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» Landscape design of the site on their own. Garden design - choose the style and layout Landscape design for a summer residence

Landscape design of the site on their own. Garden design - choose the style and layout Landscape design for a summer residence

How beautiful, practical and on your own to equip the territory near the country house? How to create not only an oasis of greenery and freshness away from a noisy and dusty city, but also a functional place for family recreation and receiving guests, friends, acquaintances? How to reflect your vision of beauty, comfort and harmony with nature in your own summer cottage with minimal cost, but maximum effect? We hope that our impressive selection of 100 different ideas for arranging the territory of various sizes and shapes, climatic and landscape features will help you with the answers to these questions. In the photo of landscape projects you will find relevant, practical and aesthetic solutions for every taste, level of gardening skill and wallet size.

Mandatory preparatory work

It may seem only to people who are far from gardening and horticulture that it is not difficult to organize a cozy green corner in the country that meets all the requirements of the family in recreation, work and outdoor entertainment. That it is enough to plant fruit trees, break a flower bed, equip beds for growing vegetables and herbs, and install a gazebo. But the requirements for comfort and outdoor recreation are different for everyone - some need a playground in the shade of green spaces, others need a spacious outdoor dining area for family dinners and receptions, almost everyone wants to have a barbecue area, and someone just a hammock is needed to relax in the cool among trees and bushes. It is in accordance with your requirements and the possibilities of the suburban area that you need to draw up a detailed plan for the arrangement.

So, on a regular sheet of paper or in a special design program (it will not be difficult to find a free version on the Internet), it will be necessary to note:

  • indicate the exact size and shape of the territory, determine the scale (the more accurate the calculations are, the less improvements will be on the ground);
  • it is necessary to mark already built buildings on the plan - a house, a garage, a capital gazebo, a bathhouse, etc .;
  • mark also the planned construction - mark even small buildings (from a chicken coop to a dog kennel), it always seems that there is a place for a small building (especially on a large plot), but in fact you often have to transfer or change your plans, having already started work;
  • experts recommend dividing the entire site into zones - squares, each of which will have its own main element (for example, in an outdoor recreation area, a gazebo with a dining group or a spacious swing can be a key subject of landscape design);
  • mark all perennials that are already on the territory and mark the planting of new ones, taking into account the distance between plantings and the distance in relation to buildings;
  • then comes the difficult point of marking all engineering systems - from plumbing to lighting (it is necessary to indicate both existing communications and the planned laying of pipes or wires).

But the initial stage of preparation is not limited to drawing on paper. It is necessary to carry out what is called "reconnaissance on the ground":

  • find out the characteristics of the soil;
  • the presence (possible) of groundwater;
  • if there are places of stagnant water, then drain;
  • it is also necessary to determine the level of hilliness of the territory (experts recommend not leveling the site, but using the landscape features of a particular area to create the most natural image of the site, but in some cases it is simply necessary to get rid of soil irregularities).

We choose the style of performance, the image of the suburban area

Creating an uneasy practical space where you can grow fruits, vegetables and herbs, but a truly harmonious image of a summer cottage with all the elements necessary for work and leisure is not an easy task. Obviously, you will have to work hard to get a balanced picture of landscape design. The choice of stylistic direction and color scheme for the design of your summer cottage will be largely determined by the elements that fill it. Conventionally, all the "participants" in the arrangement of a summer cottage can be divided into the following groups.

1. Elements of natural (natural) landscape. Everything that was created by nature - trees, shrubs and other plants, mounds, pits, stones, natural reservoirs, will influence the creation of the image of a particular color palette if you leave them on your site. Of course, the color scheme of the site will change along with the change of seasons and the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of each particular area.

2.Architectural structures. Such elements of landscape design include, first of all, the main building (a small country house or a spacious estate, depending on the size of the cottage itself). Also, architectural objects include various extensions to the house and independent buildings - a veranda, a bathhouse, a sauna, a garage, a barn, a permanent greenhouse, a gazebo, a canopy and even bridges. It is obvious that all architectural objects will be designed in the same stylistic direction, they will have something in common in terms of color schemes and the choice of facade design. But at the same time, you can choose one element that will become an accent in the overall ensemble. Most often, the main building becomes the key structure, but there are exceptions.

3.Elements of social and decorative landscape. This type of landscape design items includes everything that was created by human hands - plantings, ponds, sculptures, flower beds and garden beds, rock gardens and other types of slides. In this group of elements, you can use an infinite number of color options - creating flower beds and alleys from certain plants allows you to “paint” the site in different colors, given that in most parts of our country the warm season (growth and flowering of plants) lasts from April to October. In addition, there are many varieties of evergreens that can be grown throughout almost the entire territory of our country to create a permanent green and fresh background for a comfortable image of a summer cottage.

4. Other elements of landscape design. Everything that did not "fit" in other groups, we will refer to this type - flooring and platforms, garden paths and playgrounds, entertainment items for the playground, various decorative elements.

It is the choice of colors for the image of a suburban area that can help create an uneasy aesthetic picture, but also mask flaws and highlight advantages, visually change the shape of the territory, increase it. The advantage of the right color schemes is that they help to coordinate the appearance of the suburban area without resorting to drastic changes.

Garden paths - practical and aesthetic design

Garden paths in a summer cottage are not only a convenient and safe way to move between objects and landscape design segments, but also a way of zoning space and decorating it. Therefore, the paths and paths in the local area can be not only reliable and practical, but also original, beautiful, executed in the general style of designing the entire site.

Garden paths can be made from the following materials:

  • stone ("plastushka", river stone or pebbles, paving stones);
  • wood (painted or coated with special varnishes and antiseptics);
  • concrete in various modifications;
  • brick (clinker or ordinary);
  • junk material (plastic caps, bottles or parts thereof, corks and any other material that can be used to create a safe and sufficiently durable surface for country trails).

Also, according to the way of execution, all tracks can be divided into solid and non-solid - the name speaks for itself and leaves no discrepancies in determining the appearance of the two options. In addition, garden paths can be divided into temporary and permanent. Basically, permanent paths are used in suburban areas, but it happens that the owners use the site for a short time and it is more expedient to lay temporary paths.

Flowerbeds and beds - a variety of options

Flower beds and flower beds are one of the most popular ways to decorate any area. No matter how big your backyard is. There is always a place on it, albeit for a small but beautiful flower bed. Well, it is simply impossible to imagine a Russian dacha without beds with vegetables, root crops and herbs. And if, according to the functional purpose, the flower beds and beds differ somewhat, then according to the method of execution, they largely intersect.

Flowerbeds can be divided into the following types:

  • regular;
  • irregular;
  • carpet;
  • raised;
  • traditional mono-flowers;
  • vertical;
  • flowerbeds created not on the ground, but in special devices.

Of course, flower beds can differ both in size and shape, and in the type of planted plants. Lots of execution options. The choice of the appearance and content of the flower bed will depend on the size of the area allotted for the flower garden, the type of soil, the climatic conditions of a particular region, your ideas about beauty and aesthetics, and the ability to devote some time and effort to plants.

There are also many possibilities in the performance of summer cottages, and not only in the size and shape of dug trenches. Beds for growing various crops can be:

  • traditional;
  • "warm";
  • with drainage;
  • beds-boxes;
  • beds with high sides.

In order to create a bed-box or with high sides, you can use the following materials:

  • old boards;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • plastic;
  • flat or wavy slate;
  • any junk material that can hold its shape in high humidity conditions for at least one season.

Rest and dining areas of various modifications

There is no such owner of a summer cottage who would not want to equip a place to relax on his territory, in addition to beds and greenhouses. Well, since for many Russians outdoor recreation is often associated with cooking various dishes on an open fire, the barbecue area will not be superfluous. Most often, a cooking area is equipped like a patio - they lay out a platform with stones or tiles (less often they make a wooden platform). This sector can be covered permanently or temporarily to protect from sun and rain.

Rest areas with garden furniture, swings or hammocks can be placed on a terrace or open veranda, attached to the house or a separate canopy, in a gazebo or under a tent. It all depends on the general concept of the design of the site, its size and the needs of the owners.

To create a cozy segment for relaxation or an aesthetic and practical outdoor dining area, you can use garden furniture made from the following materials:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • rattan (artificial or natural);
  • willow rods;
  • bamboo;
  • stone or concrete slabs;
  • glass (triplex glass);
  • polystyrene;
  • basalt fiber;
  • waste material.

Pools, ponds, fountains and more

Experts in creating landscape designs argue that in order to create a truly harmonious environment in a summer cottage, it is not enough to properly arrange buildings, plant green plants, lay paths and distribute beds and flower beds. In addition to the earth (stones) and greenery, the presence of water is necessary. Whether it will be an artificial waterfall, a small pond, a fountain of any modification or a swimming pool depends on the wishes of the owners, the size and characteristics of the territory and the budget for the project.

Pools can differ not only in size and shape. There are overflow pools, artificial reservoirs with several levels in depth, stationary and portable (temporary and permanent). The pool can be equipped with a "waterfall" or fountains, have branches. Also, pools differ in the way the water is filtered. Of course, all these criteria affect the ways of arranging an artificial reservoir, its appearance, the cost of creation and operation.

Land development always starts with a plan. Rational use and decoration of a personal plot are possible only as a result of its correct and thoughtful planning, taking into account natural, climatic, local, national and domestic features. In this article, we will tell you how to decorate a personal plot with your own hands in a village from improvised materials, we will give video and photo instructions for registration.

The smaller the area of ​​​​the site, the more carefully you need to plan it and think through the design details.


When placing the elements of the estate and choosing plantings, it is necessary to take into account the location of the place relative to the sides of the horizon, the prevailing winds, the state of the soil and soil, as well as its topography. The natural relief does not always and does not fully meet the planning requirements, in such cases it is recommended to carry out a vertical planning.

With small elevation differences (up to 5%), earthworks are not carried out, leaving the natural relief, and the house is built with a basement or basement, or only the site for building the house is leveled.

In areas with a steep slope (8-12%), the situation can be corrected by terracing the site across the slope, and the steeper the slope, the more terraces are needed. Stairs are arranged between the terraces, and the surfaces of the terraces are connected by retaining walls. As a rule, for small slopes with clay and sandy loamy soils, the slope is 1:1.5, with sandy soils - 1:2, that is, a slope 1 m high occupies a strip of land 1.5 or 2 m.


In addition to the direct functional purpose, fences also play a decorative role, so the arrangement of a personal plot can begin with the installation of barriers. It is better to make an external fence in human height or a little higher, and internal fences can be installed from 30 cm to 1 m high. The fence consists of poles and battens, the materials for the fence can be different.

In addition, fences can be made in the form of a hedge, planting it in two rows, between which a low metal mesh is stretched. After 2 years, the shrubs will grow into it and make it invisible.

Various types of hawthorn, thuja, Japanese quince and others are well suited for green fencing. Shrubs are trimmed in the second year. Hedges are formed by lateral and apical haircut, which is carried out 2 times a year.

We suggest you watch a video about an alternative hedge device.

When designing a personal plot, special attention should be paid to paths. Their correct and beautiful layout plays an important role in landscaping and decorative design. The overall pattern of the paths can be geometrically strict or free. There is a direct connection between the paths, the relief and the shape of the site.

First, marking is carried out - straight sections of the tracks are marked with a cord, the ends tied to the pegs, and curvilinear - using one peg as the center of the circle, and the other - the legs of the compass. It is easy to draw smooth curves on the ground by changing the length of the line and the location of the center.

If you want to lay paths with artificial turf, you need to carry out preparatory work. Along the marking lines, the turf is cut to a depth of 15-20 cm and removed so that a slight elevation remains along the central axis so that rainwater flows to the edges. This place prepared for covering is called "trough".

Tracks can be made:

Ground - along the stretched cord, the edges of the track are cut with a shovel to a depth of 10 cm. This layer of earth is removed, and the cut area is rolled with a hand roller.

For such paths, you only need to sow a lawn or white clover. It is in this way that many make out the entrance to the garage, paving two lanes with paving slabs for the wheels.

gravel - a layer of 7 cm of coarse gravel (4-6 cm) is laid at the bottom of the "trough", after rolling it - another layer of 5 cm of finer gravel (2-3 cm), and then a layer of sand mixed with clay (1: 3 ) 1-2 cm thick, which is well rammed, while pouring water for better shrinkage. Lastly, another layer of 2 cm of fine gravel is laid, which is also watered and compacted.

- perhaps the most aesthetic type of paths, because such tiles can be of any shape and color and fit perfectly into the design. A dry mixture of sifted sand and cement (4: 1) is poured onto the “trough”, and then concrete tiles are laid one at a time, which are leveled and compacted in level with a rubber hammer. Laying paving slabs is not difficult.

Paving from wooden ends - effective and very economical, since wooden "rounds" can be cut independently. To make such paths, tree trunks of various sizes are treated with an antiseptic (bitumen, drying oil), and then sawn into equal segments of 10-15 cm. Such logs are placed on a layer of sand of 10 cm. sand.

From monolithic concrete - for such paths, a formwork is prepared, which is poured with plastic concrete with fine gravel, prepared at the rate of: 1 part of cement, 2 parts of sand and 3 parts of gravel.

And a few more photos of various paths for a summer cottage:

We offer you to watch this video dedicated to the arrangement of tracks.

Front garden and green lawn

When doing work such as landscaping a personal plot , you can simply make it beautiful, clean and elegant by sowing free space with lawn grass. On such lawns, places for recreation, picnics and sports games are arranged.

Also, lawn grass can be sown in the front garden in front of the house, where small trees or shrubs planted in groups look good. In this case, the tallest trees or shrubs are planted in the center of the group, and the lower ones are planted along the edges.

When planting flowering shrubs in the front garden, their color scheme is taken into account - plants with white, yellow, orange flowers are planted closer to the house, and at a greater distance, near the paths - with red, purple, blue and dark or red-leaved bushes.

The physiological and psychological effects of flowers and their smells on the human body have long been known. Home garden decoration - color compositions are made according to the following design rules:

  • compliance with the color ratio. Red - green, purple - yellow, blue - orange - such combinations create contrasting and emotionally effective ratios. Color combinations are soft, harmonious: red - yellow, red - blue, violet - orange, violet - green, blue - yellow. White goes with all colors. When creating flower beds, you need to remember that flowers of warm, soft and harmonizing tones are placed in well-lit, sunny places, and contrasting ones in shaded places.
  • as long as possible continuous flowering. To do this, you need to select flowers with different flowering times. So, in April, snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils, tulips bloom; in May - forget-me-not, lily of the valley, violet, iris, lily, peony; throughout the summer - gladiolus, phlox, dicentra purple, poppy, bluebell, delphinium; in September - aster, goldenrod, dahlias; in October - chrysanthemums. Roses have a long flowering period - from May to September.

Flower beds are arranged in the front garden, on recreation areas, rocky hills, slopes, terraces, near a pond. The background for flowers is a green lawn, stones, house walls, tree trunks. When planting flowers in a flower bed, you need to take into account that flowers of the same type, but of different colors, look very beautiful together. Variegated mixtures of tones are undesirable. A flower bed does not become beautiful because there are many types of flowers on it. It is not the quantity that matters, but the harmony between the colors. Another rule for arranging a flower garden is that the farther the flowers are planted from the path, the larger the color spot can be and the higher the flowers themselves.

When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account their requirements for soil and light, the growing season, wind resistance, time and period of flowering, decorative effect, plant height, etc.

Roses occupy a special place in the landscaping of the site. Almost continuous flowering and a wide variety of colors put the rose in the first place in the decorative design of the site. Roses are planted in a sunny, bright place, protected from the wind. Curly roses are planted on the south side of the house. A perfect background for these flowers is a green lawn, coniferous trees, stones of retaining walls and terraces.

Alpine slide

The design of a personal plot is often complemented by such a design solution as a rock garden or an alpine slide. This is a decorative composition made of low-growing shrubs, flowers and stones, where the latter form the basis of the slide.

It is better to select stones of the same breed, the largest weighing about 30 kg.

A pit is dug along the outlined contour with a depth of 30-40 cm. On heavy clay soils, its bottom is covered with a layer of gravel of 10-15 cm, and on waterlogged soils it is increased to 20-25 cm. After that, fertile soil is poured into the pit above the level of the surrounding soil on 40-60 cm, and then lay out and set the stones, trying to achieve the maximum naturalness of their placement. Places of various sizes are left between the stones for planting.

For an alpine slide, undersized and creeping plants with bright colors of flowers, leaves or fruits are selected. At the same time, coniferous species (creeping juniper, dwarf thuja, Canadian conical spruce) should also be included - they enrich the colorful color in spring and autumn. Proper selection of plants provides a decorative effect of the alpine slide, not only during the growing season, but also in winter. From deciduous shrubs, you can choose purple-leaved barberry, periwinkle, heather, hydrangea, honeysuckle, ivy, rhododendron, boxwood. Of the flowers, the rock garden will be decorated with a cirrus carnation, creeping St. John's wort, goldenrod, iris, bluebell, crocus, primrose.

Flowers with intense color are planted in the center of the composition. Flowers are best planted in groups or singly, but not scattered all over the hill.

By equipping a personal plot on your own, you can also think about arranging a small pond for decorative purposes. Such a small pool can be made from a concrete ring, which is dug 5 cm below ground level. A layer of crushed stone of 20 cm is laid at the bottom of it, rammed, pouring water over it, then poured with cement mortar (1: 3). Paving slabs are laid along the upper perimeter of the ring, and the joints are sealed with mortar. You can plant water lilies, irises, reeds in it. Caring for such a reservoir is to change the water.

A small pool with communications can be made by separately concreted its bottom and walls, which are reinforced with reinforcement. In order for water to flow out of it better, the bottom is made with an inclination towards the drain pipe, which, in turn, is also installed at an angle. Water from the pool is drained into a common sewer or drain well, which is arranged for drainage in the lowest place. The filling pipe should be slightly above the water level in the pool. If you install a spray head, you get a fountain that looks very attractive.

Living in a city where businesses and cultural centers, stadiums and public transport are at your service has many advantages if, moreover, there is no opportunity to sew in nature. But even a large park cannot replace your own garden, surrounded by the same gardens! And yet you can create a green and blooming paradise - your own island in the city sea. Moreover, it is large enough to isolate itself from the pulsating rhythm of city life at least for a while and enjoy nature. Landscape design of a garden plot - 70 photos how to arrange:

Sometimes those who left the big cities and went to live in nature lament their decision. The reasons for this are varied. The most important among them, if the place of work or study is still in the city, and the site itself is at a considerable distance from it, is the transport problem.

Living in townhouses or urban-type settlements, in addition to undoubted advantages, has some disadvantages for a certain category of people. This applies not least to tightness: tiny plots of land squeezed by houses, where there is only enough space for a dwelling, and there is nowhere to break even a front garden or a lawn.

Lansh design of a garden plot, to have a good large plot of land, and even in a suitable place, only rare lucky ones can afford. And, of course, one of them is the owner of this garden, which we present today.

The acquired piece of land has a trapezoidal shape. After the house was built, there was still enough space left to set up a garden. Moreover, the house was built not quite ordinary, and a few words should also be said about it.

The center of the building is a round stair tower. In it there is an intersection of two separate "wings" of the house located with a difference relative to each other. Both of them are interconnected by a winter garden, the main terrace of the house and balconies located opposite each other. Design of a garden plot of 10 acres photo:

The round shape in this project most often characterizes architectural and decorative elements, such as roof windows on the facade. She also received her development in the design of the garden.

Country house garden design

In general, the garden is oriented to the northwest. A slight slope of the site allowed us to successfully build a garage into the basement. A staircase leads directly from the entrance gate to the terrace of the house. It is used by both the residents of the house and their guests.

The concrete wall, located in ledges, seems to support the slope. Over the years, the concrete surface has become almost invisible due to the lush greenery descending on it.

The design project of the garden plot, the main, "official" path, paved from small dark granite cobblestones with light dividing strips-inserts, smoothly descending, leads to the other side of the entrance to the garden, along the magnificent rhododendrons and azaleas, and to the doors of the house.

Approximately in the middle, a path made of natural stone turns off. Along a small garden on the southwest side (a slight elevation difference here can be overcome with a simple ladder) it comes to the end of a wooden terrace. From here you can see the winter garden, located in the southeast between the two buildings of the house. Garden plot design photo examples in our article:

So far, it has only been about the garden itself. Now we have an almost lake landscape in front of us, with an island and a wooden bridge, boulders towering above the water and goldfish gleaming under the rays of the sun when they swim close to the surface of the water, so that it is convenient to catch insects. The slightly curved bridge seems to continue the wooden terrace between the house and the pond.

The pond in the garden should be as large as possible

Another passion of the owner - along with dogs and horses - are exotic birds. For them, a special roomy house and an aviary are equipped. They are installed near a concrete wall stretching along the border of the land and overgrown with lush greenery.

The landscape design of the garden plot, beautiful chestnut trees located nearby form a shady corner in this place. Several powerful fir trees grow there, providing a reliable barrier to street noise.

The semi-circular terrace connecting both buildings of the house, where you can sit comfortably even on cool evenings, is tiled. The same coverage is on the balcony.

In the design of the wooden terrace and the pond, an organic unity is revealed. Gravel, boulders, greenery and a completely natural shape of the pond created a wonderful corner of nature.

In private gardens, ponds are often planned in such a way that they do not look real and therefore do not give the desired effect. In this case, everything is different: the dimensions of the pond were made as large as possible, each plant was selected for it after consulting with experts. Having organized the design of the arrangement of the garden plot, now the whole family is happy to relax here, admiring the sun glare on the water and the elegant movements of goldfish.

Despite the fact that the site is located in the city, many birds often fly to the pond. Frogs also thrive here. Qualified "experts" are completely sure that this is a real natural oasis. Garden plot design photo gallery:

Bridges for reconnaissance of the other shore

Two stable bridges provide convenient communication between the two banks. This opens up unprecedented scope for children's imagination. Once you can play pirate ship, and once you can get across the bridge to a foreign country: after all, on the other side there is the already mentioned aviary with exotic birds.

The design of a garden plot of 6 acres may not fit everything, but in the same place, opposite the terrace, there is a wonderful relaxation area with a small table. Surrounded by jasmine bushes, so fragrant in summer, and mountain ash, decorated with bright red berries in autumn, stands in the background an old, reconstructed garage with a peaked roof, reminiscent of a sorcerer's house.

It has access to the street, and therefore it is very convenient to use it when buying and delivering seedlings and tools. On the border of the site, massive green spruces are successfully located. Landscape design of the garden plot:

Idyll costs money

To create such a beautiful garden, you need a lot of effort and money. And so that they do not go to waste, you should choose the right place and time.

When planning a garden and a pond and buying plants for them, it is better to consult with specialists and purchase the highest quality planting material, suitable building materials and reliable equipment.

Kingdom of lilies and frogs

As a rule, the water in an artificial pond is not running and is not intended for swimming, therefore, no matter how great the desire to splash in it in hot weather, this should not be done if it was laid without special events for this purpose.

The quality of water in ponds differs significantly from the quality of water in swimming pools due to the constantly occurring biological process of decomposition of organic substances in them, causing the growth of all kinds of microorganisms.

Purification of water by adding any disinfectants to the pond is unacceptable. In addition to the fact that this method is absolutely ineffective, it can lead to the destruction of the natural microflora of the reservoir.

The design of the garden plot of a country house - there are several ways to improve the quality of water in artificial reservoirs. One of them is the biological purification of a reservoir through the so-called groundwater infiltration.

Its essence lies in the fact that water is supplied to a flat limited area planted with reeds or reeds, seeps into the drainage laid under the site, in which purified water is collected and again enters the pond through an adjustable dam.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a certain rate of water seepage, and periodically mow the reeds or reeds to remove biomass and microbial nutrients from the system.

Unfortunately, the lack of space does not allow the wide use of this method. Low-flowing ponds lined with reeds or reeds contribute very little to the destruction of microorganisms and viruses, therefore, most often they are only purely decorative corners of nature.

The second way is to purify water using filters, which requires a much smaller surface area. Consultations on their use can be obtained from companies selling such systems.

Recently, a special high-quality polyethylene film has been widely used for the construction of artificial ponds and pools, which makes it possible to create a reservoir of any size and configuration. Landscape design of a garden plot - 70 photos how to arrange:

The article talks about how to create landscape design on the site of a country house. Various design styles, options for decorating elements and the secrets of a cozy arrangement of the territory are considered. After reading, you will understand the intricacies of landscape design, you will be able to communicate with designers on the same wavelength and independently make useful changes to the project.


Fundamentals of modern landscape design

Landscape design is the art of three directions: architecture, construction and design. The plot of a country house should reflect the character of its owners, their principles and priorities. Landscape design has existed for a long time and has undergone many changes over hundreds of years: different styles of design have appeared, materials and design methods have changed.

Each of the homeowners can find or create their own style of decoration. But there are 3 main principles of landscape design:

    Simplicity. All elements should be simple for visual perception.

    Convenience. Each plant and structure should have value for the owner: bear fruit, create an inspiring atmosphere, soothe or encourage action.

    the beauty. All details must be harmoniously combined with each other: plants with buildings, open fire with electric lighting...

Simplicity, convenience, beauty - 3 principles of landscape design Source

To support these 3 principles, it is enough to follow 3 rules:

    Avoid massive buildings. Man has been in harmony with nature for a long time, and large buildings are associated with cities and regular stress. We recommend building the main house on 1-3 floors, and making the rest of the buildings no higher than 1 floor.

    Hide the fences from view. High obstacles and walls create the impression of isolation and limited territory. Try to hide the fence from the inside with plants, this removes psychological discomfort. To do this, a hedge of shrubs and trees is planted around the perimeter.

    Give back priority to small trees. Plantings should not look gigantic against the background of other buildings. It is better to give preference to ornamental plants of small sizes.


Rules may change during the course of work. For example, some homeowners may want to plant an oak tree on their property or build a large fence to protect the area. These issues should be discussed with the chief designer of the project at the interview stage, the specialist will be able to take into account the wishes of the owners and not violate the basic principles of design.

Good to know! Design planning is carried out by the "Landscape Designer". The specialist has knowledge in engineering, biology, computer engineering and design. If you want to get the best job, contact the professionals.

Composition is the key to comfort

All design elements should look harmoniously together. Composition is the ability to make a single whole out of many simple parts. Each detail should be suitable in color, size and location to the rest. A giant tree looks unaesthetic next to a small house, a large fountain does not fit with small flower beds.


Styles for landscape design

One of the most important rules for creating comfort is to maintain one style for all the details of the site. Landscaping has been around for a long time. The modern name appeared only 200 years ago, and the very principles of designing sites have changed along with humanity.

Landscape art began to develop actively in the 14th-16th centuries during the Renaissance. A lot of time has passed since then: other styles have appeared, structures, priorities and design principles have changed. Now there are 8 main stylistic directions:








    High tech

Let's consider the features of each of them in more detail.



The classic style is also called French or regular. The main idea is to show the predominance of man over nature. Straight alleys, strict forms, soft shades and spaciousness. Suitable for large areas from 15 acres.


Rustic (country)

The most famous and popular style, its main features are simplicity, naturalness and ease. Here, owners can show maximum creativity and give freedom to creative ideas. Homemade decor elements from barrels, logs, stones and other improvised means are welcome.


English (landscape)

The complete opposite of the classic design. The surrounding atmosphere recreates the era of noble estates of the 19th century. Style involves the rejection of strict forms and the predominance of the idea of ​​"reasonable" intervention in nature. The main emphasis is on a perfect lawn and an abundance of flower beds.


Provencal (French Country)

The combination of strict classics and creative ideas led to the emergence of the Provencal trend. Broken lines, homemade decorations, vines and random arrangement of flowers in clay pots are allowed. The main condition is to create an elegant, light, romantic atmosphere.



The country of the "rising sun" is known for many philosophical teachings about inner harmony. The main idea of ​​​​the style: "simplicity with attention to detail." Many elements are asymmetrical, but in the composition they blend perfectly with each other. The presence of water is an important element of philosophical reflection and concentration.



Thoughtfulness of every detail, strict lines, harmony of neutral and bright colors. The main idea of ​​Art Nouveau is to combine luxurious design and modern technology.



Chinese philosophers founded the principle of "Yin-Yang" in which everything is based on the contrast of two opposites. The main emphasis is on the opposition of things: stone and water; bright and dark; low and high.


High tech

A young trend in design that combines minimalism and functionality. Various country house landscape design ideas can be implemented in high-tech style. The main task of high-tech is to create convenience with minimal use of resources. For decoration, plastic, glass and metal are used. Small plants, mostly shrubs with sharp leaves. At night, decorative lighting is required.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Video description

More about the different styles and basics of landscape design in the video:

Site zoning

At the design stage, it is necessary to agree on the placement of various zones on the site. It is important to divide the entire plot into functional zones, their number and size depends on the wishes of the owners and the total area of ​​​​the territory.


There are 6 functional zones, according to their purpose:

    Relaxation. A place where you can get together with the whole family, discuss the past day and have a good time. Often equipped with fountains, fireplaces and many decorative elements.

    Accommodation. The country house was created with the expectation of temporary residence, in the residential area there is a house, a garage, a kitchen, a toilet and other amenities of modern life.

    Canteen. In good weather, you do not want to stay at home, a great solution would be to have a picnic in the summer dining area.

    Sports. Regular exercise has a positive effect on mood and health. The sports zone is a small area with exercise equipment or a sports ground with a special surface.

    Children's. During the rest, the kids have nothing to do, so for them you can build a small playground with a slide, swings and a sandbox.

    Garden. Many homeowners like to have a vegetable garden or orchard with fruit trees on their property. The main thing is to concisely fit the design of the landscape design garden into the overall composition.


Design of the main elements

Many landscape design ideas are based on non-standard design of functional and decorative elements. In classical design, everything is subject to strict rules, and handmade changes lead to a violation of the composition. But if we are talking about country, modern, provence and other creative directions, then each element can be decorated at your discretion.


One of the main conditions of landscape design is to create a cozy atmosphere: a combination of natural beauty and domestic amenities. The lawn is the most important element of the design of the territory, it fills the free space and does not allow weeds to grow on the territory.


There are 3 types of lawn:

    Ordinary. The same type of coating, resistant to trampling, can be cut to the desired length. Used to fill free space instead of earth or asphalt.

    Sports. It is used in places of active recreation and entertainment. It has maximum resistance to trampling and other mechanical damage.

    Decorative. Used as a background next to the flower beds, requires careful and regular maintenance.


garden path

The tracks connect the zones to each other, in addition to the functional load, they play an important role in maintaining the overall composition. Gravel, pebbles, tiles, bricks and others can be used as a material. It is important to observe the aesthetics and color combinations of the material with the rest of the environment. From a practical point of view, it makes sense to create a slight slope to drain rainwater, as well as add lighting for movement at night.


Reservoirs (ponds, fountains, pools)

Water is an essential part of design. In the Japanese style, it has a key aesthetic role, in other areas it is an excellent functional addition (to drink, wash, irrigate plants). There are 6 design options for reservoirs:

    The fountain


    Swimming pool




    Water Mill

An excellent solution is to create a small pool on the site. It can be aesthetically integrated into the design and used for entertainment in the summer. If you do not want to spend money on the construction of a functional reservoir, then you can create a decorative fountain or pond.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey water supply and sewerage services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country"




Video description

More about the design of landscape design reservoirs in the video:


Fences on the territory - a guarantee of security on the site. But it is also part of the design. We recommend using wood, brick, metal or stone as cladding materials. If English, Provencal or rustic style is used, then the fence is decorated with green hedges, vines, vines or other vegetation.




flower beds

A flower garden is a limited area where ornamental plants (flowers, shrubs, trees) grow. They are not practical, but pleasantly pleasing to the eye. Flower beds are divided into 3 types:







Green spaces

In addition to flowers, it is desirable to place ornamental trees and shrubs on the territory. Plantings should not stand out in large sizes.

Important! If you want to grow fruit trees, then give preference to undersized species. They harmoniously fit into the overall design, but in addition bring a good harvest with proper care.


With the help of shrubs, you can equip a comfortable place to relax Source



The gazebo is an important element of the recreation area. In it you can read a book in the evening, spend time with your family, sit in a cheerful company with friends. Relatively simple construction, but how many benefits it brings. The gazebo can be decorated in many different ways, the main thing is to follow the rules of the chosen style.



In order to formalize country ideas for a country landscape, you need to take care of the scenery, they are given special attention. With the help of sculptures, lighting and decorations, the owners of the house emphasize the features of their character and thinking.

There are many decorative elements, but the most interesting are the following:

    From a functional point of view, heating structures must be installed indoors; outdoors, it is mainly used to create a cozy atmosphere.


    Lighting. A great addition to the design will be decorative plant lighting. Proper lighting creates a romantic, mysterious environment and emphasizes the natural hues of nature.


    sculptures reflect the character of the owners, their goals and priorities. It can be fabulous creatures or ancient heroes, works of art or the work of an amateur. The sculpture attracts attention and shows the "zest" of the owners of the site.


    Alpine slide recreates a mountain landscape in miniature. The creation of this decoration is a rather laborious process, but after the completion of the work, the alpine slide will be an excellent addition to the overall composition.


    stones have an important aesthetic value in the environment. Don't throw them away with the soil, a professional designer can give them a good look and use them as part of the composition.


Video description

More on the different ideas for using stones in the video:

How to properly plan a design for a different area

The layout of the site directly depends on its area. On the territory of a health camp of 50 acres, you can organize much more than in a country house with 10 acres.


For personal happiness, you don’t need much, it’s enough to have 6 acres to create a cozy landscape in the country. When planning, it is important to consider:

    natural relief. Often, site owners try to correct the shortcomings and bring them to ideal forms, but creative designers offer to beat the relief and use its irregularities for their own purposes.

    soil type. Landscaping involves the presence of green spaces, the choice of plants directly depends on the characteristics of the soil.

    Location relative to the cardinal points. Many plants depend on their location, proper planning allows you to protect yourself from cold winds, choose the best place to relax and work, protect your home from drafts, increase or decrease the amount of sunlight, and much more.

    Plot size. The more free space, the more ideas can be implemented. It is reckless to try to locate all zones on 6 acres, as in hotels with 50 acres.

    Stylistic preferences. Choose the best style for yourself and communicate all your wishes to the project designer. The overall appearance must be maintained in the same style, otherwise the overall composition and external beauty will be lost.


6 acres

An area of ​​600 square meters is enough for a comfortable stay in the countryside. With such a plot it is more convenient to organize landscape design in the garden. To save space, it is recommended to create multi-level terraces, vertical flower beds and avoid tall trees.


10 acres

In the northern part there are trees and a barn. On the south side, there is enough room for creative ideas and planning. You can install a gazebo, build a pool with a bath and equip a cozy garden.

On a plot of 10 acres, you can recreate a river or other body of water, you can plant a Japanese garden on the territory, build a gazebo or a bathhouse. Source

12 acres or more

Plot over 1200 sq. meters opens up vast opportunities for creativity and construction. Here you can place many zones, build several reservoirs and residential buildings.

Important! The size of the plot is not so important, more important is the ability of the designer to correctly plan. Professionals can equip a plot of 6 acres with maximum comfort and convenience. Amateurs and 20 acres can force for other purposes.


How to visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a large plot of land. But designers know how to play the situation correctly, with the help of some tricks they help to visually expand the free space. There are 5 main tricks:

    well-groomed lawn. Garbage and irregularities are reflected in the visual perception.

    winding paths. This little trick lengthens the overall path of movement, so when walking a small area increases slightly.

    Proper zoning. The division into zones expands the visual space; it is better to use a hedge as separators.

    Laws of linear perspective. Tall trees or shrubs are planted along the borders, and stunted plants are located closer to the house.

    Vertical gardening. Free up horizontal space, use the vertical plane to place decorations and flowers.


Construction stages and cost

There are 7 stages in total:

    Drafting a project

    Plot layout


    Path paving

    Arrangement of drainage systems


    lawn cover

The duration of the arrangement and the cost of work directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. The exact amount must be found out from the company that will do this.


Video description

You can view all stages of the construction of landscape design in the video:

15 Landscape Design Ideas

We offer to see pictures of landscape design. On them, we collected various ideas and design options for sites.



The combination of colors, materials and plants determine the overall atmosphere and mood Source Source











On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country"


There are thousands of landscape design options and if you want to get the best result, we recommend contacting professionals. Specialists receive higher education in this area and one article cannot describe all the subtleties of their work.

Landscaping of a suburban area is a fascinating process that implies the presence of special knowledge in various fields: from, in fact, design to engineering and technical. The absence of the latter can nullify an initially interesting artistic idea. When starting the author's design of a private household plot, the first thing to study is the features of the land plot, weather conditions, groundwater level, and even how many people will live on this plot. They analyze the soil in order to understand which plants will take root in this area, and which ones can not be planted - they still will not survive.

Basic principles of landscape design

Great importance is attached to the degree of illumination of the site - the sun should be enough to get a good rest. However, its excess is also harmful - in this case it is better to provide for the planting of tall trees that will partially shade the garden plot.

The package of documents in which the finished landscape design project is presented to the customer is quite impressive. It should also include the results of the analyzes carried out, plans for drainage systems, electric lighting and equipment with automatic irrigation systems.

Special attention should be paid to the landscaping plan. It indicates in detail the location of all plants, the breakdown of flower beds, lawns and other green spaces.

All plants that are planned to be planted on the site must be presented in the assortment list without fail. This statement indicates the name of the plant, its species, variety and quantitative composition.

The results of all costs for landscape design are given in the cost estimate. It should indicate the cost of the work and all the necessary materials to implement the conceived idea.

Original ideas and creative ideas

A beautiful personal plot is the dream of many caring owners, but the lack of experience, and often time, leads to the fact that the plots look unkempt, and the dream remains a dream. But to ennoble your site is quite simple, the main thing is to follow a few rules.

It is necessary to remember about functionality, convenience and expediency. In pursuit of beauty and fashion, one should not forget about expediency. A large swimming pool, for example, is very fashionable and stylish, but if it takes up most of your site, it will not only ruin its appearance, but also create a lot of problems.

Indeed, in this case, the main item of your expenses will be the payment for the services of pool cleaners, and if you decide to save money and clean it yourself, then this will take the lion's share of your time allotted for rest.

A country house with a swimming pool is a sign of a high social status and wealth of its owner

Create a beautiful landscape design with your own hands from what you have. You should not fight with the "disadvantages" of your personal plot, they are very easily converted into virtues.

If on your site tall trees cover the sun and create a permanent shadow - great! No need to spend money on buying umbrellas from the sun. The land can be sown with shade-loving varieties of lawn and arrange a barbecue area there. Believe me, on a hot summer day, you will appreciate this corner of your site.

Plant your plants properly. Before planting, make a plan of what you want to plant and where in your area. When planting flowers, arrange them so that tall flowers do not create impenetrable thickets and do not block low, border plants.

To make your site delight you with flowers all summer long, plant plants with different flowering periods. Keep in mind that some flowers, such as peonies, bloom in early June, while others, such as dahlias, bloom towards the end of summer.

The area needs maintenance. If you do not live permanently on your site, but only come from time to time, you should not plant your garden with plants that require increased attention.

A boxwood hedge is very beautiful, but only well-groomed plants are beautiful, overgrown bushes will give a messy look to your garden, nullifying all your work and time spent.

In any case, you can create a beautiful and harmonious appearance of your site without the involvement of an expensive specialist. After all, no one but you yourself can put so much soul and love into your land.

How and what to improve the suburban area

Landscape design is a creative process of gardening, landscaping a summer cottage to achieve a harmonious combination of plants planted for a practical purpose, with plants solely for aesthetics.

Territory landscape planning has a number of features, due to the following reasons:

Functional purpose of the site

It is rare that anyone uses a summer cottage only for relaxing among flowering plants. Most often, part of this site (and sometimes the entire site) is also used as a garden for growing plants that are primarily edible.

It takes skill to harmoniously connect the household block with vegetable plantings and a recreation area with decorative flowers and gazebos into a single unit.

Summer is the main time to visit the dacha, but even during this period we come to the dacha most often only on weekends. And the plants require frequent watering and careful care, otherwise you risk finding only withered and frail sprouts in your dacha instead of the expected blooming beauties. Therefore, it is worth taking care of automatic watering in advance.

This type of irrigation in our country has become fashionable relatively recently and is often done without knowing the basics of hydraulic engineering, “from a lantern”. And in the end it turns out that in one place it is watered very strongly, and in another it is not watered at all.

To prevent this from happening, invite a specialist with a technical background. He will be able to correctly calculate and select the necessary equipment for hydraulic structures on your site, without violating your landscape design.

An automatic watering system is a guarantee of a quality lawn, as well as saving time and effort

During the period of late autumn and winter, the cottage is most often left unattended, rarely anyone comes to their site to “admire” the view of snowdrifts and frosty roofs.

Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of buying expensive exotic perennials. Maybe it’s worth replacing them with inexpensive similar analogues so as not to tempt neighbors and not to find a bald spot in your summer cottage in the spring where valuable plant species were planted.

In your landscape design of your summer cottage, give preference to annual plants. In terms of a riot of colors, many annuals are superior to perennials, and it is not necessary to prepare them for winter (cut, cover, etc.). Also, in the spring, you do not need to waste your time on putting hedges and other perennials in order.

How to equip the territory in the yard

Landscaping is an art that creates the perfect harmony between man and nature, optimally combining practicality and ease of use with the aesthetic perception of your garden.

Flower beds and lawns, gazebos and architectural forms located on the site will give a unique look to your garden.

The stumbling block is often hydraulic structures in the garden. Artificial ponds, streams, fountains, waterfalls, with which the landscape becomes more spectacular. But the arrangement of reservoirs is very specific and depends on many factors, of which the design solution and the wishes of the customer, although fundamental, are still in second place. Especially when it comes to the technical execution of a creative idea.

The following factors are considered paramount - this is both a functional purpose (just a decorative pond or a pond with fish), and the location of the reservoir. You should also take into account the climatic conditions and features of the local landscape.

There are a large number of ways to technically implement ponds, fountains and reservoirs. They differ both in technology and in the building materials used. And in each case, this method will be different.

  • Choosing the right landscaping
  • functionally arranged artificial reservoirs
  • Appropriate decorated coating has been selected.

It is necessary to create such landscape compositions that would be both beautiful and functional, and at the same time durable, and would be able to survive our Russian winters.

Holistic work on creating a landscape design for a garden plot begins with a detailed study of the land plot, drawing up a map of the area and an action plan to change the appearance of the garden. In a word, high-quality work requires the presence of good specialists who know their business.

This should be not only a designer, but also an agronomist, as well as a specialist with a technical education who will help determine the necessary equipment for organizing your own reservoir.

And the main thing here is not to grow the fruits of "amateur" and not to apply to companies that have been engaged in landscape design for a short time and do not have sufficient practice in this area, otherwise the object they created will inevitably fall under alteration.

English style

This version of landscape design compares favorably with its simplicity and sophisticated sophistication, allowing you to turn any garden into a unique living work of art.

The English style of decorating a garden plot has another big advantage - it does not require significant financial investments. The style itself is most suitable for decorating small garden plots.

Traditionally, in the English style there is a variety of fragrant flowers, an abundance of lush vegetation, as well as the presence of architectural forms twined with vines under the shade of majestic trees. When decorating a garden in the English style, it should be remembered that this style is characterized by the alternation of open and semi-open spaces.

For the design of the site in the English style, the following features are characteristic:

  1. The absence of clearly defined lines and shapes;
  2. Figured trimmed shrubs;

In the English garden, every object and structure emphasizes its naturalness. The paths in the garden are bent in random order, the banks of the reservoirs (natural and artificial) have a natural look, and the existing stairs or descents to the water should organically and naturally fit into the overall landscape.

The starting point in the design work is around which flower beds and lawns are located.

The British devote a lot of time to maintaining their lawn in order, carefully trimmed and groomed - they resemble living carpets of greenery.

A beautiful and well-groomed lawn is a visiting card of landscape design in the English style

The presence of a large number of climbing plants. The ubiquitous ivy and climbing roses twine not only hedges and fences, but also the walls of houses, covering them with their greenery.

Climbing plants are an indispensable attribute of an English-style garden. They are often used to decorate gazebos or all kinds of arches, ideally creating the look of the English landscape.

The use of plants characteristic of a particular area. The English style does not use exotic species of plants and trees for planting in its gardens.

They use exclusively local plants, which are carefully selected to create the desired impression all year round.

An interesting design idea - a bridge over a river made of stones

The English style does not tolerate a riot of colors and pomposity in design. Its calm, pacifying character will appeal to those people who appreciate coziness and comfortable privacy.