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» Belkin's story is a very brief summary of the undertaker. Meeting new neighbors. A. S. Pushkin “The Undertaker”. Audiobook

Belkin's story is a very brief summary of the undertaker. Meeting new neighbors. A. S. Pushkin “The Undertaker”. Audiobook

Undertaker Prokhorov was lucky: he moved into the house he had long dreamed of. This house was located very close to his previous one; he moved from Basmannaya Street to Nikitinskaya. Everything new was always difficult for him, this move was no exception and did not bring him joy. Soon he got used to it and settled down.

Andrian Prokhorov began to drink tea and thought sadly. He was concerned that after Tryukhina’s death, they would not forget about him and come to an agreement with the contractors. A neighbor came to visit him. His name was Gottlieb Schultz and he worked as a shoemaker. Schultz invited him to the silver wedding. Andriyan agreed and offered his neighbor some tea. The neighbors instantly became friends.

The next day, Andriyan Prokhorov came with his neighbor to the holiday, taking with him his two beautiful daughters. The house was filled with Schultz's friends. They were all German artisans. The first toast was given to the husband to his wife and all the friends drank to her health. Everyone got pretty drunk and one of the guests, a baker, offered to drink to the health of their employers. Everyone began to respectfully drink to each other, since they themselves were each other’s employers, since they used all their services. The baker decided to joke and offered to drink to the dead, and this greatly offended Prokhorov.

He returned home heavily drunk and very angry. He thought that the Germans were laughing at him and his work, but it seemed extremely important to him, because he was not an executioner, but an undertaker. He decided that not all of Schultz's guests would come to his housewarming party, but only those who give him work. His assistant was scared and crossed herself, but Andriyan was pleased with his idea.

The merchant's clerk woke him up early in the morning, before dawn, and told him that Trukhina had died. Andriyan began to fuss and call the relatives of the deceased. In the evening he headed home and saw that someone had opened his gate and entered the yard.

When he entered home, he was indignant that his whole house was full of the dead for whom he had once worked. They were happy to meet him. One of the dead hugged the owner, but he pushed him away, and the deceased crumbled. Everyone else took up arms against him, and Prokhorov fell unconscious from horror.

Having had enough sleep, the undertaker woke up and remembered the events that happened the day before with a shudder of his heart. When the worker came in, she said that neighbors came and found out about his well-being. He asked if there was anyone from Mrs. Tryukhina, but the worker said that she was alive and they had no reason to come in yet. Then he realized that he had dreamed all this, called his children and asked the workers to brew the samovar.

// "Undertaker"

Date of creation: 1830.

Genre: story.

Subject: resentment.

Idea: no one thanks the undertaker for his work.

Issues. Any work has the right to respect.

Main characters: Adrian Prokhorov, Gottlieb Schultz.

Plot. Undertaker Adrian Prokhorov dreamed of buying a new home for many years. Having finally saved up money, he bought it and began to settle in a new place. In this difficult task he was helped by two daughters and a maid. Having completed all his affairs, Adrian sat down to drink tea and indulged in sad thoughts. The profession has left its mark on the undertaker. Adrian was a gloomy and unsociable person. He was constantly worried about the upcoming costs of purchasing material. Also, his profession taught him to anticipate and hope for someone’s near death. If a rich man was sick for a long time, then Adrian with all his soul wished for him to end it as quickly as possible.

The undertaker's sad thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of the first guest in the new place - shoemaker Gottlieb Schultz. He greeted his neighbor cordially and accepted the invitation to drink tea. The new neighbors started talking. They found common topics of conversation regarding trade. Schultz invited Adrian to his silver wedding, and the undertaker gratefully accepted the invitation.

The next day, the undertaker and his daughters dressed up and headed to the celebration. The guests were predominantly German craftsmen, accompanied by their wives and apprentices. The conversation was also conducted mostly in German. But Adrian didn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed. The table was laden with alcohol and snacks. In addition, Schultz did not forget about his neighbor and alternated German toasts with Russian ones. When he had already drunk a fair amount, Adrian was in the most favorable mood.

The undertaker's good mood was suddenly ruined. One of the guests proposed a toast to the health of the clients gathered. The only Russian guest loudly addressed Adrian, asking why he did not drink “to the health of his dead.” Everyone present took it as a good joke. But the undertaker felt mortally offended.

The holiday lasted a long time. Adrian returned home late, in a state of extreme intoxication. Since the moment of the ill-fated toast, anger had been accumulating in his soul. What annoyed the undertaker most of all was that the “basurmans” dared to laugh at him. In a drunken outburst, he loudly declared that he would follow the advice and invite the dead to his housewarming party. The maid heard this and began to reproach the owner for such speeches. But the distraught Adrian declared even more decisively that he was expecting his “clients” to visit tomorrow evening.

Very early in the morning, Adrian was woken up with “joyful” news: the merchant Tryukhina, who had been ill for a long time, had finally died. The undertaker immediately went to her house and made an agreement with her relatives. The job promised good earnings.

After spending the entire day on his feet, Adrian returned home late in the evening. From afar, he noticed that a man had come to see him. And right at the gate he ran into another guest, but in the darkness he could not see his face. The stranger let the owner go ahead and followed him.

Something extraordinary was waiting at the undertaker's house. There were some people walking everywhere. Adrian took a closer look and was stunned: all the guests were dead. The undertaker recognized with horror those for whom he had to make coffins throughout his life. The guests surrounded the owner and began to express gratitude to him and congratulate him on his housewarming. The dead were in various stages of decomposition. One of them, on behalf of everyone, apologized for those invited who were no longer able to rise from the grave.

But even Sergeant Kurilkin, the man for whom Adrian made his first coffin a long time ago, responded to the warm invitation. He came closest to the undertaker with words of gratitude and was about to hug him. This was too much. Adrian screamed and pushed the skeleton, which fell and crumbled. The guests made noise with indignation and began to press on the owner. The undertaker fell to the floor unconscious.

Adrian woke up and spoke to the worker. She knew nothing about Tryukhina’s death and reproached the owner for drunkenness. The undertaker realized that he was dreaming horrible dream and joyfully demanded tea.

Review of the work."The Undertaker" is a humorous story by Pushkin. But behind the humor lies pity for the fate of people engaged in a “despicable craft.” The undertaker is also a hard worker. If he does not earn gratitude from living people, then the dead will have to rise from their graves.

The story “The Undertaker” is the third work from the series “Belkin’s Tales”. It was created in 1830. From the point of view of modern literary criticism, a work is a story. During Pushkin’s time, mystical themes were very common, which became the main motif of the work.


A summary of “The Undertaker” from “Belkin’s Tales” can begin with an introduction to the main character. This is an undertaker whose name is Adrian Prokhorov. He had a housewarming party - he moved from Basmannaya Street to Nikitskaya, to a house he had been eyeing for a long time. For eighteen years he saved money to buy this home, and finally his dream came true. But main character does not feel joy because he is a little frightened by the newness. After all, he is a big lover of order, and moving involves a lot of unnecessary fuss. But now everything is over, and the main character can calmly drink tea near the window.

The summary of “The Undertaker” from “Belkin’s Tales” continues with a description of Prokhorov’s thoughts about his worries. He reflects that due to the recent rainfall he had to suffer losses - mourning hats and capes were badly damaged. And Prokhorov hopes that he will soon be able to improve his financial situation through the funeral of the merchant Tryukhina, who has been dying for about a year. He hopes that his heirs will remember him, and not some random contractor.

Meet Schultz

The protagonist's deep thoughts are interrupted by his neighbor, the German Gottlieb Schultz. He came to Prokhorov to meet him. He works as a shoemaker. The main character invites the guest to drink tea together, and a lively conversation ensues between them. Schultz invites his new neighbor to a celebration - a silver wedding, which is to take place tomorrow.

Nasty joke

A summary of “The Undertaker” from “Belkin’s Tales” introduces the reader to further events: Prokhorov agrees, and the next day he and his daughters go to the celebration. German artisans, accompanied by their wives, gathered at Gottlieb's house. The feast begins with the owner of the house drinking to the health of his wife Louise. Next come toasts to the health of other guests. The whole company drinks and gets pretty tipsy. And suddenly one of the guests, a fat baker, offers to drink to the health of his clients - those people for whom those present work. And all the guests begin to bow to each other in turn, since they are each other’s clients. The baker invites Prokhorov to raise a toast to the health of the dead. Everyone starts laughing at this joke, and this really hurts the main character.

The company dispersed late. Prokhorov returns home drunk. He is tormented by anger. As it seemed to the main character, this incident was a deliberate mockery of the guests at his craft, reports summary"The Undertaker" from Belkin's Tales. But why is an undertaker worse than a baker, or, for example, a tailor? This profession does not equate him with an executioner. Prokhorov decides that he will invite not his neighbors to his housewarming celebration, but the dead - those for whom he works. Adriyan's worker, Aksinya, tells him to cross himself. However, the main character liked this idea.

Unexpected turn

The summary of “The Undertaker” from Pushkin’s “Tales of Belkin” continues with an unexpected and terrible plot twist. Prokhorov was woken up after dark, because Tryukhina’s clerk appeared with the news that she had fallen asleep. Prokhorov goes to Razgulay, troubles begin, communication with the relatives of the merchant's wife. Having finished his business, Adrian returns home on foot. But when he approaches the house, he sees that someone has already managed to open the gate. While the main character is trying to figure out who it could be, someone else opens the gate and comes in. The guest's face seemed familiar to Prokhorov. When the undertaker entered the house, he saw that the whole room was full of the dead, illuminated by the light of the moon.

Even a very brief summary of “The Undertaker” from “Belkin’s Tales” will tell the reader that the main character was in real horror. Clients begin to greet Adriyan. The foreman informs the undertaker that not everyone was able to come - the decayed ones did not show up. A skeleton makes its way through the crowd of terrible guests - the main character's first client. He tries to hug Prokhorov. In horror, the main character pushes away the dead man. The skeleton crumbles. The rest of the guests begin to be indignant and step on the undertaker with dissatisfied screams. Prokhorov falls unconscious from fear.

Happy ending

Those who need to read a summary of “The Undertaker” from Belkin’s Tales will be pleased with the happy ending of the work. In the morning Adriyan woke up and remembered what happened. The worker said that neighbors came to inquire about his health, but she decided that it was better not to wake him up. Prokhorov asks the worker if the merchant's wife has died. But she was surprised and said that as soon as the undertaker returned home, he immediately fell asleep. And then the main character realizes that everything that happened was nothing more than a dream. Joyful, he orders the samovar to be put on.

The undertaker's name is Andriyan Prokhorov. He bought the house he had long dreamed of. Having collected all his belongings, he and his family settled there. Arriving at the new place, Andriyan became a little sad and even began to get nervous.

He and his family arranged everything in the rooms, and in the living room he placed products: coffins of all types and sizes, mourning hats, robes, torches. He hung a sign on the gate: “Plain and painted coffins are sold and upholstered here, old ones are also rented and old ones are repaired.”

Andrian Prokhorov matched his craft to his profession and mood. He was a gloomy and brooding man. He often scolded his daughters when they looked out the window, i.e. were messing around.

After the move, Andriyan himself sat by the window, drank tea and thought. I thought about the rain at the funeral of the retired foreman, about the losses from this rain. Andriyan hoped to recover losses from the merchant Tryukhina, who was dying. He was worried that the merchant’s relatives might be lazy and not send him so far away to the undertaker. These thoughts were disturbed by the visit of the undertaker's neighbor Gottlieb Schultz, who came to meet the hero and invite him to his wedding anniversary. He's a shoemaker. Andriyan offered tea and they talked about work and the demand for it. Then Gottlieb Schultz said goodbye and left. The next day, Andriyan Prokhorov and his daughters Akulina and Daria went to the holiday. The girls were dressed smartly. There were many guests at the celebration. There Andriyan met Yurko, he was a security guard. The holiday was accompanied by fun, lots of food and drink. The shoemaker's wife's name was Louise. They had a seventeen-year-old daughter, Lotchen. Gottlieb loved his wife very much and often raised a glass of beer to her health, but then they drank to everyone’s health.

Andriyan drank a lot, and suddenly, among the toasts, there was an offer to drink to those for whom the guests were working and to their health. And then everyone laughed, and Yurko told the undertaker to drink to the health of his dead. Andriyan was offended at that moment.

Arriving home, Prokhorov began to repeat that he wanted to invite those guests to the housewarming party, but now he would invite the dead. And went to bed peacefully.

The next morning they came running to him from the merchant's wife Tryukhina. She passed away. The undertaker worked all day. When I returned home, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was hell going on in the house. It was filled with dead people who moved around the rooms. As one foreman, who was once buried with Prokhorov’s participation, said, “Everyone who is still intact rose up at the invitation of the undertaker.” The dead smiled affectionately at Andriyan. Then one of the dead men went to hug Andriyan, because the Undertaker had once given this dead man a coffin. But Andriyan pushed him away, and he fell and crumbled. All the dead guests began to judge and blame the undertaker. But he fell and lost consciousness.

When Prokhorov woke up, he saw his worker Aksinya. then he found out that Tryukhina had not died, there were no corpses. It was all a dream. Andriyan asked for tea, he was glad that nothing really happened. He called his daughters.

We bring to your attention a brief summary of the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Undertaker” from the cycle “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”.

Undertaker Adrian Prokhorov moves with his two daughters and a worker to new house, purchased quite recently. The change of place does not please the undertaker - old house, where they lived for 11 years, was lived-in and familiar. Having finished arranging the furniture, Adriyan, over a cup of tea, reflects on his expenses and worries that the heirs of the wealthy merchant Tryukhina, who is dying, will refuse his services when the old woman passes away, because now he lives far away.

Prokhorov's thoughts are interrupted by the appearance of his new neighbor, a shoemaker. Gottlieb Schultz - that's his name - invites Adriyan to celebrate his silver wedding. Prokhorov accepts the invitation, and after talking a little over tea, the new neighbors part as good friends.

By 12 o'clock the next day, Adrian Prokhorov and his daughters go to the shoemaker for a holiday. Schultz invited many guests - mostly German craftsmen and their wives. The feast is fun and noisy, guests drink to the health of the hosts and make toasts. Baker Yurko invites everyone to drink to the health of those for whom they work. While everyone is raising a glass to each other, the baker jokingly invites Adriyan to drink to his dead. The guests laugh, and Prokhorov is offended.

The undertaker returns home angry and drunk. He scolds the Germans who laughed at him, and considers their joke unfair - is the undertaker a brother to the executioner? No, his work is no worse than others. And since they laugh at his craft, he won’t invite them to the housewarming party, although he intended to. It would be better for him to invite those he works for. Worker Prokhorova, crossing herself, reprimands her owner - how can you allow yourself such blasphemy? But Adrian just gets excited and says that he’s calling the dead tomorrow for a housewarming party, and then goes to bed.

They wake up the undertaker while it is still dark - Tryukhina has died, and her heirs have sent for him. Adrian goes to Tryukhina’s house and then spends the whole day busy. Having finally prepared everything, Adriyan returns home late at night. Approaching the house, Prokhorov sees a man whose face seems familiar to him. However, it is difficult to see anything in the darkness, and the undertaker, mistaking the man for a client, invites him in. Walking into the house, the owner sees people in the house. Taking a closer look at them, Adrian realizes with horror that these are the dead for whom he once made coffins, and the man who entered with him is the foreman whom he helped bury a week ago. And they all surround the undertaker and greet him. And one of them stretches out his arms to him, trying to hug him. With a scream, Prokhorov pushes the dead man away, and he falls to the floor and crumbles. The indignant dead scold the undertaker, and he, deafened by their screams, loses consciousness.

Having woken up, Adriyan Prokhorov sees his worker and asks her if the heirs of the late Tryukhina came. Aksinya tells him with surprise that Tryukhina is alive, and only the tailor neighbor came by in the morning. But since Prokhorov, having come home drunk from the shoemaker yesterday, fell asleep and slept all day, they did not wake him up. Realizing with relief that the dead had come to him in a dream, the delighted undertaker orders tea to be served.