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» DIY coating of slate with acrylic paint. Painting slate: choice of paint and nuances of the process What paint to paint flat slate outdoors

DIY coating of slate with acrylic paint. Painting slate: choice of paint and nuances of the process What paint to paint flat slate outdoors

  • Many people want to update the look of the roof of their home. Thanks to modern technologies It's not that hard to do. The most common procedure – painting with special compounds – allows you to transform the dull appearance of gray asbestos cement sheets into a bright, beautiful and unusual one.

    For a long time, slate was a completely self-sufficient roofing material that has proven its reliability for decades. However, if you remember his unattractive grey colour, then the question of whether it is possible to paint it has not lost its relevance all this time. Decoration is just one aspect.

    Painting solves purely protective problems in practice. Paint protects the roof surface from destructive atmospheric influences; it helps reduce water absorption and increase frost resistance. That is, it can be argued that depending on what paint you use to paint the slate, you can significantly increase the service life of the asbestos-cement roof.

    Is it possible to paint and with what?

    You can often hear that paint for flat slate is very short-lived - one winter is enough and it will crumble. Undoubtedly, this cannot be ruled out, but only for those cases when it is chosen incorrectly. Let's try to figure out what and what paint is best to paint with.

    Types of paint

    Typically, asbestos is painted with one of the following materials:

    • containing acrylic;
    • quick-drying;
    • liquid plastic.

    The last of them is perhaps the least suitable for asbestos-cement roofing. Unlike the other two, it is less weather-resistant, and also has a rather pungent, unpleasant odor.

    Enamel with a quick-drying composition gives the roof an exceptional decorative effect. This finish is resistant to weather conditions and UV radiation. The consumption of this material is 100–150 g per square meter. m. The performance characteristics of the coating are maintained for 3–5 years.

    It is no coincidence that ACL is mainly used for painting acrylic compositions. It is considered the most durable and safe of the above. After applying the composition, a moisture-proof film is formed on the roof surface, which, if properly applied, does not collapse for at least ten years. Acrylic coatings create a smooth surface along which rain and melt water flows freely and snow melts off, reducing the load on the supporting structure of the roof.

    The latter is very important, given the significant load from the asbestos-cement sheets themselves.

    It takes more acrylic than a quick-drying composition to cover a unit area - about 0.3 kg per square meter. m. Acrylic compositions

    • environmentally friendly,
    • do not have harmful secretions,
    • wear-resistant,
    • dry quickly,
    • provide increased adhesion.
    • completely fill all cracks, and the resulting sufficiently strong layer effectively protects the material from destruction.

    When applying paint to the roof, you must strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations - they are usually marked on the packaging.

    The list of materials is much wider.

    • Bitumen compositions are moisture- and frost-resistant and have an affordable price. However, they are toxic, wear out easily, are not aesthetically pleasing, and require a long time to dry.
    • Silicone compounds extend the service life of the roof, are non-toxic, and resistant to atmospheric influences, however, they are quite expensive and this comes with significant paint consumption.
    • Special oil enamels differ great variety shades and stability. They take quite a long time to dry, about six hours, and their service life is about three years, which is undoubtedly not very long.
    • Organosilicon paint is a mixture of dyes and fillers. The basic component of this composition is silicone. This is a durable material that is resistant to mechanical stress. Such a protective layer prevents the release of asbestos particles into the atmosphere. Such compositions are only suitable for this type of coating and require careful treatment of the base using a silicone primer. To give greater durability, the paint is applied in at least two layers.

    Stages of painting an asbestos cement roof

    Before painting the coating, quite labor-intensive preparation is carried out. First of all, each of the sheets is checked for integrity and reliability of their fixation.

    Sheets that show cracks or damage must be replaced.

    The next step is to carefully clean the roof from any dirt, moss, etc. Asbestos cement sheets they are cleaned of old plaque using sandpaper and treated with an acrylic primer containing a special antifungal component. As a result of the primer, the pores of the roofing material are filled.

    After the primer has dried, apply to asbestos-cement sheets cement mortar. The consistency should resemble kefir. A brush is used to apply the solution. Other tools, say a roller, are not suitable for this.

    Dove cement mixture completely dry, the roof is primed, after which the roof is painted.

    When is the best time to do the work?

    Is it possible to paint in wet weather, when is the best time to paint? Questions that concern many, especially those who intend to handle the roof themselves. Painting of ACL must be done dry warm time of the year.

    The paint is applied in two layers using ordinary painting tools, for example, a spray gun. The second layer is applied to the completely dry first one. Practical experience shows that painting in the spring provides them with long-lasting protection, gives the roof a decorative appearance, and prevents the appearance of moss.

Painting the slate on the roof will make the covering look attractive and protect it from external environment. Today you will learn how to paint slate on a roof and how to do it correctly.

In the video in this article you can see a lot useful information and do quality work.

Why paint slate?

For a long period of time, slate has been one of the most popular materials for roofs of houses and buildings. Such fame is easily explained by its affordable pricing policy and long service life.

To date flat slate, like wave, is often used in the construction of various structures. But like everyone construction material, it has not only advantages, but also a number of disadvantages.

For example:

  • Slate does not have an aesthetic appearance, which does not allow it to be classified as decorative or luxury building materials. It is destroyed in an aggressive external environment. Under the influence of moisture it can become overgrown with lichens or mosses.
  • As a rule, timely painting of the roof helps to cope with a number of such problems. This type of application of coloring compositions can be done with your own hands. The layer that is formed during painting protects asbestos cement from the effects of wind, preventing it from weathering, and does not allow it to undergo biological destruction.
  • In order for the service life of such a roof to be longer, it is necessary to carry out treatment slate roofing with special protective solutions, and only after that with paint. But, in fact, such measures can be carried out not only when the slate is new, but also when it has already acquired a black color and the process of its destruction begins.
  • In order to protect the roofing and prepare it for painting, the following measures should be taken:
  • removing moss and lichens from the roof.
  • Cleaning it from dirt and dust particles.
  • Treatment with antiseptic compounds and water repellent.
  • Roofing primer.
  • Painting it twice with drying between layers of paint and varnish products
  • If the slate is prepared correctly, then paintwork lays down in an even layer, does not chip, does not lag behind, which protects from external influences environment, but also gives a presentable appearance to the building.

Attention: Painting a slate roof will eliminate a number of shortcomings.

Rules for performing roof painting work

Now let's look at how to paint a slate roof in detail. If you do everything yourself, then the cost of the work will not be significant.

Roof cleaning

Before deciding how to paint a slate roof, you need to understand the principle of coating. After all, technology is important here, otherwise the coating will not stick.


  • If asbestos cement has been lying on the roof for many seasons, it is best not only to sweep the material away from debris and wipe it, but also to remove the moss and lichen that have grown on it. Most often they spread on roof slopes.
  • A stiff brush will help deal with build-up, but treatment should be carried out exclusively on a dry roof surface. Of course, you can clean it by hand, but an angle grinder with an attachment in the form of a stiff wire brush will help optimize the process. You can purchase it at any hardware store.
  • If you use a power tool in your work, it will make your work easier, increase the speed and improve the quality of cleaning the roofing material. After all the slopes have been cleaned, the coating on top must be brushed with a regular brush and then rinsed warm water and allow to dry before proceeding to the next step.
  • Those places that are difficult to reach and cannot be cleaned are scrubbed manually using a grinder with a stiff brush, extremely carefully so as not to damage the coating.
  • You can clean slate using a water jet under high pressure. This method can only be used with special equipment. With this cleaning method, the procedure can be carried out in any weather, regardless of precipitation, the main thing is that the air temperature is positive.
  • Before cleaning, the pressure should be selected correctly; it should not exceed more than 250 atmospheres. If it is higher, it can negatively affect the slate and lead to destruction. But it is worth considering that the water pressure should not be weak, otherwise it simply will not eliminate moss and lichens on the roof.

Slate roof treatment

Before coating asbestos-cement material with paints and varnishes, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures that will increase its resistance to an aggressive external environment.

There is a huge choice in the modern construction market roofing materials, but despite this, ordinary gray slate has not lost its popularity. This is explained by its good performance, resistance to temperature fluctuations in the external environment, long service life and low price.

Houses covered with slate in the last century still faithfully serve their owners, but the surface of the roof, while maintaining its performance characteristics, has an unsightly appearance. Slate staining helps correct the situation. Painting slate with your own hands is quite possible, you just need to know how to do it correctly.

Perhaps painting slate is an interesting and even enjoyable activity

Why do people paint old slate?

Painting slate allows you to get rid of these negative phenomena. People paint old slate the following reasons:

  • the release of fine asbestos particles harmful to health into the environment is reduced;
  • waterproofing qualities are improved;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations in the external environment increases;
  • the operating period is significantly increased;
  • the development of pathogenic microflora is prevented;
  • the painted surface has high decorative properties.

The painted roof harmonizes well with the color of the walls

Of course, it is simpler and easier to paint at the stage of installing the roofing. In this case, the slate can be painted on the surface of the ground and then installed in its place.

However, it often happens that owners of private houses think about performing this procedure after several years of operation, when the surface, green with moss, absorbs moisture and creates an increased load on the rafter system. At the same time, green paint is very popular.

Preparing for painting is an important and considerable job.

An important stage in the work is preparing the surface for painting. Long service life and high performance ultimately depend on this. finishing coating. All technological details of the dyeing process must be observed.

Before starting work, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. Most in a simple way performing this manipulation, which does not require the use special tools, is mechanical cleaning with a wire brush.

It is very convenient to clean slate with a high pressure car wash.

Work should be done in dry weather, as the mechanical strength of a wet coating is reduced. Cleaning this way is time consuming and physical strength. A grinder or a drill with a brush installed on it allows you to reduce the physical effort required to complete this work, but it requires a faithful eye and a steady hand in order not to damage the coating.

The fastest and most effective way to clean a surface is with a jet of water supplied under high pressure. Such devices are used for washing vehicles. The optimal pressure will be from two hundred to two hundred and fifty atmospheres; with a lower value, it will not be possible to effectively remove contaminants; with a higher value, a directed water jet will break the coating.

When performing all manipulations, you should use personal respiratory and eye protection, as asbestos dust will rise into the air. You need to work in a suit thick fabric, respirator and glasses.

What paint and primer is best to paint the roof of a house?

Before you start painting the slate surface with your own hands, it must be impregnated with a special composition that prevents the development of pathogenic microflora. Apply it with a wide brush, paint roller or spray. To ensure high-quality protection, antiseptic treatment is performed in several layers.

There are special primers for slate

Then a composition is applied to the coating that prevents the penetration of moisture. Due to the porous structure of slate, its premature destruction occurs precisely from the aggressive effects of water. After antiseptic and moisture-repellent treatment, a layer of primer is applied. It provides high-quality adhesion of the paint to the base and reduces its consumption. The primer should be purchased from the company that produced the primer. painting material, and its composition must contain components that prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

The paint and varnish material used for painting must be well resistant to aggressive environmental influences, direct heating sun rays, have water-repellent properties. Acrylic and alkyd paints, polymer and silicone based coatings have these qualities. We'll figure it out a little later which one is better.

Painting is performed in two layers, the first of which is the main one. You can apply the paint with a paint roller, a wide brush or a spray gun. Of course, painting the slate surface is carried out in dry, windless weather.

Acrylic paints

The most widely used are water-soluble acrylic compositions. They do not emit a pungent odor or toxic substances, thanks to water based, do not ignite when exposed to an open flame, do not require the use of solvents and form a waterproof coating with a service life of about five years. Acrylic paint applied to the surface dries within sixty minutes. The disadvantage is that it has a liquid consistency and streaks may form on the coating.

Paint options for slate coating

Silicone based coatings

Silicone-based coatings are considered the most reliable and durable. Due to their high elasticity, they are able to fill fairly deep cavities; they can be used without applying a primer layer. Silicone surface has high mechanical strength and excellent properties to repel dirt and moisture.

By filling the slate pores well, it prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in them. The material does not support the combustion process and does not emit harmful substances And bad smell into the environment. The service life of the coating is about fifteen years.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paints are different short time drying, while forming an elastic surface that is not subject to cracking. They have excellent adhesion to the slate surface and are highly resistant to aggressive influences. environment and atmospheric moisture, do not require mandatory priming of the base before application. Average term service is about five years.

Polymer-based coatings

Polymer-based coatings, which include vinyl, polyurethane or polystyrene, form a glossy or matte plastic layer when applied. It completely blocks the penetration of moisture to the slate surface and is inert to the effects of chemical substances, does not fade from ultraviolet radiation, does not support combustion and is environmentally safe.

Polymer-based coatings resist exposure well negative temperatures, application is possible without mandatory priming. The period of operation is about fifteen years.

Choosing color and shade

The most common colors for roofing surfaces are green, brown and red. However, the color palette offered by manufacturers of this type of product can consist of more than a hundred colors and shades. Do-it-yourself green slate roofs are very common.

Green color roofing is very popular

What to do if you want to paint a surface with a non-standard color that is not in the company’s catalog? Which color to choose? The desired shade can be created by adding tinting paste to the paint and stirring it thoroughly. Most companies provide the possibility of tinting, that is, obtaining any tones color palette. When choosing a color, you need to take into account the surrounding environment, while green roof gets lost in the dense garden.

When finishing a slate roof with your own hands, you should listen to the advice of craftsmen. To feel safe when working at height, you should use a safety belt. Cleaning, priming and painting the surface must be carried out in a protective suit, goggles and a respirator.

If you don't have a spray bottle, painting slate with a flat surface should be done with a paint roller rather than a wide brush. For the first layer to dry, you need to leave more time than indicated in the instructions; most often, they consider ideal conditions that differ from reality.

You can paint slate before installation or directly on the roof using a brush or spray gun.

Before carrying out work, you need to familiarize yourself with the weather forecast for several days in advance: the coating will last longer if it does not rain after the final stage. On the steep gable roof It is better to work together with an assistant. A high-quality painted roof surface will delight owners with its appearance for many years; the coating will not peel off or crack over time.

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The following video has been carefully selected and will certainly help you understand what is presented.

In the old days, more than half of the private houses on the territory of Russia. He maintained his hegemony for a long time, until construction market was not open to new materials with more impressive appearance, various installation methods and better performance characteristics. Now the share has decreased significantly, however, experienced builders advise not to reset this practical material out of the question, because in terms of cheapness, durability and reliability it gives a head start to the most modern species roofs. The only problem that forces us to abandon this finishing option is its inexpressive appearance. Fortunately, there is a simple and inexpensive solution - painting the slate with a special composition.

Coloring tasks

- a fairly common roofing material, the gray color of which becomes boring to homeowners over time. Experienced craftsmen They don’t see any reason to refuse installation if the reason is only an inexpressive color, because slate paint can easily solve this problem. It is worth painting a slate roof because:

Important! Best time to give a color to the roof, which was covered with flat or corrugated slate, the desired color - before installation work. However, such real life happens extremely rarely. More often, homeowners think about how to improve or update their roof 5-7 years after construction.

Preparing for coloring

The preparatory stage of staining is perhaps the most important in the entire process. The durability and quality of the coating depends on how the surface is prepared. Therefore, slate preparation must be treated with care, carefully following the technology. Before painting slate, if it is in use, you need to take care of cleaning its surface. This task can be accomplished in three ways:

Important! All slate cleaning work is carried out in protective gear, since the asbestos dust released during the process is dangerous for the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Be sure to use wet respirators, protective eye masks and protective clothing. To reduce dust, you can moisten with water from a spray bottle and work outdoors.

Protective covering

Note! DIY slate painting, starting with quality training surfaces, gives unsurpassed results. Activities for cleaning, disinfecting and priming the roof will make the coating rich, uniform and durable. During the application process, do not forget to process the cuts and edges of the material.

Paints used

Whether DIY slate paint will benefit your roofing depends on the right choice composition. Experienced craftsmen advise using paint and varnish products that are resistant to temperature changes, moisture and ultraviolet rays. Most good options can be called:

Important! To obtain a durable coating, work on its application is carried out in the warm season, at a temperature of +5 - +20 degrees, in dry weather. The main condition for the quality of painting is compliance with the drying time and the recommended number of paint layers.

With a little effort and minimal financial investment, you can turn a gray, dull roof into architectural masterpiece. The right color and staining of slate works wonders in making it ideal material for blood.

Video instruction

The content of the article

A material that has been used to cover roofs for many years and has excellent performance qualities is undoubtedly slate. Can't take it away from him mechanical strength, good water resistance, resistance to various types of influences, but there is also a significant drawback.

Compared to other modern roofing coverings, playing with all the colors of the rainbow, the slate seems unpresentable, and after several decades, it doesn’t look good at all. But the situation can be improved. This requires painting the slate. With the help of modern paint and varnish materials this problem is completely solvable.

Choosing paint for slate

You often hear that painting asbestos-cement materials is short-lived, the paint layer crumbles after the first winter, and in general, it is better not to mess with this matter. In response to this I would like to say, when wrong choice material and non-compliance technological requirements even painted wooden door in a year it will lose its shine. Therefore, you need to clearly understand how and with what to paint slate. Let's start with choosing paint.

Today, paint intended for application specifically to asbestos-cement materials is produced both foreign and domestic producers. These are mainly acrylic or silicone based compositions.

  • Organosilicon paint for slate KO-slate. It is a mixture of special fillers and silicone-based dyes. Forms a durable, resistant to mechanical stress a coating that, in addition to its decorative function, prevents the release of asbestos particles into the atmosphere.

The paint is incompatible with other types of coatings; it is applied to a surface pre-treated with silicone primer. To obtain the desired result, two coats are required.

  • Triora slate paint. Domestic slate paint on acrylic base. Products under the Triora brand are distinguished by high performance qualities. It is also applied in two layers to a previously prepared surface. Old coatings (oil, silicone) must be completely removed. The paint has a more affordable price, and at the same time has good light fastness and is resistant to moisture . It can be tinted to suit the desired shade.
  • Coverage for slate roofs Kilpi from Tikkurila. Paint based on modified acrylate dispersion. Quite expensive, but in this case, the price is justified by the quality of the coating. The applied paint layer remains elastic even at low temperatures. It can also be applied after surface treatment with recommended materials.

Other companies from Russia, Germany, and Poland are also producing similar paints. Therefore, the choice of material is quite large. The main thing to remember when choosing is that the paint should be intended specifically for slate.

Surface preparation

Like any other surface, slate must be carefully prepared for painting; such preparation is carried out in several stages.

Painting old slate that has been in use for a considerable time begins with a thorough inspection.

Pay special attention to northern slopes; moss colonies may form on them; it must be removed.

This can be done using ordinary metal brushes. The process will be simplified by using hand power tools with special nozzles. However, in this case you must act carefully so as not to damage the slate.

After removing vegetation, you need to check the entire roof for integrity. If detected small cracks or breaks, they should be repaired using a special mixture. This mixture is prepared from:

  • PVA glue diluted with water,
  • cement,
  • fluffed asbestos.

Only after all defects have been eliminated will it be possible to paint the slate.

The next step is removing debris and dusting the roof surface. You can do this with regular brushes, or you can do it with water. In this case, the slate must then be allowed to dry. Excellent result obtained by washing slate with car washers, such as Karcher. After this treatment, the slate looks like new.

It is advisable to treat the surface with antifungal drugs - this will increase the service life of the future coating, and the slate in general.
The most important part of coating preparation is priming with compositions recommended by the manufacturer. It is this treatment that increases the adhesion of materials and ensures reliable contact between paint and coating in the future. Poor treatment is the main cause of paint peeling, so you need to make sure that there are no untreated areas on the roof.

In addition, the primer reduces paint consumption. Asbestos cement absorbs such materials very well, so painting slate with your own hands on a poorly treated surface can be disappointing (spots with different color intensities will be clearly visible).

Roof painting

It is advisable to carry out painting in cloudy weather, at an air temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius. Such conditions are optimal for the paint to dry and form a reliable coating. We often hear the question, is it possible to paint slate at temperatures close to zero? Some manufacturers claim that their material is suitable for such application conditions.

But is it worth risking expensive material? Moreover, under such conditions, the period for the coating to acquire its properties significantly increases.

Paint application can be done either manually or using sprayers, do what is most convenient for you. It is worth noting that the paint consumption indicated on the container most often does not correspond to reality. In fact, it will come out almost twice as large. Keep this in mind when purchasing paint.

After applying the first layer, it must be allowed to dry. This period different compositions differs, information can be found on the packaging. It is true that in this case, it is worth keeping the painted slate for a few longer time before applying the second layer. The fact is that all such information applies only to ideal conditions, and when real work it must be treated with appropriate understanding.