating the connection of various household appliances, for example, a boiler, a shower cabin, washing machine and so on.

The pumping station consists of a pump, a hydraulic accumulator, automation, a filter, and pipelines. A well or borehole is suitable as a source for water intake. You can use water from open reservoirs or other reservoirs. If water is taken from a river, lake or pond, it must be used only for household needs or irrigation. It is better to submit water from a well or borehole for testing, the results of which will show whether it is domestic or drinking.

Basically, in the areas, the depth of the wells is about 20 meters, which is the optimal value for installing automatic equipment. These parameters allow water to be delivered to distribution points without any additional equipment.

The pumping station operates in cycles, each of which is divided into two stages. When the pump is turned on, water rises from the source, filling the system and hydraulic tank. This happens until the pressure exceeds the upper limit. As soon as this happens, the pressure switch turns off the pump and the water stops flowing.

When opening taps or using water-consuming equipment, water flows from the accumulator tank. The fluid from the hydraulic tank will be consumed until it reaches the lower limit. The pump then turns on again and lifts water into the hydraulic tank.

It is necessary to ensure that the number of cycles per hour does not exceed the maximum permissible number of starts for the pump being used.

The advantages of the pumping station are obvious:

  • provides autonomous water supply in the house;
  • allows you to increase the efficiency of the water supply system;
  • allows for safer operation of equipment and pipelines;
  • allows you to make a certain supply of water and supply it, even if the power supply is turned off;

  • provides stable water pressure and maintains constant pressure;
  • increases the service life of devices and household appliances connected to the water supply system;
  • reduces energy costs and equipment wear;
  • makes it possible to choose a location for installing the unit;
  • has compact dimensions and light weight;
  • easy to install.

How to choose?

A pumping station for a cottage or private home must cope with its functions, so it should be chosen based on your needs. First of all, you should pay attention to a number of the following criteria.

Station technical characteristics

Moreover highest value has device performance. It is best to opt for a pumping station, which provides water pressure from a well that satisfies all the needs in the house and in the area around the house.

For a normal life of four people, a device with medium or low power is suitable. As a rule, such units are equipped with a 20-liter hydraulic accumulator. Such stations supply water from a well at a rate of 2-4 cubic meters per hour and provide a pressure of 45 meters or more. It is also worth considering the size of the station, the water level when the pump is running and off, the type of filter, and the width of the pipe.

Features of a well

The finished pumping station is an installation with surface pump, which takes water from the well by vacuum. In this case, the ejector can be present in the pump design or be remote and must be located in the well. However, if you assemble and install the pumping station yourself, you can use a borehole or submersible pump. This is especially true if it is already in stock.

Pumping stations with a built-in ejector allow you to lift water only from a depth of no more than 8 meters. However, they provide good pressure, which exceeds 40 meters. Such installations are not afraid of air penetration, so they do not need to be filled with water before starting work. They calmly pump air first, and then water.

Among the positive differences we can also note high reliability and performance. Of course, there are also disadvantages. One of them is strong noise, so such stations are installed in the house, exclusively in utility rooms with good sound insulation.

Stations with an external ejector are necessary for collecting water from a depth of 20 meters or more. In this case, the ejector is placed in a well or borehole, becoming part of the intake unit. Pressure and suction (vacuum) hoses go to it from the installation. Through the pressure hose, water enters the ejector and a vacuum area is formed in the suction chamber, and through the suction hose the water rises up from the well.

Such stations are characterized by low noise levels and low energy consumption. However, the efficiency of such devices does not exceed 40 percent.

Pumping stations with a submersible pump are also practically silent. They can draw water from any depth and even at a significant distance from the water source from the building. At the same time, they are not afraid of air leaks and small leaks in the pipeline. However, clean water is important to them, which means they will need a powerful filtration system and regular cleaning. Of the minuses it is also worth noting high cost such pumps and possible difficulties during repair and maintenance.

Installation diagrams

Before installation, it is necessary to select a location that is optimal for the pumping station.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • distance of the station from the well or well;
  • temperature and humidity in the place where the pump will be installed;
  • availability of free space for repair and maintenance of the device;
  • possibility of soundproofing the room.

Once the installation site for the station has been selected, its installation begins.

There are usually no difficulties when installing a finished pumping station.

  • As a rule, they are first carried out preparatory work. They consist in making a solid base for the pumping device, for example, from concrete and brick or wood. At the same time, it must have flat surface. You can also use a special metal bracket.
  • When the pump is running, it vibrates quite strongly, as a result, leaks can form at the pipe connections. To reduce vibration and its destructive effect, it is necessary to place a rubber mat or pads under the pump supports. You can also secure the legs more securely using anchor bolts.
  • In order for the pumping station to operate without interruption, it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of water from the source. When using water all year round, care should be taken to protect it from freezing. To do this, a trench is dug from the well or caisson of the well to the foundation of the house, into which a pipeline will then be laid, preferably with a diameter of 32 millimeters. It is imperative that the trench runs straight, without bends or turns that lead to a decrease in pressure.

  • Pipes must be buried below the level to which the soil freezes in the area. Also, when forming a trench, it is necessary to take into account the slope towards the water intake, so that during the conservation period water is drained from the pipeline. In case if groundwater are located close, it is necessary to lay the pipeline above their critical level. However, the pipes must be insulated and a heating cable must be used.
  • If the pipeline needs to be run above ground level, it is necessary to organize good thermal insulation and heating. In this case, as thermal insulation material You can use basalt-based mineral wool.

  • The water intake unit in a station with a built-in ejector and surface pump is assembled by connecting to outside polypropylene pipe metal mesh and check valve. The mesh in this case is a coarse filter, and a check valve is necessary to ensure that the pipes are steadily filled with water. The valve can be fixed using a coupling having external thread. If a submersible (well) pump is used, only a check valve and a pipe are needed, and a coarse filter is already included in its design.
  • The pump has considerable weight, so it must be suspended on a strong cable. When lowering the water intake unit in a device with a surface pump, it must be taken into account that minimum distance there should be at least 1 meter from the bottom of the source. For submersible pump this distance is 0.5 meters. It is also necessary to take into account changes in the level of the water surface throughout the year, for example, in summer it usually becomes lower.

  • When the pipeline is connected to the pump, a hydraulic accumulator and a control unit are installed. It is best to connect them using a five-pin fitting, which is mounted in the pressure pipeline in convenient location. A pressure gauge and pressure switch are screwed into it, and a hydraulic accumulator is connected to the side entrance of the fitting.
  • When installing the surface elements of the station, it is necessary to take into account that all additional devices It is best to install through check valves or Ball Valves with an American woman. This is necessary in order to easily remove devices when replacing or repairing, without having to drain the water from the system.
  • Of course, it is recommended to provide for the possibility of draining water from the system in advance. To do this, it is necessary to form a branch in the pipeline by installing a tee with a drain tap. In this case, a coarse filter should be installed on the supply pipeline, and a fine filter should be installed on the pressure pipe.

  • Next, consumers are connected to the pumping station. As a rule, the very first one is the water distribution collector.
  • Before starting the pumping station, it is necessary to take into account that the pump electric motor has high power, so it is better to allocate own line power supply, make grounding, and also install a voltage stabilizer.
  • During installation, you should check the pressure of the air chamber of the hydraulic accumulator. Its value should be 10 percent lower than the pump activation pressure. This setting is done in operating mode. As for the preliminary values, they should be for a hydraulic tank with a capacity of 20-30 liters - from 1.4 to 1.7 bar, and for a capacity of 50-100 liters - from 1.7 to 1.9 bar.

  • Before starting the installation with a surface pump for the first time, it is necessary to fill the working part of the system with water. This is done by unscrewing the plug from the filler hole, which is located at the top of the pump. If the pipeline is equipped with a fill funnel, then you can use it. Water is poured in until it starts to flow out. After this, you must close the valve (hole) tightly.
  • When starting, the pump must be connected to the electrical network. The remaining air trapped in the funnel is removed by slightly opening the valve of the pipeline filler funnel.
  • After turning on the device, water should flow from the outlet of the pressure pipeline or open water tap within two to three minutes. If water does not flow, the pump is turned off and water is added to the system, and then turned on again. When the equipment has been successfully launched, it is necessary to “break in” it, and then adjust the settings of the pressure switch and valve body.

How to assemble?

To assemble a pumping station yourself, you first need to understand what it is and how it works. You should also foresee the level of intensity of water use in advance.

Main functional units of the station:

  • a centrifugal pump that lifts and transports water into the house;
  • a hydraulic accumulator that softens hydraulic shock;
  • pressure switch;
  • an electric motor connected to a pump and a pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge, allows you to determine the pressure;
  • water intake system with check valve;
  • the main line that connects the water intake and the pump.

A pressure switch allows you to control its level in the system. For example, when the pressure decreases compared to a certain parameter, the engine starts, and if it increases, it turns off. Using a pressure gauge you can adjust the pressure. The most mandatory element is a hydraulic accumulator. Sometimes in pumping stations a storage tank is used instead, but this design is outdated due to large quantity shortcomings.

Stations with hydraulic accumulators are more reliable and practical. In addition, they are small in size, which simplifies installation.

How to install?

Do-it-yourself pumping station installation in a house is often carried out in a heated room. The most ideal option there will be a boiler room with good sound insulation. You can, of course, install it in the corridor, hallway, pantry or bathroom. The main thing is away from the bedrooms.

Often a basement or ground floor is chosen for the location of the pumping station. However, this is provided that they are heat, sound and waterproof. You can also install it in a special box, which is located in the underground and has a hatch to provide access to the equipment.