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» Russian Railways rules that no one knows about. Russian Railways have introduced new rules: passengers are horrified by such bullying. Take the entire bottom baggage area

Russian Railways rules that no one knows about. Russian Railways have introduced new rules: passengers are horrified by such bullying. Take the entire bottom baggage area

A passenger traveling on Russian railways has a whole range of rights, which many people don’t even know exist.

We will tell you about all the rights of Russian Railways passengers in the article.

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When transporting luggage

When transporting baggage, the passenger has the right to free carriage of hand luggage weighing no more than 36 kg and dimensions no more than 180 cm. When traveling in SV carriages, weight of luggage can be up to 50 kg.

Hand luggage is placed in specially designated areas and should not disturb others passengers.

It is prohibited to transport things that can harm other passengers or their luggage, as well as firearms, explosive, foul-smelling, flammable and toxic substances.

The passenger is responsible for the safety of hand luggage. For luggage transported in special luggage compartments and paid according to the cost, carrier is responsible.

When transporting hand luggage, priority right of use lower luggage space(locker) has a passenger traveling on the bottom bunk.

The passenger has the right, for a fee, to be transported in the luggage compartment or in passenger carriage in special containers for small pets, birds, fish and even bees.

At the same time, feeding such animals is not the responsibility of the carrier. Transportation of bees is carried out exclusively under the supervision of an attendant in plywood bags or specialized hives.

For “live baggage” a baggage receipt with a special mark is issued.

Transportation of children

When the passenger has the right to enjoy certain benefits:

The age of children is determined on the day of the trip, upon boarding and during the train journey You must have documents confirming your age child.

Selecting a car category

When traveling, a passenger can, if he wishes, take an available free seat in the carriage for more than high category. For this it is necessary pay the difference in cost tickets to the train master.

Rights of overhead passengers

According to transportation rules, passengers during the train's journey must occupy seats corresponding to the purchased tickets.

The use of lower bunks by passengers in upper bunks is not regulated by transportation rules, therefore in this case remains on the conscience and voluntary consent of both parties.

Extending the validity of a ticket during stopovers

The passenger has the right to make a stop along the train route for a period not exceeding 10 days.

To do this, you need to contact the station ticket office along the route within 3 hours from the moment the train arrives there.

You can resume movement on a train and in a carriage of the same carrier by paying cost of a reserved seat and fee for reissuing a ticket.

In the event of a stopover due to illness, there is no time limit, but it is necessary to present documents confirming the illness and its duration.

Early departure or late arrival

A passenger with a purchased ticket can make an early departure if there are free seats.

In such a situation, a mark is placed at the ticket office of the railway station. If you are late for boarding for less than 12 hours, the passenger can restore the right to travel and:

  1. Refund the cost of the ticket minus the price of a reserved seat.
  2. Or renew the right to travel on another train by purchasing a reserved seat without paying the ticket price.

In the event of a documented accident or illness, the recovery period travel rights are increased to 5 days.

In case of being late for a transfer due to a train delay, the passenger can return the full cost of the ticket or issue a ticket for another train no extra charge.

Providing various items

What items can a passenger ask from the conductor while driving?

A train conductor is not only a person who monitors the order and cleanliness of the carriage, but also passenger service personnel.

Therefore, the transportation rules provide for the possibility free provision by the conductor of the following items:

  • sewing accessories (needles, threads, scissors);
  • utensils (glasses, spoons);
  • leisure items (chess, backgammon, checkers);
  • boiling water;
  • first aid kits.

On branded trains the conductor must provide a traveler's kit, consisting of a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, napkins, magazines and newspapers.

If possible, the conductor should charge or provide the right to charge electronic devices no extra charge.

Also according to job descriptions the conductor must lay down the linen:

  • on the upper shelves of compartment and soft carriages, as well as SV carriages;
  • on the top shelves in branded trains in carriages of any category;
  • in carriages of any category at the request of the sick, elderly, disabled, children and pregnant women.

If the train is canceled or delayed

In case of cancellation or delay of the train, the passenger has the right to a full refund of the money paid for the ticket until the time indicated on the ticket. Also, in the event of a train delay or delay at the arrival station, a passenger can:

If boarding is denied

In unforeseen cases, when a passenger is refused to be provided with a seat according to the purchased ticket, he obliged to offer another place, at the same time he has the right to:

  • provision of a seat on the same train of a higher price category without charging an additional fee;
  • provision of a seat in the lowest price category with a refund of the difference in price;
  • full refund of the ticket price;
  • extending the validity of the ticket until the next train.

Return of tickets

The passenger has the right in case of any circumstances. At the same time, the amount of refunded funds depends on the return processing time:

  • more than 8 hours before the train departs from the starting station - full refund;
  • period from 2 to 8 hours before departure - refund of the ticket price and 50% of the price of a reserved seat;
  • less than 2 hours before departure - only refund of ticket price without refund of reserved seat price.

If your travel document is lost

If the ticket is lost, the passenger can restore it, if it is possible to identify information about a lost or damaged ticket.

If the passenger can confirm the purchase of a ticket of a specific price, train number, carriage and seat, then the ticket restored without charging additional fees.

This provision applies only to long-distance trains; the ticket cannot be restored.

In what cases can a passenger be removed from the train?

A passenger may be removed from the train upon boarding or during travel in the following cases:

  1. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in case of violation of public order or the peace of other passengers. In this case, the money paid for the ticket will not be returned.
  2. Health workers in the case when a passenger is sick, and the illness prevents further travel or threatens the health of other passengers and there is no possibility of isolating the patient. In this case, the passenger can be removed only at a station that has the necessary medical institutions for healing. If the passenger wishes, the money for the distance not covered will be returned to him minus the price of the reserved seat. The second option is for the carrier to make a note about the stopover and extend the validity of the ticket for the duration of illness. In this case, documentary evidence of the medical institution is required.
  3. The passenger is removed in case of ticketless travel and refusal to pay the fare.

If a passenger is removed from the train due to lack of electronic registration, you must contact the train manager, who is authorized to resolve problematic situations.

With his consent, you can go to the nearest station, where you can use the number and purchase a paper ticket from a machine or ticket office.

Visiting the toilet at the station

Entrance to the toilet at railway stations along the route for passengers free and is carried out upon presentation of a ticket.

In this case, free use is possible one day before the train departs and within one day after the train arrives at the final station.

This rule is regulated by the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation, therefore, if the cashier refuses free service, you can remind him of the relevant clause of the charter or contact the station administration.

Smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking on trains today forbidden, although previously smoking was allowed in vestibules (car junctions).

Now the only place where you can smoke while traveling on a train is the station platforms during stops. In this case, the distance from the smoking area to the station building should be at least 15 meters.

As for alcoholic beverages, their consumption while traveling on the train forbidden.

The only exception is dining car, where they are offered on the menu, but with a strength of no more than 16%.

Disturbing the peace of other passengers caused by drinking alcohol entails liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

That's how short list rights of Russian Railways passengers, which are provided to them in accordance with transportation rules and legislation of the Russian Federation. Whether or not to use them when traveling by train is a personal matter, but you need to know them.

Secret rules of Russian Railways, about which you they won't tell you at the box office, in this video:

User Pikabu with the nickname unne dotted the i's on the issue of belonging to the bottom shelf on trains. After a big discussion on the portal about whether people from the upper shelves have the right to go down and sit on the lower ones, he decided to address this issue to Russian Railways.

User Pikabu managed to get Russian Railways to answer the eternal question that has plagued more than one generation: do people on the top shelves have the right to go down and sit on the bottom ones? As it turned out, according to the rules, passengers are not allowed to go down to the lower bunks.

Here's what Russian Railways responded:

The applicant was told on an official form that, according to the rules of passenger transportation, everyone has the right to occupy the seat indicated in his travel document, that is, ticket.

« Travel of other persons in the seats paid for by the passenger is not allowed. By purchasing a ticket, the passenger enters into a contractual relationship with JSC FPC and agrees to the condition of traveling on a long-distance train on the top berth. Therefore, there is no right to be in a lower seat paid for by another passenger without his consent.» , - the carrier clarified, thus putting an end to the protracted dispute.

Russian Railways also noted that a passenger in the bottom bunk has a preferential right to place his luggage under the bottom bunk.

« Travel of other persons in the seats paid for by the passenger is not allowed. By purchasing a ticket, the passenger enters into a contractual relationship with JSC FPC and agrees to the condition of traveling on a long-distance train on the top berth. Therefore, there is no right to be in a lower seat paid for by another passenger without his consent.» .

In addition, the carrier’s message clarifies that the passenger on the bottom bunk can primarily place their luggage under the bottom bunk.

According to unne, if “everything is expected” with the use of storage places, then the information that a passenger from the top bunk has no right to be on the bottom bunk without the consent of the passenger from the bottom bunk surprised him. He asked passengers from the lower bunks not to abuse their position and to give their neighbors above the opportunity to use the table to at least eat.

Unne’s post sparked the interest of portal visitors. Users argued desperately about the fairness of transportation rules. Many found them too harsh.

“And for some reason people at the top are always sure that they have almost a double ticket,” write those who like to ride in the lower seats. - I, too, only ride on the lower ones and I don’t understand why I have to endure the upstairs neighbor for half a day. I want to lie down and sleep. I understand, sit down to eat, but not all day.”

“Is it possible that steeplejacks are not allowed to use the table? Or should they hang from above like gibbons?” - their opponents retort.

Passengers from the upper bunks were asked to take revenge on the passengers from the lower ones. For example, hanging your legs in the face of a neighbor who is in a more comfortable position, or crumbling a loaf of bread onto his head.

"Great. Now a grandmother and her child can officially buy out the two lower seats and create terror in a separate compartment. And you stink of her socks and crush her cookies. Romance,” concludes Ltkostenko.

In less than a day, about a thousand angry comments appeared under the post, encouraging passengers to turn their time on the train into hell. Others called for people to come to their senses and live together for the common good.

At the same time, those who like to ride in lower places became more active:

“And for some reason people at the top are always sure that they have almost a double ticket. I, too, only ride on the lower ones and don’t understand why I have to put up with the upstairs neighbor for half a day. I want to lie down and sleep. I understand, sit down to eat, but not all day.”

As notes, in total, in less than 24 hours, about a thousand comments appeared under the post, encouraging passengers to turn their time on the train into hell.

P.S. So what is this if not inciting hatred and hostility between groups of citizens, ugh, hell, villagers?

Service number 3 amazed me! How little we know about what is actually included in the price of a regular reserved seat ticket! Make travel more enjoyable!

And not in vain, because when buying a ticket at the box office, no one ever tells us about our rights. How much frustration we are caused by being late, or situations when we need to leave ahead of schedule. It turns out that everything can be solved!

1. Leave ahead of schedule
You can travel by train several hours or days earlier than the flight for which you purchased the ticket, without any additional payment. In the presence of free seats, of course.

2. Get another ticket if you are late
Don't panic if you miss your flight. You have the right to renew your ticket for another train, subject to additional payment of the cost of a reserved seat (and the price of a train ticket consists of three parts: the cost of the ticket, the cost of the seat occupied in the carriage - reserved seat - and the tariff part) within 24 hours.

3. Get off the train for a few days
The passenger has the right to make a stopover along the route and extend the validity of the ticket, but not more than for 10 days. To do this, you need to present your ticket at the ticket office at the stop station for a stop stamp to be stamped on it within 3 hours from the moment your train arrives at the station. And when you resume your trip, you will only need to pay the cost of a reserved seat ticket.

4. Make a mistake in ticket information
This good news for inattentive comrades who buy tickets online. If the data on the passenger's identification document differs from the data indicated on the ticket by one letter in the last name and one digit in the number, the person is allowed to travel.

5. Take the entire bottom luggage space
The priority right to use the lower space for hand luggage is given to the passenger traveling on the lower bunk, and the right to use the upper space is to the passenger traveling on the upper bunk. So you don't have to share your bottom shelf with anyone.

6. Carry a guide dog free of charge and without documents
There is no charge for the transportation of guide dogs, and no transportation documents are issued. This is the most true friend. He must only have a collar and muzzle and always be close to his owner.

7. Use the toilet at the station for free
The toilet at the stations is free for passengers. If you present your ticket, you should not be charged for using the restrooms along the train route. So don’t throw away your ticket, including your electronic ticket.

8. Ask Board games
You can ask the conductor for free for a glass, a spoon, even if you do not buy tea, a fork, a set of threads and needles, clothing and shoe care items, medicines, as well as board games (checkers, chess, dominoes).

Innovation is being discussed on the Internet in Russian railways. The company's management "took care" of the passengers in a very original way.

The other day it became known that JSC Russian Railways will sell tickets 90 days before the departure date for long-distance trains. At the same time, a flexible pricing system is provided. If passengers purchase a ticket 3 months before the intended trip, it can cost them much less. In addition, the passenger is more likely to be able to purchase a boarding pass for the lower bunk.

Why is this so important? It turns out that according to Russian Railways rules, passengers in the lower bunks have every right Do not allow passengers in the upper berths to sit or use tables.

This was discovered thanks to activists from the Internet.

Questions have long been raised in various forums about who has the priority right to place luggage under the bottom shelf, whether they have the right to force a change of seat, and the like. One of the users submitted a request to Russian Railways.

According to the response received, “The passage of other persons in the seats paid for by the passenger is not allowed. Consequently, the right to be in a lower seat paid for by another passenger, without his consent, is a passenger who has travel document to follow in the upper place, absent.” In other words, the passenger who bought a ticket for the top seat was deprived of the right to sit on the bottom bunk and eat at a table if his fellow traveler was against it.

Russian Railways also clarified that a passenger who bought a ticket for a lower seat has an advantage in placing luggage under the shelf.

However, passengers have a reasonable question. If in a compartment the difference in the cost of tickets for the upper and lower berths is significant, then in a reserved seat it is only if you buy a ticket for the uppermost side near the toilet or the uppermost berth in the last compartment. That is, for the same money, the person who bought a ticket to the top shelf has less comfort and rights. Perhaps Russian Railways will reconsider pricing policy and tickets to all shelves will become cheaper due to their discomfort.

In the meantime, Russian Railways invites passengers to count on the loyalty and goodwill of their fellow travelers.

“If a passenger in the upper berth, for objective reasons, cannot place his luggage in the upper luggage compartment, must feed a child or eat food himself, he can ask the conductor or the head of the train to temporarily place it on the free lower racks that are available in the carriage. However, they will also have to be released at the time passengers with tickets to these seats board,” the company explained. Russian Railways called on passengers to be kinder friend friend and treat fellow travelers with respect.

It turns out that travelers can ask the conductor for chess or, for example, make a stop for a day or two in Moscow, following the route Nizhny Novgorod- Saint Petersburg. No extra charges.

Life carefully studied the rules of travel on Russian Railways trains and collected useful rights for travelers, which rarely anyone uses.

Leave early

A passenger can travel on a train departing to a destination several hours or even days earlier than the one for which the tickets were purchased, without any additional payment. To do this you need to contact ticket office station - if there are free seats you will not be turned away.

To miss the train

Missing a train is not nearly as scary as missing a plane. IN within three hours after departure, the passenger can issue a ticket for another time or date, compensating for the cost of the reserved seat (the price of a train ticket consists of three parts: the cost of the ticket, the cost of the reserved seat in the carriage and the tariff part). The cost of a reserved seat depends on the category of carriage and service.

Get off the train for 10 days

During the journey, the passenger has the right to make one stop for no more than 10 days. Within three hours after he leaves the train, he must mark the trip interruption at the station ticket office. To continue your journey, you will need to pay the cost of a reserved seat. On international routes, you are allowed to travel an unlimited number of times, but only during the validity period of the ticket (two months for tickets traveling with European countries).

Take the lower luggage space

    A dispute over luggage space can be quickly resolved in your favor by referring to Russian Railways rules. It turns out that they stipulate that the lower luggage space rightfully “belongs” to the passenger who bought a ticket for the lower bunk, and the upper one, accordingly, to the person traveling on the upper bunk.

    Ask for chess

    On the way, the passenger can ask the conductor for needles and threads, scissors, glasses and spoons, and board games (chess, checkers, dominoes). And all this is absolutely free.

    Transport bees

    You can also take bees on the train (you never know, maybe it’s relevant for someone). But Russian Railways reminds that they are transported in a baggage car in beehives or plywood bags under the supervision of an attendant and only at an air temperature not exceeding +10 °C.

    Based on materials from

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