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» We know how to create comfort in your home. How to create comfortable working conditions. What is motivation

We know how to create comfort in your home. How to create comfortable working conditions. What is motivation

Every housewife dreams of creating an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and love in her home. Relatives and friends will always be in a hurry to return to such a house. All family members and friends will come to visit with great pleasure and spend time together.

To create coziness and comfort in your home, you need to have knowledge of little tricks in the interior. With their help, it is easy to turn your home into a cozy oasis with a positive atmosphere. Examples in the photo below.

Home is a fortress for each of us, protecting us from stress and outside threats. All the efforts that we once put into our home pay off over time: a cozy home atmosphere energizes us. positive energy, bestows peace, harmony and stability.

An example of a cozy, bright apartment on a sunny day

Comfort in an apartment is based on the presence of a pleasant and comfortable environment on a subconscious level for the soul. This means that everything in the apartment should be such that it pleases and calms all residents.

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How to create and maintain comfort in your home

Everyone interprets the concept of “comfort” in their own way, imagining a fireplace, some dinner table filled with family and friends, someone with a rocking chair under a floor lamp and a warm blanket.

Cozy room Furnished

One of the main elements that create comfort is textiles that correspond to the overall styling of the interior.

Textile items that create comfort in the home:

  • Curtains and drapes.
  • Bedspreads.
  • Blanket cover for the sofa.
  • Decorative pillows.
  • Carpet and rugs.
  • Chair covers.

Correctly and harmoniously selected things for comfort in the house will fill it with a homely and warm atmosphere. But don’t forget that creating comfort in your home with your own hands is much more pleasant than buying ready-made accessories.

Cozy, bright room.

Things that will add comfort to any room

Such items will immediately fill your home with the atmosphere of love and sincerity with which you made things to decorate your home. It can be:

  • Knitted blanket.
  • Embroidered tablecloth.
  • Painted picture.
  • Decorative elements.
  • Flower pots.
  • Pillowcases.

Of course, harmony in the house will not be achieved if it is a mess. Maintenance will make your home look neat and comfortable. And in such a house, of course, you will always want to return.

We create a comfortable interior home design

Creating comfort in your home

Creating a cozy environment in small or multi-room apartments is much more difficult. The main reason for this is making the right choice wall colors and furniture design, on which the comfort and coziness of the room depends.

With the help of the right wall color, you can visually enlarge the space and focus attention on any important detail, raise the ceiling. It is much easier to create coziness in bright houses, since the color itself gives a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and is like a white canvas for the implementation of new design ideas.

In any room, the basic characteristics of the decorated interior should be observed. This is easy to achieve if every detail matches the overall style and complements each other.

Furniture should be comfortable and functional. It is imperative that the furniture pieces correspond to each other and to the space in the room. Nothing adds home comfort like having a fireplace. If the space allows, you should make it real, and if not, an artificial one will do.

The presence of high-quality lighting will ensure good mood in any season. Today there are many lamps of various shapes that can highlight the design of a room and give it a cozy atmosphere, regardless of its functional purpose.

It is worth understanding that this feeling is individual for everyone. Therefore, we do not recommend chasing new trends. Create a cozy and comfortable environment in your home according to your preferences and only for yourself. After all, the feeling of calm and harmony in your home will allow you to relax and gain strength for new achievements.

Properly arranged furniture creates comfort in the apartment

Good workers everyone needs it, a true specialist in his field is very valuable, he can be easily lured away by competitors. Therefore, the task of the director of the company is to make the employee feel comfortable at his enterprise. How to properly arrange an office so that you want to work in it? Here's the advice professional psychologists give.

For older people

It is important to know who exactly you are targeting. Are the majority of your employees older, born between 1963 and 1984? Then this is the so-called generation X. These personalities were formed in difficult times. Many have experienced cold war, perestroika, mass divorces. Therefore, a generation of pragmatic people has grown up. They are not particularly interested in politics and society as a whole; they are often skeptics. For them, the main thing is worthy and good income. And this is not surprising, because... these people are accustomed to living with economic and political instability. The whole meaning of their life is to overcome this instability, eventually take a position in society, and provide for themselves financially.

How to please Generation X people? It's good if you purchased an office in the city center. They will be impressed classic design. Also, representatives of this generation will appreciate it if you create a strict daily routine and strictly monitor its implementation. It is very important to let these employees know that you value their work. It is important to officially recognize their achievements.

Younger generation

It's another matter if you work with generation Y. These are young people who were born between 1984 and 2000. These are completely different people, they are also called the “digital generation”. The main thing in their lives was how quickly technology developed. Like generation X, big earnings are important to them, but still, first of all, they hold on not to it, but to good conditions work and self-realization.

For such young people, freedom comes first; they want to do only what is interesting to them, and, as an addition, get paid for it. Therefore, young people are not in a hurry to get an office job; rather, they will find part-time work at home and join the list of freelancers. They may have the most fantastic desires, for example, to work as a fitness trainer in Sri Lanka, and sooner or later they will achieve their goal.

It takes a lot of effort to keep such people in the office. And it's worth it, because... in the near future, all hope is for generation Y, they must replace the already aging generation X. The company’s task is to give them the opportunity to self-actualize, to get them interested in work, so that there is a desire to achieve success. Then they will not leave the offices, will work even in their free time and will delight you with their creativity.

A team is an organism, all parts of which complement each other; it is a community of people with a common goal.

Employees in a well-coordinated team have one common cause, one task for all that must be solved. Everyone knows their area of ​​work well and can help others; they think through their actions together. There are no strangers in the team, so it builds lively and close personal relationships. The indifferent “this is not my responsibility” is simply impossible to hear in a real team.

But how to achieve such an idyll in the case when you, the manager, do not see your team, do not have the opportunity to communicate with people live, to understand their emotions? We will talk about this in the article.

It is worth noting that 100% of “ ” employees are distributed specialists; Company managers manage distributed teams whose members are located in different parts of the globe.

How to create a work environment where everyone feels like they belong while working remotely? How to motivate the people who make up a team to act as a single organism, develop themselves, help each other and root for a common cause?

First, let's understand the concepts.

What is motivation?

Motivation is a feeling when high-quality performance of one’s work becomes a conscious necessity for a person.
Motivation always comes from within, it is an internal psychophysiological process that controls human behavior, it is a person’s ability to actively satisfy his needs.

Motivation consists of large quantities various factors. This could be an opportunity for professional growth in the company, interesting work tasks, team-wide events, praise and appreciation for a job well done, and much more. Another factor is the working atmosphere in the team. I am convinced that atmosphere is one of the key factors in motivating employees.

Comfortable working atmosphere

Now I want to move on to the most interesting and fun part of the article and talk to you about methods for creating that very comfortable atmosphere in a team. We list these methods:

I want to place special emphasis on the last point and analyze it in more detail. In a distributed work environment, all formal and informal communication
occurs through various messengers (for us it is Skype or Telegram).
At first, when the team was going through the grinding-in and getting to know the stage, unplanned calls (team-wide or one-on-one between employees) played a very important role. At team meetings, we discussed the problems that the guys encountered when performing work tasks, the difficulties of communication with customer representatives, and ways to solve emerging problems. During these calls it was forbidden to express criticism, but assistance in solving problems was encouraged in every possible way. If one of the employees did not master a particular instrument, then another helped in mastering it. These calls helped to create a sense of community in the team, a sense of belonging; later they evolved into weekly fifteen-minute training sessions to master new material and exchange experiences.

On personal calls, as a team leader, I was interested in other information: whether the guys like the tasks they perform, whether they have wishes or preferences, in which direction they want to move and where they want to develop. If someone expressed their desire to take on a task in a different direction, I could make a slight redistribution and give the employees exactly what they wanted.

Almost immediately, I decided to collect our project jokes and stories into a separate file; when there were enough of them, the file was shared, and all the guys laughed heartily! In general, humor plays a special role in our project. Sometimes it turns out that the more serious the task, the more fun it is to complete it. They help us with this non-verbal means(emoticons, emojis or gifs). The team acquired friendly nicknames and its own informal traditions - and all this despite the fact that we had never met in person.

In less than a year, the team has acquired high communicative maturity - we can discuss work processes without prior preparation, teach each other how to use certain tools, provide a theoretical basis for any methodology, joke and laugh together.

Moreover, we decided to share our good mood with other teams. We have a general flood chat for team representatives from all projects; That’s where we started posting our morning exercises.

The style of leadership and communication in a team plays an important role. Below I will give two examples of conversation structure:

It would seem that the essence of the conversation is the same, but how different the approaches are! The tasks will be completed in both cases, only in the second option the guys will sincerely try to do the job well (because they want to), and in the first they will simply perform their functions as needed.

No one has canceled the norms of basic politeness. The simple words “thank you” and “please” still have lasting value, especially in online settings.

Since we're on the subject various styles manual, it is worth giving a little theoretical information.

What is management style

Management style (or leadership) is the way a leader behaves towards subordinates, allowing them to influence them and force them to do what is needed at the moment. In this context, I really don’t like the word “force”; I would replace it with “motivate”.

All people are different, and therefore there simply cannot be only one correct leadership style in management. Each manager, based on his own character traits and the work situation as a whole, chooses one or another method of managing the team.

It would also be good to remember that being a leader does not mean simply giving commands, ordering, forcing someone to do something. Good leader knows that support and gentle direction of employees can sometimes be much more effective than strict instructions.

I really like the situational leadership model proposed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard back in 1960, according to which leadership styles depend on the types of people on the team and their level of knowledge and development.

Situational Leadership Model

The model considers the following styles of situational leadership:

    • C1 – Directive style;
    • C2 – Mentoring style;
    • C3 – Supportive style;
    • C4 – Delegating style.

In addition to leadership styles, the types of employees and the degree of their development and preparedness are also considered:

According to the situational leadership model, a leader uses one of four styles depending on the situation and the level of development of employees in relation to the task:

    • C1 – Directive style, or “Leadership by ordering”: high task orientation and low people orientation. The leader gives specific instructions and monitors the completion of tasks. The main method of leadership is strict goal setting (orders).
    • C2 – Mentoring style, or “Leadership by selling ideas”: combining a high focus on the task and people. The manager continues to give instructions and monitor the completion of tasks, but at the same time explains decisions made subordinate, invites him to express his ideas and suggestions.
    • C3 – Supportive style, or “Leadership through participation in the organization of the work process”: high orientation to people and low to the task. A leader supports and helps his subordinates in their work. The leader is involved in the decision-making process, but decisions are largely made by subordinates.
    • C4 – Delegating style, or “Leadership by delegation”: low orientation to both people and task. The leader delegates authority, rights and responsibilities to other team members.

Each type of employee development has its own management style:

A fair question arises here: should a manager really adapt to each employee every time, applying one or another leadership style towards him? Yes, this is true, although he can also delegate training and supervision to his employees. Our team most often uses the delegating style. When interns join the team, I (the manager) must use a directive style. I don’t like to do this, and therefore the guys from the team themselves are involved in immersion and training of newcomers. This is good for everyone: I don’t have to change my usual leadership style, the guys improve their skills in setting tasks and training new recruits, and the trainees receive detailed instructions and explanations, help and intermediate control.


You can create a great work environment not only when employees work in the same office. Comfortable conditions are quite achievable in a distributed team. Motivate and develop your employees through communication with them, support and guide them using the right leadership style! The success of the entire team depends on the success of each of your employees!

You will experience a little happiness after you quickly run home and take off your coat soaked in the pouring rain, wrap your chilled legs in a warm blanket and settle into a comfortable soft chair with your favorite mug of coffee, brewed in one minute in a coffee maker.

Our home, like a fortress, protects us from external stress and threats. All the strength you once put into home comfort and comfort pay off in spades: a pleasant homely atmosphere truly energizes you, gives you a feeling of calm and harmony, confidence that the course of your life is correct and stable - this is so important for a modern city dweller.

Coziness and comfort are complementary concepts. The first presupposes, first of all, an environment that is pleasant for the soul and, as a rule, does not require large financial expenses.

The second in meaning is closer to the physical comfort and functionality of the home, it is not for nothing that there is such a concept as the level of comfort, which denotes the degree of comfort of an apartment or house, equipped with the latest technical devices - modern home It’s hard to imagine without these helpers that make household work much easier.

Household appliances are not a luxury today, but a necessity, saving our time and effort, making our living conditions as comfortable as possible.

If you are thinking about how to create coziness and increase your comfort level, these tips will help you. We will reason by deduction, moving from the general to the details.

Using large strokes we create a general sketch cozy home

Color and tone

When choosing wallpaper or paint for walls, textiles, floors, remember the colors that are associated with softness and help create a friendly atmosphere. These are, first of all, unobtrusive pastel shades With warm effect, creating an aura of serenity and peace, for example, shades with yellow-brown or red-pink pigment.

Their big advantage is flexibility, that is, the ability to use bright accent details in the future. If there is little light in the room, it is better to prefer shades of yellow, brown and red. The colors of coffee with milk, tea, live flame, rosy cake, old wood will help create a welcoming atmosphere.

Light and space

The comfort of a home largely depends on a carefully thought-out lighting system. It is better if it is flexible in each room, that is, adjustable, and using light bulbs that emit warm light. Correctly selected floor lamps, chandeliers, wall sconces, table lamps will highlight your carefully organized environment in the living room, bedroom, hallway or kitchen.

For example, in the bedroom it is recommended to install dim light sources, such as bedside spotlights. Kitchen coziness will be created by lighting cabinets, glazed cupboards, as well as a chandelier with a lampshade. An important condition comfort in the kitchen is functional purpose lamps - their direction on the working surfaces: table, hob

In the bathroom, light sources that are moisture-resistant and resistant to temperature changes will provide not only a comfortable but also a safe environment. Often these are closed matte lampshades or sconces with halogen lamps built around the perimeter.

In the nursery, the light should be bright - children really like it, and it is also the key to the proper development of vision. A table at which a child plays, does homework, sculpts and draws, reads books must have table lamp. The children's favorite item is a night light with weak diffused light; it is not scary with it in a dark room.

A good way to add more light and space to a room is to place mirrors on the walls or other surfaces. By the way, unbreakable acrylic mirrors are not only light and safe, but can have the most different shapes at your request, with them comfort in an apartment, especially a small one, is guaranteed.


When entering someone's home, the first thing you pay attention to is the smell of the room. Cozy aromas - the smell of coffee, citrus, cinnamon, vanilla, lavender, bergamot - can soothe nervous system.

To ensure a pleasant aroma, you should ventilate your home more often. Be sure to ensure that washing machine Soiled laundry didn’t linger for a long time, there was always fresh food in the refrigerator, and the curtains didn’t hang unwashed for years. If you do not follow this, a bad smell is guaranteed. And no matter how hard you try to muffle it later with chemical aromas emanating from the air freshener, it will persistently irritate you.

In the kitchen, make sure you have a high-quality hood that will rid your home of the burning smell, and in other rooms - an air conditioner with an air ionization function: it will not only save you in the heat and keep you warm in the off-season, but also clean the air.

Furniture and general style of the room

Furniture, first of all, should be comfortable. Don't chase newfangled designer sofas, armchairs, chairs, cabinets and chests of drawers. Otherwise, the interior, which seems cozy on the outside, may actually turn out to be not at all comfortable.

All pieces of furniture must correspond to the size of the room. A huge sofa with a high back, barely squeezed into a small room, looks ridiculous.

It’s good when the interior and all its details are made in the same style - this speaks of the owner’s taste. But you can take small “liberties” and play a little with style, diversifying the environment. fashion trend today – do not buy all pieces of furniture from one set, but dilute them with elements from different collections. This could be, for example, coffee table, different in color.

There should not be many such items, otherwise there will be discord. Proceed with caution, and then you will be guaranteed original comfort in your home, and the decor will be completely different from the boring store sets. A win-win move in creating a pleasant homely atmosphere

– placement of objects that embody home comfort. So, a fireplace - no matter whether real or artificial - will become a symbol of the hearth and will warm both you and your guests with its welcoming warmth.

Small touches and details will fill the interior with life, comfort and individuality

With the appearance of details in the interior, your home becomes truly cozy, hospitable, warm, and acquires a zest.

Memorabilia and personal items

Bring your home to life with memorabilia, personal photographs, vacation souvenirs, paintings purchased or painted by relatives, and family heirlooms. If things that have already become antiques are very dear to you, but look, to put it mildly, unsightly, you can always resort to design tricks and, after restoring them, “make friends” with other pieces of furniture.

Flowers Flowers favored by the most different places your home - tables, cabinets, window sills, walls - make the house cozy, and, in addition, can be useful. Some plants are known to have a positive effect on health, purify and disinfect the air, such as spathiphyllum and lemon Tree

. Others have a good effect on the energy of the house and can become your talismans. The interior looks very stylish, in which pillows, upholstery on upholstered furniture

or any other textile matches the color of the plant that is showing off nearby. Even an interior designed in a minimalist style becomes cozier if a couple of living plants in stylish pots appear in it.

Little things in the kitchen Beautiful dishes can transform the most modest interior and make it soulful. Place a tablecloth on the dining table, selected in accordance with general style

, place on it a bright tea set, a candy bowl, a fruit bowl, a cute milk jug and a samovar, a symbol of homeliness - and not a single guest will be able to resist such a tea party.

Love your home, decorate it, keep it clean, and it will reciprocate your feelings. The atmosphere of comfort, carefully created by you, will be a source of energy and vitality for you and your friends for many years.

How to build harmonious relationships? Is there a secret to a comfortable relationship? How to create a relationship that suits both?

Imagine that you and your friend, whom you really like, decide to go on a trip. Together you begin to discuss the purpose of your trip and, among the many options, choose the most attractive for both. Only after you have decided on your goal will you understand what talents and skills your companion should have. For the beach, road trip or mountain hike you will need completely different qualities.

Thinking about family life, it is important to decide what goal you are pursuing. Moreover, you need to strive for this goal all your life, it should be so significant. You need to evaluate the qualities of your chosen one in order to understand whether he can be your traveling companion on your intended path. “Like” is not a sufficient condition, although it is necessary, for a successful life journey together.

What could be the main goal?

The highest and main goal of a married couple is love. Psychologists, especially Western ones, tend to believe that love comes after 10-15 years of marriage. During this time, we get to know our partner very well, his pros and cons. And we try to continue to love him as ourselves - even taking into account his shortcomings. We move away from the division into “I” and “you” and master the position of “we”.

When partners have one common goal, they agree and come to a common opinion. All actions are assessed from the perspective of their influence on the good of love: by doing this now, we are acting out of love or not. Such a decision will be truly wise and beautiful.

The right approach leads to an understanding of the integrity and harmony of the world. We see that the world is beautiful in its coincidences, and the purpose of family contributes to the achievement of the main goal in a person’s life.

Construction harmonious relations

When a team of two people of different sexes forms a family, from the first day they are puzzled by issues of compatibility. And only a harmonious relationship built taking into account the interests of both partners will ensure marital compatibility and become a guarantee of a strong union.

Family life means permanent job spouses to preserve and increase the main common wealth - their relationships. At the same time, the focus of both is directed not on themselves, not on their partner, but on their relationships, love and life together - here and now.


The ability of partners to have heart-to-heart conversations, listen carefully and speak sincerely about themselves is an important sign of a harmonious relationship between a couple. Female infidelity is often provoked by a lack of communication with her husband and a lack of emotional intimacy.

Harmonious couples communicate with pleasure, organizing family holidays, general leisure, walks, and attending events together. They share feelings and thoughts, are able to listen carefully, while not forgetting to give their partner the right to be alone.

Feelings without masks

A harmonious relationship is distinguished by the ability to openly express any feelings. When we are afraid that we may be hurt, we protect ourselves with a mask. The development of harmonious communication frees the couple from games and pretense, promoting the manifestation of true emotions. Where love reigns, there can be no hurtful remarks.

When one reveals the full depth of his feelings, the second does not blame, but sympathizes and tries to understand. The presence of mutual confidential communication gives the couple good chance create healthy, relaxed relationships.


One of the indicators of achieving harmony is each partner’s own choice in life. Using their value system and their own rhythm of life, they do not adapt to other people's opinions and expectations. Respecting the choice of a partner, spouses do not seek to impose their views and worldview.

Love and development of each partner are interconnected - no development, no love. If you have a desire to work, study, learn new things, and your significant other has a negative attitude towards this, then most likely there may be no place for love in your relationship.

Recognizing your “I”

Harmonious relationships provide spouses with the right to accept themselves and their “I”. By accepting any aspects of one’s own personality, a person easily perceives and different sides your partner, recognizing his uniqueness and his right to be himself.

The desire of partners to have their own hobbies or engage in self-development contributes to the development of harmony in marriage. By the way, harmonious couples manage to organize time effectively, distributing it in sufficient quantities for leisure, communication, work - there are no “workaholics” among them.

Love of life

Harmonious partners are distinguished by their love of life and the desire to feel the importance of every day. They value love, communication, and open paths for development. For them, the process of perceiving the fullness of life is more valuable than accomplishments and achievements. Such couples are characterized by positive thinking, a sense of freedom and a cheerful perception of the world.

Of course, building harmonious relationships is possible with the combined efforts of both partners. And if there is sincere love and a mutual desire in the family to be together and develop together, then happiness will definitely come.