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» The most faithful friends according to the sign of the zodiac. About friendship between zodiac signs

The most faithful friends according to the sign of the zodiac. About friendship between zodiac signs

In my own way. Someone gives herself to her completely and completely, believing that she is akin to love and is given once and for all life, and someone calls even casual acquaintances friends and changes them like gloves, easily breaking friendly ties and quickly forgetting those with whom until quite recently he spent all his free time.

Like many other things, the ability or inability to make friends is due to our zodiac affiliation.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

How are Aries friends?

How are Aries friends?

Aries make friends rationally - either those who can give them something, or those who favorably emphasize their dignity become their friends. At the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign can selflessly give themselves to friendship: they come to the rescue and are always there in difficult moment, they share what they have themselves, support any undertakings and conversations of a friend. True, there is one “but” - they do this only as long as it meets the above criteria.

But as soon as a friend begins to overshadow Aries in anything or ceases to be of practical use, he is immediately exchanged for another. Representatives of this sign do not tolerate useless relationships, as well as other people's superiority, so it’s hard to call them great friends - it’s too difficult to predict when the “X” moment comes and you will no longer be part of their circle of interests. And although after that you may remain in the life of Aries, you will no longer be able to claim anything more than the status of a distant acquaintance.

How are Taurus friends?

How are Taurus friends?

Taurus are friendly. They never fully open up and invariably watch their own benefit. It is useless to expect absolute frankness from representatives of this zodiac sign - there is always something that they hide even from those people whom they consider to be their closest friends. In addition, they love to turn those with whom they are friends into “useful connections”. They understand commercial relations more than disinterested friendship in its purest form.

In addition, Taurus are stubborn, so having friendly disputes with them and giving them advice is futile. They never admit their mistakes and do not do as they are recommended, which in turn offends their friends and sometimes leads to quarrels. The only moment when representatives of this sign lose their self-confidence and become more trusting and open is tragic events, but as soon as the situation stabilizes, they immediately close down and again keep friends at a distance.

How are Gemini friends?

How are Gemini friends?

The twins are "excited" friends. But not for long. They get carried away, literally “fall in love” with some person, try to spend all their free time with him, tirelessly talk about their friendship, charm and involve him in various adventures. But as soon as someone more interesting appears on their horizon, they switch their attention to him, and the former friend, at best, simply replenishes the collection of “boring toys”, and at worst, receives such a rebuff that he comes to his senses for a long time after the end of this friendship. .

In addition, Geminis do not know how to keep the secrets of friends. They are happy to collect and distribute gossip, and both men and women sin with this. It is unthinkable for representatives of this zodiac sign to keep any information in themselves, even if they were very asked to keep it a secret. So they are not only fickle, but also unreliable.

How are Cancers friends?

How are Cancers friends?

Cancers are friends "silently". They do not swear eternal friendship, but they are always ready, if not to help, then at least to listen. From the representatives of this particular sign of the Zodiac, the best “vests” are obtained, into which you can cry and which will surround you with comfort, understanding, and sympathy. They themselves are very emotional, so they know how hard it is to keep pain, resentment, irritation in themselves, so they will never refuse to be “ears free” and at the same time they will not give wise but useless advice, but simply regret it humanly.

The only negative of friendship with Cancers is that they become very attached to their friends and regularly violate their personal space. They may call at odd hours, ask you to take you on vacation or to a company in which no one knows them (a friend for them is a reliable guide to Big world). Representatives of this sign try to please your relatives and consider your home as their own. And if you do not treat Cancer as a non-blood relative, his behavior quickly begins to strain.

How Lions are friends

How Lions are friends

Lions are friendly for show and very jealous. They regally bestow their friendship. In their opinion, those whom they called their friends should be grateful to them for this, and therefore have no right to pay attention to someone else. For them, a friend is a kind of property, which simply must always be at their disposal. However, for this devotion they give royal thanks - they take care of, help, present expensive gifts, share their life force and useful connections.

In addition, Lions all the time demonstrate to others that a particular person is their friend. They emphasize this in conversations, sit him next to them at some events, openly declare that they took him under their protection. In addition, always proud, representatives of this sign do not hesitate to be the first to ask for forgiveness from friends, even if they themselves were the initiators of the quarrel.

How Virgos are friends

How Virgos are friends

Virgos are loyal friends. For the sake of a friend, they are ready for a lot - selfish with other people, they will never refuse a request to someone who has received their trust and friendly participation. True, at the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign subtly (and sometimes quite aggressively) control and manipulate this person. You can be one hundred percent sure that you dominate in a relationship with a Virgo friend, but in fact it always turns out that you are dancing to his tune, and not he to yours.

Virgo - " gray cardinals”, so they gradually, but very cleverly, get rid of those of their competitors in friendship who, in their opinion, are unworthy to be near their friend. Representatives of this sign know what to say so that you yourself stop feeling the desire to communicate with this or that person, and therefore you should not be surprised if at some point you find that you have only one friend left.

How are Libra friends

How are Libra friends

Libras are friends widely and with everyone. They spread friendly feelings to everyone around them, so it is always difficult to understand who they consider to be their best friend, and who in general is really classified as a friend. The fact is that representatives of this zodiac sign do not like to quarrel so much that it is easier for them to call you a friend, show that they completely trust you, and thereby protect themselves from conflicts than admit that you are unpleasant to them. With the help of a demonstration of friendship, Libra makes their world more comfortable, harmonious and calm.

But this does not mean that Libra cannot be friends for real. They are caring friends, it is interesting and fun with them, they do not refuse help and are ready to make sacrifices. In addition, they have no equal in matters of peacemaking - they will skillfully reconcile you with your relatives, with another friend, with your loved one.

How are Scorpios friends?

How are Scorpios friends?

Scorpios are intricately friendly. With many, they simply play friendship and use these people, and very sophisticatedly, but if they actually “choose” someone as their friend, then they give him everything. Representatives of this zodiac sign can be very generous, and this applies not only to material wealth. They give their true friends their wisdom and share their luck with them. In addition, they solve those problems that their friend does not have the courage to get rid of.

In addition, Scorpio deftly manipulates the minds of others, and if you are lucky enough to become his true friend, then be prepared for the fact that he will periodically push you to those actions that you yourself would never have decided, but which are good for you. With those who are only considered friends of representatives of this sign, often everything happens exactly the opposite - they are also provoked into action, but this is not help, but rather inhumane experiments.

How are Sagittarius friends?

How are Sagittarius friends?

However, it is enough to apologize to them or show that you need them, as Sagittarians forget about the quarrel and become your true friend again. In addition, they are truly proud of their friends, ready to defend them even with their fists (this is also characteristic of women born under this sign) and will never betray, although not all of their actions can be considered beautiful.

Friendly relations between people are based not only on personal preferences, but also on belonging to the Zodiac Sign. Astrologers have found out which of the representatives of the zodiac constellations are suitable for each other as best friends.

Astrology is able to answer many questions, talk about people's preferences, character traits and compatibility with the environment. The experts know that characteristics Each Sign of the Zodiac greatly influence the relationship between people. People are attracted to each other by various circumstances, building close relationships that can be not only love, but also friendship. Only those who are compatible with each other according to the Sign of the Zodiac will have true trust. Choose the right friends so that your life is filled with sincere joy, trust and happiness.

Aries are wonderful friends, they are honest and ready to help at any time, they do not climb into the soul, eliciting secrets. However, representatives of this sign are inattentive and may not notice the depressed state of their friend if he himself does not tell about his mental anguish. Aries do not tolerate moralizing and bores, next to which it is impossible to have fun from the heart. They are compatible with Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn, who will be able to tolerate the indefatigable energy of Aries and accept them for who they are.

Taurus can boast of reliability and loyalty, but are in no hurry to acquire a huge number of friends. They prefer to communicate with creative people that are different from themselves. Taurus are balanced and love calm conversations that lack hysteria or indulgence of emotions. They are capable of helping, but their friends should not bother Taurus for nothing. Representatives of this constellation can be jealous of their friends, so you need to put up with the same state of affairs. Taurus has excellent compatibility with Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Gemini is not averse to chatting with large quantity people, but they have few true friends. Gemini tend to attract attention and be at the center of any events, so rivalry with them will not be the beginning of a strong friendship. Despite the fact that the Gemini are disinterested, they choose unremarkable personalities as friends in order to win against their background and liberate themselves. They are suitable for Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Cancerians make friends in early childhood and become strongly attached to the past. Cancerians love memories and love to discuss moments of carefree childhood with friends, as well as pressing problems. Representatives of this constellation have few friends, since not everyone is ready to listen to complaints from time to time and delve into troubles, from which Cancers make a personal tragedy. They are capable of sincere friendship, but they are used to dominating, so they will not be able to be friends on equal terms. Cancers are compatible with Taurus, Scorpio and other representatives of the Cancer constellation.

a lion
Leos are successful, self-sufficient and select friends based on these criteria. They want to be equal with friends in order to exclude rivalry, although they take the leading role in friendly relations. They are not accustomed to lies and deceit, do not tolerate criticism and will not continue relations with aggressors and weak-willed people. They have the best compatibility with Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.

Virgos are by nature cautious and distrustful of strangers. They always see the shortcomings of people, which often prevents them from building relationships. That is why Virgos have few true friends. Virgos have a unique ability to give valuable advice, but you should not turn to them for help too often, as they will not act to their own detriment. Virgo friendships usually develop with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Gemini, who are not oppressed by the ability of Virgo to put any chaos in order.

Libra is charming and easy to build relationships with people, but the choice of friends is chosen carefully. They do not lie, but they can manipulate people, give valuable advice and value friendship when both are equal, and are not averse to having fun from the heart. Friendship with representatives of this Sign is sincere, but unpredictable. Choosing friends for Libra is from people born under the signs of Taurus, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.

Scorpios are reluctant to approach, they are used to leading and do not accept criticism. Scorpio friends must have the patience to endure their eccentric nature. Representatives of this constellation appreciate and respect true friends, they will always come to their aid and support in a difficult situation, but only Taurus, Cancers and Capricorns can cope with Scorpios.

Sagittarians tend to appreciate the friends they sign up as family members. Charming and sociable, they are sometimes overly honest and capable of harsh statements to the interlocutor. Many note the familiarity of Sagittarius, although they understand that the representatives of this constellation do not wish harm to anyone. Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius, who value honesty and are ready for reciprocal revelations, can get along with Sagittarius.

Most often, Capricorns are loners who are used to not mixing work and personal life. As a rule, representatives of this constellation have one or two friends with whom Capricorns have gone through many difficulties. Capricorns are able to keep secrets, sincerely help their friends and spare no effort and time for those who are really close to them. They are suitable for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Friendly Aquarians are always surrounded by attention and strive to establish friendly relations with everyone. They are open and friendly, easy-going and able to help out friends in difficult situation. However, they will not change their plans for the sake of a trifle, so there is no need to pull Aquarius on trifles. Aquarius has the best compatibility with Libra, Gemini and Capricorn.

Pisces are friends with those who treat them well. They cannot live without communication and begin to feel sad, often falling into a depressive state. It is important for Pisces to know that they are needed, they are used to getting attention, but they also appreciate a practical approach to things. Pisces are compassionate and will not hold a grudge against real friends, even if they are wrong about something. Communication with Pisces develops with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.

The zodiac horoscope helps to get answers to many questions regarding human relationships. As in love, in friendship, the compatibility of the zodiac signs also matters. However, it’s worth clarifying right away: the compatibility horoscope does not give an accurate description of each individual person. It summarizes the accumulated experience of generations of astrologers, building general patterns. Because each person is unique in their nature, mindset, and preferences, 100% accuracy cannot be expected. There are always some deviations about the common denominator.

For a better understanding of the information provided, we advise you to first find out what is the characteristic according to the sign of the Zodiac of each of the people you are interested in. This will help to understand how close the person is to the described general type personality, and, accordingly, how true the description of the compatibility of the sign in friendship, love and work can be.

Friendship inside signs

It is usually very easy for people of the same zodiac sign to be friends with each other. Even being barely familiar, they subconsciously feel the kinship of the soul. The longer the acquaintance, the more complete the mutual understanding, the better the compatibility in friendship. This is especially evident in Aquarius - two Aquarius literally spinal cord feel each other, they don't even need to say anything. By the way, on the basis of such mutual understanding, Aquarius of different sexes often have a special relationship of friends-lovers: they feel each other so well that they have excellent friendly sex.

It’s a little more difficult to be friends with two Aries: each of them wants to be the central figure in any relationship, and not all Aries agree to give up dominance in friendship to the other. A common cause, one hobby for two, can become cement in such friendship. Trying to surpass one another, Aries are able to reach dizzying heights in both hobbies and work.

Scorpios can be friends for a long time and reliably. But in the friendship of two Scorpios there will never be complete openness: they will always remain a little “on their minds”.

The Gemini friendship is full of interesting events. Their friendly compatibility is never complete, simply because they change all the time. But this is precisely what attracts everyone in a Gemini friend: eternal novelty and unpredictability, lightness and naive egoism.

The next sign of the Zodiac, Capricorns, are consistent and a little heavy in friendship. Their relationship should be sorted out, and if there is some material interest in friendship, this will be perhaps the best friendly compatibility of all. Capricorns don't betray.

Pisces, in friendship with another Rybka, find everything they need: a vest to cry on, a companion in entertainment, and, to be honest, the opportunity to merge the negative. But don’t pour it on the Fish - she waved her tail, slipped out and swam away. And he will return when the storm subsides, as if nothing had happened.

Virgos are friends with each other very responsibly and sincerely. But sometimes there are sudden conflicts between them, which can pretty much harm friendship.

The friendship of two Sagittarians is fireworks, a carnival, a tornado and a tsunami in one bottle. The fiery element of the sign makes Sagittarius constantly seek adventures in a certain place, and the adventures of one are always happily supported by another Sagittarius.

Taurus in friendship is as solid as in everything else. Taurus friendship is planned regular meetings on traditional occasions, with abundantly laid tables, unhurried conversations about the essentials. They will help each other in business, build houses together, become each other's godchildren. And if they still manage to marry their children, they will breathe a sigh of satisfaction from a well-lived life.

Libras get along well with each other. The main thing is that their eternal fluctuations coincide.

Cancer friendship is very tender and sensitive. The most secretive sign of the Zodiac by nature, Cancer builds its friendship on trust without words. They are tactful and delicate, and painfully experience even minor disagreements.

Regal and proud Lions are friends firmly and uncompromisingly. Leo will never allow himself to betray or let down a Leo friend. His principles are unshakable and even somewhat conservative. If Leo friends are engaged in a common cause, they may have conflicts over who will take on the greatest responsibility in the work: everyone will try to take on a heavier burden in order to free a friend from it.

Compatibility of signs of the same element

Good friendly compatibility is usually observed between the signs of the Zodiac belonging to the same element. Especially strong and bright friendship arises between the signs of Air: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. The characteristic of these signs of the Zodiac describes them as the most prone to friendship. Many air signs know how to make friends much better than to love and be loved. This is what an unknown wit said about them: “If you don’t know how to love, sit and be friends.” But on the other hand, they are friends in a way that few people can.

The friendship of the signs of the Earth always includes a certain shade of commercialism. If the air signs of the Zodiac are always ready to spend everything in their pockets together, then the signs of the Earth, on the contrary, tend to increase their well-being together.

Watermarks are sought in friendship with their own kind for emotional intimacy that does not need words. They are secretive, and want to be understood on an intuitive level, without verbal revelations and confessions.

The friendship of the signs of Fire is always a lot of joint entertainment, and often these entertainments are of an extreme nature.

Compatibility of signs of different elements

It is very good to be friends with signs that complement each other: Fire + Air, Water + Earth, Air + Water. The worst compatibility in friendship is between the signs of Earth and Fire and Earth and Air. In the first case, the heaviness of the Earth, its crude heaviness and solidity drive the mobile, active Fire out of itself. Conflict can result in a barren pile of ashes.

The characteristic of the friendship of the signs of Earth and Air is also unfavorable. Earth wants peace and confidence in the future, and Air needs constant movement, novelty, it is all directed towards the future. The result could be a dust storm in the desert.

More precise characterization is possible only when compiling a personal compatibility horoscope, taking into account the time and place of birth.

It is important to know the compatibility in the friendship of the signs of the Zodiac, because it is much easier to find mutual interests and common ground with another person.

The ability to be friends is a very valuable quality for a person. Does it depend on the constellation under which the person was born?

1. - one of the most reliable signs in friendship. He will always rush at the call of a friend. This is the "lighter" in any company. But there is one caveat: Aries is friends with those people who obey him and admire him, because he is unable to muffle his vanity even in friendship.

  • Compatible: Taurus, .
  • Incompatible: Cancer, Libra.

2. friends with early years and to old age. This is an established circle of friends. Taurus is friendly and attentive to friends. But there is no special trusting relationship with anyone. He treasures good attitude to yourself. Taurus does not like to burden his friends with his problems, but he is always ready to help.

  • Compatible: Aries and Libra.
  • Incompatible: Virgo, Cancer.

3.-the conventional wisdom about the duality of their nature is exaggerated. In fact, they are just very sociable and cover a huge range of people. This is sometimes seen as superficial. Usually Gemini has one friend from childhood, for whom they are ready for a lot.

  • Compatible: Aries, Aquarius.
  • Incompatible: Virgo, Pisces.

4. You don't have many friends. Usually they limit the circle to one or two. With friends, Cancers are generous, ready to come to the rescue, but in return they always expect the same. They know how to keep secrets, but they themselves do not share secrets. They prefer to share sorrows and joys with strangers without dedicating friends.

  • Compatible: Taurus, Scorpio.
  • Incompatible: Gemini, Aries.

5. characterized by arrogance and pride. He transfers these qualities to friendship, makes high demands on friends. He needs admiration from his friends. Leo is very charming, always in the center of the company, so it is not boring with him. Never complains about life to friends.

  • Compatible: Sagittarius, Cancer.
  • Incompatible: Capricorn, Gemini.

6. - a very caring attentive friend. He will always help both financially and with advice. It is difficult for him to become a true friend, because they are very suspicious. Relationships develop for a long time, but in the future, Virgo becomes very attached to people. He solves his problems alone, never expects anything in return from a friend.

  • Compatible: Aquarius, Sagittarius.
  • Incompatible: Leo, Taurus.

7. - truth-seekers even in friendship. They do not hide their attitude, everyone speaks in the face. Friendship is valued, friends are valued. They are treated with a share of guardianship and condescension. Libras experience emotional attachment quite rarely.

  • Compatible: Virgo, Cancer.
  • Incompatible: Pisces, Scorpio.

8. It's not easy to be friends with. This is one of the most difficult signs. He is envious and vain. Usually he chooses one or two friends, for whom he is ready for anything. His trust and friendship must be earned. It is necessary to take into account the painful pride of Scorpio, as he is capable of revenge.

  • Compatible: Leo, Pisces.
  • Incompatible: Aquarius, Libra.

9. makes friends easily and naturally. It's always fun in his company. He is an inspiration to friends. Sagittarius does not like it when his friends are in bad mood, and if this happens, he easily leaves such friends. He is self-critical and is not afraid to offend a friend. Sometimes it looks tactless.

  • Compatible: Capricorn, Pisces.
  • Incompatible: Libra, Scorpio.

10. easy to do without friends. It is not easy to get close to people, but if he makes friends, he is very loyal. In friendship, generous and disinterested. Capricorn is always able to lend a helping hand and give advice. Some representatives of this sign are able to use friendship for their own purposes.

  • Compatible: Aquarius, Taurus.
  • Incompatible: Leo, Gemini.

11. - a pleasant friend. Not picky, devoid of arrogance, does not criticize friends. People are drawn to him. He does not remake people "for himself", but accepts them. Aquarius does not try to maintain friendship, rather, accepts a friendly attitude towards himself. If it collapses, it's not a tragedy for him.

  • Compatible: Capricorn and.
  • Incompatible: Virgo, Scorpio.

12. - very good and loyal friends. A friend's troubles are perceived as their own, often acting as a "vest". Pisces love to give generous gifts. Sentimental and tactful. They do not know how to keep secrets because of their simplicity.

  • Compatible: Scorpio, Gemini.
  • Incompatible: Leo, Aries.

Of course, it is possible to determine the compatibility in friendship of the signs of the Zodiac according to the horoscope, but finding a true friend is much more important than his zodiac characteristics.

A friend is our guide to physical and moral comfort. A friend is free ears and a favorite vest. In the life of friends, we choose ourselves and then we walk next to them for many years next to each other. Friends are our safe haven, our comfort zone and happy pastime.

We do not choose friends according to the sign of the Zodiac, we choose them according to spiritual comfort and warmth. But today we propose to make an exception and look at your friends under the Zodiac Signs microscope.

Aries in friendship

In friendship, Aries is loyal and sympathetic. He gets used to people and feels pain when they leave his life. He will stand up in defense of his friend, but do not expect him to climb into your soul with questions. He will not torment you with interrogations, he will give you time to tell him everything yourself. With Aries, it is easy to seek adventure, because they do not sit still and always get into different troubles. Such serious weirdos.

Taurus in Friendship

Taurus are loyal and reliable friends, but to get into their close circle, you need to try hard. Taurus do not let people who have not been tested by time and circumstances into their comfort zone. The art of diplomacy important tool on friendly terms with them. He will not forgive deception, he will silently leave and forget about your existence.

Warm and frank heart-to-heart conversations are important to him. And all this gives him the right to sometimes be jealous of friends, since any emotional connection is extremely important and expensive for him.

twins in friendship

Gemini avoids "problem people" who take advantage of his "ears open" and friendliness. He loves his comfort zone and rarely gets new people close enough. They have a lot of new acquaintances, but few true friends. But if the Gemini still let someone close, then it is very difficult for him to say goodbye to this person forever. He is constantly trying to solve the problem, find a way to deal with conflict situation, because "attachment" to people for him is not an empty phrase, but the norm of life.

A feature of a quarrel with Gemini is his lightning temper and instant quickness. He will not be afraid to come up first and it will take him half the time than you to cool down after the conflict.

Cancers in Friendship

Cancers are true friends. Usually they have been friends since childhood, and do not look for a replacement for everything they know. Often Cancers live for many years in memories of happy moments past, while losing the sense of reality. Cancer in friendship stone wall and reliable rear for friends. Representatives of this sign will always listen in difficult times, give useful advice and help financially. Friends are not an empty phrase for them. For "his" he will move mountains.

Lions in friendship

Leo always strives to be the first, so do not demand from him equals or partnerships. If you are ready to constantly praise, encourage, then Leo will become an excellent, faithful and reliable friend for you. You will definitely be satisfied when Leo wants to thank you for your patience and obedient service to him, because in his gratitude he is generous and original.

Virgos in Friendship

Representatives of this sign do not need advisers, they know exactly what they want and where they are going. Therefore, they look at friends as a source of entertainment. Virgos sometimes need a release and with friends they let off steam to the fullest. Also, Virgos periodically want to be smart, and here the free “ears” of a friend will also not be superfluous. Here are the real reasons for maintaining close relationships with friends for this zodiac sign.

Virgos love sincere and noble people, as they value honesty in relationships. They don't have many friends, as they are more of a loner than a noisy campaign soul. One best friend and a couple of acquaintances - this is what the perfect selection of friends for Virgo looks like.

Libra in Friendship

Libra in friendship is always very cold-blooded. They will not quit at a difficult moment, but you should not expect their round-the-clock support either. They will not borrow money from you at a difficult moment, but will provide an opportunity to earn this money on your own. Their advice is always reasonable and full of sobriety. Their view of the problem is as sharp and pragmatic as possible. They look to the root of the problem, so their advice is worth a lot. positive quality Libra is their great sense of humor, cheerful spirit and ability to "survive" in any campaign. They can cheer up even the most difficult day.

Scorpios in friendship

Scorpios appreciate and respect their friends. For them, the word "friendship" means more than for any other sign of the zodiac. In his presence, one cannot even say a bad word about his friend, Scorpio will fight to the last drop of blood with the offender in order to protect his honor. He rarely opens up to the end, but friends know everything about him that he can tell relatives, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of trust on his part. Scorpio is a great friend, a wise adviser and a cheerful companion.

Sagittarians in Friendship

Representatives of this sign are some of the best friends in the world. They will not be cunning, but they will come up with real way help. Sagittarians will lend you money, but they will immediately figure out where and how you can earn money in order not only to repay their debt, but also to earn good money themselves. Sagittarius reaches out for more successful people, he likes to develop, although he is sometimes lazy. Sagittarians can be trusted, because they simply do not know how to betray and let down.

Capricorns in Friendship

Capricorns cannot be the first to take a step towards new acquaintances. They do not respect other people, considering them unworthy of their attention, at least until strangers prove otherwise. Capricorns respect only those who have recognition in society or who own a solid bank account. Capricorns just “stick” to such people. If a new person was able to win the attention of Capricorn, then Capricorn will demand attention, care and respect in his direction. For their part, representatives of this sign will always tell their friends in person how they should live, what they should not do and “shower” them with their advice. It is difficult to be friends with Capricorns, because they do not know the stop during quarrels, they always have only one single correct view of the problem and get what they want by any means. But the main advantage of Capricorns is that they are always extremely honest and will always help their friends. Although the methods are used wayward.

Aquarius in Friendship

Aquarians have many friends, they are ready to shelter everyone, help everyone, warm everyone. They are kind to people, so people consider them pleasant fellows. Aquarians do not like conflicts, so in rare cases they will be too firm in defending their point of view. They know the measure in everything, although sometimes this sense of proportion is too high for them. Aquarians do not have close friends, but they have a lot of friends, acquaintances and comrades. Aquarius is always his own among his own.

Pisces in friendship

Pisces don't have many friends, but they are all real. Representatives of this sign value honesty and devotion. They do not forgive betrayals, therefore, in friendship and in love, they are very demanding. Pisces are ready for self-sacrifice if their friend needs it. Their main disappointment in friendship is the fact that friends begin to consider them an always available “vest” or “free ears”, but this period does not last long, as Pisces are able to explain in an accessible way that they are worth more.