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» Build a fence from a wooden picket fence. Picket fence - main types, characteristics and installation features (110 photos). Installation of wooden fence supports

Build a fence from a wooden picket fence. Picket fence - main types, characteristics and installation features (110 photos). Installation of wooden fence supports

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All owners of country houses or personal plots the time comes when it is necessary to decide on one or another type of fencing of the territory. There are a lot of design options: wooden fence; metal; concrete; brick. Each fence has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will not dwell on them, but will choose the simplest and most affordable fence from wooden picket fence.

How to make a picket fence with your own hands

Wooden fencing is quite widespread. Not least due to its advantages:

Preparation of materials

Before you begin manufacturing and subsequent installation of a wooden picket fence, you need to decide final design fence

The final decision must be made taking into account the requirements of the overall design of the site. The appearance of the fence should echo the exterior of the house.

  • A house built of red brick will initially look impressive and organic architectural ensemble, with a fence where the posts are made of the same material and the inserts are made of wooden picket fence.
  • A wooden dwelling made from timber usually involves the use of a completely wooden fence.
  • A building with a stone foundation based on rubble looks good with a fence having a similar foundation.

You can choose from the following options:

  • completely wooden fencing;
  • metal posts and logs in combination with a wooden picket fence;
  • stone or brick pillars with a wooden picket fence.

Once you have decided on your preference, you can calculate accurately number of required building material. Knowing the outer perimeter of the site, we accept the distance between the pillars as 3 meters. Based on the chosen design, we calculate the need for the number of components.

Regardless of what the pillars in the structure are, the length is calculated this way. To the height of the fence we add the desired distance between the lower end of the picket fence and the ground and plus 1.3 meters on which supports will be buried. Typically, such a recess is necessary to ensure high strength of the entire structure. Preparing wooden poles for installation usually comes down to treating them with antiseptics, especially the underground part.

The total length of the logs to which the picket fence is usually attached for a wooden fence is equal to two spans between the posts. The veins may not have a rectangular profile, but a round transverse one diameter ranging from 6 to 10 centimeters.

All wooden crafts before installation is inevitable are subjected to planing. Treated surfaces are easier to finish with impregnation, painting, and varnishing. Metal parts are cleaned of rust and outer surface a penetrating primer is applied.

Fencing installation

We usually start installing a fence by laying out the location of the structure. Using a cord, we measure the dimensions of the area, marking the installation points for the pillars. Using a manual or mechanical drill, we drill holes with a diameter of about 20 centimeters to a depth of 1.3 meters.

Wooden or metal we put the poles in the holes, align the straightness along the cord. We check the level vertically. We fill the empty space between the pillars and the pit sand-cement mixture with the addition of crushed granite or broken red brick.

If freezing of the soil is noticed in a given area, then to avoid squeezing out the main supports during frost, pillars instead mortar, filled with small fraction rubble and compacted.

Before installation, wooden poles along the entire length of the underground part are wrapped underneath with a wide layer of roofing material with an overlap of at least 15 cm for waterproofing.

After the solution has set, make installation of veins. Rectangular or round wooden logs are attached to the posts with nails or self-tapping screws. Splicing them is done by sawing them to half the thickness. It did not hurt to position the splice seams so that they were in different places.

In the case of using metal posts and veins rigid fastening is used by welding or through special brackets with galvanized hardware. The logs are joined by welding or using metal plates with fastening bolts union nuts. Now the power structure of the fence is considered completely ready.

Let's move on to an equally responsible picket fence installation stage. The variety of ways to place it determines the uniqueness of the fence. Instead of the usual in-line with a constant pitch, you can use it with an increasing or decreasing gap.

Angular placement of boards will add variety to the style of the fence. The use of a carved picket fence will add individual uniqueness to the appearance of the estate. Semicircular top or bottom, alternating various sizes boards and many completely different variations are available for implementation.

To prevent the yard from being visible, you can use staggered installation order. One board is in front of the vein, and the second, with or without a gap relative to it, is behind it. By independently adjusting the gap, they achieve a transformation of line of sight land plot and ventilation of the fence.

Attaching the picket fence to wooden joists done the old fashioned way iron nails or galvanized screws. The boards are screwed to the metal veins with self-tapping screws.

Finishing work

In order for a picket fence to last for decades, the wood must be immediately treated with antiseptic materials, and then paint or varnish. This operation will have to be done systematically. Once every 5–10 years, the board is checked for damage from fungus and mold. Damaged picket fences are replaced with new ones. The entire structure is again treated with impregnations and varnished.

  1. Materials and tools
  2. Manufacturing technology

A picket fence is one of the most popular types of fencing used to improve country cottage area. The main thing is to implement it correctly. This type of fence has gained popularity due to a number of advantages, the main ones being low cost of construction and appearance.

Materials and tools

Installation of a wooden fence does not require special devices, unless we are talking about combined structures consisting of several different types of materials, such as stone or brick. Load-bearing vertical and horizontal supports for the fence can be made of wood or metal.

To install the picket fence you will need:

  • wooden beam 50x50 mm;
  • wooden beam 20x40 mm;
  • nails or screws;
  • antiseptic;
  • paint material.

A square beam is needed to make vertical supports, and its length is planned in accordance with personal wishes: everyone determines the height of the future fence for themselves.

The support is dug into the ground at least half a meter, so you need to add 50 cm to the desired height of the element for the fence.

Smaller section beam (20x40 mm), intended for horizontal gain picket spans. Its quantity will directly depend on the length of the fence being installed. Nails or screws are suitable as fastening elements. The second option is more preferable, because the screws do not become loose during the operation of the structure.

Fasteners must be purchased from galvanized metal, which does not rust from exposure to atmospheric conditions.

Antiseptics and paint and varnish materials there are many on the market. You need to choose products intended for outdoor use. The tools you will need are a wood saw or a jigsaw. If you nail the boards, you will need a hammer, but it is better to fasten the screws with a screwdriver. A shovel will be useful for installing support posts.

Manufacturing technology

A step-by-step diagram for assembling a picket fence with your own hands will help you properly organize and complete the work from start to finish.

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to properly prepare the wood: all natural material you need to soak it several times with an antiseptic using a regular paint brush. The process is quite labor-intensive, but it cannot be ignored. This measure will help protect the tree from exposure environment, will protect from rotting, extending its service life.
  2. Now you can begin installing the supports. We begin work by marking the places for their installation. In places where the fence changes direction (at corners), we install pegs and stretch a strong rope between them. Then you need to calculate the number of supports. To do this, measure the distance between the pegs and divide it into equal intervals, the length of which does not exceed 2 meters. The resulting value will be the step between load-bearing pillars, and at the site of their installation it is necessary to dig holes, taking into account the fact that the support must go into the ground at least half a meter, below the freezing point. For long and reliable service support structures wedged with coarse gravel and compacted with earth. Laying roofing felt in holes dug for posts helps to increase the service life of wooden supports, and the supports themselves are wrapped in the same roofing felt in places where they are buried in the ground.
  3. At the third stage, transverse fence guides are usually installed. The main thing is that each vein is located strictly horizontally. This is easy to control with a building level. Horizontal supports are mounted in two places (at the top and bottom of the fence), but in the case of a high fence you will have to install an intermediate guide. The veins are fixed to the vertical supports of the picket fence with self-tapping screws or nailed.
  4. The final step is to install wooden planks picket fence directly onto the fence. The longest, but very simple process is to ensure that each picket is screwed strictly vertically at equal intervals. If you pull the thread on the lower edge of the pickets, this will ensure that they are placed at one level.

At the fourth stage, the assembly process ends - the wooden picket fence is now ready for use. All that remains is to paint it in any chosen color, but many craftsmen additionally decorate the fence using simple techniques. This applies to the design of the upper edge of the pickets, which are given a certain shape.

Fence sections can be made in the shape of a wave or an arc. To do this, markings are applied to the fence and trimming is done according to the template. The pickets are sharpened on both sides in the shape of a sharpened pencil - this will protect the yard from unauthorized access.

You can often find picket fences with carved boards - we are talking about the creative approach of the carpenter. This kind of work cannot be called simple.

Alternative to wooden supports

No matter how future supports are prepared and processed, wood is inferior in durability to metal. If you want a wooden picket fence to last a long time, and its service life is not limited to 15 years, it is better to use metal base, which is mounted in exactly the same way, with the exception of a few points. The posts are made from a metal pipe with a cross-section of 40 mm and fixed in the ground with concrete mortar.

For optimal grip load-bearing element With concrete, scraps of reinforcement or metal plates are welded to the bottom of the vertical supports.

Horizontal veins are made from a metal pipe of smaller diameter and welded between the vertical support elements, ensuring the horizontal placement using a level. Then each picket fence is fixed to the previously constructed metal carcass sharpened self-tapping screws. The result will be a wooden picket fence, but reinforced with a metal base.

Even if the pickets become unusable over time, they can be replaced, the supports will remain the same, and this saves money.

There are many options for a wooden picket fence, and it can be used as a base. brickwork, which in combination with natural wood gives a special effect. Instead of brick, if funds allow, spans of stone are laid out. Such a massive structure will require a foundation. And this is a more labor-intensive process.

In Russia, wood has long been widely used as a building material. They build from it log houses, window frames, interior items, kitchen utensils. This natural material allows you to create an atmosphere internal comfort and comfort. A wooden picket fence is one of the most popular types of fencing in suburban construction, which is simply indispensable when arranging a site in rustic style. Such a fence, on the one hand, outlines the boundaries of the site for us, and on the other, its territory is not obscured.

Picket fences can be given any height, shape, color, and even clearance distances, thanks to which they acquire original look and complement the design with their appearance suburban area.

A wooden picket fence is used as a reliable fence personal plot, element of territory zoning, decorative frame beds and flower beds

Stems with flowers, filling the gaps in the gaps between the vertical slats, give the fence a more attractive appearance

The continued popularity of this type of fencing is explained by a number of its parameters and properties, the main ones being:

  • Versatility. Wooden fences fit perfectly into any landscape. They go well with any other bases, organically fitting into an interior made of stone or brick, concrete or metal.
  • Easy to install. Any summer resident or owner can install a picket fence independently. country house without resorting to the services of professional craftsmen.
  • Ease of care. Fence care consists only of timely painting of the surface and elimination of defects that may arise during operation as a result of mechanical influences and seasonal precipitation.
  • Reliability. A high wooden fence will serve not only decorative element landscape design, but also reliable protection owners of the site.

One of the advantages of a picket fence, compared to a traditional solid fence, is the ability to plant plants right at its base.

  • Support pillars. They can be made from metal pipes or thick beams.
  • Picket fences. Narrow slats are made from edged or planed boards.
  • Veins. Cross bars, placed horizontally between the support pillars, 2-2.5 meters long, are made from bars with a cross-section of 40 mm.

When choosing a material to make a picket fence, you can go in two ways: purchase a ready-made picket fence or make it yourself from boards. The first method saves time. Ready fence can be installed on the day of purchase. But a significant drawback can be low-quality raw wood, which serves as the basis for the picket fence, which will “drive” the fence during operation. When choosing the second path, the owner will need to make an effort to spend several days making all the elements of the fence. But as a result, he will have a picket fence that fully corresponds to his ideas and wishes.

If the material is not sufficiently dried, it is necessary to use special dryers for wood, because natural conditions drying can take several seasons

The service of drying wood, as well as cutting crossbars and pickets, can be ordered at a place where wood products are manufactured. When preparing the material yourself, you must carefully file down and sand all the tops.

Design options for the tops of a wooden picket fence

Bottom of wooden support pillars need to be coated with hot water. This will prevent wood from rotting and extend the life of the structure.

Installation and installation of fencing

The installation of a picket fence is carried out according to the same principle as the construction of other types of fencing. First of all, the direction of the future fence is determined. It must be freed from weeds, bushes and tree branches that will interfere with construction. Then beacons are stretched in the cleared area and a place for the pillars is marked along the stretched cord. The distance between the pillars should not exceed three meters. Otherwise, long spans between supports may cause the crossbars to sag under the weight of the pickets.

Support pillars can be installed directly into the ground, but to create a more durable structure, it is better to construct them using cement-sand mortar.

To install the posts, you will need to dig a hole using a drill, the depth of which is determined by the height of the fence. On average, a depth of 1.3 m is sufficient

The posts are installed on a 20 cm gravel cushion, which helps prevent the support from being squeezed out when the soil freezes. Vertically fixed columns are covered alternately with layers of concrete and soil mortar.

After installing the posts along the line of the fence, you can install veins between them. In principle, there are two ways to install a fence: with the first, the crossbars are first attached between the posts, and then a picket fence is nailed to them, and with the second, the spans are assembled separately and fixed to the supports using blocks.

The first picket is attached vertically, and the rest are aligned according to a T-shaped template, in which the width of the leg of the letter “t” is equal to the pitch of the pickets, and are nailed

On average, the distance between the pickets is equal to the width of the boards themselves. You can secure the crossbars to wooden support posts using self-tapping screws, bolts or regular nails. The veins are attached to the metal posts using a specially welded corner for attaching the timber.

Finishing and decorating the fence

The finished fence leaves only other negatively influencing factors.

It is necessary to seal all cracks and chips with putty compounds, saturate the picket fence with an antiseptic, and then cover it with varnish, stain or paint

Film-forming agents do not adhere well to freshly planed boards and do not last long. To “roughen” the surface of the wood, you can sand it with medium-grain sandpaper.

Stain is an excellent preservative that protects wood from the development of microorganisms and mold

The varnish will protect the wood from moisture. Using stain and clear varnish, you can also imitate various types of wood.

Just 50 years ago, wooden picket fences could be seen around most country houses. But they were the same vertical structures. Nowadays, a reliable and durable picket fence can be erected in various configurations and even in combination with other materials. Fences are quite easy to erect with proper calculation and preparation of the material. It will serve as reliable protection for the site and decorate it with its appearance.


Everyone wants to make their home beautiful, and fencing is the element of a suburban area that people pay attention to first. Therefore, it is important to give this element maximum aesthetics. One of the materials that falls into the category of aesthetic and pliable for unique buildings can be considered wood. If you have the skills to work with wood and the desire to build a fence around the site yourself, then the question of how to make a picket fence will be resolved by itself.

A picket fence installed with your own hands, with some imagination and a little skill, will look great on any terrain and against the background of any building.

The reliability of a wooden fence depends on the type of wood chosen for its manufacture, as well as on the size of one picket fence. If you do right choice, then the fence will last for many years.

News proper care It's not difficult at all to follow him. All the owner has to do is apply protective substances to the surface in a timely manner. It is also important that the picket fence almost does not shade the area and has excellent throughput air. Near it you can plant any plants that need sunlight.

Basic types of installation

Vertical and horizontal

Traditionally, when making a wooden fence, the pickets are installed vertically. But it is also possible horizontal laying. This design is made of several boards or poles. This type of fencing is otherwise called “ranch”. It is well suited for creating a rustic style.

You can even tilt the slats to one side, and then you will get an even more unusual fence. And given that the angle of inclination can be different, there are options for creating unusual designs can't be counted.


The checkerboard fence also has an attractive appearance. It looks beautiful not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Location feature wooden parts consists in the fact that the pickets are installed on both sides, but are shifted in relation to each other. The gap, on one side, is closed by a rail on the other, and vice versa.

Preparation and calculation of material

A wooden picket fence is so easy to install that you don’t even need many tools to install it.

To make the picket fence itself, in addition to wood, you will need:

  • fastening elements - nails or screws;
  • hand hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective substance for application to surfaces. These products include water-repellent and antiseptic impregnations, as well as varnish, stain and paint;
  • shovel for digging holes for support pillars;
  • a hammer, if nails were chosen as fasteners;
  • building level so that all fencing elements are installed level.

You can buy wood and make pickets from it yourself, or you can buy a ready-made picket fence. In the latter case, you will have to pay more, but there will be less work.

Note! Before making a picket fence, it is important to correctly calculate the wood material. Based on the perimeter of the territory, as well as the width of the pickets and the gaps between them, the required quantity is calculated wooden elements. For example, if the width of one picket fence is 4 cm, and the width of the gap is 6 cm, and it is planned to make a fence 30 m long, then to calculate the quantity, 30 m must be divided by 10 cm, that is, by the total width of one gap and one picket fence.

How much picket fence is needed depends on the chosen design. For example, if a fence is built with gaps, it will require less material than a solid structure of the same length.

It is important not to forget to calculate everything in the same unit of measurement. It’s easier to express meters in centimeters, and then 3000 will need to be divided by 10. After calculation, it turns out that such a fence will require 300 pieces of picket fence. In addition to the material for making the picket fence itself, you will also need beams for supports. Such poles must be long enough and strong. You need to remember that they will submerge at least half a meter.

Laying picket fences in a checkerboard pattern

You can install a picket fence by working in the following order:

  1. Marking. It is necessary to determine where the support pillars will be located. A strong rope stretched around the perimeter can help in this matter. Optimal distance between supports - 2-3 meters. Taking this into account, it is necessary to make marks on the ground in those places where holes will be dug.
  2. Digging holes. Their diameter should be greater than the diameter of the support pillar. Calculation of the depth of the pit depends on the height of the future fence. Most often it exceeds 1 meter.
  3. Installation of pillars in prepared recesses. If they are wooden, you can simply get by by applying them to the surface. protective equipment. It is possible to lay a wooden picket fence and using metal poles, in this case you will have to lay a concrete mixture in the recess.
  4. After the supports are installed, you can begin to attach veins or slugs to them - thicker boards that should be located parallel to the surface of the ground, that is, perpendicular to the support pillars. At least two veins are required. Their number depends on the total height of the building.
  5. The calculation of the distance between them may also vary. This depends on the height of the fence being mounted and on the method of attaching the pickets to them. The main thing is not to bring the lower one closer to the ground less than 25 cm, and the upper one should not be raised too high so that the edges of the nailed pickets rise above it by at least 25 cm.
  6. When the installation of the veins is completed, you can begin attaching the picket fence itself. When installing the very first picket fence, it is better to use a building level so that the entire fence does not turn out crooked. If there is no level, you can use a plumb line instead, which is easy to make yourself using a heavy weight and thread. To attach all the other pickets, it will only be enough to determine the width of the gap. You can make it equal to the width of the pickets and easily measure the required distance by applying one of the slats. But you can specially make a strip of the required width, and then use it only to make gaps.
  7. When the slats are nailed along the entire length of the fence, you can be content with the work already done, since, in essence, the classic fence is already ready.

To make a “chessboard”, you will need to go to the other side to install another row of pickets. In order to avoid distortions and inaccuracies, it is necessary to correctly install the first rail. It should be located strictly opposite the gap between two adjacent pickets on the other side. After installing this rail, all that remains is to nail down all the others, measuring the length of the gaps using a template.

Painting secrets

Painting the finished structure

Painting a picket fence with your own hands is not difficult, but you still need to pay attention to the details. The durability of not only the paint layer, but also the entire structure, depends on the quality of this work. To apply a high-quality coating, you need to clean the wood from contaminants and then prime it with a substance that can penetrate deeply into the structure.

Several layers can be applied. Before applying the next one, you must wait until the previous layer has dried. Many manufacturers can assure you that there is no need to prime the surface before painting. But, nevertheless, it is better not to pay attention to this statement and apply a primer. This will have a positive effect on the durability of the wood and on the savings of the base coating.

It is also better to paint in several layers. After applying the first layer, it is better to sand it after drying using sandpaper. For painting, it is better to use a brush rather than a roller, as this will allow you to reach hard to reach places. But if you want to speed up the process, you can use a roller, but you must keep in mind that later you will still have to paint many places with a brush.

Wood has long been one of the most popular materials in construction. Log houses are built from it, interior items and window frames are made. This list is far from complete. The material is environmentally friendly and can be used to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort indoors.

Why choose a picket fence

Wood can also form the basis of a picket fence, which acts as one of the most common types of fencing, which is especially true in the question suburban construction. With the help of such a fence you can mark the boundaries of the site without obscuring the territory. By building a wooden picket fence with your own hands, you can give it any shape and height. The distance between the elements can also be selected individually, thanks to this the design takes on an original and attractive appearance, complementing the exterior of the suburban area.

The popularity of such fencing is explained by several parameters, including:

  • versatility;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of care;
  • reliability.

Additional benefits

By making a wooden picket fence with your own hands, you can fit the structure into any landscape. It combines perfectly with other materials and looks organic even with products made of brick, stone, metal and concrete. Installing such a fence is quite simple; any home owner and summer resident can do such work. There is no need to resort to the help of professionals.

Caring for such a fence is quite simple. Its surface can be painted, and, if necessary, some elements that have been damaged during the season can be replaced. By making a fence from a wooden picket fence with your own hands, you can create a fairly high structure that will provide reliable protection for your property. One of the main advantages of a picket fence is the ability to plant plants at its base.

Preparation of materials

In order to build a fence, you should prepare some materials, including:

  • support pillars;
  • fence;
  • veins.

The pillars can be made of thick beams or metal pipes. As for the picket fence, it has the form of separate slats, the width of which is quite small. Pickets can be made from planed or edged boards. The transverse slats for the fence will be positioned horizontally, their length should be equal to the limit of 2 to 2.5 m.

The veins will be based on bars, the cross-section of which is 40 mm. If you decide to make a wooden picket fence with your own hands, you can purchase the material ready-made or make it yourself. The first approach saves time. The fence can be installed on the day of purchase. However, the disadvantage may be raw, low-quality wood, which formed the basis of the picket fence.

If you have time, you can make a picket fence yourself, spending a few days on it. You can guarantee the result. First you need to determine the length of the fence, the pitch between the supports, the height of the structure and the size of the picket fence. If you decide to purchase lumber, then preference should be given to well-dried products. When the material is prepared independently, craftsmen usually saw down and sand the tops. made of wood from below are treated with hot pitch. This will prevent rotting and significantly extend the life of the wood.

Fencing installation

A wooden do-it-yourself one, a photo of which you can see in the article, is made on the basis of support pillars. But first, the area in the direction of the fence should be cleared of tree branches, bushes and weeds that could interfere with construction. On the site, laces are tightened and places for installing poles are marked. The distance between them should be 3 m or less. If the spans are made too long, the crossbars may sag under the weight of the picket fence.

The supports are usually installed in the ground, but if you want to make the structure more durable, you should use the technology of pouring a solution of cement and sand. Making a fence from a wooden picket fence with your own hands involves installing supports on a gravel cushion, which will prevent the posts from being squeezed out when the ground freezes. The pillars should be fixed vertically, covered with layers of soil and concrete.

The posts should be positioned as evenly as possible along the fence line. Sometimes veins are installed between them. usually carried out according to one of two methods, the first involves fastening crossbars between the supports, as well as installing a picket fence. The second technology involves assembling the spans separately, after which they are attached to the supports with blocks. Usually the pitch between the pickets is equal to the width of the boards. The cross bars are fixed on using self-tapping screws, nails or bolts. The veins are attached to metal poles corners for fastening beams.

Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions. A do-it-yourself wooden picket fence is assembled only after installing the posts. In place of the pegs that are driven into the ground at the marking stage, holes should be dug. Their depth should be 50 cm or more. When installing supports, you should not trust your eye; it is better to use a plumb line or level. The bottom of the pit should be concreted. To prevent the pole from sagging, it is recommended to make temporary spacers that will hold the product until the mixture hardens.

If you are thinking about the question of how to make a fence from a wooden picket fence with your own hands, then it is important to become more familiar with the technology of assembling structures. You need to start this process only after the pillars are securely held in place. concrete mixture. To do this, after pouring you need to wait about 2 days. Further work will resemble the assembly of a construction set.

The fasteners are installed on the poles. The veins are fixed to the fastenings with self-tapping screws. At this stage, it is necessary to mark the places where the picket fence should be located on the veins. You should use a marker or pencil for this. This will allow you to ensure that the distance between the picket fence elements is maintained. It is better to use a screwdriver to screw the slats.

Finishing the fence

Before starting work, experts recommend familiarizing yourself with the ideas. A DIY wooden picket fence can look very original. Its appearance is largely determined decorative finishing. In addition, applying a protective layer allows you to extend the life of the structure. If we're talking about Regarding freshly planed boards, you should not use film-forming agents, as they do not adhere well and do not last long. You need to clean the surface of the wood with medium-grain sandpaper. Applying varnish will protect the material from moisture. You can use it transparent variety or stain.

For reference

Installing a wooden picket fence with your own hands may involve the use of supports made of different materials, among them:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • stone.

In any case, the same distance must be maintained between the elements; finished sections will be located between the supports. For additional rigidity, the pillars can be supplemented with bases in the form of stops that will go to the side. After pouring the concrete and hardening, the resulting depression can be filled with soil.


Quite often in Lately used to make a fence metal picket fence. He has polymer coating, therefore does not require painting. But if you want to make the exterior more natural, then it is better to use wood, it final stage covered with stain and special antiseptics. This way it will be possible to preserve the natural color of the material and eliminate the impact of negative factors on it.